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In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex | Nathaniel Philbrick
From the author ofMayflower and Valiant Ambition, the riveting bestseller tells the story of the true events that inspired Melville's Moby-Dick. Winner of the National Book Award, Nathaniel Philbrick's book is a fantastic saga of survival and adventure, steeped in the lore of whaling, with deep resonance in American literature and history. In 1820, the whaleship Essex was rammed and sunk by an angry sperm whale, leaving the desperate crew to drift for more than ninety days in three tiny boats. Nathaniel Philbrick uses little-known documents and vivid details about the Nantucket whaling tradition to reveal the chilling facts of this infamous maritime disaster. In the Heart of the Sea, recently adapted into a major feature film starring Chris Hemsworth, is a book for the ages."
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5/5. Based on the shipwreck of the Essex. A whaler based out of Nantucket, it was sunk when an angry sperm whale rammed it. This story was the inspiration for Moby Dick. The portrayal of cannibalism the crew was forced to resort to in order to stay alive is horrifying. (Side note-apparently cannibalism became so common after shipwrecks that when survivors were rescued they were quick to say when they hadn‘t resorted to cannibalism 😳)

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Like a giant bird of prey, the whaleship moved lazily up the western coast of South America, zigging and zagging across a living sea of oil.


@CoverToCoverGirl Thank you for recommending this book to me. It was so good. I just don't know if I could have done what those few did to survive. It's gross 🤢 to me. Now I have to read Moby Dick sometime.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m always so happy to share good books. And I totally totally agree, just when you thought things couldn‘t possibly get any worse.. they really, really did. Fascinating story. I have also thought about tackling Moby Dick, someday, especially since reading about this story. 2y
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@CoverToCoverGirl recommend this to me. Started Audiobook earlier.

CoverToCoverGirl I wish I could experience this story again for the first time. It‘s SO good! 2y
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1. In the Heart of the Sea
2. I‘ll have to find one
3. I love reading outside on a hot summer day underneath the shade of the tree!

Tagging @rubyslippersreads @Branwen @cwarnier

BookmarkTavern First vote for sun! Thanks so much for sharing your answers! 2y
CrowCAH @CoverToCoverGirl it‘s a good book! I haven‘t seen the movie. 2y
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My husband and I finished this book while driving today. Tomorrow we start the latest Rivers of London book. In the Heart of the Sea was good and very interesting, but it was hard to read about what those sailors endured. The wreck of the Essex was the incident Melville based Moby Dick on. I almost finished Finlay Donovan is Killing It on my walks. Headed back home tomorrow. 😢 #audiowalk

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A few years ago, I read Moby Dick; this year my husband and I decided to listen to this book about the incident that inspired that book. It was a disaster from the beginning. Pile the terrible things that happened on top of a captain who was unwilling to assert his authority, it‘s a surprise anyone at all survived. We went out for my husband‘s 1st extended trip since his illness. We just sat by the bay and relaxed for 4 hrs. I walked a mile.

Suet624 Sounds like a wonderful day. 2y
KathyWheeler @Suet624 it really was. I wasn‘t sure how well my husband was going to do — this is about 40 minutes from where we live — but he did fine and loved being by the bay. First time he‘s seen it in 6 months. 2y
bnp Wow Kathy, that's wonderful! There's nothing like being in or by the ocean. 2y
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KathyWheeler @bnp it‘s a favorite place for both of us. 2y
Suet624 @KathyWheeler I bet it was really good for both of you. 💕 2y
KathyWheeler @Suet624 It was. We were both in such great moods when we got back. 😌 2y
TrishB Sounds like a fab day. 2y
kspenmoll Sounds lovely for you both! 2y
KathyWheeler @kspenmoll It was. Since it was so successful, we are going to attempt a trip to the beach for my birthday next week. 😊 2y
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I love narrative nonfiction, and In the Heart of the Sea is the best of the genre that I‘ve read in a while. The story of the shipwreck and its survivors is riveting, and I also found myself very interested in the brief history of Nantucket. For a story from the early 1800s, it has a lot of relevant things to say about racism and classicism and family. Very highly recommended.

eeclayton I loved this too, fascinating read! 3y
stevesbookstuf1 Nathaniel Philbrick is one of my favorites! 3y
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Picked up my copy of In the Heart of the Sea for the 2020 Big Read Lakeshore 😁
Thanks #HerrickDistrictLibrary !

