The temperature of the room dropped fast.
The temperature of the room dropped fast.
2 ⭐️s
Wow, I really hated this book. LOL. A small magician boy selfishly desires for revenge at any cost and a comical demon aids him in attaining it. I loved the writing style, but there is NO plot and the characters are completely insufferable. I want to check out Stroud's Lockwood and Co. series, which I've heard is much better.
I read 3 physical books last week, the two in this picture were really great!
This was so entertaining! A light fantasy read with lots of magicians and djinns!#Bookspin #June @TheAromaofBooks
After completely and utterly falling in love with Lockwood & Co., I decided to read everything the author ever wrote. Bartimaeus didn't disappoint me at all, it was funny, witty, the world is well built and interesting with more left to discover in the next books of the series. However I didn't love it as mich as Lockwood & Co. Well, I don't think I will ever love a group of characters more than those.
Just started Part Two, this is an awesome book. Very deep fantasy words, I love it!!
Vaguely light read, for my fantasy-loving Littens who want a book that can be easily read in bed or transported.
I like the intricate background of both characters, and the footnotes drop world-building through-out (Yay! No dull chapter that just explains everything in one dump!)
I recommend completely.
I am on a Jonathan Stroud audiobook kick. I love rereading favorites.
Went charity book shopping and found these. Yay. Need to complete the sets but it's a start for them. Happy weekend reading all 📖🙃📚❤️
This cover change was happening at the same time as TLT. Book 1, not so interesting, until you change the cover. This trilogy was huge when I was still a tween librarian.
That‘s my last one for a bit. More when I get back from the movies.
This was between a pick and a so-so for me. So-So won out because of the footnotes. They were really irritating. I‘d be in the middle of a good bit and I had to click on a footnote which may or may not actually have had any pertinent information. I read it in e-book format so they may be less annoying in print but I don‘t know that for sure. #bfc #bfcr2 Book 2 of 6.
How is it Wednesday already?
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1) Mango! No, Cherries! No, apples! - can't make up my mind
2) The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. - 700+ pages
3) the one for the tagged book
4) I'd love to sit on a bench after a 5k walk or hike, drinking water, eating a snack and reading before I set out on the return journey
This was such a good book! I owned these a long time ago and never read them, and now I regret it. The descriptions are well done and the style has the comfortable feel much like Harry Potter. I like that we have some atypical main characters in the fact that one is a djinni wicked sense of wit and a boy with more pride than is practical. I am so ready to find the sequel at my library and dig into it.
I guess having the entire bottom half of the bed wasn't enough. The little brat plopped down and fell asleep almost instantly. 🤨 Why is he so cute?! I want to move my book but it's like he has a barrier of cuteness that makes it impossible to disturb him. 😅
Not a bad way to spend a cool autumn evening. 😊
I am so thankful Finn is finally losing some of his kitten energy and taking more cat naps, I need a break from rescuing him. 😂 He's turning one on Halloween.
#OctoberPutASpellOnYou Day 13: An amulet also serves as some kind of #LuckyCharm. First book in the Bartimaeus trilogy has all the ingredients for a fantastical, phantasmagoric tale with djinnis, afrits, marids, imps, foliots thrown in helter-skelter amidst modern-day England where the Prime Minister, Head of State, happens to be a magician. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-2s
Good morning!
I'm moving slowly today and unfortunately I am out of tea with caffeine in it. A nap might be necessary later 😅
After switching back and forth between books pretty much all day, I have settled on The Amulet of Samarkand. I am really loving the writing style and the dual POVs.
I have so many books to get to and review, but I have to break this reading slump first. *sighs*
My library haul for the week! A few of these are for the #fraterfest readathon that started today! And of course The Fifth Season for #BBBBC , which I can't wait to dig into!
Did you know i am hosting a Bartimaeus readalong on the blog right now?!? Come join us. We're still on the first book!
Picked up this book in my local library as I‘d always meant to read it. Unfortunately, I didn‘t love it. The story didn‘t pull me in until the last 100 pages or so, and for a 479 page book, that‘s a little late for me. I do like the multiple perspectives, I‘m always a fan o that in books. Perhaps I‘m being harsh, obviously I am not the target age for this book, but I read a lot of YA fantasy and like them, but this was just too slow for me.
