If you saw a bookmobile out and about, what would you hope to find inside?
If you saw a bookmobile out and about, what would you hope to find inside?
#AboutAugust Day 25: this is an #atypical bookmobile, clearly. I see this as a cautionary tale for those who constantly imagine and envision a reality that exists only in forgotten pages and lost words – rendered virtually meaningless in the end by the constant waiting and perhaps a painful or humdrum or equally meaningless now. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5tP
This was... weird. I didn‘t really like the author‘s illustrations which are of course a major component of this book. It was sort of a weird short story with illustrations rather than a true graphic novel, I think. It was the length of a children‘s book but definitely NOT suitable for children with a very dark turn at the end. Not sure who the target audience was here but I wasn‘t a fan.
Zoe and Em kept me company, so it was still nice.
There I was strolling down the rows at my library and this book just about jumped off the shelf in my hands. I had no idea this author had a graphic novel! In true Audrey Niffenegger fashion this book takes a dark turn, but I forgave that with all the bookish love this book holds. 4⭐️ #2020book13
I was 100% on board with this book until the bizarre ending, but the rest was so lovely that I'm willing to forgive it. A complete library of everything you've ever read is every book-lover's dream.
Tagged book read for #Booked2019 #ComicOrGraphicNovel the review by Neil Gaiman was lovely ... the book was only ‘So-So‘ for me ... lovely idea ! Graphics 🤷🏻♀️and my first graphic , so maybe I need to explore a bit.
All of my other summer reads were 5✨stars. Loving the challenge! 🙏🏻 favourites : BONE CLOCKS . &
#AyUpAugust #HappyHour I spent a happy hour today joining the library - havnt been joined sinse I was 12. I got a graphic novel for #Booked2019 , then my summer books will be done ✅
I received an amazing suprise from @Mynameisacolour . I forgot that I wanted to read this graphic novel, so that makes me doubly excited to read it. Thank you soooooooo much (sorry for posting this so late.).
A beautiful book about a woman who is tortured by her dreams so commits suicide and goes to book heaven. I read it on the train on the way home from work on this cold and windy day as I need to return it to the library.
So totally for this book until the end which made me more upset than anything for personal reasons but still a very compelling short story. I like the idea a lot and hope to see my bookmobile one day.
I posted about this one a few months ago but wanted to repost for #becausethenight. Not only is it a fantastic book but also perfect for the prompt.
This is a short graphic novel but any reader will be able to visualize themselves in the bookmobile. #marchintothe70s
I like a dark twist as much as the next gal, but there needs to be some sense to it, and this one seemed to come out of nowhere. I love the idea behind a bookmobile that houses all that you‘ve read in your life, and the concept of becoming the librarian in charge of that is intriguing, but this needed more build-up to make sense.
I would need a whole Winnebago just to house my unfinished books. 😂
This is a delightful short story about a woman that stumbles upon a bookmobile one night. It houses every single book she‘s ever read, and she becomes obsessed with it, to the point that the bookmobile and reading overtake her life. It has a dark undertone but is also exciting.
And with this book, I‘ve completed #pop18 🥳🥳🥳🥳
I would love to see with my own eyes all the books I ever read all in one room, how big would it be? How impressive? How?? This book was short and thought-provoking.
This was originally a short story that was condensed in to a mini graphic novel. I love the story concept and would enjoy reading the original story because this left me hungry for more!
The #Bookmobile is ready to head out on the road today! My library's goes out, I think, six days a week. 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I'll be pulling a shift or two in it at some point 🤞🏻🤞🏻. #LitsyLovesLibraries
Saw this on the internet and have decided this may suite me quite nicely. http://mentalfloss.com/article/501343/tiny-traveling-library-delivers-books-fren...
Had to share this! My friend posted this pulp book on my FB page! Lol!! Omg I found my new career!!!! Added: and yes I'll sign you allll up for shifts. You naughty book sluts. 😂😂😂
I love pulp fiction covers. And this one is one of my favorites, ever. It's #nationalbookmobileday in the US today. Here is a link to my blog post about my love of the #bookmobile #shamelessselfpromotion
The Baltimore County Public Library's bookmobile is called the Read Rover! Love it!
I love, love, love this little graphic short story. I haven't read her other work but will have to correct that soon.
I'm blessed to have access to many amazing libraries. Here's one of the ones at my school, although I'd like to thank all the public libraries in my life for getting me here. #riotgrams #collegelibraries #college
#TopTenTuesday is all about #graphicnovels and these are some of my favorite!
This young lady looks as though she's #onthenaughtylist. 😂 #seasonsreadings2016
This is my library's #bookmobile! I hope someday soon that I can help man it and see how one of these puppies operates (via books, not mechanics 😂😜). The only other bookmobile I've ever come across is Penguin Random House's when they have it at the Javits Center for #BookCon. Our library's bookmobile is a much bigger beast. #LitsyLovesLibraries
One of those books that feels like it was written for me-so many people must be head over heels for this story! It's far from flawless and I felt the end was unnecessarily severe. I can't stop thinking about it though-always a good sign. She's a captivating writer with a real flair for the unexplainable. This will be on my bookshelf for a long time to come.
And that, dear Reader, is how I came to work at The Library. #shelfie #librarylife
I started reading it and realized that it takes place in my neighborhood! And the library where I got the book is the library in the book! Very well done story and illustrations.
I love the library! I was super surprised that my library even had this graphic novel. They don't have many in their catalogue.