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Spinning: A Novel | Michael Baron
65 posts | 3 to read
Dylan Hunter has it made. At 29, he has great friends, a huge job, all the women he can handle, and no commitments. A public relations executive, Dylan has dashed up the ladder of success by mastering the art of the spin - bending the truth to his and his clients' needs. But when a former lover steps back into his life with a three-year-old girl by her side (no, she's not his), Dylan suddenly finds himself in a place he can't spin himself out of. And when Dylan unexpectedly becomes the child's sole guardian, he finds himself to be like a circus performer trying to keep all of his spinning plates from crashing to the ground. In what seems like a blink of the eye, Dylan Hunter's life has changed completely...whether he's ready for it or not.Alternately humorous and poignant, romantic and tragic, playful and dramatic, Spinning is the kind of wise, touching, emotion-packed novel readers have come to expect from Michael Baron.
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My March #BookSpin list!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Yay! I REALLY do LOVE the second of every month😁Here‘s my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for October @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!!!! 12mo
Cinfhen Thanks so much, Sarah @TheAromaofBooks just two more until 2024!!!!!! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh my WORD don't say things like that! 😂 12mo
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LeahBergen I recently bought My Friend Anne Frank, too! 12mo
Cinfhen I‘m “enjoying” it @LeahBergen 🤓 I mean it‘s obviously heartbreaking because you know what‘s going to happen 💔 (edited) 12mo
squirrelbrain I just got My Friend Anne Frank on BorrowBox. 12mo
BarbaraBB I have the LeHane too on my shelves. And I‘ve heard a lot about My friend Anne Frank 😭 12mo
Cinfhen It was definitely one of my top reads of the year @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB really powerful but incredibly sad 😔 12mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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BarbaraBB That photo 💖 12mo
Cinfhen It was outside a flower shop in Capri 🥰 @BarbaraBB 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
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TheAromaofBooks Also that zebra reminds me of the one that used to be on the packs of gum - which I just had to go look up 😂 - Fruit Stripes!! I LOVED that gum when I was a kid. The flavor only lasted about .25 seconds, but it was an AMAZING .25 seconds!!! 12mo
Cinfhen OMG @TheAromaofBooks I TOTALLY remember THAT gum!!! Yessssss! Loved it too 😂😂😂😂😂 12mo
TheAromaofBooks It had those brilliant temporary tattoos that my siblings and I thought were SO edgy 😂 😂 😂 12mo
Megabooks Great picture!! Totally agree re: gum @TheAromaofBooks !! 12mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo! Love the early release of #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Hope you‘re having a wonderful day xx
Super excited about my September reads!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! Dad is in way better shape than both my husband and me, so he led us on a merry 8-mile march through the hills 😂 But we survived!!! Barely!!! 😆 13mo
Cinfhen Glad you survived @TheAromaofBooks !!! Go dad🙌🏻❣️ 13mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my September #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks and a peek of Capri 🇮🇹

Kimzey I like the flexibility of this plan! 😻 13mo
Cinfhen I find this approach works best for me @Kimzey #MoodReader - the prompts direct but NOT dictate 😉 13mo
Kimzey Yes, I‘m a mood reader also. My previous Bookspins have been sidelined when I found a book I wanted to read more at that moment. 😊 13mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Loosey-goosey yet purposeful as usual!! 😁 13mo
Cinfhen You know I‘m a BIG fan of the loosey-goosey @TheAromaofBooks 😜 13mo
Megabooks Beautiful! 13mo
Cinfhen No photo can really do justice to how pretty it was @Megabooks 13mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Thank you #BookSpin #DoubleSpin Gods😇You never let me down!
My August plans @TheAromaofBooks
And added bonus….both books work for #ISpyBingo 🥳

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 14mo
Megabooks My library has Mama Love, but I‘ve passed on it for now. Very interested to see your review! Perhaps you‘ll sway me. 🤔🤔 14mo
Cinfhen I think you‘ll like it @Megabooks I mean so far it‘s a pretty straightforward memoir of addiction to advocate. 14mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my August #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Thinking of you xx

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ We are all having a lot of Feelings... it's almost scarier the further away we get from it when you start thinking of all the “what ifs“ - my sister is staying with our parents but couldn't sleep upstairs last night (her apartment was 2nd floor and the fire was very close to the base of the stairs). But she is okay and that is what I am staying focused on!!! 14mo
Cinfhen I can‘t begin to imagine what you are all going through but like you said, your sister was physically unharmed and that‘s the miracle & she was able to help her elderly neighbor escape harm. Stay positive - sending love 💕 xxxx @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 14mo
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Thanks @TheAromaofBooks 😍you spun gold 😁 My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin are both on this week‘s TBR

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!!! 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my July #BookSpin #DoubleSpin list @TheAromaofBooks
JULY! How the hell is that possible?!?

