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Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories
Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories | Truman Capote
House of Flowers, A Diamond Guitar, and A Christmas Memory are included with the tale of a fun-loving amoral playgirl in New York City
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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We're back this week discussing the famous Truman Capote novella, “Breakfast at Tiffany's.“ We discuss the book, and the 1961 movie adaptation starring Audrey Hepburn. And finally we riff on the idea of author as a celebrity. Have we lost that? If so, who was the last celebrity author? Fun episode with a few hot takes but mostly just two friends discussing books. Enjoy!


Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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First read of Capote & have to say his writing is 🔥 - hilarious, bitchy & so natural (his description of Rusty Trawler is just wicked!) Did NOT know plot of BaT, just the cultural references (Audrey Hepburn in a little black dress etc) so initially I didn't know what I was supposed to feel about HG - and I really didn't know how I did feel...was so not expecting Lulamae! Thus, BaT acquired layers...cont. in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️

readingjedi Despite the character being thought of as care-free, quirky, aspirational & romantic, I found her desperately sad, struggling, playing a role, hiding her pain and being every so slightly self destructive. Her funny antics seemed like the drunken behaviour of someone acting out. Is it just me? 1mo
readingjedi That said, I did absolutely love this novella. The ending is perfect, the reader left with this brief snapshot of Holly's life and wondering what became of her along with the other characters. It's actually what you don't know about her and her life that's most intriguing. 1mo
readingjedi I actually found this novella deeper and more thought provoking than the popular imagery of Holly Golightly might suggest. Caveat: I have not seen the movie. 1mo
Suet624 Well now you've made me want to read it! I've never really cared to before. 1mo
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Delightful. Wondering why I hadn‘t read this before now.

CarolynM ❤️ So different from the film, but both wonderful in their own ways. 1mo
Jeg @Carolyn I have the firm here to watch. I might have seen it in the dim dark past but I don‘t remember. We have some wet days ahead, at last, so might get in some daytime viewing. 1mo
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Starting this one today. Second hand copy - it's a little on the grotty side!

Having 2 literature degrees, I'm always embarrassed by how much classic/modern classic literature I HAVEN'T read! So I'm trying to rectify this by reading at least one glaring omission a month!

Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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About to dip into my first Capote

Tkimsal The story contained in there called “A Christmas Memory” is probably my favorite short story of all time. Capote was an amazing talent. 4mo
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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We came in with a plan to add some shorter works to our TBR, and because of Matt's ear infection and because Peter can't help himself, we added two novellas and six essays/short stories. Reasonable, right? Lots of interesting nominations this week so be sure to grab a pen and paper. As always thanks for listening. Enjoy!


Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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After reading Vanderbilts, it occurred to me to read something by Capote. It's possible I've never seen the 🎬. Pop culture is strong. The book reminded me of Wuthering Heights. I kept wondering, how did the narrator get there? The authors tell us. What is the literary device for dropping narrators into a story to spy on the characters? Gaining instant confidence, I imagine them in trench coats with a pencil & notebook.

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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I‘ve seen the movie version over a dozen times but have never read the book. I found a copy on Open Library and dove in. I‘m glad I did. I had a sense of Holly‘s carefree nature from the movie but not her tragic bravery. She is a confounding character who you learn to love and admire while hating all at once. She naively places herself in the most impossible situations and rescues herself with aplomb. An excellent and fast read!

