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De naam van de roos
De naam van de roos | Umberto Eco
Het is de laatste week van november 1327 in een welvarende abdij in het noorden van Itali. Broeder William Baskerville, een geleerde franciscaner monnik uit Engeland, komt als speciaal gezant van de keizer met een delicate diplomatieke opdracht naar Itali. Hij moet een ontmoeting organiseren tussen de van ketterij verdachte franciscanen en afgevaardigden van de paus. Al spoedig ontwikkelt zijn verblijf in de abdij zich echter tot een tijd vol apocalyptische verschrikkingen: zeven dagen en nachten zijn William en zijn metgezel Adson getuige van de wonderbaarlijkste en voor een abdij hoogst zonderlinge gebeurtenissen. Er worden zeven geheimzinnige misdaden gepleegd, die de muren van de ontoegankelijke, labyrintvormige bibliotheek met bloed besmeuren. Angstige geruchten gaan door de abdij; niet alleen de abt heeft iets te verbergen, overal worden sporen uitgewist. William, een voormalig inquisiteur, wordt door de onderzoekskoorts bevangen. De ontmaskering van de moordenaar gaat hem veel meer in beslag nemen dan de strijd tussen de keizer en de paus. Hij verzamelt aanwijzingen en ontcijfert manuscripten in geheimtaal. Steeds dieper dringt hij door tot de geheimen van de abdij. Het valt niet mee deze roman te benoemen. Is het een middeleeuwse kroniek, een detective, een ideologische sleutelroman of een allegorie? Wie n oog dichtknijpt en in het boek kijkt als in een ver verwijderde spiegel, zal in ieder geval gemakkelijk de monnikskappen en kardinaalsmijters uit de dagen van William verwarren met de moderne tekens van macht. Umberto Eco (1932) is een van de grootste schrijvers en denkers van deze tijd. Hij is beroemd geworden door zijn grote romans De naam van de roos, De slinger van Foucault, Het eiland van de vorige dag, Baudolino en De mysterieuze vlam van koningin Loana. Ook schreef hij De geschiedenis van de lelijkheid en De betovering van lijsten. 'Het bewijs dat een bestseller toch van superieure kwaliteit kan zijn.' Vrij Nederland 'Een roman z vol fantasie en eruditie, als er weinige bestaan.' Elsevier 'virtuoos divertissement' NRC Handelsblad
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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I know this is supposed to be brilliant but I‘ve had it with these freaky monks. Read for Story Grid Guild

Librariana Very nice, frand! 2y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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My choice for #LetterN in the #alphabetgame is this intellectual workout.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🙌🏻📚 2y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Bacon was right in saying that the conquest of learning is achieved through the conquest of languages.

TiredLibrarian One of my all time favorites. 3y
PhyllisH This one is on my TBR list. 3y
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Il nome della rosa | Umberto Eco

"The name of the rose" it is the book that gave me the possibility to be out of the line with my Bachelor thesis. I chose a linguistic subject, I read it in 2 languages to find connections and discrepancies between languages. It is a book that will always be close to my heart.

MayJasper Wow. Which two languages did you study it in? 😊 4y
BeatrixNBooks MayJasper it was Italian (after only 3 years of studying) and my native language, Romanian. If I could find it at that time probably I would read it in English as well. 4y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Apparently the first hundred pages are a test to prepare you for the rest of the book. This isn‘t your typical murder mystery in that it‘s a slow burn with quite a few rabbit trails. Will appeal more to those who enjoy the reading experience. Completed my trip to Italy as part of my #staycationintimeswap. Thanks @AmyG for my copy!

AmyG You‘re so very welcome. I am happy you enjoyed it! 4y
Dostoyes @AmyG the final chapters were breathtaking. I felt like I was there watching the place burn. So it ended up a good choice for the swap! 4y
AmyG I had read it when it was first published and loved it. That‘s why I got it for you! 4y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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October #bookspin because time is bananas right now. I both cannot believe it is already October, and cannot believe it is only October.

Lots of witchy and death in the tile books for this spooky season. I have decided to put most of my October reads on this and throwing in stuff I am getting from the library this week, along with some digital arcs that are expiring, all things I intend to read this month, so get to plan #bookspinbingo!

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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Ok I‘m throwing in the towel with this one! I really wanted to like it; I love the medieval era and this mystery set in monastery is right up my street but I just can‘t get into it. I‘m so confused as to what‘s going on and who is who, it‘s making my head hurt so I‘m bailing at page 70.

