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Die Krone des Schfers
Die Krone des Schfers: Ein Mrchen von der Scheibenwelt | Terry Pratchett
Noch einmal tut sich Groes auf der Scheibenwelt ... Tiffany Weh, die junge Hexe aus dem Kreideland, musste einige beeindruckende Gegner bezwingen und viele Prfungen bestehen, bevor die anderen, erwachsenen Hexen der Scheibe sie als eine der Ihren akzeptierten. Nun ist die sie die offizielle Hexe ihrer Heimat, stolz und glcklich und steht doch vor ihrer bisher grten Herausforderung. Denn tief im Kreideland rhrt sich etwas: Ein alter Feind sammelt neue Kraft. Und nicht nur hier, auf der ganzen Scheibenwelt hat eine Zeit der Umbrche begonnen. Grenzen verschwimmen, Allianzen verschieben sich, neue Mchte entstehen. Tiffany muss whlen zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit, zwischen Gut und Bse. Als sich eine gewaltige Invasion ankndigt, ruft Tiffany die Hexengemeinde auf, ihr beizustehen. Denn der Tag der Abrechnung rckt nher ...
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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It's a strange book, it's a lovely skeleton with some parts fleshed out in a way that tricks you into thinking you'll get to read new Discworld books forever. I think it's a fitting end, even if it's not a goodbye.

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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why won't they call that boy a witch

julesG Good question. 13mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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The elves are going to invade. And Tiffany needs to learn that she doesn‘t need to be everything for everyone.

What a beautiful ending to the world of the Disc. We got to see Tiffany grow and come into her own with such strength of character. Pratchett‘s soul & wit are still here, even as it was his last. & so many cameos from beloved past characters! This was everything I could have wanted for the end. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

julesG It was a great last novel. (and here I go again 😭) 13mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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The last #Discworld adventure. I'm a bit sentimental (yes, I started crying with the dedication). I know I can, and will, reread the stories. They've basically accompanied me for the past thirty years. Still, I will not be able to read a new-to-me Discworld story from now on.

A good ending to the Tiffany Aching series.

#OokBOokClub #SirTerryPratchett

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Well done!🤩📖📚 13mo
bthegood 💕 💕 13mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 A great miss 😢 13mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find the #ShepherdsCrown post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead

BookmarkTavern I‘ve only got an hour left in the audiobook, so I‘ll jump on the discussion post later this evening because I have ✨THOUGHTS✨ 13mo
DrexEdit It's hard to pin my husband down in the fall when school starts, but we have started the audiobook and I hope to finish it soon! 12mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #ShepherdsCrown feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

julesG Here we are, the last Discworld adventure. Like the final episode of a long running TV series it brought a lot of the Discworld characters together again. I'm glad I chose the audiobook, I know I would have put off finishing the novel in print format. 13mo
willaful Definitely a bittersweet read. I read that P. had stopped including Death as a character after his diagnosis so his return has a lot of symbolic weight.

I tend to really dislike the Elf books because I don't read Pratchett for depictions of evil, but it was nice that there was movement on Elf humanization, even if it ended really sadly.
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BookmarkTavern God this got me so much. I wasn‘t prepared for chapter 2. I ended up full on weeping at work. 😅 And I loved watching as Tiffany learned to delegate and share responsibilities, but that she could also do her own thing and not fill specific boots. Giving big Oldest Daughter Syndrome for Tiffany being the second youngest in her family. ❤️ 13mo
BookmarkTavern And I had no idea @willaful about Pratchett‘s writing of Death. That makes that scene all the more poignant for me. ❤️ 13mo
julesG @BookmarkTavern I knew what would happen (someone forgot to use the spoiler tag), but was surprised it happened so early in the story. 13mo
BookmarkTavern I‘m not sure if knowing about it before hand would have been better or worse for me. 😅 13mo
khooliha I had seen about the death and assumed Esme would go down swinging, but it's kind of nice that it was just a normal day. Those are important too. 13mo
khooliha Just finished this and I think the Tiffany books are the most consistent and best subseries? You can see so many of the hooks in this one, things he would have woven together if he'd had time. It would have been great. I'm grateful to have it. 13mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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I knew about the death in this book (it was inadvertently spoiled for me years ago) but I didn't know how -early- it would be. Seeing the world think and mourn is hitting me hard.

