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A Gentleman in Moscow
A Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles
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I wanted more!
Well written, engaging story, interesting characters. The characters had depth, at least most of them did. The story was interesting, an aristocrat in post revolutionary Russia put under house arrest in an opulent hotel. He is moved to a tiny attic room and spends 30+ yrs living in the hotel.
4.8 ⭐️ only because I wanted more. Highly recommend for historical fiction or human interest.

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Started this last night. I‘ve had it on my shelf for the longest time. In fact I think o received it in one of the first swaps I ever did here at Litsy, lol. 😂

Sace I loved this book! 4w
kspenmoll Wonderful wonderful read! Enjoy! 4w
Crazeedi One of my all time faves! 4w
Kimberlone One of my favorite books! 4w
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When it first came out, I listened to the audio. Last 2 weeks I watched season 1 series. The last few days I treated myself to rereading the book. So wonderful, intelligent, historically accurate, and richest characterizations. I wonder if there‘ll be a season 2…


@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Awesome!! 1mo
jen_the_scribe Oh I didn‘t know there was a TV series! I loved the audiobook, gonna have to check it out. 1mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤩🥰🥳 1mo
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Eggs @jen_the_scribe Ewan McGregor plays the Count and he‘s so good. 1mo
jen_the_scribe @Eggs Oh I love him! 1mo
Eggs @jen_the_scribe 🙌🏻🧡🙌🏻 1mo
Rome753 How does the series compare to the book? 1mo
Eggs @Rome753 Closely aligned 1mo
Rome753 @Eggs Nice 1mo
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 2mo
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People have told me to read this book since it first came out. I put it off because historical fiction has to be a genre I'm in the mood for in order to appreciate it.

This book deserves all the praise it has received. The writing is simply exquisite, and I was drawn into this world and the characters and felt like part of the hotel.

Really beautiful story that I should have read sooner.

Librarybelle I started this years ago and had to stop because of work/life. I need to get back to it…I really enjoyed what I had read! 2mo
MaGoose I've been wanting to read this book since it came out. But other books have always enticed me away. I need to get this one read soon. 2mo
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you have a beautiful day! Here are today's #Two4Tuesday questions.

1️⃣ Turn Right
2️⃣ Tagged

All are welcome to play; however, tagging a few Littens to get us started. @bethm @dabbe @Eggs @The_Penniless_Author @CBee @IndoorDame @Yuki_Onna @TheBookHippie @Kshakal @peaKnit

dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 3mo
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A Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles

Such a wonderful book. A triumph of humanity and of living life to the fullest despite adverse circumstances.

MrsMalaprop Hope it made a good first BC book. 3mo
abmaltly @MrsMalaprop it was great 😊 3mo
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A beautifully written story about Count Alexander Rostov and his quiet, but full, life under house arrest at a hotel in Moscow. It‘s about making the most from your circumstances, finding purpose, found family. This novel is quiet, but full of lovable characters. The slow pace was hard for me. My rating is not a reflection of the book, but of where this book came to me in my reading life. I highly recommend it, and am glad I read it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 ❤️📚

Crazeedi One of my all time favorite books, I even remember where I was when I read it. Sooooo good 4mo
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I better get cracking on this pick for my IRL book club. We meet next week!

thegirlwiththelibrarybag This one has been popular at my library for years, hope you enjoy it! 5mo
MamaGina I‘m currently reading The Lincoln Highway after loving both this one and Rules of Civility. Such an amazing writer! 5mo
Tamra Nothing like a looming deadline! 5mo
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Hooked_on_books That‘s a snazzy edition! 5mo
jlhammar Loved this book. Beautiful edition! 5mo
Aimeesue Ditto what @jlhammar said! ❤️ 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this edition 💛🖤💛 5mo
BarbaraBB What a Leah-proof edition 😍😍 5mo
LeahBergen @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘m always late to the party for anything written in the 21st century. 😆 5mo
LeahBergen @MamaGina This is my first by this author and I‘m really enjoying it! 5mo
LeahBergen @Tamra I do my best work that way. 😆 5mo
LeahBergen @Hooked_on_books @jlhammar @Aimeesue @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BarbaraBB I think it might be the Australian edition? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
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My #doublespin for the month of January. ❤️📚#clearmyshelves2024

