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The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side | Agatha Christie
72 posts | 90 read | 32 to read
The quaint village of St Mary Mead has been glamourized by the presence of screen queen Marina Gregg, who has taken up residence in preparation for her comeback. But when a local fan is poisoned, Marina finds herself starring in a real-life mysterysupported with scene-stealing aplomb by Jane Marple, who suspects that the lethal cocktail was intended for someone else. But who? If it was meant for Marina, then why? And before the final fade-out, who else from St Mary Mead's cast of seemingly innocent characters is going to be eliminated?
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A solid #AgathaChristie #mystery! She of course drops hints all along the way then clearly ties them up neatly at the very end.
Just the right length and set perfectly in a small town.

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I loved the beginning of this - Miss Marple in the early 1960‘s with new housing reaching the village, a self service supermarket, and vacuum cleaners taking over from carpet sweepers! There‘s a really humorous take on what changes and what stays the same in a community over time. The mystery was very guessable - and I don‘t like that. I never even try to guess but this one just falls on your lap early on!

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Number eight turned out to be one of my favorites so far. I loved that there was so much Marple and the exchanges between Jane and her caretaker/companion, Miss Knight, were just too good! 😂

I got a kick out of Dr. Haydock prescribing her a “nice juicy murder” and her reply of “That‘s an outrageous thing to say!”

Tamra I‘ve always enjoyed the Marple tv adaptions, but have never really enjoyed reading Christie‘s other novels. Maybe I need to try reading Marple in print. 13mo
Ruthiella Did you know this was inspired in part by a real life event in actress Gene Tierney‘s life? 13mo
jlhammar @Ruthiella I only just learned that from the All About Agatha podcast episode I listened to upon finishing the book. Tragic. 13mo
jlhammar @Tamra Aside from some short stories, I actually hadn‘t read any Christie before making my way through the Marples this year. It‘s been a lot of fun so far (four more to go)! I watched and loved the Hickson Marple series years ago as well as the Suchet Poirot. The recent Christie bio by Lucy Worsley is fantastic and definitely got me wanting to try more of her work 13mo
Tamra @jlhammar I‘m going to give Marple a try - hopefully I can find some audio titles. 13mo
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In my mind, Miss Marple is played by Maggie Smith. 😹

MrsK Never thought of her as Miss Marple, but you‘re so right! She would be perfect! 2y
Eggs Love your Litsy name! 2y
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#pop22 - mirror in title
@Cinfhen @Megabooks @Laughterhp @BarbaraBB @4thhouseontheleft @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @KarenUK @Cortg

One of the cleverest motives in Christie-dom, but I've been spoilt by the stunning 2010 Marple adaptation. Reading the original stories doesn't always measure up to the glorious viewing experiences I've had!

Still expertly plotted!

⭐⭐⭐ A high 3 stars

KarenUK Have to say, I‘m partial to the very cheesy Angela Landsbury/Liz Taylor 1980 version too! 😉 2y
Cinfhen Nice choice!!! 2y
Vansa One of my favourite Christies. Excellent title, and great story. I loved the ELizabeth Taylor version as well, and a couple of years back, there was a stage version set in India that I loved too. 2y
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Vansa One of my favourite Christies. Excellent title, and great story. I loved the ELizabeth Taylor version as well, and a couple of years back, there was a stage version set in India that I loved too. 2y
Cortg Nice choice! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @KarenUK @Vansa I'll have to watch the other versions. I've only seen the 2010 one with Julia McKenzie. It was gorgeous 💕 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Cinfhen @Cortg Thank you! 😊 Gotta make some progress on this challenge... I'm way behind 🙈 2y
Cinfhen You still have PLENTY of time!!! 2y
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This is a fun list, but my least favorite victim -- Heather Babcock in The Mirror Crack'd -- doesn't make the cut. Possibly because knowing why she's so awful gives away the plot.


Ruthiella Did you know this is inspired by a true story about the actress Gene Tierney? 2y
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I read this as a kid and never forgot it! Totally worth a re-read these days. Hollywood diva Marina Gregg and her entourage move to Miss Marple‘s quaint but changing village for a film shoot. At a charity event, one of Marina‘s fans drops dead from poison seemingly meant for Marina. Who would want to kill her and why? So timely!!! https://cannonballread.com/2021/10/the-mirror-crackd-from-side-to-side-elcicco/

The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Visited a cute, well-stocked little bookstore in Buena Vista, CO. Two buildings with a labyrinth between the two. Here, here for #librotravels

DivineDiana I do love a labyrinth! ❤️ 3y
youngreadrshelf @DivineDiana it was a very cool surprise. 😃 3y
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The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Now this was a good all about mystery. Where there are links everywhere, but you have to determine which are actually true. Good Ms Marple book, too, as she directed more of the investigations and questions. Even as she is “just an old lady”. Really enjoyed that wrap up, so well put together. So much heartache from Marina Gregg. Felt bad for her: all she wanted was happiness, and only bad happened. She was going frantic to be happy

The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Library book haul. Love chatting with the librarian - she was worried about which ones she would give me and which I‘ve already read. Really need to make a list of them all.
I like the idea of Poirot and Miss Marple together in one of them. #whodunit
Now this one tagged I like the idea poisoning the wrong person at a mansion party of a film star.

