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Love Lettering
Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I‘M IN LOVE!!! Wow. This is a love letter to NYC and to the written word - and as a huge fan of both of those, I am so obsessed. Clayborn is a poet; she describes the art of calligraphy in such a cool, visual way. The narrative was fun and unique and inspiring, tackling really important issues like maintaining adult friendships while also delivering a sexy romance. Here for it!!

Becker I‘m not really a romance reader but you make this sound so good. 😍 2mo
Julsmarshall I love all of her books! So fresh and unique! 2mo
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Eggs ❤️💌📬 5mo
BennettBookworm Love this pic- the fabric works so perfectly! 2mo
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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The description of these characters is so cute - would love to see someone's interpretation of these

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Eggs 💙💌❤️ 13mo
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I quite enjoyed this romantic romp through NYC. Reid took a while to really like, but the build-up was good. I don‘t plan to hunt out Clayborn‘s backlist, but I would read her again if the book was right. #52Books23 #scriptfontonthespine #BlameitonLitsy

Now I can catch up on Agnes, who‘s been giving me the side-eye. Hey, I‘ve been sick and not able to read as much as I‘d like, and Agnes takes some willpower! #PemberLittens

TheBookHippie Fell better and yes phew Agnes. 1y
Ruthiella Hope you feel better soon! 🤒❤️ 1y
dabbe Agnes herself needs some willpower! Hope you feel better soon! 🤗 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I got hit with a nasty cold late yesterday. While I wallow in misery and enjoy the hot toddy hubby just made me I‘m starting this #blameitonLitsy pick. I think it‘s a good sign that Guillory, whose work I enjoy and just recently finished, is the cover blurb.

dabbe Hope you feel better soon! 🤗 1y
LaraReads So sorry you are feeling yuck! I just finished this one. I enjoyed it! Maybe not as much as Georgie, but it was good. Hope you enjoy it & feel better soon! 1y
Ruthiella Wishing you a speedy recovery! 🤒❤️ 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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It was finally pool opening day yesterday! And while there is tons of work to be done around the yard, after the work day today, I‘d rather sit here reading to the sound of the birds having their dinner. Thanks @squirrelbrain for the rec, I am really enjoying this one! 💙

squirrelbrain I‘m glad you‘re enjoying it! ❤️ 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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A Brooklyn artist meets a Wall St. #s guy. Meg & Reid‘s relationship wasn‘t convincing at first, but it grew on me. I love that Meg runs her own business & doesn‘t drop everything for a new romance. It was about Meg learning to trust her own voice. The plot could have skipped the hidden messages thing. I did love the friendships in the book. They were realistic, showing that fights happen & you chose to work through them, even when that‘s tough.

DivineDiana Well, this is a beautiful setting! ❤️ 1y
AvidReader25 @DivineDiana Yes! Vacation reading is the best. 😊 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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This was a charming love story between two delightfully unique and quirky characters, one of whom's life is all about numbers, and one who's is about letters. Eventually, they both realize they're speaking the same language. 3.5⭐️

I didn't love it anywhere near as much as Georgie, but it was a sweet way to pass the time nonetheless 📝

JamieArc Just started reading Georgie and enjoying it! 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I have participated in LetterMo 💌 from the beginning; any else in LitsyLand? The idea is to write/send a piece of correspondence every day the post runs. AND, you must reply to every letter received during the month.

Wanting to find a book to post this image, I found the selected and it looks fun. I discovered that I already have it on my tbr at gr 🎉 So, you could say, I rediscovered this book and am now checking my library. 🤩

BkClubCare Sign up at LetterMo.com if interested 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I hate when I forget to review a book right away! I prefer it to be fresh in my mind. Here goes: while Reid is less of a goof than my ideal leading man, I loved this romance. The design aspect, the NY setting, the food. It was not just sexy but intimate & direct — in a way that almost made me uncomfortable at first. It‘s important to write sex like that — especially for women readers who‘ve been socialized to act differently, in life & in sex.

