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Rat Queens Vol. 3
Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
Having survived the end of the world, the Queens follow Hannah back to where it all began: Mage University. A long perilous journey awaits the Rat Queens as they attempt to find out what happened to Hannah's father while battling their own demons. Collects RAT QUEENS #11-15.
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Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain
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Delightful. If this image isn't enough to urge you to pick up Rat Queens then there is just nothing further I can say to you.

Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain
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Rat Queens volume 3
I enjoyed how we‘re getting to know more about the ladies‘ background - specifically, about Hannah. I am now curious to see how the girls are gonna get back together again in volume 4. 😉👍

#ratqueens #comics #graphicnovels #dnd

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Wasn't expecting the change in illustrator but still an excellent story, although ended on much more of a cliffhanger than the other two books. Still excited to see where this continues on to!

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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First book of #comicthon down! I absolutely love Rat Queens! The art is always wonderful & the storyline is always interesting and has something to say.

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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I‘m finally off of work! Now, I can join in on #comicthon!!

xicanti Yay! Welcome aboard! 6y
TricksyTails Woohoo! Awesome stack! I‘m late too. Off to try to read at least one! 6y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Betty has got to be my favorite member of the team 😂😂😂

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I'm #currentlyreading this, and thought it was perfect for #feministfriday! #readingresolutions #janinbooks18

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Issue 14. I think the storyline kinda went weird with Rat Queens but this scene and the pages that follow really made me smile. :)

@TricksyTails @Clwojick

#speechbubblechallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon

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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Have to return this to the #library today so I quickly read it. Quite liked it although nothing has really measured up to the first volume. Given the troubled production of this series and my reduced interest in the medium in general lately, I don‘t think I‘ll be moving on to the next volume.

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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So I went a bit crazy at my library for the #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon aaanndd this is what I‘ve wound up with 😅 To be honest I didn‘t realize I had this much until I stacked them up...I‘ll be doing closer shots of them and posting them later along with picking a few that I‘m really excited for! Left stack is from my library, right stack is from my boyfriends 😈 #LetMeSeeYourStack
@TricksyTails @Clwojick

TricksyTails Be still my heart. Fracking awesome! 🙌😁♥️📚 6y
Clwojick Ooooh. So many good ones! Low, Fairyland. ❤️️ 6y
Clwojick Ooooh. POE! And Lumberjanes. 6y
RainyDayReading @TricksyTails Glad you think so! @Clwojick I‘ve heard so much about Fairyland that at this point I have to give it a try! I was so excited to find POE!! It‘s killing me to wait until tomorrow for these haha. 6y
Clwojick @RainyDayReading just 1 hour and 10 mins for me! I'm starting the reading tonight! 😂😂😂 6y
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Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain
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"Religious studies? Might want to bring a duster, love."

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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Andrea4 Right!!??? 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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How many books...

ALL of them.

☺️(sigh, I wish all libraries had ALL THE books)

#graphicnovel #graphic #comics #artwork #illustration #stellarcolour #graphicnovels #gn #ratqueens

WhovianNerd Not to be a Debbie downer but my Whovian brain is saying "watch out for Vashta Nerada!" ?? (I watch too much Doctor Who). 7y
TricksyTails Your library nearly has them all! 😉 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Took a personal day today, because work was brutal yesterday... and I plan on staying home and catching up on some reading. 💓

TricksyTails Perfect way to recharge! Hope today is a better day. 😘♥️🤗 7y
Clwojick Hahahh? I just ranted for a full hour about the crap customer service I received at the post office. It was supposed to be a "relaxing" day. ? I'm a bit of an emotional spaz today. @TricksyTails Back to reading I go! (edited) 7y
TricksyTails The post office will do that to you. It's a mini version of purgatory. 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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My current #readathon book, starting to consider dinner, and some coffee! #ratqueens #deweys24hourreadathon

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I loved that we got more backstory in this one and we get a reprieve from large amounts of gore as heart takes over. Also the side stories (dragon, Braga) are great!!!
I think Fowler's change of casual outfits for all is refreshing and fitting; I especially ❤ Hannah's and Vi's new looks...though Hannah probably tops for "new look" ?

