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Last Days of Night
Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
From Graham Moore, the Academy Award winning screenwriter of "The Imitation Game "and "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Sherlockian, " comes a page-turning historical thriller a novel based on actual events about the nature of genius, the cost of ambition, and the battle to electrify America. New York, 1888. The miracle of electric light is in its infancy, and a young untested lawyer named Paul Cravath, fresh out of Columbia Law School, takes a case that seems impossible to win. Paul s client, George Westinghouse, has been sued by Thomas Edison over a billion-dollar question: Who invented the light bulb and holds the right to power the country? The case affords Paul entry to the heady world of high society the glittering parties in Gramercy Park mansions, and the more insidious dealings done behind closed doors. The task facing Paul is beyond daunting. Edison is a wily, dangerous opponent with vast resources at his disposal private spies, newspapers in his pocket, and the backing of J. P. Morgan himself. Yet this unknown attorney shares with his famous adversary a compulsion to win at all costs. How will he do it? In obsessive pursuit of victory, Paul crosses paths with Nikola Tesla, an eccentric, brilliant inventor who may hold the key to defeating Edison, and with Agnes Huntington, a beautiful opera singer who proves to be a flawless performer on stage and off. As Paul takes greater and greater risks, he ll find that everyone in his path is playing their own game, and no one is quite who they seem. Advance praise for "The Last Days of Night" "" Mesmerizing, clever, and absolutely crackling, "The Last Days of Night" is a triumph of imagination. Graham Moore has chosen Gilded Age New York as his playground, with outsized characters Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse as his players. The result is a beautifully researched, endlessly entertaining novel that will leave you buzzing. Gillian Flynn, author of "Gone Girl" In "The Last Days of Night," Graham Moore takes us back to the dawn of light electric light into a world of invention and skulduggery, populated by the likes of Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla, and the novel s hero, a young lawyer named Paul Cravath (a name that will resonate with ambitious law students everywhere). It s part legal thriller, part tour of a magical time the age of wonder and once you ve finished it, you ll find it hard to return to the world of now. Erik Larson, author of "The Devil in the White City" "The Last Days of Night" is a wonder, a riveting historical novel that is part legal thriller, part techno-suspense. This fast-paced story about the personal and legal clash over the invention of the light bulb is a tale of larger-than-life characters and devious doings, and a significant meditation on the price we as a society pay for new technology. . . . Thoughtful and hugely entertaining. Scott Turow"
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@BookwormAHN Your book is on its way home. 😊 Estimated arrival Monday, 7/3.


@Laughterhp @BookishBelle @suvata

BookwormAHN Okay, thanks 😺 12mo
Laughterhp Still reading your book, FYI! 12mo
robinb @Laughterhp No rush at all. 😊👍 12mo
BookwormAHN It's back, thanks. Great round 😺 12mo
robinb @BookwormAHN Great! 👍 I really enjoyed all of the books this round! 😊 12mo
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I found this fictional story (filled with LOTS of nonfiction facts) fascinating and entertaining. As I was not aware of the Edison/Westinghouse/Tesla backstory, it was quite an eye-opener. The fictional parts of the novel were seamlessly and expertly woven in and made what otherwise might have been a dry, Wikipedia-type book, a page-turner. If you like underdog-to-hero types of stories, this might be right up your alley. Well worth the read. 4/5⭐️

