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Queen Hereafter
Queen Hereafter: A Novel of Lady Macbeth | Isabelle Schuler
32 posts | 8 read | 3 reading | 13 to read
Suspenseful, atmospheric and full of twists and turns, I loved the brutal, backstabbing world that Isabelle Schuler conjures up where only the most ruthless can survive. A thoroughly enjoyable read!Jennifer Saint, bestselling author of Ariadne and Elektra An instant international bestseller: a suspenseful, sweeping historical epic for readers of Natalie Haynes and Madeline Miller, which boldly reimagines the origin story of the woman who inspired one of Shakespeares most iconic characters, Lady Macbeth. She will be Queen. Whatever it takes . . . Daughter of an ousted king, descendant of ancient druids, Gruoch (GREW-ock), has grown up believing that she will be crowned queen of Alba and reclaim the lands of her Pictish kin, a prophecy seemingly fulfilled by her betrothal to Duncan, the heir-elect. Determined never to be powerless again, she leaves behind her home, her family, and her close friend MacBethad, and travels to the royal seat at Scone to embrace her new position. But Duncans court is rife with sly words and unfriendly faces, women desperate to usurp her position, and others whose motives are shrouded in mystery. As her coronation approaches, a deadly turn of events forces Gruoch to flee Duncan and the capital. Alone and at the mercy of an old enemy, her hope of becoming Queen all but lost, Gruoch must make a fateful choice: live a long, quiet life in the shadows, or seize vengeance and a path back to the throne. A stunning literary reclamation of an iconic character, Queen Hereafter is a gripping story of female ambition, power, history, desire, hate, and vengeance set against the backdrop of early medieval Scotland.
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Thanks for the tag @Texreader

1 I‘m struggling a little bit with purpose right now. I spent 27 years as a preschool/K teacher and I retired due to auto immune issues. Feeling a little lost.
2 Husband and daughters, reading, days when my energy is good and of course Litsy has got me through some rough days.
3 Tagged, read with #LiteraryCrew @Librarybelle
Care to play? @Bookwormjillk @Deblovestoread @rwmg @Bluebird

Amiable 💙💙 2w
Eggs #1 😔 Sorry to hear that 😘 2w
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IndoorDame 💙💙💙 2w
Read4life Your posts and you cohosting #NoPlaceLikeHolmes bring me joy. Know that you are loved and appreciated. 💙💙💙 2w
Cuilin @Read4life thank you 😊🫶 2w
Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! And, I totally understand struggling with purpose. ❤️❤️❤️ 2w
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! 💜 2w
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#LiteraryCrew #ReadAway2024 Gruoch was fierce and strong enough to do whatever she had to do to protect herself and those she loved. In a world in which women had no rights or legal power she did things that she might have preferred not to do but her options were limited. Recommended.

Librarybelle Yay! So glad you liked this one! 2w
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2w
CatLass007 @Librarybelle It was an excellent choice for #LiteraryCrew! I look forward to the selections for the rest of the year and finding out what‘s up for next year. 2w
Librarybelle I‘ll post soon asking for title suggestions! 2w
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#LiteraryCrew @Librarybelle
MACBETH is my favorite Shakespearean play, and I never thought I'd find a book who could portray one of literature's most evil women as an empathetic figure. Until now. Not much is known about Gruoch, the real woman behind Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, but Schuler is able to breathe life into this enigmatic character and to make you cheer for her to become queen--even when you know the tragic outcome. Well done.

Librarybelle So glad you liked this! 2w
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So sorry for the posting delay, #LiteraryCrew !

Can you believe that there are no pre-existing discussion questions for this book? That added to the delay! But, 8 questions are now posted as spoilers. You can find them on my feed, the book‘s feed, or by searching the group hashtag.

Anything else to add, just comment below! Thanks for reading with me!

PurpleyPumpkin I seem to be about a month behind for #LiteraryCrew! But I‘m continuing to read in order albeit somewhat late. I‘m just finishing off July‘s pick so will get to this one shortly. 😅 I‘m very much looking forward to it given all the positive reviews! 2w
tpixie @PurpleyPumpkin I think you will enjoy it!!! Reading at your own pace is also very enjoyable!!! 2w
PurpleyPumpkin @tpixie You are so right!🙌🏽 2w
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tpixie @Librarybelle thanks for another wonderful read! 2w
julieclair Great job on the questions, and the linked articles, @Librarybelle ! 👏👏👏 2w
Librarybelle I‘m still finishing too, @PurpleyPumpkin (and why I posted later than usual, to get a sense of the story)! 2w
Librarybelle So glad you enjoyed, @tpixie ! 2w
Librarybelle Thanks so much, @julieclair ! ❤️ 2w
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8. We've talked about the factions, religion, characters, themes...

