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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Philip K. Dick
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Can‘t believe I hadn‘t read this ever- certainly extended moments of brilliance and far more profound than I had expected. Be warned this is not like either movie- but more of a third very good option. The PKD fan within is sated.

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Dick takes an interesting approach, then, to dystopian science fiction, writing Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? more in the style of detective noir fiction. Deckhard is the hard-boiled world-weary investigator, tempted by selfish motives (sex, owning his own ostrich) but keeping his cool in life-threatening situations. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep-philip-...

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#Dream #NewYearNewBooks @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks When I was 18 I lived somewhere totally out of the way and my only access to books was the wall of floor to ceiling shelves of vintage 70s sci-fi paperbacks one of my housemates had, so I started reading that genre for the first time. This book was one of my first forays into his library because it was a title I recognized. I remember he had both this copy and the Blade Runner cover.

Bookwomble This is an edition with a book cover I love, that I had back when it was new, and which to my regret I lost somewhere along the way. I guess these days I could easily find a copy on the internet, but there's something about waiting for it to find me again that's more appealing. 8mo
IndoorDame @Bookwomble I hope it does! 8mo
Eggs Sounds compelling 🤖 8mo
TrishB That is a mind boggling cover! 8mo
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So far my favorite science fiction book! Any recommendations for a good sci-fi book??

Suet624 Sorry, I don‘t read much sci-fi so can‘t recommend anything. 10mo
Texreader Anything by James Hogan 10mo
llcoolnate @Suet624 I really haven't read much of the genre myself :/. 2 so far haha 10mo
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llcoolnate @Texreader Thanks!! 10mo
SayersLover One of my favorite SF authors is Lois McMaster Bujold @IIcoolnate 10mo
Suet624 Actually, is Dune considered sci-fi? Because I read that when I was in my teens and devoured it. 10mo
jlhammar I really enjoyed this one. Audiobook was fantastic! 10mo
RaeLovesToRead Dune, The Complete Robot & Hyperion are my two faves, but for something shorter, maybe The Martian Chronicles 10mo
shortsarahrose I‘ve only read the first one so far, but the Murderbot Diaries series gets a lot of love on here 10mo
NikkiM5 I second “The Three-Body Problem” 10mo
llcoolnate @SayersLover Heard great things! 10mo
llcoolnate @Caroline2 added to the list! 10mo
llcoolnate @RaeLovesToRead Thank you! 10mo
llcoolnate @NikkiM5 This one has been sitting on the top of my mental list for some time now!! :) 10mo
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Over here chuckling because for some reason, Philip K Dick thought in 2021 we would have flying cars and androids that look so much like humans you can't discern between the two, but we're still using a freaking PHONE BOOTH to make calls outside of home or work. 🤣

#sciencefiction #classics #ThatDidntAgeWell

Bookwomble On the other hand, he also said this: “There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'.” Which is right on the money 😊 11mo
reading.rainb0w @Bookwomble I haven't gotten to that part yet, but dang, absolutely! 11mo
Bookwomble @reading.rainb0w I don't think this is in DADoES. I can't recall which of his books it's in offhand. His stories about targeted adverts are pretty on point, too 😊 11mo
reading.rainb0w @Bookwomble I definitely plan to check out more of his work after this one. This is a great read. Maybe one day I'll come across it! 😊 11mo
Bookwomble 🤖👍 11mo
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What if androids were made so well, you didn‘t even know they were an android? What if simply being an android were illegal, punishable by death on-sight? What if all the rich folk peaced out and left earth to the rest of us? Can we ever really define what makes us human? This book covers a lot of territory, so it can get in its own way at times, but it‘s a thought-provoking work all the same. 233/1,001 #1001Books #FlourishAndBlotts Set After 2001

AshleyHoss820 Double #BookSpin for August 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 12mo
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“A merry little surge of electricity piped by automatic alarm from the mood organ beside his bed awakened Rick Deckard.”


Bookwomble Yay! DADoES! 🤖💭🐑 13mo
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Starting my day off with a book, coffee and three dogs.

