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Her Royal Spyness
Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Day 1 of #JoyousJanuary Readathon and Queen Daisy is on board with reading in bed all morning.

batsy 😻 2y
RaeLovesToRead Morning, Daisy! 😻 2y
wanderinglynn Hello Daisy! ❤️🐱 2y
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ShelleyBooksie Hello Daisy! She looks so snuggly. 2y
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2y
Andrew65 Daisy is a welcome addition to the Readathon. 🐈 2y
dabbe Those eyes! You're gorgeous, Daisy! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Georgie is 34th in line to the throne and is broke. She also happens to stumble upon a body in her bathtub. Plus, the Queen wishes her to “spy” on a certain Mrs. Simpson…1930s England, with an ingenious sleuth and a touch of romance. Overall, I liked this fast read. There were parts that seemed to be a tad overdone or repetitive, but I was engaged enough to wish to see what Georgie would do next. Her mom is a hoot! #192025 #2007

MrsV I love this series. I need to catch up! 2y
Pageturner1 i am hooked on this series 2y
BookNAround This series is pure escapist fun. 2y
Librarybelle @BookNAround I just led a discussion of this tonight and such a great response to the book! I plan to continue the series for sure 2y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I love Rhys Bowen! This is the first in a new series for me. This features Lady Georgiana-34th? in line for the English throne, and nearly destitute. A fun, light and enjoyable book. Fabulously read by Katherine Kellgren! While the actual “mystery” was a bit underwhelming for me, I loved Georgie, her friends and family. Will definitely add the next one to my stack!
1st book finished in the #AwesomeAugust Readathon

Andrew65 Brilliant, have read the Molly Murphy series but never read any from this one. 2y
Bluebird @Andrew65 The detective/mystery aspects of the first Molly Murphy book are better than this one, but the main storyline and character development here are terrific. I am hopeful the mystery is more important in book 2, but anticipate it will be a fun read even if that isn‘t the case. 2y
Andrew65 @Bluebird This series not easily available here so this has limited my opportunities to read it. 2y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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This book, the first in the Royal Spyness series, introduces Georgie, a great-grandchild of Victoria who is just high enough up in the royal hierarchy for the Queen to inconvenience her from time to time but not high enough up to, you know, have money to live on. This book has Scotland and a dashing Irishman and an unappealing Romanian prince and a Wallis Simpson appearance. It also made me laugh out loud at least twice. Highly recommended.

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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How refreshing! Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen. The first in the Series. This one I actually planned on starting this year. It was delightfully funny and the narrator was superb. Georgie is 24th, 34th in line for the throne and her brother cut her allowance so she had to find a way to fend for herself. Such a clever girl. There was a murder! So exciting! I love Rhys Bowen! #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #12 #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite

Crazeedi I started this series a couple years ago. Read 3 or so and then stopped, not sure why! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Here are my possibilities for #LMPBC Round 10 Group S - cozy mysteries: Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen, Murder Past Due by Miranda James, Pleating for Mercy by Melissa Bourbon, The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell. Let me know what you think.

Roary47 I‘m interested in anything except: The inspector and Mrs Jeffries. 4y
DarcysMom They all look good - I will happily read whatever you choose. 4y
Allylu I‘m leaning towards Pleating for Mercy. @tdrosebud Let me know if that‘s okay with you. 4y
tdrosebud @Allylu That's fine with me, the only one I would be against is Her Royal Spyness as I have already read that one. 4y
Allylu Good! Then I choose Pleating for Mercy by Melissa Bourbon! 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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The person who wrote this critique was completely wrong. I enjoyed this mystery. I found the bumbling Georgie and her family and friends very appealing. I think I've just added another series to my ridiculously long TBR list.

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Well somebody didn't enjoy this book. It seems to be one I'd like, so I'm ignoring the comment and starting it this afternoon.

llcoolnate Hahaha 4y
Sace It seems sort of rude to put that at the beginning though. I would end up letting it color my reading of the book 'cause I'm impressionable like that 😂 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Such a fun mystery and Historical fiction. I will be reading more of the series.

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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(Thanks for the tag @Cinfhen 😊😊) My aunt gave me this a few years ago and now it‘s one of my all time favorite series!
1. Not super unusual but I use to travel all over southwestern and central Iowa going to farmer‘s markets and craft shows to help sell jams/jellies/fruit butters my family made.
2. New pajamas and clean bedsheets!