But, one final point to discuss is the setting, which in my mind is vividly portrayed throughout the narration. How did the setting play a role in the events of the novel?

And, as a final tidbit, we'll venture to Cawdor Castle, which has ties to Shakespeare's Macbeth: https://discoverhighlandsandislands.scot/en/story/cawdor-castle-macbeth-and-a-gh...

#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

mcctrish My holidays were perfectly timed and we travelled to places mentioned in the story, we went to Kirks and graveyards that started out pagan and became Christian. The setting was very vivid for me 2w
CatLass007 @mcctrish That‘s great! 2w
dabbe Opening to Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 1:
First Witch: When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Witch: When the hurlyburly's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
Third Witch: That will be ere the set of sun.
First Witch: Where the place?
Second Witch: Upon the heath.

Heath: an area of uncultivated land. At the start of a country. What could be better than that?
Jerdencon Very interesting! 2w
julieclair Gruoch felt so connected to the land - the wild, rugged beauty of it. This was in many ways a very rugged story. Strong characters, striving for power, willing to do whatever was necessary to achieve it. 2w
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7. There are a number of themes that can be attached to this novel. What themes did you find in this novel? #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

CatLass007 Women had no rights or power that they could attain without a man. I‘ve been reading a number of books this year in which women throughout history have had to work behind the scenes to achieve anything. The thing that really guts me is that women may be more visible in our time but still have to have to work twice as hard as men to get half as far. 2w
dabbe I'm going to give (perhaps) a more positive thematic idea: One must fight for one's destiny, no matter what the cost. 2w
julieclair The compromising of morals in the pursuit of power. 2w
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6. Let's think about the other characters. Some are ruthless; others are kind. Some change personalities or show their true self as the novel progresses. Do you have a favorite character from the novel (other than Gruoch or Macbethad)? Do you have a least favorite? #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

CatLass007 Gruoch‘s mother loved her but was not kind. Macbethad‘s mother loved Gruoch and showed her affection and kindness. I can‘t think of any other character who had any redeeming qualities. 2w
mcctrish Most of the men considered women disposable so they were not favourites of mine - there was so much conniving and subterfuge it was exhausting. I‘d be dead 2w
dabbe I adored Sinna. Talk about loyalty. 2w
julieclair I loved Gruoch‘s grandmother. She tried so hard to teach Gruoch the old ways, even though they had very limited time together. (edited) 2w
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5. Let's get back to the characters and specifically discuss Macbethad. What did you think of his character? How did it compare/contrast to the Macbeth we know in Shakespeare? Think about the relationship between Gruoch and Macbethad, both as children and later as adults...do you think they make a good pair?

Some information about the real Macbeth: https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/macbeth.shtml

#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

CatLass007 I am not a fan of The Scottish Play. I read it in high school in the late 70s and never really had any interest in seeing the play. I could watch Hamlet over and over again but I can‘t remember any of the details of The Scottish Play at all. The witches I remember but I can‘t remember anything of the characters‘ personalities. Gruoch and Macbethad were fierce. When they worked together as a team they were formidable. (edited) 2w
mcctrish Listening to this was like learning a completely different version of Macbeth and a way better one. I loved Gruoch and MacBethad together 2w
dabbe MACBETH was my favorite Shakespearean play to teach: the characters are early middle-aged, yet you can still see the deep, carnal relationship between these two. I think that was clearly shown in this novel by how much Macbethad obsessed over Gruoch since childhood. That idea fits well with what comes in the play, where Lady Macbeth is able to seduce Macbeth into killing Duncan for the throne: “When you durst do it, then you are a man.“ 2w
julieclair I think Gruoch and Macbethad are the ultimate power couple! I wonder what their story would have been like if they had married each other first. 2w
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4. Part of the feuding taking place involves the mixture of religion, the Picts and the Christians, among other groups. How does religion play a role inside the factions and between the factions?

