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The Late Mrs. Willoughby
The Late Mrs. Willoughby: A Novel | Claudia Gray
53 posts | 34 read | 9 to read
The suspenseful sequel to The Murder of Mr. Wickham, which sees Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney reunited, and with another mystery to solve: the dreadful poisoning of the scoundrel Willoughby's new wife. Catherine and Henry Tilney of Northanger Abbey are not entirely pleased to be sending their eligible young daughter Juliet out into the world again: the last house party she attended, at the home of the Knightleys, involved a murderwhich Juliet helped solve. Particularly concerning is that she intends to visit her new friend Marianne Brandon, who's returned home to Devonshire shrouded in fresh scandalmade more potent by the news that her former suitor, the rakish Mr. Willoughby, intends to take up residence at his local estate with his new bride. Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley are thrilled that their eldest son, Jonathanwho, like his father, has not always been the most socially adepthas been invited to stay with his former schoolmate, John Willoughby. Jonathan himself is decidedly less taken with the notion of having to spend extended time under the roof of his old bully, but that all changes when he finds himself reunited with his fellow amateur sleuth, the radiant Miss Tilney. And when shortly thereafter, Willoughby's new wifewhom he married for her fortunedies horribly at the party meant to welcome her to town. With rumors flying and Marianneknown to be both unstable and previously jilted by the dead woman's newly made widowerunder increased suspicion, Jonathan and Juliet must team up once more to uncover the murderer. But as they collect clues and close in on suspects, eerie incidents suggest that the killer may strike again, and that the pair are in far graver danger than they or their families could imagine. A VINTAGE ORIGINAL.
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1. Spoil the ending, less stressful reading that way
2. Meet my favorite author
3. Romance novel, I would want to be always looking over my shoulder and being scared
4. Tough one, I‘ve always wanted to time travel and see history, but they don‘t always have luxuries or running water, so maybe Sci-Fi is the way to go
5. I recently skipped the 1st book and started at the 2nd. But I often don‘t get to the end of a series either.

Eggs #5 It all depends on how much you like/love characters and plot👌🏼 1w
CrowCAH @Eggs very true. If I like the world enough, I‘ll go back and read the first and continue on with the series. 1w
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This was such an enjoyable cozy mystery!

What I loved is how the JA characters stayed true to their “character” from the original text.

Can‘t wait to hear what the #BookClub says about it!

I‘ll be putting the other books in the series on the TBR.

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Started this #audiobook 🎧
Listened to 25% in one sitting!
Loving the story and premise.
Super enjoyable listening 👂🏻

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Claudia Gray was at Motor City ComicCon and she had her Jane Austen inspired mystery book there!

This will be book club‘s next pick.

TieDyeDude Nice! 2mo
LeahBergen Cool! 2mo
KadaGul @CrowCAH You lucky 🍀 girl 👩! It doesn't matter what genre it is; an author ✍️-signed copy deserves a special 🤩😍space on the bookshelf 📚. 2mo
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CrowCAH @TieDyeDude @LeahBergen I agree! Always a pleasure to meet and speak with other authors. 2mo
CrowCAH @KadaGul thanks! ☺️ For sure, I love getting books signed by the authors! 2mo
lauraisntwilder Love her! It's so cool you got to meet her! 2mo
CrowCAH @lauraisntwilder according to my GoodReads this will be my first book of hers. 2mo
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To my mind, just as good as the first in this series. A first-rate mystery, but a continued homage to Jane Austen. I love stories with wonderful characters, and they are here in abundance. I‘d read the first book before this one, because it provides a full introduction to Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilley, but I don‘t think it‘s absolutely essential to enjoy this story. Definitely recommend.

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I had a hard time choosing which of the dozens, if not hundreds 😂, of unread books on my Kindle would be my next read. I enjoyed the previous book in this new series. I hope this is as engaging.

