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Der Fledermausmann
Der Fledermausmann: Kriminalroman | Jo Nesboe
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Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I‘m reading through the earlier Nesbø Harry Hole mysteries, and I found this first in the series, fascinating! Set in Sydney, Australia where Norwegian Inspector Hole has been sent to assist with a murder case. Harry us convinced they are dealing with a serial killer. The story is framed around Aboriginal history and traditional stories, which I loved. The killer is stalking those closest to Harry. The ending (sharks!) is wild.

CaitlinR Photo from Sydney Aquarium. 1y
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The Bat | Jo Nesb
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For Day 3 of #TarotTakeover I present my favorite hot mess of a detective Harry Hole. The man is brilliant at solving crimes and some how has managed to not kill him self in the process, although it's not from lack of trying. He is a complete alcoholic, drug addict, he's been shot, stabbed, survived an avalanche, almost drowned twice, consumed human blood, suicidal, homicidal and yet through 12 books still manages to get his man.

AmandaBlaze Does Hunger Games work? 3y
Erinsuereads What a roller coaster! This authors name has always stuck out to me but I've never picked up a book. Maybe this is my sign.... 3y
Erinsuereads @AmandaBlaze hunger games is a great choice. Plenty of strife and tribulation in there! 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Recommended by a friend of my hubs. I heard that this series doesn‘t get good until the 3rd book so I‘m going to keep an open mind. Anyways I love a good detective series (that name Harry Hole though 🤦🏻‍♀️ awful lol)

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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#20in4 #SeriesRead2022 #BookNookBuddies2022 #DoubleSpin (January)

I kept having to “force” this one. Renewed three times (library) & still 274 pages to go before it‘s due at the tomorrow.

I think my main problem with the book was just too much casual dialect in a language I am completely unfamiliar with. I kept having to read into things an re-read things to make sure I understood exactly WTF.

It‘s not worth the overdue fines. Series bail.

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book is just NOT the right fit. And trying to read a book that isn't working for me just bogs down all my reading because I find myself doing other things rather than reading, since reading means picking that book back up!! 3y
MittenGirlPeach This book was a bit of a slog for me too. Other Harry fans told me to start with book 3, as the first two, set outside Norway, are anomalies and not as strong, but I like to read a series in order . . . It picked up halfway through for me, but it was definitely a trudge, even though it was a thumbs up at the end. 3y
DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks 💯right on that. Hence the increase in audiobooks lol. I just wanted so much to like it more😔 3y
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DieAReader @MittenGirlPeach Good to know! I may try book 3 at another time. Thanks! 3y
TheSpineView Bummer! 3y
DieAReader @TheSpineView 🥺For sure I wanted so much to like it too. 3y
TheSpineView @DieAReader I too am struggling with a book that the prose is lacking. The character dialogue just isn't believable. 😏 3y
DieAReader @TheSpineView 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄That just makes the whole thing unbelievable to a certain extent😬 3y
CoverToCoverGirl You absolutely made the right decision! 😬 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl I hate doing it but, I just couldn‘t do it anymore😫 3y
CoverToCoverGirl @DieAReader I feel like I‘m on a DNF train this year, so welcome aboard! Lol 🙂 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl Thanks for holding my seat for me♥️🤣 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesb
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#WeekendReading #BookNookBuddies2022 #SeriesReads2022 #ReadMyRoom

Yup, I think that‘s it for my #WeekendReading plans go.

I need to restart the 🎧 ‘cause I was way too sidetracked by the narrator (Johnny Depp🤤)🤣

Also not shown here is ‘Chicken Soul for the Unsinkable Soul‘ that I‘ve also been reading in daily.

With the exception of ‘The Bat‘ & ‘Life🎧‘ these area all from my physical reading room.

