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The Christie Affair
The Christie Affair: A Novel | Nina de Gramont
Nina de Gramont's The Christie Affair is a beguiling novel of star-crossed lovers, heartbreak, revenge, and murderand a brilliant re-imagination of one of the most talked-about unsolved mysteries of the twentieth century. Every story has its secrets. Every mystery has its motives. A long time ago, in another country, I nearly killed a woman. Its a particular feeling, the urge to murder. It takes over your body so completely, its like a divine force, grabbing hold of your will, your limbs, your psyche. Theres a joy to it. In retrospect, its frightening, but I daresay in the moment it feels sweet. The way justice feels sweet. The greatest mystery wasnt Agatha Christies disappearance in those eleven infamous days, its what she discovered. London, 1925: In a world of townhomes and tennis matches, socialites and shooting parties, Miss Nan ODea became Archie Christies mistress, luring him away from his devoted and well-known wife, Agatha Christie. The question is, why? Why destroy another womans marriage, why hatch a plot years in the making, and why murder? How was Nan ODea so intricately tied to those eleven mysterious days that Agatha Christie went missing?
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 ❤️🤗 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❤️ 2mo
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In 1926 Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days. I'm the only who know the real story. I'm not Hercule Poirot. I'm the Lover of her hausband.

#book #books #bookworm #bookopoly #bookshelf #toread #readingchallenge2024 #litsy #litsybook #bookly #goodreads #leggere #libri #libro #agathachristie #ninadegramont #neripozza

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“We both know you can't tell your own story without exposing someone else's.“
This novel is the author's envisioning of a mysterious unresolved event. It's Nan's story of ambition and desire to climb over other people in order to obtain her happy ending. It's narrated in the first person who happens to be Nan but alternating timelines from her youth to where she is now, blatantly flaunting herself in the Christie home as an assistance to Archie.

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I liked this way more than I expected to. It was a clever and entertaining story with wonderful characters.

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Let me say, I listened to this instead of reading it. I thought it was going to be so good. A historical fiction story about the 11 days Agatha Christie went missing. I found that it skipped around a lot. It didn't keep me interested either, instead of really listening to it, my mind wondered. I would have to rewind it. I think maybe if I read it, I might have liked it better.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 9mo
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Book #75.5
I usually really enjoy Reese'a book club reads, but got about 3/4 done this one and just couldn't plow through any further. 🤷‍♀️

rachelk I finished it but I probably shouldn‘t have. 9mo
Kris10H 🤣 9mo
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KateReadsYA I'm interested in this one ❤️ 10mo
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A fictionalized telling of what really happened to Agatha Christie when she went missing. A fascinating take and loved the speculation and reveal! A bit slow in moments but a fantastic audiobook.

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This historical fiction/murder mystery/romance reimagines the real 11 day disappearance of Agatha Christie, told from the POV of Nan O‘Dea, mistress of Christie‘s husband. I thought this was a really cool idea. Unfortunately, I struggled with Nan‘s ability to give detailed accounts of feelings and conversations that happened among other people when she was not present.

brittanyreads I'm currently reading this and struggling with her "knowing" narration. I like that it's from her perspective because it puts an interesting spin on the story and I'm enjoying her backstory...but it's still weird when she describes Agatha's feelings...like how do you know??!! You don't...shut up...lol 1y
rachelk @BrittanyReads Exactly! I just couldn‘t get over that. 1y
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#Pop23 & #Booked2023 ~a love triangle.
It‘s really the fictional story of Nan, Archie Christie‘s 2nd wife, and takes place during the eleven mysterious days that Agatha Christie goes missing which had actually happened. It was a decent mystery read with some twists at the end but nothing memorable IMO. @alisiakae @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Great choice!! I really liked this one 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
Cortg @Cinfhen Thanks! Not your typical “love triangle” 😊 1y
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I loved this book. When an author can take a true fact from history, Agatha Christie did disappear for a bit, then writes a story around that fact so that when you read the story you question yourself if this is fiction, it‘s a great read. I may have to read some Agatha Christie now. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mystery/murder/romance/tragedy.

robinb I really liked this one too. 1y
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I read this for irl bookclub. I legit had no idea it was about Agatha Christie 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ I quite enjoyed the twists and turns and the 2 timelines coming together, the home for unwed mothers and priests not so much. We‘ve made some progress, right?

