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A letra escarlate
A letra escarlate | Nathaniel Hawthorne
Durante o sculo XVII, na comunidade puritana de Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos, o adultrio era um crime punvel com a morte. Entretanto, a jovem Hester Prynne recebe uma pena considerada leve pelos habitantes de sua cidade - ela obrigada a levar a letra 'A' de adltera bordada em suas roupas pelo restante da vida, como marca de sua desonra. Hester enfrenta a humilhao diria e luta para criar sozinha a filha ilegtima.
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.”

Ruthiella Ooh , that is a great picture! 9mo
AnnCrystal That's good👏🎭👍. (edited) 9mo
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Excited to start this as my first 2024 read!
#scarletletter #classics

Tamra One of my very favorites. ♥️ 9mo
MaGoose I want read this again this year. 5mo
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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My favorite book of October 2023 was The Scarlet Letter, which I read for #RandomClassics with @TheAromaofBooks
#12Booksof2023 @Andrew65

dabbe LOVED The Scarlet Letter! ❤️ 9mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm so glad SOMEONE enjoyed it because I did NOT 😂 9mo
Andrew65 An excellent author. 9mo
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks Obviously, @dabbe and I are glad you picked it! 😉 9mo
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Sat out on the porch with a blanket and finished this! #scarathlon #teamcryptkeepers #falling4booksbingo #reread

Read4life 🍁👻🎃 12mo
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Today‘s chapter of the Scarlet Letter will be greatly improved by a door dash order sent to my hotel from the hubs 🤣 he sent me to the outskirts of Salem for a cupcake at a bakery that had no cupcakes 🤣 he felt bad, so he sent me these. Now, so do I choose one to eat today, or do I eat from both 🤷🏻‍♀️

Soubhiville Mmmm, their cakes are really yummy. 12mo
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Seen in Salem!

Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Many people said to me that this is a excellent book but I did not believe them. Anyway I read it and I was suprised that this is really a very good and easily readable novel. It reminded me to Witch Child by Celia Rees maybe because it is in the same time period.

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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1. Due to a weird quirk in the curriculum, I had to read the tagged book two years in a row. Once was more than enough.
2. Sorry, Outlander people, but I‘m done. I liked the first book, but the second one was just. Too. Much. Don‘t @ me.

RaeLovesToRead Haha, awesome! I know a lot of people hate The Scarlet Letter... not read it myself yet 2y
BiblioLitten Oh I couldn‘t ever get past the first few pages of the tagged book. It was assigned and I chose not to read it. It was not for me at all! 2y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I loved the first Outlander, but the second one was awful. I haven't read another one 2y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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A throng of bearded men, in sad-coloured garments and grey steeple-crowned hats, inter-mixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.
#TheScarletLetter #NathanielHawthorne #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookhoarder #Classics #Fiction #HistoricalFiction #School #Literature #HighSchool #ReadForSchool 🖤🖤🖤

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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One that I‘ve been meaning to read for years, and I HATED IT. I tried to restart it twice. I tried physical and audio.

My first DNF of the year, and I‘m okay with that. At least it‘s off the list. 😳 #Jumpstart2023

bookandbedandtea I've also tried and failed to read this a couple times. 2y
KathyWheeler I don‘t very often feel alone in my opinion of books, but I‘m seriously the only person I know who likes this book. 2y
RowReads1 Yup. It‘s well hated. By me. 2y
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Clwojick @RowReads1 Ahahahahah 😂😂😂😂 2y
IndoorDame Congrats! I love it when a DNF is actually a great feeling! This is one of the few ones I feel zero guilt about having mostly skimmed in high school, and no desire to go back and actually read 😂 2y
Clwojick @KathyWheeler I thought EVERYONE liked it?! I thought I was the lone wolf. 😂 2y
KathyWheeler @Clwojick I have never known anyone who liked it except me. 2y
RowReads1 @Clwojick It‘s well respected and considered a classic- taught in high schools. And #hester. 2y
RowReads1 There‘s a new book about the heroine 2y
Susanita I had to read it in eighth grade AND ninth grade. 😱 2y
Kenyazero I hated this when I had to read it in high school. The only redeeming thing about the unit was a thorough walkthrough of the symbolism of the book 😂 2y
eeclayton I DNFed this too, you're definitely not a lone wolf. 2y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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One that I‘ve been meaning to read for years, and I HATED IT. I tried to restart it twice. I tried physical and audio.

