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Maus II
Maus II: A Survivor's Tale | Art Spiegelman
Volumes I and II in hardcover together in this special boxed edition.
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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It‘s difficult to get my thoughts in order about this book. What I take is that there are millions of stories to be told. Art Spiegelman has given us a precious gift of his father‘s recollections of his experience of the attempt by the Nazis to eradicate a race, well to eradicate anyone that didn‘t fit it. It‘s an astonishing piece of work that will haunt me for a very long time.

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Completely devastating, exactly what I expected really. This story seems more important at this time

Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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Incredibly powerful account of the genocide of European Jews during WW2. Harrowing, human. The mix of the depiction of the story in its historical place interwoven with the telling of the history by father to son made it exceptional. The graphic novel form worked so well. I would recommend to all. Sits alongside Joe Sacco in my shelf. Does anyone know other great history works in graphic novel form? Would love to find more.

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Maus was my favorite read of April. #2024Bracket @CSeydel

Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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Finally read this classic - it sure took me long enough. But it is as impressive as I thought it would be. Especially how Art includes his own relationship to his dad into the story. Writing and drawing those memories must have been a hard job, but I think we agree that it was the right thing to do. What an unforgettable way to portrait the Holocaust.

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My 5th and final completed book of the 24-hour readathon. I definitely am comfy/cozy right now, so I should get some sleep. It's been a great #readathon. I'm glad to finally read some books that have been on my TBR pile for a long time. #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Librarybelle Congratulations! I managed not quite 4 hours, but it‘s been so long since I‘ve intentionally made stretches of time available for reading. So glad you had a great readathon! 6mo
Mollyanna Woohoo! Nicely done. 6mo
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Completed my 4th read of the #readathon. This was amazing, and I'm glad I finally picked it up. I think I have to read the 2nd one now too. #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 6mo
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I have read a lot of stories about the Holocaust, both Fiction and lots of Non-Fiction. #Maus offers a completely new perspective, both from the survivors themselves and the next generation. It depicts trauma in a very harrowing way. A must-read, for older teens as well.

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This is the final scrapbook page I recently completed for my October 2022 scrapbook. It has my reading wrap up for the month. The spiderweb, raven, and words on orange paper are stamped.
My roll of crime scene tape was a great investment. It gets used for lots of things. 😁
Also I highly recommend Maus! 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀

wanderinglynn That‘s awesome! 🤩 11mo
Ladygodiva7 Love it!! I dabbled in scrapbooking once upon a time long long ago lol 11mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
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Catsandbooks That washi tape is awesome! 💛 11mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @wanderinglynn ! 🥰 11mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Ladygodiva7 ! Do you still hear the siren‘s call? 😂 11mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @dabbe ! 💙 11mo
Read4life Looks fantastic! 🤓 11mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage This is such a great idea! I‘m stealing it for 2024 :) 11mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage ! Can‘t wait to see yours! ✂️ 11mo
Kenyazero I love the way this turned out! 10mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Kenyazero ! 😊 10mo
PaperbackPirate I got it from Hot Topic or some other non scrappy place like that @Catsandbooks 🖤💛 10mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Read4life ! ☺️ 10mo
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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It makes me sick that this important, brilliant graphic novel/history has been censored. Art Spiegelman writes/draws about his father‘s Holocaust experiences and about the complicated relationship between father and son. https://cannonballread.com/2023/07/maus-a-survivors-tale-vol-i-my-father-bleeds-...

sarahbarnes Agreed. Brilliant books. 1y
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We read banned books on the beach. #bannedbooks #raisingreaders Happy 4th to everyone one in the the US!

Bookzombie Great pic! 1y
Kappadeemom What beach is this?? Doesn‘t look like our crowded beach…lol 1y
dabbe It's the #bbb! (banned beach book!) LOVE Maus, too. 💙❤️💙 1y
Leftcoastzen Great photo! Banned books everywhere! 1y
MicrobeMom @Kappadeemom this is Long Beach Island NJ. I was more crowded than the pic suggests, but not bad at all. Especially for the 4th! 1y
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Es realmente chocante escuchar la historia de un judío que realmente estuvo en los momentos del Holocausto. Lo que más llama la atención es que el autor lo haya podido contar en forma de historieta y con animales en vez de personas. Una pensaría que eso hace más amena la lectura, pero es al revés. La cantidad de emociones que me transmitió este libro fueron increíbles. Uno se pone realmente triste al ver a estos “ratones” enamorados, o sufriendo

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Just focus on the above horizontal image. It reads:
'All 12 of our household were given now to live in two and a half small rooms.'
Behind it on the board:
'REWARD - For every unregistered Jew you find : 1 kilo of sugar'.
That was a single life's worth then. History has been through a lot of dark times and this surely has been one of the darkest.

