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Anne of Avonlea
Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Eleven-year-old Anne recounts her mishaps before she wins the heart of her foster mother.
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Mr. Harrison could relate. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I adore this series. Just reread this one with the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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#kindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread

What sections or quotes stood out to you, from the second half or from the book overall?

Anything else you‘d like to discuss?

julieclair I‘m so disappointed that I didn‘t get to this one this month. Lots of houseguests, which is a good thing, but it meant that I didn‘t have a lot of reading time. 1mo
Seabreeze_Reader I'm not on the tag list, so I hope it's okay if I comment here. Anne of Avonlea continued on with some of Anne's humorous scrapes, like accidentally dying her nose red. I thought Davy continued to be an unwelcome distraction throughout and somehow I cannot imagine Marilla adopting twins. I still very much missed the balance Matthew provided to the story in the first book. I guess I wish L.M. Montgomery had allowed Anne to remain a child longer. 1mo
rubyslippersreads I haven‘t read this in a long time, but I seem to remember my mom and I found the twins a bit much. One too naughty and one too sweet. 1mo
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CogsOfEncouragement @Seabreeze_Reader Just like when I read the Little House series, I‘m amazed at how fast children grew up 100 years ago. We allow our kids a very extended adolescence now. The twins are left home alone very young, Davy is off to Harrison‘s to help too. Charlotte the Fourth had to begin work at 14 and knew she‘d move to Boston at 16 to continue her housekeeper career. Diana, from a wealthier family is not allowed to marry until 21 though. 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement “Living so that you beautify your name, even if it wasn‘t beautiful to begin with…” was a sweet sentiment. I know people who name their child after a caring adult in their life, the name is not pretty on its own (to me), it is the person who made the name beautiful. We probably all know someone who soured a name for us too. 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement When Anne asks to cook for the author and Marilla replies “Goodness, I‘m not so fond of stewing over a hot fire in July that it would vex me very much to have someone else do it. You‘re quite welcome to the job.” That was the obvious answer to me too! lol 1mo
BarbaraJean @julieclair That's a shame, but I understand! Hopefully life will create more space for future reads! 😊 1mo
BarbaraJean @Seabreeze_Reader You are definitely welcome! Would you like to be added to the tag list for future books?

I also love the fact that Anne is still getting into scrapes. The arrival of the famous author when Anne is in such disarray is both mortifying and hilarious!! I love the idea that Anne has softened Marilla so much that she opens her home to the twins, but the Davy & Dora storyline does feel very contrived overall. And I miss Matthew, too!!
BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement I also loved that sentiment about living to beautify your name! Especially because names were such a big deal to Anne--she insists on Anne with an 'e,' wishes she could be called Cordelia, says she's proud her parents had such lovely names--and this is a sweet new perspective for her. I feel the same: our experiences with people affect how we feel about specific names. And YES to Marilla's reply about cooking!! 😂 1mo
Seabreeze_Reader @BarbaraJean Thank you. Yes, please add me to the tag list for the #lmmreread related books. Hopefully I'll be able to join in with reading The Story Girl. 1mo
BarbaraJean @Seabreeze_Reader Will do! Glad to have you join in! 1mo
kwmg40 Chiming in a bit late, but I did finally finish this reread. I enjoyed the second half more than the first. The story of Miss Lavendar provided some continuity throughout the second half and made the novel seem less like a series of episodes. I hadn't realized that “lavendar“ was an alternate spelling of “lavender“. 4w
BarbaraJean @kwmg40 Yes, I think the second half of Anne of Avonlea is MUCH stronger than the first, precisely because of the continuity of the Miss Lavendar plot! I think this book is also why I'm perpetually uncertain over how to spell “lavender“ 😂 4w
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread

Miss Lavendar‘s romance emerges in this second half of the book, and we also get the surprise arrival of Emily Hamilton as well as some heavy Anne/Gilbert foreshadowing. What did you think of the different aspects of romance we see in Anne of Avonlea?

