#BookScavengerHunt #Skin
= 16 points
#BookScavengerHunt #Skin
= 16 points
The first book finished in September. It was good, but ... I feel like it kinda fell apart at the end. So, I am going to go with “so-so“ for this one. This was the second book I put on my #TBR when I joined Litsy 2018!
My little old lady, Zoey
Downloaded this one ( #LibbyLoan ). I have stuff to do today before work tomorrow so—- needed another #AudioChore book 📖🎧
🎧 pack lunch for 2 days
🎧 put laundry away
🎧 take practice quiz for school
🎧 change purse
A few more things I‘ve gotten at dollar tree lately. Books and a couple dvds.
Also Leo snuck into this photo 🖤
Has anyone read any of these or maybe wants to do a buddy read with any?
#books #dollartree #dollartreehaul #newbooks #fiction #adultfiction #nonfiction #youngadult #ya #dvd #dvds #dollartreefinds #cat #catsoflitsy #cats #haul
Dystopic logical conclusion of our culture‘s mania for health and well-being. The details of Heng‘s writing are a delight —almost makes you feel guilty to gobble the book whole by her theme‘s ethic!
New start tonight! I've read some very mixed reviews on this book, so let's dive in and see shall we? Xx
#SoaringScores #HowIWouldDie This was a dystopian novel, set in futuristic NY where people are able to achieve “lifer” status; meaning you can live forever if you commit to a strict program of food, & vitality maintenance and enhancements. But what happens when you no longer wish to stay alive? Is there a way out???? The premise was excellent but for me, the execution was terrible. Beautiful cover, disappointing story.
The premise here was interesting, but its narrative was very much slice-of-life, which isn't my favorite narrative style, and very slow-paced. I consider it #genrebusting because it was literary slice-of-life and dystopian science fiction. #Booked2019 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
“Sometimes it scared her that so much was lost, but she knew it was normal, that most people she knew forgot most of their lives, too.” - when you live forever in this future society, your childhood memories are the only ones that really remain. 😲
This is how I feel after a 16 hr day in corporate and all I want to do is read this awesome book about a future where no one dies and everyone can buy youth, immortality and beauty. Except there‘s (of course) those individuals who want to die... hence the name.
I couldn‘t really get a grasp on this story. It felt like there was a misunderstanding between the concept of health and the wellness industry. I didn‘t finish the book, maybe it clarified what it was trying to say later, but it FELT like a slap in the face to someone who frequently does unpleasant and painful things to stay alive.
Another fabulous pick from Boom Riot‘s TBR. This falls into the dystopian genre, but ponders the question are we meant to live forever, which is what the characters are doing. The writing was beautiful and engaging. I can‘t wait to read more from this author.
First official book of 2019. This is third and final selection of Book Riot‘s TBR. The other two were brilliant so looking forward to this one. As a side note I have decided not to do the Goodreads Reading Challenge this year. This year is about quality and not quantity. Happy New Year everyone!
We had time to kill before piano class so we made an attempt at #bookface or I guess more specifically, bookarm
Yesterday‘s lunch and book. Fish porridge with peas. Spicy anchovies. Book.
Wow! What a good book! This concept could have gone really wrong and been very cheesy, but the author did an amazing job exploring what lies at the extreme end of society's seeming desire for neverending youth, health, and immortality. Very quick read. #scifi #theatlanticrecommends
I approached this with trepidation having read my fellow Littens reviews which largely described it as overwhelmingly meh.
Shoulda known I'd love it!
The characters were intriguing & interesting, had depth & complexity, and they grew and developed satisfyingly. I found the relationships between Anya & her mother and Lea & her father to be touching & poignant and, for me, this was what the book was about. And I loved the ending!
This book was completely underwhelming for me. The premise was intriguing but the pacing and characters were lacking. Lea, our main character, was utterly bland even with her inner murderous streak and in my opinion we never learned enough about the other Suicide Club members. Points for the concept and the overall worldbuilding but I just wish there had been more to it.
Heng's debut is a premonition of what's to become of our current obssession with living long lives. Life, death, love and sacrifice are examined in a futuristic setting, reminding us that human emotion last longer than the body ever will.
Kind of strange but also kind of prophetic. A novel of the future about what happens when the desire for immortality take over the right to live a real life.
This speculative fiction novel has a fascinating premise and a fast pace, making it perfectly engaging and readable, though its execution never quite reaches full potential. The characters aren‘t entirely convincing and it really could have benefited from a more nuanced examination of such an interesting futuristic society. I didn‘t dislike it, but overall I wish there were more depth.
