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The Devil and the Dark Water
The Devil and the Dark Water | STUART. TURTON
114 posts | 74 read | 85 to read
A murder on the high seas. A detective duo. A demon who may or may not exist. It's 1634 and Samuel Pipps, the world's greatest detective, is being transported to Amsterdam to be executed for a crime he may, or may not, have committed. Travelling with him is his loyal bodyguard, Arent Hayes, who is determined to prove his friend innocent. But no sooner are they out to sea than devilry begins to blight the voyage. A twice-dead leper stalks the decks. Strange symbols appear on the sails. Livestock is slaughtered. And then three passengers are marked for death, including Samuel. Could a demon be responsible for their misfortunes? With Pipps imprisoned, only Arent can solve a mystery that connects every passenger onboard. A mystery that stretches back into their past and now threatens to sink the ship, killing everybody on board... The breathtaking new novel from Stuart Turton, author of the Sunday Times bestseller, The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, winner of the Costa Best First Novel Award.
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Eggs Great Green stacks 💚👏🏻🟢 2mo
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Turton knows how to keep you guessing, this one was a total yarn. Such an entertaining read.


BookmarkTavern Sounds fascinating! Thanks for posting! 2mo
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Pleased with my dedication... it says "Happy I praised and insulted you in one answer!"

I'm struggling to explain it concisely, so I'll leave this here looking mysterious ?

(Also, he watched my YouTube review of his latest book ????)

If you haven't already, read all of his books. They are a delight. More authors need to genre-blend like this!

TheKidUpstairs Love his books, can't wait for the new one! 5mo
Branwen This is absolutely amazing! 🥰 5mo
julesG Now that's a proper dedication. Please tell me the story in Wales. 5mo
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RaeLovesToRead @TheKidUpstairs It's so good!!! 😊😊 Hope you enjoy too! 5mo
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Yup, we are totally buds now. He doesn't know it, but we are 😋🤣 5mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Of course 😁 ROLL ON OCTOBER PLEASE 5mo
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 50

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Thanks so much @AllDebooks for the book and other goodies. I really appreciate it 😺

AllDebooks Enjoy x 11mo
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Please comment if you would like this copy of The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Tuton. I am happy to ship internationally. Good condition.

📣 Please note that this is only open to those who registered for the #Book2Book event. If you are interested in future events, comment below and I'll add you to the taglist. 📣

BookwormAHN I would like it 😺 12mo
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julieclair Yes, please! 12mo
AllDebooks @BookwormAHN this is yours, I'll post it out next week. X 12mo
BookwormAHN Yay! Thank you and thank you for setting this up 💚 12mo
AllDebooks @BookwormAHN it's been fun, especially seeing all the books go out 😊 12mo
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Blah.I so loved the author's first book (7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle) and this was a big disappointment. It read like a drawn out Agatha Christi. I love her, but she is certainly of a place and doesn't take up 450 pages only to have the killers confess. Meh and boo

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Eggs Perfect 💧🩵💦 1y
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Eggs Perfect 💚🖤💚 1y
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@PuddleJumper Here are the books that have landed on the island with you. I imagine they are dry and in great condition 😅 Happy Reading!

@aperfectmjk #trappedonanisland

PuddleJumper Ooo fun! Thanks! 2y
Pigpen_Reads @PuddleJumper I posted this earlier this morning, but it never showed up. Idk if Litsy was down for a few minutes, but I couldn't see notifications or my own profile. Glad it's up now 🙂 2y
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Another stunning mystery from Stuart Turton. The amount of gears all turning together to propel the pieces of the story onward are pleasantly dizzying.


“So this is how men go to the devil, he thought bitterly. Cap in hand and short of hope, all their prayers gone unanswered.”

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He did it to me again! I swear this author excels at telling one captivating story for 400 pages, then suggesting a different one at the end. Weirdly enough, I'm not mad at it. It's a sweeping tale and it had me hooked from beginning to end. Turton leans into human failings but you never feel completely disillusioned by the end, and that sliver of hope keeps me coming back. I eagerly anticipate his next genre-bending mystery. ⚠️Fatphobia(?).

