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Shades of Milk and Honey
Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
The fantasy novel you've always wished Jane Austen had writtenShades of Milk and Honey is exactly what we could expect from Jane Austen if she had been a fantasy writer: Pride and Prejudice meets Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It is an intimate portrait of a woman, Jane, and her quest for love in a world where the manipulation of glamour is considered an essential skill for a lady of quality.Jane and her sister Melody vie for the attentions of eligible men, and while Jane's skill with glamour is remarkable, it is her sister who is fair of face. When Jane realizes that one of Melody's suitors is set on taking advantage of her sister for the sake of her dowry, she pushes her skills to the limit of what her body can withstand in order to set things right-and, in the process, accidentally wanders into a love story of her own.
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I had read some of Kowal‘s Lady Astronaut books, so when I saw this in a LFL a couple years ago, I snatched it up! I was interested to see what Kowal did with a completely different genre than the Lady Astronaut series. So when #JaneAdjacent planned this for their April book, I was excited to tag along! It sounded right up my alley—Austen-esque with a touch of magic—and was definitely as advertised, with a delightfully familiar Jane Austen feel.⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) My gripes: the pacing was off, with a slow start then ALL THE ACTION and an abrupt happy ending packed into the last few chapters. There was good character development with the MC, but most of the others felt like placeholders for Jane Austen types, so much so that meeting new characters often felt like a game of “Spot the Mr. Darcy.” And, I was annoyed with all the anachronistic phrases sprinkled throughout. ⤵️ 5mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) All of that said, I did enjoy the book for what it was, and the abruptness of the ending kind of makes me want to see what‘s in store for the characters in the next book! Thank you to @StayCurious for hosting the buddy read and posting such fun check-ins along the way! 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings I agree about the pacing. It felt odd. 5mo
BookmarkTavern Spot the Mr Darcy! 😂😂😂 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLobe2024 #AwesomeApril #readathon

Read along with #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent I‘m giving it a soft pick. It was enjoyable & I liked the MC Jane & also Mr. Vincent, but the other characters not so much & while I enjoyed the magical elements, I felt like the world-building around them wasn‘t deep enough. But, overall, it was a nice nod to Jane Austen while still maintaining its own story. I may read more in the series if it ⬇️

DebinHawaii …gets in my way but probably won‘t rush to seek it out. Big thanks to @StayCurious for all her work in hosting this group as this is our last read. You rock! 🤗💛😎 5mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.25-26: Chaos ensues. I hope everyone realizes Livingston‘s treachery and stops blaming Jane. She was only trying to stop Dunkirk. I‘m glad Melody and Jane made up - even though I still don‘t like Melody. I hold a grudge longer than Jane apparently. Too bad Livingston escaped to America. I would have liked him to have gotten his comeuppance.⬇️

StayCurious I enjoyed Vincent‘s proposal. I‘d like to get to know him more in subsequent books. I was looking ahead and it looks as though he and Jane have several other adventures. 5mo
mcctrish I‘m with you and grudge holding! Melody was an absolute shit for the whole book, all is not forgiven on the spot. There could be backsliding. Vincent was sweet. I‘m looking forward to the next book ( I bought it from Book Outlet when I bought this) Livingston is off to wreak havoc in the New World - hopefully someone in the Wild West takes something he does the wrong way and 🔫🔫 5mo
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mcctrish Thank you so much for this delightful read ❤️❤️ 5mo
vonnie862 Melody was terrible but in the end, she was still her little sister. And I too enjoyed Vincent's proposal. 5mo
vonnie862 I enjoyed this buddyread. Thanks so much for hosting! 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings Thanks for hosting ~ your recaps were fun 🪄 5mo
willaful It might be my grumpy reading month but after initially liking this, I kind of lost interest. However, I've read reviews that suggest readers who didn't love the first book like the second more, so perhaps I'll give that a try. 😂 5mo
StayCurious @willaful I‘m interested enough to read more about Jane and Vincent and see where they go 5mo
julieclair Vincent‘s proposal was adorable! This was such a fun read. Thank you so much for hosting! 🥰 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Nearly a pan read for me, but nudged up to a so-so, as I was curious how this would end. Think Austen with magic…in this case, skilled artisans practice glamours to manipulate the setting. I felt so bad for Jane, the MC, but at times her nearly martyr stance got on my nerves. Nearly everyone else was horrid.

I‘ve had this for years on my Nook app; thanks to #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent for finally getting me to read this.