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The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie

My first Christie novel. I really enjoyed it, lots of twists and turns until I finally guessed whodunnit.

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Just started this book and made myself some tea with honey a friend and client gave me. Trying to read more this week and relax before soccer returns.


This is the first Agatha Christie book I‘ve read, though I‘ve seen plenty of adaptations (but not this book). Her style is breezy and wry, a quick and engrossing read, and even though I had guessed who the murderer was well before the end, it was still fun to see how it ends. It did feel a bit rushed, with 2 more murders happening very quickly and towards the end, and I‘m a bit surprised that Miss Marple isn‘t actually in the novel all that much.

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I do love Miss Marple!!

BookishMe Same same! 5y
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Since last year, I've been reading the Miss Marple #series in order. Its been a great delight to enjoy the timeless #mystery stories. I'm halfway through the list & will surely be reluctant complete the last title
#ReadingMM Updates -

4:50 from Paddington - great plot twist & remained a guessing game till the reveal.

Tagged book - highly entertaining despite predicting the killer

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Miss Marple #9 today. #myyearwithagatha

The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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This was an enjoyable reread! A hint of the truth started coming to me from previous reads, but it was still a very satisfying denouement.

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A re-read that was just as satisfying as the first. Comparing this to the 1980 film and the French adaptation (Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie, “Le miroir se brisa“), I found the adaptations did a great job of streamlining some of the characters while retaining the essence of the story. Possibly my second-favourite Marple.

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Watched the 1980 adaptation of The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side today. BF marvelled at the all-star cast. Elizabeth Taylor! Rock Hudson! Kim Novak! Angela Lansbury! Tony Curtis! Geraldine Chaplin! I thought this was a solid adaptation. Lansbury did seem a bit young as Marple, in comparison to, say, Joan Hickson, but I thought she did well 🙂

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Nothing beats a rainy day, warm blanket, and good book! I love how this book references “The Lady of Shallot” by Tennyson.

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#30JuneBooks : #OldFavorite
Agatha Christie is definitely one of them. I‘ve binge read them during my high school and college years, sadly I didn‘t have any of those books back in the days as I mainly borrowed them from my library but these are two of them from 2nd hand stores, love this edition. I need a reread soon tho since I‘ve forgotten most of the plots😅

#AgathaChristie #Murder #Mystery #bibliophile

Freespirit My old favourites too💕 5y
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rretzler @erzascarletbookgasm @freespirit @BooknerdsLife 💕 Mine as well. I‘m happy to say that I have paperback copies of all of her novels and most of the short story collections. I had some great covers that I had collected in elementary and middle school, but my mom threw them away when I went to college, so I had to start the collection over again. 🤣 Definitely comfort reads for me. 5y
rretzler I tried an Agatha Christie quiz in QuizUp awhile ago and I couldn‘t recall many details either. I also probably need a reread at some point but it would take a long time! 🤣 5y
Freespirit I think @rretzler my retirement plan will be to read them all again😍 5y
rretzler @Freespirit Sounds like a good plan! There are so many books that I want to reread, yet my stack of books I want to read grows exponentially! I‘m sure everyone on Litsy knows the feeling! 5y
BooknerdsLife @rretzler @Freespirit Hahaaa That‘s a perfect plan 👌🏼 One I‘ll be looking forward to 🤗😍 It would be like reading a new book all over again since I‘ve forgotten most of the plots 🤣 5y
BooknerdsLife @rretzler OMG Same! My mom had thrown away all the books I‘ve collected during my earlier years when I was in College! I‘m still sad about it and have been trying to collect them very very slowly ...have gotten some newer ones for my daughter & I‘ve vowed to never do the same thing to my daughter‘s books! 😆 5y
rretzler I‘m the same way...I‘ve learned from my mother‘s mistakes. I buy both of my sons their own copies of books they want, so we do have 3+ copies of some books in our house now. And when they are ready to leave our house, the books will go with them! 🤣 5y
BooknerdsLife @rretzler OH! You‘re smart!😆👍🏼 I haven‘t thought about getting each of us a copy lol Now who will get the books when she moves out? 😱😂 I do have multiple editions of some Classics books...I guess she can pick from those 😄 5y
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Orange books for the rainbow Instagram challenge!