Q84 I have this on loan from the library. I didn‘t know it was a sequel. I still might read it though. I hope you enjoy it! 8mo
Lynnsoprano @Q84 My husband read the original book last summer and insisted I read it, since I love Jane Austen. The characters are what really made it. I hope you have the chance to read both. 8mo
Q84 Oh ok. That one is one my TBR as well. 😁 I will definitely get around to them. Although I may read them in the new year. Thanks for letting me know. 8mo
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I've been absent for a while due to one of life's curveballs, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm happy to come back and see winter/Christmas swaps getting posted! 🎄❄️🕯
This book was enjoyable, but it didn't capture me as well as the first one in the series - that may have been more about my state of mind than about the book, though, so I will definitely give the next installment a try when it drops. #Pemberlittens

AmyG Welcome back. Hope all is well. And….love your reading spot! 9mo
dabbe Glad to see you again! 🧡🖤💜 8mo
staci.reads @AmyG thank you! It's my happy place 🤗 7mo
staci.reads @dabbe thank you 😊 7mo
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#Poison was the murder weapon in this book that I read for #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent & of course, #Scarathlon

+6 points & another 15 for using a book I read during the Mon h in a photo challenge for Team #SpookyGhostClub

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤩 9mo
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I was excited to read this follow up with the #pemberlittens crew. This time Miss Tilney & Mr Darcy are reunited during separate visits to the same area & are witnesses to the poisoning of Mrs Willoughby. They once again team up to find the killer. The mystery was less engaging this time (I suspected the murderer early on) but the slow burn romance between the two young people is really what carries thestory
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

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I was a little late starting this with the #pemberlittens but it was easy to catch up. I enjoyed revisiting the characters from the first book. The mystery was better in the first but this one was also enjoyable. It leaves a teaser at the end for the next book, so I‘ll definitely be reading it. I‘m also desperate for a proper romantic finale like in all Jane Austen books. It is a mystery book, but one can hope. Also, “my” Willoughby isn‘t as bad.

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And with this rather overly-mellow historical mystery, weeks 1-2 of #scarathlon are in the books!
19315 points for #spookyghostclub @Clwojick
Thanks to everyone who's been hosting all the fun, spooky readathons and other activities this year🎃🍁🧙‍♀️

Clwojick Fantastic job! WAY TO GO! ☠ 9mo
dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 9mo
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Got a slightly belated start, but thoroughly enjoyed this sequel and am already anticipating the next book.
#pemberlittens #janeadjacent

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.25:Despite the irksome misunderstanding that keeps J & J apart for some time to come, I liked the ending of this book. It summed things up nicely, with humour & honesty. I liked that some characters were given an ending & others a beginning. I must say I look forward to the next book, which rumour has it features a certain Lady Catherine De Bourgh. All in all I enjoyed this sequel but I liked the first book better.

willaful Couldn't you just punch Mrs. Jennings?! (edited) 9mo
Bookwormjillk @willaful all Mrs. Jennings‘ fault. Thanks @StayCurious for being our fearless leader. I agree I liked the first one better, but will definitely seek out the third. 9mo
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peanutnine @willaful ugh yes! Dashing his hopes like that, so frustrating. Looking forward to book three! Thanks for hosting @StayCurious 9mo
Larkken Maybe not as satisfying (I was expecting more. 2nd book in a romance, settled in vibes ) but I liked this still, esp the audiobook. Thanks for hosting! (edited) 9mo
SarahBookInterrupted I liked the first better too but still enjoyed. I will definitely read the third and I‘m looking forward to it if it has Lady Catherine DeBourgh. (edited) 9mo
rubyslippersreads If Lady Catherine is the murder victim, there will be lots of suspects! 😂 9mo
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Read for #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent & also part of my #Scarathlon TBR

These books are so fun! I liked the mystery better in the first book (tagged below) but revisiting favorite Jane Austen characters with new ones added in (primarily our MCs Juliette Tilney & Johnathan Darcy) is a delight. This one did have some twists & I only mostly figured it out at the end.

I‘m still tabulating readathon points but this one is 20 + 1 + 1380 word search⬇️

DebinHawaii …making it 1401 points so far for Team #SpookyGhostClub 🖤👻🖤 Start with this one, first in the series: (edited) 9mo
Clwojick Great job! ☠ 9mo
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I didn‘t love this like I did the first in the series, but I always have fun reading these adaptations with the #pemberlittins. I didn‘t do nearly as well as most of you at predicting the twists, somehow no matter how many I read murder mysteries are always a complete surprise to me. @StayCurious #scarathlon #skeletoncrew @Emilymdxn

