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The Terraformers
The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
29 posts | 17 read | 20 to read
From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration of the future. Destry's life is dedicated to terraforming Sask-E. As part of the Environmental Rescue Team, she cares for the planet and its burgeoning eco-systems as her parents and their parents did before her. But the bright, clean future they're building comes under threat when Destry discovers a city full of people that shouldnt exist, hidden inside a massive volcano. As she uncovers more about their past, Destry begins to question the mission she's devoted her life to, and must make a choice that will reverberate through Sask-E's future for generations to come. A science fiction epic for our times and a love letter to our future, The Terraformers will take you on a journey spanning thousands of years and exploring the triumphs, strife, and hope that find us wherever we make our home. "Brilliantly thoughtful, prescient, and gripping.Martha Wells, author of The Murderbot Diaries Also by Annalee Newitz Autonomous The Future of Another Timeline At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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A planet called Sask-E was created and terraformed to somewhat mimic Earth, by a corporation which intends to sell plots there to folks who would like to experience the beginnings of humankind colonizing “untouched” continents.

There are many beings there with the bodies of animals and bots but with the same intelligence and sentience as homosapiens.

I‘d call this an exploration of whether eco-conscious folks can triumph over capitalism.⬇️

Soubhiville It‘s in the cozy realm with Becky Chambers and Murderbot, in that there is gender diversity (on a level I‘ve never read before) and sort of a slow moving plot. I‘d rate it a low pick. 2mo
ShelleyBooksie Excellent reading companions ♡♡ 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
Hooked_on_books This one has been on my radar for a while. It sounds interesting. 2mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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I think that‘s a good rule to live by, and a terrific quote to start a book on.

I‘ve been looking forward to this one. Fingers crossed 🤞 it‘s as good as I‘ve heard!

ShelleyBooksie I had not heard of this and it sounds so good! Thank you for sharing a page. 2mo
BethM Ha love that. 2mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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This was…odd but fascinating. It follows the planet Sask-E‘s development over three “generations” (lifespans have been greatly increased, so each generation spans hundreds of years). I loved the world-building: there are persons from a number of different species (moose! cats! naked mole rats! bots! a cyborg cow!), powerful corporations gunning for profit, a utopian underground society…and that‘s just scratching the surface. (Cont‘d) ⬇️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) The ending of each section felt abrupt, though—cutting off before there is any real resolution of the major events that have just occurred. When the next part picks up, we see the outworking of those events in the next generation. It was well-constructed, but also frustrating—I got attached to each set of characters, and wanted to read how things worked out for them, rather than having to piece together clues from the next section. ⬇️ 6mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) My other frustration is that the tone is all over the place. There‘s the lighthearted nature of a world with naked mole rats who wear jackets and cats who don‘t understand why humans get aroused by a strip show, and then we get into the corporate greed and corruption, and there are some very dark scenes indeed. Newitz explores conservation, infrastructure, personhood, exploitation, classism…there‘s a lot here. ⬇️ 6mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) In some ways this is all over the map. I kind of wish each section had been fleshed out into a novella or full novel, expanding this into a trilogy. That said, it was a fascinating read and I‘m interested to read more by Newitz. 6mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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I appreciate a good map, and it‘s especially appropriate for this book focusing on the workers shaping and caring for the land and ecosystem on the planet Sask-E. But I‘m also loving that there is a “Tooth Ferry” on this map. And a city named Tustin… since there‘s a Tustin here in Southern California just down the freeway from me! 😂

Aimeesue Angst! 😂 6mo
BarbaraJean @Aimeesue I know, right?! I visit that city a lot… 😂 6mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Excellent worldbuilding on many levels. Overall, this book could almost be three novellas, except the middle one would suffer a bit too much from middle book syndrome if it wasn‘t flanked by the other two parts. Why three novellas? There were big time jumps in between parts and a new set of protagonists for each part. I found it quite easy to get into each new set of characters, but I did take a break between parts 2 and 3 to finish another read.