Some information on the Picts: https://www.livescience.com/who-were-picts-scotland

#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

CatLass007 Religion plays a powerful role in Gruoch‘s life. Her grandmother and mother were “pagans.” Gruoch paid lip service to Christianity in order to stay alive. 2w
mcctrish Religion is always being used poorly as history can attest. Gruoch was born at a pivotal time, Christianity gave all the power to men and paganism was shared between the sexes. Women clung to paganism imo because they weren‘t excluded 2w
dabbe Teaching British literature, my knowledge of England is just a “wee“ bit better than Scotland, but I believe some ideas are the same. When Christianity came via Rome and Ireland, quite a few kings converted, yet paganism was still extremely strong and deeply-rooted. Pagan ideas still permeate Christianity today (why is Christmas in December?), as I get ready to send off my autumn solstice cards! 2w
julieclair Great article on the Picts. I knew nothing about them, other than their name. I do think it‘s fascinating how Christians adapted so many pagan customs to fit their new religion. And turned pagan places of worship into Christian churches. Just changing and adapting what was already in place. 2w
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3. The backdrop for this novel includes the feuds and power struggles between factions. We'll discuss the religious elements in the next question, but think about the interaction of these factions throughout the novel. Built on power and distrust, how do these factions co-exist or survive one another? What makes a powerful faction? How does the treatment of their people differ between the factions? #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

mcctrish I went to Scotland right after I finished this and it was all just clan vs clan and England vs scotland, I can‘t believe my family survived so I could be here to listen to this and type this answer. 2w
dabbe There seemed to be one stronger “king“ than others, but still, that king relied on the support of his mormaers. The hierarchy seemed to follow the feudal social pyramid, where everyone was on a rung and loyal to the one above. Each had their own little fiefdom, but each also relied on the support of neighbors when needed. 2w
julieclair It seems like feuds and power struggles between factions are always the story in historical fiction - no matter the location or time period. The desire for power. Humans never change. 2w
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2. Lady Macbeth of Shakespeare fame is based on the real Scottish queen Gruoch, whose story is told in this novel. Were you aware of the Lady Macbeth origin story? What did you think of Gruoch in the novel?

Not much is known of real life Gruoch, but here is some information: https://www.historyofroyalwomen.com/gruoch/gruoch-real-lady-macbeth/

#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

kspenmoll I feel like I should have know that Shakespeare‘s Lady MacBeth was based on the Scottish Queen Gruoch,but I had no idea.We are reading the play with 10th grade in the spring so that will be fun background info to include.In Shakespeare‘s version Lady MacBeth comes across as devious, vicious, conniving- mad at the end.This book was such an incredible, in depth characterization of Gruoch - felt no there was no connection to Shakespeare‘s play. 2w
kspenmoll Thanks for the article! It ends stating that Gruoch was a “survivor” & indeed she is portrayed as such in this book. 2w
Deblovestoread Interstate article and background. 💜 2w
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CatLass007 I definitely feel that Gruoch was a survivor. In a world where women had no rights, she made difficult decisions to protect herself and those she loved. I read up on Gruoch last week and had no idea she was a real person before that. (edited) 2w
Jerdencon I had no idea of the story - I had to research it myself - was interesting to read that she was based on a real person. 2w
mcctrish I agree with @kspenmoll that it feels like there is no connection between Gruoch and Shakespeare‘s Lady MacBeth. Gruoch was a survivor, so many times the choices she had to make were bad to worst 2w
dabbe As much of a survivor as Gruoch is in this novel, I could see the seedlings of a darker internal lust for power start to grow, especially when she and MacBethad marry. What made the book fascinating to me was the way it explained how and why Gruoch became who she is and why she behaved the way she did. And of course, we're on her side in this one. A 1st-person narration can tend to do that. 2w
tpixie @kspenmoll that will be great to discuss. And maybe a few of them will read this book! 2w
tpixie @dabbe great observations 2w
dabbe @tpixie 🤩🤗😘 2w
julieclair What an interesting article! Thanks for sharing. I agree with @dabbe - Gruoch was a survivor, but a very ambitious one. She was determined to live into her grandmother‘s prophecy. 2w
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1. Schuler is an actress and a playwright; this book is adapted from her play of the same name. What did you think of the writing style in the novel? In other words, could you tell it is adapted from a play? #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

kspenmoll I had no idea it was a play first- I would have loved to have seen it. I listened to the audio, so I think that experience is more play like. 2w
Deblovestoread I had no clue! 2w
CatLass007 It worked very well as an audiobook. I didn‘t know it had first been a play. I‘m glad that there was only one narrator. I‘m not a fan of graphic audio. 2w
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Jerdencon I had no idea it was play either! 2w
mcctrish I had no idea it was a play first but it was a phenomenal audio book 2w
dabbe I read that it was originally a play. She must have really reworked it because there is a lot of inner dialogue in Gruoch's mind in the book; that would have been difficult to do in a play without having too many asides. Well done. 👏 2w
tpixie @dabbe ditto ! It was well written. The audio was great! 2w
Cuilin I would love to see the play. It was a very dramatic novel so I can see how it could be a play. 2w
julieclair I had no idea it had been a play, but I was thinking throughout that it would make a great movie or miniseries. 2w
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Just finished it last night! 🤩

