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Klonk!: Ein Scheibenwelt-Roman | Terry Pratchett
Klonk! So klang es, als Zwergenaxt auf Trollkeule traf, damals, bei der historischen Schlacht von Koomtal. Und wenn Sam Mumm, Kommandeur der Stadtwache von Ankh-Morpork, nicht schleunigst den Mord an einem stadtbekannten Zwerg und Aufrhrer aufklrt, droht sich die Geschichte zu wiederholen. Diesmal aber direkt vor seiner Haustr. Also geht Sam Mumm noch der winzigsten Spur nach und stellt sich tapfer der Dunkelheit entgegen, whrend allenthalben Fanatiker die Kriegstrommeln rhren ... 2008 feiert die Scheibenwelt ihr 25-jhriges Jubilum und Terry Pratchett seinen 60. Geburtstag mit einer Tour durch Europa.
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I don‘t have any right now, but I‘ve planned out two.

On the inside of my left forearm, I want to get the Summoning Dark from Terry Prqtchett‘s Thud in red, and then the Guarding Dark in black over the top of it.

And on my right wrist I want to get the word uvumi from Tamora Pierce‘s Emelan books, looking like it‘s written with thread.

#SundayFunday I hope you all have a fantastic day, and don‘t forget to tag me in your posts!

JenniferEgnor I‘ve wanted to get one for a while! A book that is open with its pages standing up, with something like stars or mist rising off of the pages, and it‘ll say ‘Carpe Librum‘. 8mo
BookmarkTavern @JenniferEgnor That sounds lovely! 8mo
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I thought I only had a fondness for the paperback cover as it's the version I originally read from the library, but after I shelled out for the collector's hardback, I realized I actually like the paperback cover more! Oops. Oh well, I love this book enough to own it twice. This reread got right me in the feels! Glad to re-reading Snuff next because right now this and it are neck and neck for my fave Vimes book.

Robotswithpersonality Elaborating on the feels: I think the first time I read Thud! what stood out most was Sam's shouted reading of 'Where's My Cow' in Koom Valley, but this time it was Sybil, trying to convince herself everything was okay moments before Sam's rendition. She's such a rock normally, that realizing that she does take strength from Sam's steadiness, she does understand the sakes and can be very worried, just got to me. Brick, too, had me emotional; I think upon my first read, caught up in the mystery, he felt like an important clue that kept wandering off, but this time it was so clear, how little he'd had anyone to care for him, how Shine saved him, and Detritus taking him under his wing: 🥺. There was a whole 'we need better societal structures so various at risk communities, like those getting addicted to very dangerous drug admixtures, don't fall through the cracks' commentary wandering through this political/historical murder mystery! Which itself was an incredible statement on choosing peace. 👌🏻👏🏻 10mo
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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The exploratory approach to upholding the law. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Yet again reminded of my love for Sybil. Vimes might be growing in legend among the City Watch officers and the populace at large, to the point that they'd hesitate to say when he messed up, but Sybil will keep him humble. 😁

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Another Night Watch installment that could be summed up as Sam Vimes seeing the world conspiring to keep him from getting home on time to read the picture book Where's My Cow? to his young son. My favorite moment was Death having a "near-Vimes experience." ?

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Such lovely prompts!Posting as I wait for my friend,to watch Barbie! @Eggs #WondrousWednesday
1.You stare into the darkness till it blinks.You stare it down-tagged book
2.Even small triumphs are still triumphs and should be celebrated as such.-The Pomegranate Gate
3.In the immortal words of ABBA, the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself!

Eggs Great quotes👏🏻! Thanks for joining in 🤩🤗 1y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView fun prompts!
1.These two. First one from the tagged book,second one from 'The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao'.
2." She likes us from a distance,so don't get too near!"

TheSpineView Thanks for playing!😊 2y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Book mail!! Just one more (Snuff) and I‘ll own all the City Watch books. 🎉

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I can't help thinking somebody recreated a game of thud to try

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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#ThinkPositivebepositive @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Have always loved this quote. So much more profound than abysses staring back at you.

