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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Siddharta | Herman Hesse
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And, yeah, that's a big ol' #HailTheBail

I thought maybe 20 years after my first attempt to read this that I could actually do it. Nah-uh. Could bearly keep my eyes open for 15 pages 🥱

Thankfully, it's finally off my TBR shelf!


#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

#MountTBR #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe Yes and Yes!!!! 🙌🏼💜 4w
TheAromaofBooks Some books are a bit of a relief to just DNF and move on! 4w
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Siddharta | Herman Hesse
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#BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for September

Starting Siddhartha today

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 4w
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Siddharta | Herman Hesse
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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This is another book that I can completely appreciate, but that doesn‘t mean I thoroughly enjoyed it. I started it on #SerialReader over a week ago, but I‘ve been tired at the end of the day and even attempting to read it put me to sleep. Today, I switched to listening to audio as I worked. There are some great quotes and thoughts to ponder, but I prefer interesting stories over philosophical journeys.

#1001books #audiobook #translated

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Siddartha | Herman Hesse
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Books from Elvis Presleys personal collection. I've only read the tagged book.

Siddhartha | Herman Hesse
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Leftcoastzen Good one! 2y
Eggs @Leftcoastzen Thanks! 2y
Gissy Loved it❤️ 2y
Eggs @Gissy Agree 2y
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Siddartha | Herman Hesse

Helps you ruminate and reflect alot.

Cathythoughts Lovely book ♥️ 2y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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There are some beautiful passages in this story of a man's journey of spiritual discovery which spans his entire life.

This is my #1922 entry for the #192025 challenge. @Librarybelle

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Cathythoughts ♥️ 2y
Librarybelle On my to read list! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
kwmg40 @Cathythoughts @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for stopping by. This book had sat on my shelves for about 15 years before I got around to reading it! 2y
kwmg40 @Cathythoughts @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for stopping by. This book had sat on my shelves for about 15 years before I got around to reading it! 2y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Who read this book? Who liked it? I am reading it for a book club and am halfway through it. I find the character of Siddhartha extremely annoying. I hope I find something more to like about this story as I proceed further. I‘m glad this is a short book, or I‘d have already bailed. :(

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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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@TheSpineView @Eggs thanks for posting!!

JanuarieTimewalker13 No, I don‘t think one word titles are better. I find 3 words the sweet spot, such as A Little Life. 3y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 3y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @TheSpineView Thank you!! You too🌷 3y
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DivineDiana Loved Siddhartha! (edited) 3y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @DivineDiana I think I‘m due for another read!! I‘ve read it twice but I want to read it again!!! 3y
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Siddhartha | Herman Hesse
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#Two4Tuesday @Eggs very late because of a busy week,thanks so much for the tag!!
1.Tagged book really helped me...evolve as a person and in my relationships with other people.
2.No, not in my country!But I hope everyone who celebrates it had a great St.Patricks day!

TheSpineView It is OK to be late! Thanks for playing! 3y
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Siddartha | Hermann Hesse

I would reflect on the characters in this story particularly the wise ones and wonder if i would spot them amongst the crowds in modern society.

Siddartha | Hermann Hesse
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I‘m new to Litsy and it is awesome! It‘s helping to hold myself accountable with my book reading goals and to remember some of the thought provoking and truly inspiring reads such as this one as I manually update my “have read” books. I need a re-read shelf.

hannah-leeloo #litsywelcomewagon we have a new litten! 3y
BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy! 🎉🎉🎉 3y
lostinwords @ozma.of.oz thank you. 3y
Liz_M Welcome aboard! For a sense of what goes on around here be sure to follow @LitsyEvents! 3y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🌼👏🏻 3y
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Siddartha | Hermann Hesse
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(5★) Ahh !! My the book to good 👍
Understanding every stage of life was a wonderful experience. I really liked the way Siddharth explored every stage of his life. I think every person should read this book....once.

#readerforlife #reader #bookread #bookishfun

Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Some beautiful passages in here. Plenty to ponder. I relate to Siddartha‘s restlessness, seeking, and the appreciation of wisdom that comes with age and experience.