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Started this for irl book club

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I read 14 books in January this year, but only two rated 5 stars for me. I found this one especially fascinating and very well imagined. My other 5⭐️ was from a favorite historical mystery series…An Old, Cold Grave.

Andrew, you and I have great taste in books. 😂😂 Thanks for hosting #12Booksof2022 ! 😊

Andrew65 😂😂😂 Snap! Great minds think alike. 2y
SilversReviews This book was very interesting…I never knew she had disappeared for a period of time. 2y
robinb @SilversReviews I really loved how she imagined the going ons during that time. Very inventive. 2y
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SilversReviews @robinb Yes!! 😊 2y
tpixie A great companion book that is still fiction, but more historically accurate is 2y
robinb @tpixie Ohhh, thanks!! I‘m stacking. 😊 2y
tpixie @robinb if you really want to go crazy, read … a book Agatha Christie wrote around the time of her disappearance! Unless that‘s too much trouble. (edited) 2y
robinb @tpixie I own that one but haven‘t got to it yet. I didn‘t realize when it was written! 2y
tpixie @robinb ☺️ 2y
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It‘s officially Christmas Day & the 1st day of Christmas so I‘m launching #12Booksof2022 where we choose a favourite book for each month of 2022 on the 12 days of Christmas.

For me in January it is The Christie Affair which is a fictionalised version of the 11 day disappearance of Agatha Christie in 1926. I loved this book, couldn‘t put it down and the story has stayed with me. This is a controversial choice for some but I loved it. ❤️

DieAReader 💜💜💜 2y
Andrew65 Everyone is free to play along using the tag #12Booksof2022 and tagging @Andrew65

I look forward to seeing everyone‘s choices and adding to the TBR

February‘s choice will be posted on 2nd day of Christmas, 26th Dec.
AnnR Happy Christmas, Andrew!It's still Christmas Eve here on the US west coast.🎅🏻☃️ 2y
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Andrew65 @Ann_Reads Thanks, If I‘m correct must be about 9 pm for you. (edited) 2y
kspenmoll I loved this book too! 2y
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Pleased to see I am not alone in loving this. 2y
SilversReviews I enjoyed this book too. 2y
tpixie A great companion book is 2y
Andrew65 @tpixie Oooh thanks, I will check it out. 😍 2y
tpixie @Andrew65 ☺️ I also read…. since it is what Agatha Christie wrote around the time of her disappearance. (edited) 2y
Andrew65 @tpixie A classic book, read it as a teenager and possibly time for a re-read. 2y
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How to win a girls heart! Bless his cotton socks. This book is not at all what I expected but so far it‘s intriguing.

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When Agatha Christie was asked why/where she disappeared, she said she couldn't remember and stuck to that for the rest of her life. What an opening, then for a book like this, a complete imagining of what transpired during those 11 days. To make the narrator be the mistress of Christie's husband was a brilliant stroke. The effect was a romance, historical fiction, a detective whodunit, and a revenge novel.

tpixie You should read... It‘s an even more accurate account! 2y
dabbe @tpixie Just added it to my TBR list. Thanks for the tip! 2y
tpixie @dabbe if you want to t really dive into it the book she wrote right before she disappeared was 2y
dabbe @tpixie Had to read that one right after THE CHRISTIE AFFAIR. I liked it, but I didn't think it was her best. I believe that was her first novel. She got better as she went along. 😄 2y
tpixie Yes she did! 2y
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This was an interesting meshing of two seemingly different stories, a bending and blending of fascinating histories that didn‘t quite work for me. I really wanted them to, the writing was lovely, but it fell short of the possibility. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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This book provided an interesting insight into Agatha Christie‘s life and disappearance. I haven‘t read any of her books yet, but this made me want to!

Gissy 🐈‍⬛ 😻🖤🖤🖤 2y
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10-5-22: My 98th book of 2022! Interesting take on the disappearance of Agatha Christie. Missing for 11 days in 1926, when the author was found she would only say she couldn‘t remember anything. Told from the perspective of Agatha‘s husband‘s mistress, Nan, this is what might have happened. Interspersed with Nan‘s origin story, a very sad one about a convent and the loss of her baby, I found this story entertaining. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣9️⃣8️⃣

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What was the real story behind the brief disappearance of Agatha Christie? I had some mixed feelings about this book, but I think it would make a good book club book - not a “read it so we can all love it together” but “read it so we can have in-depth discussions about morals and plot.” A good book for thinking, even if you may not like the thoughts.