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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This was my first Truman Capote book and I found that I really enjoyed the story. I was taken aback by some of the racist language. Aside from that it was a intriguing story. 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SpeculativeFemale I keep meaning to pick that one up sometime. 13mo
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I just finished the adorable Capote short story, A Christmas Memory.
I had NO IDEA he wrote Breakfast at Tiffany‘s- so I started this book & movie.I have to say, I had no idea what they were about, just that the movie is a classic.I am so off the mark about what the movie is about!! I thought she was a classy lady, not a flitsy, kept lady! I‘m curious to see how the story unfolds, So far the movie is keeping very close to the book-even dialogue!

dabbe I always read “A Christmas Memory“ with my students. Such a heartfelt story and nothing like BatT! 2y
tpixie @dabbe yes Memory was so sweet. Loved the illustrations also. BaT is much more crass! Lol I never knew! 2y
BkClubCare Aw!! Love a new audience for this complex tale. I was blown away, too!! (Wayyy back 30 yrs ago!) 2y
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tpixie @BkClubCare I‘m late to the party! But I also have put off In Cold Blood. That may be next! (edited) 2y
BkClubCare @tpixie - I‘m from Kansas. I tackled ICB way back; very soon after finding out how awesome narrative nonfiction can be. 2y
BkClubCare @tpixie + to me, it is fascinating about Capote because people have opinions but do they really know what he is about? He is a terrific example of someone who contains multitudes. (Don‘t we all?) 2y
tpixie @BkClubCare lol I‘m from Kansas too! THATS why I‘ve delayed it! Now in Hutchinson 🌻 2y
tpixie @BkClubCare yes! Great description! I‘m also curious about his Harper Lee connection. I think I‘m also going to move up - not certain if he is in it, but Harper is a ( minor) character (edited) 2y
BkClubCare @tpixie - #KSLittens! 💖🌻 (I‘m in ICT) 2y
tpixie @BkClubCare how fun! We‘re so close! I used to live in NE ICT- for most of my adult life. I miss B&N, Watermark Books, Target, & Oh Yeah! China Bistro Chinese restaurant! Of course, they aren‘t THAT far away, but still takes extra driving time. This Spring, we should have a #LitsyMeetUp! (edited) 2y
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I loved the story and the narration was very fitting - very well done. But I‘m shook. My favorite movie is a LIE!!

#WinterReadathon Book 2 Finished

Ruthiella Yes, the book is a bit different from the film! Still, I like both (despite Mickey Rooney‘s unfortunate performance/yellow face). 2y
annahenke Haha agreed on both counts! They both have a soft spot for me - despite that regrettable characterization!! 2y
Reading.w.Dee I loved this one too! Just finished it myself as well! 2y
annahenke @Reading.w.Dee nice!! 2y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Capote has a way of subtly drawing situations of sadness and loneliness that makes his characters so human. I loved the title story and “A Christmas Memory” most. I got chills several times while reading these. I would just knock half star off for the dated racial language, which made me cringe. Nonetheless, this was just a beautiful collection of Capote‘s shorter works.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Currently listening 🎧

ChaoticMissAdventures That is an interesting choice of narrator for this, how is it going? 2y
CogsOfEncouragement I listened a few months ago and thought Hall did a superb job. 2y
Cazxxx @ChaoticMissAdventures He‘s actually good! 2y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote

Book #16

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Michael C. Hall did a superb reading. I adore Audrey Hepburn. I‘ve seen this movie a couple times and it has been on my tbr for years. Finding this on audible made me finally get to it. Not a happy story, but I cared about the characters and enjoyed the tale.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I liked it, but did not love it as much as I thought I would. I have never seen the movie so I‘m not comparing it. 🤔
The writing is beautiful, Capote does have a way with words.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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1. Britt Marie Was Here ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

2. Thirteen Reasons Why

3. Literary Fiction? 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for the tag @TheNeverendingTBR

I tag @Avanders @MeganAnn @Mommamanzi
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Great choices👏🏻📚🙌🏻 2y
Avanders Definitely literary fiction 😁 Thanks for the tag… I‘m behind in life, as you can see 😜😘 2y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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“I‘d been to a movie, come home and gone to bed with a (bourbon)nightcap and the newest (Simenon); so much my idea of comfort…”

I love this line. It sounds like a perfect evening though I‘ve never read Simenon (just substitute any of my favorite authors in for him). I do like bourbon 🥃 but you can substitute any cozy /warm cocktail too.

jb72 I love that movie, but I haven‘t read the book yet. 2y
MaleficentBookDragon @jb72 I‘ve never seen the movie and this book has been sitting on my shelf for years. I wanted a short book and it jumped out at me. I plan to watch the movie after. 2y
jb72 @MaleficentBookDragon You‘ll have to let me know what you think. Audrey Hepburn is so cool. 2y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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'He was a middle-aged child that had never shed its baby fat, though some gifted tailor had almost succeeded in camouflaging his plump and spankable bottom.'

