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The Feminine Mystique
The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
The book that changed the consciousness of a countryand the world. Landmark, groundbreaking, classicthese adjectives barely describe the earthshaking and long-lasting effects of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique. This is the book that defined "the problem that has no name," that launched the Second Wave of the feminist movement, and has been awakening women and men with its insights into social relations, which still remain fresh, ever since. A national bestseller, with over 1 million copies sold.
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I should have read this book ages ago, but better late than never! I see the drawbacks of Friedan‘s approach, how she focuses on a very narrow subset of women for her work, but I do think it‘s full of important criticism. I saw myself in these pages, much more than I‘d like. Definitely worth a read.

TheDaysGoBy It‘s on my TBR. I‘ve never read it either 4mo
GingerAntics I remember reading this for a class in grad school, but for the life of me, I remember very little of it. 4mo
Singout I‘m listening to Doppelgänger by Naomi Klein right now… she talks about this era of feminism. 4mo
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(Inset from Rollo May, “Contributions of Existential Psychotherapy)

Friedan uses this in her argument against housewives “adjusting” to their limited existence, but it really struck me how this applies to LGBTQ+

Bookwomble I want to read some Rollo May - he's often referenced in other books I've read, but I've not managed to get around to him. I see here what I'm missing! 4mo
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Here are the #Roll100 books I‘ll be choosing from in November. I‘ve already started The Feminine Mystique even though it‘s still October. I‘m still reading but struggling to express myself or concentrate with the brain fog caused my chronic illness relapse. I find myself staring at the TV, not even following programs. Just normalizing struggling! I‘m sorry if anyone else is rn, too! 💕💕💕

Ruthiella I hope you mind clears up soon. When I am ill, I can‘t concentrate on anything either. ❤️ (edited) 11mo
TrishB Hope you‘re feeling better soon ❤️ 11mo
shortsarahrose I totally relate. I was in a bad Crohn‘s flare earlier this year and couldn‘t focus on reading (I watched a lot of mindless TV). Hope things improve for you soon 🩷 11mo
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AmyG Do what you need to do. I hope you are feeling better soon. 11mo
Deblovestoread Hope it passes soon. Take good care of yourself 💜 11mo
squirrelbrain Hope you start to feel better soon. 😘 11mo
BarbaraBB So sorry you‘re still brain foggy. Take care dear Meg 💕💕 11mo
LeahBergen Here‘s hoping you feel much better soon. 😘 11mo
CarolynM Hope you‘re feeling better soon💕 11mo
sarahbarnes I‘m so sorry. Take care of yourself. ♥️ 11mo
Megabooks @shortsarahrose ugh, I‘m sorry! 💕 My Crohn‘s marker is elevated, but they can‘t find a spot in my digestive tract. (I‘m having a GI flare now.) Plus I have some other symptoms that don‘t 💯 fit with Crohn‘s, so we can‘t quite figure out what‘s up. It‘s been frustrating. Thanks for the support. 🫶🏻 11mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thanks 💜 I‘ll email you back soon. I was really happy to read what everyone is up to! 11mo
Megabooks @Ruthiella @TrishB @AmyG @Deblovestoread @squirrelbrain @LeahBergen @CarolynM @sarahbarnes thanks to each of you for the kind words and support! It means a lot! 💕💕 11mo
shortsarahrose That sucks so much 😿 I hope you can get things figured out and get out of your flare. 🩷 I‘m luckily feeling somewhat better after switching medication a few months ago, though I still haven‘t been able to get off prednisone. I have a colonoscopy next week after which my GI and I will decide whether I need to switch again or not. 11mo
Megabooks @shortsarahrose thanks! 🫶🏻 I hope you‘re able to find something that works consistently. I have a colonoscopy next week, too. I hope yours has good news!! 11mo
shortsarahrose Thanks! Good luck with yours as well! 11mo
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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#WondrousWednesday on a Friday, I've had a busy week 🙃

(1) The Feminine Mystique
(2) About 4 months (War and Peace), if we don't count the books that I tried to pick up several times and ended up bailing on
(3) 18 years (and counting) in teaching

