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Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals That Brought Me Home | Jessica Fechtor
A national bestseller and winner of a 2015 Living Now Book Award, Stir is an exquisite memoir about how food connects us to ourselves, our lives, and each other. At 28, Jessica Fechtor was happily immersed in graduate school and her young marriage, and thinking about starting a family. Then one day, she went for a run and an aneurysm burst in her brain. She nearly died. She lost her sense of smell, the sight in her left eye, and was forced to the sidelines of the life she loved. Jessicas journey to recovery began in the kitchen as soon as she was able to stand at the stovetop and stir. There, she drew strength from the restorative power of cooking and baking. Written with intelligence, humor, and warmth, Stir is a heartfelt examination of what it means to nourish and be nourished. Woven throughout the narrative are 27 recipes for dishes that comfort and delight. For readers of M.F.K.Fisher, Molly Wizenberg, and Tamar Adler, as well as Oliver Sacks, Jill Bolte Taylor, and Susannah Cahalan, Stir is sure to inspire, and send you straight to the kitchen. From the Hardcover edition.
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This was OK but it didn‘t really capture me. A woman with love of cooking, a wonderful relationship, and a hope to be a parent suddenly learns that she has a brain aneurysm that needs serious surgery and ongoing treatment. She shifts among her relationships, what‘s happening in her own body and the sometimes frightening treatments, and the foods that sustain her through it.
#Booked2022 #includesarecipe
#Nonfiction2022 #BasketCase

Cinfhen I really loved this one and I tried & enjoyed a bunch of her recipes but if you want a book that will rip your heart out try 2y
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What comes of our own actions becomes the reason. We may arrive where we are by way of a specific path—we can take just one at a time—but it‘s never the only one that could have led to our destination. Nor does a single event, or even a string of events, point decisively to a single landing spot. There are infinite possible versions of our lives. Meaning is not what happens, but what we do with what happens.

charl08 Oh I love pathway shots like this, I'm always looking for them. 😍 2y
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Read this for #booked2022 #includesarecipe 😊
Great little book, I enjoyed it. So happy to see that the author is doing well these days after such an unexpected and traumatic health scare ♥️ Only side effect: made me wish I enjoyed cooking more at this point in my life 😂
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Chrissyreadit I often wish I enjoyed cooking. 2y
CBee @Chrissyreadit I do too, all the time! I‘d love to bake cookies and cakes and all sorts of yummy food, but I‘m too tired 😂😂 2y
Chrissyreadit @CBee same! I am happy when I do cook but it takes me all day between finding what I need and prepping, cooking and clean up. I‘m tired just thinking about it most of the time. 2y
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CBee @Chrissyreadit and you‘re vegan, right? I can imagine that would make it harder 🤔 2y
Prairiegirl_reading I love cooking but I haven‘t been doing as much as I used to. I‘m just too tired! I can‘t even meal plan anymore. 2y
CBee @Prairiegirl_reading I totally understand! 2y
Chrissyreadit @CBee yes vegan- but I suspect cooking is just not my forte. I wonder if it‘s because I finally realize I have ADHD- I burn a lot of food, can‘t remember where I put the can opener down Two seconds before, discover I forget to make sure I had one vital ingredient 😆🤷‍♀️ 2y
CBee @Chrissyreadit oh! Yep, that‘s probably the reason. I think I have it too, or some form of it 🤔 2y
Cinfhen I read this a few years back and loved it too!! I even made a few of the recipes!! BTW- very interesting regarding ADHD and following a recipe/cooking @Chrissyreadit I NEVER thought about that 2y
CBee @Cinfhen I got to the part where she made a certain special cake and holy moly it was four pages of instructions 😂😳 2y
Chrissyreadit @Cinfhen I‘ve always been teased about my scattered cooking skills, and this year realized I check all the boxes for ADHD, and have my entire life! Now I‘m trying to just make a meal plan- this has been my goal since the first round of #bfc and still can‘t! Sigh. 2y
Cinfhen Yeah @CBee I only choose the 8 ingredients or less recipes 😉 2y
CBee @Cinfhen definitely! After 8 or so my brain turns to mush 😂😂 2y
Cinfhen It makes so much sense @Chrissyreadit Sorry it took so long to figure out what you‘re dealing with 💖 2y
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Today‘s #illness prompt made me think about Stir. The author had an aneurysm burst in her brain while running a treadmill at a hotel gym. It burst apart the life she was planning & had her enduring numerous surgeries, losing her sense of smell & the eyesight in her left eye. Food, cooking & her friends/family got her through the dark times. I checked her Instagram recently & was happy to find her happy, healthy & with 3 kids.❤️