julesG Same! I hate it. I knew it was coming. 13mo
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

Well, I guess the time has come.
This already feels unfinished/unpolished, but unlike Raising Steam (which pushed me away), this one more feels like a fable so far - I think this will work, for a witch story especially.

julesG I'm still not ready. I don't want to have read them all. 13mo
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Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #ShepherdsCrown!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #ShepherdsCrown! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next and last Discworld adventure continues on August 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread

Soubhiville When I read this the first time I was in tears just because I knew it was the final Discworld book the world would get. 😢. 1y
julesG @Soubhiville I'm going to be reading it for the first time. 1y
DrexEdit My husband has been looking forward to this. We've read all the Tiffany books on audio together! 1y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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2022 Discworld Series Reading Challenge complete. ?? 1 year, 41 books. Irony of ironies, how I now wish there was more from this universe to read. I don't quite feel comfortable critiquing any aspect of this final story, as the afterword (which of course made me sob) explains, it was "not quite as finished as [Terry Pratchett] would have liked when he died." I love that this was basically 'the gang's all here!' of Discworld witches. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality As I've reflected many times this past wonderful year of reading this amazing series, I'm so very sorry we lost Terry early, especially to a condition which in various presentations often affects loved ones in our own lives. Making a donation to my country's Alzheimer's Society makes it ache just a tiny bit less. The Discworld may live on in our imaginations, but I like to think a cure and/or prevention of this disease can be a reality. 2y
Robotswithpersonality 3/3 And if it wasn't obvious, I highly, HIGHLY recommend reading this series. 2y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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GNC dressing AND a Monty Python reference? Be still my heart.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Superlative nicknames as always! 🤣

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Geoffrey the agender, vegan witch!
I'm gonna cry. 🥹

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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TK-421 ❤️ I love the Tiffany Aching books 3y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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“She knew how the memory plays tricks, and the old stories had power, and everyone forgot how 'terrific' really meant 'brings #terror'. Her people would only remember that the elves sang beautifully. They would have forgotten what their song was about.” #QuotsyOct21

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Today's purchases! 🤣

TheSpineView Score!👍📚 3y
Crazeedi Excellent ! 3y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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A very fitting end to the Discworld series but I do NOT recommend reading Chapter 2 in public or anywhere there are not plenty of tissues available

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

Chapter 2 😭😭😭

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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It was born in the darkness of the Circle Sea; at first just a soft floating thing, washed back and forth by tide after tide.

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Minerva‘s trying to eat my bookmark! 🙄 #readingbuddy #catwithbook #CatsofLitsy

Heideschrampf Cats n pratchett! Perfect combination! ❤️ 4y
TheSpineView 😻😻😻 4y
rubyslippersreads Isn‘t that what bookmarks are for? 😹 4y
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Leftcoastzen 😻so cute! 4y
shortsarahrose My cat April once pulled a bookmark like that right out of a book! 😹 Silly cats! 4y
TK-421 @shortsarahrose 😂 So silly! 😸 4y
TK-421 @rubyslippersreads She seemed to think so 😂 4y
Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

Book 24 of the year

Im completely trusting my cross reference between my Audible "finished" list with what I've logged here. I don't know that I quite remember reading all of these? But its also been an unusually stressful year so I'm just trusting that my tech is accurate.

As for this book. It was a kick in the feels the first time and I have no reason to think it was different the 2nd time. Maintaining my previous rating for now.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Remembering her and the one who imagined and created her. I was very upset when Terry passed away, I was even more upset when Granny Weatherwax died in The Shepard‘s Crown - as if he had known. 🥺
#speakhisname #gnuterrypratchett #terrypratchett #theshepardscrown #grannyweatherwax

Maike Ummm... Spoiler? 😕 4y
MariaW Ummm, sorry. Well known fact, I assumed. 🙈 (edited) 4y
julesG Maybe put the spoiler tag on this? 4y
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MariaW I put on a tag after Maike‘s comment. I don‘t understand why it‘s gone. I will redo it right now. 4y
MariaW @JulesG The spoiled tag has been on the whole time. I even undid it and redid and the post is still to be seen like it is. This is a Litsy problem. 4y
julesG I think we see it because we already clicked on the spoiler tag. 4y
MariaW @JuesG Might be. 4y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

