Up next…we‘re reading this for our bookclub (the category was “a throwback book”).
Up next…we‘re reading this for our bookclub (the category was “a throwback book”).
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️even though I know how this story plays out from the film, I wasn‘t expecting unputdownable ‼️‼️ excellent read looking forward to more Lehane✅
This book is a gritty story of three friends who grow up and as adult men their lives intersect in crime, family, and mystery. I don‘t know how I feel about this book. It felt very long, it was pretty depressing, and I didn‘t like how disability was depicted. Lots of crime and sadness. But it was a gripping story and an interesting look at how childhood trauma follows us our entire lives. I don‘t mind dark books, but this one felt different.
P 357. Won't be long before I will (hopefully) be cuddling up under blankets while reading paperbacks. I say hopefully because it's still very warm here. I am sooooo ready for Fall 🍁🍂 and October
#currentlyreading #mystery #paperbacks #fiction
Been MIA for a while but I have not actually finished a book in ages!! 😬😬 this one is getting better. About 110 pages left tho...
🎧 Sean, Jimmy & Dave are young friends.
Sean is the good boy.
Jimmy is the trouble maker, career criminal.
Dave is the dumb follower who, in the first few chapters, gets into a car with men who are up to no good. Upon his return days later everything changes.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👇🏻
I know that the book/movie Mystic River takes place in MA, closer to Boston. But this moody/rainy shot of the river from Mystic, CT definitely gave me those vibes. The weather wasn't ideal the last few days, but it was nice to get out of the city all the same!
Thank you for the tag @JaclynW !
Is it too late to participate? 😅
1. I'm looking forward to a socially distant visit to Mystic, Connecticut for my husband's job. At least I'll be able to see the ocean 🤷🏻♀️
2. I find I get easily distracted by bugs when I attempt to read outside 😂
I tag anyone who would like to play along!
Starting a free mini employee library. These are some of the books I pulled from my home bookshelf that I felt like I could part with.
3⭐️ I watched the movie years ago, and I forgot what it was all about. I only remember that I was impressed by the story 😸So I decided to read the book before I watch it again on Netflix. Somehow, I found the book is too slow for crime fiction; it‘s lacking the heart-pumping rythmn! Maybe it‘s just me; this COVID-19 anxiety has charged my nerves on full speed
This book was heartbreaking. I love the way Dennis Lehane writes... I couldn‘t put this book down. I saw the movie when it first came out so I couldn‘t really remember anything about the plot. I‘m going to have to rewatch it. This book will definitely stay with me for a while.
I need a page-turner. I hope I picked the correct one 🤞🏻🤪
I liked this book a lot, but don‘t recommend the audiobook if you‘re from Massachusetts. The narrator didn‘t pronounce any of the town names correctly. It‘s a great story but that distracted me. #elfies #tbrread #wintergames
Book 4 : Mystic River
This engaging book delves deep into dark corners of life. Marcus's grief & Boyle's childhood collide in devastating manner. The characters are deep & you feel sympathetic towards them. It presents some uncomfortable images & an unnerving finale. The writer leaves it to the reader to decide b/w right and wrong, never pushing you one way or the other, that's why I love it. It assumes that the reader knows best.
This is a murder mystery with class, and a study of character. A very good read and I enjoyed it much. Apparently the movie adaptation by Clint Eastwood with a brilliant cast is fantastic.
#ayupaugust #crymeariver
#MarchIntoThe70s #Day16 #IntoTheMystic The lyrics are all about a magical quest but this song always reminds me of not just the book,but the brilliant movie starring Sean Penn(gives the performance of a lifetime)Kevin Bacon & Tim Robbins as three childhood friends from a rough part of Boston who fragment when one is abducted & raped. Forward to now,Jimmys daughter is murdered & Sean is the Detective investigating her death. #weburyoursinshere
Nothing mystical about this crime book, just that the setting is a working-class town near the river in eastern Massachusetts. A story exploring childhood friendship and forgiveness. A good, suspenseful read that I‘ve enjoyed.
#marchintothe70s #intothemystic
This was pretty good, my first Lehane. Then I went on to read Shutter Island, which is better.
#AugustIsATrip #Boston
Most recent book I finished, and of course followed directly up with the movie. This book blew my mind, it honestly kept me in a dark place until I finished it. Dennis Lehane knows how to take you right where he wants your emotions to be! #mysticriver #dennislehane
Terminado #10
#mysticriver de #dennislehane
Reseña: uff, un montón de sentimientos encontrados!! Detalla tan bien los sentimiento y personalidades de las personas que da sensación de estar en la piel de cada uno de ellos!! Momentos de odio y alegría!!! Me sorprendió mucho el desenlace!
#leeressexy #libros #libro #amoleer #amoloslibros #bookaddict #bookstgrammers #book #bookstagram #books #book📖 #bookaholic #read #reading #lovebooks
Empezando libro #10
Mystic Riber de Dennis Lehane
Sinopsis: tres chicos juegan en la calle. Jimmy, Sean y Dave. Ese día sus vidas van a quedar marcadas para siempre, cuando uno de ellos se ve obligado a subir a un coche. Veinticinco años despues, Jimmy busca desesperadamente a su hija desaparecida, Sean es un policía de Homicidios que investiga el caso y Dave se convierte en un incómodo sospechoso.
