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The Vile Village
The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
There is nothing to be found in the pages of A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-seller to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on . . . Within the chapters of The Vile Village Violet, Klaus and Sunny face such unpleasant matters as migrating crows, an angry mob, a newspaper headline, the arrest of innocent people, the Deluxe cell, and some very strange hats. With 5 million copies sold in the UK alone, one might consider Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events to make him one of the most successful childrens authors of the past decade. We, however, consider these miserable so-called adventure stories and the Hollywood film starring Jim Carrey that accompanied the books for children as nothing more than a dreadful mistake.
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I've read books 1-7 so far for my #anunfortunatereadathon but haven't posted anything. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I shared the first two books with the 10 year old girl across the hall. I left a post-it on their door asking if she enjoyed the first two and would like the next 5. This little lady will let me know! 🤣

Admittedly, I'm not very kid friendly, but this girl is delightfully weird, a reader, and her excitement about things is contagious.

Ruthiella You may not be kid-friendly but you are reader-friendly! It transcends age. ☺️ (edited) 5d
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I‘m enjoying this series…even if my son has lost interest. (Whomp whomp) ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Coming in under the wire with my #doublespin for January.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
JackOBotts @Kristendontleave - they are! I‘m enjoying them slowly… 💜 5mo
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I think this book is the turning point of this series and is therefore one of my favorites. The Baudelaires are sent to be raised by an entire village that worships crows, they attempt to solve some poetry-related riddles to find the Quagmires, and when a supposed Count Olaf is captured things go from bad to worse.
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
#Pantone2023 Mocha Mousse @Clwojick

Clwojick I love this series 🖤🖤 10mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 10mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 10mo
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Officially past the halfway mark! I finished The Vile Village this morning, and I‘m pretty sure it was the first time I read it! Not my favourite of the series, but still fun! Jumping straight into book 8, which I just read last year. Can‘t wait to get to book 10, as I‘ve never read past the 9th book in the series! ❤️💖

#JoyousJanuary #JumpStart2022

Jess861 I should reread this series - I still own them all with the exception of the 13th. 2y
Clwojick @Jess861 I own most of them, but I think I'm still missing 3 or 4. They're so good! 2y
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Had to put a pause on my Readathon, as we had another scare with our sweet Totem. After spending the whole day at the vet, we‘re hoping he‘s doing better. Still unsure as to the cause of his fever, so we‘re just taking it hour by hour right now. I think he‘ll bounce back, but please send some healing vibes to my sweet boy!

Sorry if I‘m not super active over the next few days, but happy reading! #Jumpstart2022

BookwormAHN Sending healing vibes and I truly hope he feels better soon 💗 2y
Jerdencon Hope he‘s ok and better!!! ❤️ 2y
slategreyskies Sending healing vibes & hugs!! 💕 2y
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CoverToCoverGirl Hugs to you and Totem ❤️ 2y
Laughterhp Hope he‘s okay 💚💚 2y
MartinaLove Sending positive energy, good vibes and healing your way! ❤️ 2y
DaveGreen7777 Hope he feels much better soon! 2y
JenReadsAlot Sending good vibes your way! 2y
DivineDiana Sending lots of healing wishes to your sweet boy. 🙏🏻 2y
LitStephanie So sorry to hear that. Hope your baby boy is on the mend. 2y
Leftcoastzen Healing energy heading your way! Hope he is better soon. 2y
Booksarelifeaddict Sending healing vibes hope he feels better soon😻 2y
KathyWheeler Poor little boo! I hope he gets better soon. 2y
TiminCalifornia Hope he has a full and fast recovery. 2y
Ruthiella Poor Totem! 😻😻😻 Sending feline get well wishes! ❤️ 2y
Julsmarshall Sending love and all the get well vibes! 2y
Bookzombie I hope Totem feels better soon! 💕🐈‍⬛ 2y
TheDaysGoBy Aw hope your kitty gets better soon! 2y
CaroPi My best wishes for a fast recovery 2y
julesG Hope Totem feels better soon. 2y
Andrew65 Sending positive thoughts, hope you see improvement soon. 2y
Bookpearl Hope Totem feels better soon! Sending love and light your way!! 2y
Jess861 Sending positive vibes your way! 2y
IndoorDame Sending healing vibes to Totem! ❤️🐈‍⬛ 2y
RaeLovesToRead Get well soon, Totem 💕 2y
StayCurious Hope all is well with Totem and you! 2y
marleed Oh no. Be well, sweet boy. 2y
PaperbackPirate I hope he‘s feeling better! 😻 2y
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#haunted 🪶 Raven
Okay, so I know these are technically crows but black creepy birds are all the same to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I totally agree!! 🖤🖤 3y
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The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Finished books 6 and 7 from the series of unfortunate events series today and these are my first 2 I‘ve read on audio narrated by Tim Curry which was a real treat. #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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About to start The vile village. This book has the best cover art so far from the first 6 books Ive read.