Eggs Love this❣️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I fell a bit behind there with the #PractettPosse #OokBOokClub, sorry. This one was a new read for me, and although it won‘t be my favorite Watch book I really liked how it dealt with ancient “obvious to everyone antagonist” animus, with what really happened, and how it sometimes benefits those with power to keep the real history buried and keep the conflict going. I still love how Pratchett can make us look at real issues with surreal stories.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett

Weeks late, I have finally finished Thud, a book that (in my memory) lived more in physical Koom Valley than it actually did. I quite enjoyed it, but I can't say it quite came together for me the way some of the earlier Watch books did. Also, if I were possessed by an incredibly ancient demon I would simply accept that that had happened to me and also never stop patting myself on the back for kicking its ass.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett

This book seems really invested in getting across that Sally and Angua are queer a d honestly I'm on board.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett

Wow, Sybil is being real racist about dwarves??? Not a fan!

julesG That was weird. I did not see that coming. 3y
khooliha @julesG It seems to run counter to her stuff from Fifth Elephant! 3y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett

Interesting line in here where it turns out Carrot and Angua have separate beds. No one can convince me on this reread that Carrot is not ace.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett

Very odd to me that it's Vimes's soul that reminds him that he hates vampires, and it's made only odder by his interview with Sally, which is a relatively smooth affair.

Also, I kind of wish she didn't go by Sally, but I am having fun picturing her doing Watch work in a big 'ol hat.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Way, waaaaaay behind on #OokBOokClub , hoping to catch up and probably back to back it with Wintersmith. Don't know how excited I am to revisit this one! Let's go!

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I normally love Discworld books but this one didn‘t grab me quite like Going Postal did. I did really love Where Is My Cow? - the story within a story. Where Is My Cow? stole the limelight.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find the #Thud post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #Thud! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

Soubhiville I keep gazing at my shelf of TP and feeling slightly sad that there are only a handful of Discworld novels left in my series reread. I think my favorite part of Thud! Was Sam‘s devotion to reading time. But I NEVER want to hear about that cow again! Of course as always I love TP‘s inter-species relations, the trolls and dwarves, Angua and the vampire, etc. The “can‘t we all just get along” vibe is so relevant to RL. ⬇️ 3y
julesG @Soubhiville Yeah, I thought this rang very true. I love that about the Discworld novels. - Re: get along 3y
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Soubhiville Learning to respect each other‘s cultures and historical backgrounds can improve everyone‘s life experiences. 🙌 I also got a kick out of the coach journey that got a bit of help from the wizards. The explanation of magic involved and how much no one really trusted it, I was cracking up. 🤣 Well done as always Sir Terry. 💙 3y
BookmarkTavern This one is one of my absolute favorites. The tensions, Vimes‘s dedication to his son, Sybil (always, always Sybil my love), the parallel tensions with Sally and Angua, the ending. It‘s all just so so good. This month was my first time listening to it, and I got to say the end scene in the cave hit a little different when hearing it out loud. 3y
BookmarkTavern I totally get what you mean @Soubhiville I still haven‘t read Snuff or The Shepherd‘s Crown yet, because I know as soon as I do, there‘s nothing new after that. I might just have to start another reread when we‘re done. 😂 3y
DrexEdit These books just get better and better. I love that Sybil saves the day with her Koom Valley drawings (even if she doesn't get enough credit for that in the book). I wish TP would show more of Sybil's knowledge/staunchness. One of my favorite Discworld themes: nobody ever accomplishes difficult things on their own. The things that make the characters different are the things that are shown as their strengths and everybody has a role to play. 3y
Soubhiville @DrexEdit I love that way of looking at it. 💙 3y
khooliha I may be biased, as I just finished reading it, but the thing that hit me hardest was the recounting of the Tak story at the end. "All things strive" and delighting in the life that came unbidden - it's such a lovely moment. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I fell a bit behind there with the #PractettPosse #OokBOokClub, sorry. This one was a new read for me, and although it won‘t be my favorite Watch book I really liked how it dealt with ancient “obvious to everyone antagonist” animus, with what really happened, and how it sometimes benefits those with power to keep the real history buried and keep the conflict going. I still love how Pratchett can make us look at real issues with surreal stories. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DrexEdit Yes, that‘s lovely, I love that too. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @khooliha Beautiful moment! 3y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Tensions are running high between the dwarves and trolls of Ankh-Morpork when an extremist dwarf leader is found murdered. Vimes must do what he can to prevent a repeat of a centuries‘ old war.

