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Romeo and Juliet (Updated)
Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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In "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare creates a violent world, in which two young people fall in love. It is not simply that their families disapprove; the Montagues and the Capulets are engaged in a blood feud. In this death-filled setting, the movement from love at first sight to the lovers final union in death seems almost inevitable. And yet, this play set in an extraordinary world has become the quintessential story of young love. In part because of its exquisite language, it is easy to respond as if it were about all young lovers. The authoritative edition of "Romeo and Juliet" from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers, includes: -Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play -Newly revised explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play -Scene-by-scene plot summaries -A key to the play s famous lines and phrases -An introduction to reading Shakespeare s language -An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play -Fresh images from the Folger Shakespeare Library s vast holdings of rare books -An up-to-date annotated guide to further reading Essay by Gail Kern Paster The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, is home to the world s largest collection of Shakespeare s printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs. For more information, visit Folger.edu."
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I finished reading the easy version of Romeo & Juliet with my 8th grade students. Even though the text was changed a lot they did not catch some parts of the the story. And I did not like the easy version because some of the best known quotes of this play have been changed. I prefer the original.

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I am currently reading the abriged version of my favourite Shakespeare tragedy because we are going to visit the theatre soon. 💪💪💪💪

Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Eggs ❤️❤️‍🔥💔 4mo
dabbe @Eggs 💚☘️💚 4mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚☘️💚 4mo
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Eggs Lovely 🥰 5mo
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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dabbe 😂 7mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ⭐️🌟✨ 8mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩵❄️🩵 8mo
Eggs 🥰😂😅🤣 8mo
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 9mo
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#DownForTheCount really had me thinking about these two star crossed lovers. #IdiomInsight @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

sherrisilvera Love the cover! 11mo
Eggs Beautiful cover 💔 11mo
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Eggs Perfection 🥰 11mo
dabbe @Eggs 🧡💜💛 11mo
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“The haste within the pursuit for love leads to death for many involved.”




BethM I yelled R&J at my toddler to interrupt a tantrum1 I highly recommend 😂 11mo
Eggs @BethM 😂 11mo
dabbe You got there first! All I could think of was this play for today's idiom.
“Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast.“ 🤩🤩🤩
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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I couldn't resist. 🤷‍♀️

TheSpineView No one can resist Shakespeare! 13mo
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Here is the link to the funny version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKUyq-uCZr0

The part I quoted starts at 2:20 into the youtube video. 🤩🤣🤩

SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Love this show/video! Getting to play the last act after my high school students finally finished reading Hamlet almost makes up for the struggle to get them there. 1y
TheSpineView So good!!!🌞🤣😊 1y
dabbe @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards YES! And the coolest part is they watch it, laugh, but the GET IT! Sometimes I would show them the whole thing, and even though they might not have totally understood the others, they still laughed and enjoyed it. After playing it tons of time, you'd think I wouldn't still watch it. But I do. Every single time. 🤣🤩🤗 1y
dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩🤗😘 1y
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Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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I see the word “star“, I think of this play. Always.

E.Bolhafner I think it is interesting how star stands for fates, in Shakespeare negative fate, but in things like tarot or even general culture stars stand for good fortune or something positive/bright in the darkness... a blessing instead of a curse. 1y
dabbe @E.Bolhafner I totally agree. To even add to that, night and red can usually be symbols of danger and death but also of romance and love--or in R&J's case, both. The only times they're together in the play (except when marrying) is at night: “Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-brow'd night ... Give me my Romeo.“ 1y
TheSpineView ❤️ Shakespeare! 1y
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dabbe @TheSpineView Always. 😍 1y
TheLudicReader Love this play. Just collected my grade 10 essays. :-) 1y
dabbe @TheLudicReader Oooh! What did they have to write on if I may be so bold as to ask? 😀 1y
TheLudicReader @dabbe topics included who/what was to blame for R&J‘s deaths, is the play about love or violence, were Romeo and Juliet really in love, how did Romeo subvert gender norms…fun times. Lol 1y
dabbe @TheLudicReader LOVE these topics! My pick (if I had to write said essay) would be about who/what was to blame. Was it those accursed stars from the get-go? Oh, I could write volumes! I bet you get some good stuff. 💙💚💙 1y
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It was my 3rd or 4th time reading this, and I find something new in it each time. There really is a reason the classics endure. I tried to do a read/listen combo, but really disliked the audio on the Folgers Shakespeare version I have, so abandoned that plan. I‘m planning to read Chloe Gong this month, so I‘m excited to see the connections.

OriginalCyn620 That‘s a beautiful edition! 1y
IndoorDame @OriginalCyn620 it‘s my first Wordsworth special edition, but definitely not my last! I just discovered that they have several collections with the most gorgeous artwork!!! 1y
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#ThemedThursday While there are countless terrible adaptations of this, and while I have seen some IRL scenes of ‘if I can‘t be with you I‘ll kill myself‘ play out (and very much wish I hadn‘t!) I love the original play and the first few movie adaptations I ever saw, and have been wanting to revisit them recently. I actually realized last week that I no longer own a copy of the play or any of the movies!!! So I‘m on a quest to fix that.

