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Book of Three
Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
The Newbery-winning fantasy series now available in gorgeous new paperback editions! Since "The Book of Three" was first published in 1964, young readers have been enthralled by the adventures of Taran the Assistant Pig-Keeper and his quest to become a hero. Taran is joined by an engaging cast of characters that includes Eilonwy, the strong-willed and sharp-tongued princess; Fflewddur Fflam, the hyperbole-prone bard; the ever-faithful Gurgi; and the curmudgeonly Doli all of whom have become involved in an epic struggle between good and evil that shapes the fate of the legendary land of Prydain. Released over a period of five years, Lloyd Alexander's beautifully written tales not only captured children's imaginations but also garnered the highest critical praise. "The Black Cauldron" was a Newbery Honor Book, and the final volume in the chronicles, "The High King," crowned the series by winning the Newbery Medal for "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children."Henry Holt is proud to present this classic series in a new, redesigned paperback format. The jackets feature stunning art by acclaimed fantasy artist David Wyatt, giving the books a fresh look for today's generation of young fantasy lovers. The companion book of short stories, "The Foundling" is also available in paperback at this time. In their more than thirty years in print, the Chronicles of Prydain have become the standard of excellence in fantasy literature for children."
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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This book was so much fun! I can‘t wait to continue reading this series and follow the adventure of Taran 🗡️ Thanks again @Chrissyreadit these books are amazing 💛

Chrissyreadit I‘m so glad you liked it!! I love these books so much 💚 6mo
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Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Another NYPL 100 Best Kids Books read.

This was a quick read about Taran and his friends and adventures. Definitely recommended and reminded me somewhat or LOTR and Narnia. Although, if you loved those two, I am sure you've read this one.

A soft pick but entertaining enough that I've added this to list of series to finish.

“Once you told me that the seeking counts more than the finding. So, too, must the striving count more than the gain.“

Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander

I‘ve been wanting to reread the Chronicles of Prydain and so has my brother. Now we‘re buddy rereading along with his partner. I‘m so excited!

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I've read The Black Cauldron and love the Disney adaptation, so I thought I'd go back to the beginning of the series. Downloaded this on my kindle and it's one of my weekend plans. 🙌🏻

Nutmegnc Lloyd Alexander is so talented!! 2y
Chrissyreadit These are one of my favorite series of all times 2y
laurieluna @Chrissyreadit it's such an easy read, love his writing style! 2y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Both my #bookspin this month and #ochristmastree for #averymerrybingo! Loved reading this classic fantasy adventure

HeyT Those covers were my favorite and I'm still upset there isn't an easier way to collect them. 3y
wideeyedreader @HeyT I kind of stumbled on this one! I think it a lot 3y
TheAromaofBooks Love this series so much!!! 3y
Jadams89 🎅🏻👍🏻🎁🎄🎉 3y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Oh I am so sad I never read this as a child, it would have been an instant favorite. It‘s adorable, funny and oh so sweet. Also there were so many other characters that I loved and helped flesh out the story that were not included in the Disney movie adaptation. I‘m excited to start the next book!

imyril One of my lifelong faves - always happy to see someone discover them. Book two is probably my fave, hope you enjoy it! 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh, I adored this series when I was a kid. I really ought to reread it! 3y
LibrarianRyan One of my favs!! 3y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Went to b&n only to look and found they had the whole set for once of The Chronicles of Prydain and snagged them while I could. I have never read these but of course have seen The Black Cauldron movie so I‘m finally going to do the proper thing and read the series haha.I‘m also strangely fine with the non removable award stickers on two of them.

Clare-Dragonfly I looooooved these books. Hmm… might be time for a reread! 4y
Chrissyreadit These amazing 🤩 I love them so much! 4y
Sweetkokoro @Clare-Dragonfly I always hear people gosh about them and I‘m so ashamed I have never read them. 4y
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Sweetkokoro @Chrissyreadit Ah I hope I fall into the same category. They are something I definitely would have read as little girl if I had known about them. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh these are favorites of mine - those editions are gorgeous!!! I'm definitely due for a reread on this series. 4y
chlolovesbooks So pretty! 4y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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#20series20days - Day 3 - random order - I absolutely love the Chronicles of Prydain, although my copies are quite mismatched!! Taran's growth through the series is a delight to watch, and Alexander's world-building is fantastic. This was the first (although not the last) series to inspire me with a yearning to visit Wales. Someday!!

I think Taran Wanderer is my favorite, but it's honestly hard to choose!!