Hooked_on_books It‘s really good! 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @Hooked_on_books That's what I keep hearing! Thanks for the positive recommendation 😁 4y
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My initial grounds for reading the following book was for my love of literature of the sea, the romanticism of whaling, and its confluence with 19th century New England. In the Heart of the Sea navigates the true story of the Essex whaleship out of Nantucket in 1819, which was Melville‘s inspiration to writing his masterpiece. This was an enjoyable account to read and the movie was also very well done. Highly recommend to the fellow thalassophile.

282Mikado If there is one thing I love it is filing my thalassos. 😁 Seriously, as you know, I LOVE the sea. This just got stacked. (edited) 4y
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This was an experiment for me. My father keeps suggesting that I read Moby Dick. I have had no interest. I thought that if I knew more about the real life story I might be more inclined to pick up Moby Dick. It didn‘t work. While I am sure this book is well researched and it does a good job of conveying the hell the sailors suffered, the book dragged on for me. #bookspinbingo

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#3books #thathavebeenmadeintomovies
I am not a serial killer was the first book I read by Dan Wells and I loved it, the movie not so much.
In the Heart of the Sea, I saw the movie first, the book added lots of fascinating info, it's one of the best nonfiction I've ever read, and I strongly recommend it.
With Jurassic Park I was surprised how intellectual the book was.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🎬 4y
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Today's listen. Nonfiction account of the Essex crew

callielafleur I really enjoyed this 4y
parasolofdoom @callielafleur it's definitely really interesting! 4y
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#Boat #BoundTogetherJune
#Ship #Whale

The majority of the time the men are in their boats and not the whale ship Essex.

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
eeclayton I loved this book. It is fascinating 🤘 4y
CrowCAH @eeclayton I agree, it was a learning experience for sure! 4y
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the subgenre of Nonfiction Pre-20th Century Oceanic Tragedies does, has, and will always fuck

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Now that I‘ve finally read Moby Dick, it‘s time to read the true story that inspired Herman Melville. #NFNov #currentread

Reagan I found the beginning a bit of a challenge to get through, but overall outstanding! 5y
Clwojick 1 pt. 5y
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I found this book in a second hand bookshop and finished it in one sitting. I didn't know anything about the Essex or Nantucket before and it was very fascinating. Usually I'm not a big fan of non fiction books but this one is written very captivating.

🔸And again I haven't been on Litsy for a while. I can't even explain it. Sometimes I just have phases where I am more of an offline person.😅But now I am excited to post and participate again! 😊

DrexEdit Totally have those phases myself! Welcome back! 😊 5y
Tanisha_A Happy to see you back! ☺️ 5y
DivineDiana Glad you‘re back! 🙂 5y
Crazeedi Please tell you dear maman that I received her letter and I will be writing soon! Tell her she made my day! 5y
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I have enjoyed all of Philbrick‘s books, but I do think this is my favorite. Like many, after reading it I felt it was finally time to tackle Moby Dick. I can‘t believe I waited so long to read Moby because I am absolutely loving it.

Geeklet Lol, I did the exact same thing this year. I really enjoyed In the Heart of the Sea. It‘s such an amazing tale. I didn‘t really care for Moby Dick as much. I still need to finish it, I have like 40% left. (edited) 5y
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#TallShipCelebration #TSC2019 #Sea

A possible book to movie reading and viewing? Have to watch out for those killer whales 🐋!

DGRachel This was a really good book. 5y
CrowCAH @DGRachel good to know. It‘s on the TBR, just have to read it! 🐳 5y
ValerieAndBooks I read this along with Moby-Dick ! 5y
CrowCAH @ValerieAndBooks sweet; I bet that was a great read-along and comparison! 5y
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#MarchIntoThe70s #HungryHeart

This whale 🐋 had a hungry heart for man flesh!

lover.of.the.classics This is one of those books that I kinda want to read but also I know how it goes so I kinda don‘t want to read it.😞 6y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I feel the same way @lover.of.the.classics 6y
Sdkpac Doesn‘t matter, it‘s still an amazing story and worth the time. 5y
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Day 16: #intothemystic #marchintothe70s

🎶 Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly
Into the mystic 🎶

@Lizpixie @Cinfhen

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#MarchIntoThe70s #WildWorld

It sure is a wild world when a sperm whale 🐋 attaches a ship!