LiteraryinPA Blast from the past! I had to read this in 10th grade and I remember liking it. Hard to believe that was 22 years ago! 😬 3y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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You don‘t have to be Buddhist or Hindu in order to read and enjoy this. After all, it‘s a classic for a reason. In addition to being a thoroughly entertaining story, it provides interesting information on the background of Gautama Buddha. I‘ve read this twice and enjoyed it both times. Accompany Siddhartha on his path to enlightenment; you‘ll enjoy the journey. This is historical fiction at its finest. Have fun while expanding your mind!


Too good to only read once

Siddharta | Hermann Hesse
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I've heard good things about this one. And it looks like a quick read, which is surprising considering the subject. #tbrpile

truthinfiction I absolutely love the cover. The book is a wonderful and intriguing read bringing moments of quiet contemplation in the otherwise crazy contemporary life. 3y
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Siddhartha | Herman Hesse
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Good book ! Read atleast Once !

Cathythoughts Love Siddhartha ❤️ 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Finished my #booked2020 #SetInIndia prompt! I will have to reread this later because I didn‘t really feel like I got it all through audiobook while doing other things. But I got the prompt done! #read2020

Cinfhen Fantastic 💕Was that your final prompt for #Booked2020??? 4y
Marni @Cinfhen one more left! Bottom of my TBR! 4y
Cinfhen How far down does your TBR go???? My book was sitting for more than 5 years and it was SOOOOO GOOD 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 4y
Marni @Cinfhen I‘m going off my TBR on goodreads, which I joined in 2011 and immediately added all the classics I haven‘t read 😂😂😂 I think I‘m gonna read 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Trying to finish out my final two prompts for #booked2020. Probably would get more out of it if I was reading vs listening, but just trying to finish a reading challenge for the first time ever!

Siddhartha | MR Herman Hesse
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Herman Hesse‘s novel, Siddhartha, follows the son of a wealthy Brahmin named Siddhartha. He leaves his village to join a group of ascetics with his friend, Govinda. A few years after becoming ascetics, Siddhartha and Govinda meet the Buddha; Siddhartha rejects his teachings, his friend decides to become a Buddhist monk. Siddhartha now embarks on a journey of self-discovery. He becomes an avaricious but successful businessman and, later on, a...

liviakadezabek ....humble ferryman living near a river, which acts as his spiritual guide. Through this, Siddhartha experiences the highs and lows of life, finally leading him to enlightenment.
liviakadezabek If you like books that are thought-provoking or about spiritual exploration, you have to check out this book!
A motif in Siddhartha is the concept of “Om,” representing the unity of all things in the universe. Om is periodically featured throughout the novel, appearing at times when a change occurs within Siddhartha.
MissYaremcio Very well done Livia! This looks like an awesome book! Great review! 6/6 4y
cassandra.mack woooooooowwww very neato 4y
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Siddhartha | MR Herman Hesse
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1. In India, October is known for what we call "October heat", so it's blisteringly hot and uncomfortable, with some sporadic showers! No autumn or Halloween ?
2. Siddhartha really changed my life,it taught me about...managing expectations and really helped with my FOMO. It sounds pretentious but it really changed my life!
3. I use Bookriot's excel template, and use Litsy for quotes I like!
Very fun questions!

Eggs Ah I can relate re: Siddhartha. Thanks for playing and for your compliments 🤗❤️ 4y
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Happy Independence Day India! 🇮🇳

Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94

1. Tagged
2. I have read Roshani Chokshi, who is of Indian and Filipino descent. And I have Midnight‘s Children by Salman Rushdie, Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, & Dark Things by Sukanya Venkatraghavan on my TBR.
3. Yes, and I‘d love to try more.

Have you played? @Mitch @Addison_Reads @Chrissyreadit @Meaw_catlady @Crazeedi

MoonWitch94 I have yet to eat an Indian dish that I didn‘t like. Even if the spice level was too high for me, it was still delicious. Thanks for playing 🖤 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper Thanks for playing 💐 🥰 4y
umbrellagirl Indian food is my favourite thing. 😍 4y
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ChasingOm I can‘t wait for the second book in this series by Chokshi to come out! 4y
wanderinglynn @ChasingOm I only read the first Aru Shah book & I did like it. So I will check out that one. 👍🏻😀 4y
Meaw_catlady Thanks for the tag!! 4y
Crazeedi I've been MIA, so sorry I haven't been on here, trying to get back in groove! 4y
wanderinglynn @Crazeedi 😘 no worries 4y
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Cathythoughts Lovely book. A old favourite ✨✨✨ 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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This was not what I expected. I am not sure if I fully understood what the author tried to convey. I guess Siddhartha‘s life ultimately depicts that salvation comes from within and we do not need a teacher for attaining nirvana. The message is powerful but I still don‘t get the hype about this book. This may be because I have been distracted and read it without much concentration.