Thanks for the tag @Eggs 💕

Eggs Congratulations #3 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 14mo
eeclayton @Eggs Thank you ☺️ 14mo
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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Last night, we went to see “Once Upon A One More Time” - a new Broadway musical where all the songs are Britney Spears hits. The plot centered around Cinderella, Snow White, & other princesses attempting to write their own happy ever after after reading Friedan‘s book (not kidding). Cindy‘s Fairy Godmother was Betty herself. A fever dream but incredibly fun! 💖😂✨🫶🏻🪩🧚🏻‍♀️

Both these items were sold at the merch booth. 🙌🏻 💪🏻

Soubhiville Fun! 1y
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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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It‘s February ! I just open my Christmas gift for this month 😊

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I'm glad I read this book. It was a long one, some parts were a bit outdated, some were a little weird (the comparisons to the Holocaust, for example), but many were very interesting and valuable. I loved Friedan's critique of Freud.
Also, though the situation was very different in Hungary in the 1960s, the book is eerily relevant in my country today, with the current government's family policy.

RedCurly Imádtam ezt a könyvet 💟 2y
eeclayton @RedCurly Nekem is nagyon tetszett ☺️ 2y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Though I‘d never actually read this book that influenced my mother‘s generation so intensely, I knew the basic thesis and the general praise and criticism it receives. Initially everything I read validated the ideas I already had about this, but a few things did surprise me along the way, so I‘m glad I took the time to actually read this piece of our history. #BBRCAdultControversial @LibrarianRyan

eeclayton I recently bought this, looking forward to reading it! 2y
LibrarianRyan Ohhhhh. Interesting. What things surprised you. 2y
IndoorDame @LibrarianRyan I was surprised by certain attitudes she reported of the feminists of the time that hit home what progress we actually have made in the past 50 years, & then some places where I still really did see myself in those women. Also by the idea she claimed working women who also took care of children and a house didn‘t put in that many more hours, because I don‘t feel like that statistic has held up over the years now that most women work 2y
IndoorDame @eeclayton looking forward to your review! 2y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Read it in a history class and it was really enjoyable

Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I just watched the first Ep if this series on Hulu - it‘s so good! About the feminist movement and the STOP ERA movements in the 70‘s & 80‘s. Expert level casting choices.

Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I enjoyed this book because it really presented women‘s sexuality in an open and acceptable light in stark comparison to the prudish matronly types typically portrayed in the time the book was written. I appreciated how much easier we have it today but I can see clearly how far we‘ve yet to go. In this current administration and the resurfacing of open misogyny and women‘s reproductive rights being questioned, it as important as ever to read this.

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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I only read the extracts from 'The Problem that has No Name' - but what I read here was powerful and succinct. This is not an area I expected to be drawn to, and how wrong I was.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I think this is a problem across the board now!

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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"It was as if no reality remained for man except his sexual perversions"

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Just got the other book I ordered, as inspired from my women‘s history page-a-day calendar. I think it‘s the original edition. I love old books!

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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So flippin‘ excited to start all of these! Which one first?!

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Being back in Connecticut means a visit to Book Barn and epic book hauls. #bookbarn #bookhaul #smallbusinesssaturday

mreads Great haul 👍 6y
Amiable Love the Book Barn! I'm fortunate enough to live close by and can go there all the time. 🙂 6y
KatieDid927 @Amiable Awesome! I grew up in Niantic and my mom still lives in town so I try and stop in whenever I visit her! 6y
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It took me way too long to read this “book”. The Feminine Mystique is a very long thesis about “the problem that has no name”. It has a name, it‘s just that during this time period it wasn‘t proper for American housewifes to name it. I understand the importance of this dissertation when it was published because the leading occupation for women was housewife. These women felt like they had no identity outside of being wives and mothers. Cont'd.....

MirrorMask The Feminine Mystique put into words what so many women were feeling at that time and helped spark the women‘s movement of the 60s and 70s. While I don‘t think it‘s as relevant now, I do think it‘s an important read that should be taught during a women‘s studies course or a history lesson about the US during the 60s. For that reason, it‘s a pick for me. 6y
Jess7 Great review! 6y
Birdsong28 @MirrorMask I think the issues raised in this book are still relevant as we still are looked upon as the caregivers or sexual objects. The message in this book is how we are as a women to get past this and try and achieve equality. There are many now who have made the choice to be housewifes so the issues are being raised again so we need this book to reflect upon the issue and to come to a 'solution' 📚📖 6y
MirrorMask @Birdsong28 Thanks for your excellent input!!! I wasn't saying that it's not relevant, just not as relevant today since it's less about identity and more about finding a balance and achieving equality. 6y
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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Remarkable: The Other America, Silent Spring, The Feminine Mystique, and Unsafe at Any Speed were published in a span of three years (1962-1965)

