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The Velveteen Rabbit
The Velveteen Rabbit | Gaby (RTL) Goldsack, Margery Williams Bianco
By the time the velveteen rabbit is dirty, worn out, and about to be burned, he has almost given up hope of ever finding the magic called Real.
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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#poetrymatters #proseintopoetry

An all-time fave. If you've never seen the movie, you are missing out. The music is by George Winston, and the book is narrated by Meryl Streep. What are you waiting for? This link isn't the best, but it is the whole movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs9YdlWD5ZU

TheSpineView I love this too! 💜 1w
IndoorDame I didn‘t even know there was a movie! Will it make me cry? I need to go into it in the right frame of mind. 1w
dabbe @IndoorDame It will be like Toy Story 3, when Andy goes to college, so ... yes. It is beyond precious. 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @TheSpineView 💜💜💜 1w
IndoorDame @dabbe 💜💜💜 1w
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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This was another lovely reread of this story, which is one of my favorite childhood classics, for #bookspinbingo

I love reading stories that never get old, and this is definitely one of those for me ❤️

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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I have always loved this story of a beloved rabbit who becomes real. It‘s sweet and heartwarming and always makes me cry a little. Richard Armitage‘s narration is lovely, but let‘s be honest - I‘d listen to him read the phone book. 😂

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams

I listened to this via BorrowBox,

I found it an endearing and sweet story

Read for reading challenges.


The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I only listened to this because Grady Hendrix references it in How to Sell a Haunted House. Oof. I shouldn‘t be crying while gaming but here we are.

merelybookish ❤️ 2y
Ruthiella I‘ve never read this! I only know about it because of a Friends episode. 2y
Suet624 Awwww… 💕 2y
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Reggie @Ruthiella @merelybookish @Suet624 I had to go get some ice cream. I went to record it in Goodreads and was reading the comments where people said friends have read passages from here at their weddings. And then there was a grandma who said she could barely make it through while reading it to her grandkids. It‘s a touching book. 2y
sarahbarnes This book is heart wrenching for sure. ♥️ 2y
jitteryjane724 Tears are absolutely justified! 💜 2y
Lindy If you want an antidote, there‘s a really creepy retelling of the Velveteen Rabbit in 2y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams Bianco
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Our library is running a colouring competion. Here is my little boys entry 🐰❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗

TheIntrovertedDodoBird Absolutely beautiful 🐇🌈🐰 Xx 2y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams Bianco
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My first time reading this one, believe it or not. I was familiar with the story but loved reading it “officially”! 💓 Happy Easter!!! 🐰🌷

AshleyHoss820 This is such a classic! I‘m so glad you discovered it! ☺️ 2y
fredamans Happy Easter! 2y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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“Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don‘t matter at all, because once you are Real you can‘t be ugly, except to people who don‘t understand.” — Margery Williams, Velveteen Rabbit


The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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My mom, @curiouserandcurioser , and I spent our Sunday afternoon making a little bookish surprise for my niece and nephew, which will be waiting on their bookshelves the next time they visit! 🦈📚🦋

TheBookHippie Wow! So gorgeous!!♥️ 3y
curiouserandcurioser @wordslinger42 i had so much fun doing this with you💜 3y
wordslinger42 @TheBookHippie Thank you! 😊 3y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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Sadder and more complex than I remembered! Jimena got this one as a Christmas present in board book form.

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I actually don't think I read this as a very young person. I thought it was a bit depressing but had a nice ending. Glad I finally read it thanks to the Blackwell's list. #wintergames2021 #teamgamesleighers #bfc21 #wintercosy #averymerryreadathon #dashingdecember #averymerrybingo #christmasmyway #littenlisten #blackwellsbookshelfreadathon

TheSpineView It is sad!😟 3y
Cathythoughts I love this book ❤️ 3y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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#MoviesInApril @Klou
Prompt: Hank and Me

Klou Great! 3y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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Day 4 #moviesinapril Hop.

Klou Perfect!! 4y
Lesanne I loved this book as a child! 4y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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It's National Children's Book Day & the official start of #bookspin , so I thought I'd start with an easy read! I absolutely love The Velveteen Rabbit 🐇 It's so heartwarming & comforting, & will always be a favorite of mine! (Luna's Rescue & Dragon Rider are other children's book favorites of mine!)