Might read it again after some time.

CaliforniaCay I enjoyed this one. On the surface it was a very simple story and not much happened but I read it in college so it was very interesting to hear how others interpreted and looked into every detail of the book for deeper meanings. Its definitely deep but had I read it on my own it would have gone over my head. 4y
Shaleen @CaliforniaCay This is probably what happened with me. Not exactly over the head but I definitely need to read it again to understand it better. 🙈🙈 4y
Cenuel I read this as a freshman in college. It was entertaining on some level but my professor seemed very enthusiastic about it and I remember being unsure whether the enthusiasm was about the book itself or if he was just enthusiastic about Buddhism and playing up the book because of the book‘s topic. If I reread it now I might have a different view. 4y
BethM I read and enjoyed this in college. Now that I‘m older I can understand some of it more through becoming a yoga teacher. 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Mom recommended this book for me, and then I realized she had a very similar statue sitting in the living room. Totally coincidental since that book was from my collection. 😂

erzascarletbookgasm Love the statue 👍 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Starting this next on #overdrive #currentlylistening

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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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#7days7books Day 3
We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments!

@nanuska_153 you‘re my most recent follower - would you like to play?

nanuska_153 Sure! 4y
ravenlee @nanuska_153 👍awesome! Just share your seven books over the next seven days using the #7days7books tag and tag whomever you like. 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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It is not for me to judge another man's life. I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.

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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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#7days7books Day 3

The “bible” for many in hippiedom in the 1960‘s.

Tanisha_A It had an impact on me as well ♥️ 4y
Cathythoughts Oh this one left a big impression on me too 🙏 4y
Graywacke It‘s sitting on my to read shelves... 4y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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I remember reading this in high school, which means it must have been assigned to me, though this would be an unusual choice for my rural school back then. My memory is that I liked the book but I am not sure I understood it. #mystical #magnificentmarch

OriginalCyn620 I‘ve never read it, so it must not have been assigned reading in my high school. I always read whatever was assigned! I may not have liked it, but I read it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 I am thinking it may have been in an AP list or something. I always did the assigned readings too. It didn‘t even occur to me not to — not even Heart if Darkness, my all time most hated. 5y
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Siddharta | Hermann Hesse
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#QuotsyMar20 Day 14: #Value
I have taken this photo of a glorious oversized pond that looks almost like a lake at the foot of Jebel Jais, our second mountain here in the UAE, the highest point in the whole country, found at Ras Al Khaimah. We are slowly falling in love with our new adoptive home.

MeganPagan “Of sooty coal the Empiric Alchimist Can turn, or holds it possible to turn Metals of drossiest Ore to perfet Gold.” -Milton, Paradise Lost. Quote I read today that made me think of your post. 5y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Siddartha | Hermann Hesse
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This month‘s #bookstack
Siddhartha for my “Classic Set in Asia” for my Catch Up With the Classics Challenge. Rosemary is my “Book Chosen For You on Social Media” in the Beat Your Bookshelf Unread Book Challenge and The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is my #doublespin pick! #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks #theplanningbutlerreads

TheAromaofBooks Looks like a good stack!!! 5y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Really enjoyed this. Very thought provoking; going to be thinking about it for quite a while.

Paperback.Propensity I really liked this book 5y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Been looking forward to reading this for a while. I think it may be just what I need right now.

Cathythoughts Lovely book 5y
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Week 2

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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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Suet624 Great quote. 5y
LapReader So true. 5y
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Siddhartha | Herman Hesse, Hesse Herman Hesse
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1. Siddhartha ♥️
2. Maybe not superpower strength, but more strength 💪
3. Aries
4. Gym / farmers market/ read/ family / my favorite Saturday
5. Have a fab weekend all 👍🏻♥️

#FriYayIntro @howjessreads

youneverarrived Sounds like a lovely weekend. Enjoy 💕 5y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived thanks Katie! You too 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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