CatLass007 There are so many hashtagged groups on Litsy, I‘d like to know what they are, please. What is #LMPBC ? 12mo
Meshell1313 @CatLass007 Hi! It stands for Litsy Markup Postal Book Club. @suvata hosts it if you want to join the next round! You join a group of 4 where everyone picks a book in a similar genre to read. You read your pick and mark it up- notes in margins, thoughts as you go and then mail it to the next person in group. At the end you‘ve all read the same 4 books and it‘s fun to share thoughts as you read in the book. Hope that helps! 12mo
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CatLass007 @Meshell1313 Thanks for the info. It sounds like fun. How long is each person given to read a book? I‘m already doing #CampLitsy23 and I really don‘t want to join anymore readalongs or book clubs until summer is over I don‘t think. I don‘t want to get overcommitted or overwhelmed. I have a tendency to do that myself. 12mo
robinb @CatLass007 Hi! Sorry I‘m just now getting on and getting back to you. Everyone has a month to read each book before sending it along to the next person. I like that about it as I don‘t feel pressured to finish it right away. I‘ve participated several times now, and I like that you get to be involved in whichever genre appeals to you. Hope that helps. 😊 12mo
CatLass007 @robinb Thanks! Maybe I will sign up to #LMPBC. I‘m not sure I can bring myself to write in a book, I haven‘t done that since I was highlighting textbooks in college. 12mo
robinb @CatLass007 Here‘s the link for the signup so you can pick whichever genre you‘d like to read. Instructions and sign up here: https://bit.ly/3qEa73B 12mo
CatLass007 @Meshell1313 @robinb @suvata I just deleted a post where I requested to be signed up and then I realized I would actually have to buy a book and I can‘t use my Audible credits on print books. Sorry gang. The funds are just not there. 12mo
robinb @CatLass007 That‘s OK. I usually go ahead and see what physical books I already have on hand (I read a lot on Kindle). I then pick those with 12mo
CatLass007 @robinb Thanks. I‘m actually trying to deaccession my print library now. If something I own on paper is also available in audio, I‘ll take it to the local used book store and exchange it for cash or store credit. I‘ll put the book on my Audible wish list and maybe some day I‘ll add it to my Audible collection. If it‘s not available in audio format, I‘ll keep it. (edited) 12mo
robinb @BookishBelle , @Laughterhp , @BookwormAHN It‘s been fun this round with you guys! 💜 And y‘all picked some great books…enjoyed them all. 👍 @BookwormAHN I‘ll mail your book back sometime this next week. As always, @suvata thanks so much for hosting this fun club! 🩵 12mo
robinb @CatLass007 good for you! I‘m trying to do that with my Kindle as well. I still keep special books I have in print but am using Kindle more these days. 12mo
CatLass007 @robinb I can‘t read e-books. It strains my eyes and causes headaches. Aaaand if I listen to a book I can crochet at the same time. 12mo
BookwormAHN Glad you enjoyed it 😺 12mo
BookishBelle I enjoyed reading with y‘all too! I‘ll get In Place of Fear in the mail soon! @Laughterhp @BookwormAHN 12mo
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Finished this last night! Putting it in the mail today and should be there by 6/12!

This book was very interesting! A bit long at some points and a bit gruesome at times. I never would have picked this up on my own, if it wasn‘t a #LMPBC read.

Don‘t want to say much more, since others still need to read it!

BookwormAHN Lovely flowers and cool vase 🩶 13mo
Tamra Gorgeous blooms! 13mo
robinb It‘s here! Thanks 😊 13mo
Laughterhp @robinb Oh awesome!! 13mo
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This ended up being very good but it was slow going in the middle. I‘m glad I persevered even though it took me much longer than it should have. I‘ll be getting this in the mail early next week. My apologies for taking so long! @Laughterhp @robinb @BookwormAHN #LMPBC #GroupH

BookishBelle @Laughterhp I mailed this yesterday. They said it should be there tomorrow. 😊 14mo
Laughterhp Okay, great! Thanks!! 14mo
paper.reveries This has been on my shelf foreveeerr. Good to know it's good! 13mo
BookishBelle @daisyheadmaesie Hi there! Happy to help! I also appreciated that the author tells you at the end what was fact or fiction and how he massaged the timeline for his story to work. 13mo
paper.reveries @BookishBelle that's awesome! 13mo
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This was a really good book about feud between Westinghouse and Edison, with Tesla over the electric light bulb. It gets dirty at times, but somehow Paul Westinghouse's lawyer keeps his sanity, mostly.
#LMPBC @BookishBelle I mailed it to you on Saturday, so you should have it soon.
@Laughterhp @robinb

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Finally, a week when I'm posting for #manicmonday on Monday 😁 @CBee

📖 The Last Days of Night
✍️ Harper Lee
🎞️ Laggies 📺 The Last Kingdom
🎤 Led Zeppelin
🎵 Lover by Alter Bridge

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#LMPBC #GroupV

I tried to pick from different genres. Do any of these tickle your fancy? If not, I have plenty more to choose from.
These are all paperbacks and I‘ll tag the others in the comments