My first DNF of the year, and I‘m okay with that. At least it‘s off the list. 😳 #jumpstart2023

Lizpixie Yeah, I hated this one too. And I had to read it for school!😬 2y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The latest book in my Classics Challenge. Just an ok read. I find the overt moral judgement and the tendency to “tell rather than show“ detractions. The book's clunky sentences and remote setting / circumstances continue to make it the bane of Lit classes to this day. But it's a quick read that manages to still make “Best Novel“ lists. May be worth it for its dry Pilgrim takedown, but I'm not a big fan.

Full review: https://bit.ly/rvw-RedA

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 2y
Eggs Thanks Misty ~ love you bunches 💘💘 2y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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3.5 ⭐️s
My rating for this one is a bit odd. 😅 Normally I save picks for 4 ⭐️s and up, but it didn‘t feel right to give this another full star; it‘s better than a so-so.
I‘m very glad I read this. The film romanticized everything a bit too much for what truly is a tragic (albeit beautiful) story about revenge, redemption and being true to oneself despite societal pressures. I need to check out Easy A now to compare.
My first #Roll100 of February!

PuddleJumper Wahoo! Nicely done 3y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I finally got around to reading this. I appreciate Hawthorne‘s prolific use of symbolism, but that renders this story a bit of a parable like Young Goodman Brown. I can‘t quite say I didn‘t enjoy some of the tension in anticipation of the climax, but overall, I feel like it‘s not so much a story as a philosophical musing on human emotion, morals and whether being outcast is necessarily punishment if you convince yourself it isn‘t. Meh.

Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne

I love Hawthorne because of the New England imagery it conjures in my mind.

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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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#Movie2BookRecs #emmastone 4. The Scarlet Letter was my favorite mandatory literature read in high school and made me obsessed with Nathanial Hawthorne for a long time. Easy A is such a fun movie spin on the book.

Klou I didn't know this was a retelling of a book. Great choice! 3y
bio_chem06 @Klou it kind of reminds me of the reimagining of Emma as Clueless. 3y
Klou @bio_chem06 omg! No way!! I didn't know that either! 3y
Andrea313 One of my favorite modern adaptations, along with Clueless and 10 Things! ❤️🙌 3y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Day 5 #AwesomeApril #Readathon

Got almost three hours of reading done. Read The Scarlet Letter on and off during the day. I‘m almost finished this one.

Andrew65 Going great 👏👏👏 3y
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Nathaniel Hawthorne was a fine scribbler.

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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne

I actually loved this book. Probably one of my favorites we read in school.

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Hester Prynne conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Branded as an adulterer, she must wear the red letter A upon her garments. This was one of the first mass-produced books in America - it was popular when first published and is considered a classic work of American literature. It can be a bit dry in the middle with excess details that seem superfluous. #bookspinbingo

abandonedonearth I love this book. The first time I read it was when we studied it for English Literature at uni in the 1980s, and I‘ve read it several times since. 4y
Eggs Tried but did not finish at uni in 1970; totally different experience 50 years later... @abandonedonearth 4y
TheAromaofBooks This is a classic I've never gotten around to reading! 4y
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Elizabeth2 This was a required novel in high school for me (I can‘t remember what grade - either 11th or 12th). I loved it then. I wonder if I‘d have the same reaction today, 30 years later. 4y
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks @Elizabeth2 I understand why it falls into “classic” category but IMO there are so many others more recommendable. I listened to the audiobook which helped the experience 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks That's pretty much how I felt about Moby-Dick when I finished it last month!! 4y
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks I read Moby in HS-meh. But that was 50+ years ago-maybe I‘d feel differently now 4y
TheAromaofBooks It was one of the few books I've read where I thought, “What would be really good is an abridged edition“ 😂 4y
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks Spark Notes 🤣😂🤣 4y
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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#FridayFunwith451 @451Degrees Scarlet Letter was above me when I was in high school. When I reread it as an adult I knew why. LOL I had lived an overly sheltered life or I just didn‘t know about adult problems because I was clueless to adults having affairs. 🤦🏾‍♀️ That red letter traumatized me. LOL

451Degrees @BeaG I felt the same way! I need to reread it and really get a better appreciation for it but when I did read it I was like I don‘t get it. Thanks for the tag!💙 4y
S3V3N @451Degrees I‘m glad I wasn‘t the only one. LOL I have reread it as an adult I was like, whoa. This is a great book. 4y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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A throng of bearded men, in sad-coloured garments and grey steeple-crowned hats, inter-mixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.
#TheScarletLetter #NathanielHawthorne #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #Classics #Fiction #HistoricalFiction 💘💘💘

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Love these versions!!! Planning on ordering a few more!

