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Fitness Tracker
Fitness Tracker: (6 X 9) Exercise Journal, 90 Pages, Smooth Durable Matte Cover | Workout Workout Log, Fitness Fitness Journal
305 posts | 3 to read
Keep track of your goals, meals, and weight. This workout log includes a motivation section to help you achieve your goals and stay positive with each day.
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Did well on my exercise/weight goals were great but reading not so much.
Lost 5 lbs (down 11 now!), exercise bike 21/30 days, walk 6500 steps 26/30 days, and read 2/5 books (life got busy but summer vacation is here! 🎉🎉)
For July: lose 3 more lbs, exercise bike 20/31 days, walk 7000 steps 25/31 days and read 5 books.
#bfc2022 @wanderinglynn

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#bfc2022 check in @wanderinglynn my number 1 support is still my #bfc group with @Mitch @MicrobeMom @Blaire @ElizaMarie @Crazeedi so does that make Litsy my fitness app? I also still LOVE the Balance app and recently began using Fitbit- switching from whoop. I love all the resources shared on Lynn‘s post too. Oh and audiobooks when walking.

Crazeedi It sure does!! A great 'fitness app' to my mind!!😘 2y
Mitch Agreed - love our group is a trending app! 2y
MicrobeMom Yay! Totally agree you are all the best support system and Litsy is one my fitness apps! ♥️♥️ 2y
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Vacation has shown me that I am quite literally making my digestive issues worse bc of stress. So I want to manage that.
2 physical books- not counting audio
Daily mediation and or breathing
Daily yoga- even 10 mins

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April update!

Walk 6000 steps 4x a week - met
Exercise 3 x a week - met
Read 6 books - met
Lose 5lbs - def NOT met lol

May goals:
Walk 7000 steps 4 x a week
Exercise 3x a week
Read 7 books
Lose 5 lbs.

@wanderinglynn #bfc2022

BookBabe 😄🙌🏻 2y
wanderinglynn Awesome! Way to go! 🙌🏻 2y
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Posted my March update when we did the rummage sale- it wasn‘t great. Recalibrating this month:
1. Read/audio every day 20 mins
2. Yoga and mediation 3x week
3. Hard workout 1xweek

Not hitting these yet but not totally missing them either. #workinprogress #bfc

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 Just keep making progress! 2y
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So my update for March is so-so
1. Walked 25/31 days 😀
2. Exercised 23/31 days 😀
3. Read 3/7 books - so busy this month!
4. Didn‘t lose any weight but didn‘t gain - again being busy and eating out so much!

For April -Keeping walking and weight goals and increasing exercise to 4x a week and cutting down the books to 5 this month since it‘s another busy month!
#bfc2022 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Keep making great progress on your goals! 3y
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For some reason the picture is huge!
But for Feb I met my exercise and walking goals but not my book goals (only 4 out of 7). Was super busy and too addicted to my tv shows! I also wanted to lose 5 pounds but vacations and bday parties derailed that. So leaving my goals the same for March.
Walk 6000 steps 5 days a week
Exercise bike for 15 min 3x a week
Read 7 books
Lose 5 lbs #bfc2022 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Keep up the great progress! 🎉 3y
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So I did pretty well on this month
1. Exercised 3x a week and met that every week 😀
2. Walk 5000 steps a day - 27/31 days 😀
3. Read 5 books - and I read 6! 😀

For Feb I think I‘m going to up my number of steps each day and hope to lose 5 pounds
#bfc2022 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻💜 Keep up the great progress! 3y
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These are my results for #BFC21. I‘ll be participating in #BFC2022 as well but haven‘t settled on goals yet. I will post those later. I‘m pretty proud of myself for these results — especially given how crazy and difficult my last few months have been.