Crazeedi One of my most favorite books ever 5mo
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#sharreadathon @sharread gave this 5 stars as did I when I read it when it came out many moons ago now. Since the ICE has cancelled school I‘m going to make tea in my Russian tea cup and reread this today and just be ♥️

This is one of the last books she read. 💔

Soubhiville I really love this book. 5mo
Cuilin I loved this book too 🩷. 5mo
AmyG Such a great book. Deserving of 5 stars. 5mo
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tpixie 💗💗💗 5mo
Gissy 🌹🕯 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one! ❤️🖤 5mo
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I found this book slow going. I did enjoy it quite a bit. Towles developed the characters and their personalities quite well. The story covered the better part of a lifetime. I believe it was well worth the commitment I made to read it.

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#SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern

I think I have read A Gentleman In Moscow at least four times. I am always drawn back to it. The depth of the character is fabulous loved how Towles showed us the best of humanity in this book.

Suet624 One of these days I'm going to get to this book. 7mo
Aims42 I second this pick! I love doing a yearly re-read of the Count‘s adventures ♥️ 7mo
BookmarkTavern That sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing! 7mo
Blueberry I've read 3 of his books. All wonderful. 7mo
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I‘m not quite halfway with this one but really struggling. Does it pick up? Does something happen in the plot that will pull me in? I feel like everyone has loved this book, but I‘m definitely not in that place. I find my mind constantly wandering and have trouble keeping track of the names. Maybe it‘s the audiobook? 🤷🏼‍♀️

DGRachel It‘s a quiet novel. I don‘t remember much in the way of action. I loved it, but I also read it in print and it was the kind of soothing book I needed at the time. 8mo
Tamra I‘ve had this sitting on my shelf for so long, but it has yet to call me to take it down. 8mo
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The count is judged an unrepentant aristocrat by a Soviet tribunal & placed under house arrest in the Hotel Metropol. He was living there, but must move to a much more humble room.He almost gives in to despair, but manages to find a rich emotional life & worthwhile connections with the hotel‘s wonderful staff ,those he knows & those he meets as they pass through. Detailed,with humor & heart , a story to savor.On my TBR for a long time.

thea-block This is one of my favorite books of all time. So beautifully written and a really warm view of humanity in the end. 9mo
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A Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles
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#IdiomInsight @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

I love how the Count stayed positive despite his circumstances. Even when his life was not what he expected he adapted.

Eggs Such a great book ❤️ 10mo
Karisimo One of my all time top 5! 10mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice 🖤❤️ 10mo
TheSpineView @Karisimo Me too! 10mo
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I‘m in such a reading funk.Between being busy, stressed , living through extreme heat warnings , I can‘t seem to concentrate. Going to try this one , loved by many Littens , abandoned by many Littens !🫤🤷‍♀️

ShyBookOwl Good luck!! 10mo
Ruthiella Hope things calm down for you soon. ❤️ 10mo
Tamra I have this TBR too. Hang in there! 10mo
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Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles
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2- the tagged!

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

fredamans Thanks for the tag!

I'll have to check out the book,
Eggs @fredamans ❤️🙏🏻 10mo
TheSpineView Great choice! Love the Count! 10mo
Eggs @fredamans I think you‘ll like it! 10mo
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A Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles
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I think I am in the minority here, but I just could not get into this book.
I attempted several different times, thinking it was just bad timing.
After reaching 40%, I decided it‘s time to give up. #hailthebail
I enjoyed some parts, but others were dull, dull, dull.
First book by this author for me. I‘m afraid to try any others 🙈

swishandflick I was the same, you're not alone! I remember being bored to tears, I felt like I was reading a different book than everyone else. 11mo
TheLudicReader You are not alone. I really didn‘t like this book. We read it for book club and everyone else loved it. 11mo
Bluebird @swishandflick @TheLudicReader so happy to know it isn‘t just me! 11mo
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A Gentleman in Moscow | Amor Towles
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“For that matter, what can a first impression tell us about anyone? Why, no more than a chord can tell us about Beethoven, or a brushstroke about Botticelli. By their very nature, human beings are so capricious, so complex, so delightfully contradictory, that they deserve not only our consideration, but our reconsideration—and our unwavering determination to withhold our opinion until we have engaged with them . . . “ (120).