#Xander #CatsOfLitsy

RaeLovesToRead 10/10 for Xander's floofs though 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Sace That does sound like an interesting concept. Sorry it wasn‘t the best. 5mo
Librarybelle @Sace The glamour aspect was fascinating! The characters…not so much 5mo
Sace Sounds disappointing. 5mo
Leftcoastzen 😻 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Final #pemberlittens #janeadjacent read ( maybe? 🙏🏻) was a treat - felt like reading Jane herself but with a sprinkling of magic ❤️❤️❤️ I still don‘t understand the title though 🤷🏻‍♀️I have the second in the series to see what happens next altho‘ this ended as if it was a stand alone ( I was seriously worried about a cliffhanger and that is not JA approved)

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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This was a pleasant twist to a regency type story I've read. I enjoyed the Jane Austen type of world but with it's own originality.

#BookspinBingo #2 #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.23-24: Boy, those Dunkirks are…passionate people. They are both set to do something rash. And Jane is determined to stop them. Too bad she runs into that jerk Buffington on the way. I can‘t believe he stands up for Livingston and lies about Jane‘s honour. He and Livingston can go to where the sun doesn‘t shine. How will she get out of this scrape she finds herself in?

Librarybelle I feel so bad for Jane - she‘s a doormat in every situation, and I was so angry how things got twisted to be her fault, or at least have escalated because of accusations that she‘s the one making “eyes” at the men. Ugh! 😑 5mo
mcctrish OMG thank you for posting!!! I read this an hour ago and I have been dying to talk about it - these fucking men!!!!! I thought Melody was a pot stirrer! Lighthouse, Buffoon and Dunkirk are ridiculous- give them all guns and it ain‘t over until they are all dead 👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
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mcctrish @Librarybelle could their egos be any bigger 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Librarybelle @mcctrish I know! May she glamour herself away from these odious people! 5mo
StayCurious @mcctrish @Librarybelle when Buffington lied for Livingston I nearly shouted obscenities 5mo
willaful This section was so OTT I suspected some magic was deliberately inflaming people's passions. Nobody seems to have any core integrity! 5mo
BarkingMadRead This was so frustrating, and Buffington continues to prove himself a total ass (edited) 5mo
BarbaraJean @mcctrish Seriously!! Just when we were fed up with Melody's drama, here are plenty of other characters to outshine her!! And Buffington is insufferable!! This whole episode was maddening. I was so frustrated that I couldn't stop with these chapters and had to finish the book. 😂 5mo
julieclair I absolutely couldn‘t believe it when they started saying those awful things about Jane! I wanted to scream! 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings @BarbaraJean Whew~you confessed first so I can follow. I felt I had to finish as well. 😅 5mo
vonnie862 @julieclair same here! What the heck! 5mo
willaful @vonnie862 And me! 😊 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent ch.21-22: well, things are certainly coming to light now! First the sketches of Jane by Vincent and the revelation that she‘s his muse (oh my!) and then we find out who Melody‘s lover is. We also see that Jane is getting stronger in her glamour powers - she‘s a rare talent to only have to read instructions to be able to do it so quickly.

vonnie862 Her muse...that's kind of cute! I'm not surprised about Melody and Livingston. However, I am a little confused about the dream maze. Did Jane have an out-of-body experience? 5mo
mcctrish Is it just me or did Melody know where she was ? She‘s a piece of work either way 5mo
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willaful I hope this book isn't going to end on a cliffhanger. There doesn't seem enough time for a proper tieing-up of all the loose ends. 5mo
DebinHawaii @mcctrish I also felt like she knew & left her in the maze path but maybe it‘s just that I dislike Melody so much! 😆 5mo
mcctrish @DebinHawaii there could be some bias over here and @willaful I thought that too today, doesn‘t seem like much book left to wrap things up ( I do have the second one though, Book Outlet had a good deal) 5mo
julieclair @willaful @mcctrish I abhor cliffhanger endings…. 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.19-20: So Mr. Dunkirk actually killed the man that married his (14!) yr old sister - that‘s a bit crazy. Do you guys feel this was a protection of his sister and family‘s honour, or should this be considered murder? An interesting dilemma. And Melody - Oy. What a jealous cow. Sorry for those of you who like cows 🐮

BarkingMadRead Anyone who marries a 14 year old gets what he deserves 🤣 5mo
mcctrish I am amazed that my dislike for Melody continues to grow. She is such a twat! I was a bit shocked to learn Beth had actually married her tutor and I‘m not sure it isn‘t murder. Just because you think the man is beneath your sister ( literally and figuratively 😆) is that grounds to 🔫? (edited) 5mo
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StayCurious @mcctrish right? And does the fact that it was in a duel protect him or not…pretty sure duels were illegal too. 5mo
mcctrish Pretty sure Bridgerton says duels are illegal but honour code trumps the law? 5mo
vonnie862 @BarkingMadRead I'm with you, anyone who marries a young girl deserves harsh punishment. 5mo
vonnie862 @mcctrish gosh, me too! I keep disliking her more! And how she read that book without remorse, jeesh! Though I am curious of what that book says, lol. What does Vincent say in it? 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings I can‘t wait for Melody and her mother to go to Bath. They would drive me crazy! I‘m not confident I could remain as nice as Jane. 5mo
willaful I'm curious how he killed someone, even in a duel, and got away with it. Or did he flee the country for a time?