Andrew65 Sounds great! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - I'm a little surprised that you've never read these - they seem like books you would have come across already!! They are fun stories, but as a young reader I think I was mostly drawn in by the absolute magic of the names involved, which Alexander borrowed heavily from the Welsh! 4y
Chrissyreadit Ohhh! Yes!! I love these books so much! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Andrew65 Don‘t know how but these have by passed me my whole life, thanks for drawing them to my attention. 😊 4y
Andrew65 Just seen they are all available on Scribd. 4y
Tracey3 Wonderful series. 4y
ravenlee One of my (and definitely my daughter‘s) favorite series! 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser I only have the Book Of Three, given to as a child. Is this the first book in this series? Looks like I will have to hunt out the rest to complete the collection. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Curiouser_and_curiouser - Yes, Book of Three is the first in the series. They're aimed at younger readers, so they can be a smidge simplistic at times, but the world-building, characters, and sense of place are delightful. I highly recommend reading the first one to see if you'll enjoy them. 4y
LitStephanie I read these as a child. I can't remember what they were about, but I remember really liking them. 4y
LibrarianRyan This is so on my list as well. 4y
LeahBergen I never read these as a kid (but I‘ve thought about trying them now 😊). 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I love these books SO much that I wrote my college essay about them, and I went to Wales because of them! I should do a reread! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - That is so fun!! Between these books & the Cadfael mysteries, I've wanted to visit Wales for a very long time! 4y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Day 13 of a book from my shelves with random thoughts - here we have Alexander's Prydain Chronicles, which I LOVE. I have managed to collect hardcovers of the last three books, which also have my favorite covers. It's been way too long since I delved into this series!!

ravenlee I love this series, and so does my daughter! 4y
HeyT I remember those exact covers (the hardcovers) from when I read these from the local library when I was much younger. I need to reread the series now that I own the paperback box set. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I should reread these! It‘s been too long, and I loved them so much when I was a kid. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @ravenlee @HeyT @Clare-Dragonfly - I love these so much and can't believe how long it's been since I read them!!! 4y
AllisonM89 I had that copy of The Black Cauldron ❤️ 4y
erzascarletbookgasm These are great covers! 💙 4y
TheAromaofBooks @AllisonM89 - I picked it up at a thrift shop!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @erzascarletbookgasm - Thank you!! I especially love the cover of The High King!! 4y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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This series makes me nostalgic. I loved them as a child and when I noticed that Audible had the first two books as a collection for one credit, I decided to listen to the adventures of my favorite assistant pig keeper again. The audio version is wonderful. I love hearing all the Welsh sounding names. This collection contains the Book of Three and the Black Cauldron. A wonderful listen.

Bradleygirl I never thought of getting these via audio to get the Welsh sounds right! that's genius. 4y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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#WyrdAndWonder day 27: not all heroes wear capes

“Coll? A hero? But he‘s so bald!” - and yet, Taran of Caer Dallben. And yet.

I adore the Prydain books and the many lessons their hotheaded protagonist has to learn; not least the many shapes heroism may take, few of which are advertised with youth or a full head of hair.

TheAromaofBooks Oh I LOVE these books so much! 4y
imyril @TheAromaofBooks one of my earliest memories of mail ordering books - I don‘t recall whether it was The Black Cauldron or The Castle of Llyr - but whichever it was I ordered the other next time around and then slowly hunted up the rest. I read so many series completely out of sequence as a kid 😂 didn‘t reduce how much I love them 💝 4y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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(audiobook review)

I really enjoyed this rendition of one of my all time favorite books!! The narrator had a really soothing pitch and momentum that lulled me into the story. I wasn‘t a *big* fan of how pronounced he made Eilonwy‘s voice, but it didn‘t stop me from falling in love with her, and Taran, and Flam and Gurgi and all the rest all over again! 2nd for #24in48

Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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*yawns hugely* good morning y‘all! Waking myself up by listening to this childhood favorite. How‘s everyone doing? #24in48

LibrarianRyan Love this series. Funko made Pops for SDCC. They are only available on Amazon. 5y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Finally someone acknowledges the awesomeness that is the Black Caldron. My FAVORITE Disney movie. Based on the series of books. Book one is tagged in must add these to my collection.