Read4life 💙💙💙 2w
Librarybelle Yay!! 2w
dabbe @Read4life 🧡🩶🧡 2w
dabbe @Librarybelle 🧡🩶🧡 2w
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In the audiobook format: #FavoriteofJuly

Librarybelle Yay!! 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙🧡💙 2w
Eggs Perfect 🤩 2w
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BarbaraBB Wow, what an impressive amount of books! 2w
Gissy Wow 🤩 25 books!!! Amazing! 📚 👏👏👏 2w
AllDebooks Wow, well done 👏 2w
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Librarybelle Awesome!!! 2w
Cuilin Amazing month!! Wow. ✅🎉 2w
Megabooks Fantastic! 2w
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Hey #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead participants!

Tomorrow is our discussion for this book, and from what reviews I‘ve seen, there‘s lots of love for this!

I usually post questions early AM on the US East Coast, but questions may be posted a little later in the day. Never fear, though!

To get us ready, the Folger Shakespeare Library in DC interviewed the author for thief podcast. Link in the comments.

Mollyanna I‘m about halfway through the audio and loving it (will hopefully finish this weekend). Thanks for the info on the podcast. I put it in my queue to listen to after I finished the book. 2w
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tpixie @Librarybelle Thanks for the link! 2w
Librarybelle You‘re welcome, @tpixie ! 2w
Sargar114 Another one I didn‘t finish in time but still plan to as I‘m really enjoying. 2w
Librarybelle @Sargar114 I‘m glad you‘re enjoying it! 2w
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I loved this book, which imagines the backstory of Shakespeare‘s Lady Macbeth. Set in medieval Scotland, and filled with twists, turns, intrigues and plots. And through it all, a strong woman determined to fulfill her destiny, in a world where women were merely pawns in men‘s schemes. Great on audio. Can‘t wait for our #LiteraryCrew discussion! @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Yay!! So glad you loved it! 3w
dabbe I'm almost done and am loving it, too! MACBETH's my favorite Shakespearean play, so I had to read this one! 🤩🤗😀 3w
julieclair @dabbe I need to reread Macbeth. It‘s been yearrrrrrrs. 3w
dabbe @julieclair Luckily, it's also his shortest play! 😀 3w
julieclair @dabbe That‘s definitely a plus! 😂 2w
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August has been a great reading month so far.

Read4life Yay!! 1mo
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Enjoyed this tale of a young women‘s fight to fulfill her destiny. Audio was fantastic. Look forward to our discussion at the end of the month.


mcctrish I can‘t wait!!! It was so good 1mo
Librarybelle Yay! So good you liked it! 1mo
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We‘re two weeks away from our discussion for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead title! Judging by the comments I‘m seeing, there‘s been lots of love for this one.

Discussion on the 31st!

kspenmoll Total love.❤️❤️ 1mo
CatLass007 I still haven‘t started it but I‘m really excited about it! 1mo
mcctrish @CatLass007 I recommend audio ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
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CatLass007 @mcctrish Thanks! That‘s good because I have the audiobook. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
TheBookHippie Love! 1mo
julieclair As usual, I haven‘t started it yet. But I‘m looking forward to it! 1mo
dabbe I'm midway through. Loving it so far! 🩵💙🩵 1mo
Jerdencon Finished it! Looking forward for be discussion! 1mo
Cuilin Finished and I agree it‘s fabulous. 1mo
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I LOVED this book!!! Listening to it has probably ruined all other audio books going forward! Sara Vickers brought this to life at a level I couldn‘t have imagined beforehand. This photo is from Inverness, mentioned many times in the book on the way to Birdshead. This churchyard was originally pagan and then became Christian so actually from the time period this book is set ❤️❤️❤️

