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Plum Twenty-Five HB
Plum Twenty-Five HB | Janet Evanovich
A thrilling and fast-paced mystery in the much-loved Stephanie Plum series from No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich. Raves for Evanovich's novels: 'Romantic and gripping' (Good Housekeeping); 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times); 'A laugh-out-loud page-turner' (Heat).
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Catching up with Stephanie and her antics today. Who else loves this series?

BookwormM Me although I am well behind 2y
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This series just keeps me laughing when I need a light read. I have to be careful reading as sometimes I just burst out in a laugh.

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These books are like comfort food. They are reliable, predictable, and satisfying. I always enjoy spending time with Stephanie and her friends.

That said, while reading I did have the feeling that the author is running out of ideas. Stephanie and Lula have to work at a deli that her boss has taken as collateral on a bond. Craziness ensues, people go missing. It‘s best not to focus on the details and just enjoy the ride.

iread2much Such cute little troll gnome things! 4y
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Currently reading. I wanted something familiar and comforting. 113 outside and air conditioner is on the fritz.

wanderinglynn Oh my, that‘s no fun. I hope your AC gets fixed soon or your temps drop. 4y
Sace Oh my! Stay hydrated and I hope it gets fixed soon! 4y
Crazeedi Oh no! Cold cloths around your neck maybe? 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Ugh! I hope you get some relief soon! 4y
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Ugh! Once upon a time, I loved this series. It made me laugh. Sadly, the series is not funny anymore. It is all the same...the exact same...as the previous books. I‘m extremely disappointed that the characters from the “between the novels” stories (which I never liked) are now in the stories. Don‘t even get me started.


I won't lie, I have literally no clue how the mystery was solved. By the end I heard all these names I hadnt heard throughout the story and it really confused me. I can't tell you what happened, but I CAN tell you I enjoyed listening to all the weird side stories along the way. I'm sure my not understanding is a personal issue because I listened to it so I'll give it a pick anyway.

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Catching up on this series. This was my first on audiobook. Great narration!!


This was my first stephanie plum, and I may be hooked. The characters are hilarious and the audiobook narration made them even better. A fun, quirky, light hearted read.

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What can I say? It‘s another Stephanie Plum novel. She still waffles between Ranger and Morelli. She still gets into and then out of ridiculous situations. And Lulu is still all sorts of fabulous. Yet I keep reading them. 😂

I have higher hopes for 26 because Grandma Mazuer.

BarkingMadRead 26 was fun, so much Grandma! 5y
Hooked_on_books I actually didn‘t like this one as much and thought 26 was much better. Grandma rocks. 5y
jewright These books are my guilty pleasure. They are ridiculous, but I love them. 5y
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wanderinglynn @BarkingMadRun @Hooked_on_books I am looking forward to 26. 👍🏻 5y
wanderinglynn @jewright so ridiculous, 😂 but fun easy reads. 👍🏻 5y
jewright @wanderinglynn Most criticism centers on the lack of character growth, and I‘m always thinking they are missing the whole point. This series is just funny. I really don‘t want Stephanie to grow up ever or pick a love interest. It‘s much more fun this way. 5y
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The shark is not just jumped, it‘s been left far behind. There‘s magic in the main line again, the plot doesn‘t make sense and Steph doesn‘t even destroy a car. I think I need to give this series up for my own sanity.

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You can't go wrong with Stephanie Plum, Morelli and Ranger adventures! #books

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This one has to be the best one. I reminded me of the reasons why I fell in love with this series: the hilarious graphic detail of the mishaps and the subtle sexual innuendos. Loved the cliffhanger.

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Book 2 for #cozyinthesun. This series always makes me LOL. @Librarybelle @ferskner

Librarybelle It‘s a perfect series for a good laugh! 5y
ladym30 Love this series!❤️❤️❤️ 5y
ferskner Nice! 5y
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This was great!! This series never disappoints!! Can't wait for the next!

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Another funny installment of this series. Stephanie's life makes me tired! I would love to see the storyline progress though. Pick a man! Marry him! Kids! The storylines that would come from these milestones would be priceless entertainment! But I keep reading, knowing that the outline is the same, because they still make me laugh.