LitStephanie Oh, have fun! I still love both Zefferelli's and Luhrman's versions, for different reasons. 1y
IndoorDame @LitStephanie thank you!!! 1y
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Suet624 @LitStephanie I'm with you. 1y
dabbe Ooh, yeah! Thanks! 💜🤗💜 This is the 1st one that popped into my head, too! I have a pdf-file of the whole play, if you're interested.

Have you seen the RSC's version of R&J? It's hilarious:
IndoorDame @dabbe ooh, I haven‘t. Thanks!!! 1y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Went to see & Juliet tonight - what a talented young cast!

I was somewhat swayed by knowing that my early 00s crush - Millsy was in the cast (😍😍😍) - and while he was fantastic - he wasn‘t the best thing about the show.

Blasting millennial era pop songs & using Juliet not ending things with a dagger when she wakes up from her drugged sleep as a jumping off point - this honestly was just ridiculously fun - and the plot twists! Loved it!

janeycanuck Oh, I loved this, too! What they did with Shakespeare and Anne was so good!! 1y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @janeycanuck, yes! I love a bit of fourth wall breaking! The line about there never being another Anne Hathaway where they both side eyed the audience was 👌🏼. Excellent puns too - I especially enjoyed da bois band! (edited) 1y
DivineDiana Sounds fantastic! Adding to “must see” list! 1y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @DivineDiana, that‘s an excellent life choice ☺️ 1y
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TheKidUpstairs This guy's got the best tweets 💗 1y
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No shame in my No Fear Shakespeare game. 😂
Rereading Romeo and Juliet. ❤️


MyNamesParadise I had to use No Fear Shakespeare whenever I was assigned Shakespeare in school. I just don‘t understand old English. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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And now some FUN with ROMEO AND JULIET!

BTW, if you've never seen or heard of The Reduced Shakespeare Company, you are missing out! It's on the link below, 2nd from the 2nd column:


rwmg This reminds me of watching the Leo DiCaprio film with my Indonesian partner, who had sort of heard of Romeo and Juliet as a great romantic couple but didn't know the story. He was absolutely DEVASTATED by the ending. 2y
dabbe @rwmg Yeah, how many stories do we have where it ends like that? The students who had never read or seen it felt the same way. BTW, I LOVE the Leo version. Even though it's set in so-called modern times, the dialogue is EXACTLY what's in the play with nothing left out. Very dramatic, too! Well, it's a drama, right? 😀 2y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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My 2nd-to-last least favorite Shakespearean play (JULIUS CAESAR is last, sorry Will). Teenagers with angst and haste. No wonder our freshmen loved it! I also called it the “IF ONLY“ play, as in: “If only they had talked to their parents or tried to“/“If only they had waited for Friar Laurence“ ... Of course it's Shakespeare w/ beautiful words (especially the balcony scene, but I much prefer his darker tragedies). Still, a good start for the frosh.

RamsFan1963 I never found Romeo and Juliet to be a great love story. If you told it today, it's two angst ridden teens who take things too far with tragic results. Like National Enquirer headlines. 2y
dabbe Boy, do I agree! I sometimes wish I had filmed my classes before retiring just to relieve ALL. THE. DRAMA. Some teenagers can make a lost pen be the most angst in their lives that day. I guess (at least) with R&J, the angst was over so-called love at first sight. 2y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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#twofortuesday Thanks for the tag @Eggs

1) In 7th grade I decided to read Romeo and Juliet. Then I memorized the balcony scene. I‘ve quoted it ever since. When you‘ve memorized something so young and repeated it for so long, it‘s quite hard to forget in its entirety…”what‘s in a name…a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” I was a weird child

2) Midnight would complain that I don‘t spend nearly enough time cuddling her or feeding her

TheSpineView Never enough cuddles and I'm typing this as my cuddler just tried to get closer. Thanks for playing 2y
Texreader @TheSpineView I‘m on a business trip tonight so she‘s probably really pouting that I‘m not there for making biscuits. I‘m the fortunate family member on whom and only on whom she will make biscuits. I always have to get a double batch when I return. 2y
SamAnne I remember memorizing the Queen Mab speech. Sadly I can‘t quote it now, but I could for years. 2y
TheSpineView @Texreader ❤️🐈❤️ 2y
Texreader @SamAnne wow! Impressive! 2y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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There‘s nothing I can add about the plot that we all don‘t know. I‘ll tell you this, if you want me to teach irony and inference to students, I can find other ways. The only good time we had reading this was when they acted out the final scene and we had “dead bodies” laying all over the classroom. 🤣 This is a good way to teach caution in relationships, though…I‘ll say that… #RoryGilmoreChallenge

Romeo & Juliet | William Shakespeare
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#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter #DailyPhotoPrompt #Day17 #Poison

Oops, another week and more photos to catch up on! I‘m going to post last week‘s photos before I tally my final Week 3 numbers later today.