TheAromaofBooks I do like Miss Lavender's romance (although I tend to take Marilla's more prosaic view of it 😂) but I think it's interesting how, on the whole, Avonlea isn't really a romantic tale. I really love the emphasis that LMM puts on the importance of friendship, and having that kind of support and community in your life. Anne has several close friends, all of whom fill different sorts of roles in her life. Even the foreshadowing we get of Gilbert ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) is pointing out how romance, at its best, grows naturally out of a friendship of mutual respect and companionship into something even deeper and stronger. In some ways, I think friendship is the driving theme of this book. 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks I also agree with Marilla. Anne is growing up but still seeing things in her childish way. Her imagination that helped her survive her orphan years isn‘t needed in the same way. She hears the reality of the Harrison‘s too and see‘s that Diana‘s real life romance is different than their little daydreams. I laughed at how she left Gilbert in her house o‘ dreams to save time. lol 1mo
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CogsOfEncouragement Miss Sarah also has a sad loss of 20 years before finally marrying Luther Wallace. Her sister Martha is horrible to live with and I felt so bad for Sarah. Her saying she didn‘t fight her dad on his decision to send her poor suitor away partly because she “didn‘t know men were so skurse” made me laugh. 1mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Anne's reaction when Marilla “reinterprets“ Miss Lavendar's romance: 😂😂 I think my view is somewhere between the two: Anne's Prince Charming language is too much for me, but Marilla just takes all the air out of it!! I love the idea that friendship is the driving theme in AoA. That rings true to me. And I love the variety of friends Anne has, from Diana to Paul Irving to Miss Lavendar. Kindred spirits come in all kinds!! 1mo
BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement Yes, it's so interesting to see Anne's small realizations about her ideals of romance. Even though she sees that Diana's romance with Fred is different from their childhood imagining, she hasn't quite moderated her own expectations! I love that, though: she's at an in-between stage where she still holds such an idealistic view. Her optimism is sweet & beautiful, even though we know she'll soon have to adjust her ideals! ⬇ 1mo
BarbaraJean Leaving Gilbert in the home of dreams so she can finish up imagining her romantic ideal... because she can't quite figure out why he's still hanging around... 😂 Such a preview of things to come, and such a true representation of where her dreams lie, even though she hasn't been able to figure out that realization yet! 1mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I thought this quote was interesting (even though I have lots of notes in the margins of the AoA chapter of Epperly‘s book, arguing with her analysis)

Do you agree with this distinction between AoGG and AoA? Why or why not?
What are the key differences for you between the two books?

(I‘m traveling this weekend & won‘t be able to respond to the discussion much until Mon/Tues, but I wanted to get some questions up today!)

CogsOfEncouragement I was thinking about the titles yesterday. Anne of GG - she is a very young girl and that is how she loves to identify herself because she finally has a true home. Anne of A - she is the teacher now. She has much greater influence in the community as a whole because of that. She also makes connections with those in the community she had not met before and of course the ability to get everyone on task to beautify A is really something. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @CogOfEncouragement - I love that!! This is definitely a more community-oriented book. I feel like most of Anne's adventures are her trying to influence/help other people instead of herself. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks We talked about this a little bit in another post, but I do feel that Avonlea lacks the overarching relationship and character building that we see in Green Gables. GG is also very episodic in nature, but we are seeing a lot of change in Anne, Marilla, and Anne's relationships within the community. Avonlea feels choppier to me because Anne and the other characters don't really change or develop in the same way. So much as it pains me to agree ⬇ 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) with Epperly 😂 I do think she is correct with this statement. Avonlea is a fun, frolicky kind of book, but it doesn't have the same heart and depth to it as GG. 1mo
BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks I love these insights about community!! GG shows Anne growing into herself and establishing those home relationships, then Avonlea shows Anne growing into and establishing the wider connections of community, outside of childhood and the home. I think that's why I really like this Epperly quote. AoGG shows the growth and the “being“ (Anne becoming Anne) and AoA shows the “doing“ (Anne living in community). 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement - I like the being vs. doing question as a general determination of the books in the series - Anne of the Island is another “being“ book, I feel like; Windy Poplars is a “doing.“ I love all the books and enjoy the “doing“ but I can see why those are considered “weaker“ stories. At some level, they only work as sequels - I don't think you would get as much from them if you hadn't already seen Anne “being“ in ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) other books. But I think the being books (GG, Island, House of Dreams, and Rilla - although Rilla does the being rather than Anne) can be read as stand alone stories because of the actual character arcs that occur. Does that make sense? 😂 Do those seem like the “being“ books to you? 1mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks That makes SO much sense! I‘ve always thought of those “doing” books as the episodic ones, and I think that‘s exactly why they‘re episodic. There‘s less of an arc of personal growth in those books, but rather it‘s Anne living out the previous growth arc in new settings. I love the insight about those doing books being dependent on the previous book/s in the series. You kinda need to have seen the growth that leads to the doing. ⤵️ 1mo
BarbaraJean I think the only book that doesn‘t really fit that being/doing pattern is Rainbow Valley, and that one doesn‘t have a central character like the others do—it‘s really an “ensemble” book like Story Girl and Golden Road. And all of those are more episodic, doing-books as well. (edited) 1mo
TheAromaofBooks I've really always read the Anne books as one big long story, so prior to our discussions I had never genuinely analyzed them beyond “I love them“ haha so it's interesting to think about them slightly more critically and look at what does and doesn't work within each book. I love Avonlea, but Anne really is very static in this story. However, I still think this book works. I think Anne reads true to her age. She's still idealistic and full of ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) dreams. I think it's interesting - what book did we read where the author was so insistent that Anne dreamed of being a writer and was thwarted in this goal etc etc? Because Anne literally doesn't talk about writing at all, other than scribbling her little fairy story when she's stuck in the roof. Compared to Emily, who feels deeply compelled to write, Anne feels so much more casual about it. Her passion genuinely seems to be teaching ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and helping. It sounds a little sappy, but the quote about her wanting to make the world a better place to me really is her “dream.“ She seems to enjoy recitation as much as writing. I know we aren't specifically comparing Anne and Emily here, but Emily is much more self-absorbed. Anne is constantly thinking of others, helping others, giving herself, and she thrives on that. I think writing sometimes comes to her as an overflow of her ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) active imagination, but it never seems to be her driving force, and (I could be wrong) I don't think she ever mentions writing in connection with furthering her education. 1mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread

📚There are so many little episodes and threads: Mr. Harrison, the A.V.I.S., Davy & Dora, Anne‘s teaching, Paul Irving...and more! Which are your favorites and why? Which don‘t work for you?

📚Are there other sections/quotes you‘d like to discuss?

(We‘ll get into discussing how AoA compares to AoGG next week!)

TheAromaofBooks Davy and Dora have never worked super well for me. They may possibly be my least favorite characters from the series, although I've never thought hard about that so I could be wrong haha Dora is pointless and I feel so bad for her because she's such a sweet, well-behaved little girl and everyone just blows her off and takes her for granted. Davy is fine, but he's so spoiled and I honestly just keep thinking he needs a father-figure who gives him ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) a spanking sometimes 😂 That whole bit where he locks Dora up, like I get that they're upset about him lying about it, but also... he locked Dora up?!!? For an entire day??? She spent the whole day lonely, hungry, thirsty, and terrified, and everyone is just kind of like, “oh whatever it wouldn't have been that bad if he hadn't lied about it“?!!? Davy's just too bratty for me to genuinely like him.

I really enjoy Anne being a teacher ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and also enjoy the glimpse of contrast we're given between her and Jane's teaching styles - I've had both kinds of teachers in my life😆

One of the books we read, and I can't remember which, was especially critical of the chapter where the girls go on the “golden picnic“ so I paid attention in that chapter, and I still think it's a perfectly reasonable episode. Anne is only 16! I can totally see her dragging her friends off on a spring⬇
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) ramble. I do think there are some parts where it kind of feels like Anne is trying to “force“ the magic, but I also think that's a realistic part of being her age and being on that border between girlhood and adulthood. Magic looks different when you grow up; it's still there, but you look for it differently, and she's still learning that.

I'm getting long-winded like usual, but I also like the glimpses we get of Anne's temper still. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Selling the cow and giving Anthony his whipping help keep Anne feeling human and fallible, and I like that. On the whole, I think Anne avoids being a caricature of herself (as was accused in one of those books haha) because despite being a teacher and “all grown up“ in this book, she's actually NOT all grown up, and I think LMM captures this in-between stage pretty well. 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks Right? How are they not fawning over Dora to comfort the trauma she went through? I feel like Davy is a sociopath doing that to Dora, and then the adults don't see it as serious either. What? For me, it made it worse that it is his sister too. Not some new acquaintance but his twin.
CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks Yes, the difference in teaching styles. I get that these kids are just teachers out of convenience not a career choice but I feel like if you don't teach like Anne you don't really like kids. If you don't really like kids, why are you teaching...or volunteering for Sunday School...? 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement The whole wrong color for the building was so real though. Haven't we all dealt with someone so incompetent? There were mistakes along the way for sure, and the AVIS learned you have to oversee things better at each step, but man when he opened the can of paint - just stop. You know that's not right. Ugh. But then the community does get behind the good idea of having things look nice and starts to do their part. Was nice to imagine. 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement Ch One: Mrs. Lynde had a special prejudice against “Yankees.“ Her husband had been cheated out of ten dollars by an employer for whom he had once worked in Boston...
In looking up how much that is today - I believe that is equivalent to about $340 today. Yeah, I guess I'd be mad too but to take it out on an entire country of people is so telling of Mrs. Lynde.
CogsOfEncouragement Ch 5: Mrs. Lynde stood at her gate after the first day of school to ask the children walking home how they like their new teacher. This lady is too much! But it turned out well, she was able to give Anne some confidence with her intel. 1mo
BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks Ugh—yes to everything you've both said about Davy & Dora!! I thought Davy was hilarious when I first read AoA, but his character has NOT aged well for me. His punishable behavior with Dora goes so far beyond lying—it‘s cruelty. And it doesn‘t ring true for me that Anne wouldn‘t call him out on THAT character failing!!