I can see how he wouldn't have looked upon killing him in a duel as immoral, especially given her age. but not telling his sister at the very least was cruel and horrible. Does she even know she's a widow? I guess she must...
(edited) 5mo
julieclair A widow at 14. Unbelievable. In my mind, killing in a duel is murder… although it‘s weird because the victim consented to the duel. So was it really a “suicide by dueling”? 5mo
willaful @julieclair Yeah, I guess that's why I'm uncertain. It was apparently an accepted practice and the person consented. On the other hand, I think Alexander Hamilton was murdered... 5mo
mcctrish @willaful he obviously feels some shame/remorse since he won‘t tell his sister. Does she think she was left? So she‘s internalized she wasn‘t worth it instead of being allowed to be outraged at her brother‘s actions #thesepeoplearenuts 5mo
willaful @mcctrish That would certainly help explain why she's still so ready to be treated badly. :-( 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.17-18: Oy, we find out that Beth is a mix between Lydia and Marianne. To run off at 14 though - that‘s scandalous! And now she‘s heartbroken over Livingston and showing it. How Jane can deal with her I‘ll never know haha. I don‘t have a lot of sympathy - can you tell?

BarkingMadRead Poor Jane having to put up with this craziness! 5mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead between Beth and Melody FFS 5mo
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BarkingMadRead @mcctrish I would have washed my hands of both of them already 🤣 5mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead at least Beth is nice to Jane 5mo
willaful I was pretty boy crazy in my youth, so I'm trying not to be too hard on Beth. But man, she's a mess. 😂 5mo
julieclair Age 14! I know times were different then, but wow. Beth seems too sweet to be so headstrong. 5mo
vonnie862 @willaful I was boy crazy too and at that age, I was pretty dramatic. My poor mother. 5mo
vonnie862 I found it funny how Beth hid her glamour skills from people. 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal

#JaneAdjacent #BuddyRead #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 I wanted to love this. But I didn‘t. It was boring. #HailTheBail!

TheSpineView Bummer 😔 5mo
CatLass007 @TheSpineView Very much a bummer. 5mo
DieAReader #HailTheBail Sometimes books are just don‘t live up to what we want them to be😔 5mo
CatLass007 @DieAReader Exactly ! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.15-16: so glamour is used to hide - certainly in the case of Lady Fitzcameron. It hides her true financial status and in the case of her daughter hides her physical flaws. It‘s clear that Mr. Vincent hates working for her - having to use his art for her gains. What a shame. But I think that has often been the case for artists and their patrons. ⬇️

StayCurious So now Melody is off to Bath, probably to find Captain Livingston. Jane is right - someone needs to watch them in Bath. But I think Jane is fed up with it always falling to her. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Yikes, this was eye opening! I didn‘t see that coming! 5mo
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willaful Melody is going to get in some much trouble... 5mo
julieclair I can only imagine the interesting things that are going to happen in Bath!! This can‘t end well. 5mo
mcctrish @willaful she sure is ( maybe Jane and Mr Dunkirk can go and save her from herself but be a bit too late so that saves Beth from #thecadlivingston and allows Melody time to marry him) 5mo
vonnie862 Lol your meme! 5mo
vonnie862 Aye Melody is going to make such a mess! And poor Jane will probably have to find a way to fix it. 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Sadly, I think I‘m going to have to admit that I‘m not in a place where I can stick to a CAD pace for retellings and make this my last #janeadjacent read. I finished all of the last 4 or 5 books I‘ve joined the group for early for one reason or another. I never quite got on board with any of the romances in this one, but I really liked the unique take on magic and that was definitely enough to make this a low pick for me. @StayCurious

StayCurious I totally understand- sometimes you‘re just not in a place for buddy reads. We‘ve loved having you! 5mo
IndoorDame @StayCurious thanks! I‘ve loved being part of it! 💜 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.13-14:
Poor Mr. Vincent, to feel obliged to his patroness Lady FitzCameron so that he overtaxed himself nearly to the point of death. And to think she won‘t feel even a glimmer of guilt over it. And then, there‘s Melody. It‘s obvious she‘s talking of captain Livingston. Ooh, what a pig he is! He‘s probably got all sorts of secret engagements with all sorts of girls.