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Pretty much how I feel every time I go to the library. Pure joy! #librarylove

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Daniel is the best Dragon ever 😄
The story just got interesting, so sad it does not go on

Riveted_Reader_Melissa There is a revamped restart this year, but yes I agree, it's not the same as the original and I still want to know where that story ended up. 7y
DuckOfDoom @Riveted_Reader_Melissa So the first Volume is already out?? I will have to walk straight to my comic bookstore then 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DuckOfDoom The first few issues are out, but I think the Vol of the first five is due out later this year. 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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A fun adult adventure series that just keeps getting better. This one finds the queens dealing with their pasts and the ramifications of them for their alliance. Without giving anything else away, this one does end on a cliffhanger and I can‘t wait for Volume 4.

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Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain
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Oh man this was good!! Now to wait for vol. 4 🙂

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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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#AugustGrrrl #day9 #BadGirls For adventurous "Questers" these bad girls sure know how to leave destruction in their wake. Elven Mage Hannah, dwarven warrior Violet, Atheist Human Cleric Dee & Hippie Halfling Thief Betty, take no prisoners, drink orcs under the table, put the beat down on trolls & partake of the best drugs in their universe, partying hard but managing to fulfill their quests with maybe not panache, but definitely aplomb.

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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Maybe I stepped over the line...
But who am I kidding: bookhaul and I love it 😍

KCorter What a great haul! 😍 I hope you love 7y
KCorter The Martian was hilarious! It was one of my book clubs favorites last year! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Loved the Martian and I really enjoyed those early Rat Queens! 7y
LibrarianRyan That cover of Dune is amazing b 7y
DuckOfDoom @KCorter I loved it, too! So much, I had to get my own copy 😄 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I really wanted to like this one, but I find the storytelling disjointed and difficult to follow, and some characters (re: Hannah) too broken to be even remotely likable. And I am someone who plays tiefling wizards in DnD myself

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Did not enjoy this volume as much as I did the first two, but still enjoyed it all the same. Got to love the fierceness of these ladies! #julyreads #lazysunday

Kappadeemom Fluffy kitty!! ❤️ 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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The badassery continues! I love all the queens and their backstories...even the Orcs. Is it me or did all (except Betty) get super busty? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Betty If you're talking about this Betty, the only times I got a bit busty was when I was pregnant or breast-feeding. 😏 7y
KathyWheeler I love these books! I liked this one in particular because I loved learning their back stories. (edited) 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @KathyWheeler Yes!! Loved all their stories. 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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The new artist threw me off a bit. A few times I didn't recognize Hannah. The story was still really good though. Lots of adventures and shenanigans. It did end with a cliff hanger, and from my understanding this is the last volume. Seems the team imploded. I would still recommend the whole series.

aeeklund It just returned in March with a(nother) new artist. 7y
Handmade_Redhead @aeeklund my understanding is that it's a reboot and the unfinished story line is basically glossed over or ignored. 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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#firstworldproblems 😫😫😫

MrBook Doh! 7y
KathyWheeler Oh no! 7y
Bookworm-Bobbie Hate when that happens! 7y
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Ashley_Nicoletto 😫😫 7y
MyNamesParadise 😲😟 did it get resolved? 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @MyNamesParadise No. 😔I've sent a support ticket in. Hoping I can get it working soon. 7y
MyNamesParadise @Books_Wine_Repeat they should give you something for the trouble!! 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Elisa That would totally be me 📚📚📚📚📚😵😍😍😍 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I enjoyed this volume much more than the second! I would definitely recommend it.

