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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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This was just okay for me. It felt like the story just dragged on. More character driven than plot driven, and I just prefer plot!

#pop24 - book about a writer/author

Jas16 Sorry you didn‘t love it but at least it is another one off the TBR 1mo
MallenNC I haven‘t read this one yet. But I definitely prefer plot. 1mo
julieclair I own this one and keep putting off reading it. Not sure why. It would make a good #ReadOrDonate choice for me as well. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1mo
DieAReader 👋🏻👋🏻Next!! 1mo
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I loved the writing and the main character! And this book has one of the most accurate depictions of anxiety and panic attacks that I have read. 4.5⭐️

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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This was just the book I needed right NOW. I couldn‘t put it down - was awake half the night finishing it on audio. 😁

Ruthiella I liked this one too. And its depiction of restaurant work was spot on. 1y
Readerann @Ruthiella I‘m lucky enough to not have personal experience. Poor Casey had quite a miserable time of it! 1y
BkClubCare I like her writing 🙌 1y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Last #BookReport of 2022. The first 3 were 4 🌟 reads and Snowflakes was a sweet palette cleanser. I am really loving Disappearing Earth on audio for #AuldLangSpine. Hope to finish The Diamond Eye tomorrow with Peach Blossom Spring next up in print.

Cinfhen Excellent week!! Happy 2023🎊❣️🎉 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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#BookSpinBingo #December features lots of books to finish 2022 challenges. Let‘s see how I do…

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Absolutely blown away by this book. It spoke to me on so many levels.
Thanks to the hideous weather I've spent yesterday and today binge reading. Now I feel bereft 😏🙄😊

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Super pleased to have found this in a charity shop!

Caroline2 Oh good find. 👍 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Casey is just trying to find a place to retreat to and in this case it‘s in writing her book. King brings the angst, loneliness, grief and anxiety of a young woman, as well as the camaraderie of coworkers fully on to the page. Because I was reading this in the middle of the nap between catnaps I feel I missed the emotional piece but I definitely liked how King pulled it all together. A low pick/high so-so. 🙂

sarahbarnes I liked this one too. 😊 But I did like Euphoria better. 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King

Writers & Lovers: A Novel was tough to get through for me. The protagonist, Casey, is mourning her mother‘s death and this overshadows all elements of her life. She is conflicted about men, both wanting and not wanting relationships with multiple men. Her writing career has been a six year slog to reach the completion of her first novel. This book dragged for me and I did not find Casey to be a character that I ended up rooting for. Tough read.

marleed I wasn‘t really a fan either. I enjoy seeing post from those who loved it though because I‘m curious why it was such a miss for me. 2y
Suet624 @marleed Same. 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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This book captures the dread of being asked what you're doing with your life when you're mostly just trying to survive as authentically as you can. It showcases what it feels like for a phase in life to end, and another one to begin and all of the complicated feelings that accompany it. I loved the messy, relatable Casey. AND THE ENDING. Amazing ending.

mcctrish I love Lily King ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Casey‘s life is a mess. Her mother died suddenly. A love affair ended. She‘s got a dead-end job as a server and thousands of dollars in debt. She‘s been trying to finish the novel she‘s been writing for six years. She suffers from crippling anxiety. Then she meets Silas. And Oscar. A coming-of-age story that is quirky and thoughtful and wholly delightful.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I've had this sitting on my e-reader for a long time. Glad I was finally prompted to read it. I loved how it felt so relevant for 2022 but took place in 1997. If anyone has any recommendations for other books by Lily King, I'd love to hear them! #buddyread

CarolynM I enjoyed 2y
Sparklemn @CarolynM I'll add it to my list. Thank you!! 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Book club meeting today!

Anna Louise Kallas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Anna Louise Kallas's Personal Meeting Room

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 259 301 5836

Passcode: xzBx5e

litsybookclub @Sparklemn Hope that you can join us! 2y
Sparklemn Sorry I wasn't able to join last week. I just finished the book this afternoon and am still in my post-reading afterglow. I loved it! Hope I can join you another time. 2y
litsybookclub @Sparklemn I hope so and I missed you joining us. You are welcome anytime! 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Leslie, I ❤️ this #RecipeSwap package so much!

Excited to read this book, love the bookmarks and of course the chocolate, but I can‘t wait to make your recipe!