DebinHawaii I chose it back in 2016/17 for my foodie bookclub & my review & her tomato soup recipe are here: https://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2017/01/simplest-tomato-soup-for-cook-books.... 3y
Eggs What a wonderful choice for the prompt ❤️📚💞 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Here‘s a closer look at the books from @throwmeabook ! They both look fascinating! I love the idea of a baker‘s narrative, because I love to bake 😍 and I‘ve been eyeing “The Thirteenth Tale” for a little while. Thanks again! Also, thanks @TheReadingMermaid for arranging this #blinddatebookswap! It was so much fun!

BeansPage You are most welcome. Happy holidays! 😘 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Read many good things about The Thirteenth Tale! 6y
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My latest #bookoutlet #bookhaul 📚💕 Stir and The Thirteenth Tale are old favourites but the rest are all new to me. Pretty excited to read these in 2019! 🎉

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About to begin this adventure....

AileenRR One of my favorites ❤️ 5y
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I haven‘t read this yet, but it‘s on my TBR. After a woman has a brain aneurysm burst, she comes home and begins her recovery by cooking. #HeyJune #getback

Cinfhen I JUST used this book for another Beatles prompt #HELP 💋#greatmindsthinkalike and this memoir is really good😃 6y
Suzze @Cinfhen I must have missed your post! Glad to hear your recommendation. 6y
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#HeyJune #Help I thought we were going to have a simple Friday night dinner,just family and my son informed me he invited 5 friends!!! So now I‘m busy cooking and preparing 🤪 The tagged book is about a young newlywed who survived a brain aneurism and turned to baking & cooking to #help her regain self, purpose, creativity, comfort and pleasure. This book was so moving & the recipes are amazing!!! Plus, Jessica is ADORABLE

Cinfhen #Help my challah bread is not rising properly 🤞🏼🤞🏼 6y
LeahBergen It looks amazing! 6y
Simona I can‘t help you, but I‘m absolutely sure that everything will be delicious 😋 🤞😘 6y
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BarbaraBB It looks delicious! 6y
Kalalalatja Looks great! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks 😘it‘s so nice to have such supportive friends!!! @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja I can always serve Nutella @Simona if all else fails!!! 6y
Chelsey My mom and I always placed dough on the open oven door with the oven on warm, put a tall glass at either end and tented a damp dishcloth over the whole business. Did it not rise at all or only after you formed the loaf? 6y
Chelsey Oh dang this loaded initially as having been posted 16 minutes before my response but then it refreshed and said two hours. I hope it turned out! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Chelsey They actually rose and came out looking perfect!! But I‘m saving your tip for future reference 😘 6y
Mdargusch Sounds like it will be a fun night! (edited) 6y
emilyhaldi What a mom!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Cinfhen I really enjoy a table full of guests, especially some of these kids I‘ve known since first grade @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi 😊 6y
GypsyKat Oh yum! 😋 6y
Bklover Sounds like a fun evening! Make a ton- boys can EAT, can‘t they?!😄 6y
Simona Absolutely agree, Nutella for all occasions 👏🙌👊😘 6y
Cinfhen Yes!! They certainly can eat @Bklover a lot! 6y
Reviewsbylola I really liked this one and she inspired me to try so many new recipes. 6y
SledgeReader @Cinfhen I too enjoy a table full especially when it‘s last minute. Family joke is “Mom hates to cook for just her and Dad. Loves to cook for 50!”. We added on to our house so the kids would have space. When each of my kids had an entire team over at the same time it got tight! I miss them all now they‘ve moved on after college. Luckily they all come back to see us especially during football season!! 6y
Cinfhen It‘s so true @SledgeReader I hate cooking when it‘s just me & hubby ( i still have one child living at home and it‘s a pain cooking for just him) but there is something magical when you sit around a table full of friends and family ~ I love the banter and these kids feel like parts of us ~ so many good memories associated with meals 6y
Cinfhen I read this book years ago as an ARC @Reviewsbylola I want to buy it for the recipes... 6y
SledgeReader @Cinfhen And it all goes back to the age old concept of breaking bread! Hats off to the ancients. We‘ve got a lot to learn! 6y
SledgeReader 😘Although I think Anne‘s got it down! 🤣 6y
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Tonight's book club read features several recipes that got the author through a tough time in her life after suffering an aneurism. Everyone made a difference recipe from the book which made tonight's gathering extra delicious! I made the almond cake which was delicious if I do say so myself 🤤