Robotswithpersonality The question mark around the fatphobia comes because it seems like in this book and Evelyn Hardcastle the only fat characters are described in an unflattering manner with an emphasis on their slovenly appearance and other bad habits. However, a number of people in each murder mystery are repellent and not all are fat. YMMV. 2y
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Sara is done with the BS. 🙌🏻

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Aw, c'mon Stuart, it's not that bad! Strange self-own for an Englishman to write...

julesG Well,... He has a point. 🤣🤣 It's my favourite language but not my mother tongue, I keep being astonished at where some of its vocabulary originated from. 2y
Robotswithpersonality @julesG ohh, darn it, I know, you're so right, it is a baffling amalgam, I just choose to charmed more than exasperated 🤦🏼‍♂️ 2y
TheEllieMo He has a point, to be fair. We have words of Latin origin, Greek origin, French origin, Norse origin, Saxon origin….. I believe we even have a few of old English origin 😉 (edited) 2y
Robotswithpersonality @TheEllieMo You mean there's actually a little English in our English? Oh good! 🤣 2y
TheEllieMo @Robotswithpersonality just a smattering, maybe😉🤣 2y
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One of the best dedications I've read.

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“The weak shouldn‘t have to fear the powerful, and the powerful shouldn‘t simply be allowed to take what they wanted without consequence. Power should be a burden, not a shield. It should be used to everyone‘s betterment, not merely for the person who wielded it.”

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#alphabetgame #letterD


This was an immensley enjoyable, murder mystery. Twists and turns galore all onboard a ship at sea, set in 1634. Deliciously dark, gothic storyelling. Loved it!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
Cinfhen I could not get into this book!! And I had such high hopes 2y
AllDebooks @Cinfhen oh no, that is a shame. 2y
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“I‘ll not have some bastard drown me before the governor general hangs me.”


“For the most part, they investigated thefts and murders, crimes long committed and easily understood. It was like arriving to the theater after the performance had ended and being asked to work out the story using pieces of discarded script and the props left on stage. But here was a crime not yet undertaken, a chance to save lives rather than avenge them.”

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I loved the idea of this locked room (locked ship?) mystery, but ultimately it didn‘t really work for me. It takes too long to get going and then much of it takes far to long to develop. I was so ready for it to be over.

Hooked_on_books @Ruthiella I liked that one a lot better, though I did take a little time to get into that one as well. Now I‘m not sure whether to try whatever he comes out with next. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
Centique @Hooked_on_books I loved Evelyn but I bailed on this one. I hope it‘s just a “difficult second book” and he‘ll come back stronger on the next one. 🤞 2y
Hooked_on_books @Centique I always hope for that, too, but then wonder if the author only had one really good book in them. It‘ll be interesting to find out! 2y
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This was great! So much fun, and the mystery was really good. It kept me awake and engaged with a newborn, which is pretty high praise!

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Not much luck with book spin this month! This was my #doublespin & it was ok… I MUCH preferred 7 1/2 deaths though, & thinking I was expecting something more similar in theme (eg; more weird, alternate universe style)… I did like the ending though!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Awesome! I enjoyed the mystery; the puzzle to be solved by our hero is really neat and the atmosphere is creepy and crazy: Is a demon murdering people in a doomed ship?
The ending seems to suggest there might be in future other mysteries with the same protagonists and that would be really neat

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I might have have done a lot of book shopping, but I did a lot of saving too; so I suppose it‘s all about balance 😌 #tbr #spookyreads #halloweenweekend #contemporary

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Nice stack! ❤📚❤ 3y
Cailey_Mac @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego thanks! I‘ve had my eye on a few these for a while, so I‘m glad I finally took the plunge! 3y
WJCintron We have similar taste in books! 🙌 LOL!! it's like I'm looking at my shelves, lol. 😂 3y
Cailey_Mac @WJCintron hey that‘s awesome! 😅📚🙌🏼 3y
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I have not read a good scary story this month. I hope this one changes that.
Harpy doesn‘t think so. She‘s only scared that I will run out of soft food.

LitStephanie Harpy has her priorities straight. 3y
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#TheDevilAndTheDarkWater #StuartTurton #OutstandingOctober #BookSpinBingo

1634, Samuel Pipps, the world's greatest detective, is being transported to Amsterdam to be executed for a crime he may, or may not, have committed. Traveling with him is his loyal bodyguard, Arent Hayes, who is determined to prove his friend innocent. Among the other guests is Sara Wessel, a noblewoman with a secret. Devilry begins to blight the voyage.