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Great way to get an introduction and history of what started the feminist movement.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Something about this sign just irked me and was hilarious all at the same time. #...because

Librariana Germicide?? Oh boy! Umm... no. And no on the design, too! 7y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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The introduction to this book details how much things have changed for American women since this was published in 1963 and I think this book helped to spark a change in the way women were perceived and expected to behave etc. Well analysed and detailed with research into eduction, marriage and psychology etc. but I think I‘ll stick to more recent non-fiction feminist books that are more relevant to our society today. #feministclassic #booked2018

Cinfhen Interesting read...nice pick for #booked2018😍 7y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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#audiowalk into town and to the library and back. I‘m glad I‘m listening to this rather than reading it. It‘s a bit repetitive but I can see why it was groundbreaking at the time. #booked2018 #feministclassic

britt_brooke Beautiful photo! 7y
youneverarrived @britt_brooke thank you ☺️ 7y
julesG Nice neighbourhood. 😉 7y
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Cathythoughts Lovely winters day 👍🏻 7y
Cinfhen I agree, lovely photo and congrats on another prompt❤️ 7y
youneverarrived @Cinfhen thanks 💕 7y
JennyM Look at the beautiful minster! You are making this Yorkshire lass very homesick xx 6y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Even though most of the information is no longer pertinent its still relatable to problems that women have today. Although most of this reads as a textbook. Most of what is written is piggybacked off of research by Freud and Kinsey which is interesting. And most of the authors interviewees apparently conclude sexual problems as root of their unhappiness/empowerment.This is a good book to read as a historical text and I would recommend it as such.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Alright. Sorry, Betty! I got through 4 chapters before I realized why I was having so much trouble. What was revolutionary in the 1960s was literally learned at the breast by women who like me are now in their 30s. What WAS fascinating was the detailed look at the evolution of women's magazines through this same period and their cumulative effect on imagery of the American woman. So read it for that, not the feminist revelations.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I'm sure there's a message here....trying to make progress on Friedan while watching Trolls with the big girl while the baby sleeps. Just not sure what it is. I'm having #bookennui and trouble finishing anything this year. Any #advice, dearest Littens?

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I seem constitutionally incapable this year of reading as many lightweight books as I'm used to. Must be something about the atmosphere. My mind keeps turning to heavier things. I want to see what I can gain from this classic.

trueisa4letterword I read a chunk of this in high school for a AP US History project. I remember being not that enthused... 7y
mrsmarch @trueisa4letterword It was never assigned in either high school or college, but I'm not sure if I'd have gotten much out of it if it had been. It might be a little too much for me even now. 7y
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This book is a major commitment, for two reasons: 1. It is long (550ish pages) 2. It is problematic. I mean, it's like the writer forgot (or chose to forget) that minority women existed and that they were in fact working alongside their husbands to make ends meet in the late 1900s. However, I'm glad I read it. I l learned so much. I'm going to try to read Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde to get a comprehensive view of this time period.