Cinfhen Ohhhh, I love all 3 of your answers 🥰 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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A fun cozy mystery and the first in this series. It‘s London in 1934, and Georgie is a minor royal cousin (34th in line to the throne) whose penniless family has kicked her out of their castle in Scotland to go fend for herself. She goes to parties, contemplates getting a job, and solves a murder. A charming introduction to these characters and I plan to keep reading the series.

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I‘m almost done with my reread of the Phryne Fisher series via audiobook, so I decided to start another cozy series. I love the Her Royal Spyness series and am all caught up, so it seemed like a good time for a reread. Book 1 is so funny and listening to it on audiobook was a great experience. I got very little done yesterday and just had to finish it. The narrator is great. I would highly recommend this series! 5⭐️


PathfinderNicole I just started this one in that series today! This series (and Phryne Fisher‘s series too actually) make me so happy! 4y
JenlovesJT47 @PathfinderNicole same! I love all of these books. I also started a new cozy series a couple of weeks ago via audiobook and it was pretty good! 4y
JenlovesJT47 @PathfinderNicole Malice at the Palace is a really good one! My favorites are Naughty in Nice and the Christmas one (the name escapes me at the moment) 🤓 4y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Love these! 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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2020 #39

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I really enjoyed this mystery, the first in the series, and I look forward to reading the next book! Thanks for recommending this @Lunaglassart!

Angitron I like these too! Super fun! 4y
PathfinderNicole Oh I love these!! 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Loving the start to this series! Starting book two right away #11of2020 🎧

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Oh my gosh @tdrosebud I am so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday! Thank you so much for the lovely #FallAtHogwartsSwap Box! I absolutely love everything in here. I‘m especially excited about the chocolate wand because a friend gave me one last year and it was delicious. Also the pins are going to look SO CUTE on my student government (advisor) sweater. The books are great too! Thank you so much and so sorry that I‘m terrible at Elfster.

tdrosebud I'm glad you like everything! 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Fun, easy read. Not sure what I think of the heroine‘s love interest at this point, but we‘ll see.

JazzFeathers Why? What's wrong with the love interest? 5y
S.Web @JazzFeathers He just wasn‘t that fleshed out yet. Seems like just a pretty face at this point. I read the prequel novella first, which was written after the 4th book, and there were some hints of an interesting back story for him so I‘m optimistic going forward. 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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So-so. Stuffed full of snark and character details, and the heroine was written as having a brain, if a bit naive. But I was ambivalent on both the hero and the mystery, and I think I'm gonna need to tap out of reading the cozy genre for a while.

I would have enjoyed this more if there were zero romantic elements and it was just Georgie forming her own independence in the 1930s setting.

esurient The posh etiquette and British class drama reminded me fondly of the Browne books, which had a modern setting. 5y
esurient (Turns out the villain in this piece was also possibly written as being gay/bisexual -- nothing was overt, but he had one intimate conversation with a stated gay character and proposed marriage to the heroine. Both actions could easily have been solely for the purposes of manipulation; you're only reading the scenes from the heroine's perspective and she doesn't think too hard about it.) 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Oh, honey. Your spy career is not off to an auspicious start.

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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This fantasy royal bloodline has sent me down a rabbit hole of researching Victoria's issue. It's been 30 min since I last came up for air, and now I passionately need in-depth biographies on The Princess Louise and the dukedom of Argyll.

Amie This is a good biography of Princess Louise. 5y
esurient @amie Oh, thank you! 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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#pricedrop If memory serves, this is the book that satirized the mating call of the upper-class British male as extending an invitation for a bit of the old rumpy-pumpy.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to read this.

rretzler Somehow it manages to be fun, satirical, a little romantic, with a fairly serious mystery all wrapped up together. It‘s become one of my favorite series. 5y
annahenke It‘s fun and fluffy. 5y
esurient @rretzler @annahenke So great to hear! The sample seemed breezy and snarky and was calling my name. 5y
rretzler Speaking of snarky, I just finished this tagged book and it was full of snark. I‘m still processing, loved parts of it, including the snark, but still trying to decide if wizards and murder mysteries go together. Have you read it? 5y
esurient @rretzler Not yet, but it's on my list. My husband is a huge fan. 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I want #cozymystery recommendations. I'm new to the genre but I want the best of the best.
Rhys Bowen, Joanne Fluke, and Kate Carlisle Fixer-Upper series have been great. And I adore Agatha Christie.
I didn't like Lilian Jackson Braun "The Cat Who" or Kate Carlisle's Bibliophile series. Couldn't get into Rita Mae Brown. (Shocker, I know, given that my Litsy name and my interests, but I'm thinking I don't like cozy mysteries about cats.)