Thank you so much, and thanks for hosting, @BennettBookworm ❤️

LeahBergen That recipe sounds interesting!! 2y
LeslieO So glad you like it! Let me know if you try the soup. It started as a Weight Watchers recipe. But then I added the pasta and bleu cheese crumbles! 2y
LeslieO @LeahBergen It is yummy! Send me your email and I‘ll send you a copy! 2y
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sprainedbrain @LeslieO I‘m definitely trying it soon! Will let you know. 😉 2y
LeahBergen @LeslieO Yes, please! It‘s ******** (edited) 2y
LeahBergen @LeslieO Thanks, Leslie! I‘ll edit out my email address now. 😆 2y
Ddzmini Love it I did the same with my recipes I typed them up 🤗 2y
sprainedbrain @LeslieO I made the soup today, since our weather was cooler. So good!! 🤤 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Books 36 and 37 of the year.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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repost for @litsybookclub:

New month, new book. We are zooming this month and post will be up next week. Questions? Ask @Graciouswarriorprincess .

We hope that you join us in reading this book this month.

Original post: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2405811

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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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New month, new book. We are zooming this month and post will be up next week. Questions? Ask @Graciouswarriorprincess .

We hope that you join us in reading this book this month.

Daisey I listened to most of it today. 2y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daisey Wonderful! I will start tomorrow. :)
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daisey Wonderful! I will start tomorrow. :)
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IMASLOWREADER ill start tomorrow 2y
Sparklemn @graciouswarriorprincess Is it too late to join the discussion this month? 2y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Sparklemn No. I will post the Zoom session this weekend. We meet on Sunday at 2 pm EST. Look on the Litsy book club page for the link. Welcome!! 2y
Sparklemn @Graciouswarriorprincess Excellent. I'll start reading it tonight! 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½ • It‘s fine! But I‘ll forget about it.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I picked this up from #BOTM #BOTMBacklog but decided to listen to it on audio. I honestly had no idea what it was going to be about and it‘s not my typical read. However, I was so engaged with this book. I never once was bored or wanted to bail. I didn‘t relate to Casey even though we were around the same age. Great read.

#pop22 Cutlery on cover
#DecadesReadingChallenge - Set in 1990s

Cortg Nice find! I just started the tagged book for my cutlery book. 2y
Megabooks Agree! Really enjoyed this and I know @BarbaraBB did too. I kinda wish I had gone audio, too, but I liked the print. 2y
Megabooks @Cortg good idea! I‘ve been meaning to read that one even though I didn‘t like this ➡️ 2y
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Cortg @Megabooks I didn‘t realize these were the same author 😂 I‘ve been wanting to read Lager Queen! 2y
BarbaraBB I felt the same, like @megabooks says. The main characters really resonated with me. And I think @KarenUK loved the book too so we‘re in good company! 2y
KarenUK @Barbarabb @megabooks I did! I LOVED this! Lily King is a favorite of mine…. And I worked in restaurants for 12 years, so definitely resonated with me 💕 2y
Cinfhen GREAT CHOICE 💛💙💛 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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“I squat there and think about how you get trained early on as a woman to perceive how others are perceiving you, at the great expense of what you yourself are feeling about them.”

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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Early to bed tonight. 😴

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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Oh my, this one really got me. It‘s about writers and lovers, of course, and also loss and grief and friendship, and then all the messy life stuff. I might have done some sobbing. It‘s quite funny too. In the best of ways it left me wrung out yet smiling.

Cathythoughts Nice review 👍 I have this on the shelf , looking forward to it. 2y
rockpools I do like your photos! 2y
squirrelbrain Great review Jill- I loved this one too! 2y
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JillR @rockpools thank you! 2y
JillR @squirrelbrain thank you 😊 Really enjoyed this one 2y
JillR @cathythoughts it‘s a good one, and love the cover 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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“I don't write because I think I have something to say. I write because if I don't, everything feels even worse“ (3).

“When I was visiting her a few years ago she hugged me and said, 'Tomorrow after you leave I will stand here at this window and remember that yesterday you were right here with me.'
And now she's dead and I have that feeling all the time, no matter where I stand“ (83).

Suet624 💕💕💕 2y
Leftcoastzen I really enjoyed this book. 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I haven‘t had a chance to sit down and write a real review for this one, but I was a bit underwhelmed by it. It seems to be one of those books that most people love, so I‘m sad that I didn‘t. 3⭐️

This was my #DoubleSpin pick for December. @TheAromaofBooks

Cathythoughts I have this one ....I haven‘t read it yet because I‘m afraid I‘ll be underwhelmed too 🤞😬 it‘s just a feeling I have 2y
candority @Cathythoughts I hope you‘re pleasantly surprised when you do read it! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I loved Euphoria and I loved this just as much. I shall now put Lily King on my Must-Read list. I love how the cover looks like a chessboard and how Casey's thoughts and actions reflect strategies and thoughtful plans. I love how it shows the real life of a person. When life just keeps throwing bombs at you (death, debts, job loss,...) I love the struggles and accomplishments.