DivineDiana What fun! 😋 6y
laundry_piles I have a friend who survived an aneurysm, do you think this would make a good gift? 6y
emilyhaldi Yes definitely! @laundry_piles It is a story about overcoming the illness and finding her way back to the life she knew before. It's uplifting! 6y
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laundry_piles @emilyhaldi good to know, I'll have to pick it up then! Thank you! 6y
MrBook I'm sorry, the food's distracted me. Were you talking about a book? ☺️ 6y
GripLitGrl What a fun book club idea!😊 6y
Meredith3 Man you and @Reviewsbylola took great food pics 😻😻 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Yum!😋 6y
Kaye Wow that cake looks good. 6y
Mdargusch @Kaye it was amazing! So was the asparagus soup! 6y
tammysue Love that fun concept, and that cake looks amazing!😋 6y
Reviewsbylola Do y‘all have some of those cookies left? I decided I really love them!! 6y
emilyhaldi Lol @Reviewsbylola ofcourse they baked ones are all gone but there's some cookie dough in the freezer for later 😉 we should make @Meredith3 bring us some of hers tomorrow!!! 6y
Meredith3 Omg @Reviewsbylola you can have the rest of my cookies and cookie dough if you want! 6y
Reviewsbylola Ok bring it tomorrow. 6y
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Our book club meeting tonight was a discussion on Stir. Everyone brought a dish from the book. Pictured is asparagus soup, salad, sesame noodles, and potato latkes. Dessert includes chocolate chip wheat cookies, almond cake, and lemon bars.

AlaMich YUM!!!😋 All of that sounds amazing! 6y
Booksniffer Send me sime. 6y
Soubhiville This looks amazing! I need a bookclub like that! 6y
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Daisey That sounds like a fantastic idea! 6y
LeahBergen Oh, FUN. 6y
emilyhaldi I feel like my almond cake should have made the picture 😜 6y
Blaire What a fun idea! 6y
GripLitGrl Yum! What a fun idea👍 6y
merelybookish YUM!! 6y
Cinfhen You guys are the BEST!!!! I want to move to Ohio!!!! 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg we would love you in our book club!!! 🤩🤩🤩 @Cinfhen 6y
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I know food memoirs are a thing. They‘re not my thing though, at least I didn‘t think so. I like to eat (a lot) and I‘m a pretty good cook (I think), but I feel like a novice when I read books like this. Fechtor‘s illness and how good brought her back to life was very engaging, and the food aspect wasn‘t polarizing in the way I feared it would be. That said though, I did feel out of my league at times. But she did inspired me to make lemon bars.