@Mynameisacolour @DanaManiac @BookishBelle

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HeathHof You've got some good options here! My #1 pick would be The Silence of the Girls and #2 would be the tagged book. I haven't ready any of these though and would be good with any of them. 2y
DanaManiac Hey! these all look good to me 😊 2y
Deblovestoread Going with The Silence of Girls. This is shaping up to be a fantastic round! @Mynameisacolour @BookishBelle @DanaManiac 2y
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5 ? See what I did there? No? You should read this book to find out. The backdrop of the book is the "current" war between Westinghouse and Edison along with who invented the light bulb. A very "enlightening" historical fiction novel about the men who brought about our electrical system as we know it and the young lawyer in the middle of it. This book.was an attention grabbing, page turner of a read. Fantastic!!! @TheAromaofBooks #bookspin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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On to my #bookspin for November. This has been on the TBR for a bit.

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#bookhaul from a trip to Ollie's Bargain outlet today. Kira-Kira is a Newberry Medal book. The tagged book sounded excellent along with Rocket Men and Shadow of the Mountain: Exodus. Of course, my princesses got princess books.

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Graham Moore has a way of writing stories that make them feel so alive that you start to believe in the existence of his characters before you actually crack open a history book and learn that they really did exist. I'm talking of the main character here, Mr. Paul Cravath, who I knew nothing about before reading this.

Like Paul, I started this book without knowing what I was getting into. Once I got to the middle, there was no putting this book

asterese down. I had to see it to the end, and it was brilliant, all of it. Electrifying, I would even say.

⭐: 5

(Photo in the background belongs to Andy Willis)
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The battle of patents between Edison & Westinghouse was spearheaded by a young lawyer named Cravat. This historical novel turns the story into a bit of a thriller while remaining solidly grounded in fact. The other major players are the enigmatic Tesla and Paul's love interest. All of the main characters existed in real life & I loved reading the afterword from the author about where fact met fiction.

AvidReader25 Image from the W1nners‘ Club. 3y
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I am going to use #OppositeDay photo challenge to reacquaint myself with my TBR. This paperback has been on my shelf a year maybe two....🤷🏻‍♀️. Anyone love this book? Should I read it sooner rather later?

TheKidUpstairs I don't know it, but I'm definitely stacking it! Sounds really good! 3y
RamsFan1963 I read this last year. It was excellent, and I'm not a big historical fiction reader. 3y
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Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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Although I liked this book, I did not love it. There was something missing from what I would consider a great HF novel. Maybe because it was wrapped up in the legal issues, or maybe because the characters as described by the author just didn‘t grab me, but there was something off in my estimation. It was interesting, just not engrossing.

Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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Historical fiction isn‘t usually my go to genre, however I‘ve always been fascinated by the inventions of the 1800‘s and more specifically Nikola Tesla himself. This story was even more fascinating than I imagined and I really loved the quotes at the beginning of each chapter as well!!

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Historical fiction isn't my usual genre of choice, but I did enjoy this quite a lot. It details the war between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse over the light bulb, seen through the eyes of Westinghouse's lawyer. Not much court room drama, thankfully, but some romance, some mystery and intrigue as the opposing sides tried to one up each other. 5 💥💥💥💥💥

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On the day that he would first meet Thomas Edison, Paul watched a man burn alive in the sky above Broadway.

🤔 Interesting way to start the book...

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Cathythoughts I have this stacked, sounds good 👍🏻 4y
RamsFan1963 @Cathythoughts I'm only about 100 pages into it, but so far it's been excellent. 4y
swynn Haven't read this, but I read about the burning man, or at least the poor soul I assume Moore references, in Ernest Freeberg's “Age of Edison.“ It's an image you can't forget. 4y
RamsFan1963 @swynn Yes it was some pretty intense imagery to be starting the book with, but it definitely illustrated the danger of early electricity in an unforgettable way. 4y
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Set in the 1880s, The Last Days of Night tells the story of the war of the currents from the vantage point of Paul Cravath, the young attorney representing Westinghouse in the lawsuit against Edison over who invented the light bulb.
It's a fascinating book, with intriguing characters, interesting events, science, and very intelligent prose. I loved it.