Thanks for the tag @Andrew65 ♥️🥰

Andrew65 A lot of books on the go 🤣 3y
AkashaVampie Awesome hun. Hope u can get it all done. 3y
DieAReader @Andrew65 Still a lot less than usual too🤣🤣🤣 3y
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DieAReader @AkashaVampie Thanks♥️ I think my 🧠is too 🐿ly to finish many but I‘m ok with chipping away at them all & seeing where that takes me🤓😁 3y
AkashaVampie @DieAReader haha totally understand. Even if u read for like 10 or 15 mins a day, it's better than nothing. 3y
ElizaMarie Ooo yay! Way to work on tackling your physical TBR #ReadMyRoom 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesb
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#DoubleSpin #SeriesRead2022 #BookNookBuddies2022

New year, new series & author. This is also a complete #BlameItOnLitsy

That‘s all besides the point, I love starting something new just before bed. When the 🏠is quiet & there are no🤞🏻interruptions.🤣I tell the😼that that‘s mommy time & that I‘ll come say goodnight before going to bed🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤫🤓

Andrew65 Be interested to see what you think of this one., still trying to decide whether I continue in the series. (edited) 3y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks Can't beat that starting-a-new-book feeling!!! 3y
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DieAReader @Andrew65 I‘ll keep you updated my friend🤓😏 3y
Andrew65 @DieAReader I read it a lot of years ago. 3y
CoverToCoverGirl Gotta love the #BlameItOnLitsy reads, right? 😁 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl Absolutely! No complaints so far♥️🤓 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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#BookSpin #DoubleSpin #20in4 #BookNookBuddies2022

Late catch up tonight & so I apologize for the spam😬🙃

DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks My #DoubleSpin should have been this one (#1 as opposed to #7 in a new series🤦🏻‍♀️) Now I just gotta wait for it from the library lol 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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So, this is definitely a pick, but not a five star pick. Maybe 3.5. I saw advice to start with book no. 3 in the series, but I owned this already, and it‘s been on my shelves for years . . . I also dislike reading a series out of order, so what the hell. The mystery was a slow burn that went in all directions, though when Harry hits the bottle again things pick up. The end had a lot of sadness for me too. ⬇️

MittenGirlPeach Still, I‘ve got the next two on library hold, so thumbs up it is! 3y
MittenGirlPeach The pic was taken yesterday morning; we had a lot of fog. The leaves are slowly turning, but there was lots of wind and rain today, so this is as good as it will get I suspect. 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I've liked what few books I've read in this series. I preferred the one I read set in Norway, but this was interesting too. Harry goes to Australia to help with a murder investigation of a Norway citizen. So while being a murder mystery, it is also a fish out of water story as Harry learns to navigate around Australian customs and scenery.

This series has lots of promise and I will continue reading it.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome photo 💛 3y
Biohaz74 I enjoyed this one as well I‘m making my way through the series 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesb
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I am looking for recommendations for good crime mystery novels, please. I liked the one tagged, but am open to all good mysteries. The one thing I absolutely cannot handle is animal cruelty, so please suggest books without that.

SamAnne I‘m listening to Every Last Fear right now and enjoying it. And if you find A good one let me know. I‘ve been wanting to read Jo Nesbo. 3y
SamAnne One I liked this year in the Nordic noir genre. You are welcome to borrow it. I found it on a list in the NYT on the best recommendations on Nordic Noir authors. 3y
LitStephanie Thanks @SamAnne ! I would like to borrow it. 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo

Harry Hole, Norweigian detective, goes to Australia to help solve the murder of a Norweigian woman. He stumbles through cultural confusion, becomes aquainted with dealers, users, prostitutes, boxers, and drag queens; learns a bit about Aborigine history, and even has time for a passionate fling. Good story, with plenty of genuinely funny bits to break up the suspense and drama. I will read more in this series.

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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Although this book is set in Australia so I am not learning that much about Norway, I think it is telling how the Norwegian detective is so clueless about race relations and keeps putting his foot in his mouth. 😝 #foodandlit

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I am really enjoying this Norwegian detective novel, which is surprising since I only picked it as it was about the only Norweigain authored book immediately available through my library's e-book collection after I procrastinated until May 3. It is funny and has a good story! In this scene, our detective is about to get his ass kicked. 🤣 #foodandlit

TheBookHippie 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 3y
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Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I asked my husband to take photos of his Norwegian books in case you are needing suggestions for books for #Norway #foodandlit @Butterfinger @Catsandbooks @AnneCecilie More to come, both English language and in Norwegian.

