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Ink Blood Sister Scribe
Ink Blood Sister Scribe | Emma Trzs
For generations, the Kalotay family has guarded a collection of rare and dangerous books. Books that let a person walk through walls, or borrow someone else's face; books of magic. Now, Joanna Kalotay lives alone in the woods of Vermont, their library's sole protector, while her estranged older half-sister, Esther moves between countries and jobs, constantly changing, never staying anywhere for longer than a year, desperate to avoid the dangerous magic that killed her own mother. She is currently working as an electrician on a research base in Antarctica where she has found love. Maybe, finally, she feels free. But when someone on-base begins using magic, Esther realizes that she can't outrun her family's legacy. The long-separated sisters must work together to unravel the secrets their parents kept hidden, secrets that span centuries and continents, and even other libraries...
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Deep in the woods of Vermont is a house nobody can find. A house where Joanna Kalotay lives alone. Protecting a collection of rare books.
But these aren't ordinary books. These are books of ancient magic containing spells written in blood.

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I liked this quite a lot. Very entertaining, adventurous audiobook.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I've had this one my shelf for a while. 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I also enjoyed it! 💫 💜 1w
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Definitely a slow burn but ultimately a love letter to books and the magic they bring into our lives. I hope that these characters‘ stories are continued in the future!

Areader2 I agree! 1mo
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Diving into my June mystery book 🤓

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A little bit confusing in the beginning, but I really enjoyed it,part mystery with suspense, magic system around books , interesting characters it all comes to a satisfying conclusion that maybe I could see even continuing I hope !
#ReadAway2024 book 19

DieAReader 🥳Fantastic!! 2mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Really unique stand-alone fantasy revolving around two sisters and a magical library. This book had a slow build, but it‘s worth it. Perfect mix between light and dark fantasy and part of me wants to lean the genre more toward magical realism. A very enjoyable read and I highly recommend! #inkbloodsisterscribe #botm

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This was a beautiful book — beautifully written, carefully crafted, and a love letter to books and the magic they bring to our lives. The characters instantly bred empathy, and I was completely engrossed in finding out what would happen next. Emma Törzs is definitely an author to watch…

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Caught up on grad school work for the moment, so enjoying a restful Sunday with my book, a “bridal bouquet” latte (white chocolate and rose), and a breakfast sandwich.

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Really liked this book about two sisters and assorted other characters whose lives are connected by magic. As the secrets came out, I found myself rooting for the girls to discover who they really were. Well drawn characters and a good story add to the enchantment of this book.

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I forgot to take a picture of this one before bringing it back to the library so instead you get a picture of my reading journal.

This one started off slow and I had a hard time staying interested for the first half. But the second half I couldn‘t put down and I had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. I did predict most of the twists in advance but it was still a fun ride once it got going. 4⭐️ in the end for the second half.

MeganAnn This was another one off of my #auldlangspine list from @Karisimo 💜 @monalyisha 6mo
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Abe Kalotay died in his front yard in late February, beneath a sky so pale it seemed infected.


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Have a therapy appointment this afternoon and it is a bit of a drive. Because of the snow, I decided to leave early and get lunchtime #CoffeeAndABook on the way. Today was a gingerbread latte and breakfast sandwich 📖 🥪 ❄️

LiteraryinLawrence Sounds like great self care. 💗 7mo
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I‘ve been so busy on my winter break that this is the first day I have nothing planned. Time for #CoffeeAndABook - starting this one I got for Christmas while enjoying a vanilla latte, egg and cheese sandwich, and a rainy view

LiteraryinLawrence I love everything about this picture! Enjoy! 7mo
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Christmas #BookHaul - the tagged novel from my mom and the two cookbooks from my sister

No books from April, but she gave me a hug and lots of snuggles! 🥰 #CatsOfLitsy

RaeLovesToRead Aww, Tortifloofs 🥰 7mo
CatLass007 April is very well camouflaged.😻 7mo
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Tagged book was my Nov fav!

Most looking forward to How the Light Gets In by Louise Penny- I‘m reading through the Inspector Gamache series in the seasons when they take place, so I‘ve been waiting since May for this one!!!


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#Rushathon #NovelNovember #Readathon

Made a bit of a left turn off my November TBR to knock out another #BOTM book for the challenge (5 to go, midway through 2 of them! 🎉) but I‘m not mad about it. Although it started a little slow, I ended up enjoying this magical tale & the world the author created. I liked the characters & thought the story good for a debut. It could have gone deeper into the relationships but I‘d spend more time with them.

