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The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man | Herbert George Wells
In this renowned novel by H.G. Wells, a heavily disguised man takes up residence at a rural English inn and begins performing secret experiments, leading to intense curiosity from the locals. Eventually, the mysterious man, a scientist who has discovered the key to invisibility, clashes with the villagers and progressively becomes more unhinged and dangerous as he uses his powers for self-serving purposes. Published and set at the turn of the 20th century, the book highlights the perils of unchecked scientific hubris.
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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While I wrestle with whether to continue reading "If Cats Disappeared from the World", I'm starting a book I'm more likely to enjoy.
Of the myriad film and TV adaptations of Wells' classic novel, I have a soft spot for Claude Rains' portrayal in the classic James Whale 1933 Universal movie version.
Also, Macmillan Collector's Library editions are so neat ?

Leftcoastzen Love those editions ! 2w
Ruthiella Those little blue hardbacks are so neat! 2w
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen @Ruthiella I think they'd look great together on a shelf. As it is, they still look ok in a pile on the floor! 📚 2w
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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There are a lot of terrible covers for this book. This 2 for $1 Walmart edition is one of them. 😆 This was my IRL book group‘s October pick. While it was really interesting to read the source of an often-referenced story, I found it disappointing. There was a lot more the author could have done with the idea—rather than being a sinister or sympathetic character, Griffin, our mad scientist invisible man, is basically just a self-absorbed jerk. ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) There was little to no character development or exploration of how invisibility changed him—he was a jerk before, and he was a jerk after, just with different problems and additional “power” that came with far more liabilities. The description of the science behind how he becomes invisible was really interesting, but the mechanics of how it worked got specific enough that I got hung up on inconsistencies. I‘m glad I read it, but I‘d be ⤵️ 11mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d)…interested to see what a different author might do with the same material and a more compelling main character! 11mo
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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The first half is almost like a farce. Silly names, country bumpkin buffoons and knockabout humour. Then, almost halfway through, the tone gets dark and is a much better novel. Theft, burglary and murder give us the classic Victorian fear of the lone, mad scientist. Disappointed by two antisemitic tropes and use of the N-word. The blurb says Wells championed socialism…hmm, could do better, Herbert.

Bookwomble His story "The Sleeper Wakes" is full of fascinating scientific futurism, and appalling racism. Pseudoscientific theories of racism and eugenics were rife during Wells' era (and I guess, sadly, they still are), and many socialists of the time were not immune to them. I think it's fair to say that fascism fell for them harder and more persistently, though 2y
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Thank you, sir. I‘d like to check that out for myself, just to see. Is it worth a read despite the unsavoury politics or one we should consign to the bin? 2y
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja It's worth reading for its speculative fiction, and, perhaps, as a document of historic racist angst about "white replacement". At least, that's what I remember, but I did read it a looong time ago, so I'm a bit fuzzy on it. I do remember feeling disappointed that a favourite writer could express those attitudes, though. 2y
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Well I am intrigued 2y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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Well this was an exciting and unique read that definitely kept me engaged throughout. It‘s an adventurous little book following a man who makes himself invisible and gets up to no good. But given that it‘s written in 1897 it is a book of its times and has references to racist slurs and antisemitic comments which is unacceptable. Otherwise, makes for an entertaining read.

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells

i didn‘t like this book

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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One of the classic “a scientist drinks a potion and things go terribly wrong” stories. I have to admit I didn‘t love the book, but adored the old Universal movie!

#Potion #Scarathlon #ScarathlonDailyPrompts

LiseWorks I loved the show when I was a kid. 2y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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People often say sociopaths walk unseen among us. In the case of the Invisible Man, this was literal. Wells portrays the common citizen as a dunce. This was a short, action-packed bit of science-fiction. It is perfect for the reader afraid of in-depth scientific instructions.

