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Descent | Tim Johnston
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Descent | Tim Johnston
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#MonthlyRecap #AprilRecap
Book that‘s been on my board forever✅
Book I read in one day (tagged) ✅
The latest Kate DiCamillo (loved it!)✅
Great month✅

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 5mo
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston

The writing could be hard to follow at times, which is why I don‘t rate this highly. Elements included that just didn‘t feel they meant anything other than to add length, or because that‘s what was assumed. Still a good mystery

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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I love a good thriller, and this book did make me want to keep reading…but just seemed kind of like three different stories haphazardly thrown into one. What was up with Reed Lester? Why did Billy decide to risk his life after being a dick the rest of the book? Why did he text the word blanket? I feel like I missed something here.
⭐️: 3/5

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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A family takes one last vacation before the oldest child heads off to college. Problem is, oldest child disappears on said vacation. This suspenseful read focuses on how each family member copes with grief and while the overall tone of the book was depressing, in the end I was moved by this story. If you like a more character-driven thriller, this book is for you!

MyNamesParadise I remember reading this when it came out and I loved it! 3y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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This book was recommended by a Litsy friend.Wish I could remember who!🤷🏼‍♀️
Just returned from a visiting friends in Colorado which is the setting. I felt immersed in the story as I was surrounded by the mountains. A teen aged girl and her brother go up into the mountains, but only the brother returns. What happened to her is the mystery. Her family continue to search for years.The pages turned quickly as I hurried to discover the outcome.

Hooked_on_books I love reading a book where the setting matches my location. It adds a cool extra element! I really liked this one. 3y
DivineDiana @Hooked_on_books It definitely does! Glad you enjoyed it too! 3y
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Descent | Tim Johnston
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“Her name was Caitlin, she was eighteen, and her own heart would sometime wake her- flying away in that dream-race where finish lines grew farther away not nearer, where knees turned to taffy, or feet to stones.”

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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The writing in this book was frustrating which is a shame because the plot itself was good. The shining light for me was Caitlin. I love reading about strong women and I loved her strength and will to survive.


Free Space for #BookSpinBingo

magyklyXdelish @Bookish_AF I will send this to you within the next week or so. Probably Monday. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I‘m so excited for another round with you ♥️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Bookish_AF This one was definitely slower than I was expecting it to be. I am super excited for the next round too though!!! 4y
magyklyXdelish @Bookish_AF mailing this out to you today also with a book from your litsy TBR :) 4y
Bookish_AF Ahhh that‘s so nice of you and I‘m so excited !! 😃💙 4y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Going in!


Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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3 ⭐️ A teenage girl gets taken while on vacation with her family. The book deals with the emotions and aftermath of her disappearance. A slow start and a writing style that wasn‘t my favorite made this a slower read for me but the last 100 pages flew by. this was #LMPBC pick and I just put it in the mail today. Should get to you by Friday @magyklyXdelish

Lauranahe I agree, the last 100 pages were the best. Made it worth it to get to that point. 4y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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A brother and sister go up in the mountains, only the brother comes back down. Where is the sister? What happened? What was kind of slow and and going all over the place led to a crazy, fast-paced last 100 pages that I couldn‘t put down.

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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It‘s Day 4 of the 5 day weekend I decided to take off from work and I continue to take advantage of it and read as much as humanly possible 😊

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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#LMPBC Round 10 Group T!!!

Have any of you read the tagged book before? Normally I would post a few options (and I still can if someone has read this!) but it is one of the oldest books on my Litsy TBR and also happens to be a thriller so I thought I would throw it out there!

magyklyXdelish I have not read this! So I am down :) 4y
babyruth2510 This works. I have not read it 4y
Lauranahe Sounds interesting! I‘m up for it! 4y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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This is not the mystery/thriller I thought I was getting, but it is a good book! The focus is on character development, with building suspense and a satisfying ending. I‘m glad I stuck with it!

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Am I reading on a regular basis? No.

