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Mime Order
Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
Paige Mahoney has escaped the brutal prison camp of Sheol I, but her problems have only just begun: many of the survivors are missing and she is the most wanted person in London . . . As Scion turns its all-seeing eye on Paige, the mime-lords and mime-queens of the city's gangs are invited to a rare meeting of the Unnatural Assembly. Jaxon Hall and his Seven Seals prepare to take center stage, but there are bitter fault lines running through the clairvoyant community and dark secrets around every corner.Then the Rephaim begin crawling out from the shadows. Paige must keep moving, from Seven Dials to Grub Street to the secret catacombs of Camden, until the fate of the underworld can be decided.
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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#2024readingbracket My Aug fav did not beat out Reckless. I see Lauren Roberts is easily becoming my fav author of the year. This month I‘m continuing the Samantha Shannon bone season books so we‘ll see if that becomes my Sept fav as well! Oh and I still have one bonus spot available. #readingbracket2024

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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#serieslove2024 The second Bone Season book did not disappoint! I waited for the new editions to come out and it was worth it. Paige escaped Oxford only to go back to Jaxon which is also a prison of sorts. She is stuck and the only way out is to take the place of ruler. I just love the worlds Shannon builds and I can‘t wait to see these characters who I love continue into the next book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheSpineView Great job! 2mo
TrishB I‘ve started a re-read with the new versions. 2mo
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Not sure what my issue is with this series. I really loved Priory, which put this on my radar. I read the first Bone Season book a few years ago and loved it. Tried to reread it last year and basically just didn‘t want to. So I read a synopsis of it to continue the series. I then have no desire to pick this up and when I do, I read 5 pages and just not engaging.

So it‘s probably just me, but I‘ll be bailing and reading this authors other work.

Laughterhp This was one of my #Roll100 for January @PuddleJumper 2y
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Here are the 3 books that got picked for #Roll100 in January!

I‘ve already requested the tagged book from the library and I own Harry‘s Trees.

Excited for 2023 reading!

GinaKButler Oh! Harry‘s Trees is a special book! 2y
Blerdgal_Fenix 🖤 love your dice 2y
Laughterhp @Blerdgal_Fenix It‘s actually @PuddleJumper ‘s dice! She does this challenge so we can see all her dice! 😊 2y
PuddleJumper @Laughterhp I bought myself some new dice too so those will be showcased at some point 🤣🤣 2y
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Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Relistening is to this series in preparation to read the new one!! #fantasy

Enchanted_Bibliophile I'm so behind with this series 🙈 3y
annahenke @Enchanted_Bibliophile I‘m just catching up now!! 3y
Enchanted_Bibliophile I read the first book when it was published; and bought all the others on publication day. But never read any of them 3y
annahenke @Enchanted_Bibliophile just finished the third one and am about to start the most recent one that came out- very good! 3y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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May was a busy, stressful month with very little reading time. I only finished 5 books with is the lowest in a long time.

I did finish my #bookspin (tagged) which was a fantastic reread of book 2 in The Bone Season series. I also went on to finish book 3. Still one of my favorite series. Shannon creates such a richly imagined world. I can‘t wait to see what happens next!❤️

Hoping to get to my #doublespin soon but didn‘t make it in time for May.

Gissy Five is a great number! Every month is different, sometimes we have to spend time doing other activities, duties, chores. Think that now you can buy 5 more books📚as a reward for time well spent reward🤗 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Still a great month!! Sometimes life just doesn't go the way we anticipated, but every month is a new opportunity!! 3y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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A solid sequel, a solid fantasy, a solid book overall 🙌

I really like Shannon‘s ability to build worlds, and while this might have been a tad too long, I didn‘t want to leave the London of Mime Lords and Queens, clairvoyants and under world drama.

TrishB This is where I got up to and I have the next one, but then I got a fantasy slump and haven‘t gone back to it yet! 4y
Kalalalatja @TrishB fantasy is all I can focus on in print these days. But slumps sucks! Hope you‘ll get back to fantasy soon 🤞 4y
TrishB I hope so too as I have so much it it ready to read. 4y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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12 Colours of December - Cranbery Red

#WinterGames2020 #TeamReadNosedReindeer


The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I can't believe I haven't gotten my #bookspinbingo list done yet 😬

I'm mainly focusing on series' I've been neglecting and anything I have in progress so I can finish before the year is up. Since I read so much horror and thrillers for Oct, I'm going to get my fantasy on for the most of Nov!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! You posted with plenty of time to spare!! 😂 4y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I have no idea when the last time I tried a #photochallenge was but I'm in the mood so let's try it!


