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Bambi: A Life in the Woods | Felix Salten
The beloved story of a deer in the forest reaches a new generation of readers with a fresh new look. Bambis life in the woods begins happily. There are forest animals to play with and Bambis twin cousins, Gobo and beautiful Faline. But winter comes, and Bambi learns that the woods hold dangerand things he doesn't understand. The first snowfall makes food hard to find. Bambis father, a handsome stag, roams the forest, but leaves Bambi and his mother alone. Then there is Man. He comes to the forest with weapons that can wound an animal. Bambi is scared that Man will hurt him and the ones he loves. But Man cant keep Bambi from growing into a great stag himself, and becoming the Prince of the Forest. Repackaged with a vibrant, fresh cover for the first time in two decades, this timeless tale of a young deers woodland life is an ideal collectible.
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29 books read for #192025 so far 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼🏆

My list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vmPmtJP9eixRj0tsmG6LkICI-unwsBLLjY2PLgpe...

I‘m old school 😊

Bklover I like old school! 12mo
Deblovestoread Well done! 🎉 and if you are old school I am ancient with my pencil and paper 😂 12mo
Librarybelle Old school lists are good! 12mo
kwmg40 Nothing wrong with old school! 12mo
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I didn‘t know the original text of Bambi is so grim. I have a vague idea of the Disney‘s Bambi though I‘ve never watched it. From a fawn to adulthood, Bambi learns of survival, of growing up, & death. Salten showed us the many threats for the animals in the forests, including the most dangerous, the hunters. After finishing it, I was aware it‘s either an allegory for anti-Semitism in post-World War I, or human‘s treatment of nature. Or both maybe.

BarbaraBB I had no idea! 1y
Suet624 How many of us who watched that movie as a child will never recover from the death of Bambi‘s mother? 🙋🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I think that‘s why I became a vegetarian at a very young age. Any animal could be a baby‘s mom. 1y
TheBookHippie So so good. 1y
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This was such a fascinating, powerful and haunting look at nature—its blessings and its harsh realities—from the perspective of one of the most hunted animals. My respect and empathy for all of nature‘s creatures have grown even stronger now.

TheBookHippie 💚🦌 I feel exactly the same way. I‘m so glad we read this! 1y
UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie Thx for bringing these great classics back into my reading life! 🤗 1y
PurpleyPumpkin I still haven‘t read this but I‘m planning to! glad you enjoyed it!👍🏽 1y
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin It‘s a powerful read and not what I expected. Sooo good! 1y
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I listened to this translation over the weekend and learned the original is not at all a children‘s story. I truly appreciated the descriptions and details, although I found the whole story a bit more melancholy than I expected. I thought there would be more joy in the beginning rather than the ever present anxiety and caution. The introduction by the translator of this edition was fantastic.

#ChildrensClassicRead2023 #audiobook #translated

TheBookHippie Thanks for reading along! I just loved it. I love this version. 1y
Daisey @TheBookHippie So glad I made time for it this month! ❤️ 🦌 1y
tpixie 🦒🌺 1y
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#childrensclassicread2023 #JumpStart2023

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Beautiful nature writing that is at times dark, brooding and brutal.

TheBookHippie 💚💚💚 1y
tpixie 🐰 🦉 🦊 🦌 1y
batsy Yes! Nicely summed up. 1y
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A book about the life in the forest, from Bambi is born until his adult years. This is different from the Disney version and probably gives a truer picture in how life in the forest is. I must admit that I did miss Thumper and Flower though.

#ChildrensClassicRead2023 #1923 #192025
5th book for #JoyousJanuary
@TheBookHippie @Librarybelle @Andrew65

tpixie Great review. Yes- you can call me flower 🌺 🦨 🐰 1y
Librarybelle Awesome - I did not realize this was published in 1923. 100 year anniversary this year! 1y
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AnneCecilie @Librarybelle I didn‘t even think about that. Great time for reading it then. I noticed the year when I read the blurb here on Litsy. (edited) 1y
Andrew65 A wonderful classic. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle I didn‘t either …duh 😅🤣 1y
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Frustratingly/interestingly, so far with my translation, they have used the word “people” twice when they‘re really talking about other animals. Once about a hedgehog, another about a different animal, I think other deer.