MrsV Those look really good! 6y
Christine 🍋😋 6y
LauraBeth Oh wow - these look great! I‘ve been wanting to read this book. 6y
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DebinHawaii I really love this book! Your lemon 🍋 bars look delicious! 😋 6y
Krabxzxx Yum!! Yes!! 6y
bookishbunny Those look yummy! 6y
Bookish.Heart Oh lemon bars are my downfall. Those look so good 6y
emilyhaldi For me to eat tomorrow?! 🤤 6y
Mdargusch How many stars. And those look amazing! 6y
Reviewsbylola Hahaha if there are any left. @emilyhaldi 6y
Reviewsbylola I gave it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @Mdargusch 6y
Cinfhen Your lemon bars look delish!!! I loved this “nerdy” couple‘s love story sooooo much and the pictures at the end made me sooooo happy!!!!! 6y
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Two pages in and I'm already scared of my treadmill. #itscalledfinediningeverheardofit?

emilyhaldi LOL that egg cup is SO CUTE 😍 but also, I have convinced myself I will have an aneurysm any day now so reading this book surely won‘t help my paranoia 😑 6y
Mdargusch Oh god luck then @emilyhaldi - this will give you nightmares. Thank goodness she sprinkles happy, lovely recipes throughout so there isn‘t total depression while reading this. 6y
Anna40 What an interesting book! 6y
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AileenRR ❤️ I fell in love with Jessica and her family and friends ❤️ 6y
Meredith3 @emilyhaldi omg I totally think I‘m going to pass out on my treadmill before I can turn it off and then it‘ll skin my face off while I lay there semi conscious 💀. @Mdargusch I‘m a little worried the recipes won‘t be enough to make this not depressing- but I‘m trying to stay positive! 😰🙄😳😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg I know I have an aneurysm lurking too. 🤣 @emilyhaldi I think I‘m starting this next. 6y
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My MIL is obsessed with this book and the recipes included. She made this butter almond cake from the book for a dinner tonight and luckily, made an extra for my husband and me 🤤 This story seems to include both #pleasureandpain - as the author recovers from an aneurysm by immersing herself in recipes. Chosen for our March bookclub, I can‘t wait to read it... and eat!!

Mdargusch Great minds think alike! 6y
Hoopiefoot Ooh, this sounds right up my alley! 6y
mjdowens You had me at almond butter cake 6y
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sammisho @LoverofLit this sounds like something you would like 6y
Reviewsbylola Ask her where the fuck mine is?!? 6y
Meredith3 Yum! 6y
LoverofLit @sammisho it will be perfect for the Book About Food topic on my #popsugar reading challenge too! 6y
DebinHawaii I love this book. I listened to the audio, then chose it for my virtual foodie bookclub a few months later and read the print book. 📚❤️Her tomato soup recipe from it is good too. 😋 6y
Cinfhen I LOVE this book!!! Such an inspiring story❤️and desert looks YUM 6y
batsy @Reviewsbylola 😂😂 6y
BookMaven407 Yummy! I love almond desserts. I'm going to have to get this book. 🙂 6y
emilyhaldi @DebinHawaii @Cinfhen happy to hear you foodies loved this one! My MIL has read it 3 times and preparing for a fourth 😆 I can't wait to try more of the recipes, the cake was 🙌🏻 6y
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Stir is a beautifully written memoir about a woman and her recovery from a brain aneurysm and the food that went along with her journey. There are recipes for almost every chapter. Our bookclub chose this book for our next discussion and we will be cooking our potluck food from Fechtor‘s recipes. Yum! #pleasureandpain #marchintooz

emilyhaldi So funny we both chose this today!! 🤗 6y
Suet624 Funny seeing you both recommend it today. 6y
Reviewsbylola Oh damn, I‘m supposed to bring something to book club!? 6y
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Meredith3 I‘m excited about the potluck! 6y
Mdargusch We had no idea @Suet624 😂 6y
Mdargusch You have weeks until that happens @Reviewsbylola 6y
Cinfhen Obsessed with this story!!! 6y
Meredith3 Got this tonight and read about two pages and now I am SO FREAKED out about ever running on my treadmill again 😰 6y
Mdargusch I know! It‘s so freaky @Meredith3 6y
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I loved listening to Jessica Fechtor narrate her memoir, the story of her journey to recovery after an aneurysm and the role of food in that journey. Moving and beautiful.

