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Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales
Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales | Justin Richards
38 posts | 27 read | 30 to read
We are all stories, in the end . . . A stunning illustrated collection of fifteen dark and ancient fairy tales from the world of Doctor Who. These captivating stories include mysterious myths and legends about heroes and monsters of all kinds, from every corner of the universe. Originally told to young Time Lords at bedtime, these twisted tales are an enchanting read forDoctor Who fans of all ages. Written by Justin Richards and illustrated by David Wardle.
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“Heroes can be found in the most unlikely places. Perhaps we all have it within us to do great things, but may simply lack the circumstances or the reasons to be heoric.”

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"People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff"

Nice little find on vinted thanks to @hannah-leeloo

Cuilin I love the timey-wimey quote. ❤️❤️ 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Litsyversary 🎊🎉📚🎊🎉 1y
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3.75/5 stars 🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑 #doctorwho #fairytales #shortstories

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3.75⭐ This was a cute, simple reimagining of Snow White. In this book, the evil queen desires the seven keys needed to control a horrible doomsday machine, but Snow White, a worker in the palace overhears and tries to stop her.

I read this for the #FairyTaleReadingChallenge -- January: Snow White.

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I loved how these are all classic fairy tales just with a Doctor Who twist. Each of the stories was narrated by someone different. They even got some of the actors from the show to narrate. With all story collections, some were better than others, but I enjoyed most of them.

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What little gem in my library 😍 The fairy tales are short, but madecwith great care. I didn't know all the originals, but you don't have to in order to enjoy them anyway. My favourite was the retelling of Snow White ❤️

Twainy I love this little boxed set!! 💕 4y
LiteraryinLawrence @Twainy I don‘t know if you two follow each other, but I got back to back Dr Who posts in my feed and it seemed like a sign! 4y
Twainy @LiteraryinLititz 😆 I finished my Out Of Time review and this was the first thing I saw!! Made me smile! I had to order this lovely little boxed set from Blackwell‘s UK. It‘s so pretty! ❤️ 4y
Jari-chan Whovians united 😁😁😁 4y
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After celebrating Valentine's Day and also Giving a Book Day (or in my case a whole box 😁), I made Bánh mì for lunch. Today I went with the veggie style, nextvwerk I'll make some with meat as well 😋

#FoodandLit #Vietnam @Texreader @Butterfinger

Butterfinger Looks great!! 4y
Jari-chan @Butterfinger Thank you ❤️ 😊 4y
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Valentine's Gift from Hubby 🥰 😍


TrishB Cool 👍🏻 4y
Twainy I have this also 💕 I love Doctor Who. 😁 4y
Texreader Great hubby!! 4y
ju.ca.no Woooow😍 4y
readordierachel 😍😍 4y
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Thank you Blackwell‘s! This is a perfect example of things looking bigger on the internet. This is the cutest set of 16 small hardcover books! I‘m not disappointed at all!! Before you buy this box set make sure to read the dimensions. It will make a nice book end. LOVE IT!! 🖤

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Finished my first book for #24b4Monday this morning in bed. Currently at 4:50:13. I‘ll be Audio yard working later, so I‘ll have to make sure to set my timer!

I‘m so glad I finally read this book. It‘s been on my shelf for at least 5 years. My favorite stories were Cinderella and the Magic Box and Little Rose Riding Hood 💚💚 It was great reading about creatures in the Doctor Who universe.

Andrew65 Wow! This looks great. Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Found my favorite story in this collection so far 😭😭

So fitting to read this one when yesterday was the 15 year anniversary of the Doctor Who episode Rose.

💚💚 Now I want to watch Doctor Who but it‘s currently not streaming 😫

#DoctorWho #Rose #BadWolf #24b4Monday - Currently at 2:14:49

Andrew65 15 years since Rose! Wow! Where did that go! 4y
Andrew65 This is one of my favourite episodes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj9IpD9BM_w 4y
Laughterhp @Andrew65 Oh yes! That‘s one of my favorite episodes too!! I‘m so mad HBO Max stole the streaming rights but isn‘t in service yet! I used to be able to watch on Amazon Prime. 4y
mrsmarch @Laughterhp Is that what happened?! My 6 year old was devastated! 4y
Laughterhp @mrsmarch Yeah, they have Doctor Who, Friends, and probably a bunch of other shows, but I don‘t think they are launching until May.. 😔 4y
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Here‘s my stack for #24B4Monday Readathon. I don‘t know how much reading I‘ll get done. I‘m currently struggling to get into a book. I‘m not sure what I‘m currently in the mood for.