#aboutright #dogsoflitsy

Leftcoastzen That‘s a wonderful way to start the day! So cute!🐶 1y
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A lovely end to a long day. #birdsandbooks

dylanisreading The best combination! 1y
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It was a rough book for me personally. Loved the idea of the book, but struggled with being thrown into the universe without much introduction. Once I got through the first 30 pages, it went a little smoother. Glad I read it, especially with the rise of AI and the blurring of lines between human and machine. Might reread with a better understanding of the universe.


"The silence of the world could not rein back its greed. Not any longer. Not when it had virtually won."

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I like sci-fi, but especially sci-fi that wrestles with philosophical questions. Dick covers a lot of ground in this relatively short book: religion, fanaticism, empathy and its limits, what makes someone “human,” what constitutes “life,” the value of life. Not a “light” read, but very readable and thought-provoking.

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It's #TBRDeckOfCards time!

Yes, I'm using my SPN cards for this project :)

I drew the Queen of Hearts and the corresponding genre is Sci-Fi, specifically cyberpunk.

I've decided on “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?“ for my title.

What are you going to read, @bklover?

Bklover Good question. I wouldn‘t know a good cyberpunk book if it bit me! 2y
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A dystopian vision of a disturbing future world.

#philipkdick #dystopia #sciencefiction

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#alphabetgame #letterd Not my favorite book but when I was young it opened doors for me about what a book could be and what strange places a book could take you.

Kitta I loved this one, but I‘m a big Sci-Fi fan 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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A great classic take on a futuristic dystopian society. The title itself has always pulled me in to read this novel and honestly I was pleased with this story. If you‘re a fan of Blade Runner it was a great way to see where the ideas came from but don‘t expect the book to be anywhere near the story of the movie! A look into what it means to live and who is truly alive!

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I'll need some time to figure out what exactly I think about this one, but it was absolutely mindblowing.

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🎧 My first time reading this book!! A little dated but loved it. There‘s definitely a resemblance to the movie!

In a near future after the last world war … stop … it takes place in 2021 😆 … well the nuclear fallout or snow is killing everything that lives so most of humanity takes off to the stars & every off world household will get an Android.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 👇🏻

Twainy The androids in forced servitude that can escape come back to earth and cause havoc as the new religion is based on empathy, something “andies” don‘t have.

Decker “retires” andies. Is Decker a replicant himself? (There‘s so much more to this book, it really fleshes out the movie)
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Day 51.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Guess who‘s car broke down in 90 degree weather. So I‘m currently loitering at a Dollar General to escape the heat while I wait for my car to get fixed😩
Found a couple cool paperbacks tho!

vivastory I hope it's nothing too serious! I read Do Androids Dream earlier this year & really enjoyed it 3y
reading_rainbow @vivastory I hope it isn‘t either, they‘re keeping it over night, It‘s something to do with a cylinder. And yes about Do Androids Dream! I started it while I was waiting and had to force myself to stop because I was starting to really get into it! Definitely going to be next on my list 3y
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2 low ⭐️s

I rarely say this but… I‘d rather just watch the movie.

This story was a bit of a mess that I found hard to follow. Everything seemed to just be happening “because”. The story didn‘t flow well and I found myself hating every single character. The film had me empathizing with both androids and humans but this book had me hoping the whole planet would just implode.

Also spider torture, for me, is as bad as torturing a puppy. 😭

Ruthiella I‘ve not read this yet, but every PKD book I have read has been hazy and hard to follow. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella This was my first and likely last read of his. 😅 I definitely wasn‘t impressed. 3y
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#3Books that have been made into movies.
I LOVE all three movies, but have only read the tagged book (I do own the other two).

@OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Read-y_Picker Chocolat was such a lovely movie ❤ 4y
OriginalCyn620 I almost chose Pride and Prejudice and Zombies too! 🖤 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Blade Runner 💜 4y
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Ast_Arslan I've seen all the movies and the tagged book is the only one that I haven't read 🤣🤣 4y
Ast_Arslan I suggest you to read pride and prejudice and zombies ❤ 4y
GreenGrl87 OMG! How did I not know about this Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie!? (edited) 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @GreenGrl87 I absolutely 🖤🖤🖤 it. So much fun. 4y
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I'm a little meh on this one. Parts of it were crazy and wonderful, other parts were weird and kind of off-putting, and other parts were just confusing. I think one of the reasons why the movie works so much better for me is the character of Roy Baty, who is lovely and tortured in the movie but is barely in the book at all.