Gratuitous photo of my kiddos 😁🥰

TheSpineView July!!!!!😳 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! And I'm not ready! How is this already the last weekend of June?!?! 1y
Cinfhen I know! It‘s 🍌👖 @TheSpineView @TheAromaofBooks 1y
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sarahbarnes What a gorgeous bunch! 😍 1y
Cinfhen Thanks @sarahbarnes And Thank Gd, they are really AMAZING humans 🥰 I feel very lucky & proud 😊 1y
sarahbarnes As you should! 🤍 1y
dabbe Lovely photo. 💙💚💙 1y
Megabooks Such a great photo!! 💜💜 1y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @dabbe @Megabooks I need to make a physical copy of the photo because I really love it 😍 1y
TrishB Lovely pic ♥️ 1y
Cinfhen @TrishB 😘😘😘 1y
Centique You have SUCH beautiful kids! 1y
Cinfhen Awwwwww, thanks so much @Centique 😘 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo! I‘m SUPER EXCITED for my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for June @TheAromaofBooks 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 1y
Cinfhen How is it June @TheAromaofBooks ??? Did you get a new phone?? 1y
TheAromaofBooks I'm NOT ready for June!! I'm pretending it's still April 😂 I DID get a new phone and it's very exciting and also very annoying as new phones tend to be haha However, apparently Litsy is not currently available in the Google Play store?? So I can only access it from my computer, which is how I mostly do Litsy anyway, but it's still kind of weird. How are you??? I haven't been on here much lately!! 1y
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Cinfhen I know!! Getting a new phone is sometimes sooooo stressful , especially when all your apps or photos don‘t sync & download @TheAromaofBooks and im sooooo worried one day Litsy is going to just crash & burn 💥 😩😩😩 1y
TrishB I think that day is coming too 😞 we‘ll have a large WhatsApp group…. 1y
Cinfhen It won‘t be the same @TrishB 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 1y
TrishB Definitely not 😢 1y
Megabooks I‘m worried about that too!! Does anyone know if LT is at least maintaining the website?? 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Guess who‘s turning 3 today….my little grand-pup 🐾🐶♥️
#BookSpin #DoubleSpin for June @TheAromaofBooks

Jari-chan Happy Pup-Day 🥰🐕 1y
Cinfhen Thanks @Jari-chan my little boy is growing up 😂😜 1y
Deblovestoread He‘s adorable! 🎉🎂 1y
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Bookzombie Such a cutie! 💕🐶 1y
TrishB Noooo! 3 already 😘 1y
squirrelbrain Happy Birthday to the puppa! 🐶 1y
UwannaPublishme Awwww ❤️ 1y
mrp27 Sweet! 🐶❤️ 1y
youneverarrived Aww 😍 1y
Cinfhen Thanks everyone 🥰He‘s such a sweet boy, I can‘t believe he‘s 3! and yessss, I bought him a book 😉 @youneverarrived @mrp27 @UwannaPublishme @squirrelbrain @TrishB @Bookzombie @Deblovestoread 1y
IndoorDame Awww happy birthday cutie 🥰 1y
Megabooks I can‘t believe Herzy is three already! 1y
vonnie862 So cute!!!! 1y
Cinfhen Time flies @Megabooks - Miss Molly must be almost two, right??? 1y
Cinfhen Thanks from Herzy @IndoorDame @vonnie862 🐾 1y
LeahBergen Three already?? 1y
Cinfhen How old is Johnny?? @LeahBergen 1y
LeahBergen He‘ll be 4 this August! 😩 1y
Cinfhen Oh WoW!!! Your little boy is growing up @LeahBergen 😄 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Yay🤩 I wasn‘t quite expecting this outcome - my #BookSpin is for #LiteraryCrew and my #DoubleSpin is a book gifted to me from my fabulous co-host and dear friend @BarbaraBB

As always, thanks for hosting this monthly challenge @TheAromaofBooks 💕💕💕

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!!! 1y
Librarybelle The Masterpiece was my #BookSpin too! 😂 1y
Cinfhen I‘m excited for both titles @TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My simple yet effective May #BookSpin #DoubleSpin list @TheAromaofBooks featuring Herzy and his buddy Bruno 🫶🏼🐾

dabbe Dose sweet pups! Cuteness overload! 💙🐾🐾💙 1y
Cinfhen Two happy boys @dabbe 1y
dabbe @Cinfhen 🤩🤩🤩 1y
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kspenmoll Happy Litsyversary! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @kspenmoll These 7 years have flown by and my TBR has been enriched!!! 1y
Megabooks Cute!! 🤩 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Yay for April #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
I‘m SUPER EXCITED for my #BookSpin but I‘m a little anxious about my #DoubleSpin - I tried HP in print and TOTALLY couldn‘t get into it 🙅‍♀️Hoping I‘ll like it on audio 🙏🏻