mcctrish My dad loved Jo Nesbo and I need to read one sooner than later 3y
Texreader @mcctrish I haven‘t read any yet. Not sure I‘m ready 3y
mcctrish 😬😳 3y
LitStephanie I am reading The Bat, yay! So glad someone else approves it. I love it so far. 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I was pretty excited for this book after reading the Snowman which I could not put down. I had been advised to start with book 3 as the first two books were suggested to be rather blah, but who am I to listen to good advice? This book is indeed blah. There are some super cool Aboriginal myths that play into the stoy but the story goes all over and that makes it not fun.
I will be skipping book 2 and moving onto book three 😁

MySharonaK Feel free to skip some of them. I have to admit that the two I liked most are The Snowman and The Knife (which I think is the newest one unless I‘m out of the loop) 3y
Buchbeeg That's good to know. If the next one doesn't pull me in, maybe I'll move on to the next! 3y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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This was the last book I finished in 2020, right around midnight 🕛✨ and it‘s the first in the Jo Nesbo Harry Hole novels. It was a page turner so I‘ll definitely be continuing the series.

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I didn‘t find the backstory/personal interest story all that interesting. I do know I‘m not as much a fan of noir mysteries. Also not always a fan of police procedurals. It had a bit of that feeling to it (of both). I‘m calling this one “ok”. It did pick up at the very end, but somehow I think I missed an important tie-up. If I didn‘t miss it, then something went very wrong. I don‘t think I‘ll be continuing the series

The Bat | Jo Nesbo

First translated book in the series. Harry Hole in Sydney. Not my favorite.

The Bat | Jo Nesbo

This was a new author for me. I read him because someone I follow on Instagram raved about him. I would have bailed on this book but since I bought it I was determined to finish! 😆 Has anyone read anything else by Nesbo? Does it get better?

DimeryRene I didn‘t love The Snowman. I read it when the movie preview got me interested. Didn‘t live up to the hype. Movie wasn‘t amazing either. 4y
Susanita TBH I didn't love this either. Interesting fish-out-of-water trope, but the story was weird and convoluted. 4y
Miss_Gilmore @Susanita The story was really weird! 4y
Miss_Gilmore @DimeryRene That‘s good to know! I was going to read The Snowman to see if that was better but now I think I am just going to move on from this author. 4y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Started a new author who I have heard good things about. Here we go! 🤓

Cortg I haven‘t read Nesbo yet, but I have this book to try on my bookshelf 😀 (edited) 4y
Godpants I tried and just couldn‘t handle the casual racism. 4y
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Bat. Jo Nesb | Jo Nesbo
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New reading!
I'm not sure about this choice... but maybe it will surprise me!

#jonesbo #thebat #police #crime

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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My only audible read for July....kind of a slow month for me I guess. Check out my thoughts here...


The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Been meaning to read this series for about 20 years now. I guess there‘s no time like the present! The good thing is that if I enjoy the book I have a lot more to look forward to! I think I‘ve started about 15 new series this year 😅😂

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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My first ever Jo Nesbo book 😍. I was recommended to start with the Harry Hole series to begin with 📖🐛

Yoricke_SouthAfrica One of my favourite authors. 😊 4y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I was really interested to read this since it was referenced a lot in The Snowman. Harry Hole‘s first novel, and he‘s in Australia hunting a serial killer. This book has everything: clowns, prostitutes, skydiving, drugs, guillotines, questionable life choices, drinking, boxing, and even sharks! At this point you‘re either intrigued or severely confused - honestly, so am I. But I did like this book. 7/15 #Jumpstart2020

Lizpixie Sounds like a normal day in Australia!🤣 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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#nordic completed #jennyis30

4 🌟 and I will probably continue the series.

Also Brigitte & Harry made a cute #happycouple #newyearnewyou @Eggs

First book for #murder2020 @Tove_Reads . I'm not going to pledge an amount of books, just going to see where the challenge takes me.

Eggs Double play ❤️📚🤗 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Any Scandinavian crime novel recommendations? This isn‘t doing it for me - I usually love this genre but the language in this one (esp. regarding race) was jarring and not kind in my 2020 eyes.