EadieB A strange symbol appears on the sail. A dead leper stalks the decks. Livestock dies in the night. The passengers hear a terrible voice, whispering to them in the darkness, promising three unholy miracles, followed by a slaughter. First an impossible pursuit. Second an impossible theft. And third an impossible murder. Could a demon be responsible for their misfortunes? 3y
EadieB With Pipps imprisoned, only Arent and Sara can solve a mystery that stretches back into their past and now threatens to sink the ship, killing everybody on board. This is a chilling thriller of supernatural horror, occult suspicion, and a paranormal mystery on the high seas. It has a clever plot and colorful characters. A slow start and a bit too long but very enjoyable. I'm now looking forward to his next book. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Allkat Nice review. ! 3y
EadieB @Allkat Thanks! 3y
Andrew65 I need to read this. 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 Yes I enjoyed it! 3y
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I said no book buying until after the Halloween swaps...

B&N got me again with the buy one get one 1/2 off.

It‘s okay though; I had not heard of either book before so they weren‘t on my wish lists. 😉

MaleficentBookDragon Okay, well, I was wrong. I had this book on my #Goodreads wishlist. Huh? I had completely forgotten about it. 😳 I must have put it on there after I read (edited) 3y
Bette The Devil and The Dark Water was one of my best reads last year. So good. 😊 3y
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I have been very absent in September, but I have read. Instead of playing catch up and offering excuses I went Halloween crazy for my #bookspin list this month. My plan is to use the little “doom buggies” as my BINGO spaces and put a foolish mortal in each one I complete. Just remember to “Beware Hitch-hiking Ghosts!” #bookjournal

wanderinglynn What an awesome layout! 🖤 3y
CoffeeNBooks That's so cool! 3y
wisherwishinguponastar @wanderinglynn @CoffeeNBooks Thanks, guys! I have been on a Disney hype due to the 50th anniversary. I did this while I was waiting for them to stream their fireworks last night! 3y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Your pages are gorgeous. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Love it!!! 3y
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A dark but gripping murder mystery come adventure story. There‘s a bit of all sorts going on including a hint of the supernatural and some witchcraft. But at the heart of it is an intricate and clever plot with some fantastic characters. I did find it a little confusing at times as there are quite a lot of characters, some of whom had different ways of being. An exciting and intriguing read.

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Here are my #Bookspin and #Doublespin for September. I didn‘t realize Extant is a novella, so I should definitely get to it. It‘s also not in the database, but I will add later.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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“Whatcha readin‘, mom?!” - Webster

BookwormM Ahhh Webster what a cutie 🥰 3y
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Came home from a weekend getaway to a most lovely birthday surprise from my pen pal Mikala @Laughterhp. I actually gasped when I opened the Devil and the Dark Water as I thought about buying it earlier this summer but decided to wait for the paperback release, what amazing timing! Thank you 🤗💚

inthegreensandblues @Laughterhp P.S. loved the notes 😄 and going to write you back soon! 3y
Laughterhp Yay! Glad it made it to you safely! And what great timing about the book! I really loved it on audio, so hopefully you enjoy it too! 3y
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Historical setting, but probably leans a little more towards horror. Slow moving, but I liked it.


I enjoyed this, I was for once incorrect about most things, and definitely misread the tone between some of the characters. It had a bit of a slow start, though, it was only about halfway or so that things began to pick up. The ending also felt a little rushed, but other than that I thought it was fun and read most of it in a single sitting!

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Not too far into it, but so far I‘m loving the unusually vivid character descriptions in this book.

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I loved The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and had been waiting for this book to come out. I got so distracted by life, I didn‘t realize it was out last October! Excited that I ran into it at B&N, on a “booktok” shelf of all things. I‘m flying to VA later this week and have plenty to read at the moment!

