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Fliegende Fetzen: Ein Scheibenwelt-Roman | Terry Pratchett
Ein neues Land taucht auf im Runden Meer der Scheibenwelt. Die Bewohner von Ankh-Morpork sind der Meinung, dass die Insel ihnen gehrt, bedauerlicherweise glauben das aber auch die Bewohner von Klatsch. Es kommt zu diplomatischen Wirren, und als auf einen klatschianischen Abgesandten ein Attentat verbt wird, droht die Lage zu eskalieren. Schon setzen sich die Schiffe beider Seiten in Bewegung, um dem Gegner zu zeigen, wer das Sagen hat ...
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Felt like reading it for the first time. There was a lot more adventure and hilarious hijinks than I remembered! I will say certain sections were tough to read in light of recent events. Major plot points involve the disputed occupation of a piece of land and racism, prejudice and violence between those of different ethnicities/religions/cultures. Satire bites harder, hurts more when it was written decades ago and continues to be relevant. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 Highlights for me: 1) Vimes recognizing all the ugly and futile parts of war and dirty politics while continually reaffirming where the line is for himself as an officer of the law, what he should and should not have the power to do. 2) Nobby having gender feels (⚠️various character reactions do not age well) 3) Vetinari out of the palace and causing breathtakingly competent havoc 🤌🏻 11mo
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Okay, you get points for that one.
A+ 'pune'. 😉

julesG 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I love them.

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Awww, anxious gargoyle! 🥺 They should have a rooftop party next year.

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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What makes this truly mind-boggling is I believe similarly poor sartorial choices are actually part of military history. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Singout What Terry Pratchett book would you start with? A lot of my friends admire him, but the one I tried just didn‘t work for me. 11mo
Robotswithpersonality @Singout I think the writing gets better as the series progresses. I lucked out in randomly picking up Snuff first, but it is the last of the City Watch/Sam Vimes books, so I did get mild spoilers for plot points in his life. I've heard others who also don't really like Rincewind (wizard) as the main character, but do enjoy the witch books. (Anything with Weatherwax, Ogg, definitely prefer the later ones). If you just want to get a feel for the Discworld and don't mind emphasis on a theme, I might go with the Monstrous Regiment, The Truth or Small Gods. If you'd rather read from criminal makes good POV, than cop POV, try Going Postal, it's the first book with Moist Lipwig. For a more traditional, fairly mature YA fantasy bent, try the first Tiffany Aching book, Wee Free Men, she grows and so does the prose as her books go on. Happy reading! 11mo
Singout Thank you! Lots of good insights there.
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I would pay admission to that exhibit. 🎟️🪖⛑️

Texreader Me too!! 11mo
julesG Me too! 11mo
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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The desperate try of Ankh Morporkian aristocracy to overthrow Verinari. Well, not under Sam Vimes‘ (Night) Watch and not with Verinari‘s political calculations and his sharp tongue. Ah, and there‘s a long lost island as well. 😜

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Collecting … Discworld: The City Watch Collection 😁

4 down, 4 to go ❣️

Guards! Guards! ✅
Men at Arms ✅
Feet of Clay ✅
Jingo ✅
The Fifth Elephant
Night Watch

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Can't believe I'm halfway through Discworld! I've really felt Pratchett getting into his groove over the last few books in the series, and this was no exception. Very funny, with some serious undertones about the world in which we live, focusing in this book on racism and xenophobia.

#doublespin for October complete! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I loved this Nobby, undercover dressed as a woman, side story.


JazzFeathers 😂😂😂💪👏👏👏👏 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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GingerAntics I love the deep philosophical ideas Pratchett buried in his writing. 4y
JazzFeathers My goodness, that's so accurate and disturbing. 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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😂. And so it begins!


Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Finally finished #PratchettPosse I‘m running behind on a bunch of my planned reading at the moment, so definitely me and not the book. I really liked this one, you get the prejudices, and then he undermines every one of them. I love the Leonardo Di Vinci-like character homages, Nobby on woman‘s rights, all the commentary on Us verses Them, etc. This one will be a favorite for sure, the Watch books are definitely winners for me.


Freespirit I haven't read any of his books. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Freespirit He starts out with such silly stories on the surface, but there is a lot of wit and social commentary, etc in them too just below the surface. 4y
Freespirit I will need to remedy that I think😊 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Freespirit I hope you enjoy them. 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Love this. Enough said. 😁😁

#ookbookclub #pratchettposse

Jingo (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find the #Jingo post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #Jingo! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

@TricksyTails #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

julesG Favourite quotes: "One of the universal rules of happiness is: always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual." + "Veni, vici...Vetinari." 4y
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khooliha I loved this book, whiiiiich might be made obvious by the half million posts I made about it. I remembered it being good and carried a worry that it wouldn't have aged well and I was so glad to have been wrong! 4y
julesG @khooliha That's right. It aged well. 4y
gossamerchild I finished finished this today. I freaking love Commander Vimes. He's just so...human. I love his thought processes. 4y
julesG @gossamerchild You're right. Vimes is "down to earth". I used to like Carrot more but the #OokBOokClub re-read of the Watch books made me a Vimes fan. ? 4y
gossamerchild @julesG I think the two of them together are just perfect. Each other's foils 🥰 4y
julesG @gossamerchild I admit, I even hate-love/love-hate Vetinari. There are a few instances throughout the Watch stories when I think he's right about some things. But he's the villain, of course. 😁 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @gossamerchild I just finished too! And yes, I think they are the perfect foils. Vimes is so human, the Everyman, and Carrot is the too perfect to be true ideal that works, but only for him. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @khooliha I loved it too, and I highlighted a bunch of quotes to post too. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa So anyway, I finished, better late than never....I‘m running behind on a bunch of my planned reading at the moment, so definitely me and not the book. I really liked this one, you get the prejudices, and then he undermines every one of them. I love the Leonardo Di Vinci-like character homages, Nobby on woman‘s rights, all the commentary on US verses Them, etc. This one will be a favorite for sure, the Watch books definitely winners for me. 4y
khooliha @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It's a very quotable book! 4y
khooliha @julesG You know, I don't know if I've ever thought of Vetinari as the villain - I see him as a guy trying to build a perpetual plate spinning machine while in the midst of spinning the plates. I certainly think Vimes and a bunch of other people see him as a villain, though. 4y
julesG @khooliha That's what I was going for. That he's supposed to be the villain for some. I should probably be more literary and call him the antagonist. Sounds better than villain. 😉 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Despite finsihing the book I am still thinking about it, so another thought, about the Dis-Organizer again because I'm obsessed: the split could be seen as coming down to love of country vs love of the people you have relationships with. The duty of staying and defending your city (and dying for it needlessly) versus the drive to help/protect your friends and loved ones (and you stop a war).

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Radio Morpork has pointed out the horrifying flipside of the already pretty horrifying Dis-Organizer mix up plot: the Vimes in Ankh Morpork is getting notifications about succeeding in stoppibg the war as everything falls apart around him, right up to his death. And I thought the half we see was scary!

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I gave this ol' paperback a hug mere seconds before taking this picture. I am emotional about how much I love this book!

Jingo | Terry Pratchett

Vimes loves himself a bath and I respect that about him.

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Also, my feelings on the comedy crossdressing stuff in this book are as bad as I was worried they'd be? Nobby really takes to it, is the thing. Sort of reminds me of Jerry/Daphne in Some Like It Hot.