Am I buying all the books like I am? Yes.


Sace You and me both! 🤣 5y
cathysaid 🙋‍♀️ 5y
CoffeeNBooks Same! 😂🤣😂 5y
LiteraryinPA Me too lately! 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha!!!! 5y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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It took me some time to get into this one on audio. It has a literary feel and there are character and timeline shifts that make it a bit confusing. However, it really picked up, and I especially appreciated how Johnston handled the end. It's much more than a book about a girl that goes missing-- the character development of the entire family is really well done.

jenreads7 I totally agree about the character development! 5y
Kaylamburson Have you read The Current by the same author? Also a good one! @jenniferajanes 5y
jenreads7 @Kaylamburson Not yet, but I picked it up on sale for Kindle recently. I‘m planning to get to it soon! Thanks for the recommendation! 5y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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⭐️⭐️⭐️: Hard to read at times but the drama kept me reading.

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Over the past month I have spent $675 for my classroom library. $500 of it was Grant money from my school. Nothing I like more than buying books and nothing better than spending someone else's money.

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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A family from Wisconsin is in Colorado, their last vacation before Caitlin, 18, leaves for college. One day Caitlin goes for a jog through the mountains with her brother Sean, 14. Only Sean returns. The story follows Sean and their father over the next few years after Caitlin's disappearance, asking the question: At what point does a family stop searching? Absorbing story, but problems with pacing that made it obvious this is the author's debut.

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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“A riveting literary thriller of the can‘t-stop-turning-the-page, stay-up-all-night variety.” I had to get this today!!! I do love thrillers!!!! Who has read this one?

Bookquilter Sadly still sitting in my TBR pile .... #someday 6y
JoScho I haven‘t read it but I saw the movie and it was creepy as hell. 6y
lauralovesbooks1 I thought it was fantastic. He has a new one on the horizon also. 6y
ShellBell1021 Also waiting on my Kindle. Maybe this will spark me to start it next?! 6y
Vertabrain Since the Rockies are my home, I just had to order this today. 6y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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This book is about a family that goes on vacation in Colorado and their daughter disappears. You follow the family for two years on their journey to find her and/or to move on. I enjoyed this book- 3.5 stars. I listened to the audiobook on Scribd. The book was well written and although a bit predictable. The only issue I had was that there were two narrators and the female was absolutely ridiculous.

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Forgot to post this great thriller I finished on audio a few weeks ago. It was well paced with interesting characters and extremely well written—more like literary fiction rather than your typical thriller. Great descriptions of the setting and action as well. I really enjoyed this one!

alisiakae Lol, the first thing I think of with this pic is “no!!! Don‘t get your phone wet!” 😂😂😂 Not from experience or anything. 😉 7y
aschermetz @4thhouseontheleft 😂😂 waterproof case and the iPhone 7 is water resistant! I‘ve straight up spilled on it and haven‘t had an issue. 🙌😉 7y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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DNF at 100/375 pages. I kept having to convince myself to read this, and life is too short for that. There is a heck of a story here but I was having to work too hard for it.

Sidenote: The audiobook sounds awesome if you can hang with the slower pacing. Great narration. Unfortunately it just was not enough to help me turn the pages.

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston


Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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This #audiobook was a little slow to get into at first- the characters and the chronology make it a confusing listen at times - but ultimately this one ended with me #AudioColoring with anxiety! Very well-written and with complex and developed characters that feel real- and a setting #WhereTheStreetsHaveNoName ! @Cinfhen #Rocktober

Cinfhen This was a creepy read...very unnerving 7y
Cinfhen Love your drawing 7y
TorieStorieS @Cinfhen Thanks! I put together my audiobook list at the beginning of the month and this one fit perfectly! 7y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston

For a full review check out bergenreadsbooks.wordpress.com

Overall: 2.5/5. I probably wouldn‘t recommend this book to anyone. It wasn‘t terrible, but it wasn‘t particularly enjoyable. If I had been reading the physical book rather than the audiobook, I probably would have put it down before I finished it.