#mysticriber #dennislehane
Dennis Lehane is a #maleauthor I love. These are all the books I own by him, with the exception of Live By Night, which I have as an ebook. I've read all of them except for Coronado. For some reason I've had a mental block all these years against short stories. #readingresolutions @Jess7
Great storytelling and characters, absorbing and compelling, big and brash.
Lehane is just an amazing storyteller. I was honestly brought to tears at several points in this book! 3 childhood friends are brought back together as adults to confront tragedies from the present and the past. The characters were well developed and I fell in love even with the less likable characters! A huge thumbs up and I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of his other books.
Giving myself a bit of calm in the midst of all my crap today, even if I'm reading an emotionally harrowing book! Got a lot done for the party tomorrow & I'm going to spend the rest of today doing laundry & book reports! I needed a little break from all the running.
#MysticRiver #DennisLehane #LoveThisGuy #downtime
I decided to get started on #LitsyAtoZ while I read through all the books I've hoarded for the zombie apocalypse/nuclear holocaust/Twilight Zone episode. 😅
My first book by Lehane and it‘s captivating. Authentic dialogue and character driven, it‘s a crime thriller that will keep you turning the pages. The suspect(s) are pretty easy to guess the second half of the book but I was surprised by the motive. I‘ll be watching the movie adaptation with stellar casts‘ performances and also seek out his other books. I have Shutter Island on my TBR and will look for Gone Baby Gone as recommend by @celtichik .
First time reading Dennis Lehane. I was choosing between Shutter Island and this. I‘m usually reluctant to read an author‘s most well known book first, for fear of over-hyped. I‘m weird.
#currentread #theriver #rocktober
What an exciting book! I kind of figured out the mystery half way through, but it did not take away from the enjoyment at all. It was a real page turner and I look forward to reading more of Lehane's books!
“She told him that he had the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard, that it sounded like whiskey and wood smoke.” 🥃
―Dennis Lehane, Mystic River .
#dennislehane #mysticriver #bookishombre #bookombre #bookishcircle #booksandcandles #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #reading #libraryofinstagram #bookpics #bookstack #booknerds #bookstagramit #epicreads
The person you love is rarely worthy of how big your love is. Because no one is worthy of that and maybe no one deserves the burden of it, either. You'll be let down. You'll be disappointed and have your trust broken and have a lot of real sucky days. You lose more than you win. You hate the person you love as much as you love him. But, shit, you roll up your sleeves and work-at everything-because that's what growing older is. #rockinmay #theriver
Fell a teensy bit behind on this month's photo challenge #AprilBookShowers #LocalAuthor
I've never actually read any Dennis Lehane, but he's probably the best known author to write about the Boston area.
I realize this book is 15 years old, but for some reason I never read it or watched the movie. It is SO good! And knowing that Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Kevin Bacon played the main characters made it nice to picture them while I was reading. It's about three young friends who grew up together and then their lives all take very different paths, yet they are thrown back together as adults due to unfortunate circumstances. Now I must see the movie!
Any Dennis Lehane readers/fans out there? I've never read him but I recognize a couple of the titles. I couldn't resist buying 5 of the same author in great condition at a thrift store (that I stalk for books every Tues.) $2.50 total seemed like the right price to take a chance. 😉
This is a seriously well written and superbly narrated (by Scott Brick) book about a murder case that doesn't really focus that much on the murder. I thought I had seen the movie, but I obviously haven't so uh, I think that's up next.
Audiobooking with my best buddy 😍 #catsoflitsy #readingwithcats
A magnificent saga. I want to read more by this author.
I always claim to not like crime books, but I'm pretty sure I'd pick up anything by this author. Pic from my run, which I when I primarily listen to audiobooks these days!
This book is so good, and the narrator is excellent! Like sad/dark? Pick it up! I've been listening to it while doing a million things today, including this peppermint bark I copied from @Well-ReadNeck ! Candy cane, along with so many other things, doesn't exist in this impoverished country so I had to make do with the tiny one I had in my purse from our trip to the US!
I've been in an #audiobook slump recently, but then yesterday I started listening to this book and I AM SO BACK IN THE GAME and I really need to listen to this book and knit (of course) but then what do I do? Paint my nails so now I can't knit&audiobook for at least a couple of hours 😤
#seasonsreadings2016 #silhouettesoncovers #silhouettecovers ! 👥
I don't think anyone has used this cover for today's prompt! Those of you who have read this book don't need me to tell you it's A-MA-ZING! If you loved the movie or love dark mysterious thrillers, READ THIS BOOK! 😱👌🏻📚
I will not dream anymore, you said. I will not set myself up for the pain. But then your team made the playoffs, or you saw a movie, or a billboard glowing dusky orange and advertising Aruba, or a girl who bore more than a passing resemblance to a woman you'd dated in high school - a woman you'd loved and lost - danced above you with shimmering eyes, and you said, fuck it, let's dream just one more time.
Had a relaxing day finishing this hat for my oldest boy and reading/listening!