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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Here is my #AuldLangSpine list from @Lizpixie

Several of these are part of series, so I‘m wondering whether I can just jump in and read them or start with book 1? For the Shelley Burr, I already checked out book 1 (WAKE) because RIPPER isn‘t available at any of my libraries. Also, I‘ve been trying to read The Terraformers for #LitsySciFiBookClub on and off for weeks, so maybe I‘ll finally get into in January. 🤷🏻‍♀️

CSeydel Pictures are the books I was able to download onto my kindle already. I own a physical copy of Dune, and several others I have holds on physical copies from the library. I know I won‘t read all of them in January but I can at least collect them 😂 9mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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126/150 I have mixed feelings about this book, even though I still gave it a pick. While I admire the author's imagination and world building, I found the time jumps jarring and kept the story from flowing for me, especially in the last section. I wanted more of Destry's story, I wanted more about Sulfur and Misha. Overall, I would recommend the book, but as a low pick. 3 ⭐⭐⭐💫 #LitsySciFiBookClub

BookmarkTavern Yay! 🎉🎉🎉 10mo
Andrew65 50 books, brilliant 🎄🎄🎄🎉🎊🍾🥂 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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#RushAThon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

This one was not for me. Some great ideas; however, there were so many that it made the story feel convoluted. I also didn't care for any of the characters. I read one for #LitsySciFiBookClub

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Despite the cover matching the colour of my trousers, I couldn't get into this book as easily as I did my kecks👖
It wasn't particularly bad, but by page 57 I was 😑 and decided I didn't actually need to force myself to read another chapter to see if it took hold of me, so DNF, I'm afraid.

RamsFan1963 I didnt like it at first but its grown on me, hopefully I'll finish it off this weekend. 10mo
Bookwomble @RamsFan1963 I did think I could potentially get there with it, I just don't have the motivation at the moment. I'm glad you're enjoying it 😊 10mo
monkeygirlsmama I hate when I find myself slogging through a book I just can't enjoy. I used to be of the mindset that I had to push through no matter what, and then one day it hit me that there was NO requirement tied to my pleasure reading. I could read or I could not. And that epiphany was like a God send. There are simply too many good books out there that I want to read that I don't need to feel compelled to waste time on those that just don't hit. 10mo
Bookwomble @monkeygirlsmama There are some books I'd persevere with: Crime and Punishment took me five attempts before I was drawn in, and I've subsequently re-read it several times, though, with all due respect to Newitz, we're not talking about Dostoevsky here 😏 As I get older and time draws on, I'm less inclined to slog through something if it doesn't resonate for me on some level. It's good to release that sense of obligation to completion, isn't it? 😌 10mo
monkeygirlsmama @Bookwomble For real! And there are a ton of amazing books out there that for whatever reason just don't have what we're mentally or emotionally looking for at a given moment, but that later end up being exactly that. Like with you and Crime & Punishment. When the timing is right and you're in the mood and mindset something that previously seemed like a chore to read ends up becoming a thoroughly enjoyable reading experience. (edited) 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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#LitsySciFiBookClub #LSFBC @TheSpineView

Discussions are now open for our November selection The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz. Here are a few questions to get us started. You are welcome to discuss anything that interests you.

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @ravenlee @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel

TheSpineView @BookwormAHN @LeticiaToraci @CatLass007 @AmandaBlaze @psalva @Karisimo @BethM Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list. 10mo
TheSpineView I thought some of the ideas were very good. However, there were too many and wished the author had just focused on one. I was most interested in the engineered life forms and what makes a life form intelligent. What rights would be accorded to them? 10mo
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TheSpineView I felt like the story had so many ideas that they were just thrown at the reader in hopes that something would stick. It made the story feel messy. Some of the world building was really good. For example, the explanations of the terraforming process. Others not so much. So it hit and with that. Lastly, I never connected with the characters either. Overall it was disappointing and I struggled reading this one. 10mo
Ruthiella 1. I thought the social and environmental issues were rather awkwardly related. The characters were mouth pieces for the ideas rather than real believable characters. 2. The time jumps didn‘t bother me. I see why the author made them since terraforming takes centuries. 3. The world building was the best part of the book for me. I am in awe of Newitz‘ imagination and creativity on that score. 10mo
Lizpixie 1. I thought the environmental issues were what we(hopefully)aspire to doing rather than the usual SciFi where humans spread our cities everywhere on multiple planets!2. The time jumps were needed to show the way terraforming works. 3. The world building was phenomenal in my opinion, it was my favourite part of the book and the reason why I recommended it in the first place. It‘s amazing to see what we could aspire to being instead of what we are. 10mo
BethM I just want to be added for Scalzi next month. Didn‘t read this/know this read along existed :) 10mo
TheSpineView @BethM No problem 😊 10mo
Deblovestoread I didn‘t get beyond a few pages and ran out of time. I think I didn‘t miss much. Looking forward to this one 10mo
julesG @Deblovestoread Nope, you didn't miss much. Basically an extrapolation of what went wrong on Earth and how could we do it super-environmentally friendly if we had the opportunity for a do-over. 10mo
julesG I gave the book a low pick, and want to change it with some time to reflect on it. Too many ideas, some good, some really weird. Characters were mouthpieces. It was okay as an audiobook. I would have bailed had I read it. Spoiler-ish comment ⬇️ 10mo
julesG I was fascinated by the different sentient life forms, but I hated that they had to be anthropomorphised. I'm willing to accept that 'non-humanoids' have some sort of new/improved way to communicate with the 'sentients' around them, but casual hook-ups seemed so out of what normally happens in nature. It made the sentient 'non-humanoids' too human for me. --- I'm probably thinking too much like a scientist right now. 10mo
julesG Also, why no talking trees? Or mushrooms? Or flowers? Trees communicate with each other, and I'm not thinking of the Ents from LotR, so why not have deep connections with trees. Why not anthropomorphise plants? 10mo
kwmg40 I really liked the worldbuilding and the exploration of the ideas, though I agree with others here who said there was just too many ideas being tossed around. I would have liked to see a deeper exploration of a few of them. 10mo
kwmg40 When I saw reviews of the books criticizing the time jumps, I worried that those gaps would diminish my enjoyment of the book, but that didn't happen. I still felt invested in the characters and liked the ways Newitz provided continuity. 10mo
Bookwomble I've got to page 57 and cannot face starting the next chapter. It's not that it's bad, I'm just not that interested and can't muster up the enthusiasm to keep trying to get into it. DNF, I'm afraid. 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Newitz explores so many interesting ideas in this novel. I especially liked the mix of sci-fi and urban planning. Other reviewers had disliked the big jumps in the timeline but I didn't find that bothersome at all.

#NovelNovember @Andrew65
#LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#RushAthon @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
TheSpineView Well done! 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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#LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView

Wow, Newitz has quite the imagination! So many great ideas. And also ideas that I found mildly disturbing.

The thing I didn't like about the book, the three timelines. The timelines were connected, but I wanted to spend more time in each of them and felt ripped out of the story when the next part started.

Really looking forward to our discussion.

Soft pick for me.
3/5 ✨

Tamra That is an amazing cover 10mo
TheSpineView Great job!❤️🚀 10mo
psalva I think I agree with you. I read it a couple months ago and, reflecting on it since then, I kind of wondered if it could have been a trilogy. It was an interesting choice to write it in this episodic way. Still, it was a pick for me too. 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Destry could smell the smoke long before she saw its improbable source.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Wow. I haven‘t been reading enough science fiction. This was excellent and I definitely want to read more from this author. #LitsySciFiBookClub

TheSpineView Good to know. This is the next I plan on reading. 11mo
CatLass007 @TheSpineView Definitely worth it. I‘m so glad that I‘ve started listening to science fiction again, thanks in no small part to the #LitsySciFiBookClub. I think I just needed a bit of a nudge in the right direction. It was sort of an unmade New Year‘s Resolution. 11mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Getting ready for November. My copy of The Terraformers, for #LitsySciFiBookClub, arrived in the mail today. I also have my copy of The Stars My Destination ready for #ClassicLSFBC. Looks like a great month for new and classic science fiction. I can't wait!
@TheSpineView @Ruthiella @Bookwomble