This was 14 on my #bookspinbingo board! It feels nice to finish a book spin read on the first day, even if it is a short one 😅


TheBookHippie I agree. That book is like a hug. 4y
wordslinger42 @TheBookHippie What a perfect way to describe it!! 💜 4y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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The kitties made a new friend. #caturday #catsoflitsy

j.rye I love how they‘re exact opposites 😻 4y
sharread I have 2 rabbits and cat that live with me, it's very entertaining. The rabbits rule the house. 😅💗 4y
TheBee 😁 4y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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"Wasn't I Real before?" asked the little Rabbit.

Such a sweet story. I don't remember crying when I read it as a child. As we read it this evening my 13 yr old says we cry because it's so heartwarming. Then we thought about his dog dog, and how he is Real.

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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When @TheBookHippie put the classic children‘s reading list out, I realized I hadn‘t read most of the books, as I am from a different country. Then the libraries closed and I finally got to read this as an e-book. I enjoyed this story of a toy rabbit, toys who come to life, and how the rabbit becomes real.

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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After reading the Velveteen Rabbit with Chaya last night, this is how I found her this morning. Most of the stuffed animals had fallen in the floor. How I love books!!!

We both loved the simple story with unfamiliar vocabulary - bracken.

@TheBookHippie #ChildrensClassics2020
@Reviewsbylola #ClassicsChallenge2020

TheBookHippie Oh my heart💞 lovely . 4y
zezeki Is that Stich I see? 💕 4y
Butterfinger @zezeki yes! And Nala!!! I think Koda from Brother Bear was in the floor. 4y
Reviewsbylola What a sweetie 💕 4y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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OriginalCyn620 A classic! 🐇 4y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Komako Sakai

This edition is exquisitely illustrated. Link: https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/02/23/the-velveteen-rabbit-komako-sakai/ The story is a perfect message and gift for the holidays.

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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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One of my favorite books as a young child. I'd want my parents to read it to me over and over again and always cried because the Boy and his rabbit were separated lol. Re-read to my youngest. Definitely a children's classic! #TMSkellington #WinterGames #HolidayRead

KT1432 #PopSugarReadingChallenge #PopSugar2019 #Pop19 A book that makes you nostalgic 5y
coffees 16pts! oh i've seent his one before but haven't read it 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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wanderinglynn You can count this for winter games. Either as an impulse read (10pts) or tbr (15pts). 5y
wanderinglynn Ooh, I‘d count this one as holiday too because the rabbit is a Christmas present. 😉 5y
bibliobliss @wanderinglynn Ok. Impulse read it is 😁 5y
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GypsyKat One of my favorites! ❤️ 5y
bibliobliss @GypsyKat I've never read it ❤️ 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I love any opportunity that allows me to talk about the books that meant so much to me as a kid so I could not resist doing the Childhood Book Tag on BookTube: https://youtu.be/60RTI6TBaYg

#booktube #childrenbooks #childhoodreading #favoritebooksasakid #childhoodmemories #booknostalgia #reading #happymemories

