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Christmas Camp
Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
36 posts | 22 read | 14 to read
From the screenwriter of the Netflix Original viral hit, A Christmas Prince, comes another heartwarming holiday story about a beautiful Grinch whos determined to get her dream job even if it means spending a week at a Christmas Camp where she discovers an unexpected love. Haley Hansons idea of the perfect Christmas is escaping to the Caribbean to work so she can avoid all the traditional Christmas distractions. Over the years, shes sacrificed her personal life to climb the corporate ladder at a prestigious Boston advertising agency. Now she just needs to land a coveted Christmas toy company account to make partner. But first, her boss, Larry, thinks she needs a holiday attitude adjustment, so he ships her off to a Christmas Camp at Holly Peak Inn to help her find her Christmas spirit. Arriving at the charming mountainside inn, Haley meets the owners handsome son, Jeff, and feels an instant spark, but resists the attraction, refusing to be distracted from her goal of doing all the required Christmas tasks as fast as possible so she can get back to work. At first Haley struggles with all the traditional Christmas Camp activities. Its not until she finally allows herself to slow down, live in the moment, and let Christmas back into her heart, that she begins to grow closer to Jeff. But when he finds out Haleys come up with a plan to help his dad save the struggling inn while hes been trying to convince his dad to sell it, their relationship takes a serious holiday hit. Now it will take the magic of the season to bring these two hearts together.
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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#alphabetgame #letterC honestly I‘m bad at these collages 😂

Thanks for the tag @Avanders

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks good! Thank you for playing!! 2y
Avanders love it! 😁😘 2y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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The perfect book to read for #WinterGames2021, and not just because I found over a thousand words for #WGWordSearch! This was a fun, cute read. It was made into a Hallmark Christmas movie. Need I say more?

10,240 points for words found
80 points for 4 hours reading in 2 readathons
25 points for a Christmas read

10,345 points total

#TeamGameSleighers #Adventathon #DashingDecember

Andrew65 Wow a lot of words from the word search in that book 😳 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Thanks for the tag @bookworm. Wanna play @DebbieGrillo , @DinoMom ?

1. My parents come over for breakfast Christmas morning and then we go to their house for Christmas dinner later that day.
2 Kelley Armstrong, Louise Penney, Sarah J Maas
3. Coffee tired egg and toast


Eggs Thanks for playing ☕️ 🍞 🧡 3y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Really enjoyed this one! Characters were engaging and the storyline was fun.

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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I had no idea this was a hallmark movie too when I listened to it. Cute enough story, though I thought the relationship was under developed. It probably translated to film better. #merryreaders #wintergames

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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BookNAround I clicked on that link and gained about 10 pounds just reading it! Obviously I‘ll have to make this because it doesn‘t look like it will be any good at all. 😂 4y
BethM @BookNAround right?! My hubs requested it so 🤷‍♀️ 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Okay, I am usually okay with cheesy when I pick up a romance, but this one was a bit over-the-top, and I'm not even sure why. Was this really cheesier than any of the others?? I think part of it is that the female lead is SO obnoxiously obsessed with work to the point that her whining about not being able to have her phone and about being "stuck" at the camp made her sound like the two teenagers who were there with their dad. She just came ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) through as immature & ungrateful instead of focused & hardworking. It did get better as the story progressed & she started paying attention to other people instead of just herself, but the overall writing felt stilted - it honestly felt like someone was telling me about a movie they watched instead of writing a story, if that makes sense.

Not a bad read, but definitely not my favorite of the season. However, it does get points for ⬇
megnews That‘s too bad because Christmas camp sounds like fun. 4y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) being clean AND having the same kind of dog on the cover that is actually in the story 😂

#BookSpinBingo - 19/25
#ReadYourWay - still staying above my 300pg average!! Barely!! @TheSpineView
#CrushtheRush - 29/40 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick
#WinterSolstice - +46pgs @Bookgoil
#DashingDecember - 4/10 @Andrew65