Was the series that really got me into reading as a kid


I liked it

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4.4.20: I sense answers may be coming..

Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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It takes a village to raise a child, and several silly rules, according to this installment in a Series of Unfortunate Events.

While not my favorite book in this series, still worth reading. Will Count Olaf ever be stopped?

Catherine_Willoughby Loved the first instalment 4y
KristenDuck @Catherine_Willoughby I think the first one and the Ersatz Elevator are my favorites 4y
Chelsunderthesea91 I loved these growing up! I was also very pleased with the Netflix adaptation. I don‘t say that very often... 4y
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Sum: “It takes a village to raise a child,” and the Baudelaires are placed under custody of the whole community. The children of Baudelaire know that the V.F.D. is some way linked to the whereabouts of their missing friends, the triplets of Quagmire. They hope that they will uncover not only the whereabouts of their friends but also the safety of their uncle.

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Genre: Gothic Fiction, Mystery, Absurdist Fiction.
Author: Lemony Snicket
Date Started: Friday, November 1, 2019
Date Finished: Friday, November 8, 2019
Why I Chose this book: A friend recommended it to me since they loved the series.

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket

Book 37 of the year finished May 9, audio.

The Kids are sent to a village where the whole town is their guardian and they are slaves set to do all the chores. Yet another worthless custodian is set to care for them and fails to stand up for the kids when they need him to.

How exactly does Olaf think he'll get the money from them? Is he next in line to inherit? Why doesn't he just kill them? My suspension of belief is being pushed to its limits.

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Thoroughly enjoying my reread of these books by the crappy human, Daniel Handler.

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I swear it‘s for a school project. (And I may have sold my prof on introducing the series to his kids when I pitched it)

JillR My 10 year old is loving this right now - and is whizzing through the books at the same time :) 6y
kamoorephoto WE LOVE this show. And I‘m bummed yet another season is over... 6y
kgriffith @JillR Reading them? I listened to the audio; they were spectacular (the author-narrated ones were a bit trying but listening at 1.5x helped!) 6y
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kgriffith @kamoorephoto I‘m savoring it rather than racing through, but it‘s not easy!! 6y
kamoorephoto @kgriffith With my son having the remote in his hand, it‘s IMPOSSIBLE!!! 6y
kamoorephoto @kgriffith I was also only just able to point out to him who plays Count Olaf!! He didn‘t recognize Neil Patrick Harris at ALL!! They do such a remarkable job with makeup and costume and set design on that show, it makes me so jealous of those production peeps; I use to work in film/video production and that would be a dream job!!! 6y
kgriffith @kamoorephoto that‘s too funny! And I agree, the show is just stunning on all visual counts. I‘m personally a big fan of both Olivia‘s and Carmelita‘s aesthetics 💃🏻👯‍♀️ 6y
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27/100 #goodreadsreadingchallenge2018

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Loving the series and all the VFD references throughout the episodes!

Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Libby1 I LOVE these books! 6y
MelAnn 😂🤣😂 Love this! 6y
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Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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The general issue I have with Lemony Snicket books is that it‘s very explain-y. But it is meant to be a children‘s book series - right? - so it‘s completely understandable. Abandoned the book last year as well but reading it before continuing watching the Netflix series. Good book overall!

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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So excited to start the seventh book


#bookish #bibliophile #bookworm


Don't feel like killing yourself yet? Give this one a try.



Vile Village | Lemony Snicket

3 stars as usual for this series.