TrishB I think you should just watch the films 😁 and start the books at number 4. 1y
Read4life I love Lisa Scottoline. I hope you enjoy it. 1y
Cinfhen Really @TrishB ??? Should I???!!! 1y
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Cinfhen I love that she‘s a local author @Read4life and @marleed wrote a great review which made me want to read it for myself 💜 (edited) 1y
Bookzombie @Cinfhen I kind of agree with @TrishB although I really like the third book myself. 1y
Read4life Years ago she was in Raleigh & walked into the bookstore. She introduced herself and asked if I‘d be ok with her signing our stock. She was so funny and gracious. (edited) 1y
TrishB @Bookzombie @Cinfhen I like number 3- I‘m thinking that Cindy doesn‘t really like YA and I think they don‘t really come out of that until book 4. 1y
Bookzombie @TrishB I agree with you. Book 3 is still very YA. 🙂 1y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @Bookzombie @TrishB I think im gonna take your advice 😁 1y
Cinfhen @Read4life I love to hear stories about authors being down to earth - now I‘m even more excited to read The Bennetts 1y
Cinfhen I just checked the audio for book 4 is 20 hours 36 minutes 😫😳😱 @Bookzombie @TrishB (edited) 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! For me, when I have a book I want to read but am not sure I can get into it, I try a chapter a day for a week or two to see if I'm engaged yet 😂 1y
Cinfhen Excellent advice @TheAromaofBooks and lucky for me, YOU COUNT BAILS 🥳 1y
DGRachel Which narrator do you have? I LOVE Jim Dale‘s narration and have listened to him read all of the HP novels many, many times. I listened to Steven Fry narrate the 1st book and did not enjoy it. 1y
Cinfhen I tried in print the first time @DGRachel but now it‘s audio by Jim Dale!!!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 1y
Cinfhen You know it sister!!!!! Fingers crossed 🤞🏽 for Jim Dale 😂😁 1y
DGRachel I hope Jim Dale‘s narration works for you. 🤞🏻 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my April #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
And a few photos from my dad‘s 80th bday party 😁

TrishB Hope he had a fab time ♥️ 1y
LeeRHarry Hope he had a fab birthday and that cake is immense! 🎂🎉 1y
squirrelbrain Hope you all had a lovely day! 1y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! It's so wonderful to be able to spend time with family!! ❤ 1y
KarenUK Hope you are having a wonderful trip xx 1y
Suet624 I love your list and what a wonderful experience for your dad and your family. 1y
RebelReader I absolutely love that cake! Happy Birthday to your dad too. 1y
BarbaraBB I notice a bit of you in both your parents 💕 1y
Cinfhen 💯 @BarbaraBB ♥️The cake was AMAZING @RebelReader and it was delicious - each layer was a different flavor: red velvet, chocolate ganache and lemon/ coconut 😋My dad was so emotional- there were lovely speeches, a fabulous video montage and my cousin hired a mentalist, who blew us away - such a special night @Suet624 @KarenUK @TheAromaofBooks @squirrelbrain @LeeRHarry @TrishB and the room & view was just SPECTACULAR 1y
Gissy Wonderful photos! Hope you all had a great day🎂❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉 1y
Megabooks I‘m so glad you‘ve had a lot to celebrate with your family!! Love!!! 💕💕💕😘😘 Happy birthday to dad!! 🎉🎉 1y
Cinfhen Party was wonderful and so nice to celebrate my dad who really doesn‘t care for the attention but rightfully deserves it @Gissy @Megabooks 🥰 1y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo @TheAromaofBooks super excited about my March #BookSpin #DoubleSpin

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
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Spinning: A Novel | Michael Baron
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My #BookSpin list for March! Where did February go?!? Anyways, not much has changed to my list 😂

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My March #BookSpin #DoubleSpin and another photo from my trip to Morocco
I‘m traveling to the States for two family celebrations in March @TheAromaofBooks so we‘ll see how much reading I get in 🤓

TrishB That sounds like family fun ❤️😁 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @TrishB my dad is turning 80 and my nephew is getting married💙 so lots of family time 😁 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds like you‘re going to have a marvellous March! ❤️ 2y
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TrishB Oh that sounds fab ❤️ congrats to both. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy the family time!!! 2y
AmyG Safe travels! 2y
BarbaraBB When will you be traveling? 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my February #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Looking forward to both books 😍
Hi friends 🙋‍♀️I‘m having a FABULOUS time in Morocco 🇲🇦 I‘m almost home…so get ready for lots of posts in the coming days 😅

TrishB Hi 👋 glad to hear you‘re having fun 😘 2y
LeeRHarry Ooh I knew you were away from home but Morocco - love it! Glad you‘re having a fab time. Bring on the photos!! 😊 2y
Cinfhen Morocco is FABULOUS @LeeRHarry @TrishB I‘m COMPLETELY blown away!!!! 2y
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DivineDiana Wonderful! Can‘t wait to hear more! ❤️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 2y
Cinfhen Such a vibrant, colorful and friendly country @DivineDiana every day I‘m amazed 2y
BarbaraBB So happy for you! Can‘t wait for the pictures, books and stories! 2y
Megabooks I think you‘ll enjoy Good Eggs! Can‘t wait to hear all about Morocco!! Travel safe!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Hey @TheAromaofBooks I know it‘s a bit early but I‘m leaving for a trip and not sure what my WiFi situation will look like.
Here‘s my February #BookSpin #DoubleSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Jadee Hi. Would you mind explaining what a book spin is please and what I would need to do to take part? :) 2y
Cinfhen Hi @Jadee I‘m tagging @TheAromaofBooks who hosts the challenge and will explain EVERYTHING ❣️❣️❣️Sarah is awesome and she‘ll explain everything ☺️If you still have questions feel free to reach out again and I‘ll try my best to answer them😍 2y
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Megabooks Do I spy Wilson?? 💜💜 2y
Cinfhen Yup and the other dog is Loki @Megabooks E‘s girlfriend‘s dog 🐶 They‘re besties ….Wilson & Loki 🐾 (edited) 2y
mrp27 Great picture, love the pups! 2y
Cinfhen It‘s the PCH @mrp27 ♥️but I‘m sure you know that 😁 2y
mrp27 Lol, I figured it might have been but wasn‘t quite sure. 2y
BarbaraBB Have a safe trip ❤️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Jadee - Hello!!! #BookSpin is a challenge to encourage you to read from your TBR!! I have a masterpost with how it works on my blog here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - but the basics... make a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read, and on the 2nd of the month, I draw two numbers (BookSpin & DoubleSpin) & everyone tries to read those numbers from their list!! Do let me know if you have ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) questions or if you'd like to join!!! 2y
Cinfhen Hope the above info helps @Jadee 👆🏽😄 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo 🥳 My first #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for 2023 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
BarbaraBB Touch is so good. I hope you‘ll love it as much as I did! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m not sure it‘s 💯 my kind of book @BarbaraBB but it‘s short so I‘m open to giving it a try 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My first #BookSpin #DoubleSpin list for 2023
Here are my two grand pups playing dreidel 😁