Or I might listen mostly to audiobooks. I‘m having no trouble listening to my audio of The Women‘s War. Will probably do some audio baking tomorrow.

BeansPage ❤️ audiobooking! 4y
Andrew65 I would second the audiobook option if you are having trouble getting into a book. Good luck with the Readathon. 😊👍 4y
Mitch That‘s a great stack. Once you start Five - you won‘t want to stop! 4y
jb72 Oooo The Doctor Who book looks cool. 4y
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Ya‘ll today was hard. My anxiety over COVID has shown up in full force as it gets worse in my state. So I‘m snuggling the pups and watching Who. I‘m missing a Christmas episode so while I was googling that I found the tagged series! I need these in my life! #keeplitsypositive #prisonerzerohasescaped

Suet624 💕💕 4y
AmyK1 I‘m sorry you had a hard day 😞 Hope the snuggles and Dr Who help! 4y
JenReadsAlot Hugs girl! 4y
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LiteraryinLawrence I completely relate to what you‘re saying. My anxiety has been really bad the last few days. I don‘t have the answers, but just know that when you‘re having a hard time, there are others here to support you. We will take turns. 💜 4y
Sharpeipup Just what the Dr (who) ordered! Big hugs! 4y
Branwen I feel you on the anxiety. It's been so rough lately. Sending lots of love your way! 💕 Doctor Who fixes everything! 4y
Texreader We‘re here for you dear friend!! 4y
BethM @Suet624 @AmyK1 @JenReadsAlot @LiteraryinLititz @Sharpeipup @Branwen @Texreader thank you all so much. These are just the things I needed to read today to face going in to work. 4y
JodiPM I feel the same. I hope you can relax even if it's just a little bit. 4y
Avanders Sorry you had such a tough day... Looks like you‘ve got the perfect idea to help! 🥰♥️ 4y
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It's called escapism.

Darklunarose Doctor who is amazing in all forms. Escapism indeed! 5y
CarolynM Thinking of you today. 5y
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Today‘s mug brought to you by Dr.Who 🤓

Erofan 😍 5y
blank Cute! 5y
kaykay1307 I bought that book when I was in wales several years ago! Still one of my favorite purchases! 5y
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RavenLovelyReads @kaykay1307 cool! I picked it up at Barnes and Noble- my boys love it! 5y
sudi 😍😍😍 5y
Nute This entire post is working for me!😍 5y
RavenLovelyReads @Nute We could totally be friends IRL! Let me know if you ever visit Columbus! 🤓 5y
kaykay1307 @RavenLovelyReads that‘s great! It‘s so good! Also I saw you mentioned Columbus in a different comment, I‘m from the Cleveland area! 5y
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All the 🌟 in all the galaxies!!! Billions of trillions of 🌟!!! I especially loved that male characters saved the day, female characters saved the day, and not a single damsel in distress to be found anywhere. Cunning and wit won the day more than overt shows of strength and there was really something for everyone. This is a true modern telling of these tales. I would read this to a child before I read the originals. (continue below)

GingerAntics If we read these versions to our kids (or something like them), we would be raising a generation of kids who WANTED to use their brains to solve problems instead of fists and saw girls and boys, men and women, as equally capable of saving the day and being in power. They would learn kindness and intellect would save the day. Let kids hear versions like this first, then let them read the originals/classics when they can see the BS for themselves. 6y
GingerAntics This is why I literally (real literally, not figuratively said wrong) have the Doctor‘s oat tattooed on my arm. #doctorwho #timelordfairytales #librariansaretimelords #timelord #fairytales (edited) 6y
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Oh here we go!!! This is the last story and I can‘t wait...my love of Doctor Who meets my love of Kin g Arthur stories. Let the games begin.
#doctorwho #timelordfairytales #kingarthur