I love how I finished #WhoDisNewYear @BookishBelle list @monalyisha

jewright I liked this book. 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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It's been a miserable cold rainy day here today. But perfect weather for reading. I finished 2 books.
Apples Never Fall ⭐⭐⭐ Definitely TOO long (as others have said) but I was engrossed. Moriarty excells at unpacking the sheen on upper-middle class white womanhood & family life
Writers & Lovers ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Story of a beleaguered would-be novelist trying to stay true to her art and heart while keeping her head above water. Grounded in the details.

sarahbarnes Nice! I was a fan of Writers and Lovers too! 3y
Ruthiella Glad to hear the Moriarty title was a pick for you after all! 3y
BarbaraBB I enjoyed Writers & Lovers a lot too. 3y
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Cathythoughts Nice reviews ! Stacking tagged one 3y
batsy I always enjoy your reviews! I've read one Moriarty (Big Little Lies) and also appreciate the way she can craft a compelling story that delves into psychology. 3y
merelybookish @Ruthiella Yes I did like it. There was suspense and humour and I came to love the main character at the center. BUT it was too long and reads like a book ready to be adapted to a tv miniseries. 😉 3y
merelybookish @sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I enjoyed it! Lots of small, true human moments. I liked her previous book too. 3y
merelybookish @Cathythoughts Thanks Cathy! I think you'd enjoy it! 3y
merelybookish @batsy Thank you. That means a lot! 3y
sarahbarnes I liked Euphoria, too - I think even better than this one. 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King

Lyrical. :)

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

This was a library book club selection (discussion takes place tomorrow. I was surprised by how much I ended up enjoying this book.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I have failed, failed and really failed you all! Before leaving this morning, I forgot to look at the card who the amazing person was that sent me this #FFFS package. Thank you for this cuter than cute blanket, the books and yummy candy❤️❤️❤️ I love it all so much 🥰
And again I'm so sorry for the late post. Hang with me, I'm almost divorced....LOL

TiredLibrarian Better days ahead 🌞 3y
Avanders Lovely package!! 😍😍 And agree with 👆🏽👆🏽 *and* your sender was @babyruth2510 🍁🍂🍁🍂🧡 3y
Gaylagal2 @babyruth2510 Love you and love everything you sent me!! So sweet ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Gaylagal2 @TiredLibrarian Yes! I have one more week before I move into my own place 🤓🤙 3y
TheBookHippie ☀️☀️☀️☀️ 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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In the end I liked this quite a bit. My first Lily King! Went in with high expectations bc of how loved she is here and elsewhere. For much of the book I wasn‘t sure I was fully engaged, in part bc sometimes the dialogue and characters‘ choices felt a little…I don‘t know, trite, maybe? But the way we real-life characters talk and act is often pretty darn trite, I suppose. 🙂 I really liked the new-to-me audiobook narrator Stacey Glemboski.

MallenNC This one is on my still to read list. I‘ve got the ebook so I just need to find a time to read it. I‘ve never read her either. 3y
Kristin_Reads I was skeptical too but I ended up really liking it. 3y
Christine @MallenNC - I'll be so interested in your thoughts! Took me forever to get into it, but I do think it might have been mostly an issue of my own mood. 3y
Christine @Kristin_Reads - Thanks for sharing that! I can't entirely put my finger on why it was a slow starter for me... 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I still haven‘t read this so I don‘t know how well it fits the prompt. I also just want to note that the old Saturday Night Live skit with Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch ruined the word “lover” for me. The one where they get in the hot tub and talk to strangers? And repeatedly use the word? I guess this is about me vs Will Ferrell. 🤣

#PersonVsLover #ConflictedWorlds

Eggs Great choice 📚👏🏻📚 3y
Leftcoastzen 👏😂 3y
Megabooks Lololol!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😂😂😂 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Book 29 | ⭐️5/5
I might give out 5 star ratings like Oprah gives out cars but I loved this book. Which I really wasn‘t expecting based on my initial thoughts and being an audiobook (which I notoriously dislike). Something in this book about a struggling 31 year old clicked & I already miss Casey‘s way of describing the world & I have an urge to pick up a pen for the first time in years.

How do you feel about books that are about readers/writers?

Butterfinger I love them. I like learning how writers come to appreciate words and books. 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Started WRITERS & LOVERS as an audiobook book on my way to work yesterday. Almost stopped after the first 30 seconds but the description of life as a server pulled my attention back in. Still not sold on it but I‘ll give it a couple more days to flesh itself out.