willaful Starting to get more of a “Sense and Sensibility“ vibe now, though also some “Emma.“ It would be more interesting if it *isn't* Livingston, but it certainly seems the most plausible. I'm surprised Jane didn't immediately see it, but she doesn't expect people to behave that badly. 5mo
BarkingMadRead @willaful I was definitely getting Frank Churchill vibes at first, but now I‘m getting Willoughby vibes. Either way, I don‘t trust Livingston at all! 5mo
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mcctrish I can absolutely hear Ron Swanson uttering those lines. Captain Livingston is giving me Sir Edward Denham from Sanditon vibes ( in fact that‘s who I picture) melody continues to be insufferable just like her mother 5mo
willaful It was interesting to see that magic *does* have some uses in their society. I wonder what else we don't know about yet. 5mo
mcctrish @willaful yes! Certainly like the magic healers more than leeches 😬 5mo
vonnie862 @willaful yes, Sense and Sensibility for sure. Now poor Mr. Vincent. I'm glad he got help in time. 5mo
BarbaraJean Ugh - Lady FitzCameron is so awful. Poor Mr. Vincent. Livingston is indeed shaping up to be quite the cad: secret engagements, mooching money, toying with who knows how many girls' affections! @willaful I'm interested to see other uses for magic as well--the “cold-monger“ seems to be the only application we've seen beyond magical artistry & entertainment. @mcctrish I was worried about Mr. Vincent when the doctor showed up with the leeches!! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Our last day in Disney, and our flight doesn‘t leave until tonight. So I‘m sitting in the lobby with a stack of books. Life is good. I‘ve finished this one, and I‘m moving on to the Robe for a little while 🤣 #austenadjacent I‘m giving this a soft pick #pemberlittens #janeadjacent @StayCurious

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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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If only Jane could maintain this mantra… #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent @StayCurious

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Sorry for the late post! Ch.9-12: what an interesting character Vincent is! I‘m not quite sure what to think of him - and neither is Jane. I worry about Captain Livingston and Melody doing something silly. Not sure what yet…but he spends more time with her then is proper I think and Melody loves the attention. And then to find out he is secretly engaged to Beth! What a cad! ⬇️

StayCurious Poor Jane. To be tempted to use glamour to change her appearance. I understand - but I think it‘s a dangerous path to take. Besides - everyone would know what she was doing, just like with Miss Fitzcameron. But hearing mean comments at the dinner, that had to hurt. Poor Vincent-I wonder how often people die or become ill overdoing glamour. clearly Lady Fitzcameron didn‘t care about his health. He‘s like a toy she gets to display at her whim. 5mo
Librarybelle I feel bad for Jane. 5mo
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vonnie862 Ooh I sense drama unfolding! Mr. Livingston is a cad! 5mo
willaful Honestly, I was just feeling like the book was dragging and something had better *happen*. I'm not used to fantasy being so plotless, and surely there's some actual uses for their magic besides entertainment? 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings I wish Jane thought more of herself. I was excited that she chose to be concealed until I saw it create more concerns for her. 5mo
StayCurious @willaful I‘m with you - it is slow. And I was starting to wonder, how is there a series of like 6 books when I can‘t see there being much story to stretch. I hope more happens with the magic. I‘m interested in Vincent‘s background. 5mo
mcctrish Well we‘ve got a 🎶you love her but she loves him and he loves somebody else, we just can‘t win 🎶 situation unfolding. Someone needs to intervene on Beth‘s behalf cuz Livingston just lost her allowance. Vincent loves Melody?! Livingston can have Melody, they both suck! 5mo
DebinHawaii @mcctrish I agree Beth is too sweet & good for Livingston. He & Melody are better suited as they both seem to be users & losers! 😠 5mo
BarkingMadRead Ugh I think Livingston is using Beth for her money, and I think Vincent put Jane in that painting, even though she looks like Melody. It reminds him of their Tableau together, and in the tableau she looked like Melody 5mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead ooohhh… interesting thought about it really being Jane in the tree painting. I do believe Vincent is in love with Jane. 5mo
BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead I thought the same about the “her” in the tree being a reference to Jane instead of Melody. In spite of his brusqueness, Mr. Vincent seems to truly respect and appreciate her. Mr. Dunkirk seems to as well—it‘s frustrating that Jane doesn‘t see those signs because she‘s too insecure—and because she keeps comparing herself to Melody. 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Finished the books in the top row.

Currently reading:
~read of 56% of Some Of Us Are Looking -#readyourkindle #serieslove2024
~Past Lying ch. 35/49 #karenpairie #audible #serieslove2024
~Zorrie- starting section due tomorrow #sundaybuddyread #literaryfiction
~A Stolen Child- p.86/339 #librarybook #maggiedarcymystery #Dublin #serieslove2024
~Call Us What We carry- #amandagorman #poetry- choosing one poem per day.