Emilymdxn That cover is gorgeous! 9mo
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I am so glad I discovered these through #PemberLittens ! Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney are once again thrust into a murder mystery, with acquaintances suspected of murder. They‘ll have to clear names, #OffTheHook , and examine their own feelings towards each other. This has been a fun way to look at Austen‘s characters and new characters in Austen‘s works, and I‘m looking forward to book 3 next year! #JaneAdjacent #BBRC #YeahBaby

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 9mo
CaramelLunacy I just read The Murder of Mr Wickham and loved Miss Tilney and young Darcy. I was disappointed in the characterization of the Wentworths in that one, but not so much to put me off another venture into this Austenland. Must see if available at the library! 9mo
Librarybelle @CaramelLunacy I read that one last month - I was not in complete agreement with the characterization of Fanny Bertram. In this second book, the Ferrars and Dashwoods are in the novel, and I had no issue with how they were portrayed. 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 9mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.23: well, for some of us, this is a shocker. For others, you already guessed this outcome. I‘m thinking this lowers his value on the marriage market, just a bit. Also, the Ferrars are just awful! ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.24: although the outcome makes complete sense, I can‘t say I‘m not disappointed- I did enjoy his character. I wonder if this will make Willoughby change his ways - to know that his actions had such an effect on others and led to the death of an innocent woman. Final chapter tomorrow! (edited) 9mo
Librarybelle I kinda thought Bamber was too good to be true. I wouldn‘t say I completely thought it was him, but it didn‘t really shock me. This has been so fun to read! 9mo
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Bookwormjillk I saw there‘s a 3rd book coming out next spring! 9mo
BarkingMadRead Omg I can‘t believe I was right! 9mo
AnnR I wasn't shocked it was Bamber either. Some of the other suspects just seemed too obvious. Just based on the description, I'll probably read the 3rd book when it's released. Having said that, I was kinda disappointed in this one. 9mo
CatLass007 I thought Bamber was just too good to be true. I think the first book was a better mystery. I was floored when I found out who the killer was in that one. 9mo
willaful I had thought it was Mrs. W herself, intending to poison W.

Kind of bummed W winds up as a rich widower, but at least he doesn't get Marianne.

I agree that this one was kinda dull compared to the first.
ravenlee I had my suspicions about Bamber, but wasn‘t entirely sold entirely late in the game. I thought it was Follett, for the same reasons that ended up being part of the real motive. Agreed that this suffered a bit from second book syndrome, hopefully the third book picks up. 9mo
DebinHawaii I was leaning to Bamber but not convinced. I liked this one but agree the first was stronger & had the better mystery. Still looking forward to the third though! 9mo
Larkken I guessed Bamber wouldn't remain a contender for Juliets affection and having him as the murderer is the easiest way to get rid of him. Too bad tho, I liked him! At least the third book might give Marianne a break lol 9mo
peanutnine I figured out the who but couldn't come up with a good why. Even after reading the motive falls a bit flat. I agree with everyone that the first mystery was better written 9mo
SarahBookInterrupted I guessed right…very satisfying but the first mystery was better. 9mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent 21: Jonathan sees something about the gun mishap that alerts him - could it be that Willoughby is the guilty party in his own attacks? Well, one thing is certain, at least we uncovered the mystery of the lady in the blue cloak. I had a feeling it was she, but now I wonder - is she telling us everything or did she leave something out?

StayCurious 22: All will be revealed on Saturday. I gotta admit, I‘m more interested in the Juliet / Jonathan romance than I am the actual mystery this time around. But it is the very definition of slow burn 🧊 🔥 (edited) 10mo
CatLass007 I agree with you about preferring the romance over the mystery in this book. I think the first book was just a better mystery. 10mo
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AnnR I've finished the book so I won't comment on any story details. I do agree that in comparison to The Death of Mr Wickham, the mystery aspect in this one, just wasn't as interesting. 10mo
Bookwormjillk At least Jonathan is starting to realize his feelings. Today felt like progress. 10mo
willaful Yay, Jonathan is demi-sexual! They have a future! Maybe we'll get to a kiss by the fifth book. 😂

I'm also finding this one less interesting than the first and just want to shove their faces together.
Larkken @willaful ahha noooo 10mo
ravenlee I agree with everyone: I think the first book drew us more because we were invested in all of the characters in a way that didn‘t really translate to the second one. 9mo
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As often happens with buddy reads I get close to the end and keeping reading. I enjoyed the second book in this series set in the small village of Barton. #AutumnPlease #SmallTownMurder #PemberLittens