Loads of bingo prompts for #WinterGames #MerryReaders @Clowjick
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TheSpineView 🎄📖📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks @megnews - And honestly it may work for some people - it was just a little too over the cheesy line for me for some reason, and this is coming from someone currently reading a story about a woman who spontaneously buys a Christmas tree farm online & has to enlist the help of the hunky Scottish pumpkin farmer next door 😂 I will say that I loved the actual concept of the Christmas camp!! And it did get made into a movie so that may be good, too. 4y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks I‘d does sound a bit too cheesy. Going well 👏👏👏 4y
Bookgoil Very cheesy lol. Great job finishing books! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I've literally put a reminder in my phone to put a sticky note on the cover of this one saying “Dog & hunky Scottish pumpkin farmer“ as a reminder to myself next year. I don't think I'll get to it this month. 😂 I have been very invested in the dogs and their representation this year. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick - Just to clarify, Christmas Camp is NOT the book with the hunky Scottish pumpkin farmer although it DOES have a dog & an adorable architect who just wants the best for his beloved & widowed father. 😂 The hunky pumpkin farmer is the hero of this book, which has been 100% ridiculous but overall pretty adorable so far. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Noted! Now I've got two on my TBR. I think Snowflakes is available on audio so I MIGHT be able to squeeze it in this month. 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Although the #WinterSolsticeReadathon doesn't start for a few days, I've already decided my goal!! For #ReadYourWay, which has been going on all month, my goal was to read an average of 300pgs/day. I've actually done pretty great with that goal & am currently almost 200 pages ahead of schedule. For this readathon, I'm going to see if I can get those “bonus“ pages to 1000!!!

@Bookgoil @TheSpineView

TheSpineView 😍📖👍 4y
Allylu Whoa! Go for it! I‘m sitting here on my phone when I should be reading, or wrapping, or doing something else! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Allylu - LOL trust me, I have plenty of that going on as well 😂 I have one video game in particular that is my big evening temptation!!! 4y
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Bookgoil Great goal! I still have to do my own TBR and goal setting lol 😂 4y
Crazeedi @Allylu you and me both!! 4y
Allylu Should I do this one? Hmmm... 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Finished my Christmas baking (which I scaled back this year) to this lovely romance ala Hallmark. Made three kinds of cookies-here‘s the link for two- s‘mores and peppermint. The s‘mores are killer! #merryreaders #wintergames PS he refused to be put down 🤷‍♀️ https://www.realsimple.com/featured/5CookieRecipes2020?fbclid=IwAR29R3Uz6aczheFI...

JenReadsAlot Cute! 4y
Seekingtardis LOVE IT!!! 4y
BookNAround That‘s precious! 4y
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Texreader That‘s adorable!!!! ❤️❤️❤️🥰 4y
Clwojick Cute! 4y
Avanders This 😍😍 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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So as I'm reading Christmas Camp the book mentions how the camp has two main signature recipes that are a hit every year. Their famous Hot Chocolate & Sugar Cookies. I happened to look towards the end of my book to find that the author included the recipes in case anyone wanted to try it!! Yay!! I definitely want to give these recipes a try!!!

11 extra points for me and my team Whoo-Hoo @Clwojick

#WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders #FestiveRecipe

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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🌲 Happy 1st day of December and also happy 1st day of the #WinterGames2020 I'm so excited!! Even though I'm home sick, it gives me an excuse to read all day on this snow white day!!! The first book I'll be reading is Christmas Camp, I bought this book last year but never got to read it so I'm looking forward to right now!! @Clwojick
#TeamMerryReaders #Readathon #BookishPost #BooksAndSnow #SnowDay

Clwojick Love the picture! Happy reading, and rest up ♥️ 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Hello everyone!! I am so excited to be on #TeamMerryReaders for the #WinterGames2020 here is my TBR of all the books I'm going to try and read this month, there's a total of 12 books!! 😍 🌲

Who is else is participating in the Winter Games hosted by @Clwojick & @StayCurious ?
What team are you on and what does your TBR look like?

#HolidayReads #Bibliophile #Readathon #DecemberTBR #ChristmasBooks

Clwojick I have Seasons of Love and Starry Night too 💙❄️🎄 4y
kay.the.bibliophile 🌲 💙 ❄ @Clwojick Ooo yay!! I love Debbie Macomber's Christmas books!! I can't wait to read them and discuss them with you!! 😍 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Looks like some great choices! Christmas Camp is on my long list of books. I can't possibly read everything, but I'll certainly plan like I will! 4y
kay.the.bibliophile @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thank you!! I agree, I know I probably won't be able to read all of these books, but I plan like I can and will 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Here is December's #BookSpin list!! As you can see - very Christmas heavy 😂

Still plenty of time to join in this challenge if you'd like - I'll draw the official numbers & post December's bingo board on the 2nd. Be sure to tag me if you decide to post a list!!