LeahBergen 😆😆 That‘s great. 3y
Cathythoughts I‘d love to read the book. I Imagine it to be a very different vibe from that in the movie. ( loved the movie too) 3y
Leniverse @LeahBergen This is a book of great descriptions and ridiculous names. 😄 3y
Leniverse @Cathythoughts It's been so long since I watched the movie that I don't remember much about it, but I think they got the character of Holly Golightly pretty accurately but changed the story a bit. Def recommend reading! 3y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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This was a charming read. However, I think Holly Golightly will always be Audrey Hepburn for me.

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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I finished this one today! I‘ve watched the movie many years ago and don‘t remember it all too well- but it did certainly influence my reading. I kept comparing to what I remembered and always pictured marvellous Audrey Hepburn. While I‘ve enjoyed it, I truely loved the three short stories that came afterwards! They were touching stories with very interesting characters! 4/5⭐️

Trashcanman I just finished this yesterday, did you like Holly Golightly 3y
ju.ca.no @Trashcanman I did! I thought she was super interesting- she seemed to naive and careless, but a few things she said made me think that she was just pretending and very calculating in her actions. what did you think? 3y
TiredLibrarian @ju.ca.no Love your reading buddy! 😺 3y
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ju.ca.no @TiredLibrarian he is a great companion😁 3y
Trashcanman @ju.ca.no I liked her character too. She had what I believe to be a rather thin veneer of pretentiousness. She had a lot of cracks where I feel, her true self was readily transparent. 3y
ju.ca.no @Trashcanman yes, very well put! I feel the same way! Especially learning about where she came from and what she ran from made it much clearer. You cannot possibly be this naive, immature and careless with this background! 3y
KristiAhlers This is one of my favorite books! I even have a first edition. So good 💙 3y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Another beautiful classic I enjoyed over a coffee.
A writer remembers his encounter with his neighbour Holly in an old apartment building in New York. Holly is a very young and unconventional socialite, who seems to live her life without assuming neither responsibilities nor consequences. Her eccentric demeanor both shocks and attracts him and makes us wonder if Holly is living a drama or has actually found the recipe for a happy life.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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In an hour-long school pick-up line... might as well read!

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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Love the movie, but never read the short story, but now I have. Much more explicit and racy with some problematic language for this day and age. That aside, it's hard not to think of Audrey Hepburn when Holly Golightly is speaking the witty words of Truman Capote. The additional short stories were also very good.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote

I (obviously) watched the movie first and I think I actually like the storyline in the book better. The movie follows the book really well but the movie definitely changed the story and romanticised it. Left some parts out. The book uses some problematic, outdated language but it also has some really cool and unexpected LGBT themes in it. I really enjoyed it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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A beautiful short story, read it in one sitting. Holly is a free spirit with witty comments and answers to questions no one asked. I loved the atmosphere in the story, but I was expecting a bit more to happen. Maybe it is one of the stories that truly hits only a few days after finishing it?

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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This book was really good and definitely very different to what I expected. Quite a sweet book but also quite deep. I would recommend reading it. Especially if you want a quick read as it‘s just 100 pages. I also read 3 other short stories at the back of the book and they were really good too. A fantastic quick read!
I have this book 4 stars ✨

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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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The perfect quick read I needed. Tomorrow is my birthday and so I‘ve finished this just in time to start whatever books I hopefully get for my birthday or I buy whilst shopping tomorrow! I will be 22!
Book review to follow

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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I love Capote's short stories in general, reading him it's like listening to someone that is very good at reading out loud, a pleasure doesn't matter what he tells you.

