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Het Rosie project
Het Rosie project | Graeme Simsion
Graeme Simsion, Het Rosie Project `Spannend, nerdy, lief en grappig. Het Rosie Project wordt een wereldwijde hit.' NRC Handelsblad De autistische Don Tillman doceert genetica aan de universiteit. Hij is superintelligent, kan geweldig koken en is op zoek naar een vrouw. Door zijn sociale onhandigheid is hij echter nooit verder gekomen dan een eerste date. Met behulp van een zestien pagina's tellende vragenlijst hoopt hij zijn perfecte partner te vinden. Dan komt Rosie Jarman in zijn leven: verre van perfect, maar wel intelligent en mooi. En ze is ook op zoek naar haar biologische vader, een zoektocht waarbij Don haar misschien zou kunnen helpen. De Australir Graeme Simsion werkte als consultant, maar verkocht zijn bedrijf om fulltime schrijver te worden. Met zijn debuutroman Het Rosie Project verovert hij de wereld. De filmrechten zijn verkocht aan Sony Pictures. `Geestig debuut over de eigenaardigheden van een begaafde autist.' de Volkskrant `Een van de meest innemende, charmante, fascinerende literaire personages die ik in lange tijd heb ontmoet.' The Times
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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Eggs Perfect 🚲💕 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this cover 💙 4mo
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I moved this up my TBR after @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks posted about it. I listened to the audio which was well done. It was quirky and fun. #Loveathon #ValentinesDayReadathon #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Andrew65 Loved this book. Well done 👏👏👏 2y
DieAReader Awesome job!🥳🥳 2y
LiseWorks This was a fun read for me too 2y
Clwojick Fantastic! Way to go! 2y
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And . . . time to bail

I just don't care about anything happening in this book 😕

SheReadsAndWrites I tried that one a while ago and never finished either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Ready to start this after @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks mentioned Sheldon and laughter 😁




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Lets try this again w/the correct pixels. I am thirty-nine years old, tall, fit, and intelligent, with a relatively high status and above-average income as an associate professor. Logically; I should be attractive to a wide range of women. In the animal kingdom, I would succeed in reproducing. 🤣 & there you go, the idiocracy of the human brain sometimes w/ the way life will smack w/ suprises. This romantic comedy is charming & so familiar

CoffeeNBooks I enjoyed this book a lot! Welcome to Litsy 📚! 2y
Deblovestoread Welcome! 2y
Love_Books_a_Latte Thanks for the welcome! This book was a welcome to the silly side of Aspergers & pretty good take from both sides. It was a suprise joy 2y
ShelleyBooksie Welcome to Litsy!! I love your username 2y
Love_Books_a_Latte Thanks 😁 thought it was fitting, I nearly always have a coffee while I read 2y
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion

I enjoyed this book tremendously!! It was a quick read, and it is the basis for a movie currently in production ~~ look forward to reading the sequel. The flow, storyline, character development & humor was fun & feel-good.

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme

I sympathised with the main character and his reasoning and logical approach to life's problem.

The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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Andrew65 A great choice. 3y
Eggs ❤️📚👍🏼 3y
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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☕️ ❤️😽🖤

Klou This photo is beautiful 😍 3y
Cupcake12 I loved this book, lovely photo x 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Klou thank you Kyra ❤️ 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cupcake12 thank you Kerry 💞 3y
Eggs Great photo ❤️🖤❤️🐈‍⬛ 3y
BookBabe Such a fun book! I‘ve always wanted to implement his meal system! 😄🙌🏻 3y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
Such a fun and touching read about a man with high functioning autism looking for a wife and learning how to connect.

Book 37

The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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This is a lively, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy that kept me reading. I loved Don‘s voice & the seeming clarity with which he was able to see ethical dilemmas & nonstandard relationships.

The book is faithful to the rom com trajectory, however, & as Don masters etiquette there is a loss of the book‘s initial charm & a depressingly stifled resolution on what marriage should look like & what fatherhood means. This just isn‘t the genre for me.

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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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Oh my gosh. I am a little blown away. I started it this morning (this is a book club pick for September) planning to read a few pages but I don‘t want to stop. This is the funniest, most charming book I‘ve read in awhile. Also, at one point I was full-on crying so, yeah, I‘m loving this so far.