How long do you wait before deciding to DNF a book?

BookishBelle I usually give it 50 pages. If I‘m still not interested, I quit reading. I almost quit listening to this one as well because it was so depressing at the beginning but I stuck with it and it was really good. 3y
CollapsingLibrary @BookishBelle I like to give it 50-100 pages too. In my experience if I‘m not enjoying it by then I‘m just not going to. I‘m glad to hear you enjoyed the book though! Hopefully today it‘ll start picking up more in mood for me. 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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This was an easy read but disappointing. I knew it was nothing like “Euphoria” but still expected something more than an improbable story of a down-on-her-luck aspiring novelist who makes it with her first book. This was book #4 of the Jason-Steve-Bev book club.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I ❤️ this book. It sucked me right in like a great summer read should, and I couldn‘t put it down. A couple of moments where it felt like things worked out a bit too neatly perhaps, but I thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless.

vivastory I really need to check this one out 3y
sarahbarnes @vivastory it was really lovely. I‘ll be interested to hear what you think if you read it! 3y
BarbaraBB I loved this one too 🤍 3y
Cathythoughts Lovely cover ! I have this on kindle .. must get to it 👍🏻 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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May wrap-up!
Finished: 13 books (a LOT for me!)
ARCs: Neon Gods by Katee Robert (modern Hades & Persephone romance, really enjoyed!)
Faves: Writers & Lovers, Disfigured, The Body Myth, Rosaline Palmer
Least favorite: The Ex Talk

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I have been on a roll lately with books I have labeled as picks. This one is a pick ➕!

I loved Casey's story. She's a writer who lost her mom (both things I can identify with), has two very different men in her life, and a lump under her armpit.

The reader discovers what happens right alongside Casey. We don't know anything she doesn't, which makes for a fantastic ride.

King tells this story with humor and heart.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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JamieArc Every time I see something posted about this book, I wonder why I haven‘t read it yet! I must get to it this summer. 3y
jdiehr @JamieArc Seriously. I'm posting my review tomorrow but I'll just say this book is fantastic! 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Fresh mani looking good with the cover of my book 😄💅

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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May TBR! Adding in a re-read of Six of Crows since I loved the Shadow & Bone show so much.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I have no idea where April went, but I‘m ready for May and another round of #BookSpinBingo. Thanks for hosting and everything you do @TheAromaofBooks 💕🌸

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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“I like myself when I‘m with you” ... “I‘m not sure that‘s being in love with me, that‘s being in love with you”

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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Wow, wow, wow did I love this book! Casey is a thirty something year old trying to find her place in the world and not give up her dreams. Her mother died unexpectedly and her death really unraveled Casey.
I loved the prose of this book. I loved Casey. I have only had one other book speak to me like this one.

"My mother was a real person. I am not a real person" My mother just barely survived COVID-19 and this book really gets that relationship.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Nice way to spend the evening.

Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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“‘So, you gonna write the Great American Novel?‘ I‘m tired of that question. ‘You gonna cure ovarian cancer?‘”

I snorted. OBGYN small talk really is the worst. 😆

susanw I loved this book!! 3y
Leftcoastzen I love this book too. 3y
JamieArc I really need to get to this book! I love this! 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I loved everything about this book!!! Everything. I want to read everything the author has ever written or will write so I have ordered another book by her this morning

ShelleyBooksie Your drink looks so refreshing! 3y
mcctrish @ShelleyBooksie it‘s club soda with lemon slices and berries, looks like it‘s super fancy 👸🏻 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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A year after we ordered it, I‘m reading in this tub now

Rachel.Rencher Oooh jealous! 3y
mcctrish @LibrarianRyan it is so nice 3y
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mcctrish @Rachel.Rencher I honestly didn‘t think it was ever going to get here 3y
BookDragonNotWorm The same thing happened when we ordered one - so many delays! I only got to enjoy it a short while before we moved and left it behind. ☹️ But I loved reading in it, hope you get plenty of read and soaks in! 3y
quietjenn 🤩 3y
mcctrish Oh @BookDragonNotWorm what a pain!!! I need to get my floaty inflated for the full reading experience 🤣🤣 3y
mcctrish @quietjenn that‘s exactly how I look at it 3y
KVanRead How fab!!!! 3y
mcctrish @KVanRead I ( my husband) figured out the harness thing for swimming so I have been swimming this morning 🎉🎉🎉🏊🏻‍♀️ 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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Trying to get some colour while I read ☀️

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