Parvez I think it's time that I should re-read it. 1y
IndianBookworm @Parvez there's never a bad time to re-read a good book.😊 1y
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I started this book yesterday before going to bed and literally had to force myself to sleep somewhere like 60% in. Otherwise I'd have had completed it then only. It had been in my TBR since so long.
PS - Quite ironic, came through this quote today. Beautiful analogy 😍
Gotta finish 'Maus I'.

TheBookgeekFrau Love this quote! 1y
IndianBookworm Me too! Never thought of TBR list/pile this way! 1y
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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I think this is the only graphic memoir about WWII and specifically Auschwitz that I‘ve read. It‘s very good, but of course difficult subject matter. I‘ve wanted to read it for a very long time, and even more so because it‘s a banned book. Which is ridiculous. It‘s so important that people are exposed to this part of history.

I liked that the author was interviewing his dad to get his survival story, it gave context and a view of post-war life.

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March Wrap up. 18 books 4 bingos

Jane & the Ghost of Netley and His Lordship‘s Legacy 4🌟each
Before the Coffee Gets Cold 4🌟
Murder in Morningside Heights and on St Nicholas Avenue 4🌟 each
The Miracle at Speedy Motors 3.5🌟

Tortilla Flat 2.75🌟
In Dubious Battle 3🌟

Women‘s Prize
Stone Blind 4.5🌟
Homesick 3🌟
Wandering Souls 4🌟
Memphis 4🌟

Maus 5🌟
Count the Ways 4.5 🌟

bthegood looks like a good reading month 👍 2y
Soubhiville That‘s great! 2y
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2y
Andrew65 That‘s excellent, well done 👏👏👏🎉🥳🍾🥂 2y
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While the Nazis are the main antagonist in Art Spiegelman's Maus, its arguable that the other antagonist is the holocaust survivor's mental health. Afterwards he struggles to live a happy meaningful life do to all the ways he was scared from his experiences in concentration camp.

The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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Spiegelman starts by showing what a difficult man his dad was to live with, then unfolds the trauma he experienced of surviving the Holocaust, which doesn't excuse all of his later bad behaviour, but certainly explains it. I found that personal story as affective, in its smaller way, as his father's account of the Nazi genocide. 5⭐

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Maus is the second of the two graphic novels I‘ve read. The first was They Called Us Enemy. While they may not be my go to, both books were excellent and important. Maus was on my #AuldLangSpine list from @Amiable and I‘m glad to have had the incentive to pick it up. 5🌟 And now I need to read Part II of this story. Thanks for the great recommendation Amy! #52Books #SurvivalStory

squirrelbrain I really need to read this one - it sounds so good. 2y
Amiable I'm not a big reader of graphic novels, either -- I picked this one up because of the school board in Tennessee banning it last year. I'm so glad I read it, too! 2y
Librarybelle Such a good book! 2y
Cinfhen I don‘t read too many GN either but this one is really powerful 2y
Cinfhen As is this one 2y
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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“It's as if life equals winning, so death equals losing“

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Of course, I had to read both... This one some how isn't as terrifying as the first. But it's probably because I can't even fathom how bad it was. Can you truly understand what hell on earth is like? Watching people die from pure exhaustion, walking over corpses, smelling their bodies burn. And constantly realizing that you're probably going to be next. If you don't come up with a plan, you're just like everyone else. Dead.

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Stephen King you can keep all your horror stories to yourself. This is one of the scariest books around because it's real. This happened. People just “disappeared“ never to be heard from again. Family members taken away, people asked to pick a side with no knowledge of what each side meant. Hiding, starving, barely surviving in cramped terrifying conditions. What happens when the scariest monster you can think of is real?

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I was worried about how those stark black and white illustrations crowding the page would effectively convey such an intensely personal history but it was perfection.

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Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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I remember this being around the house when I was a kid, & I know I flipped through it occasionally but I didn‘t decide to sit down & read the whole thing until it was banned earlier this year. (My library clearly needs more copies cuz it‘s been on hold since then!) I didn‘t remember this being a dual timeline story. Grounding it in the ‘present‘ really helped me connect with it by showing 2 such different generations‘ takes.

Texreader I bought it because of the ban but haven‘t had a chance to read it yet 2y
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I don't know what to say. There are so many books about the Holocaust but the Maus series just hits differently. 4⭐️

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Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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After a school in Tennessee banned the book, I went out and purchased my own copy.
First graphic novel I've ever read (My husband teasingly would ask, "How's your comic book?", to which I would reply, "Oh,my Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel? It's amazing!").
With Jews depicted as mice & Nazis depicted as cats, this heartbreaking memoir about a son's quest to document his father's experience in Nazi occupied Poland deserves all the accolades.