Sharpeipup I wish she‘d pick too but at least you can count on a laugh from her 5y
OneCent76 For sure! 5y
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People are going missing and leaving only a shoe behind. Steph and Lula end up working at a deli and are as adept at that as they are at bounty hunting. The whole group comes together to solve the mystery and Grandma Mazur has a surprise for Stephanie at the end.

#BookishBingo: Includes pi(e)

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Total guilty pleasure! I must have needed a Lula fix. I just have to check in every once in a while.
I was glad grandma Mazur made an appearance at the end. I was beginning to think maybe I had missed something in the last year or so.

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Stephanie & Lula never fail to make me laugh out loud literally. #comfortread @CarolynM

CarolynM I always enjoy them - no effort required 😂 6y
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What can I say? Been reading Evanovich for years (25 books) & I don't tell anyone. The story never deviates, no thought is required & the books can be read in about 5 minutes, yet she is my guilty pleasure. Her characters are never dull & she makes me laugh out loud. It's a bit like I Love Lucy in a book only Stephanie Plum is a bumbling bounty huntinlg mystery solving lady & her sidekick Lula is a former 'ho. For best results, start at book 1.


The real story didn't start at least for me until Ranger was front and centre. He os the most interest character. What Morelli and Ranger see in Stephanie is not clear. She does not grow. I will pass n any more ot these books. They are all the same, and ther are better stories out there to spend my time on.

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Ugh. I have been reading these books for almost 20 years. I love Stephanie, Morelli, Ranger and the whole crazy gaggle of other characters. This one was a disappointment. The adventure wasn‘t as funny, and many of the characters that keep me coming back were only in the book a little or not at all. But my biggest peeve is that Evanovich either has forgotten what happened in the last book or doesn‘t care. More marked spoiler below. 👇 ⭐️⭐️/5. 😔

Elizabeth2 So in the last book, Stephanie cheated on Morelli by sleeping with Ranger while she and Morelli were definitely together. No question, she went from one bed to the next. But in this book, Stephanie turns Ranger down because sleeping with him would be “cheating big time” (while kissing him is only cheating a little). No mention of the fact that these morals didn‘t apply in the last book. Does Evanovich not remember, or does she just not care? (edited) 6y
Elizabeth2 Where was the concern and guilt over Hal being missing? Stephanie normally has all of this “Catholic guilt” (author‘s words) - she feels guilt over everything (except cheating on her boyfriend, apparently). Why was she not desperate to find Hal when she felt responsible? Why was Ranger not going full force, non-stop, until his man was recovered? That piece of the story just doesn‘t fit for me. (edited) 6y
BethM Thanks for tagging me in the other post. Oh the humanity! When will it end?! 6y
Chrissyreadit @Elizabeth2 yes- this love triangle has become very icky to me. 6y
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What happened? I was getting tired of the Ranger/Morelli stuff, but at least Lula and Grandma Mazur made the books hilarious. This one was awful. No grandma at all, stilted humor and no car drama? I think I‘m finally done with this series 😢

Bookzombie I read this one and decided to quit too. 6y
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I normally am a book monogamist, but I‘ve currently got 3 going! I don‘t want to go any further in my book club book until closer to our meeting date and I have an audiobook going (trying to train my brain to listen to audiobooks), and now I‘m starting this one because I don‘t want to read ahead in the book club book. 🤷‍♀️📚❤️ I‘m a tried & true Evanovich fan, but didn‘t fully enjoy the last installment of this series. 🤞this one is better.

BethM Please tell me she picks a guy... 6y
Elizabeth2 @BethM LOL! Right?! I don‘t know yet, but my BFF read the book and her only comment was “OMG, the ending!!” She said the book moves along just like the others in the series until the ending, which she didn‘t see coming, but wouldn‘t tell me more. 6y
BethM @Elizabeth2 I'll look forward to your report as I gave up a long time ago! 6y
Elizabeth2 @BethM I finished. So disappointed. She doesn‘t really pick her man, although her morals in that regard are slightly better than the last book (I won‘t say more here so I don‘t post a spoiler - see the spoiler comments on my review post for more on that). This adventure just wasn‘t as zany, and a few of my favorite characters either aren‘t in it at all or only make brief appearances. 😔 6y
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Book 666. 😂 Really I passed that number ages ago. Noticed I've never marked Books 1 - 19 as read. All Pre -Goodreads. As for 25, Bailed on series awhile back but was gift so I checked back in. There's been a rumor going around about these books being ghost written that I had thought just gossip. But this one made me wonder. At times writing style seemed off. Same ole Ranger/Morelli Triangle. Why would either of them bother is beyond me.