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
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OKAY. So…I tried. And got to page 120. I don‘t know if I just have to power through and keep going…but this book had so much promise and thus far I am unimpressed. Does it get better, Litsy?

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This was fantastic! Three storylines eventually align in a story filled with magic, mystery, adventure, and deceit. This was November's #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookgeekFrau I love your living room! 😍 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! This one is on my shelf!! 8mo
staci.reads @TheBookgeekFrau thank you so much! 😊 7mo
staci.reads @TheAromaofBooks hope you like it as much h as I did! 7mo
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Do you ever finish a book just to finish it, but the whole time you're thinking "blah, blah, blah"? I think this happens to me more often than not when I give fantasy books a try. It's not often I find a hit. I'm just too much of a realist I guess.

ChaoticMissAdventures I can do fantasy but I gave up on this one about 50 pages in. I found it boring. 9mo
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I think I read too many mediocre books in October, because I‘m being pleasantly surprised and loving a lot of books I‘ve picked up so far!

I started this in print and it was a bit slow to begin with, so I decided to try on audio. And this was just a delight. I really loved this story and the characters and the magic. Really great book!

Karisimo I just finished this on audio yesterday and LOVED it! Much better than Fourth Wing imo! 9mo
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I‘m a fan of fictional family drama and when the drama is about magic, well, that just makes it fun. We are past the halfway point of the story before these three MCs come together. I thought that was a betraying way to write this because I was equally invested in Joanna, Esther, and Nicholas. The supporting characters were interesting too!

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I'm trying to decide how I feel about this one. I wanted so badly to love it, and I didn't. I didn't dislike it either. I kind of wavered between boredom and not wanting to put it down. 🤷‍♀️
(9hoursx6thonsx10)+21+(451wordsx10)=5,071 team #spookyghostclub #scarathlon @clwojick
#rushathon @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader #31by31 @Catsandbooks #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks #falling4books @Read4life #littenlisten @aperfectmjk #fangtasticreadathon

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I felt the same 😑 9mo
Traci1 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks glad to know it wasn't just me. 9mo
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Clwojick I hate when this happens! Just an all around meh read. 😔 9mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 9mo
Catsandbooks 👻💜 9mo
TracyReadsBooks I really wanted to love this one but in the end thought it was just okay. 9mo
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A book about magic books, what's not to love!?
Joanna spends her life protecting magic books, Esther spends hers running from it, and Nicholas spends his writing them.
I love how their storyline intertwined. This is definitely worth a read!!

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#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge #Day5 #Blood This magical realism novel is on my TBR for #Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub 6pts

Traci1 This was my pick for today's prompt as well, but I love your cover! It's beautiful. 10mo
Lizpixie @Traci1 it‘s a Waterstones Special Edition. It‘s beautiful isn‘t it?😍 10mo
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This book doesn‘t count for the #scarathalon because I read most of it last month, but boy is it a good one! Creepy, #queer, and just excellent! #pusheen

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Still reading this for the #trevorprojectreadathon. Donate at link above if you like!

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Fall is finally here (fingers crossed). #outside