Reggie I loved this book, too. He was soooo funny. It shouldn‘t be funny now but how he proves to the parents in the beginning about how their kids think without emotion and puts that question about the baby and a gunman up. Lolol I couldn‘t stop laughing. 3y
Michael_Gee @Reggie That was the moment I was sold! Omg, so funny!! 3y
RosePressedPages I loved this book! It was so much fun! 3y
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This was a cute romcom with a socially awkward hero and a strong heroine. I liked watching Don learn to defy his set patterns and fall for Rosie.

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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💛💛💛 I found this quite an enjoyable read in parts and boring/predictable for the rest. It was lighthearted and the character of Don was endearing. I did however feel the author was using difficulties of having autistic spectrum disorder to try and generate comedy which just felt awkward. Not sure if I'll be reading the rest of the trilogy...

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I am loving the #booked2021 challenge for getting through books that have been on my shelf for years! Here‘s another for #SetInAustralia. I wonder how long it will take me to get to the next in the trilogy!

Cinfhen Yay!!!!! So happy to hear you‘re reading your shelf 💗🙌🏻 4y
Helen19 @Cinfhen I am determined to take part in the challenge while trying not to buy any more new books. The COVID heroes one is causing me difficulties at the moment, regretting reading This Is Going To Hurt last year now 😂 4y
Cinfhen Ha!!! I might have a book or two that works for that prompt/ I‘ll check and let you know♥️I‘m happy to send it your way if it‘s a book you‘re interested in 4y
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Cinfhen I looked and unfortunately all my #covidHero books were either on kindle or audio...sorry!! I can recommend a few that you might be able to borrow from the library....one that pops to mind is 4y
Cinfhen Your tagged book sounds excellent @BarbaraTheBibliophage ❤️ 4y
rockpools Do you do cozy mysteries, Helen? This was lots of fun, the main character‘s a retired nurse (so meets the prompt but no actual nursing involved) and (if I remember where you are) it‘s available from your local friendly public library in print (no reservation fees at the moment), audio (BorrowBox) or ebook (Libby) form! (Urr, yes, I might work for them 😉) 4y
Helen19 @Cinfhen that was so kind, thank you very much 😊❤️ right, time to go library browsing. Virtually! 4y
Helen19 @BarbaraTheBibliophage This sounds great! I‘m going to check library catalogues now. Thank you! I‘ve just joined the booked2021 goodreads group as well so that‘s going to help me get organised! 4y
Helen19 @rockpools I do! Actually I first looked at the category because I thought I had Death of a Nurse by M.C Beaton. Turns out I‘ve already read it and I don‘t think the nurse lasted very long! I can‘t see which book you‘ve tagged but I‘m interested! My back up plan is a Dr Ruth Galloway mystery although that‘s cheating a bit! 4y
rockpools @Helen19 oh yeah. I forgot to put the tag in. I could blame it being the end of a long day, but that‘d actually be rubbish!! 🙄 4y
Helen19 @rockpools I thought you were just adding to the mystery aspect 😉 Right, first plan is look for these suggestions in my library and if they don‘t arrive in time then I‘ll cheat with Elly Griffiths and read these ones when they get in! 4y
Helen19 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @rockpools So after all that I‘ve just found this one on my shelf with a nurse MC. All three of your suggestions added to my TBR list though, thank you! 4y
Cinfhen Yay!!! The wonder was good too!!!! 4y
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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It's fascinating to dive into the head of autistic people. I feel so related and finally can accept that certain thought processes are normal, in some way. I loved the cocktail scene and the New York trip! I want be friends with both Don and Rosie!
(🎧 - audiobook)

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Finishing this one up today, and decided to mix a drink in honor of Don‘s amazing bartending skills. 🤣 This book was so much fun, and an unexpected breath of fresh air. Listening while driving I found myself lol‘ing. This is why I really love reading challenges, because I don‘t know if I would have picked it up otherwise. #booked2021 #setinaustralia

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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Just finished this for one of my book clubs.... such a sweet story! I loved Don‘s perspective, and how he processed different situations from what to have for dinner to falling in love (and realizing that it was love). #bookspinbingo