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Dear Janet,
I‘m sorry but our time together has come to an end. While I think this book is better than the last, your series no longer sparks joy for me. I was happy with Stephanie and her life as is, including her indecision between Morelli and Ranger. I didn‘t care for the addition of Diesel or, in this one, Wolf. It felt like you needed to hit a word count and threw in a pointless character. Peace out. #E #LitsyAtoZ #seriesbreakup #teamranger

readinginthedark Sometimes series go on too long. I felt similarly about the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. 😕 6y
TiredLibrarian I agree. The earliest books in this series were so much fun, but it ran out if steam a while ago. 😕 6y
Reggie Oh no!!!! the seriesbreakup hashtag!!! 😭Lol it happens. 6y
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Cinfhen I thought that was very gentle!! Nice way to say goodbye 😉 6y
JoScho Ugh. They were so good in the beginning. 6y
Traci1 I feel exactly the same way. It was a bit better than 24, but that's saying very little. I hate that she brought Diesel and Wulf in from the between the numbers books, which are a tad supernatural. Steph's story didn't need any supernatural stuff added. If she's going to continue down that road, I think I'm done too. I hate that, because I loved those books. 😔 6y
Mdargusch Oh darn. Like I‘ve said before, I‘m glad I stopped at book eight. 6y
Dragon I gave up at nineteen 🐉 6y
Larkken “Spark joy” -> 🤣 6y
Bookzombie @readinginthedark Yes, they do. I never finished Sookie either. I started book 8 and then never finished it. 6y
Bookzombie @TiredLibrarian Thanks, it definitely did. 6y
Bookzombie @Reggie LOL! It made happy to write that hashtag. 6y
Bookzombie @Cinfhen Thank you! I think if I wasn‘t limited to 451 characters it might have become a rant. Lol. 6y
Bookzombie @JoScho They were! Some day I might revisit the early ones because I did love the characters. 6y
Bookzombie @Traci1 I enjoy supernatural but I so agree that Stephanie didn‘t need that in her story. I read the between the numbers books and didn‘t really enjoy them. It‘s hard to find you dislike a series that was a favorite. I‘m sure I will revisit the early books one day. I really enjoyed the audio versions. 6y
Bookzombie @Mdargusch 🙂 There may have been a few good ones after that but you probably stopped at a perfect time. 6y
Traci1 @Bookzombie yeah, some of my favorite books are fantasy / supernatural. But to add it to an established story that was never like that is just weird. I liked the normal Plum world just the way it was. There was no need to mess with it. Leave out Diesel and give me more Lula and Grandma Mazur! 😁 6y
Bookzombie @Dragon Yeah, I was already thinking about ending it then. Sometimes breakups are a long time coming. 😉 6y
Bookzombie @Larkken 😂😂 6y
Bookzombie @Traci1 I‘m in total agreement. 🙂 6y
Dragon So true 👍🐉 6y
readinginthedark Yeah, I finished that series because they were such quick reads for me, but I'll probably never do that again with a series I just can't take any more. 6y
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This author has finally ridden this hoss into the ground. What started out as a fun and clever series has finished its glide path and hit the ground. The plot was depressing when it was supposed to be funny.

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Ahhh...Stephanie Plum...you just never change. Reliability can be a good thing but 25 books in, not so much. I apparently keep fooling myself that Plum will grow or pick a man already. Formulaic as per usual, however I'm thinking that Evanovich either started reading the bad reviews or got a new ghost writer 'cause this wasn't as bad as the last 5-6. Still good for a beach read and an easy title to add to number for my Goodreads challenge.