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Beautifully written, with deeply developed characters. It manages to be both a page-turner, and at the same time, thoughtful and unhurried.

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Still on my #TBR, but a teenage girl goes #missing on her family's mountain vacation in this thriller. #maybookflowers

bobregina It's on my #TBR list to. Hope to get there someday! 7y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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This was a slow starter for me, due to multiple narrative perspectives, two narrators and the author not referring to main characters by name. However, once I got used to the structure, I was hooked in. The story unfolds at a steady pace and the ending isn't rushed. It's a satisfying book.

Roselyn_Reads I started reading this book last year and put it down for the same reason. I found it hard to follow. I have heard great thing about it so I'll definitely give it another chance. 8y
RiotMom @Silent_Whispers I'd definitely give it another try! I was contemplating switching from audio to print, and ended up sticking it out with the audio. It ended up being a great story, just takes a while to acclimate. 8y
MyNamesParadise This was a top pick for me of 2015!!!!!!! I want this to be adapted to film! 8y
RiotMom @MyNamesParadise I was thinking that the whole time! I really think it would make a great adaptation in the right hands. 8y
MyNamesParadise @RiotMom me too!! But I haven't heard any chatter! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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@BekahPat ! I feel so spoiled! The socks remind me of my bearded husband. I love the nerdy foxes and page tags 🦊. I can't wait to relax in this bath, and each book sounds so great! I've been wanting to read the classic that is Rebecca, and the other two sound so creepy and thrilling, I can't wait to dive in. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 💘 #cupidgoespostal

BookDude Descent was one of the best books I read last year. 8y
Reviewsbylola Perfect gift! Rebecca is awesome. 8y
LeahBergen Those socks!! 😍😍 8y
MyNamesParadise Descent is amazing!!! 8y
courtney @BookDude @MyNamesParadise I'm glad to hear that it's awesome. It sounds great! I'm going to have to bump it up my TBR. @Reviewsbylola I've heard good things about it! Somehow I just haven't gotten to reading it yet! @LeahBergen they are so cute! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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@LauraJ I've been dying for a signed edition! Thank you! 💓💟 Have a wonderful day! #cupidgoespostal

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Just opened my #cupidgoespostal, thank you sooo much @LauraJ it's wonderful! @BookishMarginalia

LauraJ Hope you didn't have these yet. And there were cat treats, but my furry bastard stole 'em when I went to grab tape. 8y
guinsgirlreads Lmao 😹 that's def what one of my cats would have done, and tore the@ open already! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston

A low-key thriller & page-turner about an 18 y.o. girl's disappearance in the mountains of Colorado. Johnston's narrative opens w/ the short scene leading up to Caitlin's abduction, & the story that follows chronicles the disintegration of the father, mother & brother left behind. I 💙 the rich writing of this piece--unexpected in a contemporary thriller--& the distrust, forgiveness, personal anchoring, & strife that comprise Descent. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

wrenaymuhree Also: This one DOES get off to a slow start. The writing is rambly and tedious initially (probably because the author's style is one-of-a-kind). 100 pages in, you'll be invested; 200 pages in, absorbed; 250 pages in, desperate to finish. 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Excellent point, Steve. (Side note: This is where the book gets reeeeeeally hard to put down.)

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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I, too, have been struggling with the circle of hell that social media has become...but my books + my bump keep me going as I remember -- #AllIsNotLost. (Including the irony of that hashtag with my current read, which is indeed about a teenager that is lost/missing.)

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻🎉🎉🎉 8y
DogMomIrene Awesome progress! Woot! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Next up for the @24in48 . I heard from @Liberty that this is a creepy one.

Joybishoptx This is in my stack! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Thank you so much for the books Jen! What a great surprise! I'm definitely going to work in Coraline soon. I haven't read it in so long. I'll be paying it forward soon! And check out the adorable lamp I got for my library y'all!