EadieB @Butterflyamore - I grew up in the 50's so I really don't remember my parents reading to us. There were 4 kids in my family and I am the 3rd. I had 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister. My dad was a very big reader and he took me to the main branch of the Philadelphia library weekly. He was a big mystery reader and he used to shop at thrift stores in center city Philly and he would bring me home books. I remember reading Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, 5y
EadieB Judy Bolton etc. Beverly Cleary was famous then too. But I did most of my reading on my own. My daughters are probably around your age. Oldest just turned 44 and my younger daughter is 37. My husband and I used to read to them. A sesame street book about the monster stealing the jelly beans was my oldest daughter's favorite because my husband would change his voice and speak like a monster. They read a lot of Judy Blume, Charlotte's Web, Ramona. 5y
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EadieB My oldest daughter is a big reader today but my younger daughter loves to read but has no time as she has 3 small children and she is a veterinarian. She reads to her kids all the time. Her 6 year old is reading a few years ahead. My oldest daughter has an autistic 12 year old and she reads vey well also. She loves to read the names of the stores in the shopping centers in Charlottesville and can tell you what shopping center you need to go to. 5y
EadieB My favorite genre today is still mystery and was influenced by my father buying me mystery books. I like Historical Mystery, Fiction, Memoirs and Biographies and also True Crime. I don't like dog-earring and I do find myself mouthing words which slows done my reading so I try to stop myself from doing that. My oldest daughter when she was 2 was able to tell you the name of the stores from their logos. My husband said I took her shopping too much. 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB That‘s really interesting that you daughter is a veterinarian. I dreamed of being a vet as a kid but my allergies and asthma prohibited me from pursuing it. It‘s probably all for best because I don‘t even know how vets handle it emotionally. Although my parents were readers, too, I don‘t really remember them reading to us, with the exception of my dad reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve every year. I was fortunate to have 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB all of the books and records and records with stories before school and then lots of teachers who read to the class! I did grow to love mysteries pretty early on but I can‘t remember what I read before the age of 12. I do remember Christoper Pike and Lois Duncan being favorites just as I was entering my teen years. I still love a good mystery! Yes, I am close in age to your daughters! Just a year younger than your oldest! 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Oh, and I am also from a family of 4 kids. But it was all girls and I am the youngest! 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore My daughter came home the first time she had to put a cat to sleep and she was crying all night. She said it was so sad. I was really worried if she would continue but she just cries along with the owners. Her fellow vets came to her house to help her put her dog to sleep a few years ago and they all cried together. She put our cat to sleep on our dining room table and took it to work to freeze until it could be cremated. 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Just reading this made me teary eyed. When the vet told me Elliot needed to be put to sleep back in September, I could see her angst. Her authentic compassion really meant a lot to me. 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore Some vets are not as caring but where my daughter works they are adding on to the building as they are getting on average 100 new patients a month. She just went to Florida for a course in acupuncture. (edited) 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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This is a story of a toy rabbit that becomes real because he is loved so much. It is a story of love between a child and his favorite toy. This is traditional literature and won a children‘s choice award. It would be a great book to use for storytelling. This book would be great for elementary schools. #ucflae3414f19

ChrisC A good ELL strategy to use with this book is to do some preview activities to activate prior knowledge. The UDL principle I would focus on is 3.1 activate background knowledge to help make connections. 5y
DrSpalding This would make a beautiful storytelling and the message in this book is one that students should hear over and over again! Resource? 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams Bianco
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Took this little one with me to bed tonight since it‘s such a perfect bedtime book. A classic that I‘ll read to my future children. 👌🏼🐇

Picture Book: Letter “V”

#BBRC #PictureBooksAtoZ #AtoZ

LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Komako Sakai
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This is so true for me! What was your favorite book as a child? My have to be The Velveteen Rabbit and Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and Charlotte's web by E B White.

Scochrane26 My faves were Anne of green gables, Harriet the spy, & the best Christmas pageant ever. I love charlotte‘s web, too, re-read it a couple of yrs ago. (edited) 5y
TheAromaofBooks Too many to even list!! I did have an especial soft spot for stories where people went out and lived off the land in the wilderness. :-D 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams Bianco
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One of my favorite books as a child!😍😘🐇🐇🐇

lover.of.the.classics It is definitely a keeper for the next generation!😍 5y
marleed Love this quote! And book! 5y
texasgirl Heart touching ❤️ 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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One of my favorite all time children‘s books. 💙

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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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Hey, let‘s talk about our favorite books throughout life! Check out my latest video and find out all of my favorites since I was a little girl! https://youtu.be/dDb0eGSZ6Ic

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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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"‘It doesn't happen all at once,‘ he said. ‘You become. It takes a long time. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.‘”

#QuotsyApr19 | 21: #Ancient

?: Made with Typorama

Paula3 ❤❤❤ 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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The Velveteen Rabbit is what comes to mind when I think of rabbits and spring.

Just in case you haven‘t read this yet, a little boy loves his toy rabbit so very much. He sleeps with it every night, plays with it every day, brings it outside with him. This rabbit feels he is real because the boy loves him so.

But then the boy becomes very sick, and after his fever breaks, he is no longer allowed to keep this precious rabbit.

Heartwarming x100!