Lissa00 I couldn‘t even finish this one, it was too repetitive. I had hoped she would end the series with 25. 6y
ralexist @Lissa00 - the last few books I wanted to throw against the wall so I completely understand. 6y
wanderinglynn I felt the same way. Nothing happens in them.—no character growth. It‘s just as you said, repetitive. 6y
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Just finished this one up and just like always, it‘s a cute and light-hearted read. Stephanie doesn‘t get herself into quite as much trouble this go around. Imagine that. 🤪

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Not a laugh out loud book this time. I feel like this series should come in for a landing.

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Meh. I‘m not sure if my kindle had the whole book- the ending seemed totally unlike her normal style. I might have to hit a bookstore to check it out. And, there was nothing really funny throughout the whole book. Oh well. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterL #seriesread #ReadingUSA2019 #NewJersey

BookishMarginalia That‘s sad — these books tend to be pretty consistent (edited) 6y
Librarybelle I was not as impressed with this one as I have been with others in the series 6y
Kaye Good job on completing NJ. 👍🏼 6y
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After a zombie filled #24 my hopes were not high (they haven‘t been for some time now with this series - and yet I keep reading them) but maybe the ghostwriter has changed? The tone of this book was different - less scathing towards its female characters, an actual plot - still no character development but at least no character acting out of what is believable for their character. Also no cars exploded.

Suzze Wait! No cars exploded? Impossible. I used to love this series, but I stopped a few books ago. Same plot, same characters doing the same things. 6y
debthmpsn I can‘t believe this series is still around. I think I quit around book 8, just became too much eye rolling on my part...always a bad sign 😁 6y
Mdargusch I used to laugh out loud at these books but I think I stopped around #8 too. 6y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Suzze, she even had the same car all the way through! It‘s not at all what it once was... but every couple of books there is a glimmer of hope which is generally crushed by the next book... I‘m hopeful that the end is in sight but it‘s not really likely. (edited) 6y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @debthmpsn @Mdargusch - ahhh you stopped whilst the going was still good... tbh I think the only reason I still read them is I like that there is a series my whole family reads (grandparents, mum and me) even though it‘s a series that‘s a pale imitation of what it once was. 6y
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First finished book in 2019 and first challenge book #booked2019 #femaledetective

The Plum novels have become repetitive and while this was wasn‘t a huge departure from the tried and true it still felt a little different because her family was not a centerpiece of the narrative. This is certainly more of a feel good story than a good mystery. @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Excellent review and congrats on knocking off your first prompt!!! And I agree...it‘s all about low expectations 😂 6y
alisiakae It‘s been a while since I read a Plum novel. How many are there now? 6y
Kathrin @4thhouseontheleft This one is the 25th and the latest installment. 6y
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This will be my last book for 2018 and I absolutely loved it! I know a lot of people have become tired of this series, but I always love the familiar feel of them. I laughed so hard at some points in the book and the characters always bring a smile to my face. A great way to end the 2018 reading year!

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Although Stephanie‘s family was sadly missing from this story, there were some laugh out loud moments from the deli crew. I still look forward to each book in this series even though they are definitely more formulaic now.

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Not only did I get some books for Christmas, but my sweet husband also got me a mug that can keep my coffee or tea at the perfect temperature. It‘s perfect for when I get lost in a book and forget to drink my coffee for a period of time!

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I don‘t know why I keep reading these, they haven‘t been really good in a while. They are silly and pretty pointless and nothing very happens but it‘s not a complete waste of a listen. It was short and I smirked a few times. Also it was from the library so no money lost. If you are a fan of the series it‘s fine, but not great. #series #comedy

Blueberry I keep reading for Ranger and the car explosions😄 6y
Nessavamusic I know right? But it is a series where nothing actually happens! 6y
Michollio 💙💙 Ranger 6y
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I never expect a lot from this series anymore. It was definitely stronger earlier. Yet, I can't help myself—I always look forward to the new release, and I always read it as soon as possible.