Magslhalliday I read it way back in the 90s, beck when I had both the attention span and a 5 hour train journey each way to my parents house...;) 4y
Caroline2 @Magslhalliday Yes! I think it‘s the sort of book you need to read in big chunks. 👍 4y
krismlars I finished it, but it wasn‘t easy! Apparently I rated it 3 stars on Goodreads, but I don‘t remember it as an enjoyable reading experience. I had to buy another book to get through it, The Key to Name of the Rose. It had translations and explanations. 4y
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Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Did the same in the 90‘s 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 4y
zezeki I struggled with this one as well, especially in the beginning. After page 100, it got interesting, but there were still parts that I couldn't get through so I skipped. I honestly don't understand why this was such a hit. 4y
Skygoddess1 I had similar problems, the only that helped me get through was having seen the movie before. Watch the movie instead, it cuts out the long-windedness and deals with the straight story. 4y
cathysaid If you haven‘t already read it and like medieval era, you might like 4y
TrishB I finished it, but know I hate/skim read a lot! 4y
rabbitprincess I bailed on it as well. For me, I think I just find books about monks boring 😆 4y
ravenlee I have it on my shelf but have never taken the plunge. The movie is pretty good. 4y
JamieArc This is one of those books I have waiting on my shelf to be read, but so many reviews like yours have me hesitant. I‘ll probably just have to resign myself to it taking a long time, and giving myself a goal of 10 pages/day, and I‘ll be proud I finish it 😂 4y
Caroline2 @krismlars @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira @zezeki @rabbitprincess Glad to hear it‘s not just me. 👍 4y
Caroline2 @Skygoddess1 Yes! I defo need to check out the movie and the new BBC mini series. 😉 @ravenlee (edited) 4y
Caroline2 @TrishB I think it‘s one of those intellectual ‘classics‘ that are just too smug and pleased with themselves and ‘hate read‘ is a great way to describe em!!! 😆 4y
Caroline2 @JamieArc Sounds like a plan. 😉 4y
Anna40 Oh No! Don't! I read this book twice. See if you can get a book about Name of the rose. There is one by my former prof but it's in German and I don't think it's been translated. This book is fantastic and can be read on so many levels but yes! You do need some background info ... please give it another try 🙄 4y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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My choice for the #tropesinaugust prompt #bookishthemes is The Name of the Rose. This is a historical mystery novel which takes place in a medieval Benedictine monastery where the library and a certain rumored manuscript play important roles in recent murders. One of my favorite books of all time and I liked the movie too, which I saw before reading the book.

Anna40 One of my professors at uni wrote a book about The Name of the Rose explaining the significance of the names or numbers. I love how it can be read on many different levels. 4y
Klou This sounds really good!!! 4y
Ruthiella @Anna40 I totally agree! It is a book one can read multiple times and get something different out of it each time.😀 4y
Ruthiella @Klou I enjoyed it! There is a recent adaptation of it for TV starring John Turturro that I should check out too. 😀 4y
Klou @Ruthiella awesome!!! 4y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Third time's a charm...hopefully...

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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My cat is also a reader. She's telling me I should finish this 😫

#readingcat #thenameoftherose #umbertoeco

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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#KeepLitsyActive #KeepLitsyAlive


I remember enjoying the tagged book, once I got past the prologue. 😉

Medieval and especially religious/monastic history has fascinated me since my teen years. But it's just one period of history that I like. I enjoy fiction and non-fiction set in nearly all periods. I have to force myself to read stories and NF set between 1935 and 1980 though.


ljuliel This is one I‘ve always wanted to read , Jules. It‘s also in my Someday List. I don‘t do TBR lists. I do ....Someday I‘m Gonna Read That Lists. Thanks for posting. 💕 5y
julesG @ljuliel That's how I treat my TBR. It's the list of books I want to get to one day. The prologue of Name of the Rose is boring, stick with it, the story is great. 5y
ljuliel Thanks for the tip. That sounds a bit like Michener books. The first hundred pages are a challenge, but stick with it. They are SO good ! 5y
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jb72 I really enjoyed that book. The second half goes much faster. 5y
julesG @ljuliel Thanks for this tip. I have several Michener books on my shelf. 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I have tried reading this book so many times! Never got past the prologue... perhaps I should give it another go 5y
julesG @Lucy_Anywhere I got stuck in the prologue, too. 5y
tournevis Ha! Yes, the prologue, with Hebrew! Good times! 5y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Another adaptation! Oh, well, I need to dig this book up from my tbr mountain ⛰.


batsy I read while at uni and really loved it! But that was a long time ago 😂 so I'm tempted to read it again before catching the show. 5y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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#30JuneBooks #U is for Umberto Eco, whom I‘ve never read but I have this book on my shelves.