#Scarathlon #BatBrigade

20 pts themed book, word search 1050, readathon 320, 1 participation = 1391

Eggs Perfect 🤩 🔪❤️ 10mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼☠️❤️ 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent 19: more clues are discovered, with the newspaper, with the stable boys, and with the experimentations with arsenic. But we‘re still no closer to finding our killer or killers. And why is Beth suddenly determined to flee? ⬇️

StayCurious 20. Our intrepid investigators each decide to speak to one of the main suspects - Bamber to Willoughby; Juliet to Follett; and Jonathan to Beth. Jonathan is greatly troubled that his investigation could possibly lead to his cousin‘s demise, just like his comments to his uncle Wickham led to the death of her sister Susannah. He confides in Juliet and I think the two of them grow much closer. 10mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m starting to wonder if Willoughby didn‘t damage his own saddle. 10mo
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willaful @Bookwormjillk I've been pretty sure of that from the start. Any Agatha Christie reader would suspect him. 😂 10mo
peanutnine @Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead @willaful @DebinHawaii I thought the same thing, the perfect way to throw off suspicion... Also did anyone else notice the Colonel Brandon "Always" reference? #ripAlanRickman 9mo
BarkingMadRead @peanutnine omg I legit cried 😢 9mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent 17: Well, there you have it- it appears as though someone is out to murder Willoughby. Someone close by - unless it was the woman in the blue cloak again. In any case the plot thickens! As does my hatred of Follett. What a doosh!

“genteel people have the good manners to die in their bedrooms.” Hahaha gotta love Mrs.Jennings! ⬇️

StayCurious 18. How much longer can Darcy stand to remain at Allenham? How uncomfortable he must be. And now Willoughby is out to save himself and forget everyone else. Do we think there are two killers this time around? Are they working together or not? This investigation is proving to be difficult. 10mo
BarkingMadRead I keep changing my mind, but I‘m still going with my original guess. I‘m probably way off 🤣 10mo
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Bookwormjillk I highlighted that quote from Mrs. J too. She‘s too funny. 10mo
willaful Why does Juliet keep posing for F? He won't talk to her and he's unbearably rude and deserves a good smackdown. 10mo
AnnR I know they all are suspects and should not leave the area, but how is it that neither Darcy's nor Juliet's parents seem to have heard about what's going on by this point. Seems really odd. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent 15: poor Marianne! These anxiety/ PTSD attacks sound awful - no wonder she has turned herself into a recluse. But to think that it is Beth to come to her rescue?! Surprising for sure. Mainly because Beth must be jealous of Willoughby‘s attachment to Marianne. How could she not feel something when he left her and their unborn child for Marianne? ⬇️

StayCurious 16: That Lady Middleton is to have another party is bold - seriously. And without refreshments (where‘s the fun in that?) but with little better to do, and the need to be a witness to more shocking events, I suspect that all those invited will attend. 10mo
Bookwormjillk The party without refreshments made me laugh 10mo
BarkingMadRead Omg party with no food, she‘s sure to avoid another murder now 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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CatLass007 June 2024 10mo
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 ugh that‘s a long time to wait 🤣 10mo
CatLass007 I think we both will find plenty to read between now and then. 10mo
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BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 🤣🤣 yeahhhh I think so 10mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 10mo
CatLass007 📚📚📚 10mo
AnnR Oh wow! I hope I remember most of the 1st and 2nd book by that time. 10mo
StayCurious Apparently it will be about stopping the murder of Lady Catherine De Burgh before it happens - I can‘t wait! 10mo
BarkingMadRead @StayCurious omg that‘s amazing 10mo
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I‘m finishing this up on the flight home from Boston! I‘m definitely at the point where I don‘t want to put it down. I have my backup book ready as well, for my neighborhood book club meeting that is on Tuesday night! #readeverywhere #pemberlittens @StayCurious

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.13:
There is more risk in this sequel to Our investigators- could Colonel Brandon be right? Should their cease their work? Certainly not while the constables are bumbling fools. Still, more caution needs to be used. If Brandon figured it out, others might as well. Ch.14: Well, Jonathan may lose out on Juliet if he doesn‘t speak his true feelings. ⬇️