God I love this book. It‘s been years since I last read this, and I‘ve found my understanding of the Summoning & Guarding Dark has expanded in that time.

This inspired 1 of the 2 tattoos I‘m going to get if I ever get over my fear of needles. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Trolls and Dwarves have a troublesome history, and it‘s threatening to repeat itself. Of course, Commander Sam Vimes may have something to say about that! I liked Sam‘s slow acceptance of help from his planner-imp, but I have to say I hope I never have to read “Where‘s My Cow?” again!

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #Thud!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #Thud! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on October 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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As always, Terry Pratchett is so much fun! This particular Discworld novel tells the story of a misunderstood war between the Dwarves and the Trolls. Sam Vimes tries to solve the ancient mystery, while making it home every night in time to read his son his favourite bedtime story.

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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“His #mind worked fast, flying in emergency supplies of common sense, as human minds do, to construct a huge anchor in sanity and prove that what happened hadn't really happened and, if it had happened, hadn't happened much.” #QuotsyApr21

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I was excited to find I could fill today‘s #3Books challenge with Discworld books! ❤️ Sir Terry Pratchett. (One word titles: Snuff, Thud!, and Pyramids.)


OriginalCyn620 Cool covers! 4y
MayJasper I love the covers 🤩 - Mort 4y
KarenUK Such lovely editions! 😍💕 4y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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“He hated games. They made the world look too simple. . . Chess, in #particular, had always annoyed him. It was the dumb way the pawns went off and slaughtered their fellow pawns while the king lounged about doing nothing. If only the pawns would've united . . . the whole board could've been a republic in a dozen moves.” #QuotsyAug20

MariaW ❤️ 4y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Anyone else seeing a problem here? 😩

hermyknee Oh no!!!! 5y
BookmarkTavern 😱😱😱 5y
Lindy Oh dear. Is the missing signature bound in further ahead in the book? 5y
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Maike @Lindy sadly no. It‘s just missing altogether 😔 But I already have confirmation that I will get a replacement, so at least there‘s that. 5y
Lindy @Maike it‘s a shame that your reading has been interrupted this way. 😕 5y
charl08 Argh. My dad used to work for a printer and sometimes would bring home books where something had gone slightly wrong. It took me a few times with this kind of thing happening (reading, the only place I have ever been an optimist) before I checked the pages FIRST before buying in! Hope your replacement copy comes soon! 5y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Spending some time with the Watch this morning.

Deifio Wow! Never seen this cover before! Is this some special edition? 5y
Maike @Deifio it‘s part of the Discworld collector‘s library. They are publishing all Discworld novels as hardbacks, I think about 30 of them are out already. 5y
Deifio Thanks for the info! 5y
Soubhiville Yay! I love The Watch 🧡🥕 5y
BookmarkTavern What a gorgeous edition! 😍 5y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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@NeedsMoreBooks asked on my 20 things about me post what tattoo I want to get.

I‘ve been thinking for years about getting a tattoo of the Guarding Dark from Discworld. I want to get it with something else intwined that I haven‘t figured out yet.

Books, and Discworld specifically have saved my life more times than I can count. And I feel like this would be a good way to show that.