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Definite #januarytbr although I'll probably read more. #newyearnewyou @Eggs

Eggs 💗Atkinson 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Thanksgiving leftovers and a bestselling mystery author, what could be better?

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Up next...

1959 starring Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead and Gavin Gordon

Fun fact, for those of you who don't know, Agnes Moorehead is the lady who played Samantha's mother on the original Bewitched TV show.

2pts for #TeamStoker

IamIamIam I absolutely loved this!!! Agnes Moorehead is perfect! Thanks for the reminder... I'll have to pull it out and show the kids. 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I enjoyed this book and its pacing immensely until the ending. I was engaged in the search for the murderer and kept turning the pages. However, I have a huge problem with the characters who are not white, straight males being the only characters demonized. I will elaborate on this in a spoiler comment for those who have read the novel. Can anyone tell me if the other novels do this same thing? If so, I am not interested in continuing the series.

wellreadredhead With the reveal of the death of a possibly transgender character plus two characters of color, I can‘t say that I felt comfortable with these reveals. The killer‘s monologue about his revenge against white women was not uncomfortable for its concept, but rather because a white man wrote this of a character of color. Is this what Nesbo sees Aboriginal men as? It was just straight up uncomfortable and the only main characters to be murdered or the 5y
wellreadredhead “bad guy” were people on the outskirts of white straight male. How did you guys feel about this? Am I overreacting or was this uncomfortable for others too? (edited) 5y
wellreadredhead I want to continue the series as I felt the pacing and writing was engaging, but I need to know that the rest of the books don‘t have that racist undertone. 5y
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wellreadredhead @Reggie I was curious as to your opinions on the book since you commented on my other post. You can see how I felt about the ending. What did you think? And have you read more of the series? 5y
Mandoul Thanks for the review! This one is on my list, so its good to know what you thought, including how characters were portrayed. 5y
Reggie The racist thing switches over to what feels like heavy sexism. There is a later book where he has a woman that commits suicide in a way that makes it look like any of the three men she loved could have done it just to get back at them. Like really? I will say this. The 3rd in the series is the best. And it was voted the best mystery of all time in his country. I say read that one and decide how you feel. I‘ve only read up to the Snowman. 5y
wellreadredhead @Reggie Thanks for the information! I will definitely take your advice. I enjoyed the hunt for the killer, but the racism in the end was just terrible. I will try out the 2nd and 3rd for sure then. I‘m one of those people who has to read them in order! 5y
Reggie Also yes to the racism in here. He has a POC be the bad guy which is so cliche and then to go over the top and have him be eaten by a great “white”shark it was so bad it was funny. In interviews he does say that he‘s embarrassed of the first 2 in this series. They weren‘t even published in English until much later than the rest of the series. 5y
wellreadredhead @Reggie That‘s at least some consolation. It was also blatantly racist to have the POC cop character murdered and wow, turns out he was a heavy heroin addict 🙄 5y
Leftcoastzen That was my problem with it too .And I tend to read in order so .. 2nd one too? (edited) 5y
CarolynM If you want a more authentic murder mystery with an Australian Aboriginal protagonist you might try 5y
wellreadredhead @CarolynM Thanks for the rec! I‘ll definitely have to check that one out 5y
Reggie Just FYI I sent you the next 2 books for group Z today. 5y
wellreadredhead @Reggie Sounds perfect!! 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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My #currentlyreading stack is starting to get a little out of hand...

DGRachel I‘ve read and loved three of the four. Great stack! 5y
teainthelibrary I have that same problem 😬 5y
Reggie I‘m interested to hear what you think about The Bat. 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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It started out okay but quickly devolved. The characters were flat, hard to connect with, and unlikable. It kept building up to a moment and then changing scenes without really finishing. It was needlessly long and complicated. I just wanted it to end.

#BookishBingo & #ISpy: Translated

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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I have read a few of his later books so it‘s fun to see where it all started for Jo Nesbø and his Oslo Crime Inspector, Harry. BTW, if you‘ve never googled Jo Nesbø —he‘s a father, rock climber, bestselling author of crime thrillers and children‘s books, is lead vocal and guitar in a rock band, a former economist and reporter. Oh, he‘s also handsome as a movie star. ?

