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La custode di mia sorella
La custode di mia sorella | Jodi Picoult
Anna non malata ma come se lo fosse. A tredici anni gi stata sottoposta a numerosi interventi chirurgici, trasfusioni e iniezioni in modo che la sorella maggiore Kate possa combattere la leucemia che l'ha colpita in tenera et. Anna stata concepita con le caratteristiche genetiche che la rendono idonea a essere donatore di midollo per la sorella, ruolo che non ha mai messo discussione ma che ora le diventa, di colpo, insostenibile. Perch nessuno le chiede mai il suo parere? Perch si d per scontato che lei sia disponibile? Anna prende una decisione per molti impensabile e che sconvolger la vita di tutti i suoi cari: fa causa alla sua famiglia. Jodi Picoult ha scritto un romanzo intenso su un tema difficile e doloroso. L'autrice d voce a tutti i protagonisti della vicenda, permettendo al lettore di capire fino in fondo la complessit delle relazioni familiari. Se tutti hanno ragione, come mai non riescono a mettersi d'accordo? Ma soprattutto, com' possibile che siano tutti cos infelici? La custode di mia sorella con delicatezza e saggezza ci fa domandare che cosa significhi essere dei bravi genitori, dei bravi fratelli, delle brave persone; se sia moralmente corretto salvare la vita di un bambino allorch ci significa violare i diritti di un altro; se bisogna seguire il proprio cuore, o lasciare che siano gli altri a condurci; se sia sbagliato cercare di scoprire chi si veramente se questo significa rischiare di perdersi.
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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I had this book on my shelf for years. It is a heartbreaking story, especially in the end. Not going to spoil it for you.

mcctrish This was my first JP 3mo
Ladygodiva7 @mcctrish mine too! 3mo
Maggie_Reads I read this years ago. The movie is good but they changed things up a bit. The book is better. 3mo
Ladygodiva7 @Maggie_Reads I watched the movie years ago. Both are good. 3mo
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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I love it when a contemporary doesn't stick to the happily ever after! I've heard that most people loved this book up until the ending. I like it because of the ending.

This was my first go with Picoult, and I quite enjoyed her writing style. Any suggestions on what else of her I could try?

@Clwojick #Pantone2023 #LoveBird #VanillaCream

booklover3258 Nineteen Minutes, The Pact and The Tenth Circle are some of my favorites. 2y
Clwojick House Rules & Handle With Care are other 5* of mine with Mercy, Plain Truth and Spark of Light following shortly behind. The last three could definitely have trigger warnings though, so just look into it ahead of time if that could be an issue for you. She has a great way of bringing light to tough topics. I also second Nineteen Minutes, and The Pact being great reads. 2y
Enchanted_Bibliophile Thanks @booklover3258 & @Clwojick I'll add these books to my TBR. 2y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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That's #JumpStart2023 & #JanuaryPagesChallenge for me.

Thanks @Lizpixie @Clwojick for hosting the #JumpStart2023
It always helps when I start off my reading year ahead of my planned goals.

Clwojick You did fantastic! Well done! ❤️💗🎉🙌🏻 2y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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You almost had me, Jodi. Almost. After hearing glowing gushes from my girlfriends about your writing, I finally decided to give you a try. I was spellbound and emotionally taken into the tragedy of this family and Anna's right to choose what to do with her body, but the ethical questions/debates that are brought up in this novel get thrown out of the window when you have such a contrived ending. I was disappointed by that.

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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My Sister‘s Keeper was a winner for me, right up until the very end.

Picoult snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with that ending 🙄

Bookwomble Hate when that happens 😒 2y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult

It is so easy to think that the world revolves around you, but all you have to do is stare up at the sky to realize it isn't that way at all

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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Check out Kim from Book Interrupted‘s review on Manuscript Monday here: https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-my-sister-s-keeper

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult

read: may 29-june 11, 2022

so many major differences between novel and film, but i loved nonetheless. the role of jesse in the book is more appreciated and adding julia as guardian ad litem is smart. i still don‘t believe the ending actually happened though; so jail in my opinion but also it was well executed and written. the whole story is very smartly written. i also love the pov switches and ending with kate‘s. i‘ll always love this story!!