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Eggs Absolutely!! 14mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one!! 14mo
Leftcoastzen I feel like I‘m the only person that hasn‘t read this !😄 14mo
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I kept thinking about classic American film as I read this book. By the time the Count watches films from the golden age of Hollywood himself, I had already painted this as a black and white talkie in my own head. Towles‘ Images are woven together to tell a wonderful little story. This novel won‘t change your life, but it will help you enjoy some of its nuances and details.

SamAnne Really great and spot on review. 14mo
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Apparently I‘m in the minority, but I just couldn‘t get into this. I was bored out of my mind and finally bailed at around page 200. I may try to come back to it after a break, but it just really isn‘t doing it for me right now.

Bookwormjillk This took me a few tries 14mo
Jilly6183 @Bookwormjillk good to know! People seem to love it and the writing is good, but so far there is no hook that makes me need to know what‘s going to happen next and that just means I‘m looking at my phone during reading time instead 14mo
Bookwormjillk @Jilly6183 for me the ending was the hook 14mo
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LeftyDv This was me too… but I didn‘t bail and about page 220 I was so happy I persisted. Things just started to click. 14mo
Jilly6183 @LeftyDv good to know! I switched to another book but maybe I'll try to come to this one after 14mo
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This novel, beautifully written with fascinating characters, is both a short history of the Soviet Union and an homage to the film Casablanca. https://cannonballread.com/2023/05/a-gentleman-in-moscow-a-novel-elcicco/

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I believe this would make a great #DiscussionBook!



SamAnne Loved this one. So beautifully written. 14mo
Sapphire One of my all time favorites 14mo
rwmg Yes, my book club found it started off lots of discussion 14mo
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IndoorDame One of my all time favorites!!! 14mo
Eggs @SamAnne Agree 💯 14mo
Eggs @Sapphire One of a kind! 14mo
Eggs @rwmg I can imagine! 14mo
Eggs @IndoorDame For me too! 14mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks We read this a while back for #Sundaybuddyread and it was great! 14mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m sure it was a lively discussion 👏🏻 14mo
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Starting this next

TheBookgeekFrau I didn't think I would but I loved this book💞 1y
Pip2 I have this on my bookshelf waiting for me to crack it open, perhaps I will later this week. 1y
DivineDiana I have a huge crush on the Count! 1y
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It's 1922 in Moscow and our main character has been put under house arrest at the Metropol Hotel and from here we do not leave the premises.

This is such an interesting concept as we will see Russia and the many changes from the view of a hotel window, from the conversations in the restaurants, the important people when passing in the corridors.

I can not deny that this is a beautifully written book, the language is exceptional

Four stars.

RenePenn I really enjoyed this one. 1y
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One of my all time favorite books! My copy has him standing in front of the window, but I saw this cover and thought it and thought it better captured the spirit of this being #SetInThe1920s #MarchMagic @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

DivineDiana One of mine as well! ❤️ 1y
TheSpineView Love that cover!❤️📘 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this edition! Where did you find it? 🖤💛 1y
IndoorDame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks sadly it‘s not mine. I have the standard American hardcover edition. But I was looking at photos of it online and other covers popped up and I fell in love with this one 💛🖤💛 1y
Eggs Exquisite cover 🖤🧡🖤 1y
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Eggs Great book 🖤🤍🖤 1y
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Showing off my cheap reading glasses. I need a prescription pair.