ShyBookOwl 🍂 10mo
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GingerAntics @julesG I‘m trying SO hard to keep this to myself until you can read it. 11mo
julesG 😂😂😂 11mo
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julesG Okay. I'm starting the audiobook. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!! It‘s so ridiculously good! I need this work day to hurry up because I just don‘t care about patients getting lab appointments scheduled right now. I need to finish this book!!! 11mo
julesG Finally made it to that point. 😂😂😂 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG wasn‘t that great?! Loved it so much!!! I literally don‘t know what to read now. I still have questions! 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG okay, so I might have missed the answers to these 3 questions, but I also think one was at least hinted at (that I caught)…
Are Joanna and Esther real sisters?
Who is Nicholas‘s mother?
Are Joanna, Esther, and Nicholas related?
julesG Joanna and Esther have the same father. Different mothers, though. Esther's mother is Isabella from Mexico City. Joanna's mother is 'Whats-her-name' from Belgium. 11mo
julesG Nicholas's mother was an actor (she appeared on stage, it says somewhere). His father was related to his "uncle" through the uncle's sister. 11mo
julesG J+E+N are not related in any way. They are connected in a way through Maram (sp?), who is Isabella, Esther's mother. But no blood relation. 11mo
julesG Joanna's mother used to be Esther's nanny. Isabella and Abe were no longer together by the time Isabella left to work for the evil uncle full time. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG Cecily? Okay so half sisters. That‘s what I was thinking. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG “John” was his dad and was something to Richard/the creepy surgeon. Definitely missed that about his mum, though. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG that‘s what I thought, but there was a lot of explaining and MANY names (including Isabella/Miram) so I wasn‘t sure. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG that‘s what I was thinking, but then I got lost in how many years were between them and the whole “Isabella/Miram put us together” thing. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG thank you! That was very helpful. I feel more closure now. 11mo
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A novel about magic, family secrets and how the combination can create terrible, corrupting pain. Nicholas is a scribe who creates magical books with his blood, pampered by his uncle, who has a terrible agenda. Joanna and Esther are sisters, tasked by their father with the protection of their magical library. Joanna trapped at home, and Esther moving annually to keep her family safe. The characters come together to find truth and freedom.

CaitlinR Photo of the author 11mo
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Show of hands ✋? who would trust the stranger on the other side of the mirror who is watching everyone in the bathroom just to warn you (?) about impending doom (!) or maybe luring you to your doom(!!).
#InkBloodSisterScribe #EmmaTörzs #audiobook #busbook #magic #maninthemirror #womaninthemirror #whoisinthemirror #wtf

julesG This book is waiting for me in the UK. 😁😁 I wouldn't trust a stranger in any mirror. Especially not the one with the wild hair who's using my toothbrush in the morning. 😝 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG oh my god I kind of hope the toothbrush thing is in the book and not your cat chewing the fluffy thing you use all the time. 11mo
julesG Oh god. No, the cat cannot get to my toothbrush. Still, when I look in the mirror in the morning I often wonder who the wild-haired woman is. I'm always kind of hoping to see the henna-died teenager who still has all the decisions before her. I'd like to tell her which things to not do. 😉 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG 😂🤣😂 I didn‘t even think of that! 🤣😂🤣 yeah, the lunatic in my mirror is certainly getting there. 11mo
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Just a little #LitsyLove going out today!! Be on the lookout @ShelleyBooksie @Bookgoil @Bklover @iread2much (first spooky box headed your way Rachel 🧡🖤)

Please let me know when you receive your package and thanks for being a part of #LitsyLove ❤️💌📫📮

Bklover You are the kindest person I know!🩷🩷 11mo
ShelleyBooksie Thank you so much ♡ 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bklover 🫶🏻❤️ 11mo
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Bookgoil So excited 😆 11mo
iread2much I just got it! Thank you! 11mo
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Thank you to Lisa @TheSpineView for this beautiful book for a #LitsyLove giveaway! 💜📚🖤

To enter please tell us the books you are most looking forward to for the upcoming witchy season! 🧙🏻 🧡🖤

TheSpineView You're welcome!😘🥰💜📖 11mo
RaeLovesToRead I'm gonna read some dark academia! Babel springs to mind! 11mo
dabbe I‘m going to read at least one of the three witchy/monster books I just received for the #staycationswap by @LibrianRyan. 🤩 11mo
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IndoorDame I‘m excited there‘s gonna be another Thistle Grove novel out in time for the witchy season this year. They‘re always such fun! In Charm‘s Way will be going on my list! 11mo
Breanne1 Reading Vampires of El Norte for book club. 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RaeLovesToRead I‘ve been eyeing that one 👀 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe 🖤🧙🏻🧡 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Breanne1 🖤🧛🏻‍♂️📚 11mo
iread2much I am looking forward to lots of hot tea and cool weather and finally reading this book! (edited) 11mo
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Bk4 of my recent #BookMail is this beautiful signed edition. Joanne Kalotay lives alone in the woods of Vermont, the sole protector of a collection of books that will allow someone to walk through walls or turn water into wine. Books of magic. Her estranged sister travels the world, avoiding the deadly magic that killed their mother. Working in Antarctica, she finds blood on the mirrors & knows the magic has found her & her sister is in danger.