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Going to start this tonight

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Eggs Great book 📖 👍🏼 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult

i seriously don‘t even know what to say about this book. most of it was frustrating bc obviously she shouldn‘t have to give her kidney if she doesn‘t want to and also like 90% of the characters were insufferable (like that mom???? horrid person imo) but the ending was simply ludicrous. i‘m shocked

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Eggs Yes❤️👌🏼💔 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one! ❤️ 3y
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#ConflictedWorlds #Illness
@Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🌷
Hope you are feeling better Misty💜

Eggs This was so good 🖤❤️🖤 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you ❤️ great choice! 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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I love Jodi Picoult‘s story writing and this was no different. This was a heartbreaking story and wrecked me 😩!

Kloves2read Same! I was shocked by the ending and certainly didn‘t see it coming. I was bawling, I couldn‘t even see the words on the page. 😭 3y
JenReadsAlot My favorite book by her! 3y
ShelleyBooksie First book that I ever threw! What a stunner. 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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It's a nice book, but it didn't hook me up as I imagined.
I had the feeling that the author wanted to make readers cry at each cost, but I wasn't really fond of the characters so it didn't work on me.
The topic is interesting and this is the thing that I loved more: the issue between what it's legally correct and what is morally correct.


My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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My reading book and my today progress 🤟🏻
I will read more after dinner and a shower 🤣

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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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#MayCharacters @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: Maternal

I was thinking of Sara Fitzgerald. She had such drive in seeing Kate live almost to the exclusion of everything and everyone.

Moonprismpower I read the book so many years ago and when the movie came out...I ended up liking the movie better! I enjoyed the bond between the sisters in both. 3y
TheSpineView @Moonprismpower Never saw the movie. I'll put it on my list. 3y
Eggs I loved both film and book👏🏻📚 🎞👏🏻 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!! 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Day 16 #MayCharacters
Prompt: Merciful

Both sisters want to give mercy to the other, so they are not suffering in their respective ways.

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Beautiful choice 💔 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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For #mourns prom I choose a book that's on my tbr: my sister's keeper.
I saw the movie and my heart cried. I think I will lose my dignity once I will read the book 😭😅

Day 10

peanutnine I didn't know there was a movie! I loved the book 😭❤️ 3y
Ast_Arslan @peanutnine I found it on Netflix (Italy) months ago, it's beautiful and I hope the book will conquer me as the movie did ❣ 3y
Eggs Powerful book 😥 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome choice!!! 🙌🏻 3y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Okay, hear me out with this. #mysisterskeeper had a great plot. Characters were okay with meager attempts at backstories. But the questioning of ethics and morality in modern science, specifically designer babies, really pulled this book.
Until the end...
Picoult majorly copped out with the whole "what will happen now question?" Which really, really ruined the whole point of the plot in a disappointing turn of events.

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Well, this is a #grimbeginning

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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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finished the book today with the puppy all up in my business 😅
seriously though, this book was incredible.
i ♥️ picoult. the book was SO MUCH better than the movie, i‘ll just leave it at that. #mysisterskeeper #jodipicoult

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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I enjoyed the movie... I hope I will love the novel too!
I tried to read 'The never list' many years ago and bailed on it, I'm gonna give it a second chance 😎
About 'The ghost bride' I have to admit that the netflix's adaptation is on my list from the very beginning, but I didn't see it yet 😅 Shame on me 🤣

#jodipicoult #mysisterskeeper #theneverlist #koethizan #yangszechoo #theghostbride #bookhaul #newin #moviecover

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Thanks for the tag @Jerdencon

1) tagged- way too emotionally manipulative for me
2) I would love to retrace the route from Travels With Charley while reading Travels With Charley
3) both!