Check out my full review here: http://ericarobynreads.blogspot.com/2017/03/graphic-novel-review-rat-queens-vol-...

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe

Not only is this the first book I've finished in a week, but I finally caught up on the kerfluffle that happened around the artists. (What a mess, btw). But this was all done before all that happened and it was definitely another solid entry in this grown-up Tamora Pierce graphic novel series. I love these characters and they don't disappoint here at all. ❤

MarriedtoMrT Uh oh. There was a kerfuffle? Does that mean no more Rat Queens? 7y
MeganB @MarriedtoMrT They actually just relaunched the series this month! But no more Tess Fowler :( 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Of course they all came in at the same time 😨 #toomanybooks #notenoughtime #libraryholds

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I want more!!!

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Some of the art in this volume- yowza! 😍

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I loved vols 1 and 2 of rat queens, but I thought vol 3 was weaker. There was more jumping around, and there were many parts of the story that were difficult for me to follow, which was super disappointing since this storyline had so much potential. The whole vol almost felt like it was set up for something that never came. There were still some great parts; I really enjoyed most of Dee's storyline. I'm hopeful it will get back on track in vol 4.

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 deals with Hannah's dark past and family struggles that have come back to haunt her. The Queens travel to Mage U to help Hannah and along the way there are plenty of baddies, a talkative dragon, one really impressive library, and a snarky immortal professor.

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I think I'm calling it! I did better overall than expected:
Finished Unnecessary Woman, Rat Queens vol 3, Wishful Drinking (audio), Monstress vol 1, and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol 1.
Still reading: Drown, Walking in the Wind, and Sellout (audio)
Hope everyone had a great wkend! #24in48

Eyelit Nice! 7y
Varshitha 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
DebinHawaii Great job!! 🎉📚👍 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Book two done! Breakfast finished! Now more coffee and books! #24in48

Varshitha 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Not my favorite in the series so far, seemed to focus a lot on Hannah...


Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I have a little time to kill before dinner. Time to hang with some of my favorite slayers, the Rat Queens!

Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Don't know what else to say about this series other than that I love it. The ish hits the fan in this volume--I'm hoping the 'soft reboot' doesn't mean that they'll start the story over. I need to see what happens next! 😍💪🏻


Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Do you think anyone would get it if I cosplayed as Dee at DragonCon? I have the hair for it. Hmmmm.

BookNerdBritt There's only one way to find out! 😃 7y
Loretta @BookNerdBritt I'll have to try to find a less boobalicious version though, LOL. (edited) 7y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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With 10 minutes to spare, I managed to reach 200 books read in 2016. I can honestly say it's all because of Litsy. Despite always being a reader, I've never read as much as I have this year. Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉

LeahBergen Woo hoo!!! 🎉🎉🎉 8y
Bookworm83 I feel the same way! Congratulations! 🎉📚🎉📚 8y
Ncostell Nice job! 8y
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JDHawkins Congratulations!!! 8y
Tanner Wow, congratulations! 🎉👏🏻 8y
MicheleinPhilly 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 8y
[DELETED] 3216391035 Well done! 🎉🎉🎉 8y
megt Congrats! 8y
Bookworm54 Congrats! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥇🎉🎉🎉 8y
ReadingMeagan Woohoo! Congrats! 8y
DGRachel Awesome! 🎉🎉🎉 8y
MartinaLove Wow 200 books? Congrats! 👏🏻 8y
bookwrm526 Woohoo!!!!!! 8y
Cortg That's HUGE! 8y
Megabooks Awesome!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 8y
jessdean Cool!!📚👏🏽🎉🙌🏽😃 8y
Reviewsbylola 🙌🏻🎉🙌🏻🎉 8y
CaitlinByTheBook Yay! That's great!! 📚👏🏻 8y
DebinHawaii Congratulations! 🎉📚👍 8y
Luv2readbookz Wow, good job! 👏🏻💕 8y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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Such a fun, kickass series has now devolved into convoluted stories and boobs. I liked this storyline more than Vol 2 but it still wrapped up too quickly. I like getting more back stories but it seems like Betty is being used solely for comic relief, which is disappointing. And the artwork. Ugh! I'll give it one more volume but I am out if the boobs and cleavage show continues. These are not the same characters as Vol 1 and it pisses me off.