Read for the #ReadingRush, read a book that inspired a movie you've already seen.

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Knit (crochet) night at the park. Dropped off a book at the park‘s #littlefreelibrary

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!!! 4y
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Klou I definitely need to read this one! Perfect choice! 4y
Eggs Thanks 🌺 @Klou 4y
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I have had this book in my collection for some time now, but I had always glanced over it.

Far more philosophical in nature to the movie adaptation 'Blade Runner' and plays out in a different way. But that is all to the books benefit, the dust drench atmosphere and deep sociopolitical/nihilistic questions make this very much it's own unique experience.

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May #BookSpin done! @TheAromaofBooks

Overall, I enjoyed this. I had never read any Philip K. Dick before. I found it dated in some ways, but not too bad; I'm glad to have read this finally. I loved the prose. The plot rolls along, but I think the heart of the story is in questioning reality, and humanity, what to do with it, or even how to identify it.

Libby1 I agree. I really liked this one, too. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Interesting. I may have to check this one out! 4y
TheAromaofBooks As a sidenote, I did read Man in the High Castle a while back by this author and felt that, as here, the story wasn't exactly the story - in a way, that book is about how the victors write history, and we as humans tend to accept whatever type of government/order is around as long as it doesn't screw us too badly. It was interesting from a philosophical standpoint more than because the story was super engaging. 4y
Linsy Great book! ❤ 4y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks that does sound interesting too 4y
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What a delightful word! I love it.
#wordoftheday #wordnerd

MayJasper That's a bonkers tongue twister! 4y
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (print); Middlemarch (audio)
2. Both!
3. Binti: the night masquerade

BookishMe I think Binti might be my only answer for {3}. Love how accessible Okorafor made this SF ;)) 4y
llwheeler @BookishMe I quite enjoyed it 🙂 4y
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Woohoo, it's #BookSpin day! Thanks @TheAromaofBooks 😊

Here are my first 5 in order - my kobo is for Rogue Protocol (Murderbot # 3). I'm really looking forward to all of these!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'll be interested in your review for the tagged book. The only other of his books I've read is Man in the High Castle, which I had mixed feelings about. 4y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks I haven't read any of his yet, so I'm curious to see what I think 4y
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I've already changed books on this three times, so posting now so I stop tinkering with it. I made a separate #BookSpin list for May to give myself a fighting chance with #bookspinbonanza

Excited to see what order comes up! I'll be reading as many as I can, with a goal of 5.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Definitely a month for stacking the deck a little! 😂 4y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks for sure! 😂 No chunksters on my list for this month! It'll be fun! Thanks as always for hosting 😊 4y
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📚 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
🖋 Dylan Thomas
📼📺 Dallas (the Original TV show)
👩🏼‍🎤 (Bob) Dylan
🎶Devil‘s Backbone - The Civil Wars
#manicmonday #letterD @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 🤗💚 4y
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Published in 1968, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was the inspiration behind the film Blade Runner.

#NewYearNewYou @Eggs

Eggs Looks like a young Harrison Ford! Good one! 5y
Zoes_Human This one is a rarity in that I love the book and the film equally, though in somewhat different ways. 5y
TheEllieMo @Eggs he would have been around 40 when the film was made. At the time, I was 14 and thought he was ancient!! Now, yeah, he was so young then! 5y
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Interesting read considering it‘s supposed to be happening in 2021! I really liked the idea but found some of it too “out there” for my preference

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This was ok for me. Blade Runner was based on this book but I hear it is way different. Glad I have not seen the movie yet. There are some parts off this book I really enjoyed but a lot of it dragged for me. #TBRRead #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

Linsy I remember really liking the concepts in this book, but not much about the pacing. The movie is very different. I liked the book better! 5y
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OMG I froze walking my son from the car to school!
How is the weather by you today?
Good day to stay in and read.