Eggs Oh!!! Yes!! Travels with Charley! I read that last year for the first time. Thanks for playing 🧡🍫📚👏🏻🤗 4y
CoffeeNBooks Great answer for #2- what a cool idea! I really liked Travels with Charley. 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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In all thirteen years of Anna‘s life, her parents have never given her a choice: she was born to be her sister Kate‘s bone marrow donor and she has always given Kate everything she needs...#unpredictable ending #wordsofoctober @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 I‘m intrigued! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this one!! 4y
Eggs @OriginalCyn620 So much better than the movie!! 4y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks the magic of Picoult ❤️❤️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs yes!! 💗💗 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon
Thanks for the tag! @EadieB

1) My nephews won't be trick or treating this year. Besides that normal; nature walk, cemetery & horror movies.

2) I'm grateful that my mom has been feeling better this week. Recent nerve issues in her legs caused difficulty walking & falling. We worried that her tumor returned. Luckily, that isn't the case.

EadieB You‘re welcome! Thanks for playing! 4y
Cosmos_Moon_River Nature walk and cemetery tour sounds like a nice spooky new tradition. Have a happy Halloween 🎃 4y
Cosmos_Moon_River Oh... and I‘ve never read this book, cause I am afraid I would just cry the whole time. I cried through the entire movie, nonstop! 4y
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CloakNQuill @Cosmos_Moon I‘m not a big crier but both the book & film broke me down. It‘s a fantastic ritual of mine. Also to prepare for All Saints & All Souls Day. 4y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😁🏷 4y
CloakNQuill @DaveGreen7777 You're welcome! 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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These #3Books! (To be fair, I cry pretty easily... but these 3 had me sobbing.)

OriginalCyn620 😥📚😥 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗😭📚 4y
Ruthiella The Sparrow was on my list of three too. 😢 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Picture from book event and tagged my favorite #JodiPicoult book. #AugustAuthors @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So jealous!!!! 💞 4y
OriginalCyn620 Very cool! 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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When I went to Goodwill to pick up my mother a book I couldn‘t pass these up... somehow I think I missed Second Glance by Jodi. I LOVED Behind Closed Doors and My Sisters Keeper! Have you all read these?


Chelsey_5 Love that pillow! 4y
LeahBergen Anne Frank! ❤️ 4y
AmyK1 I‘ve read My Sister‘s Keeper, Unbroken and Anne Frank. All good 👍🏼 4y
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Texreader Unbroken is so good. 4y
TheRiehlDeal 💗 Unbroken! 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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"Maybe who we are isn't so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it."

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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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#JamminJune #SurpriseEnding

Catching up with prompts. The ending to this book totally caught me by surprise & also wrecked me.😱😭But who knew the biggest surprise would be the how much (& why) they changed that shocking ending in the movie?! 🤬Jodi Picoult was not happy & neither was I.

JenReadsAlot This book 😭 4y
BookwormM Agreed movie ending such a cop out 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess My favorite book of hers. I agree, the movie ending was awful! I have seen her several times at book releases and she often says that she will never sell another book for a movie because of how they changed it. 4y
Eggs Agreed—book trumps movie! So much is lost in translation to the screen 4y
Teresereading Agree 6mo
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Klou This book is amazing! 4y
Eggs One of my choices too.. 4y
TheSpineView @Eggs Great minds!😋 4y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Book haul! Three different stores lol, we‘ve had a busy day

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Jodi Picoult tells the story of a girl who decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body in this New York Times bestseller that tackles a controversial subject with grace and explores what it means to be a good person. Sad, but oh so good


Come-read-with-me @Eggs This was the first Picoult that I read. She is a masterful storyteller and I‘ve been hooked ever since. The ending packed a punch that I hadn‘t expected! 5y
Eggs Agreed to all you posted!! Picoult is a « must buy » for me @Come-read-with-me (edited) 5y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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1. Jodi Piccoult probably
2. One official but I also have started using some of the cubbies in our room as bookshelves 😂
3. None. Categorized by themes . Harry Potter with my Funko Pops . Jodi has a shelf. Business and Sales books. Fiction hardbacks. Etc