StayCurious Bamber has made his intentions clear - but I liked that he asked Jonathan first. I don‘t like that the Colonel is now a suspect, but it does make sense. Until they know the real target, this investigation will prove difficult indeed. 10mo
willaful Well, my romantic heart is sad. It sounds like Jonathan might be asexual? Or perhaps he'll turn out to be a late bloomer. I want them together. :-( 10mo
Bookwormjillk How do you eat or drink when you may be living with a person who kills with poison? 10mo
AnnR @Bookwormjillk Excellent point. 🍷 10mo
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I enjoyed this book very much. Whodunit was much easier to figure out than in the first book in the series. The author seemed like she was wrapping up everyone‘s stories for the last time. At the same time it seemed she was setting the stage for future books. The ending was somewhat unsatisfying because it left Jonathan and Juliet with questions about how the other felt. But it was fairly certain that they knew their own minds and hearts.(cont)⬇️

CatLass007 I know I put the spoiler tag on this review but I‘m still trying not to spoil anything. I want to see Jonathan and Juliet get their HEA now. I don‘t want to hear a sentence or two about how they will meet again in the future. 10mo
CatLass007 Oooohhh! I just saw that book #3 in this series comes out in June 2024! 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.11: it seems that every question that‘s answered comes with dozens of other questions and possibilities. I sense their frustration. I think Bamber was expecting this to be easy!Ch.12: ooh Darcy better watch his back! That Follett is mean and angry and definitely not thinking straight. Once again I find myself intrigued as to who the killer could be. I know who I‘d like it to be but that doesn‘t mean anything here.

BarkingMadRead Yikes Follett lost his darn mind! Or did he? I really can‘t say that I suspect any one person over another right now! 10mo
willaful This reminded me of how often autistic people can seem suspicious to others. :-( 10mo
Bookwormjillk Seemed pretty calculated on Follett‘s part but who knows. I suspect everyone at this point. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.9:how interesting-With Wickham there was no doubt he was the intended victim but here it is more shady. Could the killer have meant to poison Willoughby rather than his wife? Or did the scuffle that happened right before the toast that Juliet witnessed mean that the wrong glass was given to the victim? I think it was meant to be Willoughby-how could the killer have guessed that Mrs.Willoughby would drink the port?⬇️

StayCurious Ch.10: how sad that Jonathan feels guilt for something that was probably spoken of casually- how could he have anticipated the deadly consequences of another man‘s pride? And how do we feel about Bamber being a part of the investigation? I like him tbh. But he will prove to be an obstacle in the Jonathan and Juliet romance. 10mo
Bookwormjillk Poor Jonathan. I still don‘t trust Bamber. 10mo
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BarkingMadRead Every cozy mystery needs a love triangle! 10mo
DebinHawaii @BarkingMadRead Right?! Gotta slow burn it & not get them together too soon. 😉 10mo
DebinHawaii I was thinking Follette (so?) was trying to kill Willoughby & got her by mistake but who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
Deblovestoread I'm leaning that way too @DebinHawaii 10mo
CatLass007 Okay, changing the subject a little… Have y‘all seen how many Pride & Prejudice and/or Jane Austen variations there are?!! It‘s nuts. 10mo
peanutnine @Bookwormjillk I want to like Bamber but find his insinuation into the investigation suspicious. And I'm annoyed that the other two are letting him so easily even after reiterating that everyone should be suspected! 10mo
rubyslippersreads @DebinHawaii @BarkingMadRead I agree. Can‘t let the course of love run too smoothly. 😏 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.7: there are so many reasons those two meddling kids should stay out of it haha but we know they won‘t. Once again, Gray is setting up several motives. How interesting. My money right now is on Beth but that‘s way too obvious I think. Why she would even want Willoughby back after what he did is beyond me…⬇️

StayCurious Ch8: uh oh! Looks like Darcy has competition for the attentions of Juliet in Bamber. The three seek answers from the physician who completed the autopsy (highly improper of them) and Darcy realizes that the woman in the cloak he saw that night might have been Beth…hmm again seems too obvious to me. But we‘ll see.