Yuki_Onna Considerably more Christmas-y than mine! 😊 My list feels more like a continuation of the October spooky reads. 😅 I'm afraid I don't have very many Chistmas-related books on my shelves... 😅 4y
Clare-Dragonfly @Yuki_Onna But October spooky reads should never end! 👻😄 If you want a combo of both, may I recommend A Christmas Carol? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Yuki_Onna - last year was the first year I purposefully read Christmasy books as Christmas & since I really enjoyed it I thought I would go all-in this year! 😂 It's a busy time of year & fluff is my comfort zone, so it works for me, but everyone has different genres they enjoy!! 4y
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UwannaPublishme I‘m still digging around my shelves for more Christmas fluff! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - I thought I had plenty but actually had to work to find 20!! This year I'm planning to be more attentive to the reviews people are posting. I'm going to start compiling next December's TBR this December! 😂 4y
michellelav Hey!! I haven't done a book spin since before covid started (my reading motivation was lacking). For the bingo do we make our list of 20 books same as before and on the 2nd you assign squares? I haven't dont it in bingo form yet!! So excited and ready to jump back in!!! 💖 4y
TheAromaofBooks @michellelav - Glad to have you back!! It's definitely been a weird year for everything, including reading!! 😬 You are exactly correct about the list & then I will post the bingo board on the 2nd. The board will have 25 spaces, so some folks like to make their list be all 25 books OR you can choose to have as many of those spaces as you like be free spaces (which is what I do). The “official“ BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will always be in the ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) 1-20 range because not everyone who does BookSpin participates in the bingo part, if that makes sense haha So short answer, your regular list of 20 is all you need to jump back in!! Just be sure to tag me when you post it!! 4y
michellelav @TheAromaofBooks Thank you so much! You're the best!! 💕 I'll be making my list later today and I'll forsure tag you 😁 4y
Yuki_Onna @Clare-Dragonfly Haha, thank you! They shouldn't end should they? 😋 Is AChristmas Carol really spooky? 🤔 Then it's a MUST READ! 🤗 Thank you for the recommendation! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly @Yuki_Onna The spirits are pretty darn spooky, especially Christmas Yet to Come! 4y
Yuki_Onna @Clare-Dragonfly Good to know! I'll try to get my hands on a copy! 😊 4y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Waiting room reading while getting the car detailed. Loving this fluffy holiday read.

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Just finished a #cosy #festive #romance that is unlikely to make grandma blush! Haley, a workaholic ad designer is forced to go to a Christmas Camp by her boss to come up with ideas for a new campaign. Initially resistant, she soon gets forced into the Christmas spirit by handsome Jeff, his team and the other inmates at the Christmas prison camp! OK, so it's a #cheesefest but perfect if you fancy something light without too much smut!

aprilpohren This sounds like a fun one! 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Read the book and watched the movie - both were delightful!

#WinterGames #TeamFestivus #HolidayReads
#HolidayMovie #BookToMovieAdaptation
@wanderinglynn @StayCurious @Clwojick

+31 points (Wednesday total = 195 points)

wanderinglynn 🙌🏻🎄📚 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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I've been reading a bunch of Wintery reads for #WinterGames. I just finished Christmas Camp, which was adorable.

@wanderinglynn @StayCurious @Clwojick

+6 points (Wednesday total = 47 points)

wanderinglynn 🙌🏻❤️📚 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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My last book of 2019 is actually two books in one. (Christmas camp and Christmas Camp Wedding). How fitting that it was another Christmas book, and my last picture under the tree for this year. Such a sweet story and now a Hallmark channel movie. 😊 I'm a sucker, I know lol 😅

marleed Such a pretty photo! 5y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @marleed Thank you! Happy New Year 😊 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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#WinterGames @rather_be_reading @StayCurious @Clwojick #TheFilthyAnimals

Another cute story. I liked how Haley changed over the course of the story. My only complaint is I thought how quickly she changed was unrealistic. 3.5⭐

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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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This book is delightful! I want to go to a Christmas camp! ##WinterGames #SlayBells @Clwojick @StayCurious ##HolidayRead (26pts bc it's been made into a movie)

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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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This was great. Best Christmas book I've read so far this year, for sure. When Haley's boss makes her go to week-long Christmas camp to get a shot at making partner at her advertising firm, she hates the idea. Little by little, the people, especially Jeff, the wonderful cabin in the middle of the woods, and the spirit of Christmas grow on her. I might return to this book next holiday season. I will definitely be reading the follow up novella soon!

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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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So this is a novel written *after* the screenplay. And I have to say, I like the book better. She made some changes and I think it made the book so much better.

And the book included some fun recipes, like the Christmas Camp Sugar Cookies Secret Recipe. 🍪

I also read Christmas Camp Wedding.