Eggs Yay Picoult! I‘ve read all her books. #3 I like your theme arrangement. I do like some space on shelves for pix, sculptures, and other gew-gaw to break it up and give depth. But at the moment it looks too crowded (too many books) 5y
MissAimz_55 @Eggs I‘m excited to finally hear about her new book! So I have some awesome Harry Potter decorative display shelves and I‘ll need to share those here but sometimes I wish I had more book shelves. However in my last 2 moves I gave away several boxes of books and I‘m trying to be good about not building up a collection until I have more space. Easier said than done 😂 5y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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“The night is falling down around us. Meteors rain like fireworks, quick rips in the seam of the dark... Every second, another streak of silver glows: parentheses, exclamation points, commas - a whole grammar made of light, for words too hard to speak.” #meteor #QuotsyDec19

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult

While many of Picoult‘s books force me to think about the conflict at hand, I had a really hard time with this one. Thirteen year old Anna was conceived to serve as a bone marrow donor for her sick older sister. Such a sad story about a family torn apart by one child‘s illness and another child‘s decision to be able to make decisions over her own body. Sadly, there are no winners here. The ending of this one crushed me...

My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Did you know that Jodi Picoult can dish it out by jumping on a bandwagon to attack a graduate student for an opinion she had three years ago because it hurt Sarah Dessen‘s fee fees but can‘t take it when she‘s told her faux-pology (which she built on actual apologies by PoC authors because of course she did) is sorely lacking?