BkClubCare Very cool 1mo
Librarybelle So glad you liked it!! 1mo
tpixie Awesome photo & love the history. I agree, she was a great narrator!! #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead (edited) 1mo
julieclair So cool! 3w
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This just might be my favorite audiobook so far this year. Looking forward to #literarycrew discussion. 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Librarybelle Great quote!!! 1mo
dabbe I'm about a third of the way through it and am loving it, too! 🤩🤗😘 1mo
tpixie Fantastic quote 🌟🌟🌟 1mo
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Weeding and listening 32% - 50% HOLY SMOKES this was an action packed bunch of chapters 🐎🔥🤺🗡️👨‍❤️‍👨👯‍♀️🏡👰🏼🩸

kspenmoll Your garden is so well tended-with love! 1mo
kspenmoll I just finished & am in awe of 1mo
mcctrish @kspenmoll my neighbour just stopped to tell me that this garden ( on the city owned boulevard) that I put in because the grass was just weeds and disgusting, shows how much I care about the street and gardening. It has been a lovely project, I started it last fall, and now I k ow how things have fared I need a few more bunny proof cages and maybe to hit a plant sale ( with more listening to QH) 1mo
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Cuilin @kspenmoll I just finished too. So good. 1mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
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📱 Android
📱📱 Currently listening to the tagged through Spotify.

Want to play @Ddzmini @Bec_lectic @CBee ?



TheSpineView 💙📱🎧 Thanks for playing 1mo
Bec_lectic My phone is an iPhone and last book I read on my phone was “We Used To Live Here” ☺️ 1mo
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I loved this book! Gruoch was such a strong woman & and fought so hard to survive! I had no idea, until I read the author‘s notes that many of these characters were real people! I also found it interesting that the author originally wrote this as a screenplay and then turned it into a novel. 👇
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

tpixie I used both the audiobook & Kindle. The narrator‘s voice is lovely, but I do like to physically look at some of the words and the names, as well as the authors notes that tend to be in the Kindle or physical book, but unfortunately not the audiobooks. Thanks @Librarybelle for a great read. 1mo
Librarybelle Yay!! So glad you liked it!! 1mo
tpixie @Librarybelle thanks for putting in on my radar! 1mo
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peaKnit This sounds interesting! I also had to look twice, it looks like my dog was on your lap lol. Mine is a bit more stout, but those spots! 1mo
tpixie @peaKnit how funny!! 😆 The heroine is a scrappy girl turned women who learns how to survive in a man‘s world. Politics has always been evil! I thought it was well written. 1mo
dabbe MACBETH is my favorite play of Shakespeare's, and I'm about 1/3 of the way through this book and loving it, too! Now I can't wait to finish! Oh, and 🖤🐾🖤. 🤗 1mo
tpixie @dabbe I‘ve never read Macbeth, but I have this cute kids version that I‘m going to read and then I may try to tackle the real Shakespeare. Sadly, I‘ve only read Romeo and Juliet. Thanks 🐾 1mo
dabbe @tpixie That's not sad at all ... that just means more plays await you! One of my favorite websites for reading Shakespeare's biggies is below; I've linked MACBETH for you, if interested. 🩵💙🩵

Link: https://myshakespeare.com/macbeth/act-1-scene-1
tpixie @dabbe awesome! Thanks 😊 1mo
tpixie @dabbe I love the ‘translations‘!! AND THERE‘s AUDIO! What a great site!!! (edited) 1mo
dabbe @tpixie 🩵💙🩵 I can't wait to read what you think of it! 1mo
tpixie @dabbe 🩵💙🩵 1mo
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 😘)

1. Most definitely a podcast. That way, I wouldn't have to do my face or hair and could wear my pjs if I wanted to! 🤩
2. Tagged! Reading this for the #LiteraryCrew hosted by the lovely @Librarybelle.

Play? @jenniferw88 @bthegood @KShakel 🩶🖤🩶

TheSpineView You're welcome! Thanks for playing!❤️ 1mo
UwannaPublishme Great reasons to choose podcasting! 😂 1mo
peaKnit I love the way you think, I‘m working from home right now in a state of pajamas. lol 1mo
dabbe @UwannaPublishme 🤩😂🤗 1mo
dabbe @peaKnit Yes! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
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Listening & Ereading my August #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
My ears my eyes to help with some of the names.
Plus, it allows me to keep reading while I‘m moving around!
I‘m enjoying it so far.
Tonight I plan to read my children‘s version of Lady Macbeth to get a better grasp of the story. I may even try the grown-up Shakespeare version as well! 😀

Librarybelle Awesome!!! 1mo
Ruthiella I like your Fisher Price guy in a boat! 🚤 1mo
tpixie @Ruthiella thanks! It was mine as a kid. It is part of a carnival set- either lost, or lost in a box somewhere! He makes me smile at work. Plus my kids art work- when they were little kids! (edited) 1mo
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Started the August #literarycrew read on audio and the narrator‘s accent is EVERYTHING. I don‘t even care what this book is about 🤣 although I‘m loving it anyways