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4 ⭐️s for both!
I absolutely love H.G. Wells. Both of these stories leave the reader contemplating the true nature of humans. In The Invisible Man, we‘re left wondering if Griffin‘s invisibility, and thus separation from his fellow humans, is to blame for his subsequent loss of humanity. In The Island of Dr. Moreau, Prendick and the reader are left to wonder if we humans are really so far removed from our animal brethren.
My favorite quote from ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm either is from The Island of Dr. Moreau, “Then I look about me at my fellow men. And I go in fear.”
My second #Roll100 book for February!🤘😆🤘
Ruthiella Well done on the #Roll100 progress! So far I‘ve only managed one in January! 3y
PuddleJumper You're amazing! Well done 3y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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There are some racial slurs in here that really caught me off guard, but otherwise this was pretty entertaining. I have no idea if the optic research Griffin delved into to make himself invisible has any merit, and he was really just a cranky douche of a guy. 🤷‍♀️

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 3y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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“I went over the heads of the things a man reckons desirable. No doubt invisibility made it possible to get them, but it made it impossible to enjoy them when they are got.”

Invisible Man | H G Wells

2020 read great book 📚🤩

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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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This was effectively scary and had a good twist toward the end. There were a lot of plot holes left hanging, but overall a perfect creepy movie to watch on Halloween.

13895 total points

#Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness @StayCurious

fredamans I liked this remake a lot! 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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" When I discover who I am, I'll be free."

"The world is a possibility if only you'll discover it."

"And my problem was that I always tried to go in everyone's way but my own."

"Man's hope can paint a purple picture, can transform a soaring vulture into a noble eagle or moaning dove."

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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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⭐️⭐️ • Boring.

Hazel2019 😂 4y
IuliaC 😄 4y
BarbaraBB So boring!! 4y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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Here is my (for once) early #ReadWithMrBook prompt. It was not only #pickedforcover as it was a book-club-prompt, but I really like the Magritte-esque image.

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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I‘m not the only one who‘s seen this recently but I HAVE to post about The Invisible Man starring the amazing Elisabeth Moss.
It doesn‘t resemble the book by H.G.Wells or the original film but it‘s intense, frightening, and it kept me gripped all the way through. It‘s beautiful filmmaking with an ugly storyline of abuse at the center; my heart ached for CeCe. I loved the horror and I loved the ending.
+ 6 points / 4 💀
#TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon

Invisible Man | H G Wells
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So. I had watched this one earlier this week. It was a great movie! I really enjoyed it. But of course it is very very very loosely based on the book (the only real similarities is he made himself invisible!) Ha But I am glad I saw it! It was on my radar for a while. #Scarathlon2020 #TeamSlaughter @clwojick
6 points

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie , @AnansiGirl , @jb72 , @AsYouWish , @mollyrotondo , @Readage @Butterfinger

AkashaVampie The hubby and son have been talking about watching it. 4y
Clwojick I kept thinking this was a remake of Hallow Man when it first came out. I still need to watch it though. 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie it was good! 4y
ElizaMarie @Clwojick actually I have never seen HollowMan so no clue what its about... Do you recommend that one? 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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#currentlyreading the tagged book with #NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC) for September. It's one of three books I'm attempting for the month, the other two being Dracula and North & South, all #classics. I love #classicliterature. This one is interesting so far

#bookgroup #bookclub #scifi #mystery #novels #fiction #MountTBR

jb72 It‘s such a weird story. Can‘t wait to hear what you think. 4y
bibliobliss @jb72 👍😉 4y
Chab256 I went through a stage for a year or so where all I read were classics! I should start reading a few here and there again! 4y
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bibliobliss @Chab256 👍 yes 4y
ElizaMarie I haven't read enough classic I think. This year I tried to remedy it a bit.
Anyway I enjoyed this book. Can't wait to see what you think :)
bibliobliss @ElizaMarie I'll let you know!! 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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#NWC #NovelWatchingCrew

Well I finished this tonight, and it‘s weird but short and interesting. The invisible man is irrational and angry and frankly I have no sympathy for him. He did it to himself.

ElizaMarie Yeah he was such an unlikable character but I loved it so much! 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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“There‘s some ex-traordinary things in books,” said the mariner.”
― H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man

What is your favorite Classic movie?

Create a Mood Board based on your favorite Classic Character. (Movie or Book)

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

Butterfinger I had fun making mine. 4y
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The Invisible Man | Herbert George Wells
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#NWC #NovelWatchingCrew

This month I am reading (listening) to The Invisible Man. It‘s pretty interesting and strange. I‘ve obviously seen versions of it on TV. Eventually I‘d like to read North and South too.

My favorite classic would be Dracula with The Christmas Carol being a close second.