bookandcat (Before I forget, I DO own Rhys Bowen's first Molly Murphy book but haven't read it yet) 5y
bookandcat Oh and I HAVE enjoyed/read 5y
Librarybelle I adore M.C. Beaton, both her Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin series. They‘re short and quick with amusing characters. Set in Scotland and England, respectively. 5y
SW-T Ellery Adams, Cleo Coyle (also writes as Alice Kimberly), Jen McKinley, Caroline Hart, MC Beaton, Madelyn Alt, Shirley Damsgaard, Diana Killian, and Lorna Barrett are the cozy authors I read most. 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I‘m looking forward to starting this today. I like clever mysteries with a bit of fun tossed in for good measure.

kay89 I really enjoy this series, such cozy reads!
Laura317 @kay89 I am enjoying it so far! I can see that I will want to continue the series. 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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This book was a fun cozy mystery. Set in the 1930s, Georgie is 34th in line for the crown. She has a relationship and spy‘s for Her Royal Highness. A dead body turns up in Georgie‘s house and she has to figure out why. What‘s obvious to the reader, isn‘t always obvious to Georgie, so that‘s a little annoying.

#ReadHarder - Cozy Mystery
#ReadingUSA2019 - Author has a residence in AZ

Currently 19/50 states for #ReadingUSA2019 only 4 for April.

rretzler I love this series! It‘s fun, but has serious mysteries unlike a lot of other cozy mysteries. 5y
Librarybelle I need to read this series! 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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1. Too many! Tagged, Bellman & Black, No Exit & The Swan Book
2. The Feather Thief - I haven‘t been listening to Audio very often
3. The Widows of Malabar Hill - Already have it from the library


suzisteffen Oooh I love that Rhys Bowen series! 5y
rachelsbrittain I feel that. Always reading "too many" ?? Thanks for joining in ? 5y
revenge4porgy Top of May TBR list blogging for writers, brave new world, Shakespeare I think. 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Apparently this goober thinks the table is his new bed. He usually sits on my lap, but he jumped right up to the table! 🤦‍♀️ We clearly shouldn‘t have let him on the table while giving him a haircut last week.

Anyway, trying to soak up some sun by working outside. And I obviously had to bring my books outside with me. Trying to get rid of that winter paleness!


DGRachel Too cute! 5y
litenthusiast Awww he is very cute! Enjoy your time outside. 5y
TheEllieMo Ooh, how is Bellman & Black? I loved Diane Setterfield‘s latest novel 5y
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Mdargusch It‘s a perfect place to sunbathe! Smart dog! 🌞 5y
BridgetteM What a cutie! 5y
Laughterhp @TheEllieMo I‘m only about 60 pages in, but am enjoying it so far! This is my first book by her I‘m reading. 5y
shellleigh33 He is so cute!!! 5y
Purrfectpages Adorable! 5y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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This was heaps of fun. A mystery in the vein of Flavia de Luce or Amelia Peabody. It‘s London in the inter-war years and Georgie (or rather her ladyship Georgiana) might be 34th in line to the throne but she is also flat broke - and dogged by troubles, including a dead body in her bathtub. A deliciously light, tongue in cheek, cosy, with plenty of tea and cakes. 😍

Aimeesue This is a fun series! 6y
batsy Sounds delightful. Another cosy to add to my comfort read stack! 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Is there anything better after a busy day full of people-ing than a book and bed? We did customer interviews all day and I am exhausted - I thought about finding a yoga class or taking a walk or hitting the hotel hot tub and then decided right here is where it is at. 📚 🛏 This book is great so far!!

mcipher @Suzze This is one you sent me!! 🥰 6y
Suzze @mcipher So glad you‘re liking it! 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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After reading the Christmas book in the series in December, I thought I'd give it a go from the beginning. I'm not big into cozies but these are well-written and there's something charming about their corniness. I imagine I'll sprinkle them in my reading when I need something breezy and undemanding. (The one where Georgie finds a dead Frenchman in her tub...)