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
wanderinglynn Awesome! Way to go! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 3y
Reggie Wow! Great job, Kathy! And Happy New Year! 3y
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Reggie Also, here‘s to more unlikable characters while you listen while you walk. 😜 3y
bnp Congratulations Kathy!🥳🎉 3y
KathyWheeler @Reggie 😄 Happy New Year to you too! 3y
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1. Use my exercise bike at least 3 times a week
2. Read minimum of 5 books per month
3. Try to walk 5000 steps per day
#bfc2022 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻👏🏻 3y
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I have lost 6 lbs. since August 4th on the diet I‘m on. I‘ve been following it pretty well. I hadn‘t been able to lose anything before I started this. I am still trying to make a walking habit, but I have done okay this month. Reading is going really well. Perhaps I should add some self-care this month. I‘ve never had a pedicure. Hmmm… I have to take my shoes off to weigh-in each week. It might be nice to have pretty feet! LOL Good luck everyone!

wanderinglynn I love getting a pedicure. So I say go for it! And way to go! 🙌🏻 Keep up the great progress. 3y
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June and July threw me off my game again, but here we go:
📖 6 books
🏋‍♀️ Start and follow my new workout schedule 6 days a week
Wish me luck!
@wanderinglynn #BFC21

wanderinglynn Great goals. You got this! 🙌🏻 3y
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Okay, here I go again. I am planning to walk whatever distance every day. Looks like I am going to walk around inside the house today after hubby goes to bed. LOL Also, I am gradually going low-carb. I‘ve been doing it for 2 weeks so far. #Self-careSunday seems like a good hashtag. Reading? Going for 10 books.

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 3y
Allylu @wanderinglynn Thanks. I actually did walk around the house last night so I could get my walk in and already walked this morning. I hope it helps. I seem to be gaining weight not losing it. Ugh! 3y
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#BFC2021 @wanderinglynn surpassed my goal of 30,000 steps this week. Daily average of 2.5 miles. Not a lot, but I am dreadfully out of shape. Kept up my water too.

#FoodandLit @Texreader @Catsandbooks I love seeing the wooden houses of Røros.

Catsandbooks Hey would you mind not tagging me in any of the fitness or diet culture posts? Ik there's food and lit info there too, but I'm in recovery from an eating disorder and that stuff is very triggering for me. Thanks so much! ❤️ 3y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 3y
Texreader Keep up the good work!! 3y
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Sorry, I‘m behind posting this. I‘m continuing to do great with reading - I read all 25 of the books on my TBR last month! I‘m struggling with my weight loss though. I walk 30 minutes nearly every day, but tracking my calories isn‘t going well so I have to work on that. Also, drinking enough water. I‘m trying to do some self-care every week thanks to @ElizaMarie . So, calories, water and self-care. Let‘s see what happens.

Allylu Calories - check; water - check; walk - check; self-care - I get the evening to myself because my hubby goes to visit his Mom on Wednesdays - so check! 😊 3y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 3y
ElizaMarie Sounds so so great! Good luck with all of this! 3y
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So I started most days by tracking my breakfast... and then forgot to track the rest of the day. I didn't hit my book goal or spiritual goal either. It's been hard.
I'm never down and out though, so here's March!
🍀Track at least 2 meals daily!
🍀6 Books
#BFC21 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Tracking one meal is better than tracking none! (I too always forget to log food. 😉) You‘ve made a good start and your March goals will build on that. 👍🏻🙌🏻 4y
jmtrivera @wanderinglynn Glad to know I'm not the only one! 4y
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I‘m just now getting around to posting my January #BFC21 results. Some goals I did really great on; others, not so much. However, I am enjoying myself and will probably post my February goals tomorrow.

wanderinglynn It all looks good to me! 🙌🏻 Great job! 🎉 4y
Julsmarshall Well done! 4y
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I‘m doing well with water, food prep and reading. Adding fitness and self care this month.

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 And great goals for February! 4y
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Never got up to 5 walks in Jan. but I did start doing some other fitness in addition, so decent start.
For Feb. I want to work on food tracking, so I'll see if I can do that for 21 days this month. Also going to try to set aside quiet time for mental & spiritual health, but not sure what that will look like yet.
Sticking to 8 books, b/c while I surpassed that in Jan., it was a struggle at first & I'm working again now.
#BFC21 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 And great goals for February! 4y
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January Check-in Goal 1 - Read 2 books/week 4/4
Goal 2 - Replace 1 coke with water once a day 21/31 - The last week, I lost my mindfulness.