IndoorDame Those dreidel toys are adorable! And the puppies too!!! 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @IndoorDame 🥰the dreidel‘s talk and apparently it scared the bejebees out of Wilson ( the larger dog) 😂😂😂 2y
squirrelbrain Aw, bless Wilson! They‘re both so cute though! 2y
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IndoorDame @Cinfhen poor Wilson! It probably would‘ve scared me too 🤣🤣🤣 2y
Librariana Aawww!!! Your puppers are so sweet!! 🥰 And I love how cute they are with their dreidel toys 💙 2y
Cinfhen The dreidel sings the dreidel song 🎶 @IndoorDame “oh dreidel, dreidel dreidel I made you out of clay….” but according to my son, it sounds like a pack of 6 year olds on crack and he said it‘s SUPER ANNOYING but absolutely hilarious watching Wilson hide in abject terror every time the song starts. And my daughter said her little pup LOVES IT!!! They are so funny those two @Librariana @squirrelbrain 2y
IndoorDame I love this scene at your house. It‘s so vivid in my mind and completely hysterical! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
tpixie Adorable 🐶 🐶 2y
tpixie @Cinfhen that‘s funny about the song! 2y
Megabooks Herzy and Wilson so cute!! 2y
sarahbellum Adorable doggos! 😍 2y
Leftcoastzen So cute! 2y
Bookzombie Your grand pups are so cute! 2y
Bkwrm7 Adorable pups! Love the stuffed dreidels, too! 2y
Cinfhen Thanks friends!!! I miss the pups more than the kids (only sometimes 😉) And they really are so cute with their little dreidels @Bkwrm7 @Bookzombie @Leftcoastzen @sarahbellum @Megabooks @tpixie 2y
Cinfhen Excited for a new year of #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks THANKS AGAIN for hosting 😘 2y
Cathythoughts Cutie pies ♥️ 2y
britt_brooke Cute! 2y
Cinfhen They are sweet just like Lisa & Champ @Cathythoughts @britt_brooke 💚🐾 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My last #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for 2022 ♥️Thanks so much for hosting and organizing, Sarah!!!!!
Looking forward to spinning in 2023 🎉🎉🎉🎉
My #BookSpin is for #LiteraryCrew @Librarybelle and my #DoubleSpin is #ToB23

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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My final #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for 2022 @TheAromaofBooks
Thanks for hosting 💗
Also, thought we could all enjoy gorgeous beach view as we head into December 😎

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo 🥳 My favorite day of the month! So excited for my November #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Two books from my #NonfictionNovember list 😄

Megabooks Friday Night Lights was really interesting! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m halfway through Friday Night Lights @Megabooks I‘m LOVING it!!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My November #BookSpin list @TheAromaofBooks and my little grand pup wearing his Halloween costume 🧡

tpixie Great big list! Adorable pup 🐶 2y
TrishB Awww 🐶♥️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Simona He is very adorable and looks happy in the costume♥️ 2y
Leftcoastzen So cute! 2y
Cinfhen He‘s such a sweet boy 😍 I‘m sure that damn hat is driving him nuts @Leftcoastzen @Simona @TheAromaofBooks @TrishB @tpixie !!! How is it nearly November???? 2y
tpixie @Cinfhen right? Time flies too fast! 2y
Bookzombie He is so cute!! 💕🐶 2y
Megabooks Herzy!! 💜💜🎃🐶 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Almost forgot- Here‘s my October #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks It‘s a #LooseyGoosey list but right now my life is a bit that way😉

AmyG Awwwww…..so cute. 2y
JenReadsAlot So adorable! 2y
Cinfhen Someone got groomed on Tuesday and I got to see him yesterday 🥰 @AmyG @JenReadsAlot ♥️ 2y
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TrishB Awww 🐶♥️ 2y
BarbaraBB Hi 👋🏽 🥰 2y
LeahBergen The little bandana! 🥰 2y
mrp27 So stinking cute! 2y
KarenUK What a sweetheart… 💕 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
TheRiehlDeal That face! 😂 So cute! 2y
Cathythoughts What a cutie 🥰 gets away with murder, I‘d say. 2y
Cinfhen He‘s really a sweetie - full of love and not too much mischief @Cathythoughts @TheRiehlDeal @KarenUK @mrp27 @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB @TrishB 2y
kspenmoll Look at that adorable face! 2y
tpixie Adorable 🥰🐶 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo💕🙌🏻 My favorite day of the month @TheAromaofBooks
My #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for September