TheBookHippie ‼️ 1y
tpixie @TheBookHippie if I hadn‘t already spent enough money during the last 2 months, I‘d get your version! ( even though it is cheap on kindle) 1y
TheBookHippie @tpixie oh I so get that!!!! 1y
batsy Yes, I read the free Gutenberg version and had to overlook the same issue! 1y
tpixie @batsy 🌺🌺🌺 1y
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Alas, this version is not the Jack Zipes‘ translation, but it‘s close & still lovely. I can‘t figure out who‘s translation, but it‘s a publisher from India.
Wood instead of forest
Of course instead of certainly
Oh, don‘t let me disturb you vs Well, I wouldn‘t want to disturb you.

I may switch…. Since Zipes‘ is supposed to be the best translation… I had my sister download the one on the right.

hannah-leeloo Good reads 1y
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚 I love the one of the right. 1y
tpixie @hannah-leeloo yes! So we‘ll written 1y
tpixie @TheBookHippie yes it‘s fun to see the difference. The right is a little more formal & so beautifully written. The left still is poetic though. (edited) 1y
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I‘ve just started reading our #ChildrensClassicRead2023

Oh! To see the wonder of the world through Bambi‘s eyes!
Grass, sky, & butterflies 🦋

( I don‘t like this cover,though! )

TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚 1y
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A dark fable about the beauty & brutality of nature. It's not at all what I was expecting; Disneyfied-Bambi has a lot to answer for! This is bittersweet, strange, & exerts a bewitching power. I think it's pretty unique because Salten depicts how all life on earth is subject to the forces outside of its control; but there's also a lesson there in not to exalt human ability (i.e. capacity to use technology for violence). #ChildrensClassicRead2023

batsy Thanks again @TheBookHippie for yet another excellent children's classic pick that I otherwise would not have read. My favourite chapter had to be the brief one between the "talking" leaves ? 1y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve never watched Disney‘s Bambi 🤷‍♀️. Great review Suba! 1y
TheBookHippie I am still reading a bit a day but I absolutely love it. So far every Disney thing we‘ve read the true story for I prefer the original and especially this one. It is so beautiful. Disney butchered it. Oy. 1y
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batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you! 😘 1y
batsy @TheBookHippie I read a bit every night and I like how it took me to a different place, sort of like being right there in the meadow ❤️ 1y
TheBookHippie @batsy I agree. 💚 1y
sarahbarnes Oh wow, I had no idea! 😳 1y
tpixie I‘ve just started. So far it‘s lovely. I‘m afraid for the sad parts. 1y
batsy @sarahbarnes It was a surprise to discover this original version! 1y
batsy @tpixie I know, I had the same fear! I was reading it very slowly. But the style of writing makes the tough parts easy to bear. Not sure how to describe it; the dark parts are not erased, but the narrative makes it seem like a normal part of life and carries on. In a way it is helpful for the reader, too. 1y
Cathythoughts Bambi❤️ 1y
tpixie @batsy thanks! That‘s good to know. It is a lovely narrative/ voice. 😍 🦌 1y
tpixie @batsy I just got to the leaves. So sweet! 🍁🍂🍁 1y
batsy @tpixie Isnt it 🧡 A lovely sort of intermission chapter. 1y
tpixie @batsy yes! 1y
UwannaPublishme Great review! I just finished reading it and agree with you. Not what I expected at all. 1y
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Loving this read. I could binge it but a section a day is quite lovely. #childrensclassicread2023

I highly recommend this exact copy.

Currently half price on Amazon The Original Bambi: The Story of a Life in the Forest https://a.co/d/5ALiO73

Ruthiella Beautiful picture! 😍 1y
mrp27 I‘m enjoying this more than I thought I would. 1y
Cinfhen Stunning photo ! And I LOVE your mug 🤩 1y
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TheBookHippie @mrp27 So I am I. I did not expect to love this so much. 1y
TheBookHippie @Cinfhen New mug this fall when I was on my Whitman reading cabin staying tour with Mr BookHippie. 1y
Cinfhen Good purchase!!!!! 1y
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I found this older copy at the library I work at and couldn't resist reading it.

The descriptions, the animal characters, and the way the writing makes you feel like you're in the meadow with the deer made this such a joy to read. It left me pondering our interactions with the world around us, especially in regards to animals and nature.