"Once-upon-a-times" have a way of sneaking up on you. Stories never begin where they begin."

AileenRR I adored this book and fell in love with her friends and family ❤️ 7y
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"Food has powers. It picks us up from our lonely corners and sits us back down, together. It pulls us out of ourselves, to the kitchen, to the table, to the diner down the block. At the same time, it draws us inward. Food is the keeper of our memories, connecting us with our pasts and with our people."

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Just started listening to this today while working, and it's so good!
"Food has powers."

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I decided to get #bold with this graphic about being defiantly alive, which is the epitome of boldness. Everything I've read about this book makes me think it will be exactly in my wheelhouse. #quotsynov17

UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
kspenmoll 🙌🏻 love the bold colors! 7y
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Cinfhen I loved this book!!!! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Now I really want to buy it!! Dang, this is so hard. 😩 7y
Cinfhen I read it as an ARC about 4 years ago!!! It was really good ~ library is a good option but not #audio there are pics & recipes 💕💕 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Good call. I'd want to see those! 7y
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#AugustGrrrl #LiveToTell My time management got away from me today & I almost forgot this one.😬A favorite foodie memoir. AfterJessica Fechtor suffered a brain aneurism on a hotel treadmill, things were touch & go, but she lived to tell her story of how food, cooking & the support & connection to friends & family helped her find her way back. I loved both the audio & print books & her simplest tomato soup-one of the many recipes included. 🍴📚❤️

tpixie Great photo collage and compelling review!! 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess I loved this book. I read it about a year ago and she is just amazing! 7y
Cinfhen I'm echoing @tpixie and @Graciouswarriorprincess 💕💕💕Jessica & Ari are my favorite couple‼️I'd love to invite them for Shabbat dinner 7y
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BooksForEmpathy Loved this one! 7y
DebinHawaii @tpixie Thank you! It's a great book. 📚💜 @Graciouswarriorprincess She is amazing indeed! 💜💜 @Cinfhen They are a great couple--please include me in the invitation! 😆❤️ @BooksForEmpathy Me too! 📚👍 7y
BethFishReads I loved this one 7y
DebinHawaii @BethFishReads Well I should give you a shout out because your review is what led me to the audiobook. 😀👍 7y
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I'm getting married today! But first, coffee and book.

jfalkens Congrats! 🎉🎂🎊📚🍰 7y
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This book was chosen because of the subject of brain injury which fascinates me. I never expected to appreciate the writing. Jessica Fechtor, however, is a very talented writer who kept me more than a little interested in her story. She writes beautifully! There is no pity party just straightforward telling of her life before, during, and after a brain aneurism. Food & cooking does not take a back burner in Stir. Recipes are included.

LiteraryinLawrence What an interesting concept! 7y
Dolly @LiteraryinLititz A bit odd, I thought, but the recipes are those that are important in her life for various reasons. I'll even try a few. 7y
DebinHawaii I listen to the audiobook of this one and loved it and then picked it for the virtual foodie book club I co-host. I liked hearing her story of how the kitchen brought her back to herself. 📚🍴👍 7y
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Today's Simplest Tomato Soup is from this foodie memoir about a young woman who has a brain aneurysm & fights her way back w/the support of family & friends & the power of food & cooking. I listened to the audio book in 2016, recommended by @BethFishReads & liked it so much I picked it for the virtual bookclub I co-host & read it again. Review+recipe (Served w/the Fromage Fort I made earlier this week) are on my blog today. Link👇🏼#soup🍲📚

saresmoore What a fascinating book! (And I love tomato soup.) 7y
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Graciouswarriorprincess I loved this book. 7y
BethFishReads Yay. So glad you're giving the book a try 7y
LeahBergen Mmmm! 7y
EvieBee 😍😍😍 7y
Cinfhen I loved this book ❤️great photo 7y
Simona My kind of food❣ 7y
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The fifth year in a row that graphic novels have trounced every other category, which is funny because I never feel like I'm reading a lot of them. I should also mention that not even one of these is a title that I actually own, something I aim to change in 2017. While the overall total is okay, I'm not really happy with the numbers in the individual categories which may be why I've decided to do so many reading challenges (more on those later).