Yuki_Onna Why on earth does a school ban such an important book??? 😮 What reasons do they give? Banning a book about the Nazi crimes seems hard to believe here. I'm from Germany - Hitler, the Holocaust and WWII are a huge topic. I see why states and schools should ban 'Mein Kampf', but banning a book working up the Holocaust written by a Jew whose parents survived Auschwitz??? Unbelieveable...) 2y
Leftcoastzen @Yuki_Onna I think one reason given was naked mice .(not kidding) 2y
Yuki_Onna @Leftcoastzen Whattt?!? 😆🙄 I don't know whether I should laugh or cry now... That could be ridiculous if it weren't so sad... 2y
DavidDiamond @Yuki_Onna @Leftcoastzen - Apparently the reason was because at one point in the story Spiegelman calls his dead mother a “bitch“ and they didn't like the language. I know, seriously. Talk about throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Here's the article about it: https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-696465 2y
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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This has been languishing on my TBR for years and I finally picked it up due the ridiculous banning in TN. Spiegelman‘s work is powerful and it‘s important to hear his father‘s story. The book is not only about the Holocaust though. It‘s also about the author‘s relationship with his parents, especially his father. I can‘t recommend this graphic novel enough.

Reggie I keep thinking about all these bans and I don‘t think people realize how close they are to the Nazis and all that book burning. How they are the same people who want to tell us to read, to tell women what they should do, to (cause we the queer people are next) probably tell us queer people who we can love. They‘re the same people who don‘t want government telling them what to do. So frustrating. 2y
Bookzombie @Reggie It is so frustrating! I think some realize and don‘t care, some just don‘t see it and some just don‘t/won‘t hear it. Also, I think it very easy for some to forget history and for some to take themselves out of it. They think these decisions don‘t affect them. 2y
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Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman

I mean…wow…what an emotional experience. I don‘t have the right words to articulate my feelings.

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Finished this and handed it to my 13 year old son. Hopefully it is something we will both enjoy.

The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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Picked up another graphic novel haul from the library because this finally came in on reserve for me!

Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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My library hold came through, so we‘re bumping this to the top of my reading list.

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I think I liked this better this second time around; I was paying better attention. Although the current day story in Part II didn‘t focus as much on Art‘s father and his 2nd wife, but there was still plenty happening in the “current” day with Art, his wife, and his father. We had a few more nationalities in part II, all drawn with/represented by different types of animals. Cont in comments.

LibraryCin This one also included Art drawing himself dealing with the success of part I‘s publication and trying to write/draw part II. This one also had the end of WWII with Art‘s father getting out of Auschwitz and meeting up later with Art‘s mother. A very good book, and a different way to get the message out about what happened during the Holocaust 2y
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I read this in 1999, 2014 and then again last month after that backward school district banned it. I never mentioned Maus II here though, so a late post. In brief, it‘s brilliant, surprisingly powerful yet again, and one of those books you can‘t help wishing everyone would read. What caught my attention this time is how secondary the actual story is, the Auschwitz story, and how much is about his relationship with his father, and his art.

MommyWantsToReadHerBook I missed the news about a school district banning it - what?? 3y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Graywacke oh my word. That's so ridiculous! Thanks for bringing me up to speed. 3y
Graywacke @MommyWantsToReadHerBook right, that‘s the perfect word. I think if you look at the book pages here on Litsy (Maus I and II and the complete Maus) you‘ll see a lot of interesting posts about it. (Sales took off in February in response and stores sold out of Maus. 🙂) 3y
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Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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1. My TBR bookshelf.
2. Tagged
3. Only one so far-The Paris Orphan

Thanks for the tag @Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs Love the legs and color❣️ 3y
AmyK1 @Eggs thank you! It was an old cabinet my uncle made for my grandparents 50+ years ago and I refinished it. My first time trying and I am very happy with the results! 3y
Eggs @AmyK1 you did a great job! (edited) 3y
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A few years back, I made a change to only read #OwnVoices books when the topic is the Holocaust. Surprisingly, I hadn‘t read this one yet. When it was banned in 8th grade classrooms in TN, the state right next door, at the same time it appeared on Maya‘s curriculum, I knew it was time. We‘ve been discussing it this week, and the many parallels to my husband ms family history. Spiegelman recounts his family experience from his father‘s POV ⬇️

alisiakae and it is a powerful story. This absolutely belongs in middle school curriculums, and is going on my must-read recommendation shelf. #readbannedbooks #pop22 #duology (1) 3y
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When I saw the news that this book was being banned I had to check it out. After reading it in a couple hours, I don‘t see why it was banned. The people that banned this book must forget that teens hear and see worse on tv and from their peers. This is part of our awful world history and it needs to be taught, not banned. I hope this book gets into the hands of the students where it is being banned!