In Romeo & Juliet, the star-crossed lovers meet their end partly due to poison.

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kplovesbooks 💯 FACTS. 2y
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I just finished the Oscar nominated Westside Story & am pretty floored by it. A loose adaptation of Romeo & Juliet (to the benefit of the film) with some of the most impressive choreography that I have seen since La La Land, it might be Spielberg's best since Lincoln. Since the Oscars are tomorrow I thought I would post a collage of my 6 favorite movies (Les Vampires counts as a series) watched this year. I have previously watched The Godfather👇

vivastory but I saw the remastered version in the theater in Feb & it was incredible. Of the 10 films nominated for best picture I have seen 4 & would be perfectly happy with 3 of them winning. I enjoyed Don't Look Up, but don't feel that it was Oscar worthy. There are several other nominees that I plan on watching, especially after I read the works they are based on! I DO NOT think that NIghtmare Alley will win, simply because Del Toro won for Shape of 2y
vivastory Water only 4 years ago. My money is on Power of the Dog, but I also see Belfast being a dark horse. Both are movies I plan on watching. What do you think? What film are you cheering to win? 2y
Branwen I have always loved the original West Side Story and really want to see the new one! 💕 2y
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vivastory @Branwen It doesn't disappoint! I watched it on HBO Max, but I loved it so much I just might watch it in theaters before it leaves (edited) 2y
readordierachel I've only seen 2 of the nominees so far (Belfast and Licorice Pizza). I'm so behind. West Side Story is next on my lost though. I loved the original as a kid. I really want to watch Power of the Dog too. 2y
vivastory @readordierachel What did you think of Belfast & Licorice Pizza? I'm thinking of watching Belfast later tonight. 2y
readordierachel I loved them both. Licorice Pizza was such a unique story, I thought. And Belfast is very moving. Beautifully acted and shot. And I appreciated that it was only an hour and a half instead of the 2 1/2 hours that all movies seem to be these days 🙃 2y
vivastory @readordierachel Interesting that it is only 90 minutes. Looking at the trailer I was expecting it to be a 3 hr plus epic 😂 I enjoy long movies, but I agree. We need more short movies! 2y
readordierachel It's only that I rarely have 2 1/2 hours to spare these days. And I hate not being able to finish a movie in one sitting. So it's purely selfish 😂 2y
Jess I saw all of the nominees and wasn‘t floored by any of them. If I was picking by my favorite watch, it would probably be Dune but I think you are right and the Academy will probably go with Power of the Dog or Belfast. 2y
vivastory @Jess Out of the 4 I have seen Dune is my favorite with Westside Story a very close second. 2y
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A glooming peace this morning with it brings.
The sun for sorrow will not show his head.
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon‘d and some punished;
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
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ShyBookOwl 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. No, but I manage to read another 50 pages of The Pillars of the Earth. At this rate I hope to be done by the end of the month 😩
2. Oof, this is a hard one for me. Forbidden love, maybe? Romeo and Juliet style?

Tagging whoever wants to play...

RaeLovesToRead Forbidden love always makes a good story! 💀💋 I think I did get a book on Valentine's... does it count if I ordered it myself?! Haha 🤣 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Sure, I'll allow it 🤔lol 2y
TheSpineView Loved... but very long! 2y
The_Penniless_Author @TheSpineView I was knocking out Wheel of Time books in a week or two last year, but work/life has been very different in 2022 so far. Oh well, probably good to give my eyes a rest 🙂 2y
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batsy 😂😂 2y
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Hasn‘t Juliet ever heard of an all-nighter?

bookishdawg Honeydukes 💛 2y
janeycanuck @bookishdawg 💛💛💛 2y
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Romeo & Juliet | William Shakespeare
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First time re-reading since the 9th grade some 20-ish years ago. While I appreciate the language and phrasing more, I still find R & J‘s relationship under developed to the point that it feels less tragic and more pathetic in its pointlessness.

TheKidUpstairs I know it's often talked about as this grand, tragic romance, but I've always seen that pointlessness as the point (if that makes sense). The tragedy of the story comes from the pointless nature of two teenagers falling in puppy love, killing themselves because they can't be together. Tragic because they're teenagers not allowed to be teenagers, rather than tragic because great love was thwarted. 2y
Melismatic @TheKidUpstairs 100% agree! When looked at through that lense, it‘s a much broader cautionary tale rather that the “love story” many categorize it as. It never felt like a love story to me, either. 2y
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Romeo and Juliet (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💔📚👏🏻 2y
Eggs 💔💔 2y
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