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I'm comfortable calling these 9 my favorite reads of 2016. Of these, my top 3 are "Stir" (I loved it so much I also listened to the audio, which was wonderfully narrated by the author), "Under the Egg" (Theodora Tenpenny is a character I want to hang out with), and "Adulthood is a Myth" (I can't verbally express how much I love Sarah Andersen). Here's hoping I find some more great titles in 2017! #bestof2016

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"Creating things matters. It's not that we live, but how, that makes us who we are."

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I read this as a food memoir for the 2016 Read Harder challenge. I haven't read anything like this before... I really enjoyed the candid stories about the author's life interspersed with recipes and anecdotes for some of the foods of her life. Good writing, and a positive, healthy message. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Graciouswarriorprincess I read it as well for the challenge.👍🏻 #kindredspirits 8y
sprainedbrain @Graciouswarriorprincess Great minds and all that. 😃 8y
Cinfhen Read this too! I totally fell in love with Jessica & Eli 💕 8y
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EloisaJames Sounds wonderful!! 8y
sprainedbrain @Cinfhen What a great couple! 8y
OrangeMooseReads Sounds interesting 8y
alanacristin Oh, hello, my wheelhouse. Thanks for sharing!!! 👍 8y
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I started this book late last night and had a hard time putting it down to go to sleep. The author's story of her medical issue is woven together with stories of her life before, and some very appealing recipes in between. 👍

BooksForEmpathy I really enjoyed this one. Especially having a friend who went through the same thing; it was so helpful in understanding more of what she was going through. Tremendous bravery. 8y
DebinHawaii The audiobook was wonderful and I liked it so much I picked it for the virtual foodie bookclub I co-host for Dec/Jan. I bought the print book to reread. Or I guess maybe that would just be 'to read' since I listened last time. 😆 8y
sprainedbrain @DebinHawaii I think it would be a reread... audiobooks count! 😜 8y
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someone donated a bunch of new or new looking books to the library and i saw this book which is on my to-read list so I grabbed it to read first :D.

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What things do you come from?
I come from edible pod peas, Vienna Sausages, and penny candy. My parents ran a general store until I was 10.

SandraPreuss my childhood concisted of coconut bread made by mom on the weekends, enchiladas (Honduran style) also made by mom usually on holidays, conch chowder made by my dad for parties in a giant pot, ceasar salads ordered by me all the time when we dined out and coconut candy grabbed from the convenience store near my cousin's house. 8y
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Enjoying while working my mother's open house. Happy holidays!

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Feels like a good week to start this one.

mauveandrosysky Oh, this is my friend's sister! I've been meaning to read this. 8y
FernReader @mauveandrosysky, that is so neat! 8y
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Day19 #photoadaynov #onewordtitles Here's a stack of books with one word titles from my shelves. I am sure there are more but I'm feeling lazy today! 😀📚❤️

