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Rollende Steine
Rollende Steine: Ein Scheibenwelt-Roman | Terry Pratchett
Tod spielt auf und die Scheibenwelt rockt ab. Gevatter Tod steckt in der Midlifecrisis. Als er von einem Tag auf den anderen spurlos verschwindet, muss daher seine Enkelin Susanne das Geschft bernehmen. Anfangs kein Problem fr die begabte junge Dame, bis sie es mit einem merkwrdigen magischen Phnomen zu tun bekommt: Eine neue Musikrichtung erobert die Scheibenwelt. Mit seiner Brocken-Troll-Bande und den Klngen einer ganz besonderen Gitarre lst der junge Barde Imp Y Celyn nicht nur regelmig Massenhysterien aus, sondern verndert auch den Lauf der Geschichte und macht damit Susanne das Leben schwer. Denn ausgerechnet Imp htte eigentlich lngst das Zeitliche segnen sollen. Doch statt ihn endlich abzufhren, verliebt sich Tods Enkelin unsterblich in den Shooting-Star ...
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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I went through another Terry Pratchett audiobook. I‘ve read all the novels 10 years ago, so it‘s very interesting to listen to them 10 years later.
The thought of music coming alive is fascinating. And of course there‘s Susan‘s deadpan humor. 🪦🪦🪦

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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I used to tour and have seen my fair share of backstages. This passage in soul music by Terry Pratchett is hands down the best description of a dressing room I have ever seen.

Fortifiedbybooks Welcome to Litsy! 2y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Oh, shucks. It's a 'meh' for me. Didn't quite gel. Loved one moment between Death and his granddaughter. Blatant lessons around music industry felt a little too real considering all that's come to light in recent years. Death's multi-book attempts to get closer to the humanity he's always near, and never part of just make me sad, and the natural cycle of the universe, i.e. things born, die feels pretty hammered in at this point. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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There's something so endlessly darkly charming about the grimy, deadly corners of Ankh-Morpork.
I ♥️ Discworld.

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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LOL. I love you forever, Sir Terry.

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Matter exploded into being, apparently as chaos, but in fact as a chord. The ultimate power chord. Everything, all together, streaming out in one huge rush that contained within itself, like reverse fossils, everything that it was going to be. And, zigzagging through the expanding cloud, alive, that first wild live music. This had shape. It had spin. It had rhythm. It had a beat, and you could dance to it. Everything did.” #musical #QuotsyJul21

Soul Music (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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checked in to a log cabin for a staycation!

BookmarkTavern Nice! 💕 3y
Cathythoughts Looks great ❤️enjoy 3y
julesG Enjoy your staycation! 3y
Tamra Lovely! 3y
MariaW Great reading spot! 😍 3y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Death must deal with grief and his granddaughter Susan is on the job in this Discworld novel that features a lot of funny music references. Imp vows to become the world‘s most famous musician, but the gods were listening and that dream is going to have some (guitar) strings attached. More fun from Pratchett! https://cannonballread.com/2021/01/soul-music-a-novel-of-discworld-elcicco/

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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#SeptemberSenses @Eggs

I just realized that I reversed yesterday and today's prompts. Oh well... 🤷‍♀️

Eggs Perfect choice 👌🏼📚🤗 4y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett

Book 38

This is another one that just misses for me. It's fine? Nothing spectacular. I love the constant puns and since I lived for a while in the town where Buddy Holly played his last concert and then died in a plane crash, I appreciated that whole riff at the end.

Really there's nothing I can point to that I specifically don't like. I just feel very "Meh" about it as a whole.

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Hey, listen, I‘m not going to complain about a book that gives me Death himself riding a motorcycle while wearing a leather jacket that says “Born to Rune”, but...

it kind of seemed like Discworld 16 was more a collection of fun ideas that Sir Terry had about rock n‘ roll on the Discworld, as opposed to an actual cohesive narrative.