SconsinBookyBadger Adding A Christmas Carol to my tbr. I‘ve watched the movie more times than I can count, but never read the book. 4y
jb72 @AnansiGirl I really like the book. 4y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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1. So I finished Inviable Man (HG Wells). I had been wanting to read it forever!! So I am really happy that I was able to read it.

2. I haven't read many classics (this is something that I have been remedying this year!) But I want to say that maybe... Frankenstein has been my favorite so far?I feel like classics and #BuddyReads go together and I have been enjoying them so much :)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

coffeewithbooks Are you looking for a buddy read? 4y
ElizaMarie @coffeewithbooks Always! What do you have in mind? 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie not sure I am just now getting to classics. Will love to own some when I get some more money lol. 4y
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ElizaMarie @coffeewithbooks oooo let me know if you have one in mind and when. Most of the classics you can get cheap on Kindle (or even free from the library for now) And then if you love it purchase it! :) 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie well I am going get Pride and Prejudice form the library hopefully soon. 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie i know that @Bambolina_81 is planning on reading for #classicalbuddyread in November. I am also going be part in another book club with @Annie1215 she still trying to figure out the details. 😊 4y
ElizaMarie @coffeewithbooks oooo I would love to join the #ClassicalBuddyRead in November (if there is room) ... I am currently working on Pride and Prejudice with the #PemberLittens we do a #ChapterADay (we are almost done with it - will finish it this month) .. 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie I am sure you there room for you 😊 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie do you have a Instagram ? 4y
coffeewithbooks @ElizaMarie I will follow you now 😊 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Tuesday night reading of tagged book while I‘m trapped by the domestic puma. The advantage of having my tablet close by after finishing my social distancing video chat with friends helps since I may be sitting here for a while.

#readtobreathe @ashesofabookdragon
#novelwatchingcrew @ElizaMarie, @AkashaVampie, @jb72 , @AsYouWish , @mollyrotondo , @Readage @Butterfinger

jb72 It‘s pretty interesting so far! 4y
ElizaMarie Ha! Kitties are so good at restraining people! I hope you are enjoying this one. I really did! 4y
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SconsinBookyBadger @TheNeverendingTBR @jb72 @ElizaMarie I‘m half way through and it‘s possible I‘ll finish it today! 4y
jb72 @AnansiGirl I‘m a little more than halfway so I‘ll finish on Monday. 4y
ElizaMarie @AnansiGirl are you enjoying it? 4y
SconsinBookyBadger @ElizaMarie I‘m liking it even with the MC being cranky towards people who had nothing to do with his experiment gone awry. 4y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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So.. I really enjoyed this book! It was a classic that I had never read but I am so glad that we picked this for our #NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC) book. Now to find some of the movies!

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie , @AnansiGirl , @jb72 , @AsYouWish , @mollyrotondo , @Readage @Butterfinger

@jessinikkip , @Catherine_Willoughby , @MissAimz_55 , @cortg

AkashaVampie Wow that was fast! U are zipping through these. 4y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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So I guess I had really wanted to read this !!! Didn‘t realize I had a kindle copy and a chirp copy of it !!! Started the audio on my drive in today and now I‘m reading the ebook :)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie , @AnansiGirl , @jb72 , @AsYouWish , @mollyrotondo , @Readage @Butterfinger

AkashaVampie Haha I have done that a few times with have multiple copies of a book. It's not necessarily that I really wanted to read them... more like I have a shitty memory. Haha 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie okay so yeah I have a bad memory too! So it could be both! 4y
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bibliobliss I think I'm going to try it 4y
jb72 LOL I‘ve done that with books before. 4y
ElizaMarie @Readage I am about a quarter of the way through and I am enjoying it a lot. Its a bit creepy. Also I haven't read enough “classics“ so I am really enjoying that exploration! 4y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Hello Littens and #NWC group. Here are the books for September for our Classic genre. You are more than welcome to read one or all.

Everyone is welcome in our groups! We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

LapReader Count me in then please. 4y
AkashaVampie @LapReader feel free to join the group if u like... here is the link to the group. https://novel-watching-crew.mn.co 4y
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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Listening to this one on audio this week.

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells

An original take on the idea of becoming invisible and the problems that might follow. Not as compelling a read as some of the author's other works.

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Invisible Man | H G Wells
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Going back through and reading the classic horror books. Enjoying this and seeing them with new eyes.