I love the Anne “scrapes” we get here, too—from the cow & Mr. Harrison to the blue hall ⬇
BarbaraJean (Cont'd) (Which, incidentally, I can‘t picture at all! I feel like orange would have been far worse than any shade of blue, no matter how bright!) I loved that whole episode with the hall, honestly. I love how the town is indignant on behalf of the AVIS and rises to the occasion to help them elsewhere. That really is a lovely side effect. And then Anne‘s stumble across political corruption that leads to that triumph over the fences! 1mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks I still haven‘t gotten back to re-read those chapters! I remembered that criticism about the picnic chapter, and was also keeping a closer eye on it! I did find myself vaguely annoyed by Anne‘s “Do you see that poem over there?” and her talk with Priscilla about if flowers were souls. Those parts definitely felt forced—mainly because Anne HAD to have known her friends well enough to know that practical Jane & literal Diana would ⬇ 1mo
BarbaraJean (Cont'd) ...be shut out of those conversations. But as you said, it also rings true for a 16-year-old in that in-between stage (“Not a girl, not yet a woman” 😂)

@CogsOfEncouragement Mrs. Lynde asking the children how they liked their teacher: 😂 😂 Classic Mrs. Lynde!! LMM's characterization of her is fantastic, honestly. Yes, she's the neighborhood meddling gossip, but she also has such a big heart & is portrayed sympathetically—not easy to do!
lauraisntwilder I love the blue paint and selling Dolly, but like the rest of you, I find the twins fairly unlikeable. I like AVIS and how Jane is more important in this one. I like Anne having a circle of friends, rather than just Diana, even if Diana is still Anne's (and my) favorite. 1mo
kwmg40 I'm not especially fond of Davy as a character but I loved the scene where he tells Anne that there will be plenty of jam in heaven because “He makes preserves, and redeems us.“ 1mo
BarbaraJean @lauraisntwilder I really like the descriptions of Anne's wider friend group as well. Jane and of course Gilbert, but also all the AVIS bits show a broader view of Anne's friends, and also her place in the community. @kwmg40 😂 😂 Yes, Davy gets on my nerves, but he does have some really good lines! 1mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Posting Kindred Spirits questions early, because I have a long day ahead tomorrow!

📚Is this your first read, or a re-read of Anne of Avonlea?

📚We are introduced to several new characters: Mr. Harrison, Davy & Dora, Paul Irving, Anthony Pye… what do these characters add to the story? How do they contribute to Anne‘s growth (or do they)?

#LMMReread #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

TheAromaofBooks This is a reread for me, so I've been trying to look at it with a (very slightly) more critical eye. It's a fun story and all of the new characters are interesting, but they also feel somewhat like they are checking boxes. Mr. H. is a gumpy old man to be won over; Davy is the comic relief; Dora is the stooge (I seriously feel so bad for her and wish Davy had come by himself instead of the creation of a pointless twin); Paul is Anne Jr; Anthony ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) reminds Anne that it's hard to stick to plans when people are involved 😂 I like them all, but Anne does feel somewhat stagnant as a character, at least in this first half of the book. She's become more experienced, but I don't feel like she's had a lot of “soul growth“ if that makes sense. However, I also feel like that's not completely unreasonable, as I think soul growth tends to frequently happen in jumps while other seasons of life⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) are more mundane, just chugging along at everyday tasks. Like Anne tells Mrs. Allan, she doesn't know what is going to happen next, but at this point it looks like she's setting herself up for a lifetime of being a schoolteacher and helping Marilla. So I think her character development isn't very dramatic - it's just being content with an everyday kind of life. 1mo
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CogsOfEncouragement This is my second time reading, my first about 12 yrs ago.
I didn't remember the twins at all! How could I forget?!?
It was good that Marilla realizes Anne was actually not THAT difficult. lol
I love that Anne is able to win over yet another grumpy person that everyone else thinks is hopeless to deal with. She has not lost that skill as she has gotten older. I appreciate her willingness to take blame and make things right too.

CogsOfEncouragement Here & now in CA 17 yr olds are often not even considered for employment, even at a movie theater, but we see these kids teaching school and running AVIS. Reading classics like this while raising my kids (currently 22 & 17), I've always found this so interesting how we change through time.
At the same time, Ch 15 ends with it being obvious Anne has no notion for a romantic relationship yet, which shows how young she truly is.
Roary47 I‘m having trouble with my work, family, book balance. I‘ll have to catch you guys next time. 😭 1mo
BarbaraJean This is a re-read for me, and the last time I read it, I remember being disappointed with much of the book, other than the Miss Lavendar section at the end. This time I‘m enjoying it much more; maybe b/c my expectations aren‘t as high!