This is a book I‘m going to read this year and watch the movie afterwards.

PirateJenny Changes were made for the movie of course. Pollard is more likeable in the movie. But I enjoyed it (Hemsworth!). When you've finished reading the book, you need to watch the video of a song two schoolkids did about it as a project. It is hysterical. 6y
Cinfhen This has been on my TBR ( not owned) for so long. Must finally read to. Especially since I love expeditions and whaling adventures 6y
CrowCAH @PirateJenny I‘ll most certainly track down that video! 6y
CrowCAH @Cinfhen then you should read it! 🐳 6y
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This was a very interesting story that was very well done. I didn‘t really know anything about Nantucket or the Essex before reading this book but Philbrick did an excellent job leading me through the story. I haven‘t seen the movie but I‘m not sure if it could hold a candle to this wonderful book.

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I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this! I‘m not typically a voluntary reader of nonfiction, but the way this is written with more of a fictionalized, narrative feel rather than a “textbook” feel made it such an enjoyable read.

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Book mail finally came 😬 (book haul photo to come when second package arrives 😅)

ANYWAY. Look at this gorgeous cover 😍 Loving the colors!

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I‘m still reading Moby Dick. But grabbed this off my TBR for something less chunky to read during son‘s music lessons. There‘s a globe in the waiting room for a photo op!

A bit obsessed right now with that place (Nantucket) and its whaling era. 🐳 ⚓️

And how did I not know there‘s a movie based on this true story? 👀

zsuzsanna_reads Looks interesting! I'm a Moby addict and even sailing fan husband might like this. 6y
LeahBergen This book is fantastic! 👏🏻 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Love this book! It was a gateway drug for me - after reading this I burned through tons of mutiny and sea survival stories 🐳 6y
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This is how I feel after reading this. It isn‘t an adventure. It is a tragedy but Philbrick does an amazing job telling this story. I was captivated and horrified throughout. He doesn‘t stray away from the gritty details of whale hunting, or the racial aspects of what happened. But he does bring this story to life, with tons of information and facts, incredible world building bringing this gruesome history to the page.

Daisey Great review! 6y
TheNextBook @Daisey Thanks! I read this in no time. Really good. 6y
Reagan I loved this book! I found the beginning a little challenging but then it was a thrill ride. My mother in law and I often do not have the same taste and I lent this to her (with warnings) and she loved it too! 6y
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It‘s about damn time I got to this book. I‘ve had this for a long time. And the entire time I planned on pairing it with Moby Dick! Well here we are! I might watch the movie starring Hemsworth after reading it!

twohectobooks I‘ve only seen the movie of this so far. It was pretty decent! 6y
TheNextBook @twohectobooks this book so far is really good. The author is doing a great job being informative and still keeping the plot moving. 6y
readordierachel Loved this one. So readable, and what a story! 6y
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Great story! Seemed to drag on though!

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Unfortunately the whalers of the 1800‘s didn‘t have a way to #SOS so this group of sailors on the Essex were adrift at sea for 3 months. It‘s a harrowing tale of survival, bad decisions, and cannibalism.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Awesome book. This was a gateway drug for me to read every tale of shipwreck and mutiny I could get my hands on! 6y
DGRachel I loved this book! 6y
emilyhaldi Cannibalism always fascinates me... it‘s hard to imagine the horror of things getting to that point 😱 6y
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LeahBergen I loved this book! And I‘m strangely intrigued by cannibalism, too @emilyhaldi 😆😆 6y
Reviewsbylola So horrible. 🐋 6y
Cinfhen Been wanting to read this book for ages!!! Ever since I read 6y
Mdargusch In the Kingdom of Ice was my gateway to ship wreck books @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 6y
Mdargusch I just can‘t imagine having to make that choice @emilyhaldi @LeahBergen 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled In my TBR! 👍 6y
readordierachel Loved this one! Been meaning to watch the movie adaptation. 6y
Mdargusch I forgot there was a movie! @ReadOrDieRachel 6y
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I was not familiar with the heartbreaking tragedy of the whaleship Essex. The author does an amazing job of telling the story in a concise way without getting bogged down in too many details. What I loved was the way he interjected psychology of disasters as each new tragedy unfolded. There are so many moral and ethical questions to ponder while reading this while the perseverance and bravery of these men was so inspiring.