Ruthiella I just re-experienced this on audio. Still one of my favorite books of all time.😀 5y
Cathythoughts I‘ve never read either ... I imagine it‘s brilliant 5y
Itchyfeetreader I tried this in my early twenties and it represents one of the few books I have given up on. We‘re heading to that area on a few weeks and I am debating giving it another go 5y
ravenlee I‘ve been meaning to read this for years; it‘s sitting on my shelf. The movie is pretty good, so I bet the book is better. I just haven‘t gotten to it yet. 5y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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The NYT bestseller the week I was born. I‘ve never read it—should I?

#mygeneration #anglophileapril

BookNAround I loved this one. And I must be a thousand years older than you because I read this in college for my medieval Europe class. It was in paperback by then, but still. 😂 6y
ravenlee I haven‘t read it (though I have it) but the movie version is actually pretty good. 6y
Booksbymybed I loved it! Want to reread it now 6y
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Mdargusch How have I never heard of this? 6y
vivastory I've heard great things about it. 6y
emilyhaldi Cool cover 😍 6y
BarbaraJean I loved this! And like @BookNAround I read it for a college class. 😂 **Ok, I just looked up the publication date and I feel less old knowing that I was only 5 years old when it was first published in English. 😁 (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola I was born in 1983. 😆😆 @BookNAround @BarbaraJean 6y
IamIamIam I gave the book to my dad before I got to read it but I watched the movie with Sean Connery & Christian Slater eons ago in a college class. The film was great! 6y
BookNAround @Reviewsbylola OK, so I‘m not a thousand years older than you but I definitely could have been your babysitter because I‘ve got 12 years on you. 6y
Cinfhen This book is meant to be excellent 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹#somanybookssolittletime 6y
BarbaraBB It is a great read - and movie. Very scary! 6y
Simona Yes, you should! 😘 6y
Emilymdxn I loved the book and recommend it! Do it when you‘re in the mood for a serious chunkster, it‘s quite heavy but very rewarding. If you go at it in the right mood it‘s incredible! 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Does the #highwaytohell really lead through a library/book?

#marchintothe70s @Lizpixie @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Hmmmm 🤔 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve not read the book, on my tbr. 6y
writerlibrarian Good twist. 👍🏻 6y
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thewallflower0707 Isn‘t Amazon Prime making a tv show out of this 6y
PickwickPlockPlock @thewallflower0707 @julesG It's not Amazon, but there will be a new tv show with an international cast. 6y
julesG @PickwickPlockPlock Very interesting! 6y
Iblu Indeed, airing on Italian National tv since a few weeks, Italian RAI production with other international producers, there are some Italian actors plus John Turturro as Guglielmo (Sean Connery role). Will check out which platform is connected to 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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#LitsyWalkers @kaye

Yesterday's walk took me to the bakery at the end of the street for fresh rolls. As is often the case here, it was raining cats and dogs and I didn't dare to take my phone out for a picture. Put my jacket into the dyer and while waiting for t to dry, I found books that I hadn't been missing yet.



Kaye Great job Jules ✨ 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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OMG I can't believe I'm almost done!!! 49 minutes to go out of 21 hours!!! Almost there!!! I SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL! 🤣
BTW, I found this book to be the most boring I've ever read...

booklover76 I had to read it in college. Ugh 6y
SailorMoon Boring. Boring. Boring. He could have told the same story making it more interesting by cutting the book at least to a third. Too much Philosophy (that I like, just not when it's not needed) and general considerations on mankind. The whole book sounded to me as the author showing off how cultured he was. @booklover76 6y
Ingerella I admire your will power! 6y
SailorMoon @Ingerella 🤣 thanks!!! 🤣🤟🏻 6y
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Il nome della rosa | Umberto Eco
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#WeekEndReads @rachelsbrittain

1. "The Name Of The Rose" by Umberto Eco, and "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende

2. E-reader, otherwise it'd be paperback. I always hated hardback books, I could never "ruin" them and giving them that "over-lived" attire! Not that I can do that with the e-reader now either ?

3. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. I started it so many times I can't count, and bailed every single time.

rachelsbrittain Ohh I love Pride and Prejudice-- but I recognize it's not everyone's cup of tea! Thanks for joining in 📚 6y
CrowCAH Keep going with P&P you can do it! Me and the PnPCovers collection have Faith in you! 6y
SailorMoon @CrowCAH ahah I need all your motivation 🤣 I just added to my TBListenedTo list... I'm gonna try for the audiobook version eventually... 6y
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SailorMoon @rachelsbrittain pleasure's all mine, as always 😉 I had fun! 6y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk The Neverending Story is in my All-Time Top 5 Books! 6y
SailorMoon @TobeyTheScavengerMonk is it THAT good? I haven't had much time to read lately, so I'm going pretty slow on it... it has great moments, meaning it says things that really makes you think and ponder over real life... I'm liking it so far! 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge

Classic historical mystery that deserves its reputation as an intellectual feast

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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TiredLibrarian Oh, I love this book! Enjoy! ❤📚 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Reading matter for the flight

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge

For it is a tale of books, not of everyday worries, and reading it can lead us to recite, with à Kempis, the great imitator: “In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.”

Excerpt From: "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/249309362

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge

I made it to page 66 before deciding life is too short. Only the second book in 5 years that I DNF‘d. :(

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge

Third book down for #13books13weeks, mostly in audio. The audiobook was well done, I recommend it. This does feel like a modern classic, and like a lot of classics I don't think I can review it concisely. Feels like if I wrote anything it'd spiral into an essay pretty quick, so... #notareview

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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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I was reading a Robert Browning poem earlier today that glossed the word "catafalk" and then the chapter I am on now in Name of the Rose has used the word several times. Can't say I knew it before but I bet I won't forget it now...
#bookserendipity #wordoftheday
(Screenshot from wikipedia)

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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These chapter titles crack me up. This might be my favourite one so far. 🧀

LeahBergen Mmm... cheese in batter. 😄 6y
Palimpsest This is my favorite book! 😊 6y
llwheeler @Palimpsest I'm about 60% through right now and really enjoying so far ☺ 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Next up for #13books13weeks - a book this thick usually takes me 3 weeks to read, so I'm not exactly making this challenge easier on myself. But this is borrowed from my dad and I've had it for quite a while, so I want to finish it and return it.

Gold foil on paperbacks is so hard to photograph! I settled for the dingy looking pic as opposed to the glare that washed out the entire cover. #booknerdproblems

Libby1 I just finished this one a couple of weeks ago. I love history, philosophy, theology, and mysteries, which this book has in spades. I hope you‘ll enjoy it! 6y
llwheeler @Libby1 I'm only a few pages in, but i'm enjoying the tone so far. I like frame narratives and it's been a long time since i read one, so I think i'll like it! 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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I‘m setting up my new bedside reading table in the hopes of incentivizing more books and less YouTube before bed. 🙄 Any suggestions for what to include on the shelves? I know I‘m going to make a mini “reading kit” with a pen, bookmark, highlighter... I‘m going to keep my reading journal there for sure... Not sure what else! I‘m open to suggestions. ☺️ What helps you read consistently before bed?