CrowCAH Ty beanie baby bunny 🐰❤️ 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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📖 The Velveteen Rabbit
🎥 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
🎶 Little Bunny Foo Foo

#ManicMonday 🐰 @JoScho

JoScho 🐰💗🐰 5y
Amandajoy I loved Little Bunny Foo Foo as a kid! 5y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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The first book that springs to mind every time I think about #rabbits. Even as a child, I cried.

vkois88 ❤❤❤ 6y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Komako Sakai
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#Rabbits the first thing that came to mind was the velveteen rabbit, god I loved that book. I'm school I even got to travel all the way to Louisville to see it performed as a play!

#SpringIntoReading @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

vkois88 ❤❤❤ 6y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Komako Sakai
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I love the many incarnations of Margery Williams‘ cover for VR, especially upper left corner.
#rabbits #springintoreading @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

MoonWitch94 One of my best friends used a passage from VR as a reading for her wedding. It was beautiful 6y
398.2 Love the VR! 6y
tracey38 I love this! 6y
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wanderinglynn Such a timeless book! 💜 6y
Eggs Thanks for your kindness everyone @MoonWitch94 @398.2 @tracey38 @wanderinglynn 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders The audio is marvelous. Narrated by Meryl Streep and music by George Winston. 💕 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 6y
vkois88 That's the one we had 😊 6y
Eggs @vkois88 🐰💗 6y
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Day 4 - #rabbits #springintoreading

A timeless classic about the magic of boundless love that's been treasured for generations!

“Once you are Real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always.”

Here is one of the most classic and beloved children's stories, with the original illustrations from 1922—the ideal gift for baby showers, birthdays, weddings, and holidays throughout the year.

Tonton All the feels! 6y
BethM This sorry always made me so sad! 6y
EadieB @BethM I‘m sorry to hear that! 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Love this book! 6y
tracey38 💜💜💜 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
vkois88 ❤❤❤ 6y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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This is SO sweet!! It makes me very sad to see that they have parted ways, but provides a sense of comfort when we as the audience knows the velveteen rabbit is always watching over his friend.

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I love this part! The velveteen rabbit at this point feels so lost and alone, but when turned into an actual rabbit the story has definitely brought the fantasy to life!! Although, as we know this is the fantasy aspect because the toy rabbit can‘t actually become real. However, it‘s nice to think so!

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams

Published in 2011 and illustrated by Gennady Spirin, this modern fantasy story includes elements of fantasy by using personification and giving this toy rabbit emotions, feelings, and an identity. The author did a great job in incorporating the feeling of being real as well to kind of show that fantasy aspect. However, the expression and voice of the rabbit made it almost believable to be alive! I actually felt sad when the rabbit was tossed away.

The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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Amazing what kind of life lessons we can learn from children‘s books. 💛

*Stumbled across this on Facebook, I do not take any photo credit.

BekaReid Yes!! I've seen these too. Totally love it!! And one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books. 😊 6y
MotionChickness @BekaReid 💛💛💛. I was ready to buy it 😂 I wore down my copy of the book as a kid to the point of it falling apart.. It was my favorite ☺️ 6y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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When I was seven, my parents gave me a Velveteen Rabbit for Christmas. They originally told me he was for my baby cousin, who drooled, and for weeks I paid him mopey visits in the gifts closet until he showed up under the tree for me instead. Ever since then, Bunny's been my favourite thing in the ENTIRE WORLD.

Today I found a brand new Bunny at the thrift store. I'm gonna give him to someone, but I haven't decided who.

BookNAround I love this! My senior quote in my high school yearbook was “When someone really loves you, that‘s when you become real.” Have you read The Velveteen Daughter about Margery Williams‘s daughter? It‘s a really fascinating fictionalization. 6y
xicanti @BookNAround ooh, I'll look for that. 6y
GypsyKat So cute! The Velveteen Rabbit was my favorite as a kid! ❤️ 6y
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Lreads Your Velveteen Rabbit is so cute! I had one when I was a kid and I loved it! 😍🐰 6y
xicanti @GypsyKat I read the book over and over, and needed my mum to reassure me no one would ever try to burn MY Bunny. 6y
xicanti @QuietlyLaura they're the perfect size for kids to cuddle! 6y
GypsyKat Awe! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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#ManicMonday #ADayLate #BetterLateThanNever
📚 The Velveteen Rabbit - Ana all time favorite from childhood
🖋 Carrie Vaughn
📺 The Vampire Diaries
🍽 Vanilla Bean Ice Cream