BethM THis sounds amazing! 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this edition 💜 11mo
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Canadian friends, this one‘s on sale today, Kobo-exclusive for $4.99!! Snagged it😊

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I thought I was going to love this one. Tried 4 times to finish. Gave up at 25%. Boring!!! And sooo slow!
I just couldn't make myself read more.

Oh well, you can't love every book.

#RushAThon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

ChaoticMissAdventures I felt the same! I read the blurb and everything seemed to be just what I would like but I couldn't get into this at all. 12mo
Andrew65 Oh no! 😫 Hate when this happens! Next! 12mo
TheSpineView @ChaoticMissAdventures So disappointed 😞 12mo
TheSpineView @Andrew65 Already on it! 12mo
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Between my appointments, I went to the library so I can enjoy reading on the balcony. Bonus was my new book buddy arrived and hung out with me exchanging more information including books and read together quietly for half an hour. Can‘t get better than that!😊🥰👍🏻

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚💜 12mo
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It's this kind of crap that makes me think I may have a problem.

Cuilin I see no problem here thought I‘m probably not the best judge. 12mo
RaeLovesToRead @Cuilin I love Litsy 🥰 You're all such a bunch of enablers and I love you for it! 😄 12mo
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dabbe Damn those book covers and end papers! 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
KristiAhlers I love it! You're curating an amazing and pretty library! 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!! Where did you find these?! Beautiful 😍 12mo
RaeLovesToRead @dabbe I love them all! 😊 12mo
RaeLovesToRead @KristiAhlers If only I had more shelves... 😁😅 12mo
RaeLovesToRead @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Left to right... Goldsboro Books edition, Illumicrate edition, Waterstones Exclusive edition... 🥰 12mo
Branwen IT'S NOT A PROBLEM! IT'S A COLLECTION! 😍 I 110% approve of your book purchasing decisions! 😂 12mo
Bookbuyingaddict 😂😂😂join the club 10mo
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This had a slow start for me but once it got going, I couldn‘t put it down and finished it in a day. Atmospheric and filled with one of a kind characters, this ode to books and the people who love them is fast paced and will keep you guessing. Highly recommend! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
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I don‘t know how this got on my radar. It seemed like it would be too YA for me. It was not.
A library of magical books. Two estranged sisters. One stays at home and protects the library. The other stays far from home and never remains in any one place too long. Mystery, magic, romance, family. I loved it all.
A slightly slow start but the pacing got better and better throughout and by midpoint I didn‘t want to set it down.

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The July Goldsboro book arrived and it is absolutely gorgeous! 🥰 I read this book when it first came out and loved it, and this edition is making me wish I could go back and read it again for the first time! 🥹📚💕 #goldsboro #goldsborobooks

RaeLovesToRead I can't believe I just ordered a 3rd copy of this book 😬😬😬😬😬 I hope it's good.... I just LOVE special editions. This is by far my favourite 🥰 12mo
ICantImReading Oh wow, that edition is gorgeous! 12mo
GingerAntics This edition is making me want to read this book. 12mo
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With an exciting mix of mystery and magic, this was a really atmospheric and spellbinding read. The beginning was a little slow, but it definitely picked up the pace once the characters came together and I got swept up in the adventure! #BOTM

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Anyone Joining Deweys 24 hour Readathon tonight


I liked the book pretty much. I felt like the end kind of lost me a little bit but it was a fun new magical premise to read.

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Ink Blood Sister Scribe was my favorite book of June. And it beats Chain-gang All-stars and The Secret Service of Tea and Treason. But it can't win against Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries. #2023ReadingBracket

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It‘s nap time for Tux! 🖤🫶🏻🤍

Happy Caturday!! 🐈‍⬛🐾


dabbe Whenya gonna grow into your adorable legs, Mr. Tux? 🖤🐾🖤 13mo
ravenlee Wow, Tux is going to be BIG someday! 😻 13mo
DinoMom So sweet! 13mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe for real!! 😂🐈‍⬛ 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ravenlee he is!! The positions he gets in are so funny! 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DinoMom thank you 😽 13mo
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I do not read a lot of fantasy, but when this one came up on Edelweiss+ (thank you to them) I was happy to give it a try. Maybe I need to read more fantasy, as I really enjoyed this one. Admittedly it was a slow start, but by the midpoint I had trouble putting it down. I am sure that fact that it was about books (magical books) helped, but really it was beautifully written, had great characters and humor. I will be watching for a sequel. 4.5/5