Really glad I stopped reading her novels a decade ago 😂

Megabooks This doesn‘t surprise me. I‘m disappointed but not surprised. All those female authors attacking the graduate student. Smdh. They should be more tough and mature. And maybe books for teens (as Dessen herself says she writes) aren‘t the best choice for incoming college students. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Tamra I don‘t know about this, but it doesn‘t look good. I‘ve never read any of her novels. I feel like if you put your work out there for consumption, you need to expect feedback, even if it isn‘t positive. 5y
alisiakae This whole thing feels very Twilight Zone. I feel so bad for the grad student, the backlash against her by so many authors was completely out of proportion to what she said. 5y
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lauren.lerner I‘m so upset for the grad student. The way her university threw her under the bus?? And the gang-up after Dessen cherry picked the clip she shared, conveniently leaving out the fact that they went with a book about racism??? Unbelievable. The whole thing is surreal!! @megabooks @4thhouseontheleft 5y
lauren.lerner I totally agree with that last sentence, @Tamra. I‘ve never even heard of Dessen before this (I usually stick to SFF in YA) but you better believe I‘ll be avoiding her work from here on out. 5y
Annl Thanks for sharing this. 5y
alisiakae The number of authors that jumped on the bandwagon without actually looking at anything beyond Dessen‘s cherry-picked screenshot was ridiculous. Including some I really admire, like Roxane Gay, Celeste Ng and Angie Thomas. 5y
Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft Yes, that was the kicker. How many other authors just jumped on blindly. 5y
lauren.lerner @Annl you‘re welcome! 5y
lauren.lerner Agree with both of you, the number of folks who didn‘t bother to read the context and just went straight to caping for Dessen was and is so upsetting, @megabooks @4thhouseontheleft 5y
Megabooks @lauren.lerner The first thing I did before deciding how I felt was READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE. I think that‘s the minimum someone should do before reacting. You owe that to the quoted person. If you don‘t have time, stay silent, lest you look like an idiot! 5y
lauren.lerner One would think authors like NK Jemisen, Roxane Gay, Celeste Ng, Angie Thomas, etc etc would think to do that too, @Megabooks, and yet.... here we are. Really disappointing tbh. Especially when the point the student made about why Dessen‘s book wasn‘t the right choice in light of the other books available is a really excellent one!! And extremely valid!! 5y
batsy Ugh. A few of the authors who jumped to defend Dessen and called the young woman all kinds of names—in the name of defending teen girls' reading choices, irony much?—were authors I was planning to check out. But I won't bother now. A spoilt cohort of privileged tantrum-throwers don't interest me anymore... 5y
lauren.lerner RIGHT @batsy?!?!?! I have been keeping an eye out for apologies and the only ones that have held water are Jemisen, Gay and Ng, and their follow up replies acknowledging the harm their jumping in did have been the only thing keeping me from yeeting their books into the sun. Everyone else can pound sand at this point — there are so many amazing authors out there, I won‘t waste my time on the assholes. (edited) 5y
Megabooks I looked up my college‘s choices for freshman readalong (as I call it), and embarrassingly enough, in 2005 for the class of 2010. they chose the novel you tagged. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I honestly agree with the person who called her books, “supermarket novels for white grandmothers” on Twitter. hilariously her name is misspelled on the website “Judy Picoult”. 😂 https://studentaffairs.duke.edu/new-students/common-experience (edited) 5y
sprainedbrain This whole mess has helped me remove books by several authors from my TBR. I could always take or leave Dessen, Picoult, and Weiner anyway, but I‘m really bothered by the pile ons by Roxane Gay, Celeste Ng, and Angie Thomas. And the way some tried to frame not liking a particular author, book, or genre to the somehow being anti-feminist or patriarchal is just ridiculous. 5y
alisiakae @sprainedbrain I feel some of the POC authors involved - many of whom also issued the more sincere apologies - are getting more 💩 than Weiner, Picoult, etc. One time minor f*ck ups on social media get a pass from me, until it becomes a pattern. But Dessen? Never read her books, and now I never will. 5y
alisiakae @sprainedbrain And, while I still plan on reading Angie Thomas in the future, my GR Award semifinal vote for YA will be different. I voted for OTCU in the first round, today switched my semifinal vote to With the Fire On High. 5y
sprainedbrain @4thhouseontheleft I don‘t plan to stop following or reading Ng, Thomas, or Gay. I still haven‘t read OTCU (it‘s on my list for next year) so I hadn‘t voted for it. 😃 5y
alisiakae @sprainedbrain It‘s a good book! It was the only one I‘ve read in that category, my YA game must be off this year. 😂I‘ve dipped into With the Fire on High, which may have swayed me anyway by the time I finish it. 5y
sprainedbrain @4thhouseontheleft I‘ve only read two in that category this year... Birthday and Lovely War, both of which I loved. While I‘m not entirely sure I would call Lovely War YA, I voted for it. 😊 5y
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LibrarianRyan Will do. Let me think. 5y
Freespirit Some great books here! 5y
monalyisha Thanks @sblbooks 🤗! 5y
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monalyisha I‘d be in your club! Good mix of genres/audiences! 5y
megnews Thanks for the tag! I read Woman 99 this year. Very good. I‘ve got Dopesick on my tbr. 5y
OriginalCyn620 What?! Only 12? I need to think about this...🤔 5y
sblbooks @OriginalCyn620 I know, right? It was difficult. 5y
Hooked_on_books Good choices! Lots to dig in to here. 5y
Crazeedi Wow, you picked some good ones! I'd join! 5y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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Eggs Great choice!! Read book, saw movie but you know which was better 🤗🤗 5y
TheSpineView 💜📘 5y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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“Seeing her sitting there unresponsive makes me realize that silence has a sound.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper


Macker11 This book has all the feels 😍 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Macker11 definitely 😭😭🤯 Most of hers do!!! 5y
brit91 One of my favorites!💖😢📚😍 5y
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Eggs Oh be still my heart ♥️ that quote hits me right in the soul. Perfection 💗👏🏻🤗📚🤗💗 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs me too my friend ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Copwithabook Lord this one broke me down into sobs when I read it 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Copwithabook me too 😭😭😭 5y
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My Sister's Keeper | Jodi Picoult
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