TorieStorieS This was the first movie that I ever attended in the theater!! And the books are some of my favorites!!! 💗💗💗 5y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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The story of Taran is a story of growing up and finding where your place in life is.
Over all this was a meh type of book for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ish.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Had a discussion with my mom (my love of books is genetic 😆) about rereading books you liked and discovering that they weren‘t as good as you remembered. This series was her example. So far in my own reread, I‘m really enjoying them.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Got a new Kindle Oasis.
Ok, it's used, but it's new to me. Going to read The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander as the first book on here.

RaimeyGallant Looks nice! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Tylercaulfield Thank you 6y
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 6y
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🎈 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
Rissreads Hello and welcome 📚 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
Lel2403 Welcome to Litsy 📖 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander

Good action adventure Fantasy

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I am sure Gurgi will #howl for crunchings and munchings 🖤🖤🖤 #octoberxfiles

Cinfhen That cover😳 6y
ravenlee LOVE this series. I‘m reading it to my daughter now. 6y
Chrissyreadit @ravenlee yay! It was a favorite of mine and my kids! 6y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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dragondrool Loved these as a kid. I should reread it. 6y
StayCurious I loved the entire Series❤️ 5y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Bought all 5 books of Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain some years back, used for about $10 total. FINALLY got around to reading the first of the series and am annoyed with myself for waiting so long. A funtastic story full of adventure, suspense, and a world rich with history, magical creatures, and diverse characters. Excited to continue on through the saga!

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Some of my favorite books. Day 6 of 7: The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
#books #bookstagram #library #fantasy #favoritebooks

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Back in high school, I discovered Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain series. This series is what started my love of fantasy. I couldn't get enough and started borrowing books from the library left and right. To this day, this series holds a special place on my bookshelves and my heart.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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In fourth grade, I discovered this book and it quickly became my favorite and started my love of fantasy novels! Though I read it multiple times when younger, I listened to the audio version for the first time now and was surprised with how much I remembered- though written in the 1960s, this book still holds up today and it feels modern and fresh! And #audiocoloring while listening was a genuine treat!!

Clare-Dragonfly I really loved these books as a kid! I reread them… sometime in the past ten years and I think I still loved them. 6y
TorieStorieS @Clare-Dragonfly Yay!! So happy to find a fellow fan! I‘m having such fun listening to them for the first time!! 6y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander

Finished reading this to the kid tonight. She loved it! Which kind of surprised me, I admit. We'll read a few other things before forging ahead in the series.
It does read a bit like other fantasy series, with some stock characters, but it's a great middle-grade quest/good-vs-evil with young protagonist story. Good intro to Tolkien and other classics.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Published in the 1960s, this start to The Chronicles of Prydain holds its own in the world of high fantasy written for children. The key is the witty dialog and quirky cast of characters. Taran is an assistant pig-keeper who longs to be a hero. When he gets the opportunity, he learns it‘s more complicated & just as dangerous as he expected. As I read it, I couldn‘t help but think it was like LOTR for young readers (in a good way). A fun read.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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The first chapter was delightful. I do believe this is going to be a fun read.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Somehow, and I‘m not really sure how it‘s possible, I‘ve not read this series. I really feel as if I should so taking this one home with me and putting it on the top of the TBR pile.

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7 days 7 book covers .
Post a book cover you love. No explanation, no information on the book. Just a book cover you love.
Day 4

Kalalalatja That‘s a cute book! 7y
smilingshelves I love this series, but I've never seen this cover. I just might have to track these editions down for myself! 7y
Zelma Really like that cover! 7y
BucklingBookshelves I love that cover! I have the boxed set (with different covers) and keep forgetting I want to read them — maybe this year :) 7y
UrsulaMonarch Oooo this made me remember the beloved ! 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Couldn't agree more!

#bookdrunkard #books #fantasy

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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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For #30daysofreadathon‘s “alternative” prompt, I went with an alternate cover: the anniversary edition of Lloyd Alexander‘s The Book of Three from Henry Holt @deweysreadathon

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Thanks, @jdtchicago I think I was tagged for #topfivefaves before, so I'll do new answers this time. It was hard picking favorites anyway.
1. Series: Chronicles of Prydain
2. Movie: Rear Window
3. Color: Blue
4. Dessert: Tiramisu
5. Flower: Amaryllis

pppooraikul This chronicles! 😍 7y
RealBooks4ever Always wanted to read this series! 😻 7y
LeeRHarry I'm slowly collecting this series for my nephew - I think he'd like them, particularly as he's a little Welshie 😊 7y
DivineDiana Rear Window is a favorite! Grace Kelly's wardrobe is divine! 7y
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#fallintobooks days 18 & 19:
The Book of Three and the rest of the Black Cauldron series is a bit of a #sentimental read for me as it was probably the first fantasy and #quest -related books that I read (and reread over and over) as a kid. I loved the story of a young pig keeper and the special pig he cares for. And the band of misfits he meets along the way!