There‘s just that pesky fear of needles to get over first. 😂

sheshedbooks Can relate on fear of needles! 😭 My ma used to keep hold of me whenever my siblings and I get our shots because there was one time that I ran all the way back home from the clinic. 5y
BookmarkTavern @greenreads Big mood! I had to go in to the doctor‘s a few weeks ago to find out what the hell was going on with me (pre Coronavirus panic), and they had to draw THREE vials of blood to do some tests! I just about passed out in the office! 😂 5y
sheshedbooks 😱😵 But you've endured, survived! 👏👏👏🙌 Well done! 5y
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Scochrane26 @ozma.of.oz just don‘t look at the needle during the tattoo process. It hurts, but if you really want one, it will be worth it. This design wouldn‘t take very long. 5y
NeedsMoreBooks 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I have wanted a tattoo since I was 13, still haven‘t gotten it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
BookmarkTavern @Scochrane26 Oh, I know. I still need to finish the design anyway. @NeedsMoreBooks When you‘re ready, you‘ll get it! 5y
AshleyHoss820 I didn‘t get my first tattoo until I was 35. 😊 I got a lotus flower on the back of my neck. When I was younger, I used to have to be held down for shots. I wasn‘t much better as an adult & I pass out a lot. Now, that being said, I almost fell asleep getting my tattoos. The one on my foot only bothered me when he got close to my pinkie toe. 😄 Of course, everyone is different, but when you‘re ready, it will be a rewarding experience! Cool design! 5y
BookmarkTavern @AshleyHoss820 That sounds like a lovely tattoo! Thank you! (edited) 5y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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This is what my first #MarchUnshelfing stack looks like! Eleven of them have been read. The remainder of which I‘ve lost interest in and I‘ve decided to pass along to someone who will enjoy them more. I am giving the bottom two to my mother in law, and the rest are being donated to my apartments “swapping bookshelf”. Here‘s to hoping I can keep this up! 💪🏻


RainyDayReading You‘re doing great! 5y
Clwojick @RainyDayReading thanks! ♥️ 5y
SW-T Great job! Awesome your apartment has a swap shelf to donate to. 😊 5y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett

Book 81 of the year finished (very early in the morning) Sept 30, audio

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My favourite #FantasySetting - enough said.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🌟💫 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser I have one of his books, I must read it one day. Are they stand alone books or do I need to read them in order? 5y
Jari-chan @Curiouser_and_curiouser They are all set in the same universe and you often meet characters from different books but usually each books is written as a stand alone. Which one do you own? Usually, they say it's best to start with “The colour of magic“ wich is also the first book in this series. 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser @Jari-chan wow, sounds cool. I have always wondered. I have The Light Fantastic. 5y
Jari-chan @Curiouser_and_curiouser That's a good one to start with, too. Even though I'd recommend to get The Colour of Magic first and then continue with The Light Fantastic. But either way I hope you'll enjoy Terry Pratchett 😊 5y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Forever grateful to Terry Pratchett for giving me the line, "Assemble the facts, digest the information, consider the implications. Then go postal. But with precision." ?

#discworld #currrentlyreading #amreading #thud #terrypratchett #ankhmorpok #discworldcitywatch #samvimes

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I had a very Discworld holiday! The three latest released signature series book, The Librarian statue, several pairs of themed socks, a Death‘s study art print, bookmarks and T-shirt‘s! I feel pretty lucky 😊.

Happy Christmas everyone! I hope all of you have a wonderful day 💚❤️💚❤️🎄

Simona Happy holidays to you too❣️ 6y
vivastory Nice! I definitely need to read more Pratchett. I think The Librarian is the spirit animal for most Littens. 6y
Heideschrampf I LOVE IT! Me wants! Is this the penguin linnen editions? 6y
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Dragon Merry Christmas 🎄! 💚🐉 6y
AnneCecilie Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
BookwormAHN Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
Aimeesue That Librarian! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
MayJasper Ooh heavenly 😍 @Cinfhen thanks 👍 6y
lahousewyfe Such wonders to behold! Merry, merry! (Totally jealous of the Librarian statue! ❤😍) 6y
Kaye Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
Leftcoastzen Wow ! Nice! 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas! 6y
AnimalRiotPress Merry Christmas! 🎄 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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In all the drama of our break-in last week, I forgot to post my new Discworld editions! I was so quick they weren't even in the shelves yet and the bookseller had to hunt them out of that morning's delivery 😂 #ookbookclub #speakhisname

mreads Great covers 6y
Moray_Reads Aren't they gorgeous? 😍 6y
DivineDiana Beautiful! ❤️ 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa So sorry you had a break-in! 6y
Moray_Reads @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it was pretty tough but we were lucky that nothing was taken (the police think they heard me coming home *shudders*) and most of the damage is already repaired. Some new paint and we should be right as rain very soon 6y
vivastory You may have thwarted my folio heist this time, Moray... Seriously though, I'm glad that nothing was taken & more importantly that you & your flatmate are safe, if understandably shaken. 6y
Moray_Reads @vivastory I should have suspected! Only you would have been devious enough to come through the ceiling! Feeling much better now that our hatch is well and truly secure and the ceiling had been replastered. Even though now everything I own is covered in plaster dust. When will my flat be clean again?! 😩 To be fair, my letting agent has been bloody brilliant 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Moray_Reads So lucky and that would be so scary! Take Care and I‘m glad it‘s turning around quickly. 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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The dwarves and the trolls are heading towards war while Vimes and the guard try to head them off.