Zelma Good lighting is a must for me. Or my nook and charger. 6y
LectricSheep @Zelma oh! Yes! A book light and kindle charger! Thank you! 6y
rather_be_reading omg i love it! 6y
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night_shift That's a cute shelf! I keep a charger, my kindle, a book, notebook, and pen on my bedside table. 6y
Emilymdxn I always like to have a drink or water bottle near me when I read otherwise I‘ll be wondering if I‘m thirsty and up and down to get water or a snack every few minutes. Maybe that‘s just me lol! You could make a small space for a nice coaster for a tea mug or something? 6y
LectricSheep @UnidragonFrag maybe what matters most is what I *don‘t* keep on it (I‘m looking at you, laptop) 😅 6y
LectricSheep @Emilymdxn I‘m the same way! I should have a snack section for sure. Now how to keep my partner from eating them...🙄 6y
LeahBergen Maybe a small stack of short story collections for when you don‘t know what you feel like reading? 6y
Emily92Bibliophile Coasters for hot tea and/ or cold beverages ! 6y
night_shift Oh yeah! And a coaster for whatever I happen to be drinking at the time. And lol yes, keep that laptop (& phone) away from yer bed! That's bad news for getting good sleep (I should know lol) 6y
LibrarianRyan No advise. Love the shelf! 6y
Librariana Some post-it notes/flags, lip balm, hand lotion... You've mentioned it already, but notebook or reading journal, a selection of fun bookmarkS (plural), a coaster for tea (or wine), a tin with some biscuits/cookies... a pretty candle! 6y
Sarah83 A gorgeous bookish mug? ☺️ 6y
saresmoore I always have something light and funny within reach. It‘s my favorite way to fight sleeplessness. Currently on the nightstand is 6y
LectricSheep @LeahBergen good idea! I might go with essays, since I tend to read those more than short stories. 6y
LectricSheep @Emily92Bibliophile I have handmade coasters a friend made as a gift a few years ago, and I feel like they would look so cute on here! 6y
LectricSheep @UnidragonFrag technology is so ingrained in my habits that I once “tricked” myself into reading before bed by using the kindle software on my laptop. It was like my brain didn‘t care what I was doing on the screen, all that mattered was that I was on the screen. Kinda scary how habit-forming it is. 😶 6y
LectricSheep @librariana all great suggestions! Thank you! ❤️ 6y
LectricSheep @sarah83 it‘s hidden in the photo, but there‘s a mug behind that book stack— it‘s the “banned books” mug from Out of Print. So you and I are on the same page! 😁 6y
LectricSheep @saresmoore I usually go for boring as my sleep aid. I pretty much always have a history book on my kindle that takes me more than a year to get through because I only read it when I can‘t fall asleep and almost always fall asleep within a few pages. Right now I‘m snoring my way through a bio of Julius Caesar. 😀 6y
saresmoore That‘s a brilliant strategy! 6y
LectricSheep @saresmoore now if only I could remember anything about the book. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
Mdargusch I need that table! It‘s so perfect. 6y
LectricSheep @Mdargusch Pier One! But I did see one almost exactly like it on Amazon for $30 and almost bought it “so my table could have a friend.” 🙄 6y
night_shift I completely feel you. I have the same habit in the morning with sitting on the toilet & looking at my phone for like 10-20 minutes. Which I'm doing right now. Which I need to stop D: 6y
LectricSheep @UnidragonFrag 😂 I motivate myself not to do that only with the promise of coffee. 6y
night_shift That's a pretty good motivator, but I'm also very lazy in the morning so my only coffee isn't until I get to work. And it's only mediocre and thus not a great motivator. I really need to start setting my coffee pot up the night before again. That seemed to help! 6y
LectricSheep @UnidragonFrag yes, having coffee ready to go is key. my partner leaves for work really early in the morning and I‘ve trained him to leave a cup and a half for me. 😂 We have (grumpy, uncaffeinated) words if he drinks the whole pot. 6y
night_shift XD I wish I could get my husband to do that, but I'm usually the one having to drag him out of bed ten minutes before we have to go. He has insomnia, so I always feel bad if he's actually asleep and I have to wake him up :( but also, he does that whole pot drinking thing, so it's moderately dangerous to risk making a pot in the morning lol 6y
LectricSheep @UnidragonFrag Ah, the joys of marriage. 😂 6y
Mdargusch Good to know! 6y
Sarah83 Sounds pretty great 😍 6y
RealLifeReading Cute table! 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Hey @Libby1 sorry it‘s taken me so long to post but your #whodunituk package arrived! Thank you so much for the lovely gifts! They smell amazing!!! I‘m behind with the whodunit already so I‘ll be doing some serious power reading next wk! 💪🏻 📖

Libby1 Enjoy! 😃 6y
tammysue Books and fudge, yumm - A great combination!! 6y
Jeanne5 Interesting to hear your take on Knots. 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Your #whodunnituk books are on their way to you, @Caroline2 ! I‘ll be sending them tomorrow.

And my toes say hi. They obviously wanted to be in the photo, too!


Caroline2 😂 hi toes!! 👋🏻 yay! Can‘t wait to get started!!! 😃 6y
Libby1 Hi, @Caroline2 ! I hope you‘re having a good day. I stuck a few random things in the box with the books, one of which is a business card. It‘s not for me or anyone I know! I just liked the Alice in Wonderland quote. 🤪 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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It‘s difficult to review this book.

Is it a murder mystery? Is it an exploration of religious philosophy? Is it a Medieval history lesson?

Yes. Yes. And Yes.

It could be a dense and difficult read, but I found it enriching.

DGRachel That is a gorgeous cover!! 6y
Libby1 Thanks, @DGRachel . 🌹 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Hello, #whodunnituk participants!

I‘m doing something a little unusual for our traveling book club. I am sending TWO mysteries so that you can choose which you want to read.