TheWordJar So, I am just discovering Dr. Who (as in I‘ve watched two episodes), and I‘m wondering why I resisted for so long!! Can‘t watch them fast enough now. 6y
GingerAntics @TheWordJar I think because whovians are the Uber nerds of the sci-fi nerd world. No idea why. You can be into all sorts of sci-fi, but if you‘re a whovian, somehow you‘re considered a nerd, even by the nerds. It‘s weird. I like to think of the Doctor as the King/Queen of the Nerds!!! lol 💙💙 The books are mostly well written. I‘ve heard of a few bad ones, but all I‘ve read have been great. (edited) 6y
GingerAntics @TheWordJar Neil Gaiman has even written a few books (and the odd episode or two). Welcome to the club!!! 💙💙 6y
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TheWordJar This makes me laugh because I was considered a nerd long before it was cool. And to be certain, I am still a nerd and still not cool! So, welcome home, I guess? 😂 And I do love Neil Gaiman. Definitely looking forward to embracing this fandom and all the material it has to offer! 6y
GingerAntics @TheWordJar sadly it is currently split over the female doctor. I think it‘s about damned time, especially since the inventor of the show was a woman. Some people think feminism has ruined the show and refuse to even watch it now. 🙄 It‘s also split between those who liked Steven Moffat as the show runner and those who didn‘t, but most people hated him so that‘s not a big deal, really. 6y
TheWordJar I love Jodie Whittaker (Broadchurch!), and she is why I finally started watching it. I was told by a trusted friend to start with the reboot (the ninth doctor) and work my way up to the current season. So, that‘s my plan for now. What do you think? Work my way up or jump in with the new season? 6y
GingerAntics @TheWordJar big story arcs happen with each doctor, so you could safely start with Jodi‘s run. I‘m not much of a fan of nine, but ten is definitely my doctor. 6y
TheWordJar David. ❤️ Pretty sure I‘m going to enjoy that one as well! 6y
GingerAntics @TheWordJar it‘s the whole Broadchurch family...Whovian style. lol His Doctor is the exact opposite of Hardy, though. lol 6y
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I cheered when I read this!!! These are just the kinds of fairytales we need these days!!!
#doctorwho #timelordfairytales #intelligentwomen

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A great, bookish image from this book. I‘m really loving it. There are absolutely zero damsels in distress here!!!
#doctorwho #timelordfairytales #whatfairytalesshouldbe
What is very clear, from this story, is that all librarians are time lords...obviously. #librariansaretimelords

readingjedi Nice! 6y
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So excited to get to take this for a spin. I‘ve wanted to read it for almost a year.
#doctorwho #timelordfairytales #nextup

Faibka Enjoy! It‘s a nice Christmasy Whovian read :) 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka Christmassy? Really? I must not have gotten to that bit yet. I am loving this reworking of fairy tales to be more Whovian. Maybe because I was never really read “fairy tales” as a child, I‘m greatly enjoying this book. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics oh my gosh! I totally confused it with the DW Christmas stories, ha! so sorry, I haven‘t slept like in three days so my brain isn‘t working properly. I haven‘t read them, though I have the book. I still recommend the Christmas ones! 😂 6y
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GingerAntics @Faibka there are Christmas stories, too? 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics yes! One for each Doctor, let me find it and I‘ll tag you :) 6y
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It's been a long time since I've featured Doctor Who so it seemed like a great choice for yesterday's #fandomfriday ! I planned on taking all of my pictures for this weekend, but my kiddos gave me a cold so I've been pretty lazy today. I just want to curl up and read my books for the rest of the night but I need to get some work done. I'm #currentlyreading My Plain Jane and The Last Time I Lied. **What's your current read?**

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I am not a #fantasy reader, but once I want to start with this series. 😉 @scripturient gave me this wonderful edition. 💖😍

#litsyclassics @Bambolina_81

PickwickPlockPlock Oooh that looks good. I'm looking forward to your review. 6y
ju.ca.no Ooh let me know how it is😍😍 (*wantwantwant*) 6y
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@rabbitprincess @Laura317 life‘s too short, I couldn‘t help myself 😂