I decided to join the #magicalmonday by @Seekingtardis
1. Fav music: anything dark metal/alternative
2. fav childhood author: Jonathan Stroud
3. Fav gift to get: books!
4. Fav gift to give: self made amigurumi
5. Fav type of weather: warm but a bit cloudy. So the sun does not bother me while reading outside 😊
#EmojiMadness Day 21: Consulted Goodreads again, which clearly has Lists for everything! Here are a few with 🧞♂️ as a theme and on the cover/title. My favourite here is the Bartimaeus trilogy that solidified my opinion of Stroud being a certifiable genius.
Skulduggery Pleasant. Resurrection
Lockwood and Co. The Screaming Staircase (it's translated title is "sighing spiral staircase")
Bartimaeus. The Amulet of Samarkand
Thabo. Detektiv & Gentleman (new German detective series)
Odd and the Frost Giants
Ghost approved.
Not all of the books are for my son, "Thabo" is for my daughter's birthday in February.
A fun read for the book club I belong to. It‘s about a young magician and the djinni he summons, named Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus is hilarious, and his footnotes in the book are the best. This book came out after Harry Potter (I think) and did a good job creating its own world and rules for magic. Although it‘s part of a series, it doesn‘t end on a cliffhanger, which is always nice!
3/5 it was enjoyable and I'll probably read the rest of the trilogy eventually but I found Nathaniel to be irksome at times for some reason
#litsypartyofone @Ambrosnazzy
Up next 😊
1. No idea. I read to many epic fantasy/sci-fi
2. Big books (and short ones in between)
3. Without coffee. Add tea
4. Good quality Earl Grey and any green tea
5. On train to work and in bed.
6. Bartimaeus. Best. Ever.
Not a lot of people (that I know) have heard of this trilogy, but Bartimaeus is honestly one of the funniest and most sarcastic characters I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. A series that sets place in an alternate version of our reality with magicians and djinn, an absolute recommendation to anyone really.
Bartimaeus! Very snarky! Loved him at once.
Hard to take a picture of the iridescent cover.
My all time favorite #dramaqueen is Bartimaeus.
He exaggerated EVERYTHING and his footnotes are the best!
I read this so often the lettering of "Bartimäus" in not visible anymore. ?
These covers are super #creep(y) #rockinmay @Cinfhen
Thrift Store finds! $8 for two complete trilogies!
I'm sure a magic carpet was mentioned in these, if not quite a proper #magiccarpetride #rockinmay @Cinfhen Fun series, Bartimaeus is a good character.
It's nice to slow down and reread an old favorite. Bartimaeus, you ol' scamp. You remain to be one of my favorite characters.
Stroud is vastly underrated. With this first book in a trilogy he has woven some of the most memorable and most life-like characters I have ever had the absolute joy to encounter.
One of my favorite audiobooks of all time. Still as good as I remember. Who wouldn't want to read about a snarky demon who teaches you an alternate history and how to use footnotes? 😍😂
Love this book, so I thought I would try listening to it on my commute. Going good so far👍📚
A fun, magical, and fascinating tale of magicians and "demons" in modern day England. A talented (yet impatient) young magician and a snarky (yet indentured) djinni swap off storytelling duty as a great scandal hits the magical community of London. Bartimaeus (the djinni) has marvelously droll narration, which is only enhanced by Simon Jones's brilliant performance in the audiobook.
The mismatched protagonists make a delightfully fun odd couple.
A fun, magical, and fascinating tale of magicians and "demons" in modern day England. A talented (yet impatient) young magician and a snarky (yet indentured) djinni swap off storytelling duty as a great scandal hits the magical community of London. Bartimaeus (the djinni) has marvelously droll narration, which is only enhanced by Simon Jones's brilliant performance in the audiobook.
The mismatched protagonists make a delightfully fun odd couple.
I have a hard time retaining audiobooks, so I tend to stick to things I've already read. This series is one of my favorites (up there with His Dark Materials for middle-to-ya series) and Simon Jones is a fantastic narrator! The characters and their magic come alive with his infinitely twisting voice. I'm on the last few disks now and I just want to drive around town til it's done!
This was so much fun! Great plot, hilarious writing and the sassiest djinni ever, with a proper ending, even if it is the first in a series. I cannot wait to pick up the next one!
Half Price Books clearance sale haul! Everything $2 or less. I'm actually surprised I didn't buy a whole lot more.