TheSpineView Well done! 5mo
CBee I loved Zorrie and I also love Amanda Gorman ♥️♥️ 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Jane is thoughtful and kind; yet, she can‘t seem to love herself. #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent

mcctrish It‘s true 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I am loving the latest #janeadjacent #buddyread and so impatient to discuss our 2 chapters everyday 🤣 Melody makes my blood boil, I wish she‘d really twist her damn ankle #karma

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.7-8: there is nothing worse than a girl who fakes injury to get attention from a guy. IMO - Melody is very immature. I‘m finding her annoying. But I was pleasantly surprised at Mr. Vincent - he didn‘t do anything to take away from Jane‘s skill, which was decent of him. I can definitely see him as a love interest for her. She just needs to soften him up a bit.

Princess-Kingofkings I completely agree ~ ugh!! 5mo
CatLass007 Is that Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar? 5mo
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vonnie862 I definitely see Mr. Vincent being a love interest. Now Melody, I have a bad feeling about her. 5mo
mcctrish I didn‘t think Melody could get any worse and yet here we are !!!! She‘s a conniving dimwit. And she‘s mad now too because Jane isn‘t all “oh you poor beautiful dear, you can‘t hold a candle to my skills so of course you have to connive and manipulate! I completely understand “ 🤢 I happy Mr Vincent explained why he was out of sorts - things might go more smoothly between him and Jane now 🤞🏻 5mo
BarkingMadRead Ughhhhhh I am not a fan of Melody and her ways, or the way she treats Jane. I am starting to really love Mr Vincent for Jane 5mo
kspenmoll Agree with you all! 5mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 seemed apropos lol 5mo
DebinHawaii Melody is so annoying! 😡 5mo
daena Melodramatic Melody! 5mo
Librarybelle Not a fan of Melody! Ugh! 5mo
CatLass007 I agree. 5mo
julieclair I admit I am softening towards Mr. Vincent. And hardening towards Melody, lol! 5mo
BarbaraJean I think it‘s interesting how Melody seems so insecure—feeling jealous and trying to compete with Jane—when Jane constantly feels like Melody outshines her! And yet Jane still looks out for her sister, while Melody is petty and immature about it all. I was so annoyed when she took Jane‘s warranted calling out of her blatant lies as a betrayal showing she can‘t trust her sister. 🙄 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent @StayCurious Oh my! This is me…the more I learn about something/someone, the more I appreciate. At work on Tuesday, I told my Lt. thank you after he shared the historical practice of a procedure. He really did help me.

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.5-6: I worry that Jane and Mr.Vincent will butt heads and try to outdo the other. Do you think he‘s set on embarrassing her while they do the tableau vivante? If she can‘t keep up with him she might look foolish. This is after all his livelihood he‘s protecting. He needs patrons as his bread and butter whereas - in his opinion - Jane is just having fun. Melody shouldn‘t have suggested it without checking with Jane.

BarkingMadRead I feel like this can‘t end well, he really seems to dislike Jane… well, pretty much everyone 🤣 5mo
mcctrish Melody irks the crap out of me, she can get married off pronto 5mo
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julieclair I, too, am worried that he will embarrass Jane. He is so unpleasant. 5mo
willaful So I'm the only one thinking Jane and Mr. Vincent then? 😂 5mo
vonnie862 @willaful no, I'm thinking the same thing 5mo
BarbaraJean @willaful @vonnie862 Me too! Such strong Mr. Darcy vibes!! Mr. Vincent is clearly proud, socially uncomfortable, and misunderstood. 😁 He will likely embarrass Jane due to his own pride and inability to relate well to others, while simultaneously growing to respect her talent as a glamourist as well as her personal charms. And he‘ll have to overcome his aversion to her sister‘s ill-advised forwardness. If the P&P vibes carry through! (edited) 5mo
Cheshirecat913 Yes, @BarbaraJean , I feel that. Only problem for me is that I I totally picture Mr. Vincent as an older guy, a la DaVinci from the movie Ever After. 😅 5mo
kspenmoll @mcctrish OMG I laughed out loud at your comment! She is an annoying little twit!!!! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Eggs Perfection ✨👌🏼🌟 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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This scene was hilarious to me as I imagined these fancy women rushing to gawk at one of their own as if she was practically naked without her glamour.
#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent @StayCurious Thanks for hosting; this book has me giggling.

kspenmoll Yes! 😂😂 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.3-4: We are seeing more jealousy and competition between Jane and her sister. Jane is finding it a chore now to soothe Melody‘s hurt feelings. I wonder what the age difference is between them. Melody seems very young. I think Dunkirk is definitely looking for an accomplished bride. Someone to make his home a happy one - or so he hopes. I get the impression that his and his sister‘s upbringing wasn‘t happy.

daena I am curious about the Dunkirk‘s backstory, Jane especially. And the mysterious Mr. Vincent! 5mo
BarkingMadRead Melody is acting like a brat, I hope she and Jane can work this out 5mo
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rubyslippersreads I thought Dunkirk was slightly insulting to Jane earlier, when he said something about wanting an accomplished wife rather than an attractive one. There might have been a more tactful way to phrase that. 😏 However, I feel she is going to have no shortage of suitors. (edited) 5mo
willaful @daena I'm wondering if Mr. Vincent is our Mr. Darcy? @BarbaraJean