Emilymdxn Sounds so good! And I love the cover 6y
ericarobynreads Love that book!! 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Loved this book - it was a gateway drug to reading many books about shipwrecks and mutiny! 6y
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Cinfhen Still on my TBR 6y
Mdargusch It‘s a fast read @Cinfhen if that helps. 6y
quirkyreader I read this when I was reading “Moby Dick” so that I could have more backstory for the Melville work. 6y
Cinfhen Good to know! 6y
Mdargusch I can see how that would happen @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled - I want to read about the Bounty now. 6y
Mdargusch Yes that was a fascinating piece about this book that I forgot to mention @quirkyreader 6y
emilyhaldi Sounds interesting. Love that little mermaid 🧜🏻‍♀️ 6y
Mdargusch That sounds good too @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled - stacking 6y
LeahBergen This was a great read. 👍🏻 6y
readordierachel I really enjoyed this one too! 6y
Daisey I agree; this was so good. 6y
rubyslippersreads Lovely photo! 6y
Reviewsbylola Glad you liked this one! 6y
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It must be the year of cannibalism for me, as this is the third book involving cannibalism that I‘ve read in as many months. This is the horrific story of the whaling ship Essex from Nantucket that was attacked and destroyed by a sperm whale in 1820. Members of the crew survived for around 90 days at sea and were forced to eat one another to survive. A truly disturbing story of survival. I used this for #pop18.

Libby1 I love a review that starts with the words, “It must be a year of cannibalism for me”. 🤭 6y
LeahBergen I went on kick where I read a ton of cannibalism-themed books a few years ago. 😆😆 6y
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Mdargusch I hope it‘s not heavy on details for the cannibalism 6y
Cinfhen Great review ~ it‘s been on my TBR for ages...I Loved 6y
Reviewsbylola No it‘s not at all. @Mdargusch 6y
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Family vacation calls for the family bedroom. 😂😂 we just spent three hours at the pool so now we‘re having rest period. I plan on reading my book but let‘s be honest, I‘ll probably be the one of us that naps. 😆

BarbaraBB Looks so perfect 😍 6y
emilyhaldi I‘m just hoping those two nap 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 6y
Kalalalatja It looks so cozy, it almost makes me want to take a nap 😄 6y
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LeahBergen We should all have rest periods like this in our day! 6y
Tamra I‘d take a nap whenever I can get it! Good for you! ☺️ 6y
Frecks-Booklover4life I know that‘s right! Nap away! 6y
digidiva Sounds like the ideal vaca! 6y
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This mortal life decays apace
How soon the bubble‘s broke
Adam and all his numerous race
Are vanity and smoke

This is the inscription to the headstone for Rebecca Nickerson, mother of cabin boy to the whale ship Essex, Thomas Nickerson. They don‘t do inscriptions like they used to! ⚰️ 💀

ETA: his father‘s reads:

Crush‘d as the moth beneath thy hand
We moulder to the dust
Our feeble powers can ne‘er withstand
And all our beauty‘s lost

Laura317 You have much better eyes than I do. It looks like a blank headstone to me. 6y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂 It totally is. Your eyes do not deceive you. This is the back of the headstone. The blurb says the brush is to overgrown to access the front at this point. @laura317 6y
LeahBergen This is such a good read. 👍🏻 6y
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Mdargusch Great inscriptions! 6y
emilyhaldi Sick. I need to start working on mine 6y
minkyb oh my god @emilyhaldi I just snorted! 😂 6y
SleepyDragon It's like Spoon River. 6y
Crazeedi I've always pondered my epitaph, not sure what I want it to say 6y
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#GetMovin #WayDownWeGo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0-7IHOXkiV8