Soubhiville I loved this book, and the second. I have book 3 lounging on my TBR. Someday! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've been meaning to read this one for quite some time! 4y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Such a fun and hilarious story about a socially awkward genetics professor who tries to find the perfect wife and to see whether he‘s capable of true love. This would make an amazing movie (which I heard is in development with Ryan Reynolds set to play the lead)! Highly recommend this book ☺️
#Booked2021 pick for #SetinAustralia

Cinfhen Ohhhhh!!! I didn‘t know this is set in Australia 🇦🇺 awesome 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice! If you liked this, you should try 4y
samantharoberts @Cinfhen yes! It‘s set in Melbourne 🇦🇺 😊 4y
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samantharoberts @BarbaraTheBibliophage thanks for the recommendation! Stacking it now 🤗 4y
Cinfhen I keep wanting to change my slotted read for #SetInAustralia after seeing others picks 4y
Cinfhen Serious #FoMo 4y
samantharoberts @Cinfhen LOL! I‘ve definitely been in that situation before 😂 i do highly recommend this one if you haven‘t read it and need one for this prompt! 4y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I love this book, I think it's adorable and really enjoyed this re-read (or re-listen).

#WinterGames2020 #Impulseread @Clwojick +11

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I randomly bought this book by just reading the back cover imagining it to be something fun and surely I was right
The Rosie project is a pretty fun book, a very easy read which you can do during a weekend. Reading this book felt like watching a movie. A very cute romantic story. Generally I am not big on romance but this book quite surprised me with its cute moments.
I would definitely recommend it.

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Read the first chapter of this & giving it a HARD PASS. I would recommend Helen Hoang‘s The Kiss Quotient books a million times over this garbage. Those are actual, #ownvoices romcoms with autistic heroes & heroines who aren‘t made out to be sociopaths and/or the butt of the author‘s jokes. Just. 🤮.

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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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A cute, funny rom com about, for a change, an endearing lovable guy who's looking for a partner! I was a bit worried that it was going in the direction of "finding a romantic partner changed this autistic person's behaviour and now they don't have autism anymore" but it pivoted from that, and from the idea that Don needed to change to be attractive to Rosie. I do wish he had been constructed to know he was on the spectrum from the start, though.

CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Unrelated to #Scarathlon but +6 points nonetheless! @StayCurious 4y
LiteraryinPA I totally agree that books following that trope are far too common. Glad that this one veered in a better direction. 4y
Prairiegirl_reading Lots of people go undiagnosed into adulthood. Especially when they can take care of themselves and hold jobs like Don. 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Prairiegirl_reading That's a good point. I guess where my comment was coming from was the presentation on Asperger's that Don gives at the beginning of the book which his friend has got him to do so that he could learn about it and realize something about himself. It felt sometimes like the book was setting us up to laugh at Don for not realizing he's autistic when I felt like, obviously he's a very smart person why would he have not? 4y
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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#Top20Series #20Series20Days
Day8: The Rosie Project trilogy by Graeme C. Simsion

Andrew65 Read the first one recently and loved it. 4y
IuliaC I read just the first one. Good to know there's a trilogy 👍 4y
MyNamesParadise I checked all of them out from the library when I read them. I loved them so much, I went out and bought all of them! 4y
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I have no idea why I waited so long to read this book! What a delight! Book number 4 for #BookSpinBingo 💙

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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This was a lovely book. A very cute and different rom-com.

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Finally made it to the library! Got books for the kids mostly. But I saw this and thought "ha! Wanted to read that for ages!" so why not ?

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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Unpopular opinion here. I thought this was funny at first and then I was beyond bored. It‘s my book club choice so I did some additional research. Would we like Don as much if it was “Donna” acting this way? I think society loves a clueless, white, highly intelligent male with no social skills. Would we like a female character like this as much? Just wondering.


Pic is a bit of early spring!

Crazeedi Pretty! 4y
CarolynM I enjoyed the first half of the book better than the second half too. I didn't like the second one, but I did like the third one, about Don and Rosie's son, a lot. I'm not sure about the issue of male vs female here, but for a female version you might try 4y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Unpopular opinion here. I thought this was funny at first and then I was beyond bored. It‘s my book club choice so I did some additional research. Would we like Don as much if it was “Donna” acting this way? I think society loves a clueless, white, highly intelligent male with no social skills. Would we like a female character like this as much? Just wondering.