CarolynM Me too. Perhaps we should form a support group😂 6y
Sharpeipup @CarolynM yes please! 6y
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Definitely not literature but so much fun. Early books are definitely better but I can‘t give them up. My only complaints are; not enough Grandma and no viewings. 😂🤣

JoScho How are there no viewings?! 6y
Booknerd2 @joscho I don‘t know. 🤷‍♀️ They are usually pretty funny. 6y
Chrissyreadit There is something about them that is still fun. 6y
Booknerd2 @Chrissyreadit I completely agree. Just happy silliness!!!😜 6y
LeeRHarry These are my go to happy books - such fun! 😊 6y
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I took a lunch break just to finish this book. It was okay - not one of the strongest, though I may be getting a little tired of the same love triangle. A few laugh out loud moments.

Traci1 I'm reading this right now, and so far my one complaint is her bringing in Wulf (And I have to assume Diesel, though I've not seen him yet). Those in between the numbers books get a little too supernatural for me, and one of the things I love about the normal books is the lack of that. I don't want any woo-woo stuff in these books. 6y
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Evening reading with #Vladimir . #Zeke is “hiding” under the bed. #catsoflitsy

So far, this latest addition to the Stephanie Plum series is not grabbing me. Hoping it picks up soon!

Bookzombie I‘m waiting for audio from the library. I have decide if this one includes the character of Diesel, then I‘m bowing out for the rest of the series. I like Morelli and Ranger. I don‘t need a third sexy guy dangling out there. 😁 6y
Sace I love when my cats "hide" like that. ? 6y
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I've read all her books and I so like them. This one wasn't anything spectacular compared to the others but it was on par with an entertaining read that's right up my alley

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
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Always a good series to laugh at. Glad I listen to these on audio in the car. 😂


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Next audiobook. So excited. Definitely ready to giggle like crazy.

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A rainy day, warm blanket and the latest from one of my favorite series!

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Utterly ridiculous and predictable, but still SO MUCH FUN. 😂 The advantage this series has over Some Other Series I Read is that the characters are still so lovable, even though they‘re getting to be stereotypes of themselves by now. They‘re just FUN. And look, who WOULD be able to choose between Morelli and Ranger??? (...I mean, I‘m a Morelli girl, but the Ranger appeal is strong.) #lookalivetwentyfive #stephanieplum #janetevanovich

Susanita I got burned out on the series, but I‘d pick Ranger in a heartbeat. 6y
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Yes, it's formulaic, the characters and relationships show no sign of developing and the story is just another variation on all the stories that have gone before. It's still fun, though, and good for a few laughs along the way.

Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you for the review. I bailed on this series about book 21. If ever we get some new developments I'll jump back in. Doesn't sound like this is happening yet. 6y
GlassAsDiamonds 😂🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Me: Oh! A Stephanie Plum review, I wonder what she‘s up to (bailed somewhere in the teens). *read review*. Also me: HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!? @Crinoline_Laphroaig - I know right but..... HOW?!?! I was annoyed enough ten books ago, HOW is she still milking this series?!?!? 6y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @GlassAsDiamonds I think she should either marry Joe and have babies while still being madcap Stephanie or Give up the guilt and just be with Ranger. I'd read either one of those stories. Although I've always thought Ranger was the best choice. He loves her just the way she is and doesn't try to change her. #teamranger 6y
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GlassAsDiamonds @Crinoline_Laphroaig totally give up the guilt #teamranger , 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Joe always annoys me!!! 6y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @GlassAsDiamonds Joe's always trying to turn her into the little woman housewife. Ranger's sexy, plus you get the awesome apartment with meals delivered and hot cars. @CarolynM we hijacked your review to debate Morelli vs Ranger. 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @Crinoline_Laphroaig well... not so much “debate” as “agree on Ranger” (not that the sexy, great apartment, hot cars and meals aren‘t a sell but as you say, he‘s the one of the two who just values her for her). @CarolynM .... very useful review here, thanks awfully! 😊😊😊😂😂😂 (edited) 6y
CarolynM @Crinoline_Laphroaig @GlassAsDiamonds I can honestly say I've never been invested enough to care which man she ends up with. I enjoy them at face value and don't give them another moment's thought.😀 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @CarolynM that‘s a skill!!! 😊😊😊 (That i do not possess I admit. I end up invested in virtually everything I read which is annoying if it‘s annoying! Also why I no longer read this series 🤦🏻‍♀️). 6y
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