Bookwomble I've reserved The Terraformers and it should be in my local library branch in a week or so. I'm looking for a second-hand copy of The Stars, as I like the retro covers, but I'll order a new copy if I can't find a used one at a reasonable price. 11mo
RamsFan1963 @Bookwomble I've seen copies of The Stars, with the classic 1st edition cover, on ebay for around 9 bucks. 11mo
Bookwomble I'm bidding on a copy of a 1974 Penguin with the original "Tiger, Tiger" title. I'm slightly annoyed at myself for letting another copy slip through my fingers due to lack of attention! We'll see about this one! ? 11mo
TheSpineView 😎🤩🚀 11mo
Ruthiella Awesome! I have my library copies of both and am looking forward to diving in. 👍 11mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Repost for @TheSpineView

The November selection for #LitsySciFiBookClub is The Terraformers. Looks to be a great book. I am excited to read it. #Readalong #BuddyRead #ScienceFiction

A reminder that we will be discussing Project Hail Mary at the end of October.

See the original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2651256

TheSpineView Thanks 11mo
bnp I have read this one and look forward to reading it again with others. 11mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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The November selection for #LitsySciFiBookClub is The Terraformers. Looks to be a great book. I am excited to read it.

A reminder that we will be discussing Project Hail Mary at the end of October.

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @ravenlee @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47 @Books_et_al

Deblovestoread I‘m able to get this from the library so I‘m in. 11mo
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RamsFan1963 I'm glad The Terraformers was the pick. Of the two leading choices, I liked it best. 11mo
TheSpineView @Deblovestoread That's fantastic. Love the library! 11mo
TheSpineView @RamsFan1963 I'm thinking this will be a good one. Looking forward to it! 11mo
julesG 🥳🥳🥳 11mo
LeeRHarry I‘m going to join you for this one as I have it on my shelves and shock, horror I haven‘t gotten to it yet 😏 11mo
Ruthiella My library also has a copy! Looking forward to it, especially after @Lizpixie ‘s enthusiasm. 😀 11mo
PageShifter I have to see if I find the book somewhere: my libraries don't have this 😒 11mo
kwmg40 Looking forward to it! 11mo
RamsFan1963 @PageShifter I saw several copies of The Terraformers on ebay. The prices range, but you can find it in hardback for under $10. 11mo
PageShifter Thanks @RamsFan1963, I'll check that 11mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Next row of my #readinglogsnake is The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz. I did enjoy the book. It had a lot of deep themes in this story, but I felt like I got lost in what message the author was trying to get through because there were so many. I did love the concept of talking animals and human-like AI that are able to switch to different vehicles to serve their needs. 3/5 ⭐️ #BooksAndCrafts #ARRCReads

bnp There is a lot going in here isn't there! And the time scale - I wanted to find out what happened to characters in each time period. 1y
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Totally enjoying this climate fiction/science fiction tale.

The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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On their podcast, Newitz says that the two things that make a planet believable in sci-fi are diverse environments and a believable history. Needless to say, this book has both! I found it to be such a well-thought exploration of how people interact with a planet and each other. Great characters also! It does what great sci-fi should which is to immerse the reader in a world so they can imagine what is possible. Thought provoking and beautiful! ⬇️

psalva The other noteworthy thing about this is it‘s not a utopia- in a way I found this to be more hopeful than if it had been. It shows the beauty of people (in all forms and presentations) working together and through challenging situations and not giving up hope for improving everyone‘s lives. 1y
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Bk1 of #EasterOMC & #AwesomeApril #readathon is done! Wow. One of the best SciFi books I‘ve read in a long time, and I‘ve read some brilliant one lately. I love a novel with intricate world-building & this has some of the best I‘ve read. Then she peoples it with the best characters I‘ve met. Total win-win for me👍 #BookspinBingo #Doublespin bk of April #Booked2023 #WithATransorNonBinaryPerson #FourFoursIn23 #RomanceExpanse #NoShameReadathon