TheBookHippie Oh how wonderful!!! 💚 1y
bookishbitch I loved this as a kid. There is also a second called Bambi's Children, as well as some others he wrote all centering around animals. 1y
AnnR That looks like a lovely copy. 1y
batsy That looks beautiful! And great review. I've just started, reading a bit each night, and I love how the atmosphere just seeps through. 1y
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For the #readchildrensclassics2023 we read Bambi. OMG. This story! This one touched me in ways I didn‘t anticipate. So many feels. As a child I didn‘t like Disney‘s movie Bambi so I was worried this book wouldn‘t resonate with me. @TheBookHippie thank you for picking this one.

TheBookHippie It‘s so wonderful. FYI I did not like Disney Bambi either.. 1y
batsy I don't like Disney Bambi too and was worried about reading this one, but glad of this review and other reviews I've read. I'm looking forward to reading this! 1y
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Golly, I‘m on chapter 5 and concerned for the plight of deer. They can never feel safe, must always be on edge, even in joyful moments, must be watchful. Their fathers don‘t acknowledge their existence and their mothers can only hope they make it to adulthood. Where are the deer psychologists to help them work through these awful childhood traumas?

Who knew Bambi would provoke such thought and concern? #ChildrensClassicRead2023

TheBookHippie I am loving this read so much! 1y
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I found my copy of Bambi in a San Francisco thrift store in the 90‘s and yes it‘s been on my tbr that long. Which makes it high time to finally read it with @TheBookHippie and chapter a day. The illustration in the first chapter is beautiful.

TheBookHippie Oh my word!! How wonderful!!! 1y
batsy So pretty 😍 1y
mrp27 @TheBookHippie @batsy Thanks! It‘s definitely one of my favorite book treasures. 1y
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UwannaPublishme Beautiful edition and a great find! 🙌🏻 1y
tpixie Gorgeous 🤩 1y
mrp27 @tpixie @UwannaPublishme Thanks! (edited) 1y
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mrp27 That‘s a beautiful copy! 1y
TheBookHippie @mrp27 I feel I need to donate it to an English or History teacher after the month is done. It is so well done. 1y
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rubyslippersreads Gorgeous cover! 1y
tpixie Gorgeous!!! 1y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely copy! I‘m reading the PDF version. 1y
Soscha Jack Zipes is a noted folklorist as well. I‘m as eager to read his take as the book itself tbh. (I wanted to be folklorist but let‘s just say it‘s not really a growth industry in the market. 😢) 1y
TheBookHippie @Soscha It is very good!! I am quite taken with it! 1y
batsy Oooh, nice! 💚 1y
UwannaPublishme Beautiful cover! 1y
tpixie @Soscha what a wonderful dream! Folklorist 🍁 1y
tpixie @TheBookHippie a few paragraphs down discusses the translators 1y
tpixie This claims, he also wrote the book that the Disney movie the shaggy dog was based on

The Hound of Florence” concerns a young Austrian man destined to spend every other day of his life as the archduke‘s dog; in the end, he is stabbed to death, in his dog form, while trying to protect a courtesan he loves from assault. (In an even more drastic transformation than the one “Bambi” underwent, this story became, in Disney‘s hands, “The Shaggy Dog.”)
TheBookHippie @tpixie It is all so fascinating and so much more than the Disney troupe … I absolutely love the version I have ! 1y
TheBookHippie @tpixie thanks for the links!!!!! You, me and @UwannaPublishme end up as researchers with all these reads! We are learning so much!! 1y
tpixie @TheBookHippie lol yes! I can‘t help but look further! Thanks for putting up with it!! 😂😅🌺 1y
TheBookHippie @tpixie It‘s second nature to me to do it. But I absolutely love what we are learning! 1y
tpixie @TheBookHippie yes! This has been a great experience! I‘m so happy I found your #ChildrensClassicRead ! 1y
UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie @tpixie 😁😁😁 We are just hungry harbingers for trivia and news! 1y
tpixie @UwannaPublishme well said 🦚 1y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme 💚💚💚💚💚💚 1y
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Jess861 I so wanted to read this but I can't find a copy (library or purchase) for the life of me. Hopefully I can jump in come February! 1y
TheBookHippie @Jess861 Oh I am sorry! It was difficult to locate. Which seems wrong! I'll post if I find an online version! 1y
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Jess861 @TheBookHippie No worries 😊. I only read paper books. If I had a kindle it would have been available. Not a big deal...I was just surprised that paper copies wouldn't be more readily available. 1y
Soscha The author, Felix Salten, was Hungarian so you need to pick it up in translation. That‘s why it‘s not available for cheap, unless you read a Disney movie picture book anyway. 1y
Soscha I did buy a copy but haven‘t read it yet. From what I‘ve read about it, it‘s not…Disney-fied in the original. 1y
KristiAhlers That was a very interesting article. A great deal to unpack and consider. I will definitely keep it in mind as I read this story tonight. 1y
TheBookHippie @Soscha I got a translated version, yes. 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks! Bookmarked the article to read after I finish Bambi. 1y
mrp27 Lots of food for thought here. 1y
TheBookHippie @KristiAhlers I agree I‘m still digesting it. 1y
TheBookHippie @mrp27 Agreed. Still processing it all. 1y
UwannaPublishme Agreed! Much food for thought here. I found an audio version on Libby that I just started. 1y
GingerAntics Does the original story have the sand ending I don‘t remember from the movie? 1y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I will let you know I‘m still reading ! 😅 1y
tpixie Thanks I‘ve saved the link to read later! 1y
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Goals for #JumpStart2023 and of course not pictured yet is January bookspin pick.