Laura317 @Faibka Now you just need @rabbitprincess ‘s iTunes version. The trifecta!! 7y
rabbitprincess They're both so pretty! 💙💙 7y
Faibka @Laura317 yes! I should get it 😁 @rabbitprincess thank you 😊 7y
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So I may have just downloaded the audiobook of this from iTunes... 😁

Laura317 I‘ve seen it at the bookstore. It looks good! 7y
rabbitprincess @Laura317 I would certainly buy it in print if I found it at a good price 😄 7y
Faibka I have it in print! I just had to get it 😍 7y
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Laura317 @rabbitprincess @Faibka I see a bookstore run in my future later today! 7y
rabbitprincess @Faibka Did it come as one big book or is it the slipcase edition with each tale in a separate book? @Laura317 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Faibka @Laura317 yay! Go for it 😊 7y
Faibka @rabbitprincess is it too nerdy to confess I have both 😅 I saw the hardcover later and I just couldn‘t help myself it looked so good! I‘ll post a pic and tag you 😊 7y
Laura317 @rabbitprincess The one I saw was individual stories in one box. I‘d rather have the hardcover like @Faibka though. 7y
rabbitprincess @Faibka That is awesome that you have both 😄 7y
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So in love with this. #doctorwho #fairytales

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Got some great #bookmail today! Thank you @DGRachel !

DGRachel You're welcome! 😊 7y
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Surprise prezzie from my #litsypenpal arrived today. I love it! It made my day! Thanks @Books.Bottles.and.Babies

carmens.library So glad you love it!!! 7y
Dr.Who_number10 Oh my gosh!!! I love Dr.Who that‘s an amazing mug 6y
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This photo is totally not for @TobeyTheScavengerMonk who absolutely did NOT - under any circumstances - need to see these covers individually. Or how gorgeous they are. #sorrynotsorry #blamelitsy #theslipcaseisbeautifultoo

Moray_Reads Oh, so pretty! 7y
Zelma 😂 you are mean! 7y
erinreads My friend is a huge Doctor Who fan and her birthday is in a few days, so thanks to you, I now have the perfect little gift for her! 👍🏻 7y
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TobeyTheScavengerMonk NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... but yes, yes I am totally going to own these. 7y
Eyelit Lovely! @Laura317 - thought you'd be interested as well 😄 7y
Laura317 @Eyelit Squeee! Yes! I must own a set of these!! 7y
elkeOriginal Oh....sh*t..... 7y
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ju.ca.no this book looks beautiful😍 7y
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A little time travel can take you a #longlongwayfromhome real fast! 😏


Cinfhen Oh look, it's your "aunt's" books ?? 7y
saresmoore @Cinfhen Yes! Haha! Don't tell my real-life aunts, but she's my favorite. 😆 7y
Cinfhen 🤐 7y
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Before Casey went to bed, he made me a #sweet iced coffee! ☕️ Must. Stay. Awake! #24hour #readathon

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My #cozy spot is almost certainly my bed! But I can't stay there too long or I'll fall asleep! #24hour #readathon

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Had totally forgotten about these DW #fairytaleretellings thank you @Eyelit 😆

Eyelit 👍 8y
Liatrek I have to find this book now 😊 8y
Tsubame Oh my goodness! 😱I NEED this!!! 😳😳😳❤️ 8y
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I think my expectations were far to high for this collection of reimagined fairy tales. Elements from Doctor Who present themselves in each story (sometimes it's a past monster like the weeping angels, others the story itself is set in space or another planet, The Doctor does make an appearance here and there). Some were quite engaging and others fell flat. Lovely illustrations, though.

samthebookdragon I have never heard this existed but it sounds so interesting! 8y
Blair_Reads Creative concept. Love me some Doctor Who 😊 8y
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Kinda excited about today's #libraryhaul - especially the Time Lord Fairy Tales! 😃

Trav Doctor Who ❤️ 8y
JulieAnn That sounds amazing. I'll have to get that one! 8y
Lacythebookworm I ❤️ Alex + Ada! 8y
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callunakeep @DiruVamp On mine and Luna Rae's TBR! 😝 8y
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