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! 2y
Soubhiville Oh has The Winner‘s been released? Time to go shopping 😁 2y
Cinfhen Not yet @Soubhiville it‘s an ARC but I think it drops soon!!! 2y
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Soubhiville Ah ok. I‘ll keep an eye out. Hope you enjoy it! 2y
AmyK1 I just finished The Winners. Loved it. 2y
AmyG Mine, too. I always forget and then I see the #‘s and it‘s a surprise! 🤣 2y
Ddzmini Omg it‘s not out yet 😨📖 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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It‘s my September #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Still can‘t believe it‘s actually September end of next week!!!

Cathythoughts Look at that doll of a dog 🥰 2y
Cinfhen He‘s the sweetest pup 🐶 and such a good boy @Cathythoughts How‘s your cutie pie??? Pup and babes!!!?!!! 2y
TrishB Awww 🐶♥️ 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
DogMomIrene Herzy!😍😍😍 2y
Cinfhen Hi @DogMomIrene 🐾♥️How‘s Lizzy & Bernie??? Herzy is enjoying his shopping trip, offering fashion advice !! How‘s Sansa @TrishB ??? 2y
DogMomIrene @Cinfhen They‘re doing really well. It‘s been a little windy here, so they‘re all about letting it hit their face😊😂 2y
CBee @Cinfhen I didn‘t know you had a dog!! He is PRECIOUS! What a teddy bear 😍😍😍 2y
Cinfhen He belongs to my daughter @CBee but he‘s super adorable ☺️ 2y
CBee @Cinfhen he‘s just the cutest. I love him 😄 2y
Cinfhen He really is loveable @CBee I‘m soooooo excited to see him next week 😁💕 2y
Megabooks Herzy!! 😍😍😍 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My favorite day of the month @TheAromaofBooks 🧡🧡🧡Here are my #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin books for August😁
One is for #ReadingAfrica22 #Senegal and the other for #FoodAndLit #Japan

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 2y
Megabooks Woo hoo!! 2y
BarbaraBB Two good outcomes! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m VERY pleased with my outcomes @BarbaraBB @Megabooks Good draw @TheAromaofBooks 😊 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Sharing my #August #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin list @TheAromaofBooks 🥰
And sharing two recent photos
On from the Frieda Kahlo exhibit and the other a sunset view over the Mediterranean ( both photos taken in Israel)

UwannaPublishme Gorgeous photos! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
TrishB Great pics ♥️ 2y
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CoffeeAndABook Love those photos 🌅😘 2y
Megabooks Beautiful photos!!! 💜💜🇮🇱 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Excited for my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for July 🎉🥰

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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BarbaraBB What is Top 21? 2y
Cinfhen It was from 2021 / when people posted their #Top21Of21 @BarbaraBB I try to read one book per month from others lists, I don‘t always succeed 😁 2y
BarbaraBB Ah! Great idea! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Super excited for my June #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Thanks so much for hosting this monthly challenge 💜
My #BookSpin is in memory of Jenny Colvin #RememberingJenny @Centique

CBee Our #doublespin is the same 😊😊😊 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
Cinfhen Fun @CBee I‘ve heard really good things 😁lmk how you get on with it!!! 2y
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Cinfhen Thanks, Sarah!! How‘s that windowsill looking @TheAromaofBooks ?!?! 2y
CBee @Cinfhen will do 🥰 2y
TheAromaofBooks I put the June books on it this morning so... pretty full! 😂 2y
Cinfhen Looking forward to to the visual @TheAromaofBooks 😄 2y
Megabooks You‘ll love both!! 2y
Centique I hope you love it💕 2y
Cinfhen I started this morning @Centique I‘m gonna take your advice & listen in small doses 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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I still have to review May & see how well I avoided a bingo, but here's June's list. 😁

@TheAromaofBooks #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my June #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Not attempting any BINGOs as June will be a BUSY BUSY month with probably very little reading time 🤪

Soubhiville Wow those flowers 💐 😍 2y
Megabooks Those flowers!! 🤩🤩 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes you look at a month ahead and KNOW things are going to be crazy! 😂 2y
Cinfhen Aren‘t there gorgeous @Megabooks @Soubhiville ??? I have no idea what they‘re named, but they make me so happy 😁 2y
Cinfhen Yup @TheAromaofBooks I‘ll be thrilled if I manage my #bookspin & #doublespin 😅 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo 🎉 Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks
Here‘s my May #BookSpin #DoubleSpin
I love this day each month 😁💕

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 2y
BkClubCare I love it, too! I was obsessive with Litsy yesterday checking to see if the Spin just might be announced early.🤣 I will easily accomplish the spins I think but bingos look challenging. Too fun (edited) 2y
Jess How the Word was Passed was so good! 2y
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Megabooks I keep meaning to read How the Word. Very interested in your review! 2y
Cinfhen I‘ve only heard good things @Jess I‘ll keep you posted @Megabooks 2y
Cinfhen I haven‘t done a bingo board all year but I think I will for this month @BkClubCare @TheAromaofBooks 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes the bingo board is fun if for no other reason than to see just how far off the rails my reading went from where I thought it was going to 😂 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Last minute #bookspin list. I‘m going on a 12 day trip to California this month, so I‘ve already planned a couple of books to take, plus my kindle.