Ericmanciniwriter "convoluted stories and boobs" great phrasing! ?? 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Someone, @Lindy , shared this with me....apparently there's a bit of a shakeup on their end...there is an issue 16, but then it's being rebooted. Let's hope the good group is in the reboot... http://www.newsarama.com/32036-rat-queens-returns-with-new-artist-new-1.html 8y
readordierachel I had the same problem with the change in art style in volume 3. It turned into such unnecessary cheesecake. 8y
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LectricSheep Oh no! I'm sorry to hear it's not as good. I loved volumes 1 and 2. Tess Fowler was awesome. 8y
Zelma @Eamann thanks! 😋 8y
Zelma @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ReadOrDieRachel I really hope the upcoming changes re for the better. I am so disappointed with the direction the comic. It started off with so much promise. 8y
Zelma @LectricSheep you may love Vol 3. The story is actually pretty good and it's still funny. Plus lots more background info, especially for Hannah. 8y
alanacristin The new artist is Owen Gieni and his sruff is looking good. You can see sneak peeks on the Rat Queens Facebook page as well as the new Wednesday webcomics collaborations with different artists 😀 8y
Zelma @alanacristin oooh, thanks for the info! 👍😀 8y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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I started this volume a bit disappointed. Another jarring change of artist, an abrupt shift of location and vibe, a more disjointed story. Then it hit me: this arc is like the D&D session after a massive battle where you spend your earnings in a new town, have a few minor skirmishes, drink/meetlocals/get philosophical in the tavern, then have some arcane drama to balance out the hack'n'slash 💗 Looking forward to the reboot. #mommyreads #comics

Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain

Thanks for the great recommendations Litsians!

My only question is, when does the next one come out?

HardcoverHearts Not soon enough!!! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @HardcoverHearts Isn't that always the case!?! 8y
Lindy There's a single issue (#16) and then nothing after that. 😟 And #16 leaves even more loose ends! 😟😟😟 8y
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ScorpioBookDreams @Lindy there's more coming in March!! 8y
Lindy @ScorpioBookDreams Yay! Thanks for the good news. 8y
Lindy @ScorpioBookDreams I found news stories online, thanks to you. Disappointing that the story will be rebooted instead of continuing where it left off, but I'm still looking forward to more. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lindy No! Not more loose ends! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lindy What? Rebooted? 8y
Lindy Restarting with a new #1, which means a new story arc. Story here: http://www.newsarama.com/32036-rat-queens-returns-with-new-artist-new-1.html or look for a report on the Comics Alliance website. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lindy Interesting.... well I hope they get the right group together and the new versions are great too. 8y
Lindy Me too. 8y
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Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons | Tamra J Bonvillain
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Personal demons no longer stay hidden in this volume as skeletons in the closet come out to disrupt the queens' fun and adventures....and possibly their friendship?

read_diverse_books I really need to get on Volume 2! 8y
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Rat Queens Vol. 3 | Kurtis J. Wiebe
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#photoadaynov16 #day21 #readinginbed I have spent so much time in bed in the past 19yrs that reading in bed is no longer a luxury, but a necessary part of keeping me sane. I would much rather celebrate the times I'm well enough to read other places, like my library, or in the car or even on very special days, somewhere other than my house. So here's a picture of me about to read Rat Queens Vol2&3 in my library. My happy place. #muchbetterthanbed

RealLifeReading Rat Queens!! Yesss! 8y
AThousandLives87 I love the Rat Queens!!!! 8y
Zelma I have the same books on my current stack! 8y
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