Such a different time in the world, I can't imagine being in charge of a classroom at 17.
Such a different time in the world, I can't imagine being in charge of a classroom at 17.
3✨ This did not capture me as much as Anne of Green Gables did, but it still had a lot of dialogue providing food for thought. I really like that she made connections with others that use their imagination to survive the sad and painful parts of life. #SeriesLove @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
Book 2 of the Anne series-so much I had forgotten since I last read it about 25 years ago 💗
@TheSpineView @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#kindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread
What sections or quotes stood out to you, from the second half or from the book overall?
Anything else you‘d like to discuss?
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread
Miss Lavendar‘s romance emerges in this second half of the book, and we also get the surprise arrival of Emily Hamilton as well as some heavy Anne/Gilbert foreshadowing. What did you think of the different aspects of romance we see in Anne of Avonlea?
I thought this quote was interesting (even though I have lots of notes in the margins of the AoA chapter of Epperly‘s book, arguing with her analysis)
Do you agree with this distinction between AoGG and AoA? Why or why not?
What are the key differences for you between the two books?
(I‘m traveling this weekend & won‘t be able to respond to the discussion much until Mon/Tues, but I wanted to get some questions up today!)
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread
📚There are so many little episodes and threads: Mr. Harrison, the A.V.I.S., Davy & Dora, Anne‘s teaching, Paul Irving...and more! Which are your favorites and why? Which don‘t work for you?
📚Are there other sections/quotes you‘d like to discuss?
(We‘ll get into discussing how AoA compares to AoGG next week!)
Posting Kindred Spirits questions early, because I have a long day ahead tomorrow!
📚Is this your first read, or a re-read of Anne of Avonlea?
📚We are introduced to several new characters: Mr. Harrison, Davy & Dora, Paul Irving, Anthony Pye… what do these characters add to the story? How do they contribute to Anne‘s growth (or do they)?
#LMMReread #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
“I‘d like to add some beauty to life,” said Anne dreamily. “I don‘t exactly want to make people *know* more… though I know that *is* the noblest ambition… but I‘d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me…to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn‘t been born.”
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread
Join us on August 17 & 24 to discuss Anne of Avonlea with the Kindred Spirits Buddy Read!!
August 17: discuss chapters 1-15
August 24: discuss chapter 16-end
#LMMReread #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
I'm hoping to do some catch-up posts today, but first, here are the new bookish stickers on my water bottle. 💕
"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." The second book in the beloved Anne of Green Gables series teaches the lesson of growing up and the transition from being a child who is invested into to an adult who now can invest in others. #52challenge
“Have you ever noticed…that when people say it is their duty to tell you a certain thing you may prepare for something disagreeable? Why is it that they never seem to think it a duty to tell you the pleasant things they hear about you?”
This was my first time reading this and it is SO different from the Megan Follows version I grew up watching! I loved it and all the sweet (and not-so-sweet) people of Avonlea.
I‘m so loving revisiting Avonlea 🧡🧡🧡 I‘m noticing how well drawn the older characters are much more than I did as a child reading this. #MiddleGradeMarch @megnews @sblbooks
#FaceOnTheCover I adore the cover art on the edition of Anne of Avonlea I‘m currently reading!!! There are so many beautiful editions of this series that I kind of want to collect each of the 8 books in a different edition (apologies to all my friends who are currently freaking out imagining the disharmony of my shelves if I go through with this plan 🤣). #MarchMagic @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
I just want to live in this world where poems and flowers have souls forever 🧡🧡🧡
L. M. Montgomery always has my favorite descriptions of the seasons 💚💚💚
1. Justina Ireland isn‘t strictly a middle grade author, but my favorite MG and YA books of the last few years have both been by her.
2. Horseback riding, reading, painting
3. Girls had to wear skirts or dresses on Fridays, teachers specified the color binders you had to buy for their classes, textbooks were supposed to go home every night regardless of whether you had assignments in them or not
#MiddleGradeMarch @megnews @sblbooks
I‘m grateful that something as simple as a text from a friend checking in on you can make your whole day. #gratitude @Eggs
Another historical reading list… my mom wrote this one up, in October 1991. I DO remember a lot of these—so many favorites here! Anne of Avonlea & Anne of the Island, George MacDonald‘s Light Princess, Just Like Always (I remember LOVING that book), and some favorites by Jean Little. And I can‘t forget Miss Bianca and Jean Fritz! October 1991 was a good reading month.☺️ Also note how my mom got tired of adding up # of pages & just wrote “lots” 😂
Bring 👏It 👏 On 👏 These are my main goals in life, honestly. #AnneShirley #AnneWithAnE #LucyMaudMontgomery
When thrift book shopping today and found this lovely version of one of my favorite books ☺️
“That‘s one good thing about this world: there are always sure to be more springs.”