Clwojick Great goals! ❤️ 1y
tpixie I read the Paris wife & then - interesting different viewpoints - his & hers. (edited) 1y
mrp27 @tpixie Good to know, thanks! 1y
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tpixie If you read either one and think of it, Let me know. There‘s one post that sticks to me 1y
tpixie Oh and Farmer Boy- when I was in 3rd grade, my book fell into this waterway for rainwater- and Ronnie Roth 😍 , a boy, went down and got it for me! I kept it- the pages were a mess from the wetness- all wrinkled & warped! 1y
mrp27 @tpixie Will do! I just started Paris Wife, about 20 pages in. Aww what a sweet memory about Farmer Boy. Stinks the book was wrinkled and warped but wonderful to have had a crush rescue it! 1y
tpixie @mrp27 yes ! ❤️❤️❤️ who knows where he is now!! 1y
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On to 2023 we go!!!

Schedule : http://bookhippie.com/index.php/2022/08/01/2023-childrens-classic-read/

💚📗 Let me know if you want to be added or subtracted from tags!

julieclair I have been looking all over for my childhood copy of Bambi… to no avail. 😕 So I downloaded a kindle copy just in case! Looking forward to 2023. You have chosen great selections! 👍 Thanks for hosting… this is one of my favorite challenges! 2y
julieclair That is quite an interesting illustration. Kind of like a science lesson about the food chain. Definitely not the Disney version, lol! 2y
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TheBookHippie @julieclair and the whole thing didn‘t fit!!!! But yes no Disney here 👀😬 2y
Soscha I did pick up the recent reissue of Bambi but I‘m feeling a lil hesitant to read it. I know it‘s not a sunshine & roses view of life. I don‘t really do CW but I take animal death & suffering very, very hard. 2y
TheBookHippie @Soscha I totally understand that. ♥️ 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Very much looking forward to this one! My library hold will be available in 3 days, right on time!🙌🏽Thanks for hosting @TheBookHippie 😉 2y
mrp27 Looking forward to it! 2y
UwannaPublishme Yay! My favorite challenge is about to begin! 🙌🏻 2y
TheAromaofBooks It's been a few years since I have read this one, so I'm looking forward to it!! This one definitely sent me down a bunny trail of the differences between our local white-tailed deer and the roe deer Salten was familiar with. 2y
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks oh fun!!! You‘ll have to share what you‘ve learned!! 2y
tpixie @TheBookHippie I can‘t wait for another year of great reads! 2y
KristiAhlers I have yet to read this one! This is great 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Please keep me tagged. I‘ll like to read along when I can find a copy for the month x 2y
TheBookHippie @tpixie ♥️I‘m excited as well. 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme ♥️♥️♥️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
TheBookHippie @KristiAhlers I never have read it either! 2y
Blackink_WhitePaper Excited for this one 🥰💐thanks . This is my fav challenge , in the past year 22, I read it except for one month . This year planning to read all 12. Let‘s see 2y
TheBookHippie @Blackink_WhitePaper ♥️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
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Repost for @TheBookHippie