“Yet it is ever true that where cleverness is in short supply, confidence can be most abundant.”
BarkingMadRead I‘m putting my money on Bamber for reasons unknown, and only because he insinuated himself into the investigation. I‘ll be curious to see who it really is! 10mo
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StayCurious @BarkingMadRead ooh interesting! Those gingers lol can be tricky 10mo
AnnR @BarkingMadRead I tend to agree with your line of reasoning. It seems like everyone else is too obvious, including Willoughby. I'm glad the story is finally picking up some momentum now. 🔍 10mo
Deblovestoread I‘m going way out on a limb and think Willoughby was the intended target, no clear idea on the who yet. 10mo
Bookwormjillk I don‘t trust Bamber. 10mo
CatLass007 @Bookwormjillk That‘s the direction my thoughts are heading. And that‘s not a spoiler because I‘m just guessing so far. I do hope to finish it today, but I will keep my promise and not spoil anything for you. 10mo
peanutnine @Deblovestoread yes I had the same thought that it was meant for Willoughby 10mo
SarahBookInterrupted @BarkingMadRead I think so too and all because he was picking plants before the dinner. But literally I have no other reason, but I feel there may be more to his story. 9mo
SarahBookInterrupted And I never thought it was meant for Willoughby, but that makes sense. And makes me think Bamber again. Something about the bully story maybe. Hmmm. I‘m just catching up and am trying to not look at future posts for spoilers. 9mo
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#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge #DeathDead

We are reading this followup to The Murder of Mr. Wickham with #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent group this month & Juliet Tilney has just seen her second #dead body. 😱 Who knew house parties involved so much #death ?!

6+ points for #Scarathlon Team #SpookyGhostClub 🖤👻

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch5: And so it came to pass that another has died at a gathering that Marianne Brandon is a part of. The tongues will be wagging for sure. But there are others with strong motive present, and there was that mysterious woman fleeing earlier that Darcy saw. I‘m looking forward to finding out more. ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.6: oh Willoughby, you‘re kind of despicable you know - lamenting about Marianne while your wife is not even cold in her grave. And worrying solely about her fortune and thinking she killed herself because of you. Ugh. Thank heavens Jonathan has a cooler head. 10mo
BarkingMadRead Willoughby is a nightmare! So many possible suspects! 10mo
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CatLass007 I‘m going to finish this book. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. I will avoid spoiling anything but I‘m halfway through chapter 11. And it‘s getting even better! 10mo
Bookwormjillk @CatLass007 lol I was tempted! 10mo
willaful I have a theory but I'll keep it to myself for now. I certainly hope that somehow or other, Willoughby gets what's coming to him -- and I don't mean Marianne! 10mo
Deblovestoread Willoughby is an egotistical cad. Shaping up to be a good whodunit! 10mo
CatLass007 @Bookwormjillk I learned last month that I can‘t do a couple of chapters per day of several different books. It‘s better if I finish one book and then move on to the next. But I chose this one as my first of the month because the first one was so good. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.3-4: Oh what a scene btw Beth and that dastardly Willoughby! If anyone has motive to wish him (or his new wife) harm, it is she. And how will this awkward dinner party go? Bless Mrs.Jennings for the warning to Marianne. I am looking forward to a reunion btw Jonathan and Juliet though💕 ⬇️

StayCurious 4: There is nothing worse than a bully. To call Jonathan “Thumps”, even in polite company, is so very impolite it makes me cringe. And for Willoughby to be staring at Marianne at the party when both their spouses are there! The nerve! But Juliet and Jonathan have found each other again and that is a great thing. 10mo
BarkingMadRead I am glad that Jonathan and Juliet are finally back together, and there is already so much drama going on! I can‘t wait to see where this goes! 10mo
ravenlee Poor Jonathan - I just can‘t understand a social system that requires someone to accept an invitation offered by a host they have good reason to hate and distrust! 10mo
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“It was not a contest that admitted of a winner”



BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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##Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.1-2 we fall right back in with our old friends Juliet and Jonathan, who, unbeknownst to each other, are both heading to Devonshire. Juliet goes to visit Marianne, and poor Jonathan to visit his old schoolmate and bully, Willoughby. Willoughby has just inherited a grand estate, and Marianne is dealing with some serious PTSD from the events that transpired in book 1. ⬇️

StayCurious We also meet some other interesting characters, both old and new acquaintances, who will play a role this time around. We‘re off to a very interesting start. 10mo
BarkingMadRead At first I thought, maybe that awful Fanny would make a better victim, but then Willoughby comes back into the picture, better than ever 🙄 and I‘m like, nawwwww let‘s go, let‘s get this murder done! 🤣 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Good start! 10mo
StayCurious @BarkingMadRead 😂 ooh bloodthirsty 10mo
AnnR Oh goodness. I've already fallen behind. I'll catch up after the Chargers 🏈 game. 10mo
willaful It sounds like Mrs. W is gonna be the victim though, which seems really unfair to her, albeit interesting plot-wise. I'm hoping she fakes her own death to frame W. 😂

(Hey, what is with all the W villains, btw. Base prejudice, Miss Austen! Harumph.)