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Finished this while lounging water park side at Great Wolf Lodge! Nothing better than reading a fabulous book at an inside water park while it snows and blows outside! I absolutely adored this book! Georgie was a delight and found all the other characters fun as well. Darcy especially! The mystery aspect kept me guessing until the end and I found the story to be well paced. I can‘t wait to get my hands on the second one!!

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I really longed for some great cozies and fast-paced thrillers for my end of the year reading... Luckily my library came through and got me several books by Rhys Bowen. Not too excited about this series though. Love the other two! The car was nearly hit by a big moose today. 2 metres probably saved our lives! Sometimes life is a thriller...

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I feel like I‘m so late opening this up, but I didn‘t have time before work this morning. Thank you SO MUCH @Suzze - everything is amazing! I haven‘t read any of these authors and I love that you have met and love them all. I can‘t wait to dive in! The mug is ADORABLE! ❤️❤️ And I have never heard of snickerdoodle cocoa, it sounds amazing! You got my pb love and the bookmark and magnet are also fabulous! 😻 #FFFS #FallingForFallSwap

Suzze I hope you love all the books! I need to order myself some of that Cocoa, I adore snickerdoodles. 6y
Suzze Sorry nothing was wrapped. I put them in the box and saw how perfectly they fit, and was worried I‘d never fit them back in if I wrapped them! 6y
mcipher @Suzze It was perfect! Don‘t worry about wrapping. I will let you know how the cocoa is. 😉 I don‘t know which book I‘m most excited for - it‘s such a great mix! 6y
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mabell I love Murder with Peacocks! I sent it too! 😂 6y
mcipher @mabell Maybe that means it should be first?! 6y
mabell @mcipher Pick it up any time you are the mood for a fun mystery and KOOKY characters! 😆🤣 It's the beginning of a great series! 6y
mcipher @mabell I love kooky! Definitely high up in my list now. 😆 6y
mabell Yay! I can't wait to see what you think! 😄 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Love those cosy mysteries! Nice gifts! 6y
Avanders ❤️🧡💛🎃🍁🍂😍 6y
monalyisha Ha! I‘m NOT a morning person — but that‘s a compelling argument! 6y
mcipher @monalyisha Agreed! Though you could also argue that it‘s morning until 11:59.... 😉 6y
mcipher @Avanders Such a good swap - thank you for organizing it!!! 6y
mcipher @erzascarletbookgasm I know! I feel spoiled. The cocoa alone is to die for. 6y
Avanders 😘😘 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Forgot a book to bring for the dentist! Then I remembered I had this month‘s book club book on Libby!


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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I did a thing:
I created my own back to school themed reading challenge

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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📚Tagged! Can‘t wait to read the new one!
🙍🏼‍♀️Elin Hilderbrand-perfect for summer
📺 Hogan‘s Heroes - I‘m SO old!
🍔 Hamburgers

monkeygirlsmama I keep seeing people mention this author. I may have to check him/her out one of these days. 6y
JoScho Thanks for playing 🖤 6y
MaleficentBookDragon My dad and I watched Hogan's Heroes together. ❤ 6y
MichelleScott_author Yay to Erin Hilderbrand! She definitely is great for summer. 6y
Readingismyescape I loved Hogan‘s Heroes 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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A week or so ago I was eavesdropping on a Facebook conversation between @BethFishReads and another book blogger when this series was recommended as an excellent #audiobook experience. So far, so good


margreads And love the purple in the cover 6y
BethFishReads I have book 1 to listen to on the plane 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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1. I try not to feel guilty ever but I do love The Country Club Murders by Julie Mulhern or the Her Royal Spyness series (tagged)
2. You‘ve Got Mail or The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
3. Potato chips & sour cream dip. Don‘t leave me alone with these!
4. @Karkar @SilversReviews tell us your guilty secrets!
Thanks for the tag @JenlovesJT47 !!

JenlovesJT47 I love Her Royal Spyness!! 6y
SilversReviews Thanks for the tag, @Pamwurtzler 6y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I‘m late to the party but it‘s a good one nonetheless ❣️Thanks Audible for those damned tempting and awesome first of series sales.