@TheAromaofBooks I agree with the checkbox idea! I‘d add that Paul is Anne Jr. for imagination, and Davy is Anne Jr. for “scrapes”—even though Davy‘s mischief is intentionally naughty, it fills the hijinks gap ⬇
BarbaraJean (Cont'd) now that Anne is more grown up. And the escapade with Dolly and Mr. Hamiltom felt like a Mrs. Lynde stand-in for me! I also agree that there‘s not much deep or dramatic growth happening for Anne here—but I find that somewhat realistic, as you said. There are seasons of mundanity in every life and this is an “everyday” season for Anne.

@CogsOfEncouragement It‘s easy for me to forget about the twins, too! Probably b/c they‘re not in the ⬇
BarbaraJean (Cont'd) 1980s miniseries (both of which were my first intro to Anne). I also forget about Mr. Hamilton for that same reason. There‘s SO much in AoA that didn‘t make it to the screen in those adaptations!

I‘m always taken aback by how YOUNG Anne is to be teaching (I feel the same way about Laura in the Little House books). I can‘t even imagine what it would be like at 16 to have to go back and teach your old schoolmates who were just a few ⬇
BarbaraJean (Cont's) years behind you!! It‘s an interesting contrast that 16-year-old Anne has the maturity to teach school, run the AVIS, and basically co-parent Davy & Dora, but is still so young when it comes to readiness for a romantic relationship! I find all of that so endearing, really. 1mo
BarbaraJean @Roary47 I totally understand! Would you still like to be tagged for upcoming announcements/schedules going forward? 1mo
Roary47 Yes please! I‘ll try to participate where is can. 🥰💛 1mo
BarbaraJean @Roary47 Will do! You're always welcome to jump in whenever you can. 💜 1mo
lauraisntwilder This is a reread. I read for the first time last year. I agree with @TheAromaofBooks about the checkboxes, especially Davy, who gets on my nerves. It feels like LMM always needed a kid who got into scrapes. Last year, I was so surprised to find out about the twins and, honestly, I can understand leaving them out of the 80s adaptations. 1mo
kwmg40 This is a reread for me, and so far, it's not grabbing me as much as the first book. However, I do recall liking this one very much when I was young, so perhaps the second half of the book will remind me of why I had liked it so much before. 1mo
BarbaraJean @lauraisntwilder I agree, Davy makes it feel like LMM thought readers would be disappointed if there weren't little-kid hijinks. Since LMM's motivation to write it was that the publisher wanted a sequel, I wonder if she really was trying to check off some boxes--making sure she included the elements that were successful in AoGG. 1mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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“I‘d like to add some beauty to life,” said Anne dreamily. “I don‘t exactly want to make people *know* more… though I know that *is* the noblest ambition… but I‘d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me…to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn‘t been born.”

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMReread

CogsOfEncouragement I highlighted this in the ebook I‘m reading. I loved it too. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks I love this attitude!! 2mo
rubyslippersreads You could apply this to the joy that LMM‘s book has brought to so many people, through Anne being “born” in AOGG. 2mo
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BarbaraJean @CogsOfEncouragement It‘s such a lovely thought—and a great reminder of how to live! @TheAromaofBooks I feel like this answers a lot of our discussion about Anne‘s ambitions! It‘s not that she wanted to be a writer or a teacher—her desire and vocation was this!! @rubyslippersreads Oh, definitely! Anne accomplishes this through LMM‘s books. And there‘s a parallel to what LMM says about AoGG (the book) and her writing in general ⤵️ 2mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …that she wants to be a messenger of optimism and hope. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! I love the idea that this is Anne's vocation!! She doesn't dream of teaching, but she sees how being a teacher gives her an opportunity to better lives and inspire her students. I think that is why in the later books she embraces motherhood and being a part of her community without it feeling like a compromise of her goals, because she is still following her actual “ambition“ of making the world a warmer, happier place. 1mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Join us on August 17 & 24 to discuss Anne of Avonlea with the Kindred Spirits Buddy Read!!

