My newest Funko Pop acquisition in his new home 🤓💀
It‘s a gloomy day in my neck of the woods, and therefore an appropriate day to wear my Poe-ka dot socks from @outofprint
#wordOfTheDay, courtesy Mr. Edgar Allan: simoon.
The storm moves in cyclone (circular) form, carrying clouds of dust and sand, and produces on humans and animals a suffocating effect.
“MS. Found in a Bottle“
Pic credit:
“How Edgar Allan Poe Became Our Era‘s Premier Storyteller”
Read The tell tale heart for the first time today. Story told by a murderer/madman. Can‘t believe I‘ve not read it before!
My boyfriend who doesn‘t like pictures of himself online (😂) and I with the mural of Poe outside Poe‘s home in #Philadelphia , which we did explore!
#philly #museum
For the record, I think Gold Bug is Poe‘s worst piece that I‘ve read. One of the principle characters in Gold Bug is a racist caricature and, frankly, Poe‘s other writing is just so much better. [/opinion]
A very dear friend of mine got me this BEAUTIFUL complete works book for my birthday, knowing Poe is my favorite. Being dyslexic, reading a physical book is a joy I‘m often left out of, but I‘m excited to challenge myself with this one- slow and steady, am I right? Also, that‘s Hugo. He‘s a good boy and he also loves tales of the macabre 🐶😈 #poe #horror #dogsoflitsy #victorHugo
I went to The Poe Museum in Richmond today! I‘ve been once before for an event but it was nice to wander the grounds when it was peaceful and quiet. Wish I could share more photos! They had a lot of his personal items as well as art, and books of course 😉
#edgarallanpoe #theraven #thepoemuseum #poetry
I have been dealing with phone problems for the past week, which is why I‘ve been absent from Litsy recently. I‘ve got a new phone now and will try to get back on the Litsy wagon! New phone means better camera so hopefully my posts will also get prettier!
Working on a custom order tonight, the fabric arrived today and I couldn‘t wait to get started! It‘s so dark and mysterious
I got a kid interested in reading Poe today. This is why I became a librarian, people 👍💞
Currently watching Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. I love it when PBS gets spooky.
#horror #edgarallanpoe #theraven #buriedalive #mystery #pbs #documentary #happyhalloween
At Wicked Good books in Salem 😁🎃
Starting the #24in48 off with my baby pile, a glass of red wine and a gluten free donut from my favorite donut shop!! #readathon
One of my favorite speculative fiction writers. I never get weary of his poetry or prose.
I have to take a closer pic of this Tell-Tale heart‼️❤️ it freaking beats😱‼️ so bad ass! And this beautiful mermaid bookmark! @Mommamanzi #bookbeachswap @Tiffy_Reads
Beautiful Poe bookmark my mother in law found for me in Charleston, SC. A man who makes puzzle boxes also makes these beautiful inlaid wooden bookmarks.
“Twas noontide of summer,
And mid-time of night;
And stars, in their orbits,
Shone pale, thro' the light
Of the brighter, cold moon,
'Mid planets her slaves,
Herself in the Heavens,
Her beam on the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold–too cold for me..."
—Edgar Allan Poe ?
#edgarallanpoe #theraven #poe #poetry #bookish #booknerd #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #bibliophile #booklove #reading #bookstack #openbook #epicreads
I can't even! 😂
My boyfriend and I saw Edgar Allen Poe's house this weekend in Philly. I really liked this mural on the side of the apartments next door.
#maybookflowers. We're short on #blackandwhitecovers here, but this is a good one. And before @Ambrosnazzy complains, yes, it is actually her book😛
Newest English teacher tshirt😉
My one and only tattoo (so far) and a small sample of the Poe decor in my reading room. I always joke he is the only man's name I would put on my body. #riotgrams #bookishtattoos
Happy birthday to Edgar Allan Poe!!! One of my favorite authors not only because of his writing but also because his birthday is the day before mine!! (Mine is tomorrow) And yes, I own a raven statue mainly because of Poe (and I love ravens ❤)
Happy Birthday Edgar Allan Poe! 🎂 🎊 📚
Got this awesome shirt as a "spirit" shirt for work without identifying school information for non-work "spirits". Poe would approve.
Poe-Ho-Ho! And Merry Christmas to all! 🎄
#photoadaynov16 #booknerdproblems After a visit from one of my kids (in this case @Ambrosnazzy ), there are "holes" in my bookcases?
So do you think most beautiful things have a strangeness about them? I certainly think so....#edgarallanpoe #reader #writing
I've walked by this corner and on this block countless times in my life, but never noticed that West 84th Street between Broadway and West End Avenue is also "Edgar Allan Poe Street." #themoreyouknow
• Once upon A midnight Dreary • Hello, 🌚ctober •
Poe's grave is in a bizarre little cemetery right in the middle of the city chaos. It was perfect
I totally enjoy Poe's stories and poetry. I really love the imagery in his writing.