Way down we go to the heart of the sea 🌊
Beware the white whale 🐋

Cinfhen I tried to get my bookclub to read this book, but they shot me down ☹️it looks good 6y
CrowCAH @Cinfhen I agree! I want to read it, then watch the movie! 6y
Cinfhen I didn‘t know it was a film!! 6y
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CrowCAH @Cinfhen yes, 2015, with Chris Hemsworth! 6y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen It‘s a great read! 6y
Cinfhen It‘s on the TBR @LeahBergen 😘 6y
Christy2318 @Cinfhen @crowcah Both are good. The movie takes quite a bit of creative license with the story & makes it less gruesome. It‘s still cool though. Plus you can never go wrong with anything that involves looking at Chris Hemsworth. 6y
PirateJenny @CrowCAH And don't forget a young Tom Holland! (Who plays a super distant relative of my husband's--they share the same ancestors.) 6y
Melissa_J @Cinfhen it‘s on my TBR too! Maybe we can do another buddy read 😊 6y
CrowCAH @PirateJenny oh, yes, I did forget! Yay for famous relatives! 👏🏻 6y
CrowCAH @Melissa_J that would be fun motivation! 😊 6y
Cinfhen But I need to pick up my copy first @Melissa_J but another buddy read would be awesome!!!! 6y
Cinfhen @Christy2318 You‘re right on the Hemsworth front!!!! 😍❣️ 6y
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If you are looking for a straightforward adventure story about survival at sea, this is not it. Instead, this is a tragic narrative that meanders into subjects like environmental degradation, the psychology of starvation, and the relationship between Quackers and capitalism. And Moby Dick. Fascinating.

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I seem to be on a harrowing tales streak these days. Whaling was an inhumane endeavor. 😑

callielafleur I enjoyed this one. I found it slow at points, but what helped was that in the print version, there was a map with the chronology of the expedition. I liked being able to follow along with it. 7y
Tamra @callielafleur yes, that would have been intriguing to reference! For me it sprawled too far outside the lines of the shipwreck journey, but I know many people enjoy a lot of background detail in narrative histories. 🙂 (edited) 7y
2BR02B Ugh, I know. I enjoyed Moby-Dick, but hated reading about the whale hunts. 7y
Tamra @2BR02B I haven‘t tried that one, but the author talks about how this captain & wreck inspired Melville. (edited) 7y
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Never did I think I would enjoy a book about whaling! Excellent read! I highly recommend it! The movie isn‘t bad either.

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We‘re getting 3-5” if snow here. It‘s so pretty!

Tagged book is the next audio my mom and I are going to listen to.

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TrishB 👍👍 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Well played. (edited) 7y
RealLifeReading Good one!! 7y
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I thought Nathaniel Philbrick wasn't allowing photos because no one was taking any pictures with him so I just asked my friend to take one of me while he was signing. But then he jumped up and said 'Let's take a good one!' What an awesome thing to do and what a cool guy!

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#LiveToTell https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IzAO9A9GjgI #AugustGrrrl @Cinfhen

They had to live to tell this epic tale of the whale ship Essex!!! 🐳

Cathythoughts Great title 👍 7y
CrowCAH @Cathythoughts it is iconic! Can't wait to read it then watch the new movie and compare/contrast! 7y
Cinfhen Heard this book is fantastic 💕 7y
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CrowCAH @Cinfhen I hope so; looks epic!!! 7y
PirateJenny It is excellent. All his books are. The movie changes some things but the author was ok with it. Also Chris Hemsworth. 😊 7y
CrowCAH @PirateJenny I wouldn't doubt the movie changed some things, but yes Chris Hemsworth...aaarrrr 7y
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Audiobook for #litsyAtoZchallenge. Interesting telling of the Essex- I had no idea. Lots of history about whaling and Nantucket.


The whaleman‘s rule of thumb was that, before diving, a whale blew once for each minute it would spend underwater. Whalemen also knew that while underwater the whale continued at the same speed and in the same direction as it had been traveling before the dive. Thus, an experienced whaleman could calculate with remarkable precision where a submerged whale was likely to reappear.

tpixie Cool 😎 7y
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Does anyone know how to keep rats away from books????

RaimeyGallant No! Tough problem. Yikes. 7y
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