AnneCecilie You forgot that he was a pretty good soccer player too 😉 He was forced to retire at a young age because of injuries. So who knows what would have happened if his knees hadn‘t failed him? 6y
rachelk @AnneCecilie Oh my gosh, of course he was! He‘s unreal! 😂 (edited) 6y
rachelk The Most Interesting Man in the World wishes he was Nesbø 5y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Reading Jo Nesbø‘s 1st book after reading two others in the series, it is obvious how much he grew as a writer after this one. I was on the fence as to how to rate this, but I liked the Australian setting, and the Harry Hole backstory. It was also definitely more gory than Redbreast and Nemesis.

AmyG Hanukkah is coming! 6y
SkeletonKey Is it better to read them in order? It‘s tough when the first book isn‘t so good, but I keep seeing these at the library and would like to try them. 6y
alisiakae @skeletonkey I almost never read a series out of order, but I saw numerous recommendations to start with the 3rd book, so I did. I read the 3rd and 4th, and now I‘m reading the 1st and 2nd. I‘m glad I didn‘t start with this one. 6y
alisiakae @AmyG It is!!! 🕎✡️ 6y
SkeletonKey Thanks! 6y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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#gratitude30 Day 27: #luxury

I finally have an empty house. The last of the house guests left this morning. That feels so luxurious right now! 🥰

tracey38 Nice! Enjoy the peace and quiet. 6y
Bklover Enjoy! 6y
AmyG I know how that feels. Enjoy every minute! 6y
bookcollecter I'm writing a book on the number #37 and I was taken a back that you are on chap 37 😀 6y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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✔️ Maya‘s room painted ahead of her birthday
✔️ Laundry done
✔️ The Yule Tree and Chanukah decorations are mostly up
✔️Visiting house guests are out of the house

It‘s reading time!! 🎉📚🙌🏽🍷

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Harry Hole and his Australian counterpart are talking about Fraser Island, one of my favorite islands in the whole world!!

This chapter is making me nostalgic for the years I lived in Brisbane.

riversong153 Can‘t wait too see your review. I have this but haven‘t read it yet. 6y
alisiakae @riversong153 It‘s okay so far. I can tell it‘s his first book, and it definitely isn‘t as strong as 6y
alisiakae @riversong153 Also TW for rape and assault. I love the Australian setting, but that‘s about it so far. 6y
riversong153 Thanks! 6y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Apparently, this has become the “hide from houseguests” spot. 😂😂😂 There is also a 10 year old out of the picture but just to my right.

Finished most of my Thanksgiving prep, and taking some me time! #catsoflitsy

jenreads7 You deserve it! Hide (and read) away! 6y
CatLass007 😻😻😻😻😻 6y
CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 6y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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So I finished this last night, and ended up thinking it was okay, good but not great. It started out strong but got convoluted and felt a little long. I liked The Snowman a lot more.

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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This one has been on my shelf for a while. I hope that it lives up to the hype. I do love a good Scandinavian noir!

Reggie This one was bad. Start with the 3rd one. 6y
cajunsyd @Reggie thanks for the advice! I have already started but I will definitely compare it to the third book when I get there! 6y
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The Bat | Jo Nesbo

An exhilirating read that keeps you interested wuth its' twists and turns

The Bat | Jo Nesbo
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Unexpected book mail on a rough Monday make the day so much better! Thanks so very much @Alfoster It arrived at the perfect time! ❤️ #jb

Alfoster Oh good! Sorry you‘re having a rough day😫. Glad I could cheer you a little!👏👏👏 6y
JoScho @Alfoster you really did 😊❤️ 6y
Trashcanman How did you and your community and fur babies fair from the storm? How's your mother? 😊💗 6y
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JoScho @Trashcanman we got really lucky here. We never even lost power. My parents evacuated and got back home yesterday. Mom is good! Thanks for asking George ❤️ 6y
Trashcanman @JoScho that's great to hear, wish her and your pops the best. And you too lol. Hope tomorrow is kinder. 6y
JoScho @Trashcanman thank you George! ❤️ 6y
Alfoster Glad everything is better! Yay! 6y
JoScho @Alfoster 😘❤️ 6y
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