February Goals:
Goal 1 - 2 books/week
Goal 2 - 32 oz of water/daily
Goal 3 - Walking 20 minutes during Recess

#BFC21 @wanderinglynn

Trashcanman 👁👁 4y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Great profess in January. And good goals for Feb! 👍🏻 4y
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Had a decent month for January
Keeping my goals:
Read 7 books this month
Walk 10 miles per week
Ride the exercise bike at least 4 times a week

And I really want to stick to no more than 2 small bites of junk food per day (I.e. one cookie, small handful of chips because that‘s my downfall) and I don‘t think I can cut it out completely.

#bfc21 @Wandering

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 4y
KathyWheeler I like not denying yourself the things you love. I‘m that person who really can eat only one potato chip, but cookies are a totally different matter. 😄 4y
BookishBelle I hear you about the junk food! It is mainly sweets for me. I‘ve had to limit myself to three sweets days a week. Thankfully, my husband is on board too because it‘s so hard! 4y
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Alright, first month is done! January was pretty successful. I logged my food intake so I could more accurately try to lose that pesky post baby weight. I mostly got 8k steps, but I‘m still having trouble getting them without walking in circles before bed. Most successful was my faith based book reading. So February I‘m going to continue these goals to Improve there. Plus get ahead in my lesson plans.

wanderinglynn Great gob! 🙌🏻 And good goals for Feb 👍🏻 4y
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#BFC21 Goals for February:
1) Pack lunch for work 3/5 days a week at least (I'm terrible at remembering to do this so we shall see 😂😂😂😂)
2) Finish at least 4 Fitbit personal challenges to get more steps in!!!
3)Read 5 days a week (let's try this one again 😉)


wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 4y
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#BFC21 January check in
Well.... I see areas I can still improve lol
1) drink more water- going good, can still use more at work but I am making a conscious effort at least!
2) Read 5 days a week-I'm just not reading very much right now...Maybe now that I have my book cases up it will spur that on!!
3)Steps goal-needs work, but I knew with the new job I would, so that's OK.

Overall, not great but I know what to work on 😊 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 You‘re making good progress. 4y
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I killed my January reading goal - I have read 11 books, 6 over my goal. I did terrible on the walking though. I need to lose weight. February goals: 1. Read 8 books (trying to read 100 for the year) 2. Walk/workout 5 days a week 3. Drink 64 oz. water/day 4. NO COOKIES

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 You got this! 🎉 4y
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1. Read 5/4 books for the month! Woot!
2. Worked out 30 mins everyday. Goal was for 5 days per week.
3. Stretching was not as easy for me to obtain as I thought. Work and life have left less time for me to commit to as much workout stuff as I would like. Will reset to 3 days per week!
4. Only one week left of my 30 days to healthy living plan. I‘ve stayed pretty strict with it and seen great results! Sleeping better and have more energy!

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Great job! 4y
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Had a pretty good week

Walked 9 out of 10 miles
Biked 3.5 miles 5 out of 4 days
Ate 2 or less things of junk food 4 out of 7 days (need to work on my junk food intake but getting there!

And for the month read 9 out of 7 books
For now Im keeping the same goals for rest of January and into February.

#bfc21 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Great job! 4y
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📚 I‘ve read 10 books so far this month and should be able to get 2 more read.
🏃‍♀️ I‘ve been able to get 3 workouts a week done and at least 3 walks each week.

I have had a lot of pop (soda) this week and that needs to change. Other than that I‘m pretty happy with how the goals are going so far.
#bfc21 @wanderinglynn

Gissy I just finished my 10th book too. I wish I could read faster. Every time I organize my books, I change my mind in what to read and committing myself that I will read more, no because it is a pressure, but because I want to read all the amazing books at once🤣 4y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Great job! 4y
kspenmoll Wonderful reading!!!!! 4y
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AmyK1 @Gissy lol I think we all have that problem-wanting to read ALL the books! 4y
AmyK1 @wanderinglynn thank you! 4y
AmyK1 @kspenmoll thanks! 4y
Crazeedi Great job Amy!!👏👏 4y
AmyK1 @Crazeedi thank you 😊 4y
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Well, I have read 8 books so far this January - my goal was 5, so that‘s good. I plan on finishing at least 2 more before month‘s end. As far as fitness goes, I am doing better, but not getting out every day because there‘s ice and I don‘t want to fall. I have walked in the house a few times. I will continue to try to re-form this habit. Also, I am trying to drink 64 oz. of water every day - and no cookies! I‘m in for February! 😊#BFC21