I suspect Mr. Dunkirk may have some head vs. heart issues choosing a bride....
rubyslippersreads @willaful @daena I‘m wondering about Mr. Vincent too. He seems more suited to Jane, with both of them having such a talent for glamour. 5mo
rubyslippersreads @BarkingMadRead Melody reminds me a bit of Lydia. 5mo
BarkingMadRead @rubyslippersreads yes! Very much so 5mo
vonnie862 I was wondering about the age difference too. But like you, I feel that Melody is very young. 5mo
willaful @rubyslippersreads Yes, I thought at first they were going to be Jane and Elizabeth but she's much more a Lydia. And you're right, Dunkirk is being a bit of a tool IMO, though perhaps not deliberately. 5mo
julieclair @rubyslippersreads @BarkingMadRead @willaful I had the same thought about Melody/Lydia. I‘m kind of intrigued by the idea of a Jane & Lydia sister pairing. 5mo
BarbaraJean @willaful That seems very likely! I agree with you about Mr. Dunkirk as well—but I don‘t think he realizes what he‘s doing. There‘s a bit of Bingley cluelessness there! @rubyslippersreads I definitely see the Melody/Lydia parallels as well. It will be interesting to see how the character dynamics play out. Miss Dunkirk seems like a Georgiana Darcy to me, and I‘m wondering if Captain Livingston will turn out to be a Wickham. 5mo
mcctrish Dunkirk seems like Darcy to me with his lack of tack and I‘m OVER Melody 5mo
kspenmoll @BarbaraJean @mctrish. I had similar thoughts about these characters. Kind of a mix of Sense & Sensibility & Pride & Prejudice characters! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Thank you @Eggs for the #MotivationalMonday tag! 🤗

1️⃣ Flying to Hilo Friday for a meeting I‘m presenting at, good-bye party for boss😢&👶🏼shower for one of my direct reports. Lots to do for it!

2️⃣ Clouds from the skylight by my desk (I work from home). The other day a large male 🦆was up there tapping on it.

3️⃣ East Honolulu Hawaii —we‘ve had it all today🌧️⛅️& wind gusts. My neighbor‘s patio umbrella just sailed into my yard! 😱

4️⃣ ✔️

Cupcake12 Great post. Hope you have a good week and thanks for joining in xx 5mo
Eggs Beautiful skylight view 👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.1-2: how interesting! In a world where so many have magical abilities and for it to be deemed an accomplishment! I wonder if glamour is only for simple things or if it can be used for bigger things, or for good and evil? I already appreciate the world building here. We‘re in familiar yet unfamiliar regency territory here.

BarkingMadRead I loved that little surprise! I‘m intrigued by Mr Dunkirk, I love him with Jane! 5mo
mcctrish It took me a minute to understand glamour meant magic 🎉🎉 woo hoo 🪄 5mo
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julieclair I love a bit of magic! I wasn‘t expecting it, and I‘m listening on audio. I kept thinking… what word are they saying… it sounds like glamour… but I never really heard that word in reference to Regency “accomplishments”. Finally, it dawned on me. 🤦‍♀️ 5mo
vonnie862 @mcctrish it took me a moment too about the glamour, especially after finishing the Lunar Chronicles. However, I like this twist on a Jane Austen type of story. 5mo
mcctrish @julieclair reading didn‘t help 🤣🤣 it wasn‘t until Jane started ‘glamouring‘ that it all clicked. @vonnie862 I love the Lunar Chronicles so much, funny how glamour gets around 😆 5mo
julieclair @mcctrish Well… that‘s reassuring! 😂🤪 5mo
willaful I'm really enjoying this! It's going to be hard to stick to two chapters a day.

I'm not sure yet whether Mr. Dunkirk is our hero? I'm curious about the newcomers to town, and about how much this is going to follow P&P.
BarbaraJean @willaful Yes, I‘m curious about the close parallels to P&P as well! Fewer sisters, but so much else follows it so closely, even the father/daughter relationship. I‘m waiting for a Mr. Darcy to show up—Mr. Dunkirk seems more akin to Mr. Bingley. 5mo
rubyslippersreads I associate the supernatural glamour with vampires, maybe from the Sookie Stackhouse books. (edited) 5mo
rubyslippersreads @willaful I‘m with you. I may not be able to control myself. 😄 5mo
kspenmoll I am enjoying this so much that I confess I read ahead with realizing it- I was enthralled! @willaful (edited) 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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By page 11, I was happy that I had joined in on this group read. When I read this quote, I was baffled. Found this article online and now I adore the intentionality of the author. https://whatever.scalzi.com/2010/08/03/the-big-idea-mary-robinette-kowal/ I was able to read both chapters & enjoy the beauty of the glamour.
#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent

StayCurious How interesting! I‘m going to read this before I read the next chapters 😌 5mo
kspenmoll Thanks for the article. I am loving the glamour & magic in this book. 5mo
Princess-Kingofkings @kspenmoll You are welcome ~ it made a difference in my understanding which helped me enjoy it all the more. 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Suggested to my daughter that she read along with me the tagged book while I join #JaneAdjacent. She has had the book a few years and hasn‘t read it yet. She agreed! Don‘t you love this pillow she made? 🌻

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I‘m so thankful for the Litsy community. As you can see, I set my reading goal low this year. After rejoining Litsy, I look forward to reading my usual choices and even eager to join in on #JaneAdjacent to read books like the tagged one here.

wanderinglynn 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉🥳 Awesome! 6mo
Bookwormjillk Wow, you‘re way ahead. Way to go! 6mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens for our next #JaneAdjacent read, here is the reading pace - there are 26 chapters so we'll read 2 chapters a day starting April 15.
Looking forward to reading with you all! And all are welcome to join!
Via @StayCurious

kspenmoll If I can get the book from the library in time( just put order in; it‘s coming from another town) I want to join in. 6mo
kspenmoll I got it! 6mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens for our next #JaneAdjacent read, here is the reading pace - there are 26 chapters so we‘ll read 2 chapters a day starting April 15. Looking forward to reading with you all! And all are welcome to join!

vonnie862 Got my copy! 6mo
CatLass007 Great! Thanks for all you do. 6mo
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mcctrish My copy came yesterday, Book Outlet for the win, and I got the second in the series too. 6mo
Cheshirecat913 Yay, my library had this one, and I got it yesterday. Also, they were handing out eclipse glasses, so that was cool. 6mo
Librarybelle My copy is ready to go! 6mo
julieclair I have already started, as April is a bit crazy for me. I‘m loving it! 6mo
BarbaraJean Oooh, this is on my TBR shelf—could I join in? 6mo
DebinHawaii I‘m excited to get started! 🤗 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Mine is waiting at the library so I'll pick it up this week!! 6mo
StayCurious @BarbaraJean absolutely! 6mo
BarbaraJean @StayCurious 🎉Adding it to my list for the month! 6mo
willaful Add me to the tag list, please? 5mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo I‘m ready!! 5mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Book mail ~ ready for #JaneAdjacent @StayCurious

StayCurious Book mail is the best mail! Of course, I ordered my copy from Book Outlet and received a completely different book! But they resolved it quickly so alls good 😊 6mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens our April #JaneAdjacent read has been chosen and we will start mid month. I will provide the exact date and reading pace when I get my copy of the book. This one has a bit of a fantasy magic element which will be interesting for sure and is book one of a series. Funnily enough I own book 2 and never realized (I bought it for the pretty cover). Let me know if you'd like to join in with me in April!
Via @Staycurious

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#Pemberlittens our April #JaneAdjacent read has been chosen and we will start mid month. I will provide the exact date and reading pace when I get my copy of the book. This one has a bit of a fantasy magic element which will be interesting for sure and is book one of a series. Funnily enough I own book 2 and never realized (I bought it for the pretty cover). Let me know if you‘d like to join in with me in April!

Librarybelle Sounds good! 6mo
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DebinHawaii I‘m in! I found I had this one on my Kindle for a while! 🤗 6mo
mcctrish I‘m in 6mo
daena Looking forward to it! 6mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m in too. I‘ve had this one on my TBR for awhile. 6mo
CatLass007 I think that‘s the one I voted for. They all seem like fun so I had a difficult time deciding. 6mo
willaful Yay! I'm in. (edited) 6mo
Princess-Kingofkings Thanks for the invite. I‘m looking forward to joining you. My daughter is sharing her copy with me. 🍀 (edited) 6mo
CrowCAH Thanks for the tag. I‘ll pass on this April book pick. I‘m not sure if the shades of Pemberley will be this polluted, but it could be the promised land of milk and honey. lol 6mo
PageShifter Yes! I hope I have time to join 🥰 6mo
IndoorDame Definitely tag me! Fantasy is super hit and miss for me so this may be exactly the light read I‘m dying for next, or I may bail after a few chapters, no clue… 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm going to give this one a try, so keep me on your list!! 6mo
julieclair I'm in! 6mo
StayCurious @IndoorDame that‘s completely fine! It‘s good that you can DNF a book if it‘s not doing it for you 6mo
vonnie862 Tag me! 6mo
peanutnine I'm gonna sit this month out 😊 6mo
Cheshirecat913 My library has this one, please tag me. Thanks! 6mo
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I‘ve now read four books by Mary Robinette Kowal: I adored two, and found the other two interesting in concept, well-written but lacking. The ones I loved are standalones 🤷🏻‍♀️ This was a romance set in an interesting Regency England with magic. I wasn‘t compelled by any of the characters and found Jane‘s sister especially annoying, plus the central drama hit too close to home and gave me anxiety. The romance, though, is quite satisfying.