Bud y Holly (get it?) was a nothing protagonist by design, but it was fun to meet Susan, Death‘s granddaughter.

julesG #OokBOokClub #SoulMusic 😉 it felt a bit disjointed, you're right. 4y
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Soul Music (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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One of my favourite Pratchetts! ❤️🎵 So much fun, unforgettable characters and a story I couldn't get enough of. Sadly, at some point the book ended... 😧

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett

This feels like a take 2 of Moving Pictures and I like it less. Susan and Buddy (and their relationship) never clicked for me. Some great Death stuff in the last 30 pages or so, but a lot of wheel spinning the rest of the time. Wizards liking rock, though? That's fun!

khooliha Oh, and fuck this cover I hate for making Susan a sexy Death when she is 16 YEARS OLD 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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For an anthropomorphic personification, Death sure gets the blues and falls into an existential crisis fairly regularly. He needs to stop pulling these disappearing acts or untimely vacations, but then again he pulls them at just the right time so certain events can transpire... so meant to be and inevitable I guess.

This trope is wearing a bit thin for me, so not a favorite, but I did enjoy the Rock n‘ Roll puns, jokes, & tangential etcs

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Texreader Great quote 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett

Time for some bad logic!
1) Wizards are like canaries in a coal mine for interdimensional weirdness
2) CMOT Dibbler gets swept up in every last interdimensional trend, therefore
3) Despite all odds, Throat missed his true calling as a wizard

khooliha Now that I've written some easily disputed nonsense, back to reading! 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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I want to say something nice! I quite liked the trip to see Mort-era Death, and get a sense of how we got from that sort of scarier Death to the one we have (he's always been a mess, really). I also really like the running bit that Glod is ~terrible~ at haggling.

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett

This is going......
(I don't love Susan)

khooliha I don't like Buddy either. And I REALLY don't like what this book says about Mort and Ysabel. 5y
julesG Susan is meh! Annoying teenager. 5y
khooliha I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way! 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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This might be exactly how our world ended up the surreal mess it currently is! 🤔


Kenyazero This is a lovely quote. I feel like this could also be a teaser text for Labyrinth. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Kenyazero Yes! It would definitely work for that too! 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Speaking of covers I don't much like...

Soul Music (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub @TricksyTails

Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find #SoulMusic post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#Discworld #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Soul Music (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #SoulMusic! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead


amber_ldsmom Hey there! I think my favorite character in this one is Ridcully. I‘ve never really given him much thought in the other books I‘ve read, so it was kind of funny that I just kind of loved him in this one. Anyone else enjoy Ridcully? Who was your favorite character? 5y
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amber_ldsmom Oh, and the Buddy Holly pun? 👌 5y
julesG @amber_ldsmom Ridcully was great. And I loved Death's "midlife" crisis. 5y
DrexEdit @amber_ldsmom the more we see of the librarian the more I love him. He was of course the perfect band with rocks in pianist! 🤣🤣👍🏻 5y
amber_ldsmom @DrexEdit Oh, I loved the organ scene! That was great! 5y
gossamerchild Am I being unfair by saying that Susan drove me crazy? 😆😆. 5y
julesG @gossamerchild No, not crazy at all. Very annoying teenager. 😬 5y
gossamerchild @julesG true 😆 5y
khooliha Can't believe there are 2 books where teens new to reaping try to tell Death his business! This trope is really grating on this reread. 5y
khooliha @amber_ldsmom Ridcully is really lovely in this one! I like how Pratchett keeps putting him in pretty different contexts, ones we don't see the other wizards in. They would ignore a deeply occult teen girl, to be sure. 5y
amber_ldsmom @khooliha I agree! 👏🏻 5y
julesG @khooliha Just a hundred years ago teens like Mort would start an apprenticeship. And at one point every apprentice in history thought they knew how the job could be done better and told their masters. I think it's just grating because it happens to DEATH. 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Judging just by the amount of great puns in this one, it‘s a definite must read! I laughed out loud quite a few times. 😂 #AtoZLitsy (Letter S) #OokBOokClub #EpicBuddyRead

julesG My thoughts precisely. 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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😂😂😂 The footnotes, y‘all! I can‘t even 🤣🤣🤣

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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As is almost always the case with Litsy hashtags I‘m late to the game. So here is my first #WeeklyForecast post. I‘ve got a couple of books to finish up and a new #bookspin book to start. And, as always, a couple of chunksters in progress.