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Lucky me got another unexpected 5 star book in June! How rare is that?! The more I read in this book, the more I got captivated. The setting fits. The atmosphere fits. The characters fit. I love how Turton tells this wicked story - nobody really knows what's going on and what'll happen next. It's also a great Sherlock Holmes kind of book, but here Watson goes around doing the work. And it's all set on a boat at sea

@TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Here‘s my review of Stuart Turton‘s second novel, The Devil and the Dark Water. This is a historical thriller set aboard a ship in the seventeenth century. There is a selection of colourful characters, a hint of romance a few murders and a tidy conclusion that I didn‘t predict. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. It is set in the 17th century on a ship, so it was out of my comfort zone. However I enjoyed the variety of characters, the vivid descriptions and the story, except for the info dump at the end. That rather let the book down. I did not predict the ending and will look forward to Turton‘s next novel.

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I mean... it was ok? Not exactly my idea of what a thriller is supposed to entail and I‘m also not hugely into historical fiction so I suppose it just wasn‘t really my cup of tea from the get go. The setting of the ship was probably my favourite part to be honest as I haven‘t read a huge amount of books where that‘s the setting so that was original to me at least. The story... meh. The characters... meh. Also, unnecessarily long.

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I gave this 3 hours, and I‘m not giving it anymore of my time. I‘m already forgetting the names of characters, and I still don‘t know what the book was about really 🤷‍♀️

thegirlwiththelibrarybag It was an elaborate long con with lots of red herrings and many, many pages - I really enjoyed it - but it did take a long time to really get going 3y
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When you are reading at the pace of a snail, finishing a 400+ page book is a total win! And snails are cool, so there‘s that.
I loved this book. There are mysteries within mysteries, wrapped up in puzzles, and by the end you‘re like WHAT the hell just happened? I enjoyed the ride 😂😁

Twainy Agreed 🖤 3y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Loved this! 3y
CBee @Twainy @LoveToReadLiveToRead I am very much hoping for a follow up, especially with that ending! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 3y
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AmyG Ooooo I have this and am happy to hear you liked it! 3y
CBee @AmyG I think I mentioned that I was reading it in my latest letter and that I definitely thought you‘d like it! 3y
Gaylagal2 @CBee I read at a snail pace too. I get interrupted or I just take my time enjoying the story 🤓 3y
CBee @Gaylagal2 lately I‘ve just been more distracted? I will say that this book required a bit more concentration 🧐 But snails are super cool anyway so it‘s all good right? 😁😂 (edited) 3y
AmyG @CBee You could have. I write so many letters I forget who reads what. 🤣 3y
CBee @AmyG I just sent it like last week, so you might not have even gotten it yet! 3y
AmyG I haven‘t. Most likely this week! 3y
Bette Loved this. Can‘t wait to read what he does next. ❤️ 3y
CBee @Bette have you read The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle? I haven‘t and I think I need to move it up my list!! 3y
Bette Yes, I did. It‘s like nothing else I‘ve read and I really liked it. Without saying much, I know not everyone loved it. Once I got the hang of it...I was all in. 👍. I hope you like it when you get the chance. 😊 3y
CBee @Bette it seems right up my alley, so we‘ll see 🤞🏻🤞🏻 3y
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Stuart Turton is officially on my must-read list. While completely different than his The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, it was just as amazing. I enjoy his plotting and his originality in each book.

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Did I like the story? At the start, yes, then my interest in it waned. The beginning was exciting, mysterious, and sinister but as the plot unfurled, I felt like some very obvious clues were being overlooked. I kept waiting for someone to notice what I felt were leads that should be explored. What truly left me feeling disappointed was the ending. I felt that it was just ridiculous and that left an overall bad taste for me on the book as a whole.

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Absolutely loving this book, and thrilled to have such a beautiful signed copy!

emz711 Oh whoa! My library copy isn't like that! 4y
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So. Many. Ebooks. I can‘t decide.😬

Megabooks Truth! 4y
CoverToCoverGirl Did you decide yet? 4y
Leelee08 @CoverToCoverGirl I did! I‘m going with Nine Ladies (middle row, second from right). It‘s a variation on Pride and Prejudice.💚💚💚 4y
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86 chapters of mystery and mutiny. Sammy Pipps and Arent Hayes are on their way back to Amsterdam, one in cuffs and the other desperately trying to free his friend. As they board the ship, a leper appears on the docks and warns the passengers that a devil has set a curse upon the Saardam. As the devil slowly takes the ship- your mind starts to twist and guess who he might be. Cleverly written, an amazingly great story. 5🌟