Megabooks Enjoy your trip! 2y
Scochrane26 @Megabooks I‘m hoping I don‘t get homesick & that I can be around people for that many days. I‘m going w/ friends but still...it‘s a lot for my introvert self. I‘m excited though! (edited) 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Cathythoughts Cuteness 🥰 2y
zezeki That dog is so cute! 🥰🥰 What breed is it? 2y
BarbaraBB Herzy 🥰🥰 2y
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Cinfhen He‘s a cavapoo @zezeki and such a bundle of sweetness 😊How‘s your sweet girl @Cathythoughts ?? 2y
Cathythoughts My sweet girl is great. I must get her for a little photo shoot soon 🥰 2y
Cinfhen You must!!! @Cathythoughts 💕💕 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 2y
ladym30 What a sweet face!❤️ 2y
Megabooks Herzy!! 2y
Centique Awww the fur baby! 2y
Cinfhen Hi Aunties 🐾 @BarbaraBB @Megabooks xx 2y
Cinfhen He‘s delicious @ladym30 but he belongs to my daughter / I‘m just the proud grandma 2y
Cinfhen Hi Paula!!! What‘s new?? Hope your dad is well @Centique 2y
Centique @Cinfhen he‘s pretty good thanks! I need to write you an email sorry. Hope you and the family are doing okay 💕💕 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Someone‘s got some catching up to do! Read 3 books in March and binged a little too much tv! April is a new month! #bookspin and #doublespin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! When I originally started this challenge I knew I wanted it to be something that was fresh every month because I love having that reset! 😂 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here we go with my ideal TBR for April but I'll be lucky if I get to half of these. For the books that didn't make the cut, there's always Free Spaces and May (and June and...). 🤣

I'm getting some strong spring/The Enchanted April vibes with this graphic. Now if Mother Nature would just act like it's spring here in NJ, I'd be a lot happier.
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Who doesn‘t love puppies and babies?? It‘s my #AprilBookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

Cortg Adorable! 🥰 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @Cortg These 2 just make me smile 😃 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
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Ruthiella Adorable! ❤️ 2y
Cinfhen xxx @Ruthiella @TheAromaofBooks 💜👣 ♥️🐾 2y
Megabooks So cute!! 💜❤️💜 2y
TrishB Awww ❤️❤️ 2y
zezeki They're both so cute!! 💕💕 2y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @zezeki @TrishB @Megabooks it‘s my grand-pup and my goddaughter‘s little girl 🥰 Herzy & Hailey 💕💕 2y
Bookzombie Both so cute!! 2y
DogMomIrene Such cuties! 2y
LeahBergen Oooohhhh!! 💗💗💗 2y
Cinfhen These 2 are SUCH sweeties @LeahBergen @DogMomIrene @Bookzombie I just had to share 😁 2y
BarbaraBB Too cute 🥰 Is that Herzl? He looks almost a toy! Who is the girl? 2y
Cinfhen Yes @BarbaraBB that‘s my sweet Herzy boy and the little girl is baby Hailey who‘s my Goddaughter‘s daughter 2y
BarbaraBB What a picture 🥰🥰🥰 2y
Nute Awww!🥰 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @nute @BarbaraBB 😘😘 2y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Woohoo 🥳
Here‘s my #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin for March @TheAromaofBooks
Both books are for #ReadingAfrica22

AmyG 🎉🎉🎉My book is 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
Cinfhen Fun book @AmyG enjoy 🌻🌻 3y
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Cinfhen Thanks @TheAromaofBooks I Love the second day of every month 💛💙💛💙 3y
TheAromaofBooks Isn't it fun?? I love seeing what everyone is reading - I think it's so fun how everyone is reading totally different stuff, like you're reading books I wouldn't look at twice, which I actually think is fantastic haha 3y
Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣 hilarious 😂 and SO TRUE & BEAUTIFUL 💛💙 @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 3y
vlwelser I really liked His Only Wife. Enjoy! 3y
Cinfhen Oh good!! I‘ve seen mixed reviews @vlwelser so I‘m glad to hear you enjoyed this one 🌻🌻🌻 3y
Hooked_on_books I just read your bookspin book in the past couple weeks and it‘s so good! You‘ll finish with a smile on your face, no question. 3y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Busy trying to work out if any of these are @Cinfhen niece - as that‘s her skating partner holding the flag at the opening ceremony!