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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Hester‘s #dalliance is just one of many in the literary world, but probably one of the best known, thanks to the big red A she‘s forced to wear by her Puritan society. Which begs the question, if today we had to wear our sins on our chests for everyone to see, would we behave differently?

TheBookHippie In my town this is still true 🙄 only for “certain” “sins” (edited) 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!! 🖤 4y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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In society, we tend to value the wrong things. People focus on material wealth or social reputation, rather than embracing the purity of the natural world.

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Good grief, y'all. There are many classics I love but Hawthorne is hard work! Generally, I read for pleasure and escape; I'm not sure I want to put this kind of effort into it. #ConsideringBailing

Texreader Yea, not one of my favorites in school and I will probably never read another one of his books. But I remember thinking this was an important theme he covered. 4y
Chrissyreadit I absolutely hated this book. 4y
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I hesitantly began reading this today at the request of a non litsy friend. Hesitantly because, while I haven't read it since HS, I distinctly remember not liking it. I only made it through the "custom house intro" today and it was an uphill job. Dude gave me a headache. I'm hoping now that I'm thru the into I'll like the body of the book more than my teenage self did. ?

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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I enjoyed this audiobook. Nathaniel Hawthorne has a beautiful way of being descriptive. I found myself feeling like I was with Hester and Pearl♡ Both of these characters are so lovable ❤ I found the book kind of slow up until the last hour or so but still enjoyed it. 😊 I must admit that I did listen to this book because of Easy A 😂❤

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I loved that movie! And hey, whatever inspires you. 4y
michellelav @Riveted_Reader_Melissa If I need a good cheer up I can always count on Easy A 😂💕 4y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Make sure you take the time to enjoy the sunshine ☀️🧡 We are listening to The Scarlet Letter 🎧📖

#dogsoflitsy #litsypets

JenReadsAlot So cute! 4y
michellelav @JenReadsAlot Thank you 🤗 4y
TheLibrarian What a cutie!! 4y
michellelav @TheLibrarian Thank you so much 😊💛 4y
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Obsessed with this podcast right now...

mollyrotondo Oooo what is this? 4y
bio_chem06 @mollyrotondo it's a podcast that discusses the classics. Really good. 4y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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I‘ve started this on my Serial app. I‘m going to be home for a while. Our March Break trip to London 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 has been postponed until Christmas 🤞🏻and schools are closed until April 5 so we can get ahead of Covid 19. It might be too soon to say I‘ve been stockpiling books for just such an emergency my whole life, but it‘s true

Tamra I 💜 Scarlet Letter - a favorite. 5y
mcctrish @Tamra I‘m thinking I need a trip to Salem when I‘m done 5y
AmyG I have been stockpiling books, too. Hooray the prepared. 😳 5y
mcctrish @AmyG 💪🏻 5y
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Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne

I hated this story, had to read for high school. It made me very depressed

The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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This classic was my number 12 for the February #bookspin 📚Given to me by my aunt many years ago, I‘m glad I finally got around to it, if only to check it off my TBR and pass it on. Not my cup of tea.

TheAromaofBooks I've never read this classic! Sorry it didn't work out for you, but at least it's off the list!! 5y
Brewychock48 I read it in high school. I liked it. I am sorry you did not like it. Everybody has their own likes/dislikes. 😊🙋 5y
Susanita Due to some weird curriculum fluke I read this book two years in a row in high school. I couldn‘t even get through it the first time. 5y
ravenlee Have you seen the movie Easy A? It uses this book in a high school storyline that‘s pretty smart and funny. 5y
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Going into this book I was going to read it 5 stars, but as I kept reading it things bothered me as I was reading it.
The person who had this book before me they underlined Ivory sentence in every chapter of this book that annoy me very much because I find that disrespectful and not just to the author but to the publishers and how Hester kept poking fun at womens body's in the book I found very degrading to women and disrespectful.

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The Scarlet Letter: a romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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This one stayed with me long after afterwards. #readinhighschool #gratefulreads

Tamra A favorite! 5y
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