Clare-Dragonfly This was my March #doublespin and means I‘m caught up! Just in time 😆 @TheAromaofBooks 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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This book has tempted me over the years and turned out to be a delight. Regency romance with magic. Cool magic system and characters that will remind you of various Jane Austen characters - many of the the annoying ones 🤦🏼‍♀️
This was her debut novel so I am looking forward to it getting even better and have already ordered book 2…though it does wrap up nicely enough to standalone.

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I‘m reading this one while I bake peanut butter cookies. The book is delightful. Hopefully the cookies will be good too; it‘s a new to me recipe.

Cupcake12 Love the sound of these. How did they turn out? Xx 3y
Bookzombie Love that there are whole peanuts in them. Are they yummy? (edited) 3y
BookNAround @Cupcake12 Unfortunately I over baked them so they were drier than they should have been. 3y
BookNAround @Bookzombie They called for chunky peanut butter but also I roasted some additional raw peanuts to add to that texture. I think they would have been yummy if I hadn‘t over baked them. To be fair, the book distracted me. 😂 (edited) 3y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#TBRPile 📚 “The Ellsworths of Long Parkmead had the regard of their neighbors in every respect.”

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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My neighborhood little free library‘s game has been strong lately. I‘d never heard of the tagged book (although I‘ve read two of her Lady Astronaut series)—it‘s described as Pride & Prejudice meets Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell and I immediately said “Yes, please” and took it home with me. I shall have to read it while sipping a “Rye and Prejudice” from Tequila Mockingbird. 😆

Laughterhp Shades of milk and honey is really good! I hope you like it! 3y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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A quick, pleasant and fanciful read if you like Austen tributes. The magic was underdeveloped, but the characters provided plenty of clean drama and romance to make up for it. Definitely not my usual pick, but I enjoyed escaping from the real world for awhile.

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I liked this, for me though it was romance with light touches of fantasy. I usually like when there is more fantasy involved and its elements have greater repercussions in the story world.

BehindthePages Beautiful cover. Not one I would read though. I'm in the same boat and prefer more fantasy. 4y
LeticiaToraci I don't regret reading it because I like all things that remind me of Jane Austen, but it wrapped up eeso well that I am not sure I'll be continuing the series. Let's see, there are worse cozy series out there. 4y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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#20Series20Days #Top20Series - Day 8

If Jane Austen wrote fantasy novels.

That is how these books are advertised. So I obviously had to give it a try. I loved the first 2 books and have the 3rd on my TBR. There are 5 books in the series and I don‘t know if they follow the same characters. I know the first 2 do.

Andrew65 Look good. 4y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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This was interesting.

I enjoyed the book and the writing was really well done but I can't help but wonder why this felt like a mash-up of all of some of my favorite books, taken and re-worked and added with a pinch of magic?

I wish that there was a bit more of world building that answered the questions regarding the magic or as they call it "glamour" but overall I really enjoyed this. A solid read.

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Magical realism and Jane Austen - an interesting mix

Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 41 #bookstoread #tbrpile

MsMelissa This is also on my very large TBR ☺️ 4y
Lucy_Anywhere I have this one too! 4y
MeganAnn This looks fascinating! Stacked! 📚😊❤️ 4y
StaceyKondla @Book_Fiend_Melissa @Lucy_Anywhere @MeganAnn - we all must have very good taste 😉❤️ 4y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Here you go @RachelO - some #Dorset settings for you. I've only pictured books I've read above but there's also:

📚 The French Lieutenant's Woman - John Fowles
📚 Many of the Famous Five books by Enid Blyton, and
📚 On Chesil Beach - Ian McEwan

rockpools Thanks Jenny - this is great. The only ones I‘ve read are Persuasion and some of the Famous Five - I hadn‘t made that connection! The tagged one looks really fun. #WestcountryReads 5y
jenniferw88 @TheAromaofBooks here are some - my favourite is the Hardy! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Thank you!! And I had kind of forgotten that Persuasion takes place in Dorset! 4y
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Shades of Milk and Honey | Mary Robinette Kowal
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Definitely interesting. Very Jane Austen-ish. The ending was a mess. Maybe intentionally so - very climactic - but didn‘t seem to fit the rest of the book. Hard to fully comprehend the ‘glamour,‘ and while not necessary to follow plot, I‘m like Jane - I wanted to understand more. Nonetheless, not wasted time, and kudos to the author for the concept.