Left: 3 books I plan to read this month
Right: 3 books that made me cry

I read a lot of tough books so I'm pretty desensitized to the hard stuff but if anything could make me shed a tear, these 3 came close

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 Very nice! Glad you‘re joining us! 4y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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OMG ? The end of The Mime Order was crazy awesome! I finished it this afternoon and I just kept saying "DAMN!!!" over and over!

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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A fantastic 👏 sequel to The Bone Season! 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Excellent YA Sci-Fi series. My Litsy Goes Postal group introduced me to this series, and although I'm not that into YA, I liked this one. Good world-building, interesting characters (I like Warden) and a very creative magic system involving the ether. 2nd in a trilogy. Will definitely be giving the whole trilogy as a Christmas gift to my niece this year. Bonus: Beautiful Covers and excellent narration. #ohmylovely

Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

Great book.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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#122 gonna dive back into this world and see what‘s going to happen 😰 but first off to grab breakfast 🥳

Caffeinated_Reader All I gotta say is that ending was incredible. I really like this series. Long live the Black Moth! I can‘t wait to see all the chaos and vengeance unravel. Book 3 is going to be epic! It‘s a lot shorter than even book 1 though 🙇🏻‍♀️ hopefully I‘ll get to it before the end of the year! 5y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I‘m absolutely loving this series. This is the second book, and I‘m flying through it. Paige is a great protagonist and I love the world in which she lives. I can‘t wait to finish work so I can keep reading.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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#relistening to a favorite series after a particularly hard week. We always have our book friends, don't we? Even when. Everything else comes crashing down.

Slajaunie Love this book! 💙💙💙💙. Hope things get better. 😘 5y
everlocalwest I definitely relate to coping through books! Sending good thoughts your way. 💙📚 5y
BooknerdsLife Hope things get better for you! 🙏🏼💜Books always get us through tough time💕📚 5y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

Not as good as the first one but I still enjoyed it

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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When your sick and you procrastinate about everything, including sleep, yet you pick up a new book....

BooknerdsLife Hope you feel better soon 💖 Ive heard that books are the best medicine 😆📚📚🙌🏼 5y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I finished this one last night. It was a bit more predictable than the first, but it was still really good and more back story was filled in. As soon as my husband finishes it I will dive into the third book in the series.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Paige is by far one of my favourite female protagonists. I was lucky enough to meet Samantha Shannon and she signed my copy 🤩

One of my favourite dedications also, I apologise for the blurry photo, I've typed it clearer to compensate. 😊

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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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This was awesome! I love this series and will soon read the next book.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I'm reading this soon. #tometopple #readathon #tomes

Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I like this series even if it's not hyped.

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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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1. The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon
2. Madeline Miller
3. Mozzarella cheese
4. Maleficent

#manicmonday #letterM @JoScho

JoScho 💙😊💙 6y
UwannaPublishme Mozzarella! 🙌🏻 6y
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Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Today I watched a mime pretend to snort and shoot up onstage. Seriously. WTF? There were kids in the audience.

Every two years Salem Public Library puts on a Performer‘s Showcase: 60+ performers, 5 minutes each, and public librarians show up in droves to choose performers for the upcoming year. Every year there‘s at least one performance that leaves you, well, surprised, and not in a good way.

But mostly it‘s awesome!

Louise Looks like a scary mime, too! 6y
Prairiegirl_reading Kinda looks like Beetlejuice....😕 6y
tournevis Except kids know about this already. My kid asked me about this last year second grade. And we live in a confortable suburb. What better environment than a safe library to make them think about it? 6y
BookInMyHands @tournevis The kids in the audience were preschoolers (there were only about 5 of them), and mostly it was just startling to see this among performances geared for kids. Talking about it in a safe environment is one thing, and yes those are conversations that need to happen with grade schoolers. Watching a mime dramatize it is quite another. 6y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Took me entirely too long to read this. I was a little lost at first as I read Bone Season so long ago. A sort of mixed blessing: much less info dump in this one so it took a while to catch back on 😆
The ending was pretty cool and man, do I not like Jaxon OR Warden. Different reasons. Really not ok with the Stockholm syndrome romance, no matter how it's swung in this book. 🤷‍♀️

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Almost done with this book. Really not liking a few of these characters anymore. And the relationship between Warden & Paige is just ick-ing me out. Otherwise, excited to see where this goes!

Also, sent out my #FFFS package! It says it'll be there by the 20th! Here's hoping there's no delay and it's there in time for the opening day!!