monalyisha Note: I also loved the way Meg & Sibby work to revise their friendship to keep it intact and grow it stronger to suit them in their adult lives. And the way that Meg, tentatively at first, makes a brand-new adult friend! The story would have been far less without this thread of female friendship running throughout. (edited) 2y
monalyisha @JamieArc If you‘re looking for another romance, you can pop this one on the list! I know you indicated that you trend towards lighter reads in January; this fits. 😊 2y
rubyslippersreads I also liked the behind-the-scenes look at planner companies. Maybe things aren‘t always perfectly happy at The Happy Planner??? 😏 2y
JamieArc @monalyisha This book was heavy on my radar when it first came out, so I‘ll put it back on. Thanks for tagging me! 2y
JamieArc @monalyisha I haven‘t read this yet, but this author just came out with a new book and I‘m happy to snag it as one of Book of the Month picks. 1y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I enjoyed the audio more so than the print. Such a cute story! Light and fun! But real.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Started this audiobook yesterday. I‘ve been trying to read it on the kindle, but I couldn‘t get into it. The audio seems better so far.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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A few weeks ago I participated in an auction to raise $$ for Fair Fight Action to advance voting rights and my goodies arrived today! Kate Clayborn, one of my favorite authors, graciously signed copies of all of her books and I couldn‘t be happier to add them to my bookshelf 🥰📚

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I avoid confrontation at all costs, so I get Meg‘s trepidation about fighting.

I also realize that this avoidance and confrontation is probably a big reason why the number of people who stay in my life is quite small. Quite a bit of food for thought this early on a Wednesday morning...

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I thought this would have felt more magical with the description but I was bored quite a bit. Another free space for #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I was a little underwhelmed by this one as well, despite it sounding exactly like my kind of book. I just found Meg's entire character aggravating and inconsistent. 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I was so excited to read this book, but it wasn't what I expected. This was definitely cute and romantic though! #romance

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Awesome walk and coffee with my dear friend @peaknit plus a good library #bookhaul

peaKnit That coffee was ridiculously good! And I have to hear about that rocking book. 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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😐😐 okay, so I realize I‘m in the minority here, but I did not enjoy this book. It was so confusing and boring to me. The entire first half of the book felt more like a handwriting/font course.. zero romance or plot. Then there was a tiny bit of romance and just switched to a very strange mystery. It‘s probably on me, I just didn‘t understand or relate to the story at all. Such a disappointment because I was so excited to read it!

wanderinglynn I didn‘t like it either. 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn

Loved Reid and was honestly surprised to find out what his reservations were for!!

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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I wasn't paying attention when I made my April goals list so all the books on it seem to be chunksters. It was a little disheartening not being able to finish in one week so I threw in a romcom to keep my spirits up.

Goal this week is to finish Island in the Sea of Time and start Seveneves. I have a bit more than 400 pages to read if I want to hit that goal.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Early in my undergrad I thought I wanted to be a graphic designer so all the lettering and sign chasing in this was super relatable. I liked Meg and felt like she could be a version of me in another life. The romance was cute and kind of nerdy and I enjoyed this so much I read it in one sitting. This was the first I've read by Clayborn but I liked this enough to look up her other stuff.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I thoroughly enjoyed this. I very much relate to Meg's inclination to avoid conflict so I was impressed by her journey. I loved Reid all along but especially once we learned exactly why he was so stressed and reserved. I loved that this is also about Meg's friendships and business and that she learned to take more control of every aspect of her life. There are a few things I could nitpick but I guess I'm not in a nitpicky mood.

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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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This was recommended by my library as a virtual book club option, but I found it to be too predictable as a romance for any healthy conversation. The first 120 pages or so felt forced and were slow to read, but then it did get cute as the book progressed.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Eggs 😘😘😘 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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A fun read. Being a self employed artist myself i can relate to a lot of this. Seeing letters, as art is a wonderful concept. The budding love story, the issue with friends, it was easy to enjoy.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I got it because it was the Together We Read book on Overdrive and I‘m glad I did.
A year ago, Meg hand-lettered the invitations for a wedding she knew would fail, even adding a tiny clue in the invites. When Reid, the ex-groom, walks into the shop where she works looking for answers, she struggles to find them.
Meg, struggling personally, turns to Reid to help her out of her artistic slump, leading them to connect in ways neither expected.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I definitely agree lettering emotes feeling, and enjoyed that aspect of this story. The idea of fighting fair, and bothering to fight at all, was a theme I appreciated. It is an important part of life. I much prefer closed door romance, and thought this narrative took a wrong turn a couple times with those scenes. I believe the same character development could have happened with those moments done less explicitly. #TogetherWeRead

rubyslippersreads I agree with you that an open door was unnecessary. 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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One word: annoyed

2 stars on GR and an #unpopularopinion as this book is getting a lot of positive attention. Full review in my GR if you care to know why this book annoyed me: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3843123638