#childrensclassicread2023 JANUARY
Everyone welcome 💚

Original post

AnnR Looking forward to this one! I own the audiobook but borrowed the book, so I didn't miss out on the illustrations. 2y
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A 1923 Austrian coming-of-age novel written by Felix Salten and originally published in Berlin by Ullstein Verlag. The novel traces the life of Bambi, a male roe deer, from his birth through childhood, the loss of his mother, the finding of a mate, the lessons he learns from his father, and the experience he gains about the dangers posed by human hunters in the forest.
#childrensclassicread2023 JANUARY
Everyone welcome 💚

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mrp27 I hope to join you in January with Bambi. It‘s been on my tbr for ages. 2y
TheBookHippie @mrp27 I am looking forward to reading it as well! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I'll definitely be reading several of these. Slightly sad that The Hundred and One Dalmatians didn't end up as the December read - it's one of my favorite Christmas rereads!! 2y
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TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks 🤦🏻‍♀️😝 I shoulda remembered that 😫 2y
batsy Ooh what a fun list! A lot of classics that I've not read before. And a Nancy Drew, yay! 🕵️‍♀️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks It will just be a little Christmas magic in August 😂 2y
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Bambi (New York Review Books Classics) https://a.co/d/aSHQSIu #CHILDRENSCLASSICREAD2023 JANUARY pick there is a new translation out next month.

“Bambi” was written by a Jewish journalist named Felix Salten and serialized in a Viennese newspaper starting in August 1922.

There is a ton of history with this one. Can‘t wait! All are welcome! http://bookhippie.com/index.php/2022/08/01/2023-childrens-classic-read/

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@thebookhippie has already prepared next years #childrensclassicread
All are welcome! Feel free to visit her page or tag her with questions.

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TheAromaofBooks Ooooo you have some of my favorites on here!! Bambi, Black Stallion, Under the Lilacs, The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Strawberry Girl - I love all of those!! May have to join you for some rereads next year! I read Dalmatians almost every Christmas - do make sure you get one with the original illustrations by Janet and Anne Grahame-Johnstone - they add SO much to the story! 2y
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks OH YAY!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2y
tpixie Awesomeness! Thanks! 2y
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tpixie @TheAromaofBooks I LOVED Under The Lilacs!! And thanks for the Dalmatian tip! 2y
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie So excited for these! Ive read alot of them and loved them, so rereads sound fun!! 2y
julieclair Yay! What a great list! Babar! Nancy Drew! 2y
TheBookHippie @julieclair I‘m excited! Something fun to look to in 2023. 2y
UwannaPublishme How did you manage to choose another list of wonderful books that I haven‘t read yet? 😆🥴😮Where the heck have I been? Count me in! 2y
batsy Fun! Quite a number here that are new to me; will be exciting to look those up 😊 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme 🤣🤣🤣🥳♥️♥️♥️🤷🏻‍♀️😘 2y
Blackink_WhitePaper I have not read any of these books 😬🤓 excited to take part 😊💐 2y
TheAromaofBooks @tpixie - Those illustrations are so integral to my enjoyment of the book that it never even occurred to me that it would be published with anything else - until I ordered a copy for my niece and it was WRONG! 😂 So now I'm basically an advocate for editions with the original illustrations - they are just delightful!!! 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Yay, you are well ahead!🙌🏽 I see some old favourites and some new-to-me titles - looking forward to 2023!🎉 2y
TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I have to be all set before the school year starts 🤣😅. 2y
TheBookHippie @batsy YAY! 🎉♥️ 2y
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks I have that feeling about so many picture books as well! 2y
rubyslippersreads So many favorites on this list! Plus I‘ve had this one on my TBR for ages: 2y
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads YAY!!! I‘m excited for it all! 2y
AnnR You have some good ones on the 2023 list. Amazingly, I don't recall ever having read Bambi! Wow! 2y
TheBookHippie @Ann_Reads Me either! I‘m excited for them all. 2y
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The ending was kind of unsatisfying but an enjoyable story for the most part. Similar themes as the Disney movie, but no Thumper or Flower at all. His mother is killed, but a lot of other animals are killed by men, too. Humans are referred to as He and Him. Ch 8 was a sad, little chapter about the leaves talking about what happens to themselves after they fall. The old stag, his father, helps him learn to stay safe and he takes over in that role.