Avanders 🎃🎃🎃 6y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

This series is amazing! While this book started off a little bit slow....and I found myself putting it down a lot more than Bone Season, The ending.....Oh my goodness!! So good!!!

Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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It's one of those days where my coffee needs a coffee.

rather_be_reading 😂😂 6y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

Finished! It's been so long since I read book one, but I got sucked back in fairly easily. I can tell my taste in books is evolving, but I will continue with this series.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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My bookmark is a perfect match! I'm really enjoying my visit back into the world of The Bone Season.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I had to know what happened after #TheBoneSeason and #TheMimeOrder definitely started to improve my relationship with the characters.

Full review is up on the blog!

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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My emotions!

Holy crap. This book was better than the first. It's thick but it's nonstop action and everything has a purpose. It's the equivalent of a villain story for fairytales and fairytale retellings. SO FREAKING GOOD!

🌍World building on world building on world building.

👥Character development on character development on character development.

⚠️Problem on problem on problem.

🙈🙉🙊Backstabbing on backstabbing on backstabbing.

Bookbeez yes! i thought the second was way better too. i just got the third. so excited to see where the story goes. 7y
Yeah_I_Read I love this series 7y
LauraBrook I was ambivalent about the first (and don't think I could tell you much about it), so I wasn't looking forward to the second one. But seeing this and the comments gives me hope! 7y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I'm switching back over to the Bone Season series and then switching back to another Elise Kova title. The Bone Season was such a good book (I mean...I read it twice in a month) and I want to catch up so I can begin harrassing the author for the 4th book.

Yeah_I_Read I bought the five books in the Elise Kova series the other day. It was 10 bucks for all 5! If you loved The Bone Season you are gonna die for The Mime Order and The Song Rising. It's one of those series that keeps getting better and better 😊 (edited) 7y
Debiw781 Book 3 is sitting beside me asking politely to be read 7y
Ubookquitous Just finished #3 of Bone Season - loved it 7y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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The Mime Order is my eBook TBR!
And The Wicked + The Divine isn't an eBook but I'm waiting for them to come in the mail! I plan on reading Volume 2-4 in August!

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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These are the eBooks I purchased this month!

#haul #bookhaul

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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This book was absolutely amazing! It definitely takes the events of The Bone season to the next level and the plot twists were just 😮😮😮 I cannot wait to dive into The Song Rising!

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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This is my next read! I absolutely love the first one and I cannot wait to dive back into this world :-)

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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I'm still not sure if I absolutely love these books, but I am glad I kept on and read this one! I have the ARC of the third at home so I am excited you see where the story goes next. Definitely much better than the first, the heroine is really coming into her own which is always nice to see.

Ubookquitous I've been enjoying the series - started #3 7y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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"Change a word or two, even a single letter, and you change the entire story.” - Samantha Shannon ??
I loved this series and can't wait to read 'A song Rising' ☺️ Paige and the Warden are the ultimate otp ??


Grownwomanreadya I have yet to finish reading this 😂🙈 7y
Pagesinbetween Hahah 😂 I promise you will love it when it gets past the halfway mark ☺️ @Grownwomanreadya 7y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Wow. What a book series. I absolutely loved #TheBoneSeason & #TheMimeOrder and would highly highly recommend them! Even though there are so many bloody nicknames for things - I love the writing & the characters! 😍🎉

The Bone Season: 5/5⭐️
The Mime Order: 5/5⭐️

Pagesinbetween I loved this series sooo much 😍 Paige and the warden are the absolute otp 💕💕 7y
bookish.k I just bought The Bone Season and The Mime Order. I cant wait to dive in! 7y
fanatical.fantasy @bookish.k I'm excited for you to start as well 😍 they're so good! 7y
fanatical.fantasy @Pagesinbetween OMG mine too 😍😍👌🏼💕🙌🏼 7y
MrBook I love your pics and reviews!!! 7y
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Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Because I'm behind.... And somehow I neglected April's stats too

ashlinisme I realized I did the same thing when I started collecting my May stuff. D'oh. 7y
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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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My Shelfie for #riotgrams

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

I could have stayed like that for hours, just breathing him in.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

Hope is the lifeblood of revolution. Without it, we are nothing but ash, waiting for the wind to take us.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Madness is a matter of perspective, little dreamer.

The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon

But my wanderlust had turned to lust and wonder. A thirst for knowledge, no matter how dangerous.

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The Mime Order | Samantha Shannon
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Jilljemmett Great pic! I love the lights! 7y
minkyb Very nice photo! 7y
Yeah_I_Read Thanks 😊😊😊 7y
TrishB Great pic 😀 7y
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