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I did not enjoy this book… I thought that the author had 2 different stories that couldn‘t stand on there own so she loosely tied them together…super disjointed and at times confusing.

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There‘s never any point trying to reason with a woman once she‘s become unhinged

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Anyone who says “I have no regrets” is either a psychopath or a liar. I am neither of those things, simply adept at keeping secrets.

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August #BookspinBingo list. Library and #audio options, always fun to tackle a new list!

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A story of the world‘s most famous mystery writer and her marriage and otherwise. Fair attempt at fleshing out Ms Christie‘s life, but it fails short with confusing drama before actually making the emotional connection to the characters. Not my cup of tea but maybe yours.

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This would have been a DNF for me if I hadn‘t been reading it for book club..

I felt like the author had her own story between Nan and Finbarr that she wanted to tell. She knew it wasn‘t going to be good enough for a stand alone, so she found a story of someone famous to intertwine it with.

By page 100 I was losing interest and purchased it on audible to help me finish. #itsanoforme

SilversReviews It was a bit difficult to keep interest, but I liked it in the end. 2y
asleepby9 The twists toward the end were good. Would have loved confirmation on who the mother was though. 2y
Toasty_Applejack I‘m feeling the same way, I quit once. I‘m going to give it one more go 2y
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Finally my hold from the library came threw this week, my kindle tells me I‘m 33% in and I have about 3 hours left in the book maybe I‘ll read all of it today

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Maybe I was a little distracted while reading but there were a lot of twists and turns I didn't expect. My favorite part was definitely when the women came together at the hotel to get their revenge on the nun/priest. I also appreciated Agatha's responses and interactions to and with Nan--an unspoken camaraderie despite the hurt they each cause each other.


This story was interesting. It was the pick of the month for a bookclub I belong to. Mysteries aren‘t my favorite genre. It was definitely a mystery. I‘ve never read any Agatha Christie novels. I‘ll admit that I didn‘t see the end coming. The book was interesting enough to keep reading, but wasn‘t my favorite.

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This was just…ok. For me it didn‘t pick up and start to get interesting until 2/3‘s into the book. Once it did, it was fun with lots of twist, turns and answers revealed.

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What a disappointment! If only the author had written a story about the orphanages in Ireland, focusing on the struggle of a woman looking for her stolen child, and enacting revenge on the people who wronged her. Why try and incorporate Agatha Christie? A marketing ploy? It just doesn't work... It leads to an unbelievable story, which doesn't hold much water.

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I do love Agatha Christie books and books about Agatha Christie too. This is told by the mistress of her husband, it centres on the 11 days disapperance of Agatha, where she went, why, and of course there is a murder or two to solve. A great and gripping read.

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March was a good reading month 🍀
The Final Girl Support Group 🎧 📓⭐⭐⭐⭐
Paradise Peak 📓⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Replacement Wife 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pieces of Her 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
It's Better That Way 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Dressmakers of Auschwitz 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Apples Never Fall 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Christie Affair 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Confess 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Violeta 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Magnolia Palace 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Reckless Girls 🎧 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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🎧 Shoulda read the summary. I might have enjoyed the book more.

Good narrator. Story jumps around in time & having Nan tell the story, well she‘s a bit unreliable, occasionally confusing.

What happened to Agatha Christie the 11 days she disappeared? This is a good imagining looking back from the end.

Nan O‘Dea steals Archie from Agatha. Why? Is there more to it? Murder. Mystery. Historical fiction.

The ending got me! Surprise.


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While I liked the story, it has issues. It drags in places; there‘s an unnecessary murder mystery thrown in; it would have been better told with an omniscient narrator instead of from the pov of Nan — Archie Christie‘s mistress; and Nan is a very unreliable narrator. I also preferred the theory of Agatha Christie‘s disappearance presented by Marie Benedict in The Mystery of Mrs. Christie. Overall I did enjoy this book, so it‘s a low pick.

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Let me preface by saying I am not an avid mystery reader and have never read any Agatha Christie myself. But that did not stop me from enjoying this historical inspired novel. While I have my own reasons for avoiding mistress storylines and the reasons why they are in this/that role I admit that the organization of this book puts it all into a believable perspective with backstory for characters you would rather loathe. (3.5 rounded up)

robinb I enjoyed this one too! 😊 2y
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I am reading these two red books, I will finish The Christie Affair this evening. The other book is a short story collection about women in London.