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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This was a quick fun read 😻😻

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I picked this up as a lighter read while I make my way through The Passage and The Radium Girls which are heavy, dark reads. The premise was difficult for me to buy as Georgina, 34th in line to the throne of England takes up a job as a maid airing out houses for wealthy clients as she is in need of an income. The first half plodded along, but the second half picked up the pace which I appreciated. Not sure if I‘ll pick up any more in the series.

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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😭😭😭 I had read great things but this book just didn‘t work for me. Good editing but the story itself dragged. I was thrown by some of the language (odd contractions in sentences about the inappropriateness of using “weekend” etc) & the constant money carry on grated, almost as if the author was taking too much glee in a poor aristocrat. Grandad was the best character by far but most of the others were dense, oblique or irritating. Not a fan 😭

wanderinglynn Same here. Someone highly recommended this series to me, but I felt the whole spy thing was a relatively minor plot point with a rather unsatisfying result. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @wanderinglynn I‘m so glad you said that! I was really hoping HRH was going to come to the party with an allowance & some “real” spying but ... *nothing* (and I didn‘t like any of the rest of it enough to bother figuring out if the series picks up). Quite bummed but I suppose at least now I know... 7y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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More #TFoB fun!! Attended a panel with the awesome Rhys Bowen and Stephanie Barron that was so fun! #tfob2018

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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I‘m of two minds about this book. For me, it‘s really the last quarter of the book that keeps it from being a so-so, and there was a point, about halfway through, where I almost bailed. Georgie is a great character, but some of the situations were so nonsensical and unrealistic that I was ready to quit. It wasn‘t until it became clear that it was her life in danger that my interest ratcheted up.

drbethandherkindle This series is definitely silly and unrealistic, but I found them so addictive!! 7y
Pamwurtzler I like them too! 7y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Starting this, which will count for #MountTBRchallenge. I have no idea how long this has been on my Kindle😊

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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Thank you so much for such a fun #feedareader package @JenlovesJT47 ! I can't wait to use my pretty Valentine kitchen tools! I seriously needed a new spatula, and I love the one you sent! ❤️🌺The lip gloss is great, and my husband said heck yeah on the recipes! 😂 They all sound delicious! I have a feeling the Roasted Garlic Chicken and Crusty Parmesan Bread will be on the menu this week... Thank you! ❤️

JenlovesJT47 Yay, I'm glad you like it! Omg that roasted chicken and Parmesan bread is the best, I even made it for Christmas dinner one year! 😂 I hope you enjoy everything! 7y
LeahBergen Lovely! 💕 7y
mabell @JenlovesJT47 I forgot to mention the book! I get so excited about food! 😂 Her Royal Spyness has been on my wishlist for a long time - I can't wait to read it! 7y
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MinDea 👏👏👏👏👏🙌🏻 7y
JenlovesJT47 This book is awesome, I hope you like it! 7y
TricksyTails 👏😁 Awesome!! 7y
TricksyTails I want all these recipes! They look delicious!! 🤤 @JenlovesJT47 7y
JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails yes ma'am, I'll email them to you tomorrow! 7y
mabell @TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 If it has the word "crack" in the recipe title, you know it's going to be good ? 7y
TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 Ooh! Really? Thank you!! I wasn‘t demanding! I was coveting! 🤤♥️ 7y
TricksyTails Hahahahaha! That‘s what made me go “I NEED that!” Gimme some crack!! 😂 7y
JenlovesJT47 Lol yes I've made those for big gatherings and they always get rave reviews! 7y
JenlovesJT47 Hey I have a favor to ask! When you get a chance could you snap a pic of the potato recipes and email them to me? I had planned on making the soup this week but I don't have another copy of the recipe. 😂 oops! JenlovesJT47Swaps@gmail.com 😬 7y
mabell @JenlovesJT47 No problem at all! I just sent it. 👍 7y
JenlovesJT47 Thank you so much!! 🤗💚 7y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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A good 3 stars. Classic historical mystery set up in the 1930s London. The set up is classic and a bit transparent, I knew who did it half way through but Georgie is worth the read, she is an interesting character that has room to grow. The secondary female characters are a bit problematic in the way they are set up as adversary due to their gender even Belinda, who is the best friend, who is set up in a way that bothered me.

Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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Tonight's plan include a hot bath, reading in bed while listening to hockey (Dallas in Chicago) probably will fall asleep listening. It's beeb a long, cold week.