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 walk only when you can & definitely stay safe. 4y
Allylu Thank you. I really appreciate your support. 😊 4y
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A little late checking in. I didn‘t meet all my goals but I think I did well anyway. Goal was to walk a mile a day, which I didn‘t do, but I did walk 5 days and some of those days were 2 and 3 miles, so total mileage was 10.54. I did yoga every day, and meditated 2 days. I finished 7 books so I should adjust that goal. I didn‘t swim, lift weights, or do that well with my nutrition goal, but I‘ll address those next week. #BFC21

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 sometimes it‘s best to start off with one goal and add to it later. I think you‘re making great progress! 🎉 4y
KathyWheeler @wanderinglynn 👍🏼 I have this tendency to set overly ambitious goals. I‘m just now learning to accept that and be comfortable with scaling back when I need to. 😊 4y
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Week 1 #BFC21 update (Jan 1-7):

Books: I finished 5 books
- 1 #netgalleyarc (review coming soon)
- 3 for #authoramonth
- 0 books from my physical TBR shelves

- Preparing for Orthodox Christmas prevented me from doing my daily walks/exercise for a few days. I didn‘t get 8000 steps each day but I still averaged 8192 steps/day for the 7 days.
- No runs or workouts for Week 1

Looking forward to a more active and balanced week ahead🤞

wanderinglynn Great start! 🎉🙌🏻 4y
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I‘m gonna try this again.

1. 7 books this month

2. 5,000 steps a day (will be changed as soon as I can walk again), 6 hours of sleep a night according to my fitness tracker. Do treatment plan for OCD and tics.

@wanderinglynn #BFC21

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🎉 And Team BFC21 will be here to cheer you on. 4y
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This is a brilliant way to get the support to meet your goals - thanks so so much Lynn for spurring is all on!


wanderinglynn Thanks for sharing! ❤️ 4y
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#BFCr4 #bookfitnesschallenge

Books - 19/15
Workouts - 2/4

Thanks to the wonderful @wanderinglynn for another successful round! 👏🏻 👯‍♀️

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 And love the saying. 👍🏻 (edited) 5y
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These 6 weeks went by quickly! I was one book short of my goal but I‘m still happy with my progress.

#bookfitnesschallenge #bfc #bfcr4 #teamspellbinders
@crazeedi, @mcipher, @thespineview, @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 You had a great 6-weeks! 5y
TheSpineView You did so good! Awesome job! 👏👏👏 5y
mcipher That‘s still a lot of books - you did great work on this challenge for sure!! 🙌🙌 5y
Crazeedi Congrats on your progress, you did super❤🎉🎉👏👏 5y
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Had a good final week of bfcr3. I got in two good runs, a lot of outdoor time, and finally got back into a good yoga routine, and finished a great book. Really trying to embrace the fall weather. It‘s my favorite time of the year. #bfcr4

Chrissyreadit Very nice! I love your pic too! 5y
Kaylamburson Great picture and a great week! Awesome!!! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
LauraBeth Awesome week! 👏👏 Love your pic ❤️ 5y
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Can‘t believe week 5 is over and we only have one week left! This week was kind of lazy since I only worked out once 🤷🏾‍♀️.

#bookfitnesschallenge #bfc #bfcr4 #teamspellbinders
@crazeedi, @mcipher, @thespineview, @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
TheSpineView I know week 5 over! It has gone so fast! Great job!👍 5y
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#BFCR4 @wanderinglynn #BookFitnessChallenge

Week 4 Check-in:

I meet all of goals though it was close yesterday on the steps because I had my grand kids. I should finish the 4th audiobook in the next few days.