tpixie Love them! ♥️ 1y
UwannaPublishme Cool glasses! 1y
Blueberry Why are reading glasses always cooler looking than regular glasses? LOL 1y
batsy @Blueberry Yes, why? 😆 This pair is v cool! 1y
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I will be reading more of Amor Towles in the near future. I enjoyed escaping away to the enduring and clever life of Count Alexander

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#AuldLangSpine @monalyisha @jenniferw88

I'm not sure what I was expecting reading this lonely book that has been sat on my bookshelf for far too long. It certainly wasn't to be so moved, entertained or enthralled by Count Roskov and his Gatsby-like lifestyle as he's confined to house arrest at the Metropol, for being a Former Person. The story moves elegantly through the different stages of his life with great aplomb.

AllDebooks This story contains so much detail from Moscow's elite society pre Revolution, class, equality, liberty, politics, war, hotel escapades and assignations. All written with the driest of wit and vitality. Loved this and highly recommend it. 1y
Karisimo An all time favorite for me! 1y
Bren912 I fell in love with this Gentleman!!! Great read! 1y
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AllDebooks @Karisimo @Bren912 I really did enjoy it so much. All the time I was reading, it played in my head like one of those Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn screwball comedies. Loved it and I'm quite sad it's over. I shall miss the Count! 1y
jenniferw88 Glad you loved it! I'm hoping to get to another of yours but have got to finish Alan's diaries first, as they're all on my Kindle and don't want to be flicking between 2 on there. 1y
AllDebooks @jenniferw88 Are you enjoying it? I got it for Christmas and read a little every other day. I'll definitely be reading more from your tbr, not just in January either. We have very similar taste and I trust your judgement. 😊 Next up 1y
jenniferw88 @AllDebooks Yes, he's making me laugh, just got to the start of the Harry Potter films and Love Actually! 1y
Sapphire Madly Deeply is on the list for my husbands non fiction group at the public library. I am planning to read it and go with him for that one. Looking forward to it. 1y
AllDebooks @Sapphire 😊 Enjoy! 1y
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February picks for #roll100. Not disappointed in any of them!

IndoorDame Ooh, A Gentleman in Moscow is one of my favorites! ❤️ and I may also be reading Godmersham Park next month if my copy arrives before then (edited) 1y
Bklover @IndoorDame I have a really pretty copy of Godmersham Park that I bought on ThriftBooks. Looking forward to it! 1y
IndoorDame @Bklover I‘m really looking forward to it too! 1y
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#Bookreport @Cinfhen

I have already had some incredible reads since the start of the year & we're only going into week 2!
All of my completed books were 3.75 - 4 ⭐️ ratings.

About to start Middlemarch for #Pemberlittens. I'm halfway through Demon Copperhead & The book of eels, enjoying both immensely.

Up next tagged for #ALSpine & The Night Watchman for #AuthorAMonth
@monalyisha @jenniferw88 @Soubhiville

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I almost forgot to do this!

#12booksof2022 @Andrew65 September


Andrew65 One of my favourites. 2y
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Kicking off the New Year with Amor Towles. All of these chosen books have been on my tbr list since publishing. @monalyisha You did a great job matching me with @jenniferw88
This is going to be fun!!

IndoorDame This is on my list of favorite books of all time! I hope you enjoy!!! 2y
AllDebooks @IndoorDame well that's a recommendation. I'll let you know 😊 2y
Karisimo @IndoorDame on my all time fav list too!!! 2y
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monalyisha Can‘t wait to see your reviews — especially for The Ardent Swarm and A Tale for the Time Being! 2y
jlhammar Amazing list! I loved all of these (with the exception of The Ardent Swarm which I haven‘t read). 2y
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The BEST (literary?) historical novel I've ever read. Absolutely enchanting writing. I can't remember the last time I laughed in pure delight so many times at the passages contained in one book. So perfectly balanced with the darker side of historical Russia authentically sprinkled throughout the various decades we get a glimpse of. I was reminded of Still Life; its mix of pathos and charm, the focus on indomitable spirits.