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I just kept waiting for this one to click and it never did. It‘s not a bad story, and the ending is satisfying, but it‘s not really about Agatha Christie. She is a peripheral character. Marge my expectations were too high, but I kept dreading picking this one up and just wanted to be done with it.

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This library hold just came in, so I‘m settling in for the evening to read it. It‘ll be interesting to see how it compares to The Mystery of Mrs. Christie.

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There's snow in the forecast, might as well start a new book.
#weekendreads #thechristieaffair #botm

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My March box came!! Excited to read both of these books.

The Christie Affair

The Paris Apartment


Nute Can‘t wait to read my first Lucy Foley book. Hopefully, one day soon! 2y
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This was a toss up between a “pick” and “so-so”, so I guess it‘s a soft pick. It‘s heavier than I thought it would be and the flow between narrators tripped me up more times than I would‘ve liked. I‘d say if you wanted to read it, borrow before buying

EvieBee The “errant mothers” scenario gave me a heavy heart. 2y
Aims42 @EvieBee Yes, I was not expecting that part of her story 😔 Reading those parts was almost too much for me. I felt like there was almost too much going on, with the flashbacks, the current story, the murder, the future snippets (edited) 2y
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1 - Vladimir - Julia May Jonas, Goliath - Tochi Onyebuchi, Clanlands - Sam Heughan & Graham McTavish, The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake, Gwendy‘s Magic Feather - Stephen King & Richard Chizmar, The Paris Apartment - Lucy Foley, The Jasmine Throne - Tasha Suri, The Christie Affair - Nina de Gramont

2 - Libby Wait list is always Max‘d 💯

3 - The Christie Affair

#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain

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When it‘s 65 degrees outside on March 5th, the urge to read outside is high 😎☀️Getting the outdoor furniture out of storage, that urge is low 😆 Mother Nature is bringing us snow on Monday, so today I‘ll open all the windows in the house and sit outside and pretend this weather is staying ☺️

Tamra Enjoy! 😃 2y
AmyG That looks lovely. We...are getting snow. 😔 2y
GondorGirl I'm doing the same thing! I've got the windows opened and am sitting on the porch enjoying the sun! 2y
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Prairiegirl_reading I‘m so jealous! I‘m dying to read outside. It‘ll be a couple months yet. 😞 2y
Twainy Same .. 69 degrees .. snow is forecast for Monday …. 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Ahh what I call a Spring Teaser, enjoy! 2y
Aims42 @Tamra I did!! 😊 2y
Aims42 @AmyG Ugh, that‘s us on Monday and cold temps next week 😭 2y
Aims42 @GondorGirl Awesome 🙌 We gotta soak these days up when they show up 😎❤️ (edited) 2y
Aims42 @Prairiegirl_reading I‘m mentally preparing to be stuck inside for at least another month, this was such a treat! May usually brings more days of 60s, but with it comes rain ☔️🙄 2y
Aims42 @Twainy 😑 I‘m so ready for spring and warmer temps! 2y
Aims42 @CoverToCoverGirl Thank you! I soaked up the sun and now I‘m listening to the rain while I‘m nice and cozy inside 😍 2y
Twainy And now it‘s thunder storming LOL 2y
Aims42 @Twainy Same here!! It‘s lovely sounding 🥰 2y
Twainy I was reading and thought … is that thunder?! LOL It‘s the first week in March in Chicagoland … we should be buried in snow! Wait. That‘s Monday… LOL 2y
Aims42 @Twainy I did the same thing!! I saw a bolt of lightening out of the corner of eye and was like, “was that lightening?” And then then the thunder came lol ⛈ I‘ll take the rain over snow. I‘m in the camp where I enjoy the snow from Nov to Jan, then I‘m over it 😂 2y
Twainy 😆👆🏼 2y
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I‘m glad I knew enough going in to understand that except for 11 days in Dec 1925 when Agatha really does go missing, the story is fictional. But I thought it was a wild fictional ride. I knew nothing about Agatha Christie‘s actual life so of course I spent a couple hours down the google rabbit hole, as well.

SilversReviews This is good!! I did the same thing…I didn‘t know much about her either. 😊 (edited) 2y
marleed @SilversReviews I do love it when a book sends me down a rabbit hole for nonfictional info! 2y
SilversReviews @marleed I do too. 😊 2y
SilversReviews Love your photo!! Perfect!! 2y
janeycanuck The Marie Benedict is a good fictionalization of the story, if you‘re interested in reading more. Obviously, she has to fill some holes with her imagination but I much preferred it to this one. 2y
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