#BookishBingo category: Starts with a murder

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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“He hated games. They made the world look too simple...Chess, in particular, had always annoyed him. It was the dumb way the pawns went off and slaughtered their fellow pawns while the king lounged about doing nothing. If only the pawns would've united, maybe talked the rooks round, the whole board could've been a republic in a dozen moves.” #King #QuotsyOct18 #QuotsyCatchup

Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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#read #quotsysept18 illustration © Paul Kidby

TK-421 ❤️ 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Pratchett Collector‘s Library editions coming this November 2018!
I just stumbled upon listings for:
Making Money
Unseen Academicals
(They usually come out in 4s so keep your eyes open?!)

@Soubhiville @Moray_Reads mark your calendar! 📚
#pratchettposse #discworld

Moray_Reads Oh, oh! And Thud! is my absolute favourite. Thanks for bringing this to my attention x 6y
elkeOriginal @Moray_Reads It‘s my pleasure to enable your addiction 😁 6y
Soubhiville 😍 yay!!! You know I‘m all over them! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart So excited for these x 6y
elkeOriginal @Moray_Reads I have not read Thud 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I love this cover - they look like little Lewis chessmen!!💕 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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This is one of the weirdest Pratchett books, I think. I just reread it, and I still never quite figured out the Darkness (metaphor? Reality?). To me, political/philosophical possibilities got in the way of a good story. Also the deep-down dwarfs were just too weird to provide a good-humored parallel, as Pratchett mostly does...am I way off-base? #pratchett #paranormal #satire

julesG I've been rereading the first few Discworld books with the #OokBOokClub these past months. Have yet to read Thud! Apart from the satire in Pratchett's books, I was reminded of Harry Potter a lot. Did JKR get some of her ideas from Pratchett? 6y
EloisaJames @julesG an interesting thought! She was a willing thief, as are all good writers—what were you thinking of particularly? 6y
julesG The Unseen University with its great hall, a talking hat, library. Magic running in families. I remember that I thought of more things while reading, especially Equal Rites, but I forgot. 6y
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EloisaJames @julesG I don‘t remember the talking hat! The great hall reminded me of a degree I did at Oxford, long ago l. 6y
julesG The hat of the arch-chancellor of the UU talks to Rincewind in Sourcery. Oh yes, the great hall made me think of Oxford, too. And of (medieval) palaces. Maybe my mind is too much stuck in the Harry Potter world since I'm reading the books with my daughter at the moment. 6y
EloisaJames @julesG I loved the years of reading to my son...wistfully. 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I‘m rereading Thud and loving its pure cleverness. The policemen are my fav thread in Ankh-Morpork. This one strays a long way from the city and gets pretty confusing, but if you trust Pratchett and just settle in for the ride, it‘s great! Vimes is marvelous, as always. #pratchett #urbanfantasy #satire

JSW Someone recently told me I need to read Pratchett but I don‘t know where to start. Recommendations? 6y
julesG @JSW pick one of the later Discworld ones. I read the Macbeth retelling first. Also, there is a very long buddyread going on, #OokBOokClub, organised by @TricksyTails 6y
JSW Thanks @julesG ! 6y
EloisaJames Men at Arms is my favorite! I love the police force but the Shakespeare novels are fantastic too, as @julesG says. 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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MariaW Best character of all times - such a wry sense of humour you have to laugh hard 😍😍😍 #speakhisname 6y
Moray_Reads Sam Vimes - a role model for us all ♥️ 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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This is not the #hoard you are looking for. #sorrynotsorry

#Quotsy #QuotsyMay18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

TK-421 😂 6y
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Thud! | Terry Pratchett
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I like to have an audiobook and physical book going on at any given time, this is the current!