clconn17 I loved this series as a kid too! I've been thinking of rereading it and hope it is just as enjoyable as an adult. 7y
UrsulaMonarch Had totally forgotten about this series ! 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander

Didn't enjoy it so much, unfortunately. At the back of my mind I'm always thinking it's a rip-off of some "grownup" fantasy series, so I should probably steer clear of this kind of books from now on.

Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Nearing my 6 hour mark for the #24in48 readathon. A long way to go, I know! About 100 pages into a new fantasy series (that my husband has been raving about for age) and snacking on these jellybeans. I think Dumbledore would approve of these choices. @24in48

aeeklund This was one of my childhood favorites. And has continued to be a favorite as I've grown up. I hope you enjoy them!! 7y
AdeleReads I loved the first one! Now just have to decide if I'll go to book two next or switch it up and read another kind of book. But excited for my return to Prydain. (edited) 7y
bookishbitch I also enjoyed these books. More than I was expecting. 7y
AdeleReads @bookishbitch I'm glad I finally started the series, and will be cool to see how the characters mature and change. 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander

Very good!

readinginthedark I love this series!!! 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I couldn't settle on just one book for #awholeneworld so here's a #shelfie. I love fantasy! My shelves are pretty jumbled, so this is a mixture of old beloved favorites (Lloyd Alexander), newer favorites (Tam Lin), and TBR (History of Wolves). #jubilantjuly

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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lildeb_8 The Chronicles of Prydain was one of my favorite series as a child! 7y
readordierachel The Golem and the Jinni is sooo good. Enjoy! 7y
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jfalkens @ReadOrDieRachel thank you 😊 I'm starting it first 😀 7y
brennahawleycraig 😍 what an amazing order! My husband is reading the Golem and the Jinni right now. 7y
jfalkens @brennahawleycraig thank you 😊 I placed another order yesterday 😂😂 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Audiobook done, but I have less than 100pgs left in this book so.... WHY NOT? 🙃🙃🙃 #litsypartyofone

JazzFeathers Been ages of ages since last l read Lloyd Alexander! 7y
StephanieMarie @JazzFeathers it's actually my first time! Not sure how that happened! I'm loving it so far 7y
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Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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My turn:

1️⃣Farm country and Capitol of Illinois.
2️⃣this one is always so hard... adult... To kill a mocking bird ... kids... Bridge to terebithia
3️⃣the phaydian Chronicals
4️⃣tie: Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal
5️⃣Big Bang Theory
6️⃣nirvana, U2
7️⃣acid green, cranberry, and aqua
9️⃣state library
🔟2 fur babies who have been posted before: Flibbitty- Jibbett, and the Dali Lama

Lauren_reading I went to college in Jacksonville, IL :) it was too rural for me to stay though. 7y
sprainedbrain The Labyrinth! Nirvana! ❤️ 7y
LibrarianRyan @LaurenReads Springfield isn't rural enough. However the new house , while in town is almost like living in the country. McMurry? 7y
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rachelm You remind me of the babe. 7y
LibrarianRyan @rachelm the babe with the power😉 7y
NCNY Oooh. Acid green. Great color! 7y
rachelm 😁 7y
autumnlupin did you hear they're doing a dark crystal prequel thing??? I can only hope it's good, the dark crystal is an incredible movie, skeksis aside 7y
LibrarianRyan @autumnlupin I know. I can't decide if I'm excited or fearful. 7y
Bklover My daughter and her husband live in Springfield. Visit a lot (I went to high school there as well). I'm about an hour and a half away! 7y
maich We have match in 8.❤ 7y
LibrarianRyan @Bklover 👍🏻 maybe one day we can do a meet up. 7y
LibrarianRyan @maich 👍🏻🤓 7y
Bklover @LibrarianRyan That would be fun!! 7y
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Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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#aprilbookshowers day 28: #aneeyorekindofread
While the general air of this series is relatively hopeful, there is one character I would think Eeyore would approve of, and that is Doli of the "fair folk", the curmudgeonly dwarf