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introvertedbooks I liked this one but sadly watched the movie before reading so I was able to predict everything. Learned the hard way to not do that with her! 6y
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The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Well I leaned something new today. Hummmmm


The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Finished this last night, with Olive‘s help. Nice, twisty mystery, though the solution to the murder came at the very last minute. I‘m realizing I prefer these Miss Marple books on audio, so it‘s good that I have the next one checked out that way.

UwannaPublishme I need this on my TBR. I remember loving the 80s movie with a cast of greats like Liz Taylor, Kim Hunter, Angela Lansbury, Rock Hudson... 6y
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The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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Morning reading. This is my second-to-last Marple in my current series read.

BiblioLitten I quite like the cover! Very vintage💜 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
NeedsMoreBooks This is one of my favorite Christie novels ❤️ 6y
BooknerdsLife One of my favorite Christie too 😃 6y
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Andrew65 @NeedsMoreBooks @BooknerdsLife Devinitely one of her classics. (edited) 6y
vkois88 👍👍👍 6y
Andrew65 Some lateral thinking. @vkois88 (edited) 6y
BooknerdsLife @Andrew65 there are so many good ones! You made me want to reread them all 😄 6y
Andrew65 @BooknerdsLife 😊😍👍 My job here is done. 😂 6y
BooknerdsLife @Andrew65 🤣🤣 Thank you! 6y
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Libby1 Great photo! 6y
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Loving this book so far! ❤️

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Another highly enjoyable Miss Marple mystery. I loved Miss Marple‘s interactions with the various characters in this one—from her frustration with her live-in helper Miss Knight, to her conversations with the doctor (who prescribes her a bit of murder) and Inspector Craddock. As usual, I didn‘t quite have it figured out until all was revealed, but at least I was on the right track with my guesses!

CGKOENS Not a huge fan of Miss Marple, but I LOVE Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot!! 6y
BarbaraJean @CGKOENS I haven‘t gotten to many of the Poirot books yet, but have really enjoyed the ones I have read! I‘ve been listening to Agatha Christie on audiobook, and the Miss Marples are much more readily available at my library. Once I‘ve made my way through Marple, I‘ll have to start in on print versions of Poirot! 6y
jillrhudy Who‘s the reader for this audio? Is she or he good? 6y
BarbaraJean This one is Emilia Fox—she‘s narrated most of the Miss Marples I‘ve listened to, and she‘s pretty good! 6y
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The Mirror Crack'd | Agatha Christie
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I finished this one today - I vaguely remembered the motive for the original crime, but I actually had forgotten about the two additional murders. Guess this is what happens when you go 20ish years between reads. 🙂 I really enjoyed it, except for a couple of racial slurs (against Italians). Christie‘s writing is usually so great, but occasional flaws do show through. #jesshowreads2018

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I liked this one much better than They Do It With Mirrors.

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A little over halfway through the year and I've broken 100 books! Thank goodness for audiobooks. I can't seem to find a quiet moment to read paper books anymore. I have to rely on listening to audiobooks while doing chores. I highly recommend the Agatha Christie books narrated by Emilia Fox and Richard E. Grant. Of course I can't forget Dan Stevens as well. 😍

Sace 👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
Mollyanna 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 6y
lute Congratulations! 6y
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BooksAtNight Congratulations! 🎊 6y
Kalalalatja Well done! 6y
HannaPolkadots Wow- impressive! Well done!🎉👏👏👏 I'm only at 53 of my 101 goal 🙈 6y
ReadingEnvy Huzzah! 6y
JoScho 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
eri.reads Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Now reading "The Mirror Crack'd From Side To Side" after having seen the movie a bazillion times (Elizabeth Taylor and Angela Lansbury). The movie is quite different from the book but it's still a brilliant movie! Among my top 5 favorites. Not entirely faithful to the book but that is completely forgiven!

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This book was an okay read. I didn‘t really see a whole lot of Miss Marple as I thought I would. The plot line of it was an interesting idea. It just wasn‘t how I thought it would be. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #TheMirrorCrackdFromSideToSide #AgathaChristie #MissMarple #book #books #bookart #bookartist #bookaddict #bookaddicts #bookaddiction #bookaholic #bookaholics #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #shelfie #bookstack #stack #bookstore #bookshop #bookshopper 💙💙

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TrishB 🎉🎉 7y
Booknerd2 Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾🎊 7y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Christine11 Congratulations! 🎉⭐️💐 7y
Redwritinghood 🎉🎉 7y
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rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
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