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Also, I'll be the first to say I haven't especially liked how Carrot and Angua's relationship is written on this reread, mostly with the dog stuff, but I think it's more interesting here specifically because it is paralleled with Vetinari and Vimes' relationship, one the book would tell you isn't romantic in the slightest. Takes some of the weirdness out of the former.

khooliha (PS I have definitely ended up shipping Vetinari and Vimes, but mostly in a one sided, Vetinari has the feelings way. Sam would have to work through a lot, I would think!) 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett

There are so many good images of Vetinari -doing things- in this book, and I'm not even talking the obvious scene (which is also delightful). He just decided to take a nap on someone else's souvenir and it brought a tear to my eye! Vetinari!

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Just reached the moment with the swapped Dis-organizers and I remember this subplot giving me chills. I've been enjoying the Dis-organizer in this reread and I think this is its last book? Where else to go from here?

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Jingo is one of my favorites; hilarious and very quotable; timeless about ethnic hate, warmongering, and how good people living together for generations can turn on each other overnight if agitated by politicians. Vimes is at his best; but Vetinari steals the show with his performance as a civilian in Klatch. We have Nobby as a woman, Carrot as a military leader, and Vimes in outfits he really hates; Leonard de Quirm in a submarine...⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Jingo | Terry Pratchett

I cannot believe that one of the things this reread is teaching me is that Nobby has more moral fiber and policing skills than Colon.

Jingo | Terry Pratchett

I've started Jingo for #OokBOokClub and I am already pondering something I forgot, namely Vetinari, the lax tax collecting tyrant. I guess he doesn't collect taxes from the various rich figures in the city to have leverage over them? But I'm also wondering if it's a way to have an excuse to not have a standing army or navy.

MariaW 🤗 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #Jingo!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

MariaW 😍 4y
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julesG @MariaW Why don't you join us? 4y
Catherine_Willoughby Getting through my #Discworld TBR pile - need to reed Pyramids and Guards Guards before I jump to Interesting Times lol 4y
julesG @Catherine_Willoughby I made good way with the audiobooks read by Nigel Planer(?). 4y
MariaW @julesG Kann im Moment nicht richtig abschalten. 🙈 4y
Catherine_Willoughby @julesG I listed to some of his and read some books- depends on the time I have 4y
julesG @MariaW Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass es bald besser wird 4y
DrexEdit So far behind with Discworld. Sigh. I hope to catch up to you all again soon! 4y
Gezemice I am reading it now. I think this might be his funniest work. 4y
julesG @Gezemice I might disagree on funniest. 😁 4y
Gezemice @julesG I know, there are so many out there! I think it probably dependson the mood when I read it. A lot of the Watch and the Witch novels (ooh, never realized this alliteration before) are very funny. Those are his best - the middle ones. Early is a bit too scattered and late gets more subdued. 4y
Iblu I am a bit behind still reading this having even jumped completely the Johnny book!!!! I‘ll catch up I promise!!! 4y
julesG @Iblu Don't worry. You'll catch up. 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Yet another Pratchett book that on the surface is hilarious, as always, yet has so many layers it's a hyper onion. Vimmes and the Watch are thrown into the middle of a diplomatic disaster that could explode in war between Ankh-Morpork and Klatch. All due to an island rising from the depths of the circle sea exactly halfway between the two.
In his usual blood minded way, Vimmes with weedle and bluff his way to a bloodless conclusion. 5/5 Stars

Jingo (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #JINGO! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on July 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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1 For number of books read would be the the late great Sir Terry Pratchett. Nothing is better than a good laugh when reading and he rarely failed to deliver.
2. Perfect night out is with my husband to a high end Japanese restaurant and retiring to a hotel suite.
3. My favorite book setting is anywhere fantastical.
#wonderouswednesday @eggs

Eggs Great responses ❣️ Thanks for playing 📚🤗📚 4y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett

Pratchett handles diplomacy and war very very well

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I picked up one Discworld book as a comfort read and haven‘t been able to stop. So now apparently I‘m re-reading the watch series #gnuterrypratchett #discworld #redfoxink

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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#fanfiction 'Canon' storyline, as diverged from the other leg of the Trousers of Time. A fricken' suckerpunch right in the feels, but with a reasonably Pratchettian ending. Kudos to the extraordinary namedropping; boo to the fact I want more chapters. Recommended.

the job they didn't have to do

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Yeah, this is never going to be a favorite Pratchett, despite having so many great characters. Pratchett‘s send-up of various wars and invasions in the Middle East and Southeast Asia does a good job of satirizing western stereotypes of the regions, eventually, but it felt the need to linger on the worst cultural assumptions for a good long while first. Not one I see myself revisiting.