MrsMalaprop Sweltering here in Perth, Western Australia. We‘ve just had a bunch of days hovering around 40 degrees Celsius 🥵. 5y
Palimpsest @MrsMalaprop 😦that sounds unbearable. I have the same temps as @MommyOfTwo as I live in Wisconsin, USA. It‘s supposed to be in the mid 40 degrees Fahrenheit by the weekend, but my four-year-old and I would like a little snow for Christmas. 5y
MommyOfTwo @MrsMalaprop wow! That is hot! 5y
MommyOfTwo @Palimpsest Wisconsin here too and I agree some snow would be great and then if the temp would stay like high 20s I‘d be happy so we could go out and enjoy the snow as well. (edited) 5y
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“I never felt like that before. Maybe it could be depression, like you get. I can understand how you suffer now when you're depressed; I always thought you liked it and I thought you could have snapped yourself out any time, if not alone then by means of the mood organ. But when you get that depressed you don't care. Apathy, because you've lost a sense of worth. It doesn't matter whether you feel better because you have no worth.”

saresmoore Boy, that is accurate. 5y
Bookwomble @saresmoore Yep, swap "mood organ" for "antidepressants" and it's even more accurate. 5y
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Enjoyed this bizarre book, which spawned the movie Bladerunner.

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Thank you so much for all the extra goodies @cobwebmoth ! The chocolate was opened before I had time to take a picture ☺️ I figured it was ok to have the selected book in the picture since I‘m the last to get it.

@Endowarrior21 your package came today as well and I will get that out to @MaleficentBookDragon Thursday morning. I was able to easily get the shipping labels off so I don‘t even need to repackage.

Jennick2004 Wowza!!! 5y
cobwebmoth 5y
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Avanders 😍😍😍 5y
MommyOfTwo @MaleficentBookDragon did you get the #SFMBC that I forwarded to you? 5y
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"Kipple is useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers or yesterday's homeopape. When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself. For instance, if you go to bed leaving any kipple around your apartment, when you wake up the next morning there's twice as much of it. It always gets more and more."

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Thanks to @TobeyTheScavengerMonk for the reminder that November 2019 is when Blade Runner is set, so I've rewatched the film & am now rereading the book for the umpteenth time.
Harrison Ford played Deckard in the tradition of the world-weary detective, even doing his own homage to Bogart's Marlowe in The Big Sleep: compare the goofy persona each adopts in the book shop/ dressing room scenes. However, PKD's Deckard is a junior-level police 👇🏼

Bookwomble ...bounty hunter. Far from being the lone wolf "god-damn one man slaughter house" of the film, book-Deckard is unhappily married and, up to now, has had to be satisfied with the easy cases handed down by his superior office, Dave Holden. As the main action begins, Deckard is feeling the pressure of having to prove to his boss that he's up to the task of bringing in the renegade 'andys' that put Holden in intensive care... 5y
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November, 2019. A bleak dystopian nightmare ruled by mega-corporations in which emotionless androids devoid of empathy struggle for power in a world of diminishing resources and environmental collapse. So, to forget all that, I thought I'd watch Blade Runner.

vivastory 😂😭😆😭 we're so screwed 5y
Kimberlone Too true 5y
saresmoore Ha! What @vivastory said. 5y
Aimeesue Yep! 😂😂😂 5y
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@TobeyTheScavengerMonk Keep on geekin' on!??
Jeter did a third in his sequel series, "Eye and Talon". He attempts to reconcile the differences between DADoES and Blade Runner, with mixed results. Definitely worth a read, though. "Future Noir" is great, I'm sure you'll love it.
I wasn't taken with the new film, but perhaps I should revisit it now that my initial disappointment has worn off and see if it sits any better.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Seeing this put a smile on my face @Bookwomble Thanks for the heads up about the 3rd Jeter book! The first volume of the new Blade Runner: 2019 comic drops this month too so I might check it out as well. My feelings on 2049 would be mixed to positive. Regardless, I‘m sure there‘s an alternate universe where it was a mindless shoot-em-up so I‘ll take the sad slow movie we got. 5y
Bookwomble @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Let me know what you think of the comic - I stopped collecting a few years ago, but would pick up a TPB if it's good 🙂 5y
Bookwomble @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Blade Runner is in my Top 5 films (the exact ranking of which is fluid), so the sequel was always going to struggle to live up to my expectations. I'm fine with sad and slow (I enjoyed the film A Ghost Story, which is sloooow!), but I found the villain uncomplicated and boring, and a lot of the depiction of women objectifying in an unnuanced way. But, as I say, I'll give it another viewing in the hope that I missed something 5y
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