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A village that burns people at the stake whenever they break a rule, how gruesome! I love how Count Olaf keeps coming up with these hilarious disguises, and how Sunny is making word puns every other page now that she's getting better at talking. This book gave some nice clues, but still really keeps you in the dark about VFD...

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I didn't remember a thing about this book before I started reading, but this page just gave me intense deja vu of a dream I once had.

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket


Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Relatable af! 😂 #stages #muchlove #booklifer

Texreader So real 7y
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I've read over half the series in less than a month. AND that is with waiting on the holds coming in at the library and moving (in with my mother-in-law 😬). I picked up the next in the series today and the librarian gave me the judgy-est look I have ever received. #got99problemsbutabookaintone

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The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Going in directions I never expected and getting more perilous and action-packed!

Vile Village | Lemony Snicket

4⭐REREAD- while not my favorite story of the Bauldelaire's, still very enjoyable to reread. Still, for the life of me, I cannot remember how the series ends! Bits and pieces are vaguely there, but not enough to remember the grand finale. All I remember is my and my siblings' reaction to the end- all I know it's very unexpected and I wasn't very pleased with the ending as a 10 year old 😂


This is my second least favorite book. Mainly because I have so many questions and am annoyed by the complete lack of progress made in the story arc in this book. How does Olaf find them so quickly? Where is he getting his information from? Who is keeping him informed? Why does no one listen to the children when they tell them who Olaf really is?! What are the Baudelaire parents' names??

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"Probably" and "I don't have anything else to do right now". Those are some airtight arguments right there.

Laura317 Might as well. 🤷‍♀️ 7y
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My daughter and I have been reading this series together. I've been reading them aloud to her at night before bed, and finished #7, but now she's rushed ahead of me and has already read number 8 and 9 without me! These are great. A bit repetitive by now, but I love the dark humor and the way the siblings always stick together.

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We have been enjoying the sunshine and Netflix binging instead of reading this weekend, but I did finish this audio last week while on my commute. I loved this story - even though the village was vile, the antics seemed particularly amusing in this book. The kittehs can't understand what's so bad about playing with feathered things - their favorite toys all have feathers! 😸😸😸#catsoflitsy #littenkittens

Laalaleighh Have you watched the Netflix series? It's so well done! 7y
stargazerblue49 @Laalaleighh I sat down and watched it all the way through one time! Planning on doing it again when I'm done with the books! I love NPH! 7y
Laalaleighh @stargazerblue49 me too! And NPH can do anything!! 7y
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Finished this to kick off my #litsypartyofone this series really has me hooked. It funny that a children's series is so entertaining to an adult!

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I splurged on the audiobook.

monkeygirlsmama I have yet to read this series, but anything narrated by Tim a curry has got to be awesome! 7y
freyaheart I concur!! I have a few other titles narrated by him. 7y
freyaheart He just has a golden voice @monkeygirlsmama 7y
stargazerblue49 He does a good job on The Abhorsen trilogy as well! 7y
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Starting the next book in the series. #litsyatoz #letterv

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Still enjoying the series...I kinda said all I needed to say in the last two reviews though. There's nothing groundbreaking here but these are just fun to read. And I'm loving the Netflix series also.

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Listening to this while attempting to clean my room and be somewhat productive for the day. I really like Hector - after Uncle Monty, he may be my favorite guardian! He's breaking all the rules in the best way! #RiotGrams #currentreads

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The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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#riotgrams #favoritevillain Gotta go with Count Olaf for this one. On a related topic I'm enjoying so far Neil Patrick Harris as Olaf in the new netflix series, although I'm only two episodes in

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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book one of the @24in48 #readathon done!

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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my @24in48 goal? finish up my LONG overdue reread of "a series of unfortunate events." what about you? #24in48 #readathon

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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The best book dedication. Ever.

This series is always a joy.

LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
KCorter These books are in my reread rotation! Right up there with The Hobbit and Harry Potter. 8y
outis It's also wonderful to listen to Tim Curry's narration of (most of) the books in the series! 8y
bookandcat Every single one of the dedications is to her and I love it 8y
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The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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Though my least favourite book in the series so far, this story is amazing! Review will be in my wrap up which will be uploaded tomorrow on EllisReads on YouTube ✌️️

The Vile Village | Lemony Snicket
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