August 17: discuss chapters 1-15
August 24: discuss chapter 16-end

#LMMReread #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm interested to read this one with a (very slightly haha) more critical eye after several of our other books dismissed this as one of her more inferior books. 2mo
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks I am determined to love it! 😉 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @julieclair - I can't remember, because so many people in our group have said different things 😂 but have you read this one before? 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement I read the series once about a dozen years ago and adored each book. I LOVED AoGG. I‘m certain I‘ll enjoy this one again too. 2mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks 😂 😂 Well, LMM herself says it's not that great! 😆 I meant to re-read the AoGG chapters in those other books we read last summer—I'll have to do that this week along with AoA! 2mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 🧡 2mo
Eggs Excellent 🧡👌🏼🧡 2mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Eggs Gorgeous💚🟢💚 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💚 3mo
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I'm hoping to do some catch-up posts today, but first, here are the new bookish stickers on my water bottle. 💕

Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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I had some major throwbacks to reading this as a child. Still loved it. #bookthreeof2024

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." The second book in the beloved Anne of Green Gables series teaches the lesson of growing up and the transition from being a child who is invested into to an adult who now can invest in others. #52challenge

Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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“Have you ever noticed…that when people say it is their duty to tell you a certain thing you may prepare for something disagreeable? Why is it that they never seem to think it a duty to tell you the pleasant things they hear about you?”

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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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This was my first time reading this and it is SO different from the Megan Follows version I grew up watching! I loved it and all the sweet (and not-so-sweet) people of Avonlea.

IndoorDame I just finished this one too! Love!!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I love this one!! Anne of Island is next and it may be my favorite of the series. 2y
lauraisntwilder @IndoorDame I saw that! You have that gorgeous Sourcebooks edition. I may switch to those for Windy Poplars, since Simon & Schuster only did the first three with covers like this. 2y
lauraisntwilder @TheAromaofBooks Oh yay! I'm looking forward to it! I'm hoping to read them all this year and maybe the Emily books, too. 2y
IndoorDame @lauraisntwilder the sourcebooks covers are awesome! And the paperback I got was nice quality 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I‘m so loving revisiting Avonlea 🧡🧡🧡 I‘m noticing how well drawn the older characters are much more than I did as a child reading this. #MiddleGradeMarch @megnews @sblbooks

gossamerchild That is a gorgeous edition. 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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#FaceOnTheCover I adore the cover art on the edition of Anne of Avonlea I‘m currently reading!!! There are so many beautiful editions of this series that I kind of want to collect each of the 8 books in a different edition (apologies to all my friends who are currently freaking out imagining the disharmony of my shelves if I go through with this plan 🤣). #MarchMagic @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs This is an exceptional cover ❤️🧡❤️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty ❤️ 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I just want to live in this world where poems and flowers have souls forever 🧡🧡🧡

dabbe That‘s what dreams are for. ❣️ 2y
Cuilin 🥰 lovely 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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L. M. Montgomery always has my favorite descriptions of the seasons 💚💚💚

AnnR Lovely! 🍁 2y
StayCurious If you‘re looking for nice pastoral descriptions she‘s your gal 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Still missing a few, but I was so excited to get most of the set in the mail today! #bookmail

IndoorDame What pretty editions!!! 2y
Purpleness @IndoorDame Thank you! 2y
RobES L M Montgomery is my all- time fave 😍 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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1. Justina Ireland isn‘t strictly a middle grade author, but my favorite MG and YA books of the last few years have both been by her.

2. Horseback riding, reading, painting

3. Girls had to wear skirts or dresses on Fridays, teachers specified the color binders you had to buy for their classes, textbooks were supposed to go home every night regardless of whether you had assignments in them or not

#MiddleGradeMarch @megnews @sblbooks

sblbooks I read Ophie's ghost, and enjoyed it. That rule about the skirt seems backward, looks like you should at least have Fridays off, lol. 2y
IndoorDame @sblbooks it (and most of the more ridiculous dress code rules) had to do with it being a religious school. Like the one that allowed skirts to be several inches shorter than girls shorts 2y
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sblbooks Sabbath begins on Friday l...now I understand. I still don't understand the one that says, skirts can be several inches shorter than shorts. What? Smh 2y
IndoorDame @sblbooks none of it really made any “sense” in the real world. Just a gross combination of incentives and requirements for girls to behave “traditionally” 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I‘m grateful that something as simple as a text from a friend checking in on you can make your whole day. #gratitude @Eggs

Leftcoastzen So true! 2y
Eggs Invaluable is friendship♥️ 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Another historical reading list… my mom wrote this one up, in October 1991. I DO remember a lot of these—so many favorites here! Anne of Avonlea & Anne of the Island, George MacDonald‘s Light Princess, Just Like Always (I remember LOVING that book), and some favorites by Jean Little. And I can‘t forget Miss Bianca and Jean Fritz! October 1991 was a good reading month.☺️ Also note how my mom got tired of adding up # of pages & just wrote “lots” 😂

LeahBergen I love this! 🥰 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Bring 👏It 👏 On 👏 These are my main goals in life, honestly. #AnneShirley #AnneWithAnE #LucyMaudMontgomery

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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When thrift book shopping today and found this lovely version of one of my favorite books ☺️

Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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“That‘s one good thing about this world: there are always sure to be more springs.”