Book 3 for #FabulousFebruary

Sharpeipup Agreed. 3y
wanderinglynn @Sharpeipup 🙌🏻 glad I‘m not the only one this book annoyed. 😆 3y
Leftcoastzen Popped over to your review, annoyed enough to finish it? 😂I get it though, sometimes you read on thinking is that all there is? 3y
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TheAromaofBooks I wasn't a huge fan of this one either. Meg was just absurdly nonconfrontational. Like literally living with her roommate/best friend for MONTHS without finding out what's wrong?!?! It also made me mad that literally there was never a discussion about even the possibility of them living anywhere other than NYC, despite the fact that Reid hates it there & Meg freaking works from home. Not even that the book would have to end with them moving away ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks but the way that it wasn't even on the table for discussion aggravated me a lot. Like being in a relationship is about finding out what's best for both of you together, as a team, & there's no indication that either of them are actually going to be good at working together in the future. 3y
wanderinglynn @Leftcoastzen I kept expecting something to happen to change my mind. A lot of books start with unlikable characters. And then I was so far in, I just kept listening. Had it been a physical book, I would‘ve put it down. 3y
Andrew65 That‘s very disappointing! 😞 3y
wanderinglynn @TheAromaofBooks yes! Exactly. So annoying!!! 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Love Lettering is the #TogetherWeRead title currently on Libby! No waitlist ✌🏼❤️📚

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Cold (14 degrees) but still read outside with the help of a friend for #fabulousFebruary.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Only 20% in but really enjoying this so far. The art of calligraphy is interesting and integral to the story. Don't you love it when a book takes you to a place you recognize? Haven't been to NYC in 5 years but loved being familiar with Meg's walk from Court Street Station to the Promenade. A couple of pix on the Promenade heading toward Brooklyn Bridge. #LovePrevails #BrokenHeart @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful pix and book 👏🏻📚👍🏼 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Since it‘s Valentine‘s Day and all... 💝💘💖

BookishMarginalia I thoroughly enjoyed this one! 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Up next!

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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Such a quick, fun read! A warm, charming romance perfect for Valentines weekend. The audiobook narrator #NIcolZanzarella is delightful too. Give it a try! #TogetherWeRead

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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I've got a bunch of other books that I should be finishing but I just could not put this one down! It was so cute 😊 I loved the calligraphy aspect - how fonts described something about a character or a moment.
The story was unique and there was a twist near the end that I genuinely didn't see coming, which is rare in romance novels. Also the characters were super relatable. I felt Meg's insecurities and aversion to conflict on a personal level 😂

Jgacreations Just added it to my downloads. Ty! 3y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 3y
Julsmarshall I loved this one so much! 3y
peanutnine @Jgacreations yay! Enjoy 😊 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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When I went on to Overdrive today this popped up on the home page, Together We Read. This title is available without waitlists or holds. It‘s an online US book club which connects readers.

February 10-24, 2021

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Just found this at my library and decided to try the audiobook. Looks fun! #TogetherWeRead

squirrelbrain I read this recently - I really enjoyed it, hope you do too! 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Saw this on Libby this morning. Looks like a cute romance, perfect leading up to Valentine's Day 💕

ChasingOm I really enjoyed this one! 3y
mcipher It was so cute and smart and just goood! 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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You guys, I am *loving* this book. Enough that I risked the claws by infiltrating Amelia‘s cat bed with it for a picture 😹 #catsoflitsy

IuliaC 😻 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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I thoroughly enjoyed Love Lettering - I think mainly because I have a thing for craftsperson competence porn. An enjoyable contemporary romance. And that completes my first tetrad of #fourfoursin21 yay! #readingchallenge

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Down on the south coast for a family funeral, and reading Love Lettering on our tiny patio. We were already out of the Perth/Peel/SW region when news of the snap lockdown hit.

LazyOwl Keep well & hopefully the lockdown won't last too long 3y
Lauredhel @LazyOwl no lockdown down here but it does mean our son can‘t join us for his granddad‘s funeral :( 3y
Crazeedi Stay safe and well, my deepest sympathies 💔 3y
LazyOwl That's really disheartening. My husband missed his Aunt's funeral last year. He was able to view the funeral video though. All the best ❤ 3y
Lauredhel @LazyOwl yes... we‘ve had ten months of no community transmission here but I still have already been to one zoom funeral 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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Next up! And this should do for the #calligraphy prompt of #fourfoursin21. #romantsy

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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#fourfoursin21 - calligraphy @Lauredhel

I don't have much brain right now for writing a review, but this was a very enjoyable #romantsy. The lettering elements were fun.

Lauredhel \o/ 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn
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This was fun. I read the entire thing in about a day. It's a somewhat different approach to a romance novel. A rom com really. It would make a really cute movie, actually.

#BookSpinBingo square 16

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn

Sooo good. Sweet. Modern. Delightful.

Love Lettering | Kate Clayborn

I was slow to get into the story.. picked up brilliantly in the middle and I was u able to stop reading until it was finished!