I'm in that weird space where I've started a bunch of books and haven't been able to focus on one in particular. This book has been on my library's New Books display for a while and the premise seemed intriguing. After a few days of eyeing the cover, I finally checked it out. So far it's pretty compelling! #books #amreading
The nearly disaffected tone & technology obsession of Touch with the classist overtones as The Thousandth Floor, mix here into a world where population & fertility are low but the chosen live 150+ years. On the outskirts of the cities jam-packed with wealthy & regimented lifers, are the uncared for sub-100‘s: poor souls whose lottery numbers assigned at birth are too low to warrant the extreme measures & replacements promised to the lifers.
If you could live forever, would you?
Heng raises some interesting questions about life, death, immortality and what it means to be human in this thrilling dystopian read.
#bookreview #bookreviewer #bookblogger #suicideclub #dystopianreads #bookworm #booklover
Dog park reading because my dog won‘t leave me alone. 😂
First to request this at the library. Woop woop! Also, I normally drink black coffee, but this vanilla bean coconut milk latte is so good. #litsyloveslibraries
I finally caved and bought a book cart! My house is this much closer to becoming a library 😉
I‘m so underwhelmed after reading this book 🤦🏻♀️ I wanted to know if it‘s just me, so I looked through ratings and it appears a lot of readers feel disappointed. I don‘t think it‘s the author‘s fault, because once expectations are removed this looks like a great speculative fiction novel. But it‘s being marketed as an conflict-driven dystopia (based on the blurbs), and I think that‘s where the problem lies. 🤷🏻♀️
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Interesting concept and very well written, but the pacing felt too slow for me - read if you liked Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro or Only Ever Yours by Louise O‘Neill - full review https://sixminutesforme.com/2018/07/07/suicide-club-by-rachel-heng/
Currently reading this book! I‘m almost 60% in and a tiny bit confused but I have a feeling the ending will help things make sense. Regardless, this is proving to be a great read!
This is a genre-bending dystopian novel set in the near future where longevity can be guaranteed through healthy living and injections of synthetic blood and skin that heals instantly. But it‘s so much more: it deals with right to life issues, euthanasia, and basic humanity in a society that values perfection. Out in July, I think this one will be a summer blockbuster!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!
Interesting premise as set forth in the blurb. But, like a movie whose best bits are shown in the previews, the book didn‘t really have more to offer than the idea. The plot was unsatisfying to me and didn‘t really create much tension or anticipation. #netgalley
Awesome cover, tho 😉
This book was very difficult to read and to follow. I had a very hard time getting into the story as well. The author basically makes it into AA for people who don't want to live forever. I found the protagonist very boring and an interesting as well as most of the other characters. To say the least I would not recommend this book.
Starting the title on the left today and I got more approvals from #Netgalley . I should stop sending out requests because I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed.
I am all about the floral covers of these upcoming books. I‘ve been looking at them and clicking my heels and saying, “There‘s no place like spring, there‘s no place like spring.” (Good thing I proofread this before I posted it, because it said “licking my heels.”😂)🌷🌸🌿🌻🌺🌼
Philosophical speculative fiction is something that can reveal hidden parts of the human condition. It is also something that can be quite horrible. I‘m hoping for the first category with this one. Out 10th July this year.
I have a feeling this is one of those books which I did not enjoy, but will be recommended all over the place. I could not get into this one though. The pacing was incredibly slow and not much happens. While the book opens with a suicide, it takes more than half the book to come to the meaning of the act. I did enjoy the dad‘s rejection of the society, but it just wasn‘t enough for me. I am giving it a so-so, but on an almost pan
I totally fell for the gorgeous cover, but this book was such a disappointment😫Another ARC that stole hours of my week...set in the near future Lea is a “lifer.” A human who has kept her body clean, no meat,preservatives or alcohol & she endures weekly medical maintenance allowing her to live past 100 but appear in mid thirties. Until a chance encounter throws her perfect life off course leaving her to reevaluate her lifestyle 👎🏼
So last night as my guys watched the super bowl( woohoo, EAGLES 🦅💚🏈) I scanned #NetGalley for new titles...this stunning novel caught my eye and I just got approved (woohoo, ME 😊) It's a dystopian tale, set in futuristic NY where some humans are gifted with immortality but what if you no longer wish to live?!? Sounds intriguing😉