I love the transition from winter into spring. It always makes me feel like the world is starting anew.

Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94 😊

MoonWitch94 Such a perfect quote for spring! 🍃🪴🌷🌸 You‘re welcome ☺️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love spring 💚🌱 2y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I have been re-visiting an old friend at night while reading my Kindle - Anne Shirley 😊

I treasure the old copies of the books my grandmother gave me as a child and couldn't post a review without including a shot of that beautiful, pink, vintage cover.

The next book is Anne of the Island. I don't think I ever went any further in the series after that, so I am really looking forward to it!

LitStephanie Oh good for you on revisiting a childhood classic! I barely remember that book, but I remember liking it. 3y
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Anne of Avonlea | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I never regret a little trip to Prince Edward island.. 🙂

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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery

Marjory White, aged ten, wanted to be a widow . Questioned why, she gravely said that if you weren‘t married people called you an old maid, and if you were your husband bossed you; but if you were a widow there‘d be no danger of either.

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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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I loved this reread. My adult mind picked up on plot elements ten year old me glossed over. I found myself loving Marilla in this novel. She became more of a person to me. Her sense of humor is dry and wry- which always makes me laugh. I love how Montgomery really developed her as a character in this novel vs. the first one.

The seasonal themes were lovely to read as well. A favorite series.
#2021 #kindredspirits #lmmontgomery #annewithane

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I devoured book 2 in 2 days! It‘s been 10 years since I read the series and I find it hard to put these down now that I‘ve started. There is just something so comforting about this series and it‘s perfect when you want to escape reality and visit a simpler time. 5⭐️


+16 points TBR read

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Anne of Avonlea | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Today‘s mood. #suchajonahday. Most things have seemed to gone wrong today. The one I thought would go wrong, didn‘t; I was in and out of outpatient lab appointment @ the hospital within 20 minutes (last week I had to wait close to an hour for my lab appointment). And to top it off I got put in Twitter jail until 5 pm tomorrow.

TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3y
melissajayne @TheBookHippie so much went wrong: my mom lost my chemo appointment on her phone; the charging cable for tablet won‘t work, ChaptersIndigo lost my items for two of my swaps (and I had paid for rush delivery) and I had to go to the Coles store to get books for those swaps (fortunately it was only two books). It doesn‘t help that I‘m overtired and haven‘t been sleeping. 3y
TheBookHippie @melissajayne OH MAN!! I am truly sorry! Mail has been just unreal---One of my last swaps got lost, and today I just got a letter that was postdated OCTOBER 24!!! Madness!! SO sorry about the chemo appointment too. Sending you so much LIGHT!!!! (((HUGS))) 3y
melissajayne @TheBookHippie My mom said that it‘s one of two times for chemo. Thanks 3y
MoonWitch94 Tomorrow will be better. Sending you peace ♥️ 3y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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3-30 Oct 2021 (audiobook)
I thought this may be the last in the series Beatrix and I would listen to but she is as much of a romantic as I am so we have to continue until Anne marries Gilbert, apparently.
Trix was shocked that after one year of college, Anne could then be teaching at 15 - times have obviously changed a great deal.
Davey amused Beatrix greatly - I had forgotten what a funny little character he is.

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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A lovely #audiobook production of the second Anne book. It's been a long time since I reread this one and I was pleasantly (and not so pleasantly) surprised by what I'd forgotten. Miss Lavender and Paul Irving are delightful, discussions of corporeal punishment were horrifying, Mr Harrison is kind of a jerk, and Gilbert is 😍 (although there's not enough of him). Some of Anne's antics, like falling through the roof of a hen house, are very funny.

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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"''But wouldn't it have been more beautiful still if there had been no seperation or misunderstanding? If they had come hand in hand all the way through life with no memories behind them but those that belong to each other?' It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted. Perhaps after all romance did not come into one's life with pomp & blare...perhaps it crept to one's side like an old friend" Anne + Gilbert ?