Did Beth and the duel actually happen in S&S? I haven't read it in a long time.
BarkingMadRead @willaful I don‘t remember a duel, but it‘s been awhile. Maybe the author just added it in. And I totally misread the title, and now I‘m bummed. I like your plan though, that would be delightful 🤣 10mo
willaful @BarkingMadRead Aw, sorry! But maybe the title is a misdirect.

I looked it up and she was called Eliza in the book but the duel did happen. Probably Gray changed it to avoid confusion.
CogsOfEncouragement I‘m going to bow out on this one. 10mo
AnnR Willoughby sure comes across as a complete arse. I'm not quite sure what Marianne originally saw in him. My thoughts so far. 10mo
SarahBookInterrupted @StayCurious I think I‘ve been bumped off the Pemberlittens list. Can you add me to this read along. I read the first one and would love to join in! 10mo
StayCurious @SarahBookInterrupted sorry I missed seeing this earlier! Will add you to my tag list 10mo
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So excited to read along with the #pemberlittens with @StayCurious at the helm!

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Today‘s library #bookhaul is one for #52Books23 (I only have three left!) and one for #PemberLittens - let‘s do this!

dabbe I LOVED In the Woods; can't wait to read what you think! 🤩 10mo
Ruthiella Starting Tana French! Exciting. 10mo
ravenlee @dabbe @Ruthiella I‘m kinda hesitant, as it‘s not one of my usual genres, but I‘m going to try. I need something set in Dublin for #52Books23 and nothing on any lists really jumped out at me, so I decided to just jump in. 🤞🏻 10mo
dabbe @ravenlee I was impressed with her research and knowledge. It is a mystery, so to speak, but there's so much more. I hope you like it! 10mo
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Look what‘s on sale today, #PemberLittens 😊 #JaneAdjacent #kindle #KindleDeal

Librarybelle Thanks for posting this!!! 10mo
AnnR Thanks for posting this. I bought it, too. 10mo
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Reposting for @staycurious
#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent In October we‘ll be reading book 2 of the Mr.Darcy & Miss Tilney series and this one brings us to another British locale where a mysterious death takes place - and who better to investigate than our intrepid and nosy duo? I‘m really looking forward to seeing more from these two. I am tagging those who showed interest but all are welcome to join in on my daily meme-ingful posts.

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent In October we‘ll be reading book 2 of the Mr.Darcy & Miss Tilney series and this one brings us to another British locale where a mysterious death takes place - and who better to investigate than our intrepid and nosy duo? I‘m really looking forward to seeing more from these two. I am tagging those who showed interest but all are welcome to join in on my daily meme-ingful posts. Comment ⬇️ if I missed you!

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Yay! Looking forward to this one! 10mo
IndoorDame I‘m excited!!!! 10mo
Librarybelle So excited for this!!! 10mo
quietjenn Should be fun! 10mo
peanutnine Yesssss 10mo
julieclair Yay! This will be fun! And meme-ingful! 😎🕵️‍♀️ 10mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 adding you to the tag list! 10mo
AnnR @StayCurious Please add me to the tag list. Thank you. 🙂 Audible has The Murder of Mr Wickham on sale right now, so I'm playing catch-up now listening. I'm hoping I'll have it finished by the end of September and be set to start The Late Mrs Willoughby in October. 🎃 10mo
rubyslippersreads Please add me to the list. 10mo
DebinHawaii Me too please! I‘m so happy it‘s in Kindle for $1.99 today too! 🤗 My library e-book wait was 22 weeks & the print was 18 weeks! 10mo
Larkken ☺️ looking forward to it! 10mo
Deblovestoread Please add me. I just picked up the kindle deal. 😊💜 10mo
AnnR @rubyslippersreads - Thank you for posting the sale. 10mo
PageShifter I am joining if I just get the book somehow 10mo
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If Claudia Gray wants to keep writing cozy mysteries with a Jane Austen spin, I will happily keep reading them.