Clwojick Woohoo! Way to go! 1y
Nessavamusic This one intrigued me, officially adding to the tbr! 1y
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Lauredhel Ooh, stacked 1y
Andrew65 That was quick, well done 👏👏👏 1y
Lizpixie @Nessavamusic @Lauredhel I highly recommend it. It‘s my first 5⭐️read of the year and honestly, will probably move onto my Top 20 SciFi list. I really hope she writes more set in this world🤞 1y
Lizpixie @Andrew65 I thought it took way longer than I would‘ve a year ago! I‘m still struggling with brain fog and it sucks🫥 1y
Andrew65 @Lizpixie Sorry to hear that but pleased to hear you are persevering. 1y
TheAromaofBooks Sounds intriguing!! 1y
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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No3 on the #EasterOMC #readathon #photochallenge is Post a picture of your #BookandaBeverage It‘s 5am here and I can‘t sleep coz I picked up another cold/flu because I was stupid and actually left the house. Dinner, the GP to get blood tests & the hospital to see dad. The 3 WORST places to go with a low immune system. Guess that taught me huh. So I‘m up trying to read with a chamomile Honey & Vanilla tea. I need real tea leaves. And a life!

Cinfhen Feel better ❤️‍🩹 sending healthy energy and virtual hugs your way xx 1y
Jeg Hope you are feeling better soon. That cuppa looks good. 1y
julieclair Sure hope the tea works magic and helps you feel better. 🫖 1y
Clwojick Hope you‘re feeling better soon! ❤️ 1y
Gissy Looooveeee that mug! 🦉😍 ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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I was quite happy reading the last DI Banks novel by Peter Robinson for the #EasterOMC & #AwesomeApril #readathon until this book showed up at my door. I read the 1st page just to get a feel for it, now I‘m hooked! Looks like this will be my first readathon read instead🤷🏻‍♀️

Clwojick Woohoo! 🎉👏🏻 1y
Andrew65 😂 We‘ve all done it! 1y
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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I‘m really enjoying this work of solar punk- it‘s imaginative and playful, with great world building. And it‘s provided me with a new word for #weirdwords Wednesday. Orthogonally- which, in this context, I think means “in a nonlinear way.” I‘m still a little stumped by it as most definitions seem to relate to various mathematical functions which baffle me. But hey, orthogonally is fun to say at least ☺️

CBee This is a cool word! Ortho makes me think of something bone-related, but throw in the -gon part and I‘m confused 😂 1y
CSeydel I‘m reading this now and I‘ve noticed that Newitz shares Lewis Carroll‘s approach to vocabulary - “when I use a word, it means just what I want it to mean” 10mo
CSeydel (I‘m getting rather fed up with people being “decanted” onto planets) 10mo
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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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SUCH a good book. Writing reminiscent of Becky Chambers & magnificent world-building. Creative, inclusive cast of characters. Intriguing & immersing. I was absolutely absorbed & did NOT want to leave. If there was ever a case for a book to be a trilogy THIS IS IT. Constructed in three parts, this should be three separate books. Putting them together is a disservice to the story, resulting in things transitioning & ending too abruptly. I NEED more.

The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Newitz‘s latest defies easy description—this SF story about terraforming is a scientifically grounded, furiously optimistic exercise in Homo sapiens regarding themselves as merely one element, & not even the most important one, of the environment as they help a planet grow. Then there‘s the more imaginative aspects—sentient, amorous moose, sentient drones, archaic & modern humans, corporate nefariousness, & more. Head-scratching & entertaining.

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The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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Some mornings you wake up and the temperature is 1 degree, feels like -16 and the thought of having to go outside is not an exciting one.🥶 And then you remember there‘s no school and you don‘t have to go outside! 😀 So it‘s coffee and the tagged book—with its super cool cover—to start the morning!

The Terraformers | Annalee Newitz
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New Annalee Newitz book!!! And it is blurbed by some heavy hitters—N. K. Jemisin, S. A. Corey, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Kim Stanley Robinson to name a few. I expect this will be another fantastic read, a plausible, maybe even hopeful future, inspired by our world and the technology of today. Can‘t wait to find out!

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