Cinfhen Yup!!!! You got her!!!! 3y
Cinfhen And the US commentators gave her a HUGE shoutout!!! It was SO EXCITING 3y
Verity @Cinfhen I‘m so excited for you! And the five degrees of separation effect is that I‘m super excited for them too! 3y
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Cinfhen Hahaha 🥰🥰 3y
LeahBergen @Verity @Cinfhen OMG! How exciting! ❤️❤️ 3y
CarolynM @Cinfhen So exciting! Hope I will get to see them skate (our Olympic coverage tends to be pretty biased) 3y
Cinfhen So this is so INFURIATING @CarolynM I am watching coverage through my cable service - Eurosport and they cut to a freakin commercial in middle of opening ceremonies and I missed seeing my niece😩😩😩😩SO PISSED!! Of course all the family around the world was watching so they taped it and posted on our family chat group (edited) 3y
Cinfhen She skates Friday February 18 and hopefully Saturday Feb 19 @CarolynM @LeahBergen - she needs to place top 16 to compete on Saturday and that‘s her personal goal. 🤞🏼🤞🏼 3y
Cinfhen What did you think of the team event so far @Verity ??!! 3y
CarolynM Oh no! How frustrating for you in the moment! I'm glad you got to see her later anyway. 3y
Verity @Cinfhen I‘m so annoyed for you that you had to wait for the WhatsApp version. I‘m really enjoying the team event so far, fascinating to see who has skated what so far. I literally watched all of it so far back to back to back today because I was working Friday and on a day trip to London yesterday! 3y
Cinfhen Valieva is AMAZING as was Shomo. I haven‘t seen Day 3 yet but I already saw who won gold. I agree, fascinating who the coaches chose to represent. 3y
Verity @Cinfhen i haven‘t seen the end of the team or the mens short yet - but I know what happened. It‘s all getting very messy though isn‘t it. 3y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for February @TheAromaofBooks The two books in the left column are both library holds so if they don‘t come in soon-ish I‘m replacing with the books in the right column. #BookSpin #5 #Top21of21 #DoubleSpin #10 #AAM #MayaAngelou @Soubhiville

TheAromaofBooks Nice!! Looks great!! 3y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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My February #Bookspin List. Will this be the first month in a while I get a bingo? Probably not, but I'm excited to see where the numbers land and make my board. Here's to Argentina, Black History Month, and romance. 🥂

Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Here‘s my #February #BookSpin #DoubleSpin list with a special shoutout to my niece who will be competing in the 2022 #WinterOlympics #PairsSkating #DreamsReallyDoComeTrue #Beijing

Simona Wow❣️ That is huge‼️ 🤞🤞🤞 3y
eri.reads Yay, go #TeamHailey. That is amazing! 🤞🏻 3y
megnews That‘s awesome! Go Hailey! 3y
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Cinfhen Thanks 😊 I‘m a very #ProudAunt @Simona @eri.reads @megnews and APPRECIATE all the good cheers and crossed fingers 🤞🏼 🤞🏼 🥰 3y
squirrelbrain How amazing! Good luck to #teamhailey! 🤞🏻🎉 3y
rockpools Oh how wonderful! Good luck Hailey! 3y
LeahBergen Woohoo, Hailey!! 🎉🎉 3y
quietlycuriouskate Wow! Good luck to Hailey!🎉 3y
IndoorDame SO exciting! Good luck to her!!! 3y
JennyM So awesome. I will be cheering for #teamhailey 3y
TrishB 🤞🏻🤞🏻 will be cheering her on! 3y
Chelsea.Poole Oh wow! Good luck to your niece! ❄️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! And that's SO exciting!!!! 3y
marleed Oh wow, congratulations to your niece! She has a pile of Littens who will cheer here on! 3y
Megabooks Go Hailey!! 💕🎉 3y
Cinfhen THANKS everyone ♥️🙏🏼 her goal is to make top 16 and actually get to the finals. Only 19 teams qualified to compete but only 16 will be allowed to skate post elimination rounds. So all your good energy and prayers are MUCH APPRECIATED @marleed @TheAromaofBooks @Chelsea.Poole @TrishB @JennyM @IndoorDame @kathedron @LeahBergen @rockpools @squirrelbrain 3y
Cinfhen Thanks @Megabooks 😘 3y
Verity Oh! Big figure skating fan here and I think seen them on the tv! I‘m not going to say the surnames because you haven‘t - but they‘re in the pairs (my favourite) and her partner has skated at the Olympics before with a previous partner right? 3y
Cinfhen Yes @Verity !!!! This is his third Olympic appearance and my niece‘s first. They only began skating together in June and they made the qualifiers after 3 months of training. It‘s such a Cinderella story. Ice Dance seems to have more behind the scenes drama but I prefer the throws and lifts. So glad to hear you‘re a pairs fan. Which team/ teams do you like?? (edited) 3y
DivineDiana Will be cheering for Hailey! Let the games begin! 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 3y
Hooked_on_books That‘s incredible! Go Hailey! 3y
Cinfhen Something fun to focus on @Hooked_on_books @DivineDiana ⛸🥇♥️ 3y
Verity @Cinfhen that‘s such an amazing achievement for them both. I will be watching them and cheering them on! I‘m in the Uk so I‘ve seen more of the European pairs this season than I have the rest of the world, but my current favourites are Sui and Han and Tarasova and Morosov. I have such a soft spot for Russian pairs - my all time faves are Voloszhar and Trankov (who I saw live at the Europeans a decade ago) - still think their 14 sp is genius. 3y
Cinfhen Agree, Tarasova/Morosov are excellent and Sui/Han are VERY graceful. Both teams are medal contenders, for sure. I used to like Vanessa James but now that she skates for Canada I‘m less impressed & she‘s had a TERRIBLE season. I‘m not a fan of the US qualifying teams either, I much prefer Audrey Lu. Everyone who made it deserves to be there and I‘m excited to cheer my niece on @Verity 🥳🥳🥳 3y
Verity @Cinfhen I used to like Vanessa James too, but I think her move to Canada has been handled terribly on every possible front and the more you hear about how her previous partner‘s behaviour was handled, the dodgier all of that sounds and the worse she looks. 3y
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Spinning | Lou Aronica
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Super excited for my new 2022 #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks I know I discussed a buddy-read of Girl with the Louding Voice with @TrishB & @squirrelbrain and I know there‘s at least one other person but I can‘t find the post 🤦🏼‍♀️ So if anyone wants to join us in an informal #BR comment below. I‘d like to start next week, if that works. Cultish was on @britt_brooke #Top21Of21 list so I‘m really looking forward to reading that one.