Despite the regency era backdrop posing limitations to things like the crime-solving sciences applied and the characters‘ opportunities for inquiry (decorum is so restricting!), the mystery and investigation are still engaging. And it‘s just fun to wonder which and how some original Austen characters will be involved.

robinb A great premise...loved it! 11mo
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Loved it! This cute will they won‘t they Jane Austen fan fic is very engrossing. Can‘t wait for the next one

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I enjoyed this second instalment so much more than the first! I think it worked much better to not bring all of Austen‘s characters together and that we saw more new characters than the first instalment. The mystery was well put together and getting to know Jonathan and Juliet more was enjoyable.

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I loved the second installment of this series. Claudia Gray has very cleverly reimagined all of Austen‘s characters in one world, moving in and out of each other‘s lives in the most charming ways. I think it is best to read in order so you‘ll want to start with The Murder of Mr. Wickham. Great on #audio! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I have The Murder of Mr. Wickham on my TBR - it sounds so interesting!! 13mo
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I loved returning to the Austen-inspired world that Gray created. We mainly focus on characters from Sense and Sensibility, plus our to young investigators, Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney. Just a heads up, the ending definitely sets up for at least one more book, which I wasn‘t expecting. If you liked the first in the series, you‘ll like this one as well. Though you know what to expect so it doesn‘t have quite the same novelty. Still a fun read!

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Overall, I enjoyed the second in this series. However, I often find that I need to take a break before coming back and continuing my read. But, when I‘m away, my thoughts wonder back to the story. So pro, the story is written in the way of Austen and the plot is enticing. Con, everything seems to go on just a bit longer than I think it needs to.

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#ARC Expected publication is May 16, 2023.
A suspenseful sequel to The Murder of Mr. Wickham. It sees Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney reunited, and with another mystery to solve: the dreadful poisoning of the scoundrel Willoughby‘s new wife. The amateur sleuths get another murder to crack when they‘re both guests at the Devonshire home of John Willoughby, a former schoolmate of Darcy‘s. Darcy s not fond of his host who bullied him at school.

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Second in the Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney historical mystery series, this one finds the dynamic duo of Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney as they meet again visiting the Willoughby residence and the Brandon residence, respectively. Following a small dinner party, Mrs. Willoughby collapses and dies. As rumors run rampant, Jonathan and Juliet (along with Darcy‘s childhood friend Bamber) discreetly commence an investigation as the village 🔻

robinb begins to suspect a supposedly jealous Marianne Brandon of the deed.
I adored the first in the series, The Murder of Mr. Wickham, and while (in my opinion) this one was not quite as wonderful it was still great fun and a delightful read. The mystery itself was fairly easy to solve, but it‘s the characters, the settings, and the writing that I‘ve enjoyed most about these books. It is delightful (as an Austen fan) to picture these characters 🔻
robinb from her various books interacting with each other. There‘s dry humor and a hint of possible romance, but it‘s the pleasure of knowing the backstories of these characters that give the stories a richness and an intimate feeling…lots to reminisce about from the original Austen books. Both Jonathan and Juliet are endearing and lovable characters, finding in the other an intelligence and almost innate connection that is sweet to watch as it 🔻 1y
robinb blossoms. I definitely recommend this series and look forward to more outings with Jonathan and Juliet. 4.25/5 ⭐️ 1y
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Bklover Well it sounds wonderful! I‘ll check out the first in the series. Thanks❤️❤️❤️ 1y
robinb @Bklover I think you‘d love it. 😊🤗 1y
Lynnsoprano I loved the first book, now I‘m anxious to read this, too! 1y
robinb @Lynnsoprano it‘s such a unique premise! I found myself wondering what Austen would have thought of her character‘s‘ adventures together as a group. 😆 1y
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I am continuing to love this series. Mr. Jonathan Darcy and Miss Juliet Tilney are reunited in Devonshire where they are once again thrust into a murder mystery when Mrs. Willoughby is poisoned at a welcome party. I continue to enjoy the way all of Austen's characters are intertwined together. I also love the slow romance building between Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney. I cannot wait to see which characters the next book in the series focuses on.

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