I love the transition from winter into spring. It always makes me feel like the world is starting anew.
Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94 😊
I have been re-visiting an old friend at night while reading my Kindle - Anne Shirley 😊
I treasure the old copies of the books my grandmother gave me as a child and couldn't post a review without including a shot of that beautiful, pink, vintage cover.
The next book is Anne of the Island. I don't think I ever went any further in the series after that, so I am really looking forward to it!
I never regret a little trip to Prince Edward island.. 🙂
Marjory White, aged ten, wanted to be a widow . Questioned why, she gravely said that if you weren‘t married people called you an old maid, and if you were your husband bossed you; but if you were a widow there‘d be no danger of either.
I loved this reread. My adult mind picked up on plot elements ten year old me glossed over. I found myself loving Marilla in this novel. She became more of a person to me. Her sense of humor is dry and wry- which always makes me laugh. I love how Montgomery really developed her as a character in this novel vs. the first one.
The seasonal themes were lovely to read as well. A favorite series.
#2021 #kindredspirits #lmmontgomery #annewithane
I devoured book 2 in 2 days! It‘s been 10 years since I read the series and I find it hard to put these down now that I‘ve started. There is just something so comforting about this series and it‘s perfect when you want to escape reality and visit a simpler time. 5⭐️
+16 points TBR read
Today‘s mood. #suchajonahday. Most things have seemed to gone wrong today. The one I thought would go wrong, didn‘t; I was in and out of outpatient lab appointment @ the hospital within 20 minutes (last week I had to wait close to an hour for my lab appointment). And to top it off I got put in Twitter jail until 5 pm tomorrow.
3-30 Oct 2021 (audiobook)
I thought this may be the last in the series Beatrix and I would listen to but she is as much of a romantic as I am so we have to continue until Anne marries Gilbert, apparently.
Trix was shocked that after one year of college, Anne could then be teaching at 15 - times have obviously changed a great deal.
Davey amused Beatrix greatly - I had forgotten what a funny little character he is.
A lovely #audiobook production of the second Anne book. It's been a long time since I reread this one and I was pleasantly (and not so pleasantly) surprised by what I'd forgotten. Miss Lavender and Paul Irving are delightful, discussions of corporeal punishment were horrifying, Mr Harrison is kind of a jerk, and Gilbert is 😍 (although there's not enough of him). Some of Anne's antics, like falling through the roof of a hen house, are very funny.
"''But wouldn't it have been more beautiful still if there had been no seperation or misunderstanding? If they had come hand in hand all the way through life with no memories behind them but those that belong to each other?' It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted. Perhaps after all romance did not come into one's life with pomp & blare...perhaps it crept to one's side like an old friend" Anne + Gilbert ?
Getting lots of #audiobook listening in while breastfeeding and looking after my new baby 💖🍼👼
First book finished for #readathon / #AwesomeAugust I‘m so glad I‘m finally reading this series 🧡 #BookSpinBingo
Here‘s my Reverse #Readathon TBR. These are all in progress. Some longer (some much longer 😅) than others
Back before the Newcastle Oz lockdown when the op shops were still open 😭 It‘s only supposed to last a week. Time will tell. I‘m handling it with wine & books. Some young adult & stationery for #LitsyLove & #JustBecause. Hopefully I get some letters in the post with my extra hours not spent traveling to & from work. Some of my kids will be very happy to see me online. I know others will be ‘missing‘ given the low socioeconomic area I teach in.
“Do you remember that evening we first met, Diana, and 'swore' eternal friendship in your garden? . . . I shall never forget the thrill that went over me the day you told me you loved me. I had had such a lonely, starved heart all through my childhood. . . . And then I met you. You don't know what your friendship meant to me. I want to thank you here and now, dear, for the warm and true affection you've always given me.” #girlfriend #QuotsyAug21
Can I tell you that I'm still kicking myself for taking this long to get to this series?
From the first book to this one, it's so weird seeing how much Anne has grown, and yet she's only sixteen here.
She sounds so much older than I could have ever been at that age, so I had to sit back and reflect a little about that and remember that where I was at sixteen was a different world from where the author has placed Anne.
Thanks @SerialReader !
Mr. Harrison found out about the #Improvement Society and was disposed to approve of it.
"That's right. Go ahead. There's lots of room for improvement in this settlement . . . and in the people too." . . . “Who are you going to tackle first?"
"We are not going to meddle with PEOPLE . . . it is only PLACES we mean to improve," said Anne, in a dignified tone. She rather suspected that Mr. Harrison was making fun of the project. #QuotsyJan21