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Getting lots of #audiobook listening in while breastfeeding and looking after my new baby 💖🍼👼

AkashaVampie So cute... suck up this time becuz before u know it they will be 15 (I know from experience!! Haha) 3y
Karisa Congratulations! What a sweet face! 😊 3y
LeahBergen Aww! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @AkashaVampie that's hard to believe!! 3y
AkashaVampie @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I've got a 15 yr old and 4 yr old. Time goes by so so quickly. So get all ur cuddling in now!!! 3y
BookNAround What a precious babe. 3y
quietjenn Adorable 😍 3y
Bookzombie So sweet!! 3y
Chrissyreadit Adorable! 3y
Chelsea.Poole Precious babe!! Congratulations! 3y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Chelsea.Poole thank you! 😊 3y
BookishTrish Congratulations! Xoxo 3y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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First book finished for #readathon / #AwesomeAugust I‘m so glad I‘m finally reading this series 🧡 #BookSpinBingo

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Here‘s my Reverse #Readathon TBR. These are all in progress. Some longer (some much longer 😅) than others

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Back before the Newcastle Oz lockdown when the op shops were still open 😭 It‘s only supposed to last a week. Time will tell. I‘m handling it with wine & books. Some young adult & stationery for #LitsyLove & #JustBecause. Hopefully I get some letters in the post with my extra hours not spent traveling to & from work. Some of my kids will be very happy to see me online. I know others will be ‘missing‘ given the low socioeconomic area I teach in.

LeeRHarry Hope you‘re going ok. Now we are back in lockdown for a week - it feels never ending - thank goodness for books and wine 😊 take care 💕 3y
JaneyWaneyB Hope you are keeping well. Hope you enjoy The Girl with the Louding Voice. I loved it such a powerful book 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Are you still able to get mail? 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LapReader ok good! I know some areas are still having difficulty! You should be getting a card from me ❤️ 3y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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“Do you remember that evening we first met, Diana, and 'swore' eternal friendship in your garden? . . . I shall never forget the thrill that went over me the day you told me you loved me. I had had such a lonely, starved heart all through my childhood. . . . And then I met you. You don't know what your friendship meant to me. I want to thank you here and now, dear, for the warm and true affection you've always given me.” #girlfriend #QuotsyAug21

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Next up on serial reader . . . more from Anne Shirley 🥰

Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Can I tell you that I'm still kicking myself for taking this long to get to this series? ⁠
⁠From the first book to this one, it's so weird seeing how much Anne has grown, and yet she's only sixteen here.
She sounds so much older than I could have ever been at that age, so I had to sit back and reflect a little about that and remember that where I was at sixteen was a different world from where the author has placed Anne.
Thanks @SerialReader !

suvata I‘ve had Serial Reader for a couple of years and, I swear, I‘ve only read one book on it. I just kind of forgot about it. LM Montgomery might be just the ticket to bring me back. Thanks for the reminder. 4y
mariaku21 @suvata The entire Green Gables series is available as I'm slowly going through the series 4y
suvata @mariaku21 Nice 👍🏻 4y
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bibliobliss I love Serial Reader for getting me into the classics!! And Anne Shirley Cuthbert is such a trip! Her growth and general maturity are pretty amazing. But you can always detect a little streak of mischief in there, which is the reason I love her as a character. 4y
mariaku21 @Readage Right?!? It's the best way to get into classics. And I'm still getting that mischief vibe from Anne. I doubt she'll get over it 4y
bibliobliss @mariaku21 She's a kindred spirit, she'll always keep that playful side!! 😉🌼 4y
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Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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Mr. Harrison found out about the #Improvement Society and was disposed to approve of it.

"That's right. Go ahead. There's lots of room for improvement in this settlement . . . and in the people too." . . . “Who are you going to tackle first?"

"We are not going to meddle with PEOPLE . . . it is only PLACES we mean to improve," said Anne, in a dignified tone. She rather suspected that Mr. Harrison was making fun of the project. #QuotsyJan21

Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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This was the last book I finished for 2020 and I figured I should talk a little about it before I move on to 2021.....

Not much to say. I liked it better than Anne of Green Gables but still not one I‘d reread in the future.

TheBookHippie Have you read the Emily series? I loved them so much more than Anne. 4y
BacklistReader @TheBookHippie I haven‘t but maybe I will have to check them out. 4y
TheBookHippie @BacklistReader I felt Emily was a little darker and more to my liking! HA. 4y
BacklistReader @TheBookHippie I like dark. I think I like dark more than happy go lucky as I get old which I find interesting. 4y
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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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Holiday by Green Day

Share something festive.

My current read with some Egg Nog

#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2020 #btbdecember20

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Anne of Avonlea | L M Montgomery
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I started rereading Anne of Avonlea today, which means I'm reading my final 3 books of 2020! Once I finish these 3, I'll be at my goal of 95 books for the year. My original goal was 90, so I'm pleased. It's been a great mix of getting stuff that's been lingering on my TBR done and picking up books on a whim this year. I intend to keep up a similar pattern in 2021. If I finish these 3 quickly, I'll start a big book that'll last me to 2021.