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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Sorry I'm posting another movie poster but this was amazing!!!! I am very amped up right now and will need to watch something light and fluffy. 😆

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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This one was okay, but not my favorite. It was a lot more brutal than I thought it would be. Not sure what I was expecting but this wasn't it. 3.5 Stars.

Paperback.Propensity Interesting, I did not know it was brutal. 5y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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I read this book years ago, but completely forgot the plot. So done re-reading in an #audiobook. Picked this book as it has less characters and short story. Otherwise I will lose my track😛, as I am not very good at listening. I wonder about the idea of invisible man, that too centuries ago! But I dint like the main character 🤨 I wish the invisible man could have been a super hero.

#booked2020 #hatoncover #classicreading #classicschallenge2020

Reviewsbylola I need to read this one. 5y
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The Invisible Man | H. G. Wells, Terry Davis, Dennis Calero
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Another Stone Arch graphic novel, they do such a wonderful job with the classics....bold colors, great graphics.
#teamslaughter #scarathon @Clwojick

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Last one in The Invisible Man series...

1944 starring John Carradine and Jon Hall

4pts for #TeamStoker

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Just finished up this one...

1942 starring Jon Hall, Ilona Massey and Peter Lorre

4pts for #TeamStoker

LauraJ 🖤 Peter Lorre 5y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Up next...

1940 starring Vincent Price and Nan Grey

4points for #TeamStoker

EmilyM Omg 5y
EmilyM Sorry....hit send too fast! I am teaching this to my sophomores right now! It's good--I didn't know there was a movie...how is it? 5y
BeansPage @EmilyM actually they made The Invisible Man with Claude Rains and then they made 4 sequels. This is one of the sequels. the first one is very well done. And for the time. The special effects are absolutely incredible! This one has Vincent Price in it and is also very good. The other three are just okay. But that is my opinion. 😊 5y
EmilyM Thanks! Four sequels, huh?! Wow! I am enjoying teaching the book. This is the first year my department is teaching it. The kids have gotten into it, too. 5y
BeansPage @EmilyM oh yes then definitely look into the Claude Rains film. It was made in 1933 so I doubt you would be unable to let them watch it in school. 5y
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The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Watching this one now...

1933 starring Claude Rains and Gloria Stuart

Fun fact, this movie was directed by James Whale, the same man who directed both Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein. If you don't catch the similarities in the direction, you can catch the similarities in the cast. 😉

4pts for #TeamStoker

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells

Just finished reading this one for an audio book, and I had quite forgotten how altogether funny it was. The subtitle of this book is "A Grotesque Romance", and I did not recall any romantic involvements. I presume the author used the word as drama, story, etc. Still it reads as well today as when it was first written. A load of fun. My reading should be available for public consumption in about two weeks.

Invisible Man | H G Wells
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H.G Wells

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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"Much to say, but little to tell."
I like this phrase.

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Completed this book .....a nice and interesting science fiction......

The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells
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Well... at least it was short, and the narration was good.

There were a couple of goosebump-inducing moments, and I enjoyed the creepy atmosphere, but I wasn‘t overly impressed with the story and didn‘t like any of the characters.

Spoiler alert: the invisible man is a total jerk. 😂



zezeki I agree with you on everything. 5y
Henrik_Madsen I read it many years ago and I think you are pretty much spot on in your review. The greatest accomplishment is probably getting the idea. 5y
sprainedbrain @Henrik_Madsen it was a great idea! 5y
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The Invisible Man | Herbert George Wells
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“‘Why!‘ said Huxter, suddenly, ‘that's not a man at all. It's just empty clothes. Look! You can see down his collar and the linings of his clothes. I could put my arm -‘

He extended his hand; it seemed to meet something in mid-air, and he drew it back with a sharp exclamation. ‘I wish you'd keep your fingers out of my eye,‘ said the aerial voice.”

#AnglophileApril | 28: #InvisibleTouch

📷: Made with Typorama

Cinfhen Nice, Hugo BOSS!!!! 😜well played🙌🏻 5y
emilyhaldi 😮 5y
Mdargusch Clever! 5y
Reviewsbylola I love all your posts this month. They are so well done. I haven‘t read this book yet! 5y
LiterRohde @Reviewsbylola Thanks. I really like researching and designing them. 5y
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