Gina ♡♡♡♡♡ the lamp 8y
Joybishoptx @Gina thanks! 💕💕💕 8y
Suzze Love the lamp! And I liked both those books. 8y
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Joybishoptx @Suzze Thank you! Can't wait to read them! 8y
Jenshootsweddings Yay!!!! ❤❤❤ 8y
tpixie ❤️ 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Welp, I took a nap today to recover from all the holiday madness, so I'll be up late tonight reading with my best reading buddy #dogsoflitsy #litsyafterdark

myers85 Great picture. Your dog is a brilliant model! 8y
Joybishoptx Sweet puppy! 8y
Betty Perfect photo of pillow and pup 8y
MyNamesParadise I love that book!!!!! And sweet pups! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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#coffee and beginning a new book!

melbeautyandbooks I liked this one. Enjoy! 8y
BookDragonNotWorm The ending! When the action ramped up, this one left me gasping for air! 8y
MyNamesParadise This book is one of my all time favorites!! I wish the author would release another book! 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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A little slow at first. Flawed characters. They felt real. I could feel their pain. Billy was the hero and he was the most flawed of all. At first a bad man but died saving the most courageous character of all.

Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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You guys, I ALMOST BAILED on this one. I found the first chapters a little confusing and was underwhelmed and uninvested in the characters. Standing firmly in the "so many books, so little time" camp, I typically do not hesitate to know when to say when and move on to a new read. In this case, I'm so glad I stayed with it! The experience was like going up and over a mountain, in a good way! Not just a kidnapping story. Surprisingly enjoyable!

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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By no means did this reach #threwitacrosstheroom bad, but it just never seemed to engage me. It's about the disappearance of a teenager and the effect that has on the family. Started slow, remained slow, and I'm moving on! Seems as I get older, I am less inclined to waste my time when there are so many delicious books waiting to be devoured. Maybe I'll try it again some other time. Oh well...call me cranky. Now get off my lawn! #novemberreads

Suzze I didn't like it either. I had high hopes, but nope. 8y
ReadingSusan I am the same way. I have stopped feeling bad/guilty about bailing on books. 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Found a lovely little park while waiting for kitty to recover from her procedure at the vet today. Quality reading time! I am endlessly delighted by the experience of reading, by how I can be in a lovely New England town and the Rocky Mountains all at the same time, thanks to books. #longlivebooks

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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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#AllHallowsRead #Booktober #HalloweenRead #favoritehalloweenread October was a really good reading month for me😊All the challenges and Dewey's Readathon made a big difference❣️Excited to start a new month of reading challenges and recommendations💗These were my favorite #scaryreads

MyNamesParadise Loved Descent and The Grownup! Cool pic! 8y
JoeStalksBeck The Grownup is so good! 8y
JoeStalksBeck Is the book about the library any good? It's on my wish list 8y
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Cinfhen @Book_Addict it was a really odd read...if you can wait a few weeks, my daughter will be visiting me for the holidays and I can send it back to the states with her and she can mail it to you. I went to donate it to my local library and they didn't want it😱 8y
JoeStalksBeck Awesome! Thank you!❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Cinfhen @Book_Addict with pleasure, as the time gets closer I'll get your address via email. 8y
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Descent: A Novel | Tim Johnston
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Took me a while to get into this one, but once I did, I was hooked! It's creepy and suspenseful. Nice writing but some characters were hard to care about. I thought the author did a good job of building on guilt and assigning blame. How each member of the family dealt with the abduction and trying to move forward. Some parts were really sad and once or twice I felt a bit anxious....I would recommend @Tiffness83

Cinfhen @MyNamesParadise thanks for the encouragement to sticking through this one! I almost bailed in the beginning but I trusted your judgement 8y
MyNamesParadise @Cinfhen awwwww glad to hear!!!!! I loved the journey i ended up going along with the characters. 8y
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