APLitlife I teach this book. The students love it. 3y
KathyWheeler I don‘t think it‘s about “protecting the kids;” in fact, I don‘t think it ever was. It‘s all about control over thought. 3y
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The censorship of books is disconcerting. If you don‘t want to read something don‘t, but don‘t abrogate my right to so so. No earth shattering observations here but needs to be said. The only way a book can hurt me is if you hit me over the head with it. Apologies to those I didn‘t tag

LibrarianRyan I agree.! 3y
BookmarkTavern Well said! 3y
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LKK526 @ozma.of.oz 👍 3y
bthegood This is on my TBR, and I agree 👍 3y
LKK526 @bthegood 😃👍 3y
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Impressive. I ordered this as soon as I read the article about it being banned.

bthegood I have this also - its on my TBR list - FYI you can reply to peoples comments by clicking on their comment (on the computer there is a little button to the right/bottom of the comment that you can hit) - a box opens for your reply - it keeps the conversation in the same post - makes it easier to follow the conversations ( I think) 🙂 (edited) 3y
LKK526 Thanks for the tip. The only thing I have t the bottom of your comment are 3 dots but it just says edit or delete. Am I looking in wrong place? 3y
LKK526 @bthegood just figured it out. Thanks! 3y
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bthegood @LKK526 you're welcome and thx for comments, I enjoy your insights😊 3y
alisiakae Love seeing the support for reading banned books! 3y
LKK526 @4thhouseontheleft such a slippery slope 3y
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Look what‘s next up in Maya‘s 8th grade ELA class?

I love her school. #bannedbooks #readbannedbooks

Sarahreadstoomuch I‘m reading this today myself! 3y
Branwen Excellent! 👏 3y
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Ruthiella 👏👏👏 3y
marleed I‘m thrilled she gets to read this as a class project. It gives me hope! 3y
alisiakae @marleed me too! Now I just hope she feels safe in the discussions, considering many of her ancestors (on hubby‘s side) were killed in the Holocaust. Her ELA teacher sometimes forgets that there are students in the classroom with closer connections to things. There was an issue in Jan during class of the YRE of Omnivore‘s Dilemma when she didn‘t realize her language around food was problematic and triggering for students with an ED. 3y
alisiakae @Sarahreadstoomuch I plan on reading it too! 3y
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The fact that this is “banned” blows my mind (except it doesn‘t, because almost nothing can shock me these days). Graphic novels aren‘t usually my thing, but this is worth a read. It‘s heartbreaking but it‘s important that we hear true accounts of these atrocities lest we forget…

The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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I bought this because it‘s been banned and I‘d never read it. I was never into graphic novels, but this is a wonderful, difficult, heart wrenching book.

Smrloomis Completely agree! 3y
marleed I almost ordered from Amazon (out of stock). Then I decided I want to buy this new and locally just in case anyone is keeping track of those sales as a local perspective on this ban. 3y
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My book video this week is a little bit different than usual - I combined the Teens & Adults into one video so I could talk about books that have been recently banned/challenged! This one is really close to my heart! ❤ Please give it a view and a like! I would really appreciate it! 💕 📖

Teens & Adult Book Recs: Recently Banned/Challenged Books:

kspenmoll Nice video!!! 3y
Branwen @kspenmoll Thank you so much! That really means a lot! 3y
vivastory This was a great video! 👏 👏 (BTW Did you see the Spiegleman totes that The Strand is selling?) 3y
Branwen @vivastory Thank you so much! And thanks for watching! It means a lot! NO! 😲😲 I did not see them! I will have to hop over to their website and check it out! 3y
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My #FabulousFebruary wrap up. Accomplished my goal of 3 books. Thanks fir hosting @Andrew65

Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂😍 Thanks for playing along. 3y
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My son has The Complete Maus so I was able to read the 2nd part of the story today. Matthew, who read this in the 8th grade and is now 22, and I had a discussion about why people would want to ban this. He may not be a reader but even he knows that banning books is stupid and that it backfires.

The 2nd part was just as good as the first and I still believe everyone should read this.

kspenmoll I totally agree! 3y
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The Complete Maus | Art Spiegelman
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I‘m appalled by the senseless banning of this but very grateful to have read it. I‘ll be sharing with my kids and students and many others. ❤️