Andrew65 Me too! 5y
Cinfhen Welcome!!!! Lots of good choices 😁Hope you have a wonderful reading week ahead 💪🏽 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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“The #Library didn‘t only contain magical books...which are chained to their shelves and are very dangerous. It also contained perfectly ordinary books, printed on commonplace paper in mundane ink. It would be a mistake to think that they weren‘t also dangerous, just because reading them didn‘t make fireworks go off in the sky. Reading them sometimes did the more dangerous trick of making fireworks go off in the privacy of the reader‘s brain.”

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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“This is a story about memory.” #FirstLineFridays

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Oh, how I love Pratchett-isms! 😂

julesG ♥️ 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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I‘ll be reading a lot of these this year as part of the #OokBOokClub. You can never read too much Pratchett!

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Read this as a part of #OokBOOkClub The story is about a musician, Imp Y Celyn(Buddy) and his band, and death‘s granddaughter, Susan who is taking over the responsibilities as her grandfather is taking a break. The story is hailstorms in certain sections and Death is awesome. Enjoyed the machinations if the band‘s manger, Dibbler, and the wizards of the Unseen University. Lot of action, not much description.

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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TK-421 😂 5y
Snikt6 🤣 5y
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Soul Music (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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MEA CULPA! I think I forgot to send you a reminder for this book last month.

#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #SoulMusic!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!


#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

jmtrivera My goal is to catch up with the club some time this year! 5y
julesG @jmtrivera I can highly recommend the Audiobooks. I tend to listen to them while cooking. 5y
Iblu I have grown fond of the videos of an American YouTuber reading the whole Discworld series. I found him entertaining with his asides and emotional readings. I understand he got commissioned for producing the video of each part of any book, but they are now freely available on his YouTube channel. What about royalties to the author though? Am I right in feeling guilty about this way of listening to audiobooks? 5y
julesG @Iblu I understand that you are worried about this. I just think if there were any problems with copyright and royalties, they would have taken it off YouTube by now. I, unfortunately, can't listen to this nice fellow. He's doing a great job, but I just love the British version read by Nigel Planer (sp?). 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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First audio book of 2020 started 🥰

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Mandoul Great book. Love that cover too! 5y
LinesUponAPage How was it??? 5y
arlenefinnigan @Lifeisasnap haven't read it. Goodreads search, 5y
LinesUponAPage I see. I have had my eye on it. Just wasn‘t sure if I wanted to read it or not. Can‘t wait to read what you think about it. 5y
Cinfhen Cover is catchy!!! 5y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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“It was sad #music. But it waved its sadness like a battle flag. It said the universe had done all it could, but you were still alive.” #QuotsyJune19

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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My first Terry Pratchett and definitely not the last! A funny and absurd satire of the music industry and mythologizing of celebrity and a sweet parable on Death and love.

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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I loved this Discworld novel about Music with Rocks In.

A mystical guitar bought in an alley shop takes three unsuspecting musicians on a crazy ride, as they invent the Disc‘s version of rock music.

Death and his granddaughter Susan feature in this one, as well as Ridcully and the wizards, Dibbler, and many new characters. Super fun!

Heideschrampf The librarian is my favorite rockstar in all the multiverse! 🙉 (edited) 6y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett

Loved it. The spirit of rock and roll.

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Lying in my bed feeling sick and and listening to Soul Music and (even though I've read it before) I've only JUST realised the joke behind everyone constantly asking Imp if he's elvish! 🤣🤣🤣

Moray_Reads It's a pun on Elvis. I cannot believe I didn't get that. 6y
Quirkybookworm Get well!! 6y
saresmoore Too funny! I hope you feel better soon! 6y
Jas16 Hope you feel better soon 6y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Moved into our new place...what a pain in the ass...but we have the most important room organized!

Leniverse I love the clarinet lamp! 6y
RealBooks4ever Well done! 💜 6y
IndyHannaJones @Leniverse my husband is a music teacher. We have a lot of that kinda stuff haha 6y
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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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“This was music that had not only escaped, but had robbed a bank on the way out. It was music with its sleeves rolled up and its top #button undone, raising its hat and grinning and stealing the silver.” #QuotsyNov18

Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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Terry Pratchett work a classic #jazz pun (even if Thelonius Monk actually played the piano) #quotsynov18 @TK-421