LeahBergen Heat was so great. 👍🏼 8y
DebinHawaii @LeahBergen Yes! Heat was a great read! @raelaschoenherr I listened to it on audio recommended by @BethFishReads & loved it so I picked it as the Dec/Jan selection for a virtual blogging foodie bookclub I co-host and bought a copy. It's an inspiring memoir and full of great recipes too. 👍📚 8y
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raelaschoenherr Great to hear! And nice to hear it's good on audio! 8y
DebinHawaii @raelaschoenherr It is awesome on audio-the author reads it & they give you a link to download the recipes that are included in the book.👍 8y
raelaschoenherr I love ones where the author reads it! 8y
BethFishReads @raelaschoenherr I don't usually like author-read audios but this was good 8y
BethFishReads Oh cool. So glad you liked it 8y
raelaschoenherr @BethFishReads @DebinHawaii As You Wish is my favorite author read audio :) 8y
BethFishReads @raelaschoenherr I've been meaning to listen. So happy to learn it's good 8y
DebinHawaii @raelaschoenherr @BethFishReads As You Wish is one of my all-time audio book (& book) favorites! Cary Elwes could probably read the phone book & I'd be happy.😆 8y
raelaschoenherr @DebinHawaii @BethFishReads Yeah, I was practically stopping people on the street to tell them they must stop everything and listen to it! 8y
BethFishReads @raelaschoenherr @DebinHawaii arghhh. Ok I'll try to get to it before end of year 8y
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I have fallen in love with the author and her family and friends. They seem like such smart and GOOD people, like, I wish the whole world was made up of people like them. Also, there's a recipe for a press-in-the-pan pie crust that I want to try (that's not what it's called but that's what you do, as opposed to rolling it out)

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This book is filled with amazing recipes, hope and promise!

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Listened to the audio, which is a favorite way of mine for memoirs. This book was awesome, just a story about her life coming out of an unexpected huge health problem. It's also about how cooking and food shaped her life and her recovery. I did feel like the ending was rushed - the final surgery and the hope for a child was just glazed over. But overall, I loved it!

MrBook Great review!!! 8y
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#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #BooksThatMakeMeHungry All these books offer tantalizing food descriptions and some include the recipes but Stir contains the necessary ingredients for a perfect story; strength, family and love💗

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Loved this book. Not at all a typical food memoir; instead the story of how a 28-year-old woman recovered from a brain bleed with the help of family and her love of cooking/baking for her loved ones. Keep a box of tissues nearby! Also one of few books that handles Judaism as normally & casually as every other book in the world handles Christianity. Don't miss this! Thanks to @bermudaonion for bringing it my attention.

bermudaonion I'm glad you loved it too! 8y
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Thanks to @bermudaonion I've added this to my stack. Am hoping to start it later today. Memoir? Food? I'm in.

Hooked_on_books You post such great pictures! 8y
LitHousewife What a gorgeous bowl! 8y
britt_brooke cool picture! 8y
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Annl Nice photo! 8y
LauraBeth Cool pic 😺 8y
maximoffs that bowl tho 😍 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Gorgeous pottery!! I'm very partial to beautiful pottery. Have to keep myself from buying everything I see when on vacation. I gravitate to the bookstores and the pottery studios. 😀 8y
BethFishReads @LitHousewife @steverogers @kaysreadinglife that bowl was made by a local potter & was a gift from my husband 8y
Trav Love this picture, just stunning! That bowl is beautiful. 8y
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This lovely memoir is about the author finding her way back from trauma through food and cooking. I was moved by the thoughtful story and terrific writing.

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The best part about being in a new city is figuring out what's there to eat.

readingonarainyday Totally agree with that. I always check the food scene before anything else. 😜 8y
Gulfsidemusing Definitely! 8y
bookchickdi I agree as well. My husband and I wandered around the Lower East Side yesterday and said "why have we not been to all these great restaurants yet?" 8y
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Food is the keeper of our memories, connecting us with our pasts and with our people.

LivinginaLibrary I very much enjoyed this one! It's one of those stories that has really stuck with me. I hope you're enjoying it! 8y
bermudaonion @LivinginaLibrary It's great so far. 8y
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I loved this so much. Great story telling, delicious recipes. Wonderful book. One of my favorites this year.

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Got some awesome book mail today. Getting ready to get immersed in the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge! I already own roughly a million food memoirs, but one more can't hurt, right? And this collection of essays looks legit. I'm thinking I might be able to use it if I teach composition again.

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