I‘ve put off reading this last Discworld book because I knew I wasn‘t ready to say “good bye” to Terry Pratchett. But I took a deep breathe and dove in. This was an excellent finish to his series. Five stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Another grand universe that has been important to me since I was a child, but the difference between The Shepherd's Crown and All Good Things is that I haven't been brave enough to say goodbye to the Disc yet...

I adore All Good Things! A truly wonderful finale that brings me to the edge of tears when I do so much as think about that last scene. I love TNG, flaws and all, and this is a great endpoint for that crew.

khooliha (Yes, I am ignoring the movies.) 5y
khooliha As for the upcoming Picard show? I am excited at the prospect of a show dealing with what happened with Romulus and at seeing Picard again, but the ultimate arc of season 2 of Discovery has left me wary. 5y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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The last Discworld novel. Pratchett tried to wrap up as much as he could before he passed away, and he did a pretty decent job. I was really bummed when I heard that he died but I really enjoyed this last book. Not everything is answered, but he left the characters in a good place.

#Pop19: Book published posthumously

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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“Did you use magic to write the books, Sir Terry?”
“I didn‘t have to. The magic was already here.”
The End.😭

It took me a while to work up to reading this & I‘ve put off reviewing it as well. It‘s the last Tiffany Aching book & Sir Terry‘s last novel—and I didn‘t want it to be over. But I finished it, and I loved it. It was a fitting conclusion for the series, and it both choked me up & cracked me up, as only Sir Terry can do. All the stars.🌟💔

PickwickPlockPlock 😭 It's a fitting last ever PTerry book, but boy did I cry... 5y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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“All show, my lord. Doesn‘t get her hands dirty. Lot of jewelry, black lace, you know the type. Well-connected, but that‘s about all I can say.”
“Ah, yes, now you tell me, I‘ve seen her—pushy and full of herself. She‘s the kind who goes to soirées.”
“So do you, my lord.”
“Yes, but I am the tyrant, so it‘s the job I have to do, alas.”

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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“Well,” said Tiffany. “Could you do me a favor?”
“Och, aye,” said Rob. “Would you like yon Earwig wifey dropped in a pond or something?”
Tiffany sighed. “Alas, no, I‘m not that kind of person.”
“Ah, but we is,” said Rob Anybody cheerfully. “Anyway, it‘s traditional, ye ken, and we are good at tradition, being as we are part of Folklore.” He smiled hopefully.
“A very nice thought,” said Tiffany, “but no, once again, no.”

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

I didn‘t want to read this book for a long time because it‘s the last. It brought me to tears very early on. This book was really good and it felt like a closed circle on the series.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

Currently reading it. It took me a long time to start it because once it's done, there are no more books of his. I'm 18% into the book and I'm fending off tears while I'm at work.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

Book 13 of the year finished Feb 8, Audio.

Oof, as Pratchett's final novel, this was a hard read. A lot of old friends showed up to say hello, or good bye in some cases. As with I Shall Wear Midnight, there are a lot of deep topics talked about and I'm giving it a so-so while I ponder them. I will probably adjust it to a pick at some point in the future, but not yet.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Lordy. I'd heard this was a hard read, but dammit Pratchett, you hit me right in the feels in the 2nd chapter and made me cry.