KathyWheeler I think she was just dealing with what was most familiar to her. While I understand that its narrow focus and lack of inclusion are problematic, I also think the book would have been unwieldy and probably, given the time, unpublishable if she'd tried to address those issues. 7y
batsy Sister Outsider is brilliant. 7y
KathyWheeler @batsy I cannot wait to read it. It's only in audio in my library's digital collections, and I want to read it, not listen to it. 7y
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Notafraidofwords @batsy I'm glad to hear it. It's on my list ! 7y
Notafraidofwords @KathyWheeler yes, very true. But it's problematic in a lot of other ways too. 7y
batsy @KathyWheeler @Notafraidofwords I read it in uni and it sort of blew my mind open. Definitely try to get the print copy over the audio if you can. 7y
KathyWheeler @batsy I kind of thought it would be better in print. The university library I work in has it in print, so I'll get it from there when I go back to work. 7y
KathyWheeler @Notafraidofwords The biggest ones I see are the lack of inclusion of women of color and gay women. I also think not addressing issues of class is a huge problem. I'm probably missing other things as well. What else do you see as problematic? 7y
SoniaC Sadly she is pretty well known for having excluded groups of women she considered non mainstream. 7y
drokka Yup, she's been severely (deservedly) criticized for having excluded groups, and also by women (and men) who felt that she was wrong and that women's equality (as defined in her book) would be the downfall of women. Whether she anticipated that and decided to focus on one thing to limit criticism is up for debate. 7y
Notafraidofwords @drokka yes, I guess that's the part that bothers me the most. Not knowing if it was intentional and if it was- what was the reason. 7y
Notafraidofwords @SoniaC it's such a big gap, it's hard to not see my ethnicity represented in the book about women 7y
SoniaC @Notafraidofwords From what I understand she worried that bringing in lesbians and racial minorities would interfere with the mainstream acceptance of the women's movement. Sadly we have to keep in mind the time she was living in. She clearly was a product of it. 7y
Notafraidofwords @SoniaC yes, of course. Still disappointing, but I agree. 7y
SoniaC @Notafraidofwords agreed. Highly disappointing. 7y
mavenofmayhem Context of production is everything. 7y
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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Trying to read some of the holes in my "important books" backlog. I'm actually glad I waiting until now to read it. I can think more critically about the ideas now that I'm actively making choices about what fulfills me and how to balance family and career.

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I read this shortly after I graduated high school and I recently started re-reading this with my daughter who is graduating this spring. I had to slow down reading this . There're is so much to take in - it is such a different read now that I am the mother of an 18 year old. This has brought up some interesting discussions on what influences our identity. #thoughtprovoking #aprilbookshowers

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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#aprilbookshowers #publishedinthe1960s
Published in 1963, this work is often associated w/touching off the 2nd wave of American feminism. I'm discussing it in my US history survey class today, but I'll need to do a reread of it before I take over the Women's Leadership Project this fall. Friedan gave a voice to women who were previously afraid to admit that no, they didn't actually get great pleasure from vacuuming in heels and pearls. #feminist

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Natasha: "This book is making me think about who I am as a woman. It was written in the 60s, but it's still relevant. Friedan gives you a historical perspective of people's opinion of women. I was surprised at how little Freud used to think of women. He wanted them to be like gentle dolls. I'm a nurse, so I have quite a typical feminine role. I didn't pick it because of that, but it makes me think about why women have come to be where we are now."

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Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Really thought provoking and still relevant today.

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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This book is great, but it's pretty fucked up that the things Friedan called out as being regressive in the 1960s are things I was taught in the conservative religious south in the 1990s-2000s 😑

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: "I want something more than my husband and my children and my home."

For a book written before my parents were born, this still feels incredibly relevant, considering the alarming frequency with which people assume I must be terribly unhappy about being single and that my big life goal must be to snag a man and start popping out babies. #nope

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I didn't mean to buy any books today, but I work next door to a bookstore, and the weather is stormy, and I was drinking coffee, and I have a general lack self control, so here we are. #womanwriters #feminism

vivastory Working next to bookstore would be tough! I'd probably have to start leaving my wallet at home. 8y
LeahLovesLit If it was used books I'd be in big trouble, but because they're new the prices usually keep me from buying. It helps that there's a library just a bit further down though 8y
vivastory That would definitely be helpful. Still, enormous temptation. 8y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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And now Mr. Darcy jumps in with his two cents. #feminism #prideandprejudice

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Women today would blow Henry Bowman's mind. #feminism

Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Hey there, TBR pile. We're going to smash the patriarchy together.

WordWaller 🙌🙌🙌 I need all of these!! 8y
TheWellReadOwl Yes!!!! 👊🏼 8y
wisebravegirl Jealous! What a great stack! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I need to read all these...and about 20 others! 8y
Owlizabeth 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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My feminism is intersectional or it isn't feminism at all.

Added some classics to my feminist library this evening! Super excited to dive into these.

I think @BookishFeminist would be proud.


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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan

Betty Friedan
“Each suburban wife struggles with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at night- she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question-- 'Is this all?”

Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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DeeLew These are some of my favorites! 💜 8y
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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I've really been aching for intellectual engagement lately. The Feminine Mystique and a notebook seems like a good place to start.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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"They were taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women who wanted to be poets or physicists or presidents."

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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I think this might have just changed my life. It's a scary, bitter, confused, exhilarated kind of feeling.

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