LeahBergen A madeleine! 7y
OffTheBeatenShelf.com Such a cute teapot! 7y
Chachic What a lovely #bookandtea shot! That edition of the book is gorgeous. 7y
aeeklund I love Doli so much! 7y
elkeOriginal Gorgeous photo! 7y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Rereading some of the books I own. I did enjoy this one, but whoooey the coded racism is a thing. #bookshelfproject #booksiown #fantasy

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I scoured my shelves and found these. #publishedinthe1960s #aprilbookshowers

bookslesstravelled I just read the Book of Three and loved it! I read The Black Cauldron years ago, so I've long been a fan of Alexander's work. 8y
AmandaL @adventuresthruwonderland I read it yeeeaaars ago and loved it. Alexander definitely helped cement my love of fantasy as a kid. 😊 8y
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One of my favorite series as a kid, I was so happy when they started putting these lovely editions out. #publishedinthe1960s #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I first read this book when I was seven or eight, and found it all kinds of epic. Reading it again as an adult, it was a little less so. While still a great story with enjoyable characters, I found the pacing a little too quick. Listening to the audiobook I just kept wishing the author would slow down and let me savor the depth of the world. Still a great read. If rated with stars, it'd be a 4 out of 5. Not sure if I'll continue the series.

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This is the 50th anniversary hardcover edition of The Book of Three. I managed to grab a copy from Book Outlet at a good price! There is also a 50th anniversary edition of The Black Cauldron but I'm not sure about the rest of the series.

bookwrm526 I LOVE this series, but somehow I didn't read them until I was in college! 8y
emtobiasz I think it's time for a reread of this series! 8y
Moray_Reads Gorgeous! 8y
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TheKidUpstairs I don't know this series, but that is one beauty of a cover! 8y
LeeRHarry How lovely, I have never read these but being a Welshy I definitely should! 😏 8y
LibrarianRyan I'll have to keep an eye out. I have not seen it on book out let and I seem to buy copies for gifts often enough. Thanks for the new photos. 8y
I-read-and-eat I love these books! Only read them after I started studying Middle Welsh. I really missed out as a kid 😊 8y
silentrequiem So pretty. I never finished the series. I deliberately stopped before I could finish The High King because I didn't want it to end. 8y
tstan One of my favorite series as a preteen. 8y
Clare-Dragonfly Beautiful! I really loved this series when I was a kid. 8y
HKGirl Wow! 😍 8y
Chachic Gorgeous! 8y
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#marchintoreading day 6: #happyreads

They might not be all happy in terms of content but the sight of these books always makes me happy!

BibliophileMomma So pretty! 8y
LibrarianRyan Your hardcover of book of three is gorgeous! I have to ask where you got it. And is the entire series available? 8y
GypsyKat So pretty! 💗 8y
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rubyslippersreads They make a lovely rainbow, too. 😄 8y
erzascarletbookgasm What a pretty sight! I'm happy looking at them! 8y
britt_brooke Ooh, this makes me happy, too. Gorgeous! 8y
Chachic Beautiful editions! 8y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I second @LibrarianRyan That Book of Three looks gorgeous! 8y
BoldCityBooks The Book of Three is great! Nice introduction into fantasy for children (and adults too!) 8y
LibrarianRyan @optojake when I was still doing children's book clubs I had a parent tell me I was morbid for having the kids read Book of 3. All because of the cover. 8y
BoldCityBooks @LibrarianRyan I have learned this fact in life: "Complainers complain and unhappy people are unhappy." Those parents need to get over themselves and read the actual book. 8y
TheBookStacker Gorgeous books! 😍 8y
Reviewsbylola 😍😍😍 8y
RealLifeReading @LibrarianRyan ugh parents. I was actually considering reading it aloud to my kids. But I think 3 might be a bit early! 8y
RealLifeReading @rubyslippersreads @erzascarletbookgasm @britt_brooke @Chachic I hope to one day collect all the Puffin in Bloom series. They're such beautiful books! 8y
RealLifeReading @TobeyTheScavengerMonk @LibrarianRyan I was lucky and found it on bookoutlet.com. It's a 50th anniversary edition. 8y
LisaD0115 Beautiful shelf! 8y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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This was loaned to me by a friend. It was so much more than I expected it to be. Loved it and can't wait to dig into the next in the series.

The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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"I have studied the race of men," Medwyn continued. "I have seen that alone you stand as weak reeds by a lake. You must learn to help yourselves, that is true; but you must also learn to help one another. Are you not, all of you, lame ants?"

Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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Fun and imaginative children's fantasy novel! AND I'm working on my A to Z challenge too.