Pic is a bit of early spring!

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I'm reading this book for my book club and enjoying it so far. I expected it to just be fluffy but it actually has some surprising dimension. Other than reading this book, I'm doing nothing all day and enjoying it!

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Thought this was a very funny read, loved Don he was absolutely fab. Will be reading the other books with him in ❤
#Booked2020 #Summer #EccentricMC

squirrelbrain I loved this one, but not the second one.... 4y
suzie.reads @squirrelbrain won't hurry to read it then 😂 4y
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The Rosie Project | Graeme C. Simsion
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Today marks the sixteenth annual Autistic Pride Day...
Here's to all autistic individuals feeling a sense of positive identity and self-acceptance. 💜 (as well as acceptance in their communities)
I have many autistic individuals in my life, I want to say to them all, I LOVE YOU.
Let's share books that feature Autism , comment here or share your own post about a book featuring information on autism or an autistic character.


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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I‘d heard about this book did awhile and am pretty sure it was on a recommended list on Pinterest. I loved it from the first word to the last. Spoken in the first person by Don who is a person on the spectrum. He decides to create a questionnaire to find his prefect mate...and then he meets his polar opposite - Rosie! I found myself laughing out loud many times.

Amoon One of my favorite parts was when Don ends up in a physical fight because he has misinterpreted what “wearing a jacket “ means at a posh restaurant. When he finds out they have jackets in borrow in all sizes, he thinks that diners wonks be aghast to find out they are paying inflated prices to pay for jackets SIMPLY because the restaurant failed to give a clear definition of the word “jacket”. 4y
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Books for my Houston & church book groups arrived from awesome indie bookstore BookPeople of Austin! #newin #bookgroups

The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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Really easy read. I really enjoyed the humor.

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I am #currentlyreading The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. It's 1 a.m. where I'm at and I find the late night hours a perfect time to really get lost in a story.

Also, @Litsy can you please get rid of the fixed 1:1 ratio on posts? Books themselves are not 1:1. Be better 😫

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I loved this quirky little love story.

CarolynM I did too🙂 4y
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Happy weekend, Littens! Charlie & I found a sunspot! Trying to finish this one for virtual book club on Sun! This week was pretty good. I'm revising a book & loving the results. I'm taking an online drawing class to re-learn all the things I forgot from high school art classes. It's fun. I'm exercising regular & gardening. I still really miss the outside world & hugging friends. But I'm here. I'm alive. I'm taking it 1 day at a time. How are you?

erzascarletbookgasm Good to hear you‘re taking care of yourself. I really need to do some exercises even though it‘s indoor. Happy weekend. 4y
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One pot Alfredo (I added peas), leftover kale Caesar from Easter, local super-bitter IPA, and a book. I‘m into the food part of quarantine life.

Aims42 Looks delish!! 🤤 4y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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@TheAromaofBooks #aprilbookspin

Here's my April bookspin. I've already about halfway through and I'm definitely liking it. It's quite different from what I usually read and is a stark contrast from my previous crime fiction book.

TheAromaofBooks I've had this one on my list for quite a while. Can't wait to hear your thoughts!! 4y
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I tend to gravitate to “heavy reads” but I was in my local library used bookstore and I saw this on the shelf. I‘ve seen many give this book praises so I grabbed it. I‘ve got a lot going on in my life so my attention span doesn‘t let me tackle the books I usually choose. I read this in three days and really enjoyed it. It was a lighter read but a very interesting story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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I loved this book so much! It was so good. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #bookblogger #bookreviewer

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Finished my first book of 2020! What an enjoyable read! It had me laughing out loud at parts. While it was fun and quirky, I appreciated the more serious moments as well. It‘s rumored that Ryan Reynolds is to star as Don in the movie version & I think that‘s an excellent choice! I‘m eager to read more from Don and Rosie in The Rosie Effect!

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It‘s near 60 degrees, so I figured I would read some outside today (with a coat of course!) I‘m really enjoying this book and glad to know there‘s 2 more in the series.

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Starting this one! I‘ve heard great things and I read it has a similar feel to Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, which I loved. Hopefully I‘ll love this one too!

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The first 30 or so pages is kinda ok but once he meets Rosie it‘s awesome lol!!! I‘m having a hard time putting it down!!!!

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