Holly Golightly is such a fun character to read, she really charms you with her craziness.

There are other three stories, all good but specially the last one, A Christmas Memory, an adorable story about the friendship between two cousins, an old woman and a 7 year old kid.

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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I believe it is necessary to listen to the movie soundtrack while reading this. 🎶🎵 moon river.....🎶🎵

Cathythoughts Lovely idea 🎶❤️ 3y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I liked this passage.

Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Not what I expected.
Better ending than the movie.
No wonder Capote hated the movie; it wasn‘t what he wrote.
While the movie was a different story than what he wrote, I do feel like each stands on its own, with each highlighting the improvements and flaws of each other.
Remake! Remake!

Kjteer I agree. I was surprised that the movie ended differently. Loved the book more! 3y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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“Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's”

Coming at this prompt from an unusual direction 😉


rubyslippersreads 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Eggs Well done 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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#3books Set in NYC

OriginalCyn620 Love it! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💞💞💞 4y
timeisfleeting Thank you @LeslieO for #Septemberswap! I have wanted the book for some time! And the pens & case are perfect! 4y
LeslieO @timeisfleeting So glad you like it! The book is going on my TBR 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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1) No not always (sometimes I don't realize it is a book)
2) I don't know if it is best adaptation but I thought both The Princess Bride and Breakfast at Tiffany's were better as movies.
3) David Copperfield with Dev Patel I am so excited for!

#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern Ah! I forgot about Copperfield and Dev Patel! Thanks for sharing! 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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No one does #glamour quite like Holly Golightly!

Leftcoastzen 👏👏👍 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice 💗💗 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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“I am always drawn to places where I have lived, the houses and their neighbourhoods.”

(I chose this book because it was short, and I hadn‘t read a classic for this month.) 🤷🏻‍♀️

Breakfast At Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Thanks for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks
Number 2 for sure! And I am reading it as each year you choose a different book.... is that cheating?
The tagged would be my first year. I have never been to New York and I have always wanted to go!

NeedsMoreBooks Excellent choice ❤️🧳 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I adore the film and have been wanting to read this for such a long time. I cannot believe how different it is! There is almost nothing of similarity between Movie Holly and Book Holly, other than occasional sentences.
I still have enjoyed the book, learned more of her past and of “Fred”.

ravenlee I remember seeing somewhere that Capote wanted Marilyn Monroe for Holly Golightly and it has always made me leery of reading it. Because I just can‘t make that fit in my head, you know? But if that‘s how he envisioned the character I think I‘m better off with the movie. 4y
AlaSkaat @ravenlee Yes! I think Marilyn would suit the character from the book. But the way they made the film, Audrey was the best choice. She would not fit Capote‘s idea of Holly. And Marilyn would not fit Hollywood‘s idea of Holly. 4y
Sparklemn Based on the movie clips I've seen, I thought Holly would be more likable than I found her to be. 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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I love Holly Golightly. This is in of my favorite stories! Re-read it today! Great classic.

lynneamch Loved the movie back in the day. Good reminder that I must read the book. 4y
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Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote
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Thanks for the tag @Eggs ☺️

1. Tagged
2. Screwdriver – goes with the obvious breakfast theme, but also because the Screwdriver was Capote‘s drink-of-choice (he simply called it his “orange drink”)
3. I don‘t follow food bloggers, but my favorite booze blog is liquor.com

OnlyYoo I love screwdrivers! Mostly cuz they‘re easy to make 😁 4y
bcncookbookclub Yeah! Nice discovery this cocktail, tomorrow I'll try it on my vermut time! And about book, sure is more soft than In cold blood, isn't it? 4y
wanderinglynn @bcncookbookclub it‘s nothing like In Cold Blood. In Cold Blood is non-fiction. Breakfast is a fiction work about a country girl turned New York café society girl. 4y
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