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Thanks for the tag @Enchanted_Bibliophile

1. Being able to decorate my garden with lots of pretty coloured flowers ready for the sunny days
2. My reading goes by my moods so it can
3. Bambi

Want to play? @Jackal121 @TheWolfbehindTheEyes @BookishBelle @magyklyXdelish @ShyBookOwl

Happy reading all 📖❤📚 @MoonWitch94

Cupcake12 Bambi 🦌💐❤️ 3y
hannah-leeloo One of my favourites @Cupcake12 books and films different to each other but still good 3y
Enchanted_Bibliophile You're welcome 🤗 3y
MoonWitch94 Oh Bambi! Good choice! Thanks for playing 🪁🌷🌸 3y
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#litsyspringbreak #forest

Bambi, son of The Great Prince of the Forest.

TheKidUpstairs ❤📚 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💛🤎 3y
tpixie So pretty 🤩 1y
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This is not a new story to me but the first time to read the novel. It was just as emotional as when I was a child.

December Book 6/25 #LitsyLove

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Honestly it did not even register that Bambi was a book. I really liked it. Would like to read it in print maybe and see some illustrations. 🦌

elisebarker I didn‘t know that either! 😆 4y
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Thanks for the tag @Mishu94

🍁Yes I posted my 3 holiday reads yesterday hehe
🥣 Dinner will be soup and bread
🍃 Favourite films are Jurassic Park 🦕🦖

#thoughtfulthursday @Jackal121 @CymbaX13 @TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Buechersuechtling @Birdsong28 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @DaveGreen7777 @curiouserandcurioser @Sace @cupkates1895

Jackal121 @hannah-leeloo I've got Star trek, no books picked out, and I don't know haha 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks for the tag, Hannah! 4y
Buechersuechtling Thanks for tagging me, hun. 🤗I already participated earlier: https://bit.ly/35xXKcx. (edited) 4y
Mishu94 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😀 4y
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Was my 2 year old daughter's turn to pick my read after my son picked Frozen. This is what she's picked for me 🦌🐇🦨 never read it before but the kids and I like the films. @Jackal121 @CymbaX13 #disney #bambi #deer #forest #reading #kids #stag

hannah-leeloo Finished this read. Quickest I've finished a book. 9 hours with breaks 😱 4y
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Just finished this. It was so good. Very different from the movie, but I expected that. It went by so fast and was very easy to read.

BookishGirl06 This also means I‘ve read both my #bookspin And #doublespin books. @TheAromaofBooks 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great work!! 4y
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Starting my 2nd #bookspin pic tonight.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I just read this one last week! 4y
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Final review for now - I have read Bambi several times, but it had been a while since I picked it up. Salten's original story is much more violent and realistic than the Disney version. In Disney, only humans cause trouble - in Salten's story, there are many enemies, because nature is pretty deadly. It's a good story, and a worthwhile one, but not one I would recommend for young readers.

I also don't know anyone who hunts the way it is ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) described here, with a group of men banging trees and yelling to scare/herd all the wildlife. Not sure if that is something that happened back in the 20's when this was published, or is more common in Austria (where Salten lived), or what, but it definitely doesn't happen this way here in the Midwest!

This is book no. 11 for May's #BookSpinBonanza!
AmyK1 I have never read Bambi or seen the movie 😳 4y
Catherine_Willoughby The movie is so sad. My kids will not watch any classic Disney movie that is pre dated before the 1990s . Never knew there was a book . Love the classic disney movies. 4y
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Geenee Interesting review ✍️💛 4y
TheAromaofBooks @AmyK1 - The movie is a little too cutesy for me, even as a child. And (spoiler alert) Bambi's mother gets killed by the hunters, and that was kind of terrifying when we were little!!! The book reminds me a bit of Watership Down or that type of story, where the animals are still quite animal in their actions. It's an interesting read, but probably only if you enjoy that style of story haha 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Catherine_Willoughby - I was never a big fan of the movie, either - and I know the part where Bambi's mother dies was really scarring as a child!!! But there are several older Disney movies that I love - Sleeping Beauty, Lady & the Tramp, The Aristocats, Robin Hood - lots of good ones in there, too!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Geenee - Thank you!!! 4y
AmyK1 lol I‘ve never read Watership Down either 😂 I did know about Bambi‘s mom in the movie though. 4y
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Ebook from the Internet Archives: Bambi https://archive.org/

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* Black Klansman
* Rick Bragg
* Bambi
* The Band
* Bang the Drum Slowly