TheBookHippie Oh maybe I should switch to hoopla audio!!!! 1mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie it‘s Sarah Vickers who is on Endeavor ( plays Thursday‘s daughter ) 1mo
Mollyanna I agree. I was going to read the book in print until I heard the narrator in an audio sample. Now I am in on the audio. I‘d listen to anything she narrated. I didn‘t realize it was the actress from Endeavor. I love her in the show too. 1mo
Librarybelle What a great recommendation! 1mo
kspenmoll You all have sold me. Audio book it is. 1mo
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This month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead features Lady Macbeth. How fun!

Read at your own pace. I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, and our discussion will be August 31st.

Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list!

Cuilin I‘m so excited for this one!!!! 2mo
Librarybelle Me too, @Cuilin ! 2mo
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CatLass007 I already have this book in my Audible library. When I read the summary of this book it said that she had to leave her best friend Lady MacBethad. So now I‘m debating with my finances about buying and reading that book first. It‘s not available at my library. 2mo
Librarybelle @CatLass007 The book Lady Macbethad is actually the UK title of Queen Hereafter. You have the right book through Audible! 2mo
CatLass007 Oooohhhh. I didn‘t realize that. Thank you so much. 2mo
TheBookHippie After first receiving the wrong book from the library- OOPS. I found it on hoopla!! 2mo
Librarybelle You‘re welcome, @CatLass007 ! 2mo
Librarybelle Glad you found it on Hoopla, @TheBookHippie ! 2mo
tpixie @TheBookHippie @Librarybelle Yes! Score! Thank goodness for Hoopla!!! 2mo
Jerdencon I started this yesterday and enjoying it so far! 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I found this on hoopla so I‘m hoping to join! 🧡 1mo
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Via @librarybelle
August's #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is the tagged novel, a novel about Lady Macbeth.
This sounds so good-l'm looking forward to reading it with the crew!
This is a low key buddy read. Read at your own pace. I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, and discussion questions will be posted on
August 31st.
All are welcome!

Librarybelle Thanks for the repost! 2mo
dabbe Can you add me? I'd love to try! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Librarybelle Will do, @dabbe !! 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 2mo
dabbe @LitsyEvents 🩵💙🩵 2mo
tpixie I found it on Hoopla! 2mo
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thanks @librarybelle for letting me join the #literarycrew #buddyread

Librarybelle You‘re welcome! ❤️ 2mo
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August‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is the tagged novel, a novel about Lady Macbeth. This sounds so good—I‘m looking forward to reading it with the crew!

This is a low key buddy read. Read at your own pace. I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, and discussion questions will be posted on August 31st.

All are welcome! Please comment below to be added or removed from the tag list!

hibbeari can i be added? 2mo
Librarybelle Of course, @storiesforevertold ! Welcome! 2mo
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kspenmoll This sounds great! I can‘t wait! 2mo
Librarybelle @kspenmoll 😁❤️ 2mo
tpixie Oooh good! I don‘t think I‘ve ever really read Lady Macbeth so I‘m gonna have to also read both the adult and kids version I own!! Plus this!! (edited) 2mo
Librarybelle @tpixie That sounds like an awesome plan! 2mo
Jerdencon I didnt get a chance to get to this months book but already reserved this one! 2mo
AllDebooks I read the #ARC and was blown away. Incredible story. This is published as Lady Macbethad in the UK. 2mo
Librarybelle Good to know, @AllDebooks ! 2mo
Mollyanna Just got a notice that my hold is ready to pick up. This sounds intriguing. 2mo
Cuilin So looking forward to this one as I I just read another Lady Macbeth retelling 2mo
Librarybelle @Cuilin And I‘m waiting for a copy of All Our Yesterdays to come for me at the library! 2mo
Cuilin @Librarybelle Enjoy, it will be fun to compare them. 2mo
Sargar114 This seems so interesting, hopefully my library has it! 2mo
Librarybelle I hope so, @Sargar114 ! 2mo
julieclair Excited for this! I just love our buddy reads! 2mo
Librarybelle @julieclair Yay!!! This should be good! 2mo
TheBookHippie I‘m going to join for this! Put it on hold at library! 🤞🏻 2mo
Librarybelle Yay, @TheBookHippie ! Welcome! 2mo
tpixie Yes! @book.blossom @Librarybelle welcomes all! 2mo
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