Butterfinger So sweet. 5y
craftysilicate I was never a big fan of this one either, for the same reasons. 5y
ladym30 What a cutie!❤️ 5y
NeedsMoreBooks ❤️🐶❤️🐶 5y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Very nearly bailed on this one in the first 50 pages, as its satire of British wars in the Middle East and India merged a little too closely with reality for comfort. (It‘s hard to show you‘re poking fun at close-mindedness when you‘re using the same slurs as the ones you‘re making fun of.)

But I pushed on and, while I don‘t think this will ever be a favorite Discworld book, the satire is starting to outweigh the rest.

Bookzombie I‘m so jealous of your window seat! I always wanted one as a kid. 😍 5y
emtobiasz @Bookzombie thanks! I‘m so glad Olive the dog shares it with me sometimes 🥰 5y
Bookzombie @emtobiasz Olive looks like a sweetie! 5y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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First book of #JumpStart2020 finished. I love Discworld.

Lizpixie Well done!👏👏 5y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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honestly I'm astounded this book was published in '97 when so many of the race relation issues satirized in the text have incredibly relatable modern parallels 🤔 yet another good Discworld read albeit one that is a bit longer than it needs to be imo

#fantasy #discworld

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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“Sergeant Colon had had a broad education. He‘d been to the School of My #Dad Always Said, the College of It Stands to Reason, and was now a postgraduate student at the University of What Some Bloke In the Pub Told Me.” #QuotsyJune19

Rudis 😂😂😂 5y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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In this Discworld episode, we get to spend some time with Vetinari and Leonard of Quirm, as well as all our favorites from the watch. Fun as always!

RealLifeReading One day I will collect these all! I‘ve only got Mort. 6y
Aimeesue Gollancz editions!❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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I just love the names of the Beggars Guild members. Listed here by Cumbling Michael. 🤣

(Shoot- just spotted the typo- “and” not “amd”... the Cumbling is correct, though my head wants it to be Crumbling, as he has a skin disorder...)

Aimeesue But where is Gaspode? “Woof.” 😂 6y
Soubhiville @Aimeesue he hasn‘t made an appearance in this book yet... 🐶 6y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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“The night is always old. He‘d walked too often down dark streets in the secret hours and felt the night stretching away, and known in his blood that while days and kings and empires come and go, the night is always the same age, always aeons deep. Terrors unfolded in the #velvet shadows and while the nature of the talons may change, the nature of the beast does not.” #QuotsyFeb19

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Prompt: Creature

Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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“Sergeant Colon had had a broad education. He‘d been to the School of My Dad Always Said, the College of It Stands to Reason, and was now a postgraduate student at the University of What Some Bloke In the Pub Told Me.” #Student #QuotsyOct18

Texreader 🤣 6y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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1. Jingo
2. Tove Jansson
3. Jonathan Creek
4. Jambalaya (mum is making it right now!)

#manicmonday #letterj @JoScho

britt_brooke Mmm, jambalaya! 6y
JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 6y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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Suzze 🤣🤣🤣 6y
2BR02B Wow, that's... some imagery, right there. 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @2BR02B I know, that‘s why I had to use it when I found it. There might be another Terry Pratchett with awkward but it won‘t be better than this one. 6y
Soubhiville 🤣😂🤣😂 6y
TK-421 😂 Love it! 🤣 6y
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Jingo | Terry Pratchett
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