Cuilin Wonderful book. Loved it. 2y
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The virtues of reconsideration. 👌🏻

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Moustache migration!

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Bittersweet reading experience: when you're enchanted by the writing but sad for the circumstances described.
Books that strive for emotional manipulation, *cough*Kazuo Ishiguro*cough* drive me batty, but books that enchant even while not being fluffy in subject matter suck me right in.

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Let me start by saying, this book was beautifully written. I could picture everything easily and I can‘t wait to see the tv show. However, the book just moved too slowly for me, which is why I‘m giving it a “so-so” rating.

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I really loved this book even though it was more more of a slow and savor read then I usually go for. The writing is phenomenal with such delicacy and detail. The character development is superb and there are definitely some surprises. Overall, an excellent novel. #winterreadathon Book 4 Finished @Andrew65 sorry I can‘t remember who else to tag!!

IndoorDame One of my all time favorites! 2y
annahenke @IndoorDame just excellent! 2y
DieAReader Great job!😉🤓📚♥️ 2y
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RebL I love this book too! 2y
annahenke @DieAReader thank you!! 2y
annahenke @RebL awesome!! Love to find shared book loves!! 2y
bookandbedandtea One of my all time favorites! 2y
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Time to get planning January's readlist for my participation in #AuldLangSpine
Thank so much for all your hard work organising this @monalyisha I have a perfect match in @jenniferw88 I've already read 1, 2, 4 & 12. The majority of the rest are on my tbr list. 😊 The tagged is a definite January read. I've been meaning to read it .... forever!

jenniferw88 Ooh, good starting book - ideal with a hot chocolate! I read it in September but think it will be a brilliant winter read. 2y
jenniferw88 And I have you and #naturalitsy to thank for #12 - it gave me the push I needed to finally read it, as I've had it on my Kindle since December 2020! 2y
AllDebooks @jenniferw88 lol, I'm the same, had it for years and never got round to reading it! 2y
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It was pretty slow-going and I was bored so I skimmed some of the book. A little girl “the Count” met, Nina, was slightly interesting for a very short time. Later on, Sofia was occasionally interesting. The book gets the extra ¼ star for the ending, but for the most part, nothing happened and it was boring. I realize my opinion does not agree with most.

Ruthiella I didn‘t like his debut, which is also very popular, so I‘ve shied away from reading anything else. 2y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella This one is much better I thought! 2y
rwmg @BarbaraBB I agree. It was a struggle getting through “Rules of Civility“ but I really enjoyed this one (which fortunately I read first). My book club's first choice for 2023 is “The Lincoln Highway“, which I must admit I'm eyeing with some trepidation. 2y
LibraryCin @Ruthiella @BarbaraBB @rwmg i didnt like rules of civility eitg 2y
LibraryCin *either 2y
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I didn‘t want this book to end! This is the 2nd book by A. Towles that I loved.I can‘t even say which I loved more, which says alot.The characters were amazing.This authors attention to detail made me want to visit the Metropol, but I won‘t be visiting Moscow anytime soon.So many events took place while the Count was under house arrest, you‘d hardly believe that the majority of this story took place in this one setting.I highly recommend this book

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Never in my life, has it taken me so long to read a book. I had a friend recommended this book to me, so I felt obligated to finish it, but there were thousands of words that could have been removed from this book to make it so much more enjoyable. I had to skim over so many biting paragraphs, that I felt were completely unnecessary, just to get through this. If you have all the time in the world, have at it. Me? I just do not have the time.

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📚tagged. Get a life chloe brown.
🖊Chloe Gong. John Green. Romina Garber.
📺Grey's Anatomy! The Good Place. The Great. Gossip Girl. Great British Baking Show. Gilmore Girls. Ginny & Georgia.
🎤The goo goo dolls
🎶Giants- walk the moon. Good girls go bad- cobra starship. Get lucky- daft punk.

Ik it's late but I love to play!
#manicmonday #letterG

CBee Love seeing your answers on Monday or any day! 😃 2y
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