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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#QuotsyOct18 Day 20: The #King gets saved by the queen, for sure. Not just in chess, usually, but in life. 🧚🏼‍♀️

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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett

I thought the parallels between Equal Rites and this, Sir Terry's last book, were fantastic. Bringing a girl into a school of wizards, training a "boy" as a witch... I also loved that when his gender was commented on, his response was that he wasn't a boy, not really, nor a girl. Later Discworld books have so much Quality #Queer Content. #GNUTerryPratchett

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Totally burst into tears while reading this at the gym yesterday! It was so good! And so sad! And the last book Terry Pratchett ever wrote! 😢 I am thinking of going back and starting the Discworld series from the beginning. What do you guys think? Also, please tell me I'm not the only one to cry in a public place while reading! 🤣

jpmcwisemorgan I‘ve cried on the bus! 6y
julesG I cry in public while reading. It happens. 6y
julesG Also, you could join the #OokBOokClub. We're reading Wyrd Sisters this month. 6y
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DaveGreen7777 One time while my car was being worked on, I made the mistake of reading the climax of the trial in “To Kill A Mockingbird”! There were a few people staring at me that day wondering what all my sniffling was about! 😭 6y
jmofo Oh, totally! Reading, listening to music, thinking... eh, some days I cry when I *am* in public! Did this book make you laugh as well? A buddy of mine and I love Good Omens so we‘re going to start Disc World at The Color of Magic soon. It‘s so slight, I know I better not start it late at night or I won‘t go to sleep until I‘m done. 6y
Branwen @jpmcwisemorgan @julesG @DaveGreen7777 Thanks guys! That makes me feel a lot better! 💕 6y
Branwen @julesG Oooh! I didn't even know that was a thing! Thank you so much! 😀 6y
Branwen @jmofo It did make me laugh! The Tiffany Aching series has been my first Pratchett experience and I love the way he can simultaneously make me laugh and cry in the same book! I just ordered the first five Discworld books and Good Omens as well and I'm so excited to start them once they arrive! 😀 6y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Hey, I bought it, but it turns out I'm still not ready!!!!!

Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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I spent the day #audiogardening
The Columbine is the bees knees right now!
Also, I love how Stephen Briggs reads the Tiffany Aching stories. He‘s just perfect.

twohectobooks Always so weird to see how far along other places are in the growing season at this time of year! My plants are barely coming up yet! 6y
Dragon I love Columbine , you don‘t see it very often around here. My grandma and grandpa grew it in their garden when I was growing up. ❤️🌸 6y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Obviously well along but unfinished this is still a fitting end to the Discworld books.....I read my first one (Mort) in January 1994....still can't quite believe there will be no more. GNU P'terry 😥😥😥

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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#WelcomeSpring with sunlight on my book while I read in the car 💗💗
#marchinbooks @maich

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Mind how you go 😥😥😥
#gutted #ouch

The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Here are my #springbooks reading plans #marchinbooks @maich

Cathythoughts Lovely pic 💕💕💕 7y
Tanisha_A Tulips! ♥ 7y
maich Beautiful❤😍 7y
ephemeralwaltz Loving the tulips! Gorgeous!😍💕 7y
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The Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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Laura317 Oh no! 😱 7y
BookBelle84 I find books published after authors have died are always disappointing. I like that he did this. 7y
JacqMac I love this so much! 7y
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TrishB I admire this so much. 7y
Andrew65 @TrishB His unfinished work died with him. 7y
TheWordJar Such a good idea. Even after an author has deemed a raw manuscript ready for publication (which probably isn't the case if it's only on his hard drive), there is always so much revision that takes place before it publishes. If the author isn't around to do that revision and it falls to someone else, is it really the author's work anymore? (Also, I'm digging the hashtags #TheLitsyNewsNetwork and #LNN @MrBook! Brilliant! 👍) 7y
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Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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The stories continue with us....

gossamerchild Seriously, tears 😓. I miss Sir Terry... 7y
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Shepherd's Crown | Terry Pratchett
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So hard to believe that this is the last of Tiffany Aching and the last novel Terry Pratchett wrote, I'll miss his fun and oh-so-very-clever adventures. 😢

ReadingEnvy Oh I need to read this one; I love Tiffany Achingl 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ReadingEnvy It was a tough read, so good, but I knew it would be the last, and I could tell it was his last because a few strings felt unfinished in the plot, and I could tell he wasn't completely done tinkering with them. 7y
khooliha I haven't been able to bring myself to read this one yet. I'm just not ready... 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @khooliha I understand that, I haven't read all the Discworld novels yet, so I at least know I have some stories to look forward to! 7y
MariaW I cry so hard when he killed of my favourite character! But it's done in a dignified way. 😭😭😭 #speakhisname 7y
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