#LetterB #ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊💜 4y
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Good morning!
Have a lovely sunday everyone. I'm just reading a few pages, before I'm meeting my friends for brunch.


diovival I read this book ten or so years ago and there are parts that still stick with me. 💔 4y
LiljaPleasant @diovival It sure is a beautiful book 😢 4y
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Well-loved books from the #1940s (and some from the 1930s) that have been passed down in my family. #LetsTravelJuly @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Lcsmcat The tagged book is the one with a missing spine on the right. 5y
Graywacke Cool! 5y
OriginalCyn620 That‘s so awesome! ❤️ 5y
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Day 8 Nature

We were very lucky to have a deer visiting our street for a while. I was always very excited when it made an appearance! 🦌


britt_brooke Pretty boy! 6y
emilyrose_x @britt_brooke He was such a graceful animal (except when he was eating!) Unfortunately they've started to build houses in the fields beside us and he no longer visits 😢 6y
britt_brooke @emilyrose_x That‘s a shame. 😔 6y
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Thank you so much @Amy-Laura for the gorgeous card! I don‘t have any plans for the summer either - we‘re going on holiday in September once all the kids go back to school....

Cosyreader You‘re welcome! Oh nice, where are you off to? 6y
squirrelbrain A week on the Ile de Ré in France - we went a few years ago and it‘s lovely. Much reading will be done! ?? 6y
CareBear Oh my gosh @Amy-Laura where did you get these? 6y
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Cosyreader @CareBear eBay! I got the princess one too, but I have to be honest - there are a lot of duff ones in the packs haha 6y
Cosyreader @squirrelbrain wow that does sound lovely 😊 6y
CareBear @Amy-Laura thanks, I‘m going to see what I can find! I got the idea but I definitely had to google “duff” lol 6y
Cosyreader @CareBear lol sorry! 6y
CareBear @Amy-Laura no it‘s ok! Now I know a new word 🤣 6y
tracey38 Love this card! 6y
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#decktheshelves #bookinyourstocking
#jingleshelves #bookyougifted

If you've made it to #thenicelist you can bet you are going to get a book from me. I love to gift beautiful hard cover vintage books of the classics like the one pictured in the stocking.

Coco ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh I love it!!! 💞 7y
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Trying to read some of the books that I missed as a child. Salten's Bambi is definitely more realistic than the Disney version. He does a great job of giving the animals a voice and emotions without it being cliche or distracting. Excellent illustrations as well.

Bradleygirl Isn't it awesome? I never really thought of it as a kids book. Like Peter Pan in the original, but less weird. 7y
Mollyanna @Bradleygirl I was surprised by how grown-up some of the themes were. I went in thinking it would be a expanded Disney version. It was very different. I'm glad I read it. 7y
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This is what greeted me this morning. This mom and her babies seem to really enjoy stopping by! We've had a lot more deer than usual around here this year.

tpixie Great photo!! 7y
Librarybelle So sweet! ❤️❤️ 7y
Lcsmcat We get deer and bunny families in our backyard too. 7y
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scripturient 😍😍😍 7y
Dragon They are so darling! 🦌 7y
britt_brooke Love them! 7y
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This is a dark and beautiful fable, not at all what I was expecting. Much more brutal and bloody than modern children's books of course, but also with tons of depth. Apparently the nazis banned it for being anti-fascist.

Like a cross between a woodland fairy tale and Animal Farm, this definitely holds up as a book for grownups.

This was my "published in 1923" book for the #192019challenge.

IamIamIam I bought this last year! I'll have to bump it up to the top of the list! 7y
diovival Great book! 7y
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#marchintoreading Day19: #setinthe1920s
I struggled a bit with this prompt. I haven't read that many books set in this time period and the number of those books I've enjoyed is even smaller. So I've chosen to highlight a book that was written in the 1920s that I really enjoyed. This is NOT Disney's Bambi. There are scenes from this book that still haunt me.

diovival Has anyone read this? Thoughts on book vs movie? 7y
Lindy @diovival I haven't read it, but your post makes me want to. 7y
Lcsmcat @diovival The book is SO much better than the Disneyfication! It deals with some deep themes - more of a YA than a kids book. 7y
IamIamIam I got a great vintage copy last year! I almost pulled it out recently but I'll definitely bump it up now! 7y
diovival @IamIamIam Yes! Give in to it's siren call. 7y
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