Welp, I came in 8 books under my goal for 2021, which is a great metaphor for the year: started out semi-hopeful but ended up disappointed. I‘ve already set my 2022 goal, so here we go again!
Welp, I came in 8 books under my goal for 2021, which is a great metaphor for the year: started out semi-hopeful but ended up disappointed. I‘ve already set my 2022 goal, so here we go again!
I loved this book. I found the idea of an underground London fascinating. One night Richard stumbles upon a bleeding girl, who he helps and in turn becomes invisible to London above and is thrust into an adventure in London below 🗝
#AuthoraMonth @Soubhiville
#80 of my year. I‘ve never read anything by him so let‘s see if he‘s a new favorite of mine.
June was a much better reading month. 7 books read (and another finished on July 1st). By far my favorite read of June was Neverwhere!
It‘s been a Neil Gaiman kind of day. Finished Neverwhere audiobook—I could listen to Gaiman read anything.
Then I also finally got around to reading 4 of Gaiman‘s children‘s books. Chu‘s Day is my fave out of the 4.
Buzzfeed recommend https://www.buzzfeed.com/danieldalton/london-books
#londoncalling #wanderingjune
I think I need to read this book.
Not to worry, there‘s still plenty of room *between* the #shelves for new books. Right.... ....right? #30JuneBooks
1. I don't even know. The England in Neverwhere? Have you guys heard of an online only (last I checked) superhero story called Worm? It's dark and awful, but the powers would be incredible.
2. Well, of any book Diagon Alley would be cool. Buy all the things!
3. 😬 a place I'm likely to easily die, like say, idk.. Westeros?
4. All the littens! 🎉
#WhatWouldYouDo @DannyHattan
#AnarchyintheUK | Richard finds himself in subterranean London, a bizarre city all its own. This was super not for me, but I know a lot of folks love it (including my husband).
📷: Rob Cartwright
RichardRichardMayhewDick 😂😂😂 is one of the #Alice #CharactersLikeAlice.
He enters a strange world underground, with strange people, through a passage that only he can see, new rules apply,...
Events ganged up on me today. My father-in-law got bad health-related news and work was, quite frankly, ridiculous. I can't even focus enough to escape into a book tonight, which really says something. Oh, and I'm on the road the next two days straight while we're under weather advisories.
Sorry to be a wet blanket. Just struggling tonight.
Traveling in a metro today made me wonder what if there were a " Delhi Below" where angels and demons and strange creatures lived,what if you met a girl named Door who could open any door, what if there was a floating market and you were thrust into such a world and no one from your old life remembered you!!!
Mad Musings of a Reader!!!
I‘ll admit it- I bailed the first time through. But I finally read through the whole thing, and it was cute. It ended just the way it should, it had new creative fantasy storylines I‘d never read before, and the narrator (I listened to it on audible the 2nd time round) was superb. Give it a read (or a listen).
I‘ve been kind of MIA from here for a while and I actually lost the majority of my book collection in Hurricane Florence (either to water damage or to mold). This is some of my small current collection. Some were ones I took with me when I evacuated and some are ones I‘ve been gifted or bought at the library book sale more recently. #stupidhurricane
I really enjoyed this book. I liked American Gods, so this was recommended to me. If you‘re a fan of fantasy, you‘ll enjoy reading this one. My cat sure didn‘t like me ignoring her to read it!
#catsagainstliteracy #catsagainstreading #catsandbooks
I'm flying to NJ this weekend to visit my family since I'm not going to see them during the holidays. Really not looking forward to listening to all their conservative politics talk all weekend. 😣 *sigh* Here are the books I'm packing for the journey-need to make sure I have enough to read at the airport! 😁👍 What do you guys think? Good choices?
I thought i reviewed this book a couple days ago but its not showed up on my litsy feed.
This was my second time reading this book but i thought it would be a perfect halloween read and i was spot on.
I love the characters and the settings and i love how the plot twists and turns.
This was the book that made me realise that Neil Gaiman is one of my top favourite authors
Book: Neverwhere, The Night Circus 🎪
Author: Neil Gaiman
Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas 🎃🎄
Food: Nuts
#manicmonday #lettern @JoScho
Traveling in a metro today made me wonder what if there were a " Delhi Below" where angels and demons and strange creatures lived,what if you met a girl named Door who could open any door, what if there was a floating market and you were thrust into such a world and no one from your old life remembered you!!!
Mad Musings of a Reader!!!
PS: Neil Gaiman is a master of creating such a world!!!
New spooky books for fall 🧡🕷🖤👻🎃
“You've a good heart. Sometimes that's enough to see you safe wherever you go. But mostly, it's not.”
It always makes me nervous to start rereading a previously loved book. What if I‘m a different person now?
There's little more to say than wow, absolutely wow!!! This book is totally unforgettable and truly fantastic. Some characters become your friend, I have many fictional friends and quite a few more now that I've read Neverwhere!!!. Anyone who loves magic will adore this book!!! (Trust me) ❤...!
Took my little bookworm to visit his grandma out in the lake, so I had a beautiful view while I plunged into London Below
First #makemereadit book for August has been read! Gaiman's prose is always top notch, but you can tell this was his first solo novel. It had a bit too many tropes like mcguffins and backtracking, and the ending wrapped up a bit too neatly for me.
This was also a novelisation of a BBC series so he was most likely constrained by that as well with the story. Still a seminal piece of urban fantasy! 🌟 🌟 🌟.5! Now on to #theshining!
"Do you like cat?" she said.
"Yes, " said Richard. "I quite like cats."
Anaesthesia looked relieved. "Thigh?" she asked. "Or breast?"
I'm in love! This book is now, hands down, my second favorite of the year. It was so dark, so funny and completely engaging. I'm sure everyone in my house even knows how much I loved this book because I haven't shut up about it in days. I've already recommended it to people, even said they could borrow it, because I needed to share my joy. If you even sort of like fantasy and haven't read this yet, you NEED to read it!
Ugh, it was a crazy weekend. Baking a Lego cake for my nephew's birthday, it was crazy busy at work where I put in over 40 hours in four days and 2 of my kids had colds. I still managed to get a third of the way into this book. I'm so happy that I'm off tomorrow. The plan is to just relax and read because this is such a great book so far, it's been torture putting it down so much #currentlyreading
On paper, I should love Neil Gaiman. My perfect genre, Stardust is one of my favourite movies and I've tried so many of his books now. Although I never actively dislike his writing, I never have that "can't put it down" moment I crave. "Neverwhere" is very reminiscent of "Hitchhiker's Guide" but with lots of heavy handed, London placename play on words forced in. I think I have to face facts that Neil Gaiman and I don't have a future!
Believe it or not, I‘ve liked the Gaiman I‘ve read in the past (Stardust and Anansi Boys). Still, given my strong distaste for fantasy, I don‘t have high hopes for this one. It‘s my #steampunk pick for #booked2018 so I‘m giving it a try! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 #bathandbook
I still can‘t believe it took me this long to read! I mean it‘s Neil Gaiman so you can‘t go wrong. I‘m glad it ended the way it did otherwise I think I‘d feel entirely different about it LOL
Got grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry all done. Time for some reading 📖
Absolutely loved this dramatised version of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. It was a birthday present from my friend who knows I love audiobooks. I enjoyed every minute of it, even though I don't normally read fantasy/magic realism. Thoroughly recommend if you want to dip your toes into the author's work, but aren't too sure where to start.