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My order has finally arrived 🥳 #bookmail

swishandflick Great book! 4y
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Soaking up the last rays before night in another random reading spot.

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After inhaling The Holdout, I immediately grabbed Graham Moore's other books. This one is completely different but fascinating. It's historical fiction meets legal thriller, about the drama behind the origin of electricity and the many players involved. Because it's an undisputed fact that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb... right? As recognizable as his name is, this accounting, though fiction, highlighted how little I actually knew 💡

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Starting a new one!
#Edison #Tesla

Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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I picked up a bargain copy of this last weekend. It's been on my radar since several Littens have written glowing reviews of Moore's book about a lawsuit between George Westinghouse & Thomas Edison over the invention of the light bulb. I'm sure there will be explanations of platinum filament & #thethingummybob that makes it all work.
@arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Hehehehe 💡brilliant 🙌🏻I picked up a cheap copy too....but can‘t seem to find it 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
arlenefinnigan Good choice! 5y
readordierachel Nice! I enjoyed this quite a bit 5y
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This book was absolutely fascinating! I finished it in a day (despite having class today). Really well researched and written. I didn't know that Tesla invented the X-ray either. Very cool. Definitely recommend! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Who can relate?! For me... probably The Life of Pi

Tagged book almost but only because of the fairly graphic and horrible description of the first failed attempt to kill someone (Kemmler) with the first electric chair. Absolutely horrifying.

LeahBergen I would have to sneak over and see the title. 😆 5y
brilliantglow @LeahBergen right!? I'd need to know what book it was too 5y
Soubhiville @LeahBergen and @brilliantglow me too! I‘d have to know! 5y
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Soubhiville Also, I‘m with you on The life of Pi! 5y
julesG Now I want to know which book it was. 🙈 For me, Coelho books. 5y
jillrhudy I'm so excited to see this post and these comments! I hate Coelho AND The Life of Pi! 5y
brilliantglow @julesG @jillrhudy I have never read Coelho... guess I won't rush into reading any of his books 5y
Lindy @LeahBergen @brilliantglow @Soubhiville @julesG Add me to the list of people who would pull that book out of the garbage to see the title. Reminds me of a news story about a woman pulled over on the 401 near Toronto for reading a book while driving. The news did not say what book it was. How frustrating! 5y
brilliantglow @Lindy it is frustrating! I always want to know the book 5y
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Anyone know Ancient Greek? Lol trying to memorize the alphabet so I can figure out 1st declension and feeling a little annoyed.

I am enjoying this audio book that I started on the bus this morning though. Very interesting and well written.

llwheeler Ancient Greek and Latin here! 🙂 #classicistsofLitsy I know what you mean - the first couple weeks are hard but you got this! 5y
brilliantglow @llwheeler ahhhhh lol I have slated Latin for next year with advanced ancient Greek. I'm really enjoying learning it and can remember the letter names in order but to actually write them out in upper and lower is proving a struggle for me currently. 5y
llwheeler @brilliantglow Have fun with it! It takes some practice, for sure. Sounds like you have already made good progress! 5y
brilliantglow @llwheeler thank you! I think I'm getting there. Just slower than I like. 🙂 5y
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This book was so much fun! A legal thriller based on real historical events and I just couldn‘t put it down. I would recommend this one to just about everyone.

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This was such an amazing book. There are few scientists I love more than Nikola Tesla, so I had to read this. There's a line that says "visionaries like Tesla, craftsman like Westinghouse, and salesman like Edison" and frankly, that's the best description I've ever heard of them. The movie better not suck. #currentwar #edison #tesla #westinghouse #cravath

Texreader Great review 5y
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Edision! For shame sir! The dirt apond your name is the spoilt part of your life you did not successfully bury. I for one sir am gratefull to not be worshipping a false god! GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!

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Another fantastic read from the #NewYearWhoDis reading list of @VeganCleopatra 😃

Part historical fiction, part legal thriller, part history, this book is the fascinating story of the current wars between Edison, Westinghouse, and Tesla, and a young lawyer in the middle of it. I learned a lot and was very entertained. I listened to the audio, and the narration is great, too.


readordierachel I really liked this one, too! 5y
Bradleygirl This was a great one for me! 5y
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As far as #historicalfiction goes, this was right up there with my favorite, The Devil in the White City (which is saying a lot)! Westinghouse, Edison, Tesla, and our young protagonist, Cravath, fill out the pages of this novel and bring the battle of the light bulb and electric current to life. If you like historical fiction, particularly those with the flare of a thriller, I highly recomend The Last Days of Night! #bestseller #grahammoore

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Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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So far great book!!!