TrishB Works for me 👍🏻 3y
Cinfhen Woohoo I found the original post…it was on @squirrelbrain page…Yay!! That‘s wonderful another reader for #ReadLouder @RaeLovesToRead @TrishB @Mynameisacolour @Kdgordon88 are we all still up for a #LoudBuddyRead???? 3y
Chelsea.Poole Ohh, two great reads! 3y
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squirrelbrain Well done for finding that post Cindy… I wouldn‘t have known it was one of mine! 🤷‍♀️ I‘ll join in - lots of books on the go but I‘m sure I can squeeze one more in! 😁 3y
britt_brooke Really hope you enjoy Cultish! 🤞🏼 Looking forward to hearing what you think. 3y
Cinfhen Yay @Chelsea.Poole I‘m pretty sure our bookish tastes are similar 😁I‘m sure I‘m gonna love it @britt_brooke as I really enjoyed 3y
Cinfhen Thanks @squirrelbrain I clearly have too much free time on my hands 😁but I‘m glad I found all those who expressed interest ❣️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! And great work finding the old post... I do wish Litsy had a function where you could search for a certain book on a person's page! 3y
Cinfhen Ha, thanks @TheAromaofBooks I‘m quite a sleuth 🕵️‍♀️ 3y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Oh good, so you already know her style. Perfect! 3y
RaeLovesToRead I'm definitely still up for #loudbuddyread 😁 3y
MallenNC I just recently finished Cultish and I enjoyed it. 3y
Cinfhen Fabulous @RaeLovesToRead 🥰 3y
Cinfhen Good to know @MallenNC 😊hope to start it later this week 3y
Deblovestoread Great job finding the post and finding me! I will do my best to read along with the group. 3y
Cinfhen Do you prefer reading at your own pace or breaking up the read over 3 weeks? @RaeLovesToRead @Kdgordon88 @squirrelbrain @TrishB ??! 3y
RaeLovesToRead Probably at own pace with a deadline ? Although happy to do it either way. If you'd like to do "what do you think of the book so far?" midway through, happy to break it up. 3y
TrishB Own pace too as I can‘t make a book last 3 weeks 😁 3y
Deblovestoread Either way is fine with me 3y
Cinfhen Hahaha @TrishB I already KNEW your answer xx 🤣cool @Kdgordon88 @RaeLovesToRead so let‘s start this coming weekend and we can just tag each other with thoughts/ ideas when the mood strikes 😉 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Cinfhen @Kdgordon88 @TrishB @squirrelbrain Awesome!! Have I tagged everyone? Looking forward to it 😊 3y
Deblovestoread Sounds good! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Mynameisacolour Sorry, meant to tag you too! 😊 3y
Megabooks I was a big fan of one and bailed on the other. 🤔 3y
Cinfhen You want to try again and join our #LoudBuddyRead @Megabooks it works for at least 2 challenges 3y
Megabooks unfortunately I gave it away, but thanks! 3y
HeathHof Excellent! I'm still in. 3y
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Spinning: A Novel | Michael Baron
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Andrew65 The Echo Chamber is a very different book for John Boyne, will be interested to hear what you think about it. 3y
TrishB Agree with @Andrew65 3y
Cinfhen Did you both not enjoy @TrishB @Andrew65 ?? I haven‘t seen too much press around the book 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Megabooks Interested to see what you think of both!! 3y
TrishB I think I‘ve worn out the welcome mat for books about social media. I‘d love you to read it so we can discuss! 3y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen It was enjoyable in its own way but an interesting take on the characters. 3y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t even know about this new Boyne 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen Now I‘m really excited to read/ listen 🎧 I picked up the audio from Audible the other day @Andrew65 I only knew about it @BarbaraBB because it was in a #weeklyforecast from @TrishB I‘m not sure the book is even out yet in the US!? 3y
TrishB I read it in holiday in August- but it looked like it was only out in the U.K. then. 3y
britt_brooke I just found out about the new Boyne yesterday! He flies ways under the radar sometimes. I don‘t think it‘s out the US yet. Lmk what you think! (edited) 3y
Cinfhen Will do @britt_brooke I agree his last book had VERY LITTLE BUZZ 🐝 3y
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