#wintergames #holidayreads #holidaymovie

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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This falls into the So-So category for me and I‘m not sure if that‘s because of the narrator or that I really wasn‘t into the MC 🤷🏽‍♀️ but I will try to see when the movie airs on Hallmark Channel. #wintergames
#teamfozziwig @barkingmadrun @clwojick @staycurious
#holidayread 20 points +5 for book to movie

BarkingMadRead Bummer! Hopefully the movie is better! 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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My first Christmas Audio book 😊and there is a hallmark movie 🎄🎄 #wintergames
#teamfozziwig @barkingmadrun @clwojick @staycurious

aprilpohren This sounds so good! 5y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Everything I love about a hallmark Christmas movie in book form! Parts made me laugh, parts made me cry and through it all I had a smile on my face!

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Karen Schaler hits all the Hallmark moments we have come to expect from our seasonal stories in Christmas Camp.


Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler

I swear I could probably review all of these Christmas books and say the same thing because they are basically the same story, only with a few minor changes here or there. In this book, an ad executive is directed to go to a week of Christmas boot camp if really wants to land her promotion. Corny and cliche, this book‘s “Christmas Camp” idea was still a cute twist on a predictable trope.

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Christmas Eve is a quiet time in my house. Celebrating kicks in again tomorrow. That being said, do I dare try to read another Christmas novel tonight or do I switch to Christmas movies instead? Decisions, decisions! Amazingly, this book is apparently a TV movie already. It‘s supposedly premiering tomorrow, although I can‘t find anything specific anywhere about it.

KathyWheeler I‘m watching Christmas movies. 6y
hes7 I didn‘t know this was going to be a movie! I listened to the book, and it was fun. 6y
Purrfectpages @hes7 it‘s the strangest thing...I can‘t find anything concrete about the film. One place said it was premiering in theaters tomorrow, another place said it was on Hallmark. 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Purrfectpages @KathyWheeler anything good? 6y
KathyWheeler @Purrfectpages First was the George C. Scott Christmas Carol. Now we‘re watching Fred Claus — which we realize isn‘t great, but we like it. 6y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Guys! This book was so stinking cute. The absolute perfect Christmasy read (or listen)! The quintessential Hallmark style Christmas love story. It had the devoted business woman, the small town guy, a great group of supporting characters, Christmas to the extreme, sass, romance, AND cute old people. Literally cannot go wrong. 💖💖💖💖💖

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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler

Hello all
Haven‘t been here for a bit but this is a great way to start the season

KrystleTheBookSlayer Welcome back! 👋 📚🎊🎉 6y
Suelizbeth Welcome back to Litsy 📚❤️😻🐾🐈 6y
Cinfhen Welcome back... 6y
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BookwormAHN Welcome back 😺 6y
alisiakae Welcome back! 6y
Libby1 Hello! ❤️📚❤️ 6y
Sace Welcome back! 6y
Craftylikefox Welcome back 😊 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy. 🤗 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Welcome back! Don‘t be shy on posting! 😉 6y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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On my way to and from work I‘ve been listening to Audiobooks because the news is too depressing. This month I decided to pick the first Christmas one that came up in romance, and I‘ve loved it so far. This morning I noticed that it was written by the writer of everyone‘s Christmas Netflix love, A Christmas Prince, so now I know why I love it. Yay for cheesy Christmas romance!

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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Wonderful, feel-good, upbeat. Christmas-avoider Haley goes to Christmas Camp to soak up the holiday in order to use what she learns on an upcoming major toy marketing campaign and ends up embracing the true holiday spirit for herself. Love the ending. Very positive and clean story, very much like a good Hallmark movie. Love every single character! Added it to my annual holiday reads rotation. Highly recommend this for holiday readers.

mcipher Oh, I love Hallmark-style Christmas books and movies! I‘ll have to check this one out. 😊 6y
intothehallofbooks @mcipher Yes! Add it to your holiday TBR!! 6y
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Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Not my usual sort of read, but fun. We are traveling home from a funeral, so something light was in order. This is Hallmark/Lifetime movie meets Dickens‘ Christmas Carol, with a female Scrooge. Of course we know that all will come out well in the end. I‘ll put a full review in LibraryThing when I get home, as this was an early reviewer book that I won. 3.5⭐️

Christmas Camp: A Novel | Karen Schaler
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Our temperatures are in the 90s, my house is decorated for fall, and this arrived! I got this through #LibraryThing #EarlyReviewer. I‘m hoping that reading this will make me feel cooler😄

CouronneDhiver Love that cover 👍🏽 6y
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