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Current listen from the library is great. ...I am such a pushover for Tesla no matter where, when or how he shows up in a book.
#audiobook #NikolaTesla #historicalfiction

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I got to see Graham Moore speak today at the Kentucky Bar Association‘s annual conference! He wrote the screenplay for The Imitation Game in addition to The Last Days of Night and The Sherlockian.

Of course I had to buy a copy of his book and get his autograph😊. He‘s very nice and gave an “illuminating” presentation about Tesla, Edison, and Westinghouse‘s legal battle, described in the historical fiction TLDON💡. Probably a great read!

britt_brooke Awesome! I loved this book! 6y
LitLogophile Oh good! I‘m looking forward to it @britt_brooke 6y
readordierachel How cool! It's a fascinating story. And I appreciated your illumination pun 😆 6y
Bradleygirl Dangit I'm so jealous 6y
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Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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Field trip,exam planning.Now on my porch, sunny with a breeze.Contemplating this book. I could not put down until I finished it in wee hours of the morning. Historical fiction, but so much based on on actual events, primary documents, etc. Note from the author a must read! I had no idea of the “current war” between Westinghouse, Edison, Tesla in the mix. Fascinating intrigue, law suits, dirty business, chess like- who is moving who?

britt_brooke It‘s completely fascinating, isn‘t it? I knew next to nothing about this piece of history going in. I found Tesla so intriguing. Happy you liked this one! 6y
Suet624 Alrighty then! Stacked! 6y
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#BelmontStakes #Justify #TripleCrownWinner #BelmontJewel #booksandcocktails
My family enjoyed Belmont Jewel Cocktails🥃 while watching the Belmont Stakes. A little too delicious & thirst quenching!

LauraJ What‘s in a Belmont Jewel? 6y
kspenmoll @LauraJ 1 1/2 oz. bourbon ; 2 oz. lemonade; 1oz. Pomegranate juice; shake together in cocktail shaker, pour in ice filled glass. Garnish with lemon wedge. (edited) 6y
LauraJ Ah, what would I do without Litsy to educate me about the finer things in life?! 🥃 6y
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Schnoebs My kind of night 🙌🙌🙌 6y
Daisey That sounds amazing! 6y
SandyW @LauraJ I know what you mean! 6y
kspenmoll @Schnoebs Yes! 😃 6y
kspenmoll @Daisey Delicious! 6y
kspenmoll @LauraJ It was delicious, never had one before! 😊 6y
Suet624 That race was so fun to watch. I got a little teary at the end. 6y
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#saturdaymorning #booksandcoffee #porchlife
Starting this intriguing book recommended by @britt_brooke on my porch since I returned from Tampa last Monday night. Working late interferes with evening porch time! Lots of bird song. Cool breezes. My son just joined me to work on computer in fresh air. ❤️📚💻☕️🐦🎼

readordierachel I really enjoyed this book! 6y
britt_brooke Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 6y
kspenmoll @britt_brooke Got immediately hooked! Only on p40 but it is fascinating! Thanks!!! 6y
kspenmoll @ReadOrDieRachel Book hooked me immediately! 6y
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All stories are love stories.... All men get the things they love. The tragedy of some men is not that they are denied, but that they wish they‘d love something else.

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Last Days of Night | Graham Moore
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Any guesses which book is my husband‘s? 😊

Karkar Saw the Graham Moore today, will be interested to see what you think of that one 6y
KathyWheeler @Karkar I just love the title! It‘s part of why I bought it. 6y
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“But this is the very thing about electricity. Nothing about it makes any common sense at all.”