I had originally chosen The Name of the Rose, but as it‘s so long and highfaluting it may not be to everyone‘s taste. So I chose the first Rebus mystery as well.

I hope you‘ll enjoy at least one of these books!

Could you please tag other participants, @ScorpioBookDreams ?

jenniferw88 @daydreamin_star @LoveToReadLiveToRead @thegirlwiththebookishcandle @DeborahSmall @TrishB @ShookBelf are some of the others! 😂 I'll be reading this one as i've read the name of the rose already! 6y
TrishB @Caroline2 is another member . I‘ve read Name of the Rose too and haven‘t read Rebus! This will reduce the numbers of those I‘ve read 😁 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Oh, decisions, decisions! 🤔 6y
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DeborahSmall Brilliant idea. I‘ve been meaning to start the Rebus books. My mum loves him 6y
Caroline2 Oh exciting!! I haven‘t read either so all good! I‘ve been dying to read the name of the rose for a while now! 👍🏻 6y
ScorpioBookDreams Such a great idea! 6y
Libby1 Thanks for tagging everyone, @jenniferw88 😃. I‘m glad you have the option of reading something new. 6y
Libby1 Hi, @TrishB ! I‘m glad there‘s something there you haven‘t read. 😊 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Okay friends, I have to ask...does this get better? I‘m just under 100 pages in, and I‘m feeling a little overwhelmed by all the political nuances that the characters keep having long conversations about. I‘m here because the main character sounded like a 13th century Sherlock, but am I just going to spend the next 500 pages reading about which pope hates which religious order?

MicheleinPhilly I was utterly bored by this. 6y
LectricSheep @MicheleinPhilly well, shit. 😅 6y
gossamerchild I was also bored by it, unfortunately. 6y
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LectricSheep @gossamerchild oh dear. Thanks for letting me know! 6y
BibliOphelia I loved this. Am I am more of a history geek than I even thought? (edited) 6y
Faibka I hear you. I‘m still on page 50 I think and started to read other books so that‘s not a good sign 😓 6y
LectricSheep @BibliOphelia I‘d heard that it might scratch the same itch as Elizabeth Kostova‘s The Historian— have you read it? 6y
LectricSheep @Faibka I keep falling asleep! 😂 6y
Faibka @LectricSheep 😂 I feel better now knowing I‘m not the only one! 6y
BibliOphelia I did read and love ! 6y
BarbaraBB I liked it a lot but I also remember skipping pages that were not directly related to the plot! 6y
LectricSheep @BibliOphelia @BarbaraBB I think I will keep pushing on then— at least for a while! 6y
BarbaraBB It is a really good whodunnit mystery! 6y
BibliOphelia Hope it turns to love - but if it just never hits you, ditch!! 😂 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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I like these illustrations.

The monk in the top left corner looks like he‘s holding an alien baby. 👽

quietlycuriouskate The one in the middle is trying to take a photo of his book haul. 6y
Libby1 @River_Voice and @Billypar - brilliant observation! 6y
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batsy @River_Voice Perfect 😂😂 6y
BiblioLitten I can't unsee that now! 😁 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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I like these illustrations.

The monk in the top left corner looks like he‘s holding an alien baby. 👽

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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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It certainly took me long enough to finish this one, but I'm glad I did. The core mystery component was great, but the period-piece stuff about different monastic orders and philosophical meditations often felt like frustrating distractions from the main narrative. Have to follow up with something a little livelier.

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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My only Folio Society book (a gift). One of my all-time favorite novels full of exaggerated and creepy characters. You don‘t realize at first what is off about them.
May #ReadingResolutions @Jess7

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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Reading at the airport and wearing my "sad clothes" (pants because we are leaving #florida and all of the warm shorts weather - #vacation is over) ??

readinginthedark 😂Sorry, just the “sad clothes” phrase made me laugh. 6y
bookandcat @readinginthedark my husband had on shorts before we left for the airport. He left to use the bathroom and told me he was going there to put on his "sad pants" 6y
readinginthedark I kind of hate shorts, so I would be happy to make this exchange, but I know the feeling! 6y
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Picked this up during my random bookshop excursion this evening.

The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco, William Weaver, David Lodge
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Ah! Magnificent line. Is it only me, or do you guys also think that Eco is also hinting at how his novel becomes a sifting through different narratives and bizarre happenings, the way the characters do in the labyrinth-library in the novel? Which, of course, comes to represent the Freudian techniques of interpretation of dreams...is a literary work, ultimately, the same as a dream then? What do you guys think?