#TeamSpellbinders @Crazeedi @mcipher @Airykah13

Go team!📣📣📣

Crazeedi Fantastic week!👍👏🎉 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻🎉 5y
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alisiakae Great job! 🙌🏽🎉 5y
sharread Way too go! Pawsome! 💥🎖 5y
TheAromaofBooks You had a great week!! Super close to achieving your 13 miles, too!! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
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wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
TheSpineView Awesomeness! 👏👏👏 5y
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Week 4 of #BFCr4
✔ 7 of 6 hours exercise
🚫 0 books finished
🚫 way too much soda
✔ salads 2 days this week

I feel off the wagon last week ( and missed my post) but this week was better exercise wise! I'm in a reading slump right now so idk if I'll meet that challenge. Soda and salad are a work in progress! I'm not disappointed with my progress this week!

wanderinglynn Remember, ALL goals are adaptable. 😉 So if you‘re in a slump, lower your goal. And way to keep going! 🙌🏻 One step, one day at a time. 💜 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have to steal this!!! 💗💗💗 5y
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Taking a cue from @IndoorDame and setting some new #bfcr4 goals. Between some health issues and the kittens, meeting my physical goals has been really hard and making me discouraged. So I‘m refocusing on some body/mind goals that will hopefully make me feel more like myself and running or walking I do manage to do is just a bonus.

BethM You got this! 5y
IndoorDame Awesome job adapting and not giving up! and these are great goals! I really like what you said about any exercise you do just being a bonus, that's exactly how I'm thinking about it. You've totally got this, and I'm in it with you! 💜 5y
wanderinglynn Yes, way to adapt! 🙌🏻 Life happens and the important thing is to not give up. Sometimes less is more. Just focus on one step, one day at a time. We‘re here for you. 💜 5y
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StayCurious Great job Hannah! Way to know what you can handle! 5y
Chrissyreadit Perfect!! That sounds exactly right! 5y
Hufflepuffle These are great goals! We can do this together and anything we do counts as an achievement! 💜 5y
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#bookfitnesschallenge #bfc #bfcr4 #teamspellbinders
@crazeedi, @mcipher, @thespineview, @wanderinglynn

I was at a library conference Thursday-Saturday and that helped with my step count

TheSpineView Excellant! 👏👏👏 5y
mcipher Great work - and a library conference sounds fun! Hope you had a good time 😃 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
Crazeedi 👏👏 you are doing great 5y
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1) My sense of humor
2) I have enjoyed getting to know @sudi through #LitsyLove
3) This week I will remember to practice saying no! (Just not to reading challenges and buying books 😜)


wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
sudi thanks @bookwormjillk , i have loved getting to know you as well 💜 💜 💜 5y
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1. I‘m passionate about learning.
2. @cobwebmoth is incredibly kind and generous.
3. Committing to making an amazing pot of soup this weekend and a yoga session with my kids.
@wanderinglynn thank you for doing this! You are also incredibly kind and generous!

wanderinglynn Aw, thank you! 😘 And thanks for entering! 💜 5y
cobwebmoth Aw!😢 You're so kind and generous yourself.❤ 5y
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1. I like how for the most part I am pretty easy going and laid back.
2. @Coleen_Nieto for reaching out during a scary time 😀
3. I will be going to get my nails done next week!

Thanks for the giveaway @wanderinglynn #bfcgiveaway

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
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mcipher Great work! Looks like you hit your goal at least once a day this week! 5y
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This week was a bit better! I‘ve got a ways to go, but I‘m getting there. Pic features our newest kitten, Appa! He‘s my reading buddy. #bfcr4
Run: 1/3
No alcohol: 5/7
Water: Averaged 40-50 ounces 6/7 days

IndoorDame He is just the cutest! Great job this week! 💜 5y
wanderinglynn Appa is too cute! ❤️🐱 And way to go! 🙌🏻 Great progress this week. 5y
StayCurious So precious! Oh and the cat‘s cute too 😉 good job Hannah! 5y
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Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Johanna414 So sweet! 5y
Hufflepuffle He is so cute and you did really well this week!! 😻 5y
brit91 😻😻😻😻😻 5y
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#bfcr4 week 2 check in! Finished one book and got my steps in all all my school days! I did alright with eating meals at home and packing lunches. @wanderinglynn @crazyspine @bookandcat @jmtrivera #gobletoffitness

crazyspine Keep it up! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A great week! 5y
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#BFCR4 @wanderinglynn #BookFitnessChallenge

Week 2 Check-in:
Had a good week. Met all my goals. Ready for week 3!

#TeamSpellbinders @Airykah13 @Crazeedi @cipher

GO TEAM! 📣📣📣

Crazeedi You rock!🎉👏👏 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Great week! 5y
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