This was a recommendation from one of my husband‘s friends and I‘m so grateful for it. What a completely fascinating read! This is my kind of historical fiction. I learned a ton about a subject I was embarrassing not very familiar with, while being wholly entertained. Audio was good; loved the authors note at the end.

rubyslippersreads I've had this on my TBR list for awhile; it sounds interesting. 💡 6y
readordierachel Glad you liked it! I really liked the author's note as well. It was nice to get a breakdown of the fact v fabrication. The movie should be interesting. 6y
BookMaven9 Loved this book 6y
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REPollock I loved this book too! It was a pre-Litsy read for me so thank you for the reminder! 6y
britt_brooke @rubyslippersreads It‘s really good! 6y
britt_brooke @ReadOrDieRachel I liked the explanation on how he approached Tesla‘s speech patterns and accent. Do you know when the movie is to be released? 6y
readordierachel Yes, that was clever! Tesla was one of the best parts. I think the movie is still being cast, so probably won't come out for a while. 6y
britt_brooke @ReadOrDieRachel Ah, that makes sense - thanks! I‘d really like to read more about Telsa. This book made him so endearing. 6y
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My #MayTBR so far consists of ones I‘m already in the middle of + the #LitsyBuddyRead selection. The rest of the month is a crap shoot. #ReadingResolutions @Jess7 @LitsyBuddyRead

I started the tagged book on #audio yesterday. The opening scene isn‘t #JustLikeFire, it‘s quite literally a fiery spectacle. Very fascinating book so far! #GetMovin @eanderson @Cinfhen

Jess7 Let me know how Girl Logic is. I bought it, but like I said before sometimes I love her and sometimes she annoys me, so I haven‘t read it yet. I‘m curious about “Less”. I didn‘t buy it when it was a kindle Deal months ago bc it sort of looks like Trump on the front and I judged it based on the cover. Now that it has been recognized in the literary community I am curious about it. 6y
britt_brooke @Jess7 Girl Logic isn‘t very good, tbh. I‘m enjoying Less a lot so far. It‘s quirky and well-written. Not sure it‘s Pulitzer-worthy, but we‘ll see. 6y
Cinfhen I‘ve heard really good things about your tagged book! And same with Less...your comment made me laugh @Jess7 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen It‘s really good so far! 💡 6y
Jess7 I‘m a cover judger what can I say! 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol @Cinfhen 6y
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One of my husband‘s friends recommended this book - quite literally about #power - to me recently. Sounds fascinating!

#Power #ReadingResolutions

EDITED: I had the wrong book. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thanks @BarbaraTheBibliophage for pointing me to the correct one.

Jess7 It does sound interesting 6y
britt_brooke @BarbaraTheBibliophage I know that‘s the one he meant - thank you! I‘ll see if I can update this. 6y
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readordierachel I really enjoyed this one! It reads like a movie 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Haha. I didn‘t know! Glad to be of help. And BTW, I loved this book! 6y
britt_brooke @ReadOrDieRachel It‘s sounds really good. Did you go print or audio? 6y
readordierachel @britt_brooke I went audio and the narrator was solid. I'd recommend it. 6y
britt_brooke @BarbaraTheBibliophage 👏🏻 It sounds really interesting! 6y
britt_brooke @ReadOrDieRachel Ok good, that‘s what I was leaning toward - thanks! 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve been curious about this one. 6y
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Fascinating! You can tell Moore is a screenwriter. The book reads like a film. Excellent pacing and plenty of dramatic scenes. I was unaware of how contentious the battle between AC and DC was, and I really appreciated Moore's breakdown at the very end of what was fact and what was fabrication.

I want to go back in time and give Nikola Tesla a hug, even though I'm pretty sure he would not have appreciated it.

LeslieO Oooo this one is on my TBR, looking forward to it. 6y
readordierachel @LeslieO It's pretty engaging. Hope you enjoy it! 6y
vivastory This sounds great! Will definitely check this out. 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage I loved this one too! 6y
readordierachel @vivastory I hope you like it! Supposedly it's going to be a movie, which I'm cautiously optimistic about. It's a really interesting story. 6y
readordierachel @BarbaraTheBibliophage It was really good! So many more twists than I was expecting! 6y
RohitSawant Stacking this! Sounds really fascinating! 6y
readordierachel @rohit-sawant It was! 😊 6y
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Doubt I'll ever listen to anything narrated by this guy again (some awful attempts at local accents and confusing